IMovie Commercial Assignment

iMovie Commercial Assignment

(*found in google search and borrowed from Ferrara Comp Sci Class)

The Objectives:

• To learn the basics of iMovie (voiceovers, inserting photos, etc.)

• To review how to record voice tracks in GarageBand

• To learn how to read and create multimedia messages

• To effectively work with group

• To use the writing/planning process in order to create a higher quality product

The Product:

A 30-second commercial containing voiceover and photos/video clips that uses persuasive elements and techniques

The Timeline:

Day 1-2: Choose/assign groups, divide up work (Photoshop, Garage Band, iMovie, Flipcam), view “Persuasive Techniques in Advertising” video clip, discuss different persuasive techniques used in commercials

Day 3-5: Complete worksheet (storyboard, logo, jingle, etc.), intro to iMovie and Garage Band (tutorials and play around with it a bit)

Day 6-8: Work on creating video clips and/or finding royalty free photos. Import clips and photos into iMovie and begin putting together the visual portion of their commercial.

Day 9-10: Record voiceover and jingle in GarageBand. Import both into iMovie. Import logo

Day 11-12: Insert logo, include text, etc. Wrap up project.

The Vocabulary:

• Advertising: The communication of information through various media that is persuasive in nature, about products, services, or ideas, and is usually paid for by identified sponsors.

• Brand: A unique and identifiable symbol, association, name, or trademark that serves to differentiate competing products or services.

• Jingle: A short, catchy song, usually mentioning a brand or product benefit, used in a commercial.

• Logo: A design of characters and/or graphics used to identify a company.

• Media/Medium: Forms of public communication (such as newspaper, radio, television, Internet, direct mail, and billboards) that are designed to reach large numbers of people.

• Slogan: A memorable phrase that says something positive about a product or idea.

• Target audience: A specified audience or demographic for which an advertising message is designed. The members of a target audience often share certain characteristics, such as age, gender, ethnicity, values, or lifestyle


|Criteria |Executive Producer (4) |Director (3) |Actor (2) |Personal Assistant (1) |Score |

|Timing |30 seconds exactly |1-5 seconds over or under |6-10 seconds over or under|11 or more seconds over or| |

| | | | |under | |

|Focus in class |No redirection needed |Redirection once or twice |Redirection three or four |Completely disruptive and | |

| | | |times |unfocused | |

|Incorporation of |Successfully includes 3-5 |Attempts to include 3-5 |Only 2 persuasive |Only one persuasive | |

|persuasive techniques |persuasive techniques |persuasive techniques |techniques |technique included | |

|(counts double) | | |OR | | |

| | | |3-5 included but not all | | |

| | | |that well | | |

|Voiceovers |Voiceover is clear, well |Voiceover is generally |Voiceover is inaudible OR |Voiceover is inaudible AND| |

| |timed, and comes at an |clear and comes at an ok |comes at a seemingly |comes at a seemingly | |

| |appropriate time |time |random moment |random moment | |

|Visuals |Images are presented in a |Images are presented in a |Images are presented with |Images just thrown in; | |

| |logical, coherent order that |generally organized way |a slight hint of |lack of thought | |

| |help sell product | |organization | | |

|Logo |Logo is clear, relates to |Logo is decent, but could |Logo is basically sloppy, |Logo is completely sloppy,| |

| |product, catchy design, shows |be better |unclear, or irrelevant to |unclear, or irrelevant to | |

| |effort | |product |product | |

|Jingle or Slogan |Jingle or slogan is catchy, |Jingle or slogan is |Jingle or slogan is |Jingle or slogan is | |

| |creative, and relates to |decent, but could be |basically boring, |completely boring, | |

| |product |better |slapdash, or irrelevant to|slapdash, or irrelevant to| |

| | | |product |product | |

|Text |Text is legible (good font, |Text is mostly legible and|Text is illegible OR |Text is illegible AND | |

| |color, size) and included at |included at an ok time |included at a seemingly |included at a seemingly | |

| |an appropriate time | |random moment |random moment | |

|Storyboard |Project was well planned with |Decent amount of planning |Some planning evident |Lack of planning is | |

| |storyboard, worksheet, etc. |evident | |evident | |

|Total (out of 40- will be | | | | | |

|converted to 100) | | | | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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