April 30, 2007 Meeting Minutes

General Constitutional Issues

Your first amendment rights are…

A good starting point for information on freedom of speech and search and seizure issues that relate to students with landmark court cases cited.

This website provides a basic background on the Constitutional rights of students. Well supported by documentation.

A question and answer page that covers due process and how it relates to students, search and seizure, and freedom of speech.

This site covers many diverse topics. Student speech section includes dress code, uniforms, and student publications. Other topics include search and seizure and drug testing, the death penalty

Includes a search engine for the web site.

A site with information on due process rights of people, student searches, Bill of Rights overview, freedom of speech, and much more. A great starting point with links to various topics.

A good place to begin understanding the Bill of Rights and how they can be interpreted.

Search your topic and read through articles and cases.


Polk County School District uniform lawsuit. Go to ‘Uniform Lawsuit’ link to find case notes.

Note: There are many stakeholder opinions throughout other links on this site.


This site has information in it’s “Freedom of Speech” section about current court decisions regarding uniforms, student generated work that has been censored, and limiting access to published materials.

Recent court cases on search and seizure, uniforms, and student communication issues.

Dallas High School library page with article links to dress code and uniform related articles.

Court cases pertaining to student clothing, dress code and uniforms. Go to the cases and resources link to find more information and specific case notes.

Dress code article on ERIC database. Analyses argument for and against dress codes and uniforms in schools.

Search and seizure of lockers/backpacks:

An article considering when student searches and drug testing becomes a violation of fourth amendment rights with links to court cases.

International Association of Chiefs of Police resource page on guidelines of school policy on search and seizure in Section 7C.

ACLU article of lawsuit filing for unwarranted lockdown/drug search at Maryland High School.

An ACLU press release of a lawsuit where students were illegally searched.

An ACLU article: Judge Rules High School Strip Searches Unconstitutional in ACLU of Michigan Lawsuit.

Death Penalty:

• Run by the Bureau of Justice and has statistics about those under the sentence of death in the US.

Department of State material on capital punishment.

CBS News website. Interesting info on studies done regarding capital punishment.

American Civil Liberties Union addresses the issue of capital punishment.

Facts about death penalty and deterrence of capital crimes.

University of Alaska, Anchorage website with pro and con links.

Cornell University’s law school site with a hugemungous amount of info including the appropriate amendments, state and federal law, plus more!

Mandatory Drug Testing:

Court notes on Board of Education of Independent School District No. 92 of Pottawatomie County, et al., Petitioners v. Lindsay Earls et al.

ACLU article on the Board of Education v. Lindsay Earls case. Includes a link to additional legal papers, court documents, and information on the Earl family.

A drug testing gold mine containing many press releases and articles of various court proceedings relating to school drug testing policies across the country. Also contains resource pages, statistics, and legal documents on the issue.

An article considering when student searches and drug testing becomes a violation of fourth amendment rights with links to court cases.

Student Communication:

A webpage introducing student freedom of speech with links to specific court cases regarding free speech rights of students.

A website that offers legal briefs, news reports on freedom of speech, and many links regarding censorship. The briefs include cases on student speech and content-based restrictions as well as freedom of the press.

An article posted on New Jersey’s Statewide Parent Advocacy Network Inc., organization addressing student rights to expression.

Court cases pertaining to school newspapers and yearbooks. Go to the cases and resources link to find more information and specific case notes.

Court cases pertaining to student-publicized newspapers. Go to the cases and resources link to find more information and specific case notes.

Court cases pertaining to cyber speech and student use of. Go to the cases and resources link to find more information and specific case notes.

Court cases pertaining to student-lead clubs. Go to the cases and resources link to find more information and specific case notes.

Court cases pertaining to student speaking through student worn clothing (Tinker…), language (Bethel…), and school newspaper (Hazelwood). Go to the cases and resources link to find more information and specific case notes.


Summaries of various court cases regarding censorship of published materials and restricting the use of technology to access information. Also listed are quotes from court decisions regarding censorship.


This site has information in it’s “Freedom of Press” section about current court decisions regarding uniforms, student generated work that has been censored, and limiting access to published materials.



A Right to Bear Arms?

The Issue: Does the Second Amendment Give Individuals a Right to Bear Arms?

The Supreme Court has heard only five cases directly related to the Second Amendment. They are: U.S. v. Cruikshank (1876), Presser v. Illinois (1886), Miller v. Texas (1894), U.S. v. Miller (1939), and Lewis v. U.S. (1980). One the Supreme Court refused to hear, Burton v. Sills (1968), and one concerning the meaning of the Fourth Amendment and "the people," U.S. v. Verdugo-Urquidez (1990), are also discussed. (Links to the Supreme Court decisions are provided at the end of each section.)

Gun Control (3/4/2002)

Why doesn't the ACLU support an individual's unlimited right to keep and bear arms?

United States v. Miller and discussion of 2nd amendment

2-18-08 Article: “Why DC's Gun Law Is Unconstitutional, by David E. Young”

March 18, 2008Article

“Supreme Court considers 'right to bear arms'”

“Landmark case on D.C. ban expected to have major ramifications”

this site offers a perspective in favor of allowing firearms to be owned by private citizens. The articles therefore will be only from that perspective and not necessarily balanced and objective. Click the home page link at the bottom of the page.

Run as part of The John Glenn Institute for Public Service and Public Policy at The Ohio State University. Links section runs the gamut of pro gun data and gun control data.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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