
RHETORICАL ANALYSIS OF BULGARIAN ADVERTISING: AN EMPIRICAL STUDYAssoc. Prof. Hristo Katrandjiev, PhDUniversity of National and World EconomyDepartment "Marketing and Strategic Planning"Assist. Prof. Ivo Velinov Velinov, PhDNew Bulgarian UniversityUniversity of National and World EconomyDepartment "Marketing and Strategic Planning"The paper presents the results of an empirical research project devoted on the usage of rhetoric figures in tourism Bulgarian advertising (advertising slogans). We analyzed a sample of randomly selected 605 advertising slogans from the following product categories: Foodstuffs; Drinks; Automobiles, Airlines, Gas stations, and Bus lines; Banks and Insurance companies; Chain Stores and Shopping Centers; Technology and Communications; Clothing and cosmetics; Tourism; Other product categories. We measured the usage frequency of rhetorical figures in advertising slogans. This empirical study may serve as basis for follow up studies of the impact of rhetorical figures’ usage on advertising effectiveness.Key words: advertising, slogan, rhetorical figures IntroductionRhetoric has played an important role in human society since the very beginning of writing. The Ancient Egyptians as well as the Mesopotamians highly appreciated the oratory. However, the systematic process of developing the concept of rhetoric started simultaneously with the establishment of the Greeks democracy. The Greek perceived rhetoric as an art of eloquent and convincing public speaking. Rhetoric became one of the most important skills at that time due to the Athenian democracy that urged “every free male” to enter the Assembly and speak in favour or against a specific legislative decision. Virtually all man’s achievements at that time depended on his rhetorical skills. In the V century B.C., the enormous need for rhetorical education and training gave birth of the first rhetoric school known as Sophistry. The Sophists were itinerant teachers in rhetoric who prepared their students to emphasize on oral presentation, but not on truth. That is why Aristotle criticized them in his book “The Art of Rhetoric”. In this treatise, Aristotle outlines the principles of rhetoric as a science that helps people in the process of realizing and comprehending the truth. The impact of this book proved to be enormous and influenced the science of rhetoric in the next two millennia. The development of rhetoric in Ancient Rome burst after the occupation of Greece. Cicero was the first prominent rhetorician from that era. His books “On Oration”, “On Invention”, and “Topics” became a fundament for scientific development and rhetorical training until the Renaissance. Another remarkable Roman rhetorician is Quintilian who wrote the books “Institutio Oratoria” and “De Inventione” and developed the famous “five canons of rhetoric”. From Ancient Greece up to the Middle Ages, the rhetoric developed as science and art mainly in the field of politics. During the Middle ages, the potential of rhetoric was applied not in the political sphere but rather in the religious one. St. Augustine and other pastors appreciated the possibilities of rhetoric in the process of preaching. Rhetoric was a mandatory course in the Medieval universities but in spite of that, the scientific development of rhetoric was insignificant.Rhetorical science however came to life again during the Renaissance. The treatises of the ancient writers as Aristotle, Quintilian, and Cicero are paid attention and applied in the European universities’ education. During the Renaissance, scientists thoroughly counted and classified the rhetorical figures of speech. For example, in his work “The Garden of Eloquence” (1577), Henry Peacham lists 184 different rhetorical figures of speech. The rapid development of rhetorical science continued during the period of Enlightenment. Politics and revolutionaries appreciated the art of rhetoric. In the XVIII century, many influential books were published. In the XIX19th century and even before that rhetoric became one of the most important disciplines in the European and American Universities.The XIX century brought media proliferation and invention of new visual forms of communication – cinema, TV, and internet. The rhetoric shifted its development towards visual communication. Scientists started the analysis of “visual metaphors”, “visual metonymies”, etc. Advertising industry marked a considerable growth and an immense impact on society. It is obvious that advertising needs rhetoric in order to create convincing messages. Rhetorical figures possess a strong figurative and emotional impact, which is achieved through empathy, persuasion and suggestion. However, the research works in that field are far from prolific. Of course there are some studies devoted on the application of rhetorical figures in contemporary advertising but still there is a lot to do in that research area.This paper investigates the use of rhetorical figures in Bulgarian advertising., highlighting on tourism advertising. In fact wWe analyzed the usage of rhetorical figures in advertising slogans. For the sake of the analysis, it is necessary to accept a classification of rhetorical figures and define each figure. We follow a widespread two-type classification of rhetorical figures – figures of speech and figures of thought. The figures of speech refer to the manner of verbal expression, whilst the figures of thought are connected with ideas and perceptions that are created in the mind of the listener/reader/viewer. As already explained, the figures of thought are related to the ideas and perceptions that are created in human’s mind. The most common rhetorical figures of thought are presented in Table Appendix 1 together with their descriptions and illustrative examples. The figures of speech are listed and described in Appendix 2. Our analysis encompasses all figures of thought and figures of speech included in Appendix 1 and Appendix 2.Table 1. Figures of thoughtAccumulatio is a figure of thought by which the evidence is accumulating. It is provided by successive use of notions, phrases or terms that have the same function in speech. In this way a characterization of the specific object or event is obtained. This is the slogan of the insurance company "Bulins" - ?Традиция и сигурност“("Tradition and Security") in which two consecutive nouns are used.Allusion (allusion) is a rhetorical figure, which influences by suggestion or hint of a fictional character, historical event, geographical location or already known to the readers titles of books, movies, music ideas, sayings, proverbs, etc. Through allusion something is expressed in an implicit way.Anadiplosis (anadiplosis) is a figure of thought, in which at the beginning of the next sentence is repeated the end, a single word or a part of the previous phrase. It has an extremely argumentative role.Anti-climax (anti-climax) is a figure of thought in which the rhetorical effect is achieved by arranging of similar concepts, signs of objects in descending semantic order. It has the opposite effect compared to climax. It gradually reduces the strength of the emotional or logical impact.Antithesis (antithesis) is a figure of thought, which arises as a result of opposition in thinking. It consists in juxtaposing of contrasting words or ideas and thus achieves greater expressiveness. Even Martin Luther King used the contrast in his speech "I have a dream" ("I Have a Dream"). U.S. President - John Fitzgerald Kennedy also used antithesis in his opening speech - "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country“. This figure of speech can be illustrated with the advertising slogan of the hotel "Azzuro" - ?Нашата грижа е вашето безгрижие!“ ("Our care is your carelessness!"). Here the contrast exists not only in nouns “care-careless” but also in the possessive pronouns of the first and second person, plural form – “our-your”.Application (application) is the use of proverbs, sayings, quotations, aphorisms, poems in the argumentation and they are used literally or in a modified form. It is characterized by wit, expressiveness and imagery that provoke the thinking of the recipient. Using of this figure demonstrates a clear position. In its most characteristic form, this figure of speech does not apply in the surveyed slogans, but the closest to it is the advertising slogan of the brand "Vidima" - ?Правим нещата като хората“ ("We do things like we are supposed to), which is presented by the leader in the production of sanitary fittings and ceramics "Ideal Standard - Visible" JSC.Aposiopesis (aposiopesis) means silence. Breaking off the phrase in the middle or end of the sentence and thus creating a feeling of incompleteness and the recipient is the one who can finish the missed thought. In written language is usually marked by a dotted line, which is called "meaningful silence" Aposiopesis refers to means of persuasion or suggestion which are out of logic. A typical example of this figure of thought is the advertising slogan of the store "Domko" - ?И домът Ви заживя...“ ("And your house began to live ...").Еxclamatio (exclamatio) is a figure of thought that has emotive function, the impact is usually achieved as a result of the use of exclamation. It can express enthusiasm or any other feeling. As an example can be mentioned the advertising slogan of the company "Deroni" - ?Винаги отличен вкус! “ ("Always excellent taste!"), where definiteness is enhanced by the use of the exclamation mark.Epanalepsis (epanalepsis) is a figure of thought that contains a repetition a word or phrase at the beginning and the end of a phrase, sentence or line. It has strong expressive effects, and makes the argumentation more convincing, more logical and emotional. Although this figure is not widely used in the surveyed slogans, a typical example of its use is the slogan of "Reebok" - "I Am What I Am".Inversion (inversion) is a displacement of the elements in the syntactic structure. It is made in order to focus on something. Its functions include informational, suggesting or persuasive elements. This rhetoric figure helps the speaker to attract audience’s attention. Both instances that are part of the advertising slogans in this study and could be referred to this figure are in a foreign language – English and French ("Adidas" - "Impossible is nothing" and "Citroen" - "Creative technologie").Climax (climax) is a persuasive statement in which each preceding part is the basis for the next which in turn adds expressiveness to the slogan. It occurs as a gradation of the characteristics of a particular object in ascending order. This figure is the opposite of anticlimax. Typical example is the advertising slogan of "Duracell" - ?Издържа повече, много повече. “ ("Lasts more, much more.").Litotes (litotes) is a deliberate understatement of an object’s characteristics or dimensions. Sometimes it is used as a ridicule or mockery. It is the opposite of hyperbole. This figure is not widely used in the advertising slogans that are part of this study. In not so typical use, it is found in the advertising slogan of "Technopolis" - ?Лесно е да избереш. “ ("It is easy to choose.").Metaphor (metaphor) is a major figure which transfers characteristics of one object or phenomenon to another object or phenomenon (based on similarity). Metaphorical images are those that contribute to the development of new ideas and for reforming the traditional ones. Using them is a reflection of originality in thinking. In addition, they expand the visual possibilities of the language as a whole. They may be associated with the expression of tragic, funny feeling, criticism, and more. Examples of the application of this rhetorical figure in advertising slogans in Bulgaria are numerous and will be discussed later in the study. A typical example is the slogan of "KFC" - ?Животът е вкусен“("Life is delicious") in which the characteristic typical of an inanimate object is transferred to another inanimate object. Metonymy (metonymy) is a?figure of speech?in which a thing or concept is called not by its own name but rather by the name of something associated in?meaning?with that thing or concept. HYPERLINK "" \l "cite_note-2" It can be defined as a figure that replaces (based on similarity) the sign for one object with the sign for another one. A Very clear example of metonymy is the use of nicknames (when we call our car "ladybug" instead of her brand name for example we mean that it is small, agile and probably red). Metonymy enables demonstration of originality focusing the attention on new aspects of traditional human thinking and the interpretation depends on the context. As an example of metonymy could be considered advertising slogan of luxury brand watches "Breitling 1884" - "Instruments for professionals", assuming that the term "clocks" absolutely intentional has been replaced by the term "instruments".Oxymoron (oxymoron) is a figure that contains words with opposite meanings. This combination of words gives a new meaning and insight and enhances expressiveness. (for example: eloquent silence, sweet pain, dark dreams).Parallelism (parallelism) is the repletion of semantic or syntactic similarities that creates an emphasis. Depending on whether you are comparing images, episodes or syntactic structures we can distinguish several types of parallelism - figurative, narrative and syntactic parallelism. The most common type of parallelism discovered by our analysis is the usage phrases with similar or same syntactic structure. The slogan of "BU" - ?Всичко, което си. Всичко, което можеш да бъдеш.“ ("All that you are. All that you can be.") and the slogan of "Indesit" – "We work, you play." are typical examples of parallelism of this kind.Paronomasia (paronomasia) is achieved by the use of words that are homonyms or paronyms and thus contributes to the proof of a specific statement in an unusual way - through imagination, sense of humor or suggestion. The only example of this is the advertising slogan of the automobile brand "Peugeot" - "Motion & Emotion" where we found a use of words that have a similar sound content, but different meaning.Personification (personification) is a figure of thought in which human qualities and actions are attributed to an inanimate objects or a creature that has no consciousness. This is one of the oldest argumentative means, especially in terms of religious beliefs and mythology. This figure can be achieved through the use of metaphor, metonymy or synecdoche. In the advertising slogan "Barney" - ?Мечето, което обича детето“("Bear who loves children") a metaphor is used. Rhetorical question (rhetorical question) is a question that does not require a response but stimulates the recipient to focus on speaker’s viewpoint. In fact the listener is provoked to consider a particular problem and to seek a new solution. The usage of rhethorical questions reinforces the emotional impact and the focus on the main idea. Typical examples of this rhetorical figure found in Bulgarian advertising slogans include the slogan of chocolate bars "LZ" - ?Ако е шоколад, защо да не е аеро?“ ("If it's chocolate, why not aero?") as well as the slogan of vodka "Flirt" - ?Готови ли сте за довечера?“ ("Are you ready for tonight?").Synecdoche (synecdoche) is a type of metonymy. Due to its widespread use some authors differentiate it as a separate figure. Its application is related to giving a wider or narrower meaning of the term compared to its normal use. The most frequently used type of synecdoche is the replacement of the name of the whole with the name of a part of it or vice versa - the part instead of the whole. There could be many different cases of substitution - denote the subject through its typical part, quality replaces its carrier, the author's name is used to indicate his work, the name of an object is replaced with the material, which it is made from, etc.Hyperbole (hyperbole) is excessive, deliberate overstatement/understatement of size, features or characteristics of an object, person or action. It is often used to express irony or sarcasm. Examples of hyperbole usage in advertising slogans include the slogan of Bulgarian TV channel "Btv" - ?Повече от телевизия“ ("More than a TV"), the slogan of "Cappy" - ?Повече от сок.“ ("More than a juice.") and the slogan of "OMV" gas stations- ?Повече от движение. “ ("More than a movement.").The rhetorical figures of speech are those that concern the manner of verbal expression and their description is provided in Table 2.Table 2. Figures of speechAnaphora (anaphora) is a stylistic figure and this is the repetition of the same characters, the same parts of words, whole words or phrases at the beginning of sentences. It can be created through synthases - combinations of several words. It is used to affect the listener emotionally and psychologically, to provoke a stronger reaction or their attitude. Moreover, the repetition of the same element is used for amplification of symmetry in rhythmic plan. Examples of the use of this figure of speech are the advertising slogans of the shops "DM" - ?Тук съм човек, тук пазарувам. “ ("Here I am fine here I am shopping."), advertising slogan of the company in the field of energy and services "EVN" - ?Винаги тук, винаги с вас. “ ("Always here, always with you.") and the slogan of the trade center "Serdika centre" - ?Винаги неустоими, винаги на мода.“ ("Always irresistible, always in vogue.") and others.Epistrophe (epistrophe) is the repetition of the same word or group of words at the end of phrases or sentences. It increases the expressiveness of the speech and its rhythm. It gives the impression of certainty and attitude towards the specific problem. Repetition facilitates recipient in adopting the idea and provokes emotional and psychological attitude of the audience towards it. When epistrophe is used together with anaphora a symploce is formed. Example of epistrophe is the advertising slogan of the candies "Skittles" - ?Открий дъгата. Опитай дъгата! “(" Find the rainbow, taste the rainbow!)Appeal (appeal) is a figure of speech that is used as a call and to attract attention. It is used to create a favorable attitude towards the adoption of a particular idea, neutralize negative attitude towards it. Typical example is the manifestation of this figure in the advertising slogan of "Pepsi" - "Искай повече." (?Dare for more”).Alliteration (alliteration) is the repetition of one or more similar consonants in adjacent words. Examples of alliteration are the slogan of the automotive brand "Infinity" - "Inspired performance" (repetition of "r"), and the slogan of the chocolate bar "Nestle Lion" - ?Зверски вкусен! “ ("Beastly yummy") (alliteration of "z-s").Assonance (assonance) is the repetition of vowel sounds, preceded and followed by different consonants, mostly in stressed syllables of adjacent words. Assonance of sound "e" is clearly audible in the advertising slogan of the cake for children "Barney" - ?Мечето, което обича детето.” ("Bear who loves the child.").Gradation (gradatio) is a sequence of several syntactically equivalent, uniform words or phrases by which a particular idea, image or feeling is presented in order of progressive ascent or descent, i.e. amplifying or weakening of the emotion. There are two types of gradation - descending and ascending. Example for ascending gradation is the advertising slogan of one of the leading chains - "Praktiker" - ?Само Вие, Вашите идеи и Praktiker. “ ("Only you, your ideas, and Praktiker.").Epithet (epitheton) is the artistic definition of the object, indicating some quality. It is used when we are looking for security and evidence during the presentation of a specific idea or value. Concepts that are accompanied by epithets stand out in their meaning and emotional impact and they have greater imagery and expressiveness. Epithets can be autonomous figures, but they can also be linked with others and form a gradation, repetition, antithesis. A typical example of the use of the epithet is the advertising slogan of the ice-cream "BOSS" - ?Покоряващо желание“ ("Conquering desire") and the slogan of the insurance company "Euroins" - ?Интелигентното застраховане“ ("Smart Insurance.")Repetition (repetition) is deliberately repeating of terms, paragraphs, phrases, in order to convey a particular idea. It has an expressive effect and enhances the impression of certain concepts. An example of this figure of speech is the repetition of the epithet in the advertising slogan of "Diplomat Plaza Hotel & Resort" - "Special moments for special people. “Pun (pun) is based on superficial or accidental resemblance - two words that sound similar in composition but different in meaning (paronym) or a word that has two or more different meanings (homonyms). Pun is consciously created and deliberate so to reinforce the ambiguity, to make the choices between the meanings impossible, and to let the listener or reader hesitant. The use of pun flatters intellectual abilities of the audience that it is intended for, as they show that they have the appropriate knowledge to solve the mystery set in the message (Mulken et. al., 2005). Interesting examples of wordplay are the advertising slogans of one of the most popular brands of coffee "Lavazza" - "Lavazza. Espress Yourself " and the slogan of ice tea "Lipton"-"Drink positive ".Neologism (neologism) creates a new word from two or more existing words or fragments of words. the slogan of the car brand "Seat" - "Enjoyneering", and also the coffee brand "Jacobs" – (“Unique charomat”).Resonance (resonance) is a literary device that is often used by professionals in advertising and it is a combination of pun and a relevant image, i.e. a phrase acquires significance by juxtaposing to a particular picture. The most typical example of the application of this figure is very creative slogan of Vodka "Absolut".Etymological figure (figura etymologica) is another rhetorical technique which is a structure in which words having the same root are connected in an expression. Etymological figure is used in the advertising slogan of "Grand hotel & Spa Primoretz" - ?Един единствен“("Only one"), and also in the advertising slogan of the global beauty brand "Max factor" - "The make-up of make-up artists".Our research analysis encompasses all figures of thought and figures of speech listed above. We analized their usage in advertising messages within the sector of tourism as all as other sectors. Research Goals and HypothesesThe major goal of the present study is to analyze the usage of rhetorical figures in Bulgarian advertising. A special accent is put on the analysis of rhetorical figures usage in tourism advertising slogans. The major goal of our study can be broken down into several specific subgoals: Analysis of slogans’ length. This subgoal is connected with the analysis of average slogan’s length for all slogans, computing the average slogan’s lengths for each product category, compariosn of slogan’s length across product categories.Analysis of advertising slogans vrom the point of view of presence or absence of a rhethoric figure. The proportions of slogans with and without rhetorical figures are calculated. Analyses are performed to determine the presence/absence of rhetoric figures as general and by product categories. Comparisons acrross product categories are provided. This analysisi gravitates around the tourism advertising.Analysis of advertising slogans depending on the type of rhetorical figures. This kind of analysis is one of the most important within the presented study. The proportions of each rhetorical figure areis calculated an analyzed.Analysis of rhetorical figures usage across product categories. This analysis is the most important in our study. It is intended for computation and comparison of proportions (frequency of usage) of each rhetorical figure across product categories. Naturally, the stress is put upon the tourism advertising. MethodologyThe research methodology can be described by .a 5-stage processresearch procedure. The first step ot of the research procedure (fig.Figure 1 1) includes definition of ttime frame of observation. This time frame includes the period october 2013 - october 2014. Time frame definition”: 2012-2014SamplingContent analysis of advertising slogansCoding of rhetorical figuresData analysisFigure 1 Research Procedure* Source: developed by authorsAt the second stage of the research process we randomly chose a sample of 605 unique advertising slogans. Slogans were gathered from advertisements published in the following 3 media: Magazines – a samle of 34 magazines were selected randomly from the deposit list of “SS. Cyril and Methodius” National Library (Bulgaria). The advertisements in these magazines were analyzed and the ad slogans were picked up. Internet – the most popular Bulgarian websites were monitored and advertising slogans were collected. By the help of the students attending “Marketing research” class we monitored banner advertisements in top 10 websites in Bulgaria (ranked by GEMIUS). Advertisements were scanned for slogans. Those with advertising slogans were payed more attention and their slogans were added to the database. It is necessary to note that not all Internet announcements contained a slogan. TV – 3 national broadcast stations were monitored during the period. These were BTV, NOVA, and BNT 1. Advertising blocks within the prime time slot were investigated and unique advertising slogans were added to the database.We built a database containg 605 unique advertising slogans. All irreleveant data (such as advertising titles, parts of advertising copy in big font size and other non-slogan texts) were removed from the database. In the next step of the research procedure we performed a content analysis of the advertising slogans. Each slogan was analyzed carefully for inherent rhetorical figures. The found rhetorical figures were coded as well as the product categories of the advertising slogans. The length of each slogan (number of words) was measured. The last step of the research procedure included data analysis. We calculated the average length of advertising slogans, measured the frequency of usage of each rethoricrhetorical figure within the sample and within each product category. , tested the research hypothesis, and analizet the “rhetorical profile of Tourism advertising.Results and Discussionand analysis4.1 Analysis of slogans’ lengthOne of the main characteristics of the advertising slogan is its length. And one of the main requirements for a slogan is to be concise and clearly reflecting the overall philosophy of the particular brand or company. The advertising slogan should not be too long. Otherwise the audience may not pay attention to it. Excessively long slogans are difficult to rememebr and could lead to information deformations. On the basis of the whole sample we calculated the average length of Bulgarian advertising slogans ant and it equals 3,7 words. Nearly 35,2% of all analized slogans (605) contain 3 words. Almost 15,2% of all slogans contain 2 words, whilst 25,9% are longer – 4 words. It is important to point out that the percentage of longer slogans (over 6 words) is extremely low. An example of a slogan of this kind is that of “Hotel Mirena, Plovdiv” – “Luxury is a whim, comfort is a necessity!”.We calculated the average slogan’s length for each product category (Table 4). It is interesting to point out that the slogans in tourism advertising are among the longest.Table 4 1 Average slogans’ length across product categoriesPRODUCT CATEGORYAVERAGE SLOGAN'S LENGTH(NUMBER OF WORDS)Foodstuffs3,8Drinks3,3Automobiles, Airlines, Gas stations and Bus companies3,7Banks and Insurance companies3,4Chain stores and Shopping centers4Technology and Communications3,2Clothing and Cosmetics4,3Tourism4,1Others3,8 * Source: authors’ calculationsNearly 35,2% of all analyzed slogans (605) contain 3 words. Almost 15,2% of all slogans contain 2 words, whilst 25,9% are longer – 4 words. It is important to point out that the percentage of longer slogans (over 6 words) is extremely low. An example of a slogan of this kind is that of “Hotel Mirena”, Plovdiv – “Luxury is a whim, comfort is a necessity!”.We calculated the average slogan’s length for each product category (Table 1). It is interesting to point out that the slogans in tourism advertising (4,1 words) asl well as in clothing and cosmetics (4,3 words) are among the longest.4.2 Analysis of advertising slogans depending on presence or absence of a rhetoric figureBased on the total number of slogans were calculated how many of them contain at least one rethoricrhetoric figure and how many of them do not. We did not detect any rethoricrhetoric figure in 22,1% withinof all slogans. The rest of the slogans in the sample (77,9%) contained at least one rethoricrhetoric figure. Obviously rethorical figures are used quite frequently in Bulgarian advertising. Something more – a considerable number of slogans contain more than one rethorical figure – their proportion is 19,5% within the total number of slogans containing a rhetorical figure (Table 6).Table 6 2 Presence of rhetorical figures in advertising slogans – major characteristicsSample size605 advertising slogansNumber of slogans containing a rhetoric figure471 (77,9%)Number of slogans without a rhetoric figure134 (22,1%)Number of slogans conatining more than one rhetoric figure 92 (19,5% within slogans containg at least one rhetorical figure)Ratio figures of thought : figures of speech293 : 168 (1,74) * Source: authors’ calculationsObviously rethoricrhetorical figures are used quite frequently in Bulgarian advertising. Something more – a considerable number of slogans contain more than one rethoricrhetorical figure – their proportion is 19,5% within the total number of slogans containing a rhetorical figure (Table 2). It is interesting to point out that the rethoricrhetorical figures of thoght are considerebly more often used in Bulgarian advertising compared to the rethoricrhetorical figures of speech – the ratio within our sample is 293:168 (1,74). The proportion of slogans containing more than one rhetorical figure is 19,5%. It is important to point out that 77,9% of all slogans with a rethoricrhetorical figure contain two rethoricrhetorical figures. Total 471 (77,9% of the total number of slogans with rhetorical figure) have two rhetorical figures. High levels of usage of rhetorical figures are inherent in the product categories “Foods”, “Drinks”,“Technology and Communications” and “Tourism” – Fig. 2 as previously mentioned, these are products that are an integral part of the daily life of the consumer, these are products to which advertising messages he has developed some resistance and so the rhetorical figures are the chance to draw his attention again. The lowest level of usage of rhetorical figures is observed in "Financial services" category. In the first place these are areas of activity which require a higher degree of seriousness, and this considerably limits the possibility of intensive use of rhetorical figures, and moreover, it requires a greater degree of precision in terms of the message that will be set in this slogans.-28384590805 * Source: authors’ calculationsHigh levels of usage of rhetorical figures are observedinherent in the following product categories: “Foods”, “Drinks”,“Technology and Communications” and “Tourism” (– Figure 2). These products and services As previously mentioned, these are products that are an integral part of the daily life of the consumer who receives hundred ad messages on ,a dayly basis. Because of the intensive ad campaigns of these products, consumers these are products to which advertising messages he hashave developed some kind of resistance against the influence of advertising. In a situation like this the use of and so the rhetorical figures enhances the chance to are the chance to drawattract hisaudience’s attention again. The lowest level of usage of rhetorical figures is observed in "Financial services" category. In the first place these are areas of activity which require a higher degree of seriousness, and this considerably limits the possibility of intensive use of rhetorical figures, and moreover, it requires a greater degree of precision in terms of the message that will be set in this slogans.4.23 Analysis of advertising slogans depending on rhetoric figure’s typeUsing the division of rhetorical figures in two groups, namely figures of thought and figures of speech, we calculated the frequence of usage of each rethoricrhetorical figure. This is represented as table in Table Figure 31 and Table Figure 42 are hsowing where the numbers express the proportion of slogans containing a certain rhethoric figures (excluding the slogans without a rhethoric figure).4.23.1 Analysis of the usage of figures of thought in advertising slogansFigure 3 displays the frequency of usage of figures of thought in our sample of slogans. It appears that the metaphor (31%) is the most frequently used figure in advertising slogans, followed by the exclamatio (14,6%). Considering the characteristics of these two figures, weit can be concluded that their use has the purpose to impact on the emotional sphere of the potential purchaserbuyer. The use of metaphors helps to go beyond the traditional and trivial. So a potential for a positive impact on consumers’ perceptions can be found. Moreover, it is one of the verbal symbols that expands the creative possibilities of language and plays a crucial role in the process of remembering the advertising slogan.Exclamatio, in turn, is directly related to the manifestation of an emotion or feeling occurred. Of course it is used for the sake of influencing the emotional sphere of the audience.The presence of metaphor (31%) in the advertising slogans, however, is two times greater than that of eksklamatsio (14.6%). In the following antithesis (8.1%), a hyperbola (6%), aposiopesis (4,2%), acumulatio (3,6%), parallelism (1,9%), and rhetorical question (1,5%). Very small frequency of usage is observed for the following rhetorical figures of thought – application (0,8%), paranomasia (0,6%), inversion (0,4%), epanalepsis (0,4%), personification (0,4%), oxymoron (0,4%), climax (0,2%), metonymy (0,2%), litotes (0,2%), anadiplosis (0,2%). * Source: authors’ calculationsThe use of metaphors helps to go beyond the traditional and the trivial. SoIn this way a potential for a positive impact on consumers’ perceptions can be found. Moreover, it is one of the verbal symbols that expands the creative possibilities of language and plays a crucial role in the process of remembering the advertising slogan. Exclamatio, in turn, is directly related to the manifestation of an emotion or a feeling occurred. Of course it is used for the sake of influencing the emotional spherestring of the audience. The presence of metaphor (31%) in the advertising slogans, however, is two times greater than thatcompared to the proportion of ekskxclamatsio (14.,6%). The usage of the rest of the figures is as follows (Figure 3): In the following antithesis (8.,1%), a hyperbolae (6%), aposiopesis (4,2%), accumulatio (3,6%), parallelism (1,9%), and rhetorical question (1,5%). Very small frequency of usage is observed for the following rhetorical figures of thought – application (0,8%), paranomasia (0,6%), inversion (0,4%), epanalepsis (0,4%), personification (0,4%), oxymoron (0,4%), climax (0,2%), metonymy (0,2%), litotes (0,2%), anadiplosis (0,2%).4.23.2 Analysis of the usage of figures of speech in advertising slogansFigure 64 shows the usage frequency of the figures of speech. The dominant figures here are the appeal (16,3518,5%) and the epithet (11,50%). The main purpose of these rhetorical figures is emotional and psychological impact on the consumer as well as provoking a strong reaction or attitude. The use of epithets enhances the expressiveness and strengthens the perception of a specific idea. The appeal helps attracting attentions and creating favorable attitudes towards the advertised brand. * Source: authors’ calculationsThe usage of anaphora (5,10%) also should be mentioned. This rhetoric figure of speech takes the third place from the point of view of frequency of usage in advertising slogans. The fourth place is occupied by the pun (1,79%) which level of usage can be estimated as low. As can be seen at Figure 4 the usage of three rhetorical figures is slightly above 1% - these are repetition (1,30%), neologism (1,30%), and etymological figure (1,30%). The usage of several other rhetorical figures is even below 1% - epistrophe (0,8%), assonance (0,80%), rhyme (0,60%), gradation (0,60%), and resonance (0,20%). That is why many of these rhetorical figures willare not discussed furtherin detail in this article.ConclusionsConclusions and guidelines for future researchThe presented study is the first of its kind in Bulgaria. The research is directed towards the usage of rhetorical figures in in tourism ad slogans. However, we also analyze the rhetorical figures in the following categories: Foodstuffs; Drinks; Automobiles, Airlines, Gas stations, and Bus lines; Banks and Insurance companies; Chain stores and Shopping centers; Technology and Communications; Clothing and cosmetics; Other product categories. An important conclusion, derived in the research process, is that nearly 80% of advertising slogans contain any kind of rhetorical figure. It is interesting to point out that the frequency of usage of figures of thought is much higher compared to the usage frequency of figures of speech – the ratio is 293:168 (1,74). Almost 20% of all advertising slogans contained more than one rethoricrhetorical figure.Guidelines for future researchThis study revealed the rhetorical profile of tourism advertising in Bulgaria. It also investigated the usage of rhetorical figures across product categories. In this sense our research may serve as a starting point for future studies in that area. A very important direction for future research is the one concerning rhetoric’s influence on advertising effectiveness. Research data about effectiveness of each rhetorical figure will be extremely useful for advertising practicians. The future research of rhetorical figures in tourism advertising also must delve into other elements (not just slogans) – headlines, sub headlines, visual components. An accent on the visual rhetorical figures must be put on.Another important field for future exploration is the use of rhetorical figures in different product categories. Researchers should answer the following questions: What is the contribution of each rhetorical figure to advertising effectiveness? Does this contribution vary across product categories? Does this contribution vary across target groups (from demographic, educational, economical, and cultural viewing points)? Does this contribution vary across media channels? What is the effect from combining two or more rhetorical figures in an ad message?Literature:Ботева, М., Речник по реторика – 150 аргумента на оратора, Издателство ?Парадигма“, София, 2008.Aristotle, The Art of Rhetoric, William Heinemann, London, UK, 1926Cicero, M. T., On Orations: Pro Archia, Post Reditum in Sentu, Post Reditum ad Quirit. Harvard University Press,. 1923.Cicero, M. T. On Invention: The Best Kind of Orator. A Rhetorical treatise, Harvard University Press, 1949.Cicero, M. T. Topica. Paper presented at: [01.10.2015 г.]Enchot van R., Hoeken H. and Mulken van M., Rhetoric in Advertising: Attitudes Towards Verbo-Pictorial Rhetorical Figures, Information Design Journal, 16(1), 2008. рр. 35-45.McQuarrie, E. F. and Mick, D. G., Figures of Rhetoric in Advertising Language, Journal of Consumer Research, 22(4), рр. 424-438, 1996.McQuarrie, E. F. and Mick, D. 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This is the slogan of the insurance company "Bulins" - ?Традиция и сигурност“("Tradition and Security") in which two consecutive nouns are used.Allusion (allusion) is a rhetorical figure, which influences by suggestion or hint of a fictional character, historical event, geographical location or already known to the readers titles of books, movies, music ideas, sayings, proverbs, etc. Through allusion something is expressed in an implicit way.Anadiplosis (anadiplosis) is a figure of thought, in which at the beginning of the next sentence is repeated the end, a single word or a part of the previous phrase. It has an extremely argumentative role.Anti-climax (anti-climax) is a figure of thought in which the rhetorical effect is achieved by arranging of similar concepts, signs of objects in descending semantic order. It has the opposite effect compared to climax. It gradually reduces the strength of the emotional or logical impact.Antithesis (antithesis) is a figure of thought, which arises as a result of opposition in thinking. It consists in juxtaposing of contrasting words or ideas and thus achieves greater expressiveness. Even Martin Luther King used the contrast in his speech "I have a dream" ("I Have a Dream"). U.S. President - John Fitzgerald Kennedy also used antithesis in his opening speech - "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country“. This figure of speech can be illustrated with the advertising slogan of the hotel "Azzuro" - ?Нашата грижа е вашето безгрижие!“ ("Our care is your carelessness!"). Here the contrast exists not only in nouns “care-careless” but also in the possessive pronouns of the first and second person, plural form – “our-your”.Application (application) is the use of proverbs, sayings, quotations, aphorisms, poems in the argumentation and they are used literally or in a modified form. It is characterized by wit, expressiveness and imagery that provoke the thinking of the recipient. Using of this figure demonstrates a clear position. In its most characteristic form, this figure of speech does not apply in the surveyed slogans, but the closest to it is the advertising slogan of the brand "Vidima" - ?Правим нещата като хората“ ("We do things like we are supposed to), which is presented by the leader in the production of sanitary fittings and ceramics "Ideal Standard - Visible" JSC.Aposiopesis (aposiopesis) means silence. Breaking off the phrase in the middle or end of the sentence and thus creating a feeling of incompleteness and the recipient is the one who can finish the missed thought. In written language is usually marked by a dotted line, which is called "meaningful silence" Aposiopesis refers to means of persuasion or suggestion which are out of logic. A typical example of this figure of thought is the advertising slogan of the store "Domko" - ?И домът Ви заживя...“ ("And your house began to live ...").Еxclamatio (exclamatio) is a figure of thought that has emotive function, the impact is usually achieved as a result of the use of exclamation. It can express enthusiasm or any other feeling. As an example can be mentioned the advertising slogan of the company "Deroni" - ?Винаги отличен вкус! “ ("Always excellent taste!"), where definiteness is enhanced by the use of the exclamation mark.Epanalepsis (epanalepsis) is a figure of thought that contains a repetition a word or phrase at the beginning and the end of a phrase, sentence or line. It has strong expressive effects, and makes the argumentation more convincing, more logical and emotional. Although this figure is not widely used in the surveyed slogans, a typical example of its use is the slogan of "Reebok" - "I Am What I Am".Inversion (inversion) is a displacement of the elements in the syntactic structure. It is made in order to focus on something. Its functions include informational, suggesting or persuasive elements. This rhetoric figure helps the speaker to attract audience’s attention. Both instances that are part of the advertising slogans in this study and could be referred to this figure are in a foreign language – English and French ("Adidas" - "Impossible is nothing" and "Citroen" - "Creative technologie").Climax (climax) is a persuasive statement in which each preceding part is the basis for the next which in turn adds expressiveness to the slogan. It occurs as a gradation of the characteristics of a particular object in ascending order. This figure is the opposite of anticlimax. Typical example is the advertising slogan of "Duracell" - ?Издържа повече, много повече. “ ("Lasts more, much more.").Litotes (litotes) is a deliberate understatement of an object’s characteristics or dimensions. Sometimes it is used as a ridicule or mockery. It is the opposite of hyperbole. This figure is not widely used in the advertising slogans that are part of this study. In not so typical use, it is found in the advertising slogan of "Technopolis" - ?Лесно е да избереш. “ ("It is easy to choose.").Metaphor (metaphor) is a major figure which transfers characteristics of one object or phenomenon to another object or phenomenon (based on similarity). Metaphorical images are those that contribute to the development of new ideas and for reforming the traditional ones. Using them is a reflection of originality in thinking. In addition, they expand the visual possibilities of the language as a whole. They may be associated with the expression of tragic, funny feeling, criticism, and more. Examples of the application of this rhetorical figure in advertising slogans in Bulgaria are numerous and will be discussed later in the study. A typical example is the slogan of "KFC" - ?Животът е вкусен“("Life is delicious") in which the characteristic typical of an inanimate object is transferred to another inanimate object. Metonymy (metonymy) is a?figure of speech?in which a thing or concept is called not by its own name but rather by the name of something associated in?meaning?with that thing or concept. HYPERLINK "" \l "cite_note-2" It can be defined as a figure that replaces (based on similarity) the sign for one object with the sign for another one. A Very clear example of metonymy is the use of nicknames (when we call our car "ladybug" instead of her brand name for example we mean that it is small, agile and probably red). Metonymy enables demonstration of originality focusing the attention on new aspects of traditional human thinking and the interpretation depends on the context. As an example of metonymy could be considered advertising slogan of luxury brand watches "Breitling 1884" - "Instruments for professionals", assuming that the term "clocks" absolutely intentional has been replaced by the term "instruments".Oxymoron (oxymoron) is a figure that contains words with opposite meanings. This combination of words gives a new meaning and insight and enhances expressiveness. (for example: eloquent silence, sweet pain, dark dreams).Parallelism (parallelism) is the repletion of semantic or syntactic similarities that creates an emphasis. Depending on whether you are comparing images, episodes or syntactic structures we can distinguish several types of parallelism - figurative, narrative and syntactic parallelism. The most common type of parallelism discovered by our analysis is the usage phrases with similar or same syntactic structure. The slogan of "BU" - ?Всичко, което си. Всичко, което можеш да бъдеш.“ ("All that you are. All that you can be.") and the slogan of "Indesit" – "We work, you play." are typical examples of parallelism of this kind.Paronomasia (paronomasia) is achieved by the use of words that are homonyms or paronyms and thus contributes to the proof of a specific statement in an unusual way - through imagination, sense of humor or suggestion. The only example of this is the advertising slogan of the automobile brand "Peugeot" - "Motion & Emotion" where we found a use of words that have a similar sound content, but different meaning.Personification (personification) is a figure of thought in which human qualities and actions are attributed to an inanimate objects or a creature that has no consciousness. This is one of the oldest argumentative means, especially in terms of religious beliefs and mythology. This figure can be achieved through the use of metaphor, metonymy or synecdoche. In the advertising slogan "Barney" - ?Мечето, което обича детето“("Bear who loves children") a metaphor is used. Rhetorical question (rhetorical question) is a question that does not require a response but stimulates the recipient to focus on speaker’s viewpoint. In fact the listener is provoked to consider a particular problem and to seek a new solution. The usage of rhethorical questions reinforces the emotional impact and the focus on the main idea. Typical examples of this rhetorical figure found in Bulgarian advertising slogans include the slogan of chocolate bars "LZ" - ?Ако е шоколад, защо да не е аеро?“ ("If it's chocolate, why not aero?") as well as the slogan of vodka "Flirt" - ?Готови ли сте за довечера?“ ("Are you ready for tonight?").Synecdoche (synecdoche) is a type of metonymy. Due to its widespread use some authors differentiate it as a separate figure. Its application is related to giving a wider or narrower meaning of the term compared to its normal use. The most frequently used type of synecdoche is the replacement of the name of the whole with the name of a part of it or vice versa - the part instead of the whole. There could be many different cases of substitution - denote the subject through its typical part, quality replaces its carrier, the author's name is used to indicate his work, the name of an object is replaced with the material, which it is made from, etc.Hyperbole (hyperbole) is excessive, deliberate overstatement/understatement of size, features or characteristics of an object, person or action. It is often used to express irony or sarcasm. Examples of hyperbole usage in advertising slogans include the slogan of Bulgarian TV channel "Btv" - ?Повече от телевизия“ ("More than a TV"), the slogan of "Cappy" - ?Повече от сок.“ ("More than a juice.") and the slogan of "OMV" gas stations- ?Повече от движение. “ ("More than a movement.").* Developed on the basis of the classification of Marietta Boteva:. Ботева, М., Речник по реторика – 150 аргумента на оратора, Издателство ?Парадигма“, София, 2008.The rhetorical figures of speech are those that concern the manner of verbal expression and their description is provided in Table 2.TableAPPENDIX 2.: FIGURES OF SPEECHAnaphora (anaphora) is a stylistic figure and this is the repetition of the same characters, the same parts of words, whole words or phrases at the beginning of sentences. It can be created through synthases - combinations of several words. It is used to affect the listener emotionally and psychologically, to provoke a stronger reaction or their attitude. Moreover, the repetition of the same element is used for amplification of symmetry in rhythmic plan. Examples of the use of this figure of speech are the advertising slogans of the shops "DM" - ?Тук съм човек, тук пазарувам. “ ("Here I am fine, here I am shopping."), advertising slogan of the company in the field of energy and services "EVN" - ?Винаги тук, винаги с вас. “ ("Always here, always with you.") and the slogan of the Trade center "Serdika Centre" - ?Винаги неустоими, винаги на мода.“ ("Always irresistible, always in vogue.") and others.Epistrophe (epistrophe) is the repetition of the same word or group of words at the end of phrases or sentences. It increases the expressiveness of the speech and its rhythm. It gives the impression of certainty and attitude towards the specific problem. Repetition facilitates recipient in adopting the idea and provokes emotional and psychological attitude of the audience towards it. When epistrophe is used together with anaphora a symploce is formed. Example of epistrophe is the advertising slogan of the candies "Skittles" -– ?Открий дъгата. Опитай дъгата! “(" “Find the rainbow, taste the rainbow!)Appeal (appeal) is a figure of speech that is used as a call and to attract attention. It is used to create a favorable attitude towards the adoption of a particular idea, neutralize negative attitude towards it. Typical example is the manifestation of this figure in the advertising slogan of "Pepsi" - "Искай повече." (?Dare for more”).Alliteration (alliteration) is the repetition of one or more similar consonants in adjacent words. Examples of alliteration are the slogan of the automotive brand "Infinity" - "Inspired performance" (repetition of "r"), and the slogan of the chocolate bar "Nestle Lion" -– ?Зверски вкусен! “ “Зверски вкусен“ ("Beastly yummy") (alliteration of "z-s").Assonance (assonance) is the repetition of vowel sounds, preceded and followed by different consonants, mostly in stressed syllables of adjacent words. Assonance of sound "e" is clearly audible in the advertising slogan of the cake for children "Barney" - ?Мечето, което обича детето.” ("Bear who loves the child.").Gradation (gradatio) is a sequence of several syntactically equivalent, uniform words or phrases by which a particular idea, image or feeling is presented in order of progressive ascent or descent, i.e. amplifying or weakening of the emotion. There are two types of gradation - descending and ascending. Example for ascending gradation is the advertising slogan of one of the leading chains - "Praktiker" - ?Само Вие, Вашите идеи и Praktiker. “ ("Only you, your ideas, and Praktiker.").Epithet (epitheton) is the artistic definition of the object, indicating some quality. It is used when we are looking for security and evidence during the presentation of a specific idea or value. Concepts that are accompanied by epithets stand out in their meaning and emotional impact and they have greater imagery and expressiveness. Epithets can be autonomous figures, but they can also be linked with others and form a gradation, repetition, antithesis. A typical example of the use of the epithet is the advertising slogan of the ice-cream "BOSS" - ?Покоряващо желание“ ("Conquering desire") and the slogan of the insurance company "Euroins" - ?Интелигентното застраховане“ ("Smart Insurance.")Repetition (repetition) is deliberately repeating of terms, paragraphs, phrases, in order to convey a particular idea. It has an expressive effect and enhances the impression of certain concepts. An example of this figure of speech is the repetition of the epithet in the advertising slogan of "Diplomat Plaza Hotel & Resort" - "Special moments for special people. “Pun (pun) is based on superficial or accidental resemblance - two words that sound similar in composition but different in meaning (paronym) or a word that has two or more different meanings (homonyms). Pun is consciously created and deliberate so to reinforce the ambiguity, to make the choices between the meanings impossible, and to let the listener or reader hesitant. The use of pun flatters intellectual abilities of the audience that it is intended for, as they show that they have the appropriate knowledge to solve the mystery set in the message (Mulken et. al., 2005). Interesting Examples of wordplay are the advertising slogans of one of the most popular brands of coffee "Lavazza" - "Lavazza. Espress Yourself " and the slogan of ice tea "Lipton"-"Drink positive ".Neologism (neologism) creates a new word from two or more existing words or fragments of words. the slogan of the car brand "Seat" - "Enjoyneering", and also the coffee brand "Jacobs" – (“Unique charomat”).Resonance (resonance) is a literary device that is often used by professionals in advertising and it is a combination of pun and a relevant image, i.e. a phrase acquires significance by juxtaposing to a particular picture. The mostT typical example of the application of this figure is very creativethe slogan of Vodka "Absolut".Etymological figure (figura etymologica) is another rhetorical technique which is a structure in which words having the same root are connected in an expressiona phrase. An eEtymological figure is usedcan be found in the advertising slogan of "Grand hotel & Spa Primoretz" - ?Един единствен“("Only one"), and also in the advertising slogan of the global beautycosmetic brand "Max factor" - "The make-up of make-up artists".* Developed on the basis of the classification of Marietta Boteva: Ботева, М., Речник по реторика – 150 аргумента на оратора, Издателство ?Парадигма“, София, 2008. ................

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