Grading Rubric: Advertisement Projects

Grading Rubric: Advertisement Projects


Teacher Name: Ms. Brown

Student Name:     ________________________________________

| |

|CATEGORY |4 (A) |3 (B) |2 (C) |1 (D/F) |

|Use of Class Time |Used time well during each|Used time well during |Used some of the time well|Did not use class time to|

| |class period. Focused on |each class period. |during each class period. |focus on the project OR |

| |getting the project done. |Usually focused on |There was some focus on |often distracted others. |

| |Never distracted others. |getting the project done |getting the project done | |

| | |and never distracted |but occasionally | |

| | |others. |distracted others. | |

|Attractiveness |The poster is |The poster is attractive |The poster is acceptably |The poster is |

| |exceptionally attractive |in terms of design, |attractive though it may |distractingly messy or |

| |in terms of design, |layout and neatness. |be a bit messy. |very poorly designed. It |

| |layout, and neatness. | | |is not attractive. |

|Required Elements |The poster includes all |All required elements are|All but 1 of the required |Several required elements|

| |required elements as well |included on the poster. |elements are included on |were missing. |

| |as additional information.| |the poster. | |

|Graphics - Originality |Several of the graphics |One or two of the |The graphics are made by |No graphics made by the |

| |used on the poster reflect|graphics used on the |the student, but are based|student are included. |

| |a exceptional degree of |poster reflect student |on the designs or ideas of| |

| |student creativity in |creativity in their |others. | |

| |their creation and/or |creation and/or display. | | |

| |display. | | | |

|Labels |All items of importance on|Almost all items of |Several items of |Labels are too small to |

| |the poster are clearly |importance on the poster |importance on the poster |view OR no important |

| |labeled with labels that |are clearly labeled with |are clearly labeled with |items were labeled. |

| |can be read from at least |labels that can be read |labels that can be read | |

| |3 ft. away. |from at least 3 ft. away.|from at least 3 ft. away. | |

Overall Grade: _________



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