University of New Hampshire

University of New Hampshire

Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Observation Hours Requirement

All undergraduate students are required to complete a minimum of 15 observation hours to satisfy the department’s observation hour requirement. Students are responsible for locating potential observation sites and maintaining documentation of completed observation hours.

Observation hours may be accrued as part of a course and/or by observing at the UNH

Speech-Language-Hearing Center (SLHC) or at any number of off-campus settings

(e.g.: schools, hospitals, private practice). Students may acquire observation hours at any location, provided you observe an ASHA certified speech-language pathologist or audiologist (CCC-SLP or CCC-A). If you have questions about the appropriateness of a potential observation site, you should speak with your advisor.

Regardless of the setting, the Department expects students to respect client/patient confidentiality, be flexible in accommodating unexpected changes in plans, and dress appropriately.

It is the student’s responsibility to maintain documentation, including signatures, for any and all observations completed during his/her undergraduate studies. The original Observation Log must be placed in your academic file. Without this documents your advisor will not have the required evidence to verify that you have satisfied the 15-hour observation requirement.

Please see below for additional information about the observation requirement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need to accrue observation hours?

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) requires applicants for certification in speech-language pathology to complete a minimum of 25 observation hours. While observation hours generally precede direct clinical interactions, ASHA no longer requires students to accrue all 25 hours prior to beginning supervised clinical experiences. However, as you explore potential graduate programs, you should take note of how many observation hours are required prior to the start of your clinical training.

How many hours do I need for graduation from UNH?

The Department requirement is completion of a minimum of 15 hours.

Where can I observe?

You can observe at any number of settings/sites, including the UNH Speech-Language-Hearing Center. Other settings include medical, educational, private practice, or early intervention. Regardless of the setting, you must observe an ASHA certified SLP/Audiologist for the observation hour/s to count. It is your responsibility to confirm that the professional you observe holds ASAH Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC).

How do I locate potential observation sites?

To assist students with identifying local sites, the department will make every effort to keep an

up-to-date list of possible speech-language pathologists/settings to contact. This list is by no means intended to be exhaustive or to limit options as to settings or speech-language pathologists to observe.

Do observations completed for courses count towards the 15 hours?

Yes, as long as you are observing an ASHA certified SLP or audiologist or a graduate student clinician under the direct supervision of an ASHA certified SLP/audiologist.

May I complete all of my observation hours from a single course?

Yes. If you take an independent study and/or participate in the clinical assistantship program (COMM 736), all of your observation hours may be applied to the 15-hour requirement.

How do I document my observation hours?

Complete an entry on the Observation Log (see the Undergraduate Handbook or web site for a copy of this document). The SLP or Audiologist you observe must sign the log and include his/her ASHA number.

If you complete observations for an academic course, there might be an additional requirement (to document your observation time) beyond the standard Observation Log. Regardless, you should include an entry on the Observation Log.

What if I watch multiple sessions on any given day at the same setting?

If you were to observe multiple sessions you may make a single entry on your Observation Log. Depending on the setting, you would likely enter “varied” for either age and/or case type.

University of New Hampshire

Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders

Observation Log

Student: Mary Senior

|Date | Course | Site | Case Type/ |Adult |Length of |Instructor and/or |

| |(if applicable) | |Disorder |(16 yrs. > ) |Observation/s |SLP/A's |

| | | | |or | |signature and ASHA # |

| | | | |Pediatric | | |

|10/16/10 |COMM 635 |UNH |Articulation | Pedi | 1 hr. |Amy S. Plante, |

| |Prof. Issues |SLHC | | | |MS/CCC-SLP |

| | | | | | |# 1234567 |

|2/23/10 | n/a |North Elementary | varied | pedi | 4 hours |School SLP/CCC-SLP |

|3/10/10 | n/a |Hampton | dysphagia | adult | 1.5 hrs. |Betty SLP, |

| | |Rehab. |aphasia | | |CCC-SLP |

| | | | | | |# 987654 |

Who signs the Observation Log if I observe a graduate student at the UNH SLHC?

When observing at the UNH SLHC you should complete an Observation Report form and have the graduate student sign at the bottom. You may then have the supervisor or your academic advisor sign the Observation Log. The Observation Report provides documentation that you did in fact observe the session.

What do I do with my Observation Log?

Once you have satisfied the observation hour requirement (minimum 15 hours), present your Observation Log to your advisor for his/her signature. Submit the original document to Maria Russell (181 HH) for inclusion in your academic file. We strongly suggest that you retain a copy of the signed Observation Log for your own personal file.


Dept. of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Protocol for Student Observers

The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) requires that student clinicians accrue 25 observation hours as a component of certification requirements. You must complete 15 observation hours to meet the requirements for the BS degree in Communication Sciences & Disorders at UNH. Hours may be collected by direct observation and/or viewing videotapes. You are encouraged to view a variety of therapy and/or diagnostic sessions to complete this requirement.

Observing at the UNH Speech-Language-Hearing Center

Observing clients is a department requirement as well as a privilege. We appreciate our clients’ willingness to allow student observers as part of our training mission. Please remember that UNH is a small community and there could be occasions when you may see a client you have observed in a class, in the dining halls, or in the dorms. We have a responsibility to protect the privacy and respect the confidentiality of any information shared during a therapy session. With this in mind, please read and follow these observation guidelines.

1. The clients you are observing have a communication disorder/difference. The information they share may be sensitive. Do not betray any confidences by discussing the clients, their problems or their lives with outsiders. Do not discuss them in public places.

2. If you have signed up to observe a session and learn that the client is someone you know, you should not observe that session.

3. Names are to be kept confidential. If you complete an Observation Report form indicate the client by initial or first name only. You should use an alias for any write up of the session you submit for class.

4. Parents and relatives are often in the room. While some parents are comfortable discussing their child’s program, others are not. Please do not discuss the client or ask questions unless the family initiates the discussion.

5. Most therapy sessions begin on the hour. Schedule observations when you can be punctual. If you are early, the student clinician may have a few moments to discuss the case before the session begins. After the session, please wait until the clinician is finished speaking with the client/family to approach her/him for signature. The signature of either the graduate student clinician or supervisor is acceptable for the Observation Report; for the Observation Log, the signature of the person holding ASHA CCC (supervisor) is required.

6. Appropriate dress is required when observing at the UNH SLHC. For example, short skirts, athletic shorts, cut off shorts, tank tops or other unprofessional attire are not permitted sentence. Often you will be sitting in the observation room with parents, relatives, personal care attendants, or other community members. Since you represent the University, your dress and communication skills should be appropriate to this professional setting. If a supervisor feels your attire is not acceptable, you will not be permitted to observe.

7. Food or beverages are not permitted in the observation rooms or video viewing room.

8. Even though the clients cannot see you, they may hear you through the glass. Avoid laughter, loud talking, etc. and whisper when possible.

9. No more than 2 student observers should be in an observation room. If there are more than 2 people in the observation room, you should ask/may be asked to observe the session via our closed circuit system (Hewitt Hall 156).

10. The Clinic Master Schedule and observation sign-up sheets are located on the bulletin board outside of Hewitt Hall, room 148.

Observing Off-Campus

1. When you observe off campus, you represent UNH, the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Please dress appropriately for the observation setting.

2. When contacting potential sites, identify yourself, your affiliation with the university, and the reason for your call.

3. Be punctual for all appointments.

4. Confidentiality requirements noted above remain relevant.

5. Be prepared for the unexpected. It is not uncommon for a speech-language pathologist's schedule to change due to clients/patients cancellations, required attendance at a last minute meeting, family emergencies, etc.


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