Warm-Up #1

Warm-Up #53

1. On a test, what is the one thing you should never do unless you are positively sure? __________________________

2. Of "affect" and "effect," which one would you use in the following: "My science project was about the ____________

of different types of liquids on plants.

3. In grammar vocabulary, the single word that means the "combining of two or more elements" such as more than one

subject or more than one sentence is called _______________, not to be confused with ___________________,

which means more than one of a noun (not singular but _______________).

4. To really be a story, a story has to have ____________________ .

5. A __________________________________ is what you call a group of words that might not express a complete

thought but does have a subject and a verb within it.

Warm-Up #54

1. A good story will have a major conflict or a major problem to be solved. Along the way, there have to be at least two

_____________________________, which eventually are eliminated before the final one sets up the climax of the


2. Circle all adjectives: A little Mexican girl sold numerous pretty flowers at her stand. Henry is very tall. Those

returning students didn't know where the new computer lab was located. Three snicky snagglitzes brembled up a

flitic scrab.

3. "The class sits down after they ate breakfast." is a sentence that shows an example of a _________________shift.

4. What evaluation tool will you get before most writing assignments? __________________

5. A preposition is the part of speech which shows a(n)______________________ between two words in a sentence.

Warm-up #55

1. Circle the pronouns: He did that on purpose. Four of the boys often walk down the halls faster than they should.

“Has anybody seen my assignment notebook?” asked Ted. “Those belong to somebody I know,” said Jane.

John and Mike announced, “We bet them that they couldn’t beat us in a soccer game.” Antecedent of “we?” ________

2. "Eleven boys plays on the soccer team." is sentence that shows an example of incorrect ________________

3. "To get a good grade on the test, John studied for 48 hours straight. has what type of opener? ______________

4. A ______________________________ sentence is a more way of saying "a statement."

5. The adapted Cornell Study Method uses the concept of ____________________, which means you create a list of

no more than five words to help you recall sections of information.

Warm-up #56

1. The term that describes "whatever you expect to happen, will happen" is called a (multiple words) _____________

________________________________________________ (spelling does not count).

2. "Affect" or "effect"? My headache will possibly ___________________ my ability to think clearly during the test.

3. "A noun or phrase that explains what has just been said" is called a (n) _____________________ (spelling counts)

4. By turning in a long-range assignment early, you can prevent problems that may come up at the last minute. These

problems (or laws) are often examples of what we call ___________________________________

5. A verb that does not end with -ed in the past tense is said to be a(n) _____________________________ verb.


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