Business Overview

287020462915Business PlanCONTENTS TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1Business Overview PAGEREF _Toc289884586 \h 11.1Business Overview PAGEREF _Toc289884587 \h 11.2Service Features PAGEREF _Toc289884588 \h 11.3Marketing Analysis PAGEREF _Toc289884589 \h 11.4Marketing Strategy PAGEREF _Toc289884590 \h 21.5Key Objectives and Financial Overview PAGEREF _Toc289884591 \h 22Detailed Plan PAGEREF _Toc289884592 \h 32.1Market Analysis PAGEREF _Toc289884593 \h 32.2Competition PAGEREF _Toc289884594 \h 42.3The Service PAGEREF _Toc289884595 \h 42.4Marketing Strategy PAGEREF _Toc289884596 \h 52.5Service Production PAGEREF _Toc289884597 \h 62.6SWOT Analysis PAGEREF _Toc289884598 \h 62.7Business Structure PAGEREF _Toc289884599 \h 72.8Management and Ownership PAGEREF _Toc289884600 \h 82.9Key Objectives PAGEREF _Toc289884601 \h 82.10Financial Information PAGEREF _Toc289884602 \h 82.10.1Start Up Costs PAGEREF _Toc289884603 \h 82.10.2Running Costs PAGEREF _Toc289884604 \h 92.10.3Additional Costs PAGEREF _Toc289884605 \h 92.11Action Plan PAGEREF _Toc289884606 \h 93Appendices PAGEREF _Toc289884607 \h 10Business OverviewBusiness OverviewThe business idea is myself working as a freelance 2D animator and illustrator within the arts and media sector. The main benefit for someone employing me would be that there would be no fixed term contract and I would have a flexible working schedule to suit their needs.I will be offering my skills as a traditional and digital illustrator and a 2D animator. My service could be bought by company’s anywhere. In two years time I would like to have made good connections with companies and clients and be working on a portfolio of work. In five years time I would like to have established a good reputation with company’s and be well known in the industry and to have built up a good portfolio of work, this will be achieved by building up a portfolio of work and making contacts within the industry.Service FeaturesI will be providing a service as a freelance illustrator and 2D animator. I will work within companies as well as from home. The benefits I offer over other competitors are that I have skills throughout the whole animation process rather than specialising in one area. Also I am not stuck to one style of illustration and can give a variety.Marketing AnalysisMy services will be aimed at the UK animation industry as there are many different 2D animation companies in the UK that will require freelance animators to join a team of animators. My illustration skills will be aimed at people needing illustrations for books and story’s. I will also use my illustration services for advertising as there is a strong industry for this in the UK.Marketing StrategyI have designed a website to show my work and I have also produced business cards that I will distribute to possible employers. I have created a facebook page for my services which also links to my web site. I will also be producing photo books to show my illustrations.Key Objectives and Financial OverviewMy key objective is to create industry contacts and gain a well known reputation. I will also produce a portfolio to showcase my work. The start up costs would be the cost of hardware and software to create the images and animation. Also there would be start up costs of creating marketing materials and advertising. The running costs would be updating software, maintaining the website and producing more business cards and photo books when needed.Detailed PlanMarket AnalysisIn the 2D animation industry in the UK at the moment the majority of jobs are in pre production, as the animation is being done over seas. Due to this the main jobs I will be hoping to get will be in pre production. This will be anything from script writing to a storyboard artist and character designer. Securing these jobs will depend on the strength of my portfolio and the contacts I have made. I may have to work as a runner to begin with to make connections within the industry. I will also be providing my services as an illustrator as this is a steady industry with many different types of work. Whilst contracts will be extremely short it will build up my portfolio and reputation. I will secure these jobs by advertising and sending marketing materials to potential employers. I will be based in the north east of England but I will be able to accept work from anywhere as a lot of the work can be completed from home. There are also more company’s developing within the northeast as the industry expands and moves out of London. A down side to this location will be the state of the economy, as grants and funding are lost clients will look to hire overseas as it is cheaper. I would like to counter this by offering reasonable prices and a more personal service. Also when working with local clients I will have an edge as I live locally and know the area well.When contacting potential clients and customers I will do so by arranging meetings and by contacting them through emails and telephone calls. Also with the use of programmes such as Skype I will also be able to use this to have business meetings with clients I may not be able to meet in person.I have used website such as Skillset to find out this information and I have also looked at local companies that may hire freelancers. As I may struggle to find work, also working as an illustrator as well will give me an extra edge as I can do this job from home and work with clients anywhere. I will use the internet to show my illustrations and put my portfolio on illustration sites where employers search for petitionMy main competition will be from other graduates looking to work as freelancers, graduates with qualifications such as a master’s degree will also be my competition as they are more qualified than I will be. Also I will have strong competition from freelancer’s already working within the industry as they will have the experience that I will be lacking. An advantage may be that as I am a graduate I will have fresh skills and ideas and will also be paid less than an established freelancer, which may appeal to employers.The ServiceI will be providing a service as a 2D animator and an illustrator. By working as a freelancer I will be working for many different companies on a short term basis. I will be willing to work on any part of the 2D animation production process although I have the most experience in pre production. I will also be offering my services as an illustrator and as I have no set style of illustration I can work for anyone needing illustrations.When beginning my career I will accept illustration and animation jobs but I will also be happy to expect jobs as a runner for companies. This will be a good way to get experience working within a company and to expand my skills and also to create good contacts for future work. Wages for my services will vary between different companies and will increase with the amount of experience I gain and the strength of my reputation. After I have gained experience in the industry and have some good contacts I would like to move on to more difficult and challenging projects as this will help me to progress and demonstrate my ability which will enable me to gain higher paid work.To create an advantage for myself I will be keeping up to date with all the software and techniques used within the industry and any new software that is produced. I will also make availability one of my selling points as I will be willing to work at any time and I will work long hours. I will also keep up to date on changes within the industry and what sectors are expanding so I can direct my skills towards it hopefully gaining more work.Marketing StrategyI have created a set of marketing materials that I can give to clients, this will help to make contacts in the industry and make me stand out from my competitors. I have also produced marketing materials that will show my work and that the clients can use to view my work without looking at a portfolio or showreel.I have created a set of professional business cards that each show images taken from illustrations I have created. All my contact information and my website address are on the back of the business cards. These give a potential client a small view of my work and all the information they need to find more or to contact me. I will also be getting photo books printed that will show my illustrations so that I can present them to possible clients in a professional way.29845078740I created a website and a facebook page to showcase my work. This will make my work easily viewable and will allow potential employers to view my work without having a showreel sent to them. It also enables me to show work that is not part of the finished animation so employers can view my steps in the pre production process.I will gain industry contacts be sending out show reels and business cards as well as advertising my website and inviting people to view my facebook page. I will keep my website up to date and print business cards and photo books as needed. I will also update my showreel with new work as it is needed.I will market myself by appearing as a very employable person when in contact with companies and also in interviews. I will do this by acting professional and polite and friendly and displaying that I would be a good candidate for a job.Service ProductionWhen agreeing to a job I will work out the price of the service with the client before starting the job. When starting out as a freelancer this will be relatively low and will increase I get a larger portfolio and a better reputation. As all the software will be covered in the start up costs the price will be based solely on the labour of creating the product.SWOT AnalysisStrengths:I have a good knowledge of the 2D animation process and the programmes used for this.I have a varied drawing style that can be changed to suit a product.As I can work from home I can have a flexible work schedule and can work unsociable hours.I would have no fixed term contract which would allow employers to employ me on a short term basis.Weaknesses:I have no previous experience working in the 2D animation and illustration industry.I do not have the contacts needed that would help me gain work.I will be competing against many other graduates many that may have higher qualifications of a stronger portfolio.OpportunitiesI have skills in different areas, which allows me to work on different things.The north east is developing and there are more company’s opening in the area.I have a strong portfolio and different ways to access my work online.ThreatsThe industry may change with the economic state which may result in there being less jobs and businesses.It may be difficult to create contacts in the industry and to gain clients and a good reputation.There are many other graduates that I will be competing with for a small amount of jobs.Business StructureI will be working as a sole trader working under my own name. As I will be working freelance for many different companies and clients this was the most logical option.I will be applying for advertised jobs and after establishing myself within the industry I hope to have clients approaching me looking for a freelancer. I will also network on sites such as Imagine to hopefully create contacts.Management and OwnershipI will be the only person in this business and the issues I may have with this is that I will need to keep learning new skills to keep up with developing technology and software. I will also be in charge of my own marketing and maintaining my website which can be a time consuming process. The main issue though will be keeping a steady flow of work and income as there is no guarantee of jobs as a freelancer.Key ObjectivesWithin the first year of operating of a freelancer I hope to have secured the start up costs needed to function as a freelancer and have marketing materials that can be distributed and a functioning website. I would also like to be making a steady income. I would also hope to create good contacts within the industry and to have gained work as a freelancer and because of this I would like to have gained a good reputation with clients.Financial InformationStart Up CostsThe start up costs for my business will be any software that I will need and the appropriate licenses for this. I will contact the license providers to get a yearly licence cost. I will also need marketing materials which will be business cards and photo books when needed. The initial costs of starting up my website will also be included with marketing materials. My start up costs may be helped by a new business grant.Running CostsThe running costs for my business will be the maintaining of my website which will be a minimal cost and also the upgrade of any software that is needed. Other costs will be producing more marketing materials when needed which will also be minimal.Additional CostsThe additional costs of running this business will be possible computer updates as software develops and faster computers may be needed. Also internet costs as I will be using the internet to host my website and to contact employers.Action PlanObjectiveTaskCompletion DateAchievedMarketingBusiness Cards01/03/2011yesWebsite01/05/2011In productionPhoto Books01/05/2011noShow Reel20/05/2011noSet UpGet software01/06/2011noContact clients05/06/2011noRunPortfolio01/03/2012noGood contacts01/03/2011noAppendicesMarketing Materialscentercenter-588645395605 ................

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