Monetizing With Affiliate Offers

Andrew Lantz:

Monetizing With Affiliate Offers

All right. So we are now going to talk about monetizing your email list with affiliate offers. This is one of the most popular monetization strategies, probably the one that most beginners turn to and there's good reason for that. Now in this video, we're going to talk about what affiliate marketing is, what some of the benefits are. What are some of the reasons why beginners love affiliate marketing, and also some of the drawbacks, some of the limitations that promoting affiliate offers will give you? Let's start by defining what exactly affiliate marketing is. So affiliate marketing is simply put promoting someone else's product. You find a product that you want to promote. You promote it to your email list. You get a commission for every sale that you make. Affiliate marketing when we talk about it, we're generally referring to promoting low or mid-ticket offers. You can promote high ticket affiliate offers and we'll talk about that soon, but that is a different skill set.

Now, what is low-ticket? What is mid-ticket? Generally speaking, low-ticket is going to be under $47. Mid-ticket is going to be 47 to about 297 dollar range. That will vary depending on the niche that you were in, but that is a general rule. So that's what affiliate marketing is pretty simple, pretty straightforward. There are some distinct strengths to affiliate marketing. One is how easy it is to get started. Affiliate marketing is something you can go and you can start promoting offers today. There's nothing to create. Just got to find the offers. You can go out and you can start promoting them. The second big strength will be that there are lots of offers. In the niches that we talk about in this program, there are generally going to be quite a few affiliate offers to promote. Why? Because there are people actively seeking information, actively seeking solutions to problems, and other entrepreneurs have gone out and created programs and other kinds of offers to help people solve their problems.

In addition, with affiliate marketing, you don't have to create any sales material. That means that you are going to be trying to push traffic to proven sales pages and proven copy. That's a plus you don't need to do as much testing as you do with some of the other monetization strategies, and finally, there's no customer service to deal with. This is a big advantage. Look, when you put out a product, when you put out a service, you've got to deal with people whose whose payments didn't go through, you've got to deal with refund requests. You've got to deal with other random customer support things that come up. When you're promoting something as an affiliate, you don't really have to worry about those things. So that is a pretty compelling portfolio of benefits and strengths with affiliate marketing. However, there are some drawbacks, you get a smaller percentage of each sale versus something that you create on your own, you also lack control over the content and you lack control over the marketing.

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That's a pretty big disadvantage. Is this a deal-breaker? Maybe, maybe not. What I can tell you is that we at Lurn still generate some revenue every year from affiliate offers. We've been doing this for decades, over a decade, over 15 years, actually, quite a while now. We've been doing this for a long time and we make a lot of money every year from promoting our own courses, from promoting services, coaching programs, but we still make a sizable chunk every year from affiliate marketing, because it works. It's a great way to monetize your audience. When you combine affiliate offers with email marketing, that is a winning combination. If you build an email list, you build an audience of people who are actively seeking solutions to problems and an affiliate offer that you find can help them solve a particular problem that they have. They're going to be receptive to that promotion.

I believe affiliate marketing is a great place for many marketers to start, after all, all you're doing is you're recommending products to people. That is a skill set. We're going to talk about pre-selling, we're going to talk about all those things, but, you know, overall, it's a pretty simple skill set to learn. You can get started very quickly. That is a huge advantage to people. You know you don't need your own product and everything that comes with that. You don't need customer service, payment processing, sales pages, things like that. The friction to you know, getting your business off the ground is significantly lower with affiliate offers versus other monetization strategies that we discuss. So what do you want to look for? You want to look for offers that have a high commission, those are generally going to be digital offers. So Amazon, for example, has an affiliate program.

You can sell any physical product on Amazon. That's exciting, and there are successful businesses that do that, but we discourage you from that because not only is Amazon very particular about the rules and regulations around how you can promote their products, but the commissions are going to be very low. I mean, if you're promoting a $30 physical product, if you only get 5% from the sale is that really worth your time? Probably not. So you want to avoid physical products. You want to focus on digital offers. Those are oftentimes courses. They're oftentimes some kind of, you know, a piece of technology, some kind of platform or membership, some kind of ongoing you know, provider of a service. We'll go over some examples in a minute here, but just something digital, right? Something that, you know, isn't delivered on their doorstep, but something that they get through their computer.

One, how do you evaluate whether or not an offer is worth promoting? You want to look at a few things you want to look at the commission percentage you get, are you going to get 25%, 50%, 75%? It's very important to look at the sales page. Okay? You don't have to create your own sales page, but you want to make sure that you're sending traffic to a good sales page. You might right now, not really know much about sales pages. That is okay. You will develop an intuition for that over time. You're going to learn some stuff in this program about what makes a good sales page or not. But you want to look at that when

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you're, when you're evaluating an offer, you want to make sure that the offer itself is good, and then you want to make sure the marketing around it is good.

You want to watch the VSL. You want to read the sales page. You want to make sure that is well put together because that is going to do the heavy lifting of actually creating customers from the traffic that you send over. So where do you find affiliate offers? Well, you can go into affiliate marketplaces, there's ClickBank, Commission Junction, JVZoo, Share A Sale, AWIN there's there are a bunch of others, too. Avangate. I mean, it's just, it's just tremendous. There's there's so many out there just a simple Google search. We have a list below as well with some different affiliate marketplaces. These are great places to find offers because all the offers are, are there, right? They make it easy to search. They make it easy to evaluate the different offers. You can also find affiliate offers by going onto Google typing in different keywords in your niche plus affiliate program, you will find some private offers that way.

You'll also find some private offers by joining different groups in your niche. Maybe join a Facebook group, maybe join a LinkedIn group. Maybe you sign up for other people's email lists and just see what they're promoting. That'll that'll open up some opportunities with launches and other kinds of exclusive affiliate offers. So that's affiliate programs. It's a great way to get started with monetization for your email list. What I want to do is actually show you a few examples of offers so you get an idea of what we're talking about here. So the first offer I want to show you is this one, I believe it's called Manifestation Miracle. This is a course in the Law of Attraction niche. That's a niche of people who want to use the Law of Attraction to manifest success in their lives. This is a common type of offer you'll find on a site like ClickBank.

So it's a course. It's got, it's got a core course, it's got some bonuses. Maybe it's got some upsells on the other side, very straightforward. You basically send your traffic from your email list to this sales page. This is a video sales letter. It automatically plays. It looks like it's about 30 some minutes long. At the end of it, there's a call to action, a pitch for the actual offer. And when customers actually buy the offer then you get a percentage of the sale. And if they buy upsells, you'll oftentimes get a percentage of those sales as well. These are great because your customers who are looking for solutions to problems in their lives can get these courses, learn what they need to learn, implement what they need to learn, and see some results.

So you're offering a great service here by putting these courses in front of them. Another one I want to show you, this is the, it looks like the dog training niche. This is a private offer. I found this by searching on Google. The first one I found on ClickBank, this one, I found just searching on Google. I typed in dog training affiliate program. This is one of the offers I found. You can get a 50% commission from promoting these courses. If you click here to join the affiliate program, they're going to make you go through a registration process. But this, this is, these are a series of courses about how to train your dog, right? So

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you're, you're learning how to teach your dog tricks. If you got an email list filled with people who are interested in dog training, this is probably going to be a course that they will be interested in.

I haven't actually evaluated. So this is not me endorsing the course. It's just me showing you some examples. An example of something that is not a course. This is Wix. So Wix is a service that makes it super easy to build a website. They have an affiliate program, so you can promote Wix to your list, and then whenever somebody signs up, you get a very nice commission. I don't see the exact number here, but I know it's pretty generous. So that's great. If you have an audience of people who maybe they're entrepreneurs, maybe they're freelancers, maybe they're pursuing a particular career and they should build a website to, you know, almost be like a website resume kind of thing. This could be an awesome thing to promote to them. You're connecting them with something that can help them achieve their goals. So while most affiliate programs that we at Lurn promote our courses or some kind of information, there are other types of affiliate programs as well.

You would be surprised many of the, many of your favorite things probably have an affiliate program. So definitely check them out. Look at the affiliate marketplaces, go try to find those private affiliate offers, and you'll be surprised by the amount of offers out there. So that's affiliate marketing. This is one of the most popular ways to monetize your email list. If you're a beginner, if you're just kind of new to internet marketing and don't really know what you're doing, I encourage you to give this a good look. I'm not saying you need to do it. Definitely check out the other options that we're going to discuss here. But I think for many of you, this is going to be a good option. So thank you so much for watching. I'm Andrew Lantz, Content Director at Lurn. I'll see you in the next lesson.

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