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FORM NO. 4AFFIDAVIT OF COMPLIANCE WITH PGC AND PDCREPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES }CITY OF } SS189992019050000128016036576000I,1280160-190500(Name of Company), of legal age, single/married, residing at, for and in behalf of, after being sworn in accordance with law,depose and say:272415016764000That I am the President/Owner of ;(Name of Company)That I attest to the fact that each of the Generating Facilities of the above said company complies with and will continue to comply with the Philippine Grid Code and Philippine Distribution Code for the duration of the Certificate of Compliance.353631536576000IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand thisday of5955030000128016017526000246126017526000,20, in the City of, Philippines.46405802095500(Signature of affiant)514350019050000SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me, in the City of,thisday of, 20__bywith Community TaxCertificateNo.issuedaton128016016637000326136016637000, 20.NOTARY PUBLIC Until December 31, 20191135019050000191516036576000191135054102000208407071628000Doc. No. ; Page No. ; Book No. ; Series of 20MEBG/ ................

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