Mr. Brown's Learning Space

New Academic Word List 1-50abdominaladjrelating to the part of your body between your chest and legs which contains your stomachabsorbvto take in liquid, gas, or another substance from the surface or space around somethingabsorptionna process in which something takes in liquid, gas, or heatacceleratevto go faster; make something happen faster than usual or sooner than you expectaccelerationna process in which something happens more and more quicklyaccentnthe way someone pronounces the words of a language; special importance given to somethingaccumulatevto gradually get more and more money, possessions, or knowledge over a period of timeaccumulationnthe process by which something increases in amount or is collected together over timeaccuracyadjthe ability to do something in an exact way without making a mistakeaccuratelyadvexactly or preciselyacidna chemical substance that has a pH of less than 7. Strong acids can burn holes in material or damage your skinacidicadjcontaining acid; very souractivatevto make an electrical system or chemical process start workingactivelyadvalways busily doing things, especially physical activitiesacuteadjvery serious or strong; quick to notice and understand thingsadaptationnthe process of changing something to make it suitable for a new situationadaptiveadjchanging in order to deal with new situationsadjacentadjnext toadmissionna statement in which you admit that something is true or that you have done something wrongadolescentna young person, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, who is developing into an adultadverseadjnot good or favourableaerosolna container in which a liquid such as paint or perfume is kept under high pressure so that it can be sprayedaestheticadjconnected with beauty and the study of beautyaffirmvto state publicly that something is trueafterwardadvafter an event or time that has already been mentionedaggregatevto put different amounts, or pieces of information together to form a group or a totalagriculturenthe practice or science of farmingairplanena vehicle that flies through the air and has one or more enginesalgebrana type of mathematics that uses letters and other signs to represent numbers and valuesalgorithmna set of instructions that are followed in a fixed order and used for solving a mathematical problem or making a computer programalienadjvery different from what you are used to, especially in a way that is difficult to understand or acceptalliancenan arrangement in which two or more countries or groups agree to work together to try to change or achieve somethingallocatevto use something for a particular purpose or give something to a particular person, especially after an official decision has been madeallocationnan amount or share of something that is given to someone or used for a particular purposealtitudenthe height of an object or place above the seaaluminumna silver-white metal that is very light and is used to make cans, cooking pans, window frames; its chemical symbol is Alaminonone of the substances that combine to form proteinamongstprepbetween and amongamplitudenthe distance between the middle and the top or bottom of a wave such as a sound waveanalogynsomething that seems similar between two situations or processesancestorna member of your family who lived a long time agoanthropologynthe scientific study of people, their societies, and culturesantiprefixopposed to or the opposite of somethingantibioticna drug that is used to kill bacteria and cure infectionsantibodyna substance produced by your body to fight diseaseantiquitynancient timesappendixna part at the end of a book containing additional informationapplausenthe sound of many people hitting their hands together and shouting, to show that they have enjoyed somethingapplena hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin and is white insideapproximatevto be close to a particular number; to be similar to but not exactly the same as something ................

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