Avoch Primary School

Avoch Primary Parent Council Minutes450850338577 Monday 29th April 2019 ItemAction1In Attendance: Kate Lackie (Chair) Julie Davidson (Secretary), Asia Kuchararczyk (Treasurer), Claire Weaver, Lindsay Smith, Phoebe Dickinson, Lorna Sim (Head Teacher),Katie Munro (Acting Principle)Apologies: Iona McMillan; Inga Ballantyne; Stef Rankine2Review of last meeting’s minutes and update on actions:Car Park lighting: Kate and Derek (community centre) have both been very busy and have still to meet to discuss best options for how Parent Council can purchase and install lighting.School Improvement Plan: we asked for any ideas, none were received, though it was noted that a good number of comments were made at Parents Evening.Playground: on AgendaResearch for Dissertation: after school club staff member keen for us to post it on the parents facebook pageStaffing: to be discussed in head teacher reportWell-being on the Black Isle: on AgendaBikeability: on agendaActive Schools: asked to attend our Parent Council Meeting. They were invited to March and April meetings, but were unable to attend in March. They were due to attend tonight but then cancelled.Kate - Meet with Derek Martin re: car park lighting.Kate: send link to Julie so it can be posted3Head Teacher UpdateNext session: we currently have 41 children enrolled for Primary 1 and 36 enrolled for Nursery. Since just last week, there have been 8 other enrolments, ie not for P1, to start this term or August. Nursery numbers for next term are building up slowly but we would expect to be full or just about full by August. There will be 33 P7 pupils moving on to Fortrose Academy. So overall this means school numbers are sitting at 294 for August, up from 278 currently. This means whilst we are still entitled to 11 classes, certain year groups will be full. If we don’t move up to 12 classes this session, we will need to do so by next summer. This of course means creating an extra classroom. The authority is monitoring the situation closely so it’s a case of wait and see. The knock on effect is that we are once again in the position of not being able to let children know their classes and teachers, and may not be able to do so until August. Staff UpdateThere will be a few staff changes again this year but not as many as in the previous 2 years;Miss MacKenzie and Miss Christie will be returning from maternity leaveMrs Law, who has been a PSA in Avoch for more than 25 years will be retiringAlexandra Jack in the out of school club has a place to do teacher training and as you will have seen in the newsletter, Mrs Mackay in the nursery has a transfer.We have not been told the rest of my teaching allocation yet. This is not usually completed until the end of June.I have no information about when or if vacant posts will be advertised eg Mrs Jack’s post or if here will be any impact from any potential budget cuts.Our new Depute Head, Wanda Clark, has started at Avoch and seems to be settling in. Finally Mrs Jack thanks you very much for her leaving presents and card - she was very touched by the parent council’s kindness. Lorna Sim 4After School ClubParents are concerned at the uncertainty as to whether breakfast & after school clubs will continue in the next school year. Lorna has been advised she will find out in May if it is continuing: it needs to be break even/be profitable. Advised that Gillian Semple, based at Ben Wyvis primary is the contact.Claire, has been trying to find out if it will be running. She spoke to Jenny Stark. Concerned in case it doesn’t run, concern at not knowing if it’s happening as it will take some time to find alternative arrangements. A number of parents with children in nursery going into P1 in the summer have put in application, so it is hoped this will help boost numbers. Kate: to contact Jenny or Gillian to try to get confirmation of viability.ALL Parents - if you are considering using the breakfast/after school clubs, please submit your applications asap.5Treasurers ReportDiscussion re: how much of our budget is for the Playground Fund - all agreed ?4,000 should be ring- fenced. This amount can be adjusted if needed. Asia: record in accounts ?4,000 is for Playground Equipment. Amount can be adjusted as required. 6Playground Project UpdatePosters displaying the new playground equipment, which we are aiming to purchase, were on display at parents evening and received positive feedback .Finding we’re in a bit of a catch 22 as the Maintenance Officer won’t meet until the funding is in place, however we need a formal letter saying the playground will go ahead before the Grant application can be submitted, but letter won’t be granted until grant in place. Kate is going to help Inga with this.Various fundraising/grants opportunities to be explored Previous action points that remain active:Kate to look at Scotmid & Coop Community GrantsIona - globalKate to contact Di Agnew to submit application to ward discretionary budget for money for school sign on fence. Phoebe to get another quote for comparison.Kate & Inga to work on advancing this.7Spring Clean Day: 11th MayNeed to work with Muriel prior to event as don’t want to make more work for her or take on jobs that are hers.Julie will start a list of jobs to do and send to Lorna/Kate, please send back to Julie for advertising on Facebook. Kate - meet with MurielJulie - facebook8Tea Party: planning & decisions: 25th MayTea Party was originally going to be a free event as a thank-you to parents for their support at christmas & other fundraisers. However as we still need to raise funds for the playground equipment discussion held as to whether it’s a paid entry or have it as donations - decided tao make it a fundraiser and then we will aim to hold a free event as thank you when the new playground equipment is all installed/complete. In the meantime, further discussion as to whether we go ahead with event due to lack of support/help/close proximity to spring clean as lots to organise for both.Decided to change event from the Tea Party to “Picnic in the Playground” with new date of 15th June, 3-5.30pm. We need few fundraising ideas, items to sell, talent show (free), raffle, donations, fancy dress ?1 entry, if can get sponsorship free glass of Prosecco or orange juice. Anyone who can help at all with this please do get in touch. Julie: to ask Iona or Jennifer how to do a Let for this date Julie: Facebook post re: change of date9Well-Being on the Black IsleFollowing on from the presentation at our last meeting, we are unsure as to what we can do as a group, other than be aware of and promote community involvement as much as possible. No actions to take forward….10Sports Day: orangesThanks to Williamson Group (fruit & veg company) for donating oranges again for Sports Day & to Asia for arranging.Julie, Asia & Inga are meeting in the Home Ec room at school at 8.30am on Sports Day to cut the oranges into small segments. We would love some more folk to help, please come along and bring your own sharp knife!Julie: to buy 14 boxes (stackable) and with lids which can be used each year and Kate will store them in between use.11Sports Day:School sports day the children are asked to wear a t-shirt in the colour of their School House if possible, so teachers can identify who is in which House for recording points and for the House game at the end. A parent asked if coloured sashes could be bought for children to wear instead of coloured t-shirt. Discussion around this: school felt that children enjoy wearing their coloured t-shirt and some parents agreed with this also. This same question was raised last year, following which School spent some time sourcing and arranging for the 4 different coloured t-shirts with school logo to be available to buy alongside school uniform: the t-shirts can be worn for pe during the year and sports day. Views at the meeting were divided with some parents very happy to have a coloured t-shirt for sports day and others want sashes.Consider undertaking a parental survey as to what preferred option would be for next year sports day.12BikeabilityWe’ve been unable to get volunteers to run Bikeability training and unable to source external help, so will remove this item from the agenda. Thanks to Iona for her work on this. 13Any Other BusinessNo other business was raised14Date of Next Meeting & CloseThanks to all for attending & contributing. Next Meeting (last one of this school year) is on:Monday 17th June: 7pm start, finish time of no later than 8.30pm.


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