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73025000Major and Career Pathway ExplorationWhen you are clear about what you want in the future, you can recognize and make the most of opportunities as they come!I’ve chosen a major!Congratulations!You’ve started on a path.Next steps for exploration: Link major to career pathways.There are many career pathways available to you. As you explore opportunities, reflect upon what you do and don’t want, and adapt and adjust accordingly. Look at what fits your interests, values, skills and personal qualities, and things like what is in-demand now and in the future. Build skills and qualities that transfer from job to job and keep your sights on a few career pathways. Research what it takes to be successful in your field using O*NET OnLine or What Can I Do With This Major? (under Explore Career Paths).Match your qualities to career pathways using O*NET OnLine, the California Occupational Guides, What Can I Do With This Major? (under Explore Career Paths) or Focus 2 “Explore the Possibilities” (access code EAGLESLA). Meet with employers to start building relationships and learn about their organization and the roles available. Attend employer events offered throughout the semester (events are listed on Handshake).Get experience to try out career pathways. There are several ways you can explore your career interests while in college. Internships (listed on Handshake), student employment, volunteering, student organizations, class projects and job shadowing offer experiences that employers value. I’m exploring 2 – 3 majors.You’re almost there!Next steps for exploration: Narrow the options.Consider which major best incorporates your skills and values and sparks the most curiosity. Confirm this by exploring career pathways that align with the major, and how these pathways best fit the work environment and life style you want in the future. Explore your qualities using Focus 2 (access code EAGLESLA) and O*NET Career Exploration Tools, or meet with a career advisor. Identify what you are good at and what you value in work. Discover your ideal work environment. Match your qualities to career pathways using O*NET OnLine, the California Occupational Guides, What Can I Do With This Major? (under Explore Career Paths) or Focus 2 “Explore the Possibilities” (access code EAGLESLA). Identify career titles that align with your work values and style. Choose a major that prepares for these career titles. Hear from professionals in the field about their experiences by watching Candid Career videos, discussing with faculty, connecting with alumni or networking on professional social media like LinkedIn. Attend career workshops to learn how to network (workshops are listed on Handshake).I’m still not sure.We’re here to help!Next steps for exploration:Assess the options andhow they relate to you.The modern career trajectory is journey of discovery and exploration. So is the academic journey. The experiences you have in college will inform and build upon each other to reveal personal qualities and skillsets that will allow you to transfer from job to job regardless of your major. Choosing a major is a starting point for this exploration. If you choose a major that best fits with your abilities and sparks curiosity, the exploration can be more fulfilling. Assess your qualities using Focus 2 (access code EAGLESLA) and O*NET Career Exploration Tools, or meet with a career advisor. Explore career pathways by matching your qualities to career titles. Use O*NET OnLine, the California Occupational Guides, What Can I Do With This Major? (under Explore Career Paths) or Focus 2 “Explore the Possibilities” (access code EAGLESLA). If you can realistically imagine what your life would be if you followed a career pathway, and you are satisfied, then the plan works for now. Consider majors that align with this pathway. Connect with a mentor to get advice from people who have been in your shoes. These can be your professors, advisors, peer tutors, staff, alumni and professionals. You can also talk one-on-one with a career advisor to explore and put it all together.The Career Development Center is here for you every step of the way!Social Media: @CalStateLACareerCenter Email: Phone: 323-343-3237 ................

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