
Digital Marketing Proposal For [Client]

Project Scope: To manage all of [Client]'s digital assets, help [Client] get ranked higher locally in search engines for relevant terms, and attract more clients to [Client] using a variety of digital marketing strategies.

Our goal will also include increasing the company’s presence on Facebook and LinkedIn as well as other social media to drive new clients to the website, and to expand marketing through email blasts. Additionally, we will use various forms of viral marketing and highly-targeted paid advertising to connect with specific demographics,

The marketing plan has many moving parts, and certain pieces will be in reaction to the success of others. We have outlined below some of the primary pieces of our marketing strategy.

Website Design

We make it easy to keep your website up to date. We are on call to make changes at any time, of course, but we will also map out changes to the slider area, and other parts of the site, to be periodically changed, to keep the website fresh, and completely up to date. We will stay on top of your website, so you don't have to.

We will ensure that the website is kept up to date with best practices for SEO, and integrated with social media. [Client] will be able to quickly and easily contact us to make any updates or changes to the website. Every change made to the website will be done with a focus on attracting and converting new business.

We will use Google Analytics to track the traffic coming to the site, and make suggestions based on the data.

All packages also include a complete overhaul of the website when necessary. As website technology changes, it is beneficial to revise your website accordingly, even rebuilding it from the ground up in some cases. We will advise you on this, and create a live demo on a separate server, so you can see in real time what a new or revised design would look like.

Search Engine Optimization

Purpose: To position [Client] on page #1 of the search engines, at or near the top of the natural search listings, for keywords related to:


and many other related keywords...

when the user is searching for these things in and around the [location] area, especially in areas near the company's offices.

The work we will do will also aim to raise the Google Places ranking (the map with pins) for [Client].

The methods we use to achieve rankings may include (but are not limited to):

Researching keywords and phrases to select appropriate, relevant search terms.

Obtaining “back links” from other related websites and directories in order to generate link popularity and traffic.

Editing and/or optimization of text for various html tags, meta data, page titles, and page text as necessary.

Analysis and recommendations on optimal website structure, navigation, code, etc. for best SEO purposes.

Recommend, as required, additional web pages or content for the purpose of “catching” keyword/phrase searches.

Building our own satellite sites to assist in driving traffic and help the client's website rank higher.

Ensure that the client's site is listed in the proper directories, with the appropriate information to help search engine ranking

Create press releases

Create relevant videos

As search engine algorithms change, we are constantly updating our strategies to stay ahead of competitors. This helps our clients get to page #1 and stay there.


Purpose: To target visitors who viewed our web properties and left. These ads will display across Google and Facebook's ad network, which encompasses thousands of major sites like the Washington Post. These ads will also display in the Facebook News Feed of anyone who has viewed the sites, and anyone who meets the specific demographic we specify (based on location, age, gender, income, interests, etc.)

This type of marketing targets the people most likely to buy (or enter your funnel) and can be very powerful.

When a potential client visits your website, they are essentially raising their hand as someone who is need of your services, either now or in the future. Staying in front of them and providing constant brand recognition makes them much more likely to choose your firm when they are ready to make a buying decision.

We have used remarketing very successfully with several clients, and believe it would be very beneficial for your firm..

Lead Generation

[Our Firm] will provide [Client] with various methods of lead generation, to help drive traffic and leads.

We can track most types of paid advertising, including pay-per-click, and the remarketing mentioned above. If you buy non-digital advertising, we can setup a tracking phone number and/or website, and track the success of those campaigns as well.

Separate websites will be setup with a tracking phone number on each, so we may track how many leads are coming from this advertising. Data available will include the number of clicks generated by the advertising, and number of phone calls and emails generated from those clicks. You will be able to listen to the phone calls that come in through our advertising.

We can also assess the conversion rate of clicks and calls, to assess if there is anything in the client conversion process that could be improved.

Facebook Targeting/Advertising

Though Facebook is not a business site, there is still much to be gained by utilizing it as a marketing tool. We can target demographics who are most likely to become clients, to help branding and brand recognition. SEO can also be helped by good Facebook marketing.

Facebook can be used in a variety of ways to help promote your message. We will work with your Facebook page, and integrate articles with your site that are then promoted through the Facebook page. We will find and promote “sharable” content, which helps both Facebook and Google determine that your page is something that people want to see.

Using Facebook's advertising platform, we can define the type of person your content and ads will be displayed to. We will define various audiences using Facebook's native targeting offerings, your own list of former customers using Custom Audiences, lookalike audiences, and second-level audiences.

We will target a demographic based on location, profession, income, interests, and more, and promote in a way that speaks specifically to those people. We will then use remarketing to stay in front of them for as many as several months after they first view your website or ad.

Custom Landing Pages

A landing page is the first thing that a target sees after clicking on one of your ads. It is critical to continue the message that was expressed in the ad through to the landing page.

Our custom landing pages are optimized for specific keyword phrases as well as audiences and contain a prominent call to action. These pages engage your potential customers and provoke a desired action to increase the conversion rate of website visitors to buying customers.

We can create landing pages with something to download, or with a good reason for the user to send their name and email, and create an auto-responder series, where the user would automatically get emails at predefined intervals, about whatever you'd like, helping you to keep your brand in front of them for months or even years.

Video Marketing

The growing capability of the internet and its role as primary media consumption tool has compelled companies to consider video content as an element of their integrated web marketing campaigns. Consumers spend an average of 5.5 hours watching some type of video media each day, and over 20 percent of that time is spent on digital content.

We generally use video as another avenue to rank in search engines, and capture multiple listings within a single page of rankings. It also helps to capture a different type of users. Some users are more likely to avoid video results, while others are far more likely to click on them. Having both ranking on a single results page will allow us to capture both types of user.

We can create videos that are designed to rank high, and drive users to our other properties.

Other Social Media

Though not as big a part of our overall strategy, we will setup other social media properties, and connect them in a way that will help bring in visitors and potential customers from other areas and networks.

Mobile App

We will create a customized mobile application for [Client] with the purpose of allowing potential clients better access to your services with a simple click. The app will give your business actual “real estate” on their phone, making it easy for potential clients to choose to do business with you, every time they have a need for your services.

The app will include features designed to help your clients and potential clients choose [Client] for all services you provide. Any mobile app pages can be added, removed or amended at anytime with no additional charge.

The app will be available to all clients, potential partners, and other key people in the Apple and Google stores at no charge.

The mobile app will allow you to send push notifications that will go directly to the clients phone and appear similar to a text message.

We will also provide you with marketing materials to send to your clients encouraging them to download and use your new mobile application.

Next Steps

Some of the items above – particularly the paid advertising - would be run through new websites and landing pages that we would build out as part of the marketing plan. These websites would be focused on gathering traffic from the various channels you wish to target, and funneling them to the correct place, until they become a buyer. Work on these properties would begin immediately upon ratification of the contract.

Additional properties would be built as needed, on an ongoing basis for various types of promotion, and to stay on top of the latest marketing trends.


We offer two marketing packages. Both are designed to maximize exposure, and attract and convert as many new clients as possible. The majority of the services we provide depend on scale for effectiveness. As such, the larger packages primarily increase the scale and scope of the services, as opposed to adding new ones.

Package #1 includes everything described above, except the mobile app. All paid advertising is included in the price, so there will be no advertising costs above and beyond the cost of the package itself.

Package #2 includes everything described above, including the mobile app and all maintenance and app store costs involved. All paid advertising is included in the price, so there will be no advertising costs above and beyond the cost of the package itself. Besides the addition of the mobile app, we will be able to double the resources we put towards helping [Client] attract and convert new clients.

In short, this will double the number of high-level backlinks, citations, social signals, press releases, etc. that we are able to use to get a high ranking. The paid marketing and related web properties we build will also be doubled.

With more funds, we will be able to significantly increase the scope of our marketing, compared to package #1.

Both packages will produce great results, and it is easy to switch from one to another with no hassle, and no long-term contract. If you'd like to test the smaller package at first, with the option to move to the larger package in a few months, you are more than welcome to.

With both packages, there is no long term agreement required and you may cancel at anytime with 30 days notice.


Package #1:

Initial Setup Fee: $1000

Ongoing Fee: $1,997/month

Package #2:

Initial Setup Fee: $1000

Ongoing Fee: $3,997/month

Work will be scheduled and will begin when the initial payment and the first month's fee are made in full.

[Our Firm] [Client]

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