To Fly or not to fly”

“To Fly or not to fly” version 2012

____________ Crawford

Position: Vice President of Development at CACHE and leading technical man in the company

Background: aerospace engineer.


You tend to be very goal oriented and motivated by success. Over the years you have learned that most technical issues can best be solved by taking a firm stand and accepting some risks. In your opinion most engineers try to play too safe. New technology cannot be developed without risk. Without risk the brothers Wright would never have started to fly.

In team discussions you tend to play a dominant role because of your competence and position. Listening is not one of your strongest assets. Subordinates do better in listening to you. You would rather try to break up the opposition than ending up with a compromise about which nobody is satisfied.

Within the company you are well respected professionally but you have few friends. This is because you have always taken a clear stand and a strong line. You are looked upon as a hardliner. The exception is ______ Lee, the finance director. He also understands that the way to success lies in prompt action and daring decisions.

During the meeting of the Management Team two stress engineers, ______ Gould and ________ Bennett are busy conducting a simulation experiment with the help of a computer program in order to find out how big the damage might be. After 20 minutes after the start of the meeting they should be ready. The President knows this, but if he forgets you might remind him.

You have a very bad personal relationship with ______ Peterson, head of personnel, which has many times resulted in bitter arguments and mutual distrust. In your opinion, he focusses too heavily on trying to keep everybody on board and seems to strive for consensus when sometimes this is pointless. You do not respond well to his talk of human relationships, personal growth and the well-being of the personnel. People are hired for a job and should be effective in it.

Your relation with _______ Martinez, the chief engineer, and the president, Wickham, is a mixed one: you respect them, but are convinced you could have done better in their position. Martinez is much too focused on technical details and his engineering role. You think he should remember to put on his management ‘hat’ a bit more. Wickham you personally dislike, especially when he spends his time fawning over political elites and business superiors.

Role to play: Having seen the damage to the plane you are convinced it is safe, and think that if there is a small risk it should be taken. You want to fly and want to put all your weight behind a positive decision to continue with the maiden flight.

NOTE: You will go to great lengths to avoid a negative decision.


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