Department of Workforce Development

Desk Manual – AJCC Office Assistant II


|Introduction |The Office Assistant II (OAII) position in the Workforce Development Department provides clerical support to staff|

| |providing services at the America’s Job Centers of California (AJCCs). |

| | |

| |The OAII: |

| |Fosters excellent customer service through positive interactions with customers of the AJCC |

| |Provides support to the Workforce Development Manager, the Workforce Development Supervisor, and other Workforce |

| |Development staff, as assigned |

|Contents |This publication contains the following topics, along with a Best Practices section: |

| | |

| |Topic |

| |See Page |

| | |

| |General Duties |

| |2 |

| | |

| |Office Support |

| |3 |

| | |

| |Request for Services |

| |4 |

| | |

| |Transmittals/Fiscal Reporting |

| |10 |

| | |

| |Closed Files |

| |11 |

| | |

General Duties

|Duties |The OAII duties may include, but are not limited to: |

| |Answering phones and scheduling appointments |

| |Providing general information to the public |

| |Data entry (manual scans, case notes, registrations) |

| |Preparing letters, memos and reports |

| |Maintaining files |

| |Issuing supportive services |

| |Ordering, storing and distributing office supplies and printed materials |

| |Completing and submitting transmittals to the Central Data Unit (CDU) and Admin Fiscal Unit |

| |Scheduling rooms for workshops, recruitments, and meetings |

| |Mail processing/distribution |

| |Maintaining the county vehicle log |

| |Reviewing Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) applications |

Office Support

|Customer Assistance |When providing customer assistance, the OAII may: |

| |Assist customers and answer questions |

| |Review WIOA applications to ensure form completion |

| |Enter Data (manual scans, case notes, registrations) |

|Supply Orders |The OAII may be in charge of offices supplies, s/he may: |

| |Generate supply orders |

| |Store and distribute office supplies |

| |Keep a record of supply orders and distribution |

| |Compare bills and invoices against purchase orders |

| |Confer with vendors as needed |

|Community Outreach |The OAII may be assigned to attend and participate in committee meetings, job fairs, and specialized support |

| |groups. |

Request for Services

|Supportive Services |The Request for Services (Form 804) is used to request supportive services for customers enrolled in the WIOA |

| |program on a case-by-case basis. The Workforce Development Specialist (WDS) completes Form 804, receives |

| |supervisor approval, and forwards Form 804 to OAII or Workforce Development Technician (WDT) for |

| |issuance/processing the following: |

| |Reimbursements |

| |Gas cards |

| |Bus passes |

| |Vouchers |

| | |

| |*Request for Services (Form 804) is located on the Home drive in the AJCC Resources & Forms folder |

|Reimbursement |To complete a reimbursement to a customer, the OAII takes the following steps: |

| | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |Verify the following on Form 804: |

| |Service level box |

| |Funding source |

| |Attachments match entries |

| |Period Covered |

| |Signatures and printed names of the WDS and Supervisor with dates, and customer signature with date |

| | |

| |2 |

| |Sign, print name, and date as Issuer |

| | |

| |3 |

| |Transfer information from Form 804 onto to the Daily Transmittal Sheet |

| | |

| |4 |

| |Make copies of documentation and file |

| | |

| |5 |

| |Send documents for payment to the Admin Fiscal Unit |

| | |

| |6 |

| |Enter case note |

| | |

| |7 |

| |Enter supportive data into local AJCC and Fiscal’s budget spreadsheets |

| | |

Continued on next page

Request for Services, Continued

|Gas Card Issuance |To issue gas cards to a customer, the OAII completes the following steps: |

| | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |Verify the following sections are completed on Form 804: |

| |Service Level box |

| |Funding source |

| |Period Covered |

| |Signatures and printed names of the WDS and Supervisor with dates |

| | |

| |2 |

| |Remove the required number of cards from the safe/locked file cabinet |

| | |

| |3 |

| |Enter the following information on the Gas Card Control Log next to designated card number: |

| |Date issued |

| |Customer name |

| |Last 4 digits of social security number |

| |Adult, Dislocated, etc. |

| |Service Level |

| |Balance on hand |

| |WDS name |

| |Printed name and signature of “Card Custodian” |

| | |

| |4 |

| |On Form 804, in the transportation section, enter the last 6 digits of the first card and the last 6 digits of the|

| |last card issued |

| | |

| |5 |

| |Issue the gas card(s) and have customer sign and date Form 804 to verify receipt |

| | |

| |6 |

| |Sign, print name, and date as Issuer |

| | |

| |7 |

| |Enter a case note |

| | |

| |8 |

| |Enter supportive data into local AJCC and Fiscal’s budget spreadsheets |

| | |

| |9 |

| |Give a copy of Form 804 to the WDS for customer file and file original by month |

| | |

Continued on next page

Request for Services, Continued

|Issuing a Bus Pass |To issue a bus pass to a customer, the OAII completes the following steps: |

| | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |Verify the following sections are completed on Form 804: |

| |Service Level box |

| |Funding source |

| |Period Covered |

| |Signatures and printed names of the WDS and Supervisor with dates |

| | |

| |2 |

| |Remove the bus pass from the safe/locked file cabinet |

| | |

| |3 |

| |Enter the following information on the Bus Pass Control Log: |

| |Date issued |

| |Customer name |

| |Last 4 digits of social security number |

| |Adult, Dislocated, etc. |

| |Service Level |

| |Bus Pass Number(s) |

| |Balance on hand |

| |WDS name |

| |Printed name and signature of “Card Custodian” |

| | |

| |4 |

| |On Form 804, in the transportation section, enter the entire bus pass number |

| | |

| |5 |

| |Issue the bus pass and have customer sign and date Form 804 to verify receipt |

| | |

| |6 |

| |Sign, print name, and date as Issuer |

| | |

| |7 |

| |Enter a case note |

| | |

| |8 |

| |Enter supportive data into local AJCC and Fiscal’s budget spreadsheets |

| | |

| |9 |

| |Give a copy of Form 804 to the WDS for customer file and file original by month |

| | |

Continued on next page

Request for Services, Continued

|Issuing a Voucher |To issue a Vendor Voucher, the OAII completes the following steps: |

| | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |Ensure that receipt/invoice is attached and verify amounts |

| | |

| |2 |

| |Verify the following sections are completed on Form 804: |

| |Service Level box |

| |Funding source |

| |Period Covered |

| |Payable to – Vendor Name, Address, City, State, & Zip Code |

| |Signatures and printed names of the WDS and Supervisor with dates |

| | |

| |3 |

| |Remove a Voucher from the safe/locked file cabinet |

| | |

| |4 |

| |Ensure that the voucher # matches and enter the following information on the Voucher Control Log: |

| |Issue date |

| |Customer name |

| |Last 4 digits of social security number |

| |Adult, Dislocated, etc. |

| |Service Level |

| |Balance on hand |

| |Name of WDS in “requested by” column |

| |Printed name and signature of “Card Custodian” |

| | |

Continued on next page

Request for Services, Continued

|Issuing a Voucher | |

|(continued) |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |5 |

| |Enter the following information on the voucher: |

| |Last 4 digits of social security number |

| |Date issued |

| |Funding Source (found on Form 804 - Adult or DW) |

| |Participant name (customer name) |

| |Activity (service level) |

| |Advisor name |

| |Advisor phone number |

| |Vendor information (Name, Address, City, State, & Zip Code) |

| |Void date – enter 10 business days from issuance date |

| |Maximum Amount Payable – amount approved on Form 804 (ensure receipt matches)* |

| |Item – enter “Items per attached only” or list each item |

| |Enter Total Amount; itemized financial breakdown not required |

| |Issuance Clerk - sign and date |

| |Stamp voucher with AJCC address in the “forward” box |

| | |

| |6 |

| |Make a copy of the receipt or invoice |

| | |

| |7 |

| |Have customer sign and date for receipt of voucher |

| | |

| |8 |

| |Explain to customer that the voucher is only valid until the void date and can only be used for items listed on |

| |the receipt/invoice. Customer will need to sign voucher again upon receipt of items/service |

| | |

| |9 |

| |Detach pink copy of voucher, staple to original receipt/invoice and Form 804 |

| | |

| |10 |

| |Staple copy of receipt/invoice to white and yellow voucher copies and give to customer, and provide return |

| |envelope addressed to issuance clerk for vendor submission |

| | |

| |11 |

| |Enter case note |

| | |

| |12 |

| |Enter supportive data into local AJCC and Fiscal’s budget spreadsheets |

| | |

| |13 |

| |Copy to WDS, originals (with pink) in pending file |

| | |

| |14 |

| |Enter info on the daily transmittal under “Voucher to Vendor” |

| | |

| | |

| |**Actual amount payable may vary by 4% based upon sale or cost increase of item |

Continued on next page

Request for Services, Continued

|Vouchers Returned by |The vendor returns the white portion of the voucher after providing the customer with purchased items. The |

|Vendor |following steps are taken to start the payment process: |

| | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |Match original white voucher to pink copy |

| | |

| |2 |

| |Review for vendor certification signature and amount |

| | |

| |3 |

| |Log information on the Daily Transmittal sheet using the “Voucher to Fiscal” section |

| | |

| |4 |

| |Send originals (pink and white, Form 804, and receipts) to fiscal |

| | |

| |5 |

| |Enter case note if changes warrant an additional explanation |

| | |

Transmittals/Fiscal Reporting

|Introduction |Fiscal reporting is completed on a daily and monthly basis. Documents must be processed and sent to WDD Admin for|

| |payment. |

|Daily Transmittal |On a daily basis, all ITAs, Invoices, Vouchers and Reimbursements are tracked and reported to the Workforce |

| |Development Manager and fiscal department. |

| | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |Enter all document information in corresponding columns on transmittal spreadsheets |

| | |

| |2 |

| |Make a copy of transmittal sheets, Form 804 (vouchers and reimbursements) and send originals to Fiscal |

| | |

| |3 |

| |File copies in AJCC Fiscal folder |

| | |

|Monthly Reporting Request|On a monthly basis, the control logs for vouchers, gas cards, and bus passes issued are sent to Fiscal. The month|

|for Services |end report will include the following: |

| | |

| |Original Control Logs for current month |

| |Original Form 804 documents for all bus passes and gas cards |

| | |

| |**Do not send the monthly report in same envelope as daily transmittal |

Closed Files

|Overview |When customers have exited the WIOA program and all required follow up has been completed, the case is sent to |

| |closed files. |

|Preparing Files for |Closed files are maintained on site for two years. To prepare files for on-site storage complete the following: |

|on-site storage | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |Transfer file contents to a manila folder, if needed |

| | |

| |2 |

| |Verify closure date in VOS |

| | |

| |3 |

| |Verify WDS case note regarding case being sent to closed files |

| | |

| |4 |

| |Label folder with last name, first name, last 4 of SSN and exit date |

| | |

| |5 |

| |Enter case note indicating file stored on-site, include exit date |

| | |

| |6 |

| |File alphabetically by date |

| | |

|Preparing Files for |After two years of on-site storage, files are sent off-site to Central Closed files where they are stored until |

|off-site Storage |destruction date. To prepare files for shipment to Central Closed files, complete the following: |

| | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |Box case files in alphabetical order |

| | |

| |2 |

| |Enter case note indicating case is being sent to Central Closed Files (include box # and destruction year) |

| | |

| |3 |

| |Create an electronic Inventory Log with the following information: |

| |Case names |

| |Case numbers |

| |Year case closed |

| |Box number |

| | |

| |4 |

| |Attach a “carton contents” label to the front and back of box; tape closed |

| | |

| |5 |

| |Contact Central Closed Files for pick up |

| | |

Continued on next page

Closed Files, Continued

|Requesting Files from |When files have been sent to Central Closed Files and are needed for audit or other purposes, the following steps |

|off-site storage |are taken to retrieve the file: |

| | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |E-mail requested file retrieval information to “Central Closed Files” by providing box number and year |

| | |

| |2 |

| |When file is received from Central Closed Files forward file to WDS and enter case note |

| | |

WDD Best Practices


|Purpose Statement |The purpose of Best Practices at the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Department (WDD) is to: |

| |Set fundamental standards that guide us in our work; |

| |Maintain flexibility to meet the special needs of the three, diverse regions we serve (West Valley, East Valley, |

| |and High Desert); and |

| |Review our effectiveness and “raise the bar” whenever possible. |

| | |

| |Our focus is results-driven so: |

| |Local employers find employees to meet their business needs; |

| |The unemployed and underemployed find work; |

| |Customers receive the appropriate internal and external training to overcome the barriers that prevent them from |

| |sustained employment. |

| | |

| |Our goal is to: |

| |Enlist and engage the support, expertise and experience of WDD’s employees toward continuous improvement, |

| |efficiency and results; |

| |Promote career development of the WDD employees to ensure attainment of WDD’s mission; and |

| |Track our progress and provide WDD management with the tools to demonstrate our effectiveness to local, state and |

| |federal governments and to the communities we serve. |

|Contents |This part contains the following topics: |

| | |

| |Topic |

| |See Page |

| | |

| |Customer Intake Process |

| |14 |

| | |

| |Front-Desk and Resource Room Excellence |

| |16 |

| | |

Customer Intake Process

|Overview |WIOA customers are required to attend an orientation. The goal is to ensure customers have the information they |

| |need to be successful while utilizing our services. The following Best Practices describe the initial contact with|

| |new customers, the intake process and scheduling of Orientation. |

|Job description |The support staff will be the facilitator of these procedures. Organization skills and the ability to multi-task |

| |are vital to this process since many things are happening simultaneously with multiple customers. |

|Process |Upon the customer’s arrival to the AJCC, he/she is greeted and asked how we can be of service. Each time a |

| |customer visits the center, he/she signs in at the front desk using a Customer Check-in card. |

| | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |1 |

| |Customer logs name, last four numbers of social security number, check in time, and is asked by staff if he/she |

| |has served or is serving in the US Military to enable interface with EDD Veteran’s Services staff |

| | |

| |2 |

| |Staff searches for the customer in CSB-WIN to verify registration or enrollment. |

| | |

| |3 |

| |If customer is not registered in csb-, a copy of the following is taken: |

| |Social Security card |

| |ID |

| |Proof of veteran status (if applicable) |

| |Verification of UI Benefits if exhausted or receiving benefits |

| | |

| |4 |

| |The copies are attached to the questionnaire; the customer then completes the questionnaire while staff verifies |

| |selective service registration (if applicable) |

| | |

| |5 |

| |Customer is registered on CSB-WIN and given a User ID or Registration card which includes the User ID and Password|

| |used for the CSB-WIN system |

| | |

Continued on next page

Customer Intake Process, Continued

|Process (continued) | |

| |Step |

| |Action |

| | |

| |6 |

| |Upon completion of registration, the customer is scheduled for one of four Orientations. Staff schedules the |

| |customer on the appropriate Orientation Log and documents the scheduled time on the User ID card. |

| | |

| |7 |

| |Staff verifies completion of registration and completes a manual scan. |

| | |

| |8 |

| |Once these steps have been completed, the customer can begin using the resource room immediately to begin their |

| |job search, develop a resume, or access any other self-service. |

| | |

| | |

| |If a customer is unable to provide proper identification, they are given the questionnaire to complete at home and|

| |return. They are also provided with instructions on how to self-register on csb- from home. As a |

| |courtesy, the customer is allowed to use the resource room. |

| | |

| |Where available, job search and interview technique videos play in the lobby for customers to watch while waiting.|

| | |

| | |

| |To assist with short wait time and prompt service, signs are posted that encourage customers to check back with |

| |the lobby staff if they have waited more than 15 minutes for a scheduled appointment. |

|Options for Orientation |Orientation - Most customers will attend a regular, one and a half hour orientation. This orientation provides an |

| |overview of programs, services and enrollment paperwork is completed and collected. At least 75 appointments are |

| |available for customers each week. |

| |Veterans’ Orientation – To provide our US Veterans with Priority Service, a weekly Veterans’ Orientation is |

| |offered. Enrollment paperwork is completed and collected, an assessment is given and an Individual Employment |

| |Plan is begun. Each week, at least 10 appointments are saved for Veterans. |

| |Spanish Speaking Only (SSO) Orientation – To assist WIOA monolingual Spanish speakers. The orientation is offered |

| |once a month in Spanish. Enrollment paperwork is completed and collected. The Orientation provides an opportunity|

| |for networking with other job seekers. |

| |Individual Orientation – For customers with special circumstances (work or school schedule conflicts, extensive |

| |travel, OJT opportunities, etc.), a one-on-one orientation is provided. |

Front-Desk and Resource Room Excellence

|Overview |The first impression of the AJCC begins at the front desk; services provided there are invaluable to customers of |

| |the Workforce Development Department. As an extension of the front desk, the resource room is equally important. |

| |The following Best Practices reflect the very best of what the reception area and resource rooms have to offer. |

|First impressions |Creating a comfortable atmosphere at the front desk and in the resource room may seem even more challenging than |

| |providing excellent customer service. |

| |The following are simple rules to remember and apply: |

| |Create an open and welcoming environment. The first impression of the AJCC, the Department and the Program begins |

| |at the reception desk or on the reception phone. |

| |View things from the customer’s perspective; smiles and acknowledgment set the tone. |

| |The reception and resource room staff areas should be pleasing. Think about sight, smell, and sound. |

| |Maintain a professional workstation free of food, drinks and cell phones. |

| |Staff should maintain a pleasant and positive outlook. |

| |Be solution-oriented if there is a problem or a concern. |

| |Find someone to assist with any difficult questions that arise (such as duty WDS, Supervisor and/or Manager). |

|Staffing and support |When staffing the front desk and resource room. Consider individuals who have a warm and friendly demeanor and |

|tools |that can provide an approach that is responsive to the customer. |

| | |

| |Optimum results are achieved when all support staff members have access to a variety of tools such as: |

| |Job duty descriptions |

| |Policies and procedures |

| |Resource binder |

| | |

| |Monthly meetings are beneficial in creating a team environment where everyone stays well informed and concerns can|

| |be shared. |

Continued on next page

Front-Desk and Resource Room Excellence, Continued

|Guidelines |Front Desk/Reception and Resource Room Staff should… |

| |Dress appropriately. Look neat, professional, and presentable. Always practice good personal hygiene and modesty |

| |Have resource phone numbers handy, i.e. co-workers, employers, contractors, vendors, community resources, |

| |emergency contact numbers, etc. Keep important numbers on the computer desktop and a resource binder near |

| |Be courteous and respectful with a positive attitude; smile. Treat everyone like they are the most important |

| |person that has walked into the Center that day |

| |Leave personal matters at home |

| |Keep small talk with visitors to a minimum so it doesn’t interfere with phone calls or other duties |

| |Diffuse difficult situations by being an active listener and keeping calm. Speak clearly, without raising your |

| |voice and ask for assistance as needed |

| |Give good directions and thoroughly explain next steps or processes |

| |Keep busy; a receptionist is always on task and in view of customers |

| |As soon as someone enters the office or resource room, acknowledge them with a pleasant greeting |

| |When a customer or visitor asks for a staff member, always get a first and last name and the name of the |

| |organization they are representing (as applicable) before calling the staff member. After receiving instructions |

| |from the requested staff member, inform the visitor of next steps (i.e. “Mr. Smith will be with you shortly; |

| |please have a seat”) |

| |Answer the phone politely and with standard greeting, identify your AJCC. Make sure the phone is answered on the |

| |first or second ring. Keep hold time brief |

| |Direct calls politely with a standard phrase such as "One moment please or I will transfer you now.” Politely |

| |thank the caller and direct the call accordingly |

| |Refer to Resource binder for Unemployment Insurance (UI) inquiries |

| |Prepare needed materials prior to opening office |

Continued on next page

Front-Desk and Resource Room Excellence, Continued

|Front Desk & Resource |Some duties may include, but are not limited to: |

|Room duties |Perform clerical work in support of department staff |

| |Complete registration process in CSB-WIN and scheduling customers for Orientation |

| |Assist resource room customers with equipment (fax, scanner, copy machines, etc.) and answer inquiries |

| |Provide general information, instructions and assistance regarding WIOA programs and services to the public; |

| |answering questions regarding our department procedures. |

| |Direct customers efficiently to their destination |

| |Verify documentation as needed for registration or enrollment |

| |Assist JPS and Advisors with scheduling appointments |

| |Schedule appointments for workshops |

| |Check- in customers for Orientation and workshops |

| |Answer telephones, taking and relaying messages |

| |Notify Advisors of customer arrival for appointment via E-mail or phone |

| |Enter Manual Scans and case notes into WIN system for registration and resource room use, and workshop attendance |

| |Sort, recycling, and displaying newspapers in resource room |

| |Sort and distributing mail |

| |Clean up resource room and tables |

| |Monitor customer time on the computers to ensure that equipment is used properly and that customers are rotating |

| |if resource room is crowded |

| |Maintain copiers, printers and fax machine paper levels |

| |Assist in the training of other staff members as needed |

| |Assist Advisors |

| |Maintain copies of office forms needed (Workshop logs, registration slips, password reset slips, workshop |

| |appointment slips, CalJOBS slips, etc.) |

Continued on next page

Front-Desk and Resource Room Excellence, Continued

|Resource Room equipment |The resource room is designed to provide equipment and software that a job seeker needs for an effective job |

| |search, including: |

| |Personal computers |

| |Printers |

| |Fax machines |

| |Telephones |

| |Scanners |

| |Internet access |

| |Library of print materials including books, periodicals, and directories |

| |Resume paper |

| |Disks |

| |Typing tutorial software (such as Mavis Beacon Typing Tutor) |

| |Resume assistant software (such as WinWay Resume Builder) |

| |Assistive Technology |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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