How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved E-book

How to Spot a Dangerous Man Before You Get Involved E-book

Additional Affiliate Marketing Tips


Order inexpensive business cards (and often free except for shipping charges) with your link and product information at:

Once you order, frequently they will send offers that you can order (free brochures, free magnets, free business cards, free postcards). Make sure you stock up during this time. I got free business cards, magnets, postcards and brochures just for the cost of shipping (about $10!).

You can develop brochures and postcards to hand out which list the Dangerous Man concepts and your link information. You can hand out free magnets that advertise your link.


Although you do not ‘need’ a website in order to market ‘How to Spot a Dangerous Man’ some will choose to do so, especially if they are selling other Affiliate products. The title ‘How to Spot a Dangerous Man’ is my website title, so while you cannot use that, you could start your own site with a different name OR a site that sells several of your Affiliate products.

Some of the major web hosting services where you can develop a website include:

Make sure your website is listed with search engines. You can do this yourself by putting meta-tags and submitting it to the top dozen or so search engines.

To list with the top search engines:

Make sure your hop-link is included back to the Dangerous Man homepage through Clickbank.

Include some sort of mailing list or a way to harvest names. I offer a Free Guide to Signs of a Bad Dating Choice that you can offer when someone signs up and leaves their email address. As you build a mailing list, you can keep in touch for future Dangerous Man products or other products you sell. The Tip Sheet is included in the Affiliate Toolbox.

List your website on all your out-going mail including return envelopes as well as your postcards, brochures, business cards, and signature line on your emails.

Of course, you can also put your website URL on hats, jackets, t-shirts, bumper stickers, etc.

The more websites that link to yours, the higher your search engine placement will be and the more easily people will be able to find your site. So try to find complimentary sites that you can exchange links or banners with.

In your Affiliate Toolkit are really cool banners that you can use!

Auto responders that help you capitalize on sales:


Keep in touch with your mailing list that you develop. In your Affiliate Took Kit is an E-mail you can use for a campaign. Use this one as a template to develop more as you go along. Send new emails monthly to keep your cash flow, flowing.


will direct you to every type of on-line discussion group. Jump in and list your URL on your email. Chat up your product. Look for sites that cater to teens, women, or relationships.

lists all the major on-line message boards. Often you can advertise on these as well.

lists available web rings to join.

Find E-zines that are related to the Dangerous Man concepts and advertise there, OR begin your own e-zine and list it at one of these sites:


E-zines, newsletters and Blogs are a great way, and one of the fastest growing ways to build your on-line presence or promote your products and or website. Whoever you set your web hosting up with most likely offers programs for Blogging free. Blogs, newsletters, and E-zines can be sent regularly to your mailing list thus increasing your sales.

Find other blogging services here:


In your Affiliate Toolbox are several articles I have written about the Dangerous Man concepts that you are free to use to send to major magazines. Just make sure you insert your hop link at the bottom of the page so people can find your site to order.

Freely use the articles to submit to magazines either through email (some accept email submissions) OR through U.S. Post Services if they require written submissions.

Additionally, if they want comments directly from the author, I am happy to answer questions for media. They can contact me at HowToSpot@. Your hop-link information will still be included in any articles from media that you submit but whom contact me for direct quotes or deeper interviews.

In your Affiliate Toolbox will be a list of Blurbs from various sources you can use when marketing your articles or trying to get magazine placement. Use these as it’s great PR for where the book has been and the interest it has generated!

Make sure you tell the magazine why the article is suited to their audience. And make sure you list all the publicity that the book has received until now! That’s a great selling feature.

You can find magazines to submit to in the book Writers Market which lists 2,000 magazines or search around on the internet by listing the type of magazine you think would be interested. Contact information should be on each magazine website.

lists 23,000 newspapers and magazines all around the world.


Write and distribute your own press releases about the E-book products including a copy of the E-book cover. Various types of publications will print these, including newspapers, free circulars and local free magazines. Be sure to include your link and/or website, if you have one. Included in your Affiliate Toolkit is a press release. Use this one OR develop your own.

Links to most newspapers (and even some radio shows):

Contact information of newspapers listed by geographic areas:

Media contact info:

Search for media at:


Arts weekly papers:

Send your press release to free services that post it on-line:

(on new ebooks only)

Fax Services that will transmit your press releases to many newspapers and magazines (for a fee):



Don’t overlook places you frequent or are involved with:

Civic organizations newsletters, church bulletins, hometown newspapers and circulars, trade associations you are a member of, alumni newsletters, etc.


Put free classified ads on-line (just google free classified ads) OR place them in your local arts weeklies or free papers.


Place flyers with your hop link or web site URL at places where teens and women frequent OR where people interested about relationship issues are likely to be.

The kinds of organizations that have been interested in the book include:

* Teen Centers

* Pregnancy Centers

* Youth Groups

* Crisis Counseling Centers

* Domestic Violence Shelters

* College Campuses

* High schools and Middle schools

* Churches Women’s and Teen Ministries

* Outpatient Counseling Centers

* Hospitals, Health Departments, Clinics

These are also places to post fliers.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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