KASS Employees Quick-Start Guide (e1847)

AESOP Quick-Start Guide

PLEASE NOTE: Your ID# is your 10-digit phone number. Your PIN is the last 4 digits of your phone number. Please call our office at 860-482-2178 or email us at 1758@ if you need any assistance.

|AESOP Internet Feature |

|Accessing KASS via the Internet |Recording an Absence on the Internet |Modifying an Absence via the Internet |Changing Your PIN via the Internet |

|Go to |Click Create an Absence on your home |Click Absence History on your home |Click Change PIN on your home page. |

|. |page. |page. |Enter your existing PIN in the Current|

|Click AESOP log in t the top of the |Enter the absence information (e.g., #|Click the confirmation number of the |PIN field. |

|screen. |of Absence Instances, Start Date, |future absence you want to modify. |Enter your e-mail address in the |

|Enter your ID and PIN. |Absence Reason Type) and click Save. |Click Edit this Absence and edit date,|E-mail Address field. |

|Click Sign In. Your home page will |You will receive a confirmation |absence reason, absence type, and/or |Enter your new PIN in the New PIN |

|display. Your available functions are |number. |start and end times as necessary. |field. |

|listed on the left side. |Do NOT enter the absence if you have |Click Save. |Retype your new PIN in the Retype PIN |

| |made arrangements with a sub. Call or |NOTE: changes can only be made on an |field. |

| |email us with the details. |absence that is not yet filled. Call|Click Apply Changes to save your |

| | |us if changes need to be made on a |changes. |

| | |filled assignment. | |

|AESOP IVR Feature |

|Accessing KASS via the IVR |Recording an Absence on the IVR |Reviewing Upcoming Absences via the |Changing Your PIN via the IVR |

| | |IVR | |

|Call 1-800-942-3767. |Press 1 from the Main Menu and select |Press 3 from the Main Menu and select |Press 5 from the Main Menu. |

|Enter your ID and PIN and press #. |one of the following options: |one of the following options: |Press 2 to hear your current PIN. |

|Select one of the following system |Press 1 to record an absence for |Press 1 for absences scheduled for |Press * to leave your PIN unchanged, |

|options: |today. |today. |or enter a new four digit PIN and |

|Press 1 to record an absence. |Press 2 to record an absence for |Press 2 for absences scheduled for |press #. |

|Press 2 to check entitlement balances.|tomorrow. |tomorrow. |Confirm your new PIN by following the |

|Press 3 to review upcoming absences. |Press 3 to record an absence for |Select one of the following options: |IVR prompts. |

|Press 4 to review a specific absence. |another day within the next 30 days. |Press 1 to hear more about the | |

|Press 5 to review or change personal |Press 4 to record an absence for |absence. | |

|information. |Monday (on Friday or weekend). |Press 2 to hear the information again.| |

|Note: Press * to go back one menu |Enter the number of days for the |Press 4 to listen to the next absence.| |

|level at any point. |absence (up to five). |Press 5 to return to the Main Menu. | |

| |Enter a start and end time by | | |

| |following the IVR prompts. | | |

| |Select the reason for the absence. | | |

| |Save the absence. You will receive a | | |

| |confirmation number. | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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