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Strathnairn Music InitiativeTrustees Meeting18 April 2017, 8pm, Kristina’s House AgendaCommunity Concert:Review; funds raised; any thanks required; AOB.FM to phone Eddie for videoConcert review - 30 mins late, try to keep to time, small children might be less intimidated performing as a group (as Sarah and Monica’s). Increased requests to join in following concert. Need microphone for next concert. Earlier start. Carol has suggested running a creche for future concert. Could encourage experienced musicians in the community also to perform at concert. ?add ceilidh at end of concert - could request feedback from people who attended (KH - plus download from website - what did you enjoy about the concert, is there anything you would like to be done differently next time, any comments). Future concerts - yearly or twice yearly.Funds raised ?380Future ideas; could get all students together at end of term for some ensemble work. Need to discuss with tutors.Send video clip with thanks to Highland councellor, Margaret Davidson, Norman Bolton, plus other people who wrote letters of support, SCBF, Music for AllFunding for 2017/18:SCBF Any othersFunding required - ?19336 - tutor hours increased from 13 to 15, open sessions increased, CPD, travel expenses.EC looking into funding opportunities suggested by SCBF, find out if EC needs any assistance with this MP has sent details re. ?Training and Continuing Professional Development Fund The Scottish Music Centre, to tutors.Fidelio trust focuses on funding for individuals with exceptional abilities } not appropriateIdlewild trust - for young professionals working in the arts}Ragdoll foundation most appropriate - KH to discuss with EC - upto 3 years funding ?5000 - draft for 22nd May - E-mailed Eva - no response yet 24/4/17SCBF application due before June meeting, submit by end of May, draft by 22nd May and review at our next meeting. Concert feedback. Will need to request two part funding again as we will not have heard from other potential funders prior to SCBF meeting. ie. ?11000 until April 2018Update on finances Cash balance is approx ?13600 taking account of uncashed chequesCommunicationFM to ask Darren if he has analytics data for websiteVideo clips for Facebook and website - FM to send to KHNewsletter - end of May is next deadline - need to write about next academic year and enrolment, taster sessions Tuesday 27th June - KH to write, FM to ask Caroline when newsletter will be out - mid JunePVG (any updates)EC not present. KH to give form to EC still.Jamie to update - needs formMusic Teachers/Facilitators updateFM to let tutors know Tues 25th April - CPD amount - KH to write form (deadline Monday to e-mail to FM) doneCheck contracts for next year - ask tutors end of May if they are willing to remain in next academic year - send question 18th May, deadline 25th MayOpen Music sessions – updateDiscussion of payment for open music sessions. KH to e-mail participants with query eg. donation box - to cover costs of singing leader, teas etc. Also ask whether weekly/ every two weeks.KH to locate singing leader to replace Valerie from end of June. E-mail next dates to participants.Review of Group Music SessionsTerm 3 planning3 on waiting list for drums, 1 for guitar, 1 for piano. Some students will be leaving by end of academic year, freeing up spaces.Taster sessions - before end of term, maybe last week of term, bunch some learners into bigger groups - mention in newsletter article - register for taster sessions - KH to advertise on FB, website, e-mail participants - Tuesday 27th JuneTwo beginner slots available - guitar @ 1615, piano @1645 age 8+ - KH to advertise on Facebook and website - done 24/4/17FM has spoken to Cat Kennedy re. extra half hour for Jamie piano lessonsAOCB Date of next meeting - Friday 26th May 8pm ................

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