Internet access through power lines

0. Introduction

Connecting to the Internet is a fact of life for business, government, and most households. The lure of e-commerce, video on demand, and e-mail has brought 60 million people to the Internet. Once they get to the Internet, they find out what it’s really like. That includes long waits for popular sites, substantial waits for secure sites, and horrible video quality over the web.

Telephone companies have offered high bandwidth lines for many years. For the most part, the cost of these lines and the equipment needed to access them has limited their usefulness to large businesses. The lone exception has been ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) which has won over some residential customers. ISDN offers fast Internet access (128k) at a relatively low cost.

Here the solution is Powerline communications (or PLC). Powerline communications is a rapidly evolving market that utilizes electricity power lines for the high-speed transmission of data and voice services.

None of the available Internet access services offer the right balance of cost, convenience, and speed. Digital Powerline technology could change all that. It gives customers high speed Internet access through electrical networks. Lower costs are achieved because the service is implemented on standard electrical lines. The service is also convenient because it’s already in your home. Internet access through Digital Powerline would be at (at least) 1Mbps, 20 times faster than a standard phone/modem connection.

1.1.0 History

The technology has roots going back to the 1940s.It has been used by power utilities for simple telemetering and control of electrical equipment in their networks.

What is new is the integration of activities outside the building with those inside the building at a much higher bandwidth, 2.5 mbps or higher.

1.2.0 Overview of Technology

PLC works by transmitting high frequency data signals through the same power cable network used for carrying electricity power to household users. Such signal cannot pass through a transformer. This requires devices that combine the voice and data signals with the low-voltage supply current in the local transformer stations. The signal makes its way to neighborhoods and customers who could access either it wirelessly, through utility poles.

Digital Powerline use a network, known as a High Frequency Conditioned Power Network (HFCPN), to transmit data and electrical signals. A HFCPN uses a series of Conditioning Units (CU) to filter those separate signals. The CU sends electricity to the outlets in the home and data signals to a communication module or "service unit". The service unit provides multiple channels for data, voice, etc. Base station servers at local electricity substations connect to the Internet via fiber or broadband coaxial cable. The end result is similar to a neighborhood local area network.

1.2.1 The Server

The Digital Powerline base station is a standard rack mountable system designed specifically for current street electricity cabinets. Typically, one street cabinet contains twelve base station units, each capable of communicating over 1 of 40 possible radio channels. These units connect to the public telecommunications network at E1 or T1 (*see appendix D) speeds over some broadband service.

Several options, with different costs, can provide broadband Internet service to each base station. The simplest solution is connecting leased lines to each substation. This solution is potentially quite costly because of the number of lines involved. A wireless system has also been suggested to connect base stations to the Internet. This option reduces local loop fees, but increases hardware costs. Another alternative involves running high bandwidth lines, along side electric lines, to substations. These lines could be fiber (*See appendix C), ATM, or broadband coaxial cable. This option avoids local loop fees, but is beset by equipment fees. The actual deployment of Digital Powerline will probably involve a mix of these alternatives, optimized for cost efficiency in different areas and with different service providers.

These base stations typically serve approximately 50 customers, providing over 20 MHz of usable spectrum to near end customers and between 6 and 10 MHz of useable spectrum to far end customers. The server operates via IP to create a LAN type environment for each local service area.

1.2.2 The HFCPN Conditioning Unit

The conditioning Unit (CU) for the Digital Powerline Network is placed near the electric meter at each customer’s home. The CU uses band pass filters to segregate the electricity and data signals, which facilitate the link between a customer’s premise and an electricity substation.

The CU contains three coupling ports. The device receives aggregate input from its Network Port (NP). This aggregate input passes through a high pass filter. Filtering allows data signals to pass to a Communications Distribution Port (CDP) and a low pass filter sends electric signals to the Electricity Distribution Port (EDP).

The 50 Hz signal flows from the low pass filter, out of the EDP and to the electricity meter. The low pass filter also serves to attenuate extraneous noise generated by electrical appliances at the customer premises. Left unconditioned, the aggregation of this extraneous noise from multiple homes would cause significant distortion in the network.

The high pass filter facilitates two way data traffic to and from the customer premise. Data signals flow through the CDP to the customer’s service unit via standard coaxial cable.

1.2.3 Service Unit

The service unit is a wall or table mountable multi-purpose data communications box. The unit facilitates data connections via BNC connectors to cable modems and telephone connections via standard line termination jacks. The service unit provides its own line power for ringing and contains a battery backup in case of power outage. Alternative Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ADPCM) is used for speech sampling. Because Digital Powerline allows for the termination of multiple radio signals at the customer premises, the service unit can facilitate various Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) simultaneously. In a manner similar to ISDN, data (computers) and voice (telephones) devices can coexist without interfering with each other.


1.3.1 Powerline Trials: Seymour Park Primary School

Digital Powerline technology was first tested in a public setting at the Seymour Park Primary School in Manchester, UK. Twelve PCs were connected to a single Digital Powerline outlet. Dedicated high-speed access to the Internet turned out to be a great success in the eyes of students and teachers.Nortel’s Digital Powerline web site quotes Seymour Head teacher, Jenny Dunn; "The high speed connection really lets us take advantage of the educational potential of the Internet. With a normal connection the children could lose interest waiting for pages to download. The new system means information arrives virtually instantaneously, thereby maximizing teaching time and keeping children on task. This set is amazingly flexible in educational terms, and not only gives us the additional medium with which to improve standards, but prepares us for the National Grid for Learning."

1.3.2 Powerline Trials: Stanley Road

Following the success at Seymour Park, a more comprehensive trial was initiated at the Stanley Road electricity substation, also located in Manchester. The crux of this trial was to test the limits of Powerline technology and make sure that it could meet industry standards even in worst case scenarios.

The Stanley Road substation was set up to use two distributors to serve two distinct neighborhoods. Northumberland Close is located 350 meters from the substation and Seymour Close is located 600 meters from the substation. Fifteen users were chosen between the two neighborhoods to participate in the pilot program. They received various data and telephone services as well as remote metering/information services.

Unfortunately, the results of the trial are unobtainable. Nortel and Nor.Web claim that the results of this trial and similar trials in the United States are being protected for competitive reasons. The only indication of the trial’s success is a subjective quote from Nor.Web. The quote states that "results produced over this period have now proved conclusively that Nor.Web’s technology provides a commercially viable alternative to established means of telecommunications delivery to customer premises."

1.4.0 Application areas offered by Powerline communications

PLC offers end-users a broad spectrum of applications and services including broadband Internet access, voice over IP, multimedia services, telecommunication, home automation and energy managemen(near energy services). Powerline offers the opportunity for the PC to be integrated into the household as never before. As part of the household power grid, PCs could easily be programmed to turn off lights and control security devices.

1.4.1 Powerline telecommunication

Powerline telecommunications is a rapidly evolving market that utilises electricity power lines for the high speed transmission of data and voice services. The especially exciting thing about the potential for PLT is that it holds the promise of solving the underlying structural problem confronting the local access market today. PLT can provide the holy-grail of a much needed, highly elusive, alternative source of ubiquitous local loops other than the incumbent telco operator, something we sadly have yet to see happen on a sufficient scale and scope. Indeed, what make PLT so attractive from a public policy point of view are the facts that:

• The power grid is ubiquitous; it constitutes an existing network infrastructure to billions of private consumers and businesses

• The power grid offers last-mile conductivity

• The power grid supports information based services with strong growth potential.

1.4.2 Home Automation

The Home Plug Powerline Alliance (HPA), a U.S. consortium of 90 members, including such high-tech giants as Cisco, Intel, Motorola, and Hewlett-Packard is working on technology to link appliances such as TVs, computers and cookers via the home electrical system.

Appliance makers like Samsung Electronics Co. have been solidifying cooperation with their technology partners to enable them to market Internet-controllable home appliances this year. Samsung plans to set up a “Dream LG” site on its homepage to advertise its Internet-enabled products to potential customers.

1.4.3 Internet access

Last December Intellon announced its PowerPacketTM Powerline networking chipset, the first product certified as compliant with the HPA’s 1.0 Specification introduced earlier that year. The chipset allows users to access the Internet and connect computers and other devices at speeds up to 14 mbps by simply plugging into power outlets throughout a home or small office.

1.4.4 Power management (near energy services)

Near energy services are defined as energy services with in the confines of current business which ads new forms, features and scales. Examples are remote billing, remote metering, demand side e management distribution automation and remote control of supply. Advantages of such system for utilities lie in their potential for cost cutting and improving customer loyalty

1.5.0 Potential Advantages of Digital Powerline Technology

This telecommunications model has multiple advantages over others including speed, an established local loop, and dedicated connections. These advantages make Digital Powerline technology an attractive alternative for telecommunications systems.

In the Digital Powerline model, small LANs are created; they terminate at each local electricity substation. These LANs will share a T1/E1 connection to the Internet, similar to a corporation leasing a T1 line. Individual users should experience tremendous speed increases over conventional 28.8kbs or 56kps dialup connections, even at peak usage.

Another inherent advantage to the Digital Powerline model is the fact that it works well over the existing electric power infrastructure (at least in the UK, see the Limitations section below). Only the substation server equipment and customer conditioning/service units need to be installed in order to establish a Digital Powerline network.

Dedicated, multipurpose communication lines make the Digital Powerline model an attractive option for the information age. Wide bandwidth and frequency division multiplexing allow for multiple lines to a single household. Ideally, an entire family could utilize their own communication devices simultaneously, whether telephone or PC, without interrupting one another.

Powerline carry signals for long distances without requiring regeneration. Their near light speed propagation makes them very powerful for fast delivery of video and audio data. There is no topology limitation for power lines.

High transmission rate, right now 3 mbps in uploading and downloading. The data transmission rate is expected up to 200 mbps in the future by improving the PLC chip.

Permanent on-line connection with the potential for lower charges. No need for complicated wiring and additional installations. Move your computers and appliances where you want. Secure data-encryption. Lower investment costs compared to those envisaged for other broadband data access systems.

1.6.0 Potential Extensions to Digital Powerline Technology

There are many possible extensions to the Digital Powerline model. Those mentioned in reviews and technical journals include "the wired home" and remote customer information services. Since Digital Powerline creates a LAN type environment by running IP, people could theoretically control all of the appliances in their home from their PC or a remote device. Each home on the neighborhood LAN would operate as a sub-network of the LAN and each electrical outlet could be treated as a node on that sub-network.

The Nortel web site predicts, "It could also be feasible to have an Internet address for every plug in the house, through which you could e-mail, for example: ‘fridge@home’ and study the picture relayed by the video camera to see what shopping you require; or you could remotely turn the lights off and the burglar alarm on using your own password."

Remote services such as remote metering have already been tested under this model and many more services are possible. Because the service provider can keep track of electricity and bandwidth usage via the network, customers will also be able to monitor their usage, reliably predict billing and keep an eye on household usage (i.e. the teenager’s phone usage).

1.7.0 Current Limitations of Digital Powerline Technology

1.7.1 Electro-Magnetic Radiation Issues

Powerline solutions, like phone line solutions, are unintentional radiators. Emissions can potentially cause interference with radio, television, community antenna television, telephone and DSL services.

Second generation PLC technologies are using techniques like OFDM, which substantially reduce the potential of interference to radio users, thanks to a decrease in transmitted power spectral density. The OFDM modulation spreads the signal over a very wide bandwidth, thus reducing the amount on power injected at a single frequency. Field trials of PLC technologies carried out during the last 2 years in Europe (Spain, Italy, Germany), North America, South America (Chile, Brazil) and Asia (Singapore) have shown that interference with radio users is no longer a problem for PLC. The same technique explains why current PLC technology does not affect other appliances in the home.

1.7.2 Addressing issue

As the number of users and devices connected to Power Lines increases by orders of magnitude, it becomes clear that we cannot satisfy the demand using IPv4/NAT, at least not without enormous administrative complexity. A much larger address space is needed to provide end-to-end connectivity in a simple manner and to allow new applications and services to work in a transparent manner.

Clearly, the solution of problem is with IPv6, or Next Generation Internet Addresses (IPNG) unlimited address space of IPv6 is needed to provide end-to-end connectivity and allow new applications and services to work in a transparent manner across PLC networks at massive scale (imagine every power socket in Beijing or Mumbai becoming an Internet access point!).

1.7.3 Security

The transmission of data over a network that anybody has access to could also pose a data security problem, however. Tapping the signal could allow somebody to eavesdrop on communications. Only data encryption eliminates that problem.

1.7.4 Noise interference

Power line networking is also vulnerable to interference from devices connected to the power infrastructure, such as microwaves and computers.

This can be solved by either using repeaters or dynamic chang of frequencies.

1.7.5 Regulatory and standardization issues

Powerline's maximum access speed is shared with all users connected to the same local network station. The more people that are simultaneously on the Internet, the lower the speed obtained.

Several implementation issues have held back Digital Powerline in North America and the UK. Respectively, the problems are the numbers of users per transformer and the size and shape of light poles.

In North America, a transformer serves from 5 to 10 households while in Europe a transformer serves 150 households. Digital Powerline signals cannot pass through a transformer. Therefore, all electrical substation equipment needed for Digital Powerline has to be located after the transformer. Since there are fewer households per transformer in North America, predicted equipment costs are prohibitive. However, this conclusion has been debated. Analysts suggest that 100% subscription rates are possible in the US, and that at such rates Digital Powerline is profitable. Conventional wisdom suggests that there is a way to make Digital Powerline profitable in North America, whether it is through bundling a variety of services or higher fees.

Soon after the first trials of Digital Powerline in the UK, some unanticipated problems arose. Certain radio frequencies were suddenly deluged with traffic, making it impossible to transmit on those frequencies. BBC, amateur radio, and the UK’s emergency broadcasting service were affected. The apparent culprits were standard light poles. Then it became clear that by pure chance British light poles were the perfect size and shape to broadcast Digital Powerline signals. This situation posed problems not just because of the frequencies involved but also because anyone could listen in on the traffic. Nor.Web is addressing the problem by proposing to lease the frequencies involved from their owners and offering amateur radio operators a new frequency. Negotiations on this topic are currently taking place in London. The privacy issue has not been fully addressed at this point, besides suggestions that all sensitive information should be encrypted.

While the promise of Powerline Telecommunications is great, it is important for everyone to understand that this technology is in its infancy and there are several hurdles the Powerline industry is working hard to overcome to make PLT a true close substitute to the existing incumbent public switched telephone network (PSTN) in the United States. Specifically, the main weaknesses of PLT products and services are that:

(a) They are still at the developmental stage;

(b) There is no significant installed customer base to date;

(c) And the distances that Powerline technology can cover are limited.

Moreover, the industry is working hard to resolve the complex issues of standardization and interoperability.

1.8.0 The Market for Digital Powerline

Trends in both the electric and telecommunications industry have lead to a climate where Digital Powerline should be a big player. These trends include customer demand for affordable and high speed Internet access, deregulation of electrical utilities, and the repercussions of a variety of telecommunications legislation.

Customers want cheaper, faster, and more reliable access to the Internet right now. Not only can Digital Powerline provide that type of service, but it will be available before other broadband access technologies. Therefore Digital Powerline has both a time to market and cost advantage.

The utility industry is facing deregulation in North America, Europe, and some parts of Asia. Deregulation means increased competition in the slow growing electricity market with little protection for utilities. An unenviable position indeed. Consequently, many utilities are actively seeking to diversify into other, more profitable, industries.For many utilities telecommunications and Internet services have been a sensible choice. That option can only become more popular as Digital Powerline matures.

Digital Powerline offers a deregulated utility several options and advantages. The utility can either lease the rights to implement Digital Powerline on its electrical grid or develop the technology itself. The advantages include the low cost of the local loop, differentiating the utility from other utilities, and bundling a variety of services.

The most recent telecommunications act has tried to make it easier for all types of telecommunications firms to sell local services and long distance services. However, Regional Bells actually have control over local lines and charge other companies who place calls on their lines. Many of the larger phone companies have sought to get around these charges by building or leasing their own networks to connect to local points. Digital Powerline is an existing network that fits those needs. Expect to see smaller telecommunications companies partnering with electrical utilities to provide alternative local phone service.

1.8.1 Who is testing or has tested the technology?

PLC abroad

Proof that the PLC concept works in practice was furnished by a series of field trials by of Israel, Ascom of Switzerland and some other companies in 16 European countries from Portugal to Scandinavia, as well as in Hong Kong, Korea, India, Singapore and the Americas. These trials fulfilled all expectations of reliability, functionality and the practical applications of Powerline communications. The first installations are now already up and running or about to go live.

Users in Germany include the electricity companies RWE Energie Essen and EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg, while in Spain the energy and telecoms group Endesa uses PLC technology. of Iceland, a subsidiary of Reykjavik Energy, has recently begun introducing PLC technology with the declared objective of providing private households with fast Internet access over the power grid rather than the telephone network. In Sweden Sydkraft, one of the leading energy providers in Scandinavia uses PLC for bridging the last mile as well as for networking inside buildings.


New York-based Ambient - which will partner with Cisco, perhaps the technology's largest supporter, and Bechtel on future projects - is working with the utility Consolidated Edison of New York and Southern Telecom of Atlanta, a subsidiary of Southern Co., a leading energy company to expand its testing to several hundred homes. Results indicated that high frequency data transmissions could be transmitted and received over distances of more than half a mile, with minimal signal loss. In recent months, Ambient has achieved throughput speeds in excess of 20 mbps, and connectivity over distances of 1.5 miles. Up to 200 users can be supported on a single distribution circuit. Pricing for the systems is not yet available. Ambient expects to go fully commercial with its systems by first quarter 2003.

Powerline Technologies in Reston, Virginia, is trying out its system with two utilities in the East and one in the Midwest. Earlier last year, the company finished initial PLT tests in suburban Atlanta, where a handful of households accessed the Net through a specially designed modem that can hit speeds greater than 1.5 mbps.

Owing to recent advances for PLC in Europe, and the efforts of a handful of U.S. PLC vendors – including one backed by American Electric Power (AEP), PLC is closer to being a commercial reality in the U.S. than ever before. Beta tests scheduled by each of these firms over the next 12 months will be crucial to resolving outstanding technical hurdles, standardizing equipment and deployment techniques, and building interest and partnerships with utilities.

1.9.0 2003 Update on the Power Industry

Efficient Networks Introduces Gateways Combining DSL Access with 802.11g Wireless and Powerline Networking.

Gateways Include New ControlNet™ Embedded Software Enabling Carriers To Differentiate Services And Extend Their Brand At The Customer Premises Level.

DALLAS — July 7, 2003 — Efficient Networks, Inc., a subsidiary of Siemens AG, today announced the availability of the SpeedStream® DSL Gateway Family. The family includes a gateway combining a DSL modem with 802.11g wireless networking technology in a single box and a gateway combining DSL access with 802.11g wireless and powerline networking technologies. All of the gateways in the family ship with Efficient Networks’ new ControlNetTM embedded software, giving service providers a platform at the customer premises for offering advanced services, extending their brands and differentiating their service offerings in ways previously not available.

1.10.0 Conclusion

Digital Powerline technology is an exciting alternative to connecting to the Internet via phone and modem. Though this technology is not commercially available yet, it should be available before other broadband technologies due to the relatively low cost of its local loop. Moreover, its high speeds will provide Internet access, video on demand, local phone, and long distance phone services to customers.

1.11.0 Reference

• powerline-

• O'Neal Jr., J.B. (1986) "The residential power circuit as a

communication medium," IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-32, No. 3, pp. 567-577. 

• Malek, J.A. & Engstorm, J.R. (1976)

"R.F. impedance of United States and European power lines," IEEE Trans. on Elec. Comp., vol. EMC- 18, pp. 36-38. 


1.0.0 Introduction 1

1.1.0 History 2

1.2.0 Overview of Technology 2

1.2.1 The Server 3

1.2.2 The HFCPN Conditioning Unit 4

1.2.3 Service Unit 5

1.3.0 CASE STUDY 6

1.3.1 Powerline Trials: Seymour Park Primary School 6

1.3.2 Powerline Trials: Stanley Road 7

1.4.0 Application areas offered by Powerline communications 8

1.4.1 Powerline telecommunication 8

1.4.2 Home Automation 9

1.4.3 Internet access 9

1.4.4 Power management (Near energy services) 9

1.5.0 Potential Advantages of Digital Powerline Technology 10

1.6.0 Potential Extensions to Digital Powerline Technology 11

1.7.0 Current Limitations of Digital Powerline Technology 12

1.7.1Electro-Magnetic Radiation Issues 12

1.7.2 Addressing issue 13

1.7.3 Security 13

1.7.4 Noise interference 13

1.7.5 Regulatory and standardization issues 14

1.8.0 The Market for Digital Powerline 15

1.8.1 Who is testing or has tested the technology? 17

PLC abroad 17

PLC in USA 18

1.9.0 2003 Update on the Power Industry 19

1.10.0 Conclusion 20

1.11.0 Reference 21


Power Line Communications (PLC) allows transmission of data over power lines. PLC is potentially the network with the deepest capillarity in the world, since power lines are almost ubiquitous. Powerine communications is a rapidly evolving market that utilizes electricity power lines for the high-speed transmission of data and voice services.

PLC works by transmitting high frequency data signals through the same power cable network used for carrying electricity power to household users. Such signal cannot pass through a transformer. This requires devices ("outdoor devices") that combine the voice and data signals with the low-voltage supply current in the local transformer stations to bridge the last mile. In the house, "indoor devices" (adapters) are used in order to filter out the voice and data signals and to feed them to the various applications (e.g. PC/Internet, telephone, etc.).

The technology has roots going back to the 1940s. It has been used by power utilities for simple telemetering and control of electrical equipment in their networks. What is new is the integration of activities outside the building with those inside the building at a much higher bandwidth, 2.5 mbps or higher – this means voice and data transmission via the mains supply voltage network right through to every power socket in the building, as well as in the reverse direction at high speed.


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