Gulf Power Transformers

Gulf Power Transformers

Members Guide Book

Table of Contents

Forward – Bernard Jacob

Mission page 4

Membership page 4

Membership Dues page 4

Member Responsibilities page 4

Board of Directors page 5

Board of Directors Meetings page 5

Chapters page 5

Chapter Meetings page 5

Chapter Officers page 6

Chapter Responsibilities page 6

Projects and Charities page 6

Votes page 6

Elections page 7

Media page 7

A. Management procedure – Community Involvement page 7

B. Media Contact page 7

C. Public Service Announcements page 7

D. Media Outlets for PSAs page 8

1. Fort Walton Beach page 8

2. Panama City page 8

3. Pensacola page 8

Finances page 9

A. Fundraising page 9

B. Foundation Matching Grants page 9

C. Checking Account page 10

D. Vendors page 10

E. Contributions to Transformers page 10

F. Transformers Contributions to Charities page 12

G. State Sales Tax page 12

Printing & Printing Costs page 12

Safety page 13

Personal Protective Equipment page 13

Form A -- Sample PSA page 14

Form B – Sample Charitable Contributions Form page 15

Form C – Foundation Matching Request Form page 16

Gulf Power Transformers

Member’s Guide Book


Recently, the leadership team crafted a mission statement which highlights the most important aspects of our business.

Our mission, as Gulf Power Company employees, is “to safely deliver reliable, affordable and environmentally responsible energy to very satisfied customers in strong communities.”

Strong communities, just like every other aspect of that mission statement, are crucial to our business success.

That’s why, in 2003, the leadership team recommended incorporating a non-profit organization which would change the way community involvement was done at Gulf Power. The new organization would be employee directed, involve families, and provide a vehicle for charitable fundraising.

In 2004, The Gulf Power Transformers was born. Transformers combines the power of a tax exempt charity with the spirit, creativity and willingness of Gulf Power’s employees.

Once again, Gulf Power’s employees have demonstrated that they are the best in the world. Thanks to our employees, Transformers has been a great success over its short history.

Already, many thousands of dollars have been raised and given away to charities, and Transformers groups around the company have volunteered countless hours for worthy causes, and we have only just begun. I am extremely optimistic about the future of the Gulf Power Transformers. There is no limit to what we can do with Transformers if we continue to work together.

Thank you for working and sacrificing to transform our communities into better places for all.

Bernard Jacob

Vice President Customer Operations

President Board of Directors Gulf Power Transformers 2003-2007


The mission of the Gulf Power Transformers is to transform the communities where we live and work by combining the spirit and willingness of Gulf Power employees with the power of a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.


Membership in the Gulf Power Transformers is open to any active or retired employee of Gulf Power Company and their families. Membership provides the opportunity to be involved in the operations of the local chapter.

Membership Dues:

Annual membership dues are $10 for individuals and $15 for families. The family membership allows two members to vote on chapter business. Dues are just one of the many ways the chapters raise money to operate.

Member Responsibilities:

The individual Transformers member plays the most significant role of all in the organization because Transformers is designed to be “member directed.” Every member is not only entitled, but is expected, to nominate and campaign for chapter support for their favorite charitable causes, and to vote for, coordinate and participate in same.

The reason for the existence of the Gulf Power Transformers is to spotlight the community spirit of us -- Gulf Power’s employees. As such, Transformers members should make every effort to support chapter projects and charitable causes especially in regard to participation. Members will be called upon to participate in charitable walks, fundraisers, raffles and other benevolent volunteerism, and while no one is expected to participate in every event, a member should expect to participate as much as possible.

Board of Directors:

The Transformers organization is governed by a board of directors which oversees all Transformers activities of all chapters. The board is comprised of 13 voting members. These are the Vice President of External Affairs; the General Manager of Public Affairs; the Manager of Plants Smith and Scholz; the Manager of Plant Crist; the District Managers of the Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach and Panama City districts; the five chapter presidents, and a treasurer position.

Transformers is designed to be member directed, and the chapters are given broad discretion over their business, but the board of directors has ultimate responsibility for the activities of the organization, and therefore; has veto power over chapter decisions.

Board of Directors’ Meetings

The Transformers Board of Directors meets once per quarter. Any issues for the Board should be submitted to a chapter officer.


There are five Transformers chapters spanning Gulf Power’s service area. They are the Panama City Chapter, the Plants Smith and Scholz Chapter (one chapter), the Fort Walton Beach Chapter, the Plant Crist Chapter and the Pensacola Chapter. A member may join as many chapters as they wish but may only vote in one chapter.

Chapter Meetings:

The chapter is required to hold at least one general membership meeting per year, and all members should be invited. The chapter is encouraged to meet more than just once per year. Members should be given an opportunity to voice recommendations and nominations for charitable organizations and activities that they would like to see supported by their chapter.

Chapter Officers:

Each chapter elects its officers annually. The officers include (at a minimum) a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Chapters may choose to add other officers as determined by their by-laws.

Chapter Responsibilities:

The chapter is responsible for carrying out the mission of Transformers. The chapter should seek out opportunities to serve the local community. The chapter officers are responsible for keeping the membership informed of opportunities available for volunteerism, for encouraging member participation, for allowing member input into chapter decisions, for arranging meetings and opportunities for votes, for counting votes and informing the membership in a timely manner and for keeping the chapter’s finances in order. The chapter officers may use committees made up of non-officers to carry out the duties of the chapter.

Projects and Charities:

Major projects are decided upon by majority vote of the chapter membership. The chapter membership may choose to financially support any organization which has been designated by the IRS as a 501(c)(3); 509(a)(1) or Section 509(a)(2) nonprofit organization. Volunteer support may go to any benevolent project even if that project is not designated as a legitimate non-profit organization.

The chapter membership has the final say on the major projects the chapter will support, but the chapter officers may offer opportunities for volunteerism as they arise.


Votes may be made by proxy which may include email or paper ballot according to the Bylaws of Gulf Power Transformers, Article V, Section 4. The chapter officers should attempt to provide an opportunity for every member to vote, but a reasonable deadline should be applied to all votes. Each chapter is encouraged to select their main projects for the upcoming year by December 31 of the current year.


Chapter elections should be held in accordance with the Gulf Power Transformers by-laws and chapter policy.


A. Management Procedure concerning community involvement: (click on link below)

B. Media Contact:

While it’s natural to want to get the word out about your chapter’s latest fund raiser or event, it is important for all Transformers members to remember that the Corporate Communications Department is solely responsible for media communications and media contact for Gulf Power Company. Transformer members should not initiate or solicit media coverage for Transformers events except for the use of “Community Calendars” and “Public Service Announcements,” and any media requests to cover Transformers events should be directed to Corporate Communications.

C. Public Service Announcements:

A sample PSA form (Form–A) is included at the end of this guide. PSAs should be short and to the point and include the what, why, when, where and who of your event. Information should be sent approximately three to four weeks prior to the event.

D. Media Outlets for PSAs:

Fort Walton Beach

Morrisf@; (Northwest Florida Daily News)




Panama City

news@;         (Panama City News Herald)





torishay@ (Panama City Radio – WAKT; WBRA; WPFM; WASJ)        


life@; (PNJ)

Ezra@; (Pensacola Magazine)






news@sr-; (Santa Rosa Press Gazette)


A. Fundraising:

Each chapter is responsible for raising money for donations to the chosen charities. Scrupulous records should be kept for all fund raising activities. Receipts should be kept for all purchases and clearly marked with the name and date of the fundraiser. Raffle ticket numbers should be recorded along with the buyer and the amount paid for each.

B. Foundation Matching Grants

The Gulf Power Foundation will match approved donations up to $5000 per chapter. The matching amount is chosen by the chapter officers, and may be given to as many charities as desired up to the $5000 maximum. The chapter must first make a donation to a charity then the foundation will match the requested amount up to the total amount given by the chapter. The recipient must be a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. See Form C on page 16 for the Foundation Matching Request Form.

Rules for Foundation Matching Grants:

▪ Each chapter's donations will be matched up to $5000 per year.

▪ The chapter must first donate to the charity before making a request for matching grants.

▪ The foundation matching funds will be given directly to the charity.

▪ The chapter will be required to file a request to the foundation for each matching donation. See Form C on page 16 for the Foundation Matching Request Form.

▪ The chapter is not required to request matching funds for a charitable donation, but may do so at the discretion of its officers.

▪ Any number of requests is acceptable up to the $5000 limit per year.

▪ There is no carry over from year to year. If the full $5000 is not used it will not carry over to the next year.

▪ There is no minimum donation.

▪ The request to the foundation should include documentation of the donation to the charity such as a copy of the check or a receipt from the charity for the donation.

▪ Requests for matching funds should be sent to Candace Klinglesmith at Bin # 0786.

C. Checking Account:

Each chapter has its own checking account. The chapter Treasurer is responsible for keeping the checkbook balanced and the chapter financial data current. The chapter checking account will be audited at least once annually by the board Treasurer. Bank charges and fees are the responsibility of the chapter. Checks should have two signatures from chapter officers.

D. Vendors:

Members should keep in mind that outside vendors who do business with Gulf Power Company are under no obligation to support Transformers projects or fundraisers. Members should never insinuate that any vendor is obligated to support a Transformers fundraiser, and members should avoid repeatedly asking the same vendors to sponsor or support Transformers activities. Vendors and contractors who have supported Transformers should be thanked with a letter of appreciation that states the dollar amount given.

E. Contributions to Transformers:

The following is taken directly from the IRS Web site concerning contributions to 501(c)(3) organizations.

“Charitable organizations described in section 501(c)(3), other than testing for public safety organizations, are eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions in accordance with section 170.

A charitable organization must provide a written disclosure statement to donors of a quid pro quo contribution in excess of $75. A quid pro quo contribution is a payment made to a charity by a donor partly as a contribution and partly for goods or services provided to the donor by the charity. For example, if a donor gives a charity $100 and receives a concert ticket valued at $40, the donor has made a quid pro quo contribution. In this example, the charitable contribution portion of the payment is $60. Even though the part of the payment available for deduction does not exceed $75, a disclosure statement must be filed because the donor's payment (quid pro quo contribution) exceeds $75. The required written disclosure statement must:

1. Inform the donor that the amount of the contribution that is deductible for federal income tax purposes is limited to the excess of any money (and the value of any property other than money) contributed by the donor over the value of goods or services provided by the charity, and

2. Provide the donor with a good faith estimate of the value of the goods or services that the donor received.

The charity must furnish the statement in connection with either the solicitation or the receipt of the quid pro quo contribution. If the disclosure statement is furnished in connection with a particular solicitation, it is not necessary for the organization to provide another statement when the associated contribution is actually received.

No disclosure statement is required when:

1. The goods or services given to a donor meet the standards for "insubstantial value" set out in Rev. Proc. 90-12, 1990-1 C.B. 471, and Rev. Proc. 92-49, 1992-1 C.B. 987 (as updated);

2. There is no donative element involved in a particular transaction with a charity (for example, there is generally no donative element involved in a visitor's purchase from a museum gift shop); or

There is only an intangible religious benefit provided to the donor. The intangible religious benefit must be provided to the donor by an organization organized

1. The goods or services given to a donor meet the standards for "insubstantial value" set out in Rev. Proc. 90-12, 1990-1 C.B. 471, and Rev. Proc. 92-49, 1992-1 C.B. 987 (as updated);

2. There is no donative element involved in a particular transaction with a charity (for example, there is generally no donative element involved in a visitor's purchase from a museum gift shop); or

3. There is only an intangible religious benefit provided to the donor. The intangible religious benefit must be provided to the donor by an organization organized exclusively for religious purposes, and must be of a type that generally is not sold in a commercial transaction outside the donative context

A penalty is imposed on a charity that does not make the required disclosure in connection with a quid pro quo contribution of more than $75. The penalty is $10 per contribution, not to exceed $5,000 per fund-raising event or mailing. The charity can avoid the penalty if it can show that the failure was due to reasonable cause.

Donors taking a deduction under section 170 are required to obtain contemporaneous written substantiation for a charitable contribution of $250 or more. To be "contemporaneous" the written substantiation must generally be obtained by the donor no later than the date the donor actually files a return for the year the contribution is made. If the donee provides goods or services to the donor in exchange for the contribution (a quid pro quo contribution), this written substantiation (acknowledgment) must include a good faith estimate of the value of the goods or services. The donee is not required to record or report this information to the IRS on behalf of a donor. The donor is responsible for requesting and obtaining the written acknowledgement from the donee. Although there is no prescribed format for the written acknowledgment, it must provide sufficient information to substantiate the amount of the contribution. For more information, see Publication 1771.”

F. Transformer Contributions to Charities:

See “Form – B at the end of this guide. Use this form when giving contributions to charities.

G. State Sales Tax:

Purchases made on behalf of Transformers are exempt from Florida State sales tax in accordance with the “Consumer’s Certificate of Exemption” issued to the Transformers by the state. Each chapter treasurer has a copy of this certificate and should present it along with any other documentation required by the vendor.

Printing and Printing Costs:

Chapters must pay for their own printing. They may pay Gulf Power’s Communication Services, or they may go outside for printing, and pay for it with chapter funds. Listed below are some typical costs for printed materials from Gulf Power’s Communication Services.

Printing Costs:

(Subject to change without notice – check with Communication Services before proceeding)

Banners and Tee Signs:

← Charged by an hourly rate of $54.82 per hour.

← Banners (if not excessive color and lettering) usually take 30 minutes.

← Tee Signs - usually 2-3 per hour (if not excessive color or lettering)



← are $2.75 each (24 x 36) unlaminated and unmounted.

← Posters that are mounted are $3.25 (due to the cost of the foam core board)

← Posters that need to be laminated are sent to a vendor


Color copies (8.5x11) :

← .40 per one-sided

← .60 per two-sided


Black/white copies (8.5x11)

← .05 cents one- sided

← .07 cents two-sided


Mailing flyers and brochures to employees

← are charged by the hourly rate of $54.82 per hour.


Bindery cost

← are charged by the hourly rate of $54.82 per hour.


Target Zero is our standard in volunteerism as well as on company time.

Transformers working as volunteers should abide by all safety guidelines that govern work done on company time. For example, if clearing yard debris using power tools, safety glasses, gloves, ear protection and any other equipment required while at work should be used in volunteer situations.

If you are unsure about what safety equipment to use for a particular situation, contact your safety representative or call Theresa Tucker at 8/420-6615.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

PPE, appropriate to the job, should worn even if an employee is volunteering during off hours. Click on the link below for a PPE Matrix which demonstrates PPE required for many volunteer tasks. If in doubt about what PPE is needed to safely perform volunteer duties, ask your team leader or anyone from Safety and Health.

Form - A


Gulf Power Company

Employee Community Service Organization

June 17, 2005

Please publish the following event announcement in your community calendar or event announcements as often as possible until the date of the event. The Gulf Power Transformers is a non-profit organization made up of Gulf Power employees who volunteer their time and raise money to support agencies and activities in the communities of Northwest Florida. For more information about Transformers, call the Executive Director Dan Cassidy at 444-6166.

Throw a strike – make a dream come true.

Even if you can’t throw a strike, you’ll be helping to grant a sick child’s wish by bowling in the 2005 “Lanes of Dreams” Bowling Tournament which will benefit The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Central and Northern Florida®. The tournament, sponsored by the Plant Crist chapter of the Gulf Power Transformers, will be Saturday, July 23 at the Oops Alley Family Entertainment Center in Pace. Registration is $30 per person and includes three games, shoe rental, a lunch buffet and prizes. For more information, contact Tanya Lockett at 429-2294

Form - B

Gulf Power Transformers

Charitable Contribution Substantiation Form

Please acknowledge receipt of the enclosed charitable contribution from the Gulf Power Transformers by completing this form and returning it to us.

I,      (Name of Charity), have received from Gulf Power Company on          (Date):

1. A cash contribution in the amount of $    ___              ______   

(Funds to be used only in the United States)-

Funds used for ___________________________________________


2. A contribution of property described as follows (include estimated fair market value):



In return for the above contribution, I

   _    have provided no goods or services to

Gulf Power Transformers

          have provided goods or services described as:




Having a good faith estimated value of $ _________                 __

Signed:                                             ______

Charity:  ____________________________

Date:                                             ______

The attached form needs to be completed upon receipt and returned to:

Gulf Power Transformers

Chapter President


Form C


Gulf Power Transformers


Name of Organization:__________________________ ___ ______________________

If different than Name of Organization make check payable to:


EIN # of Organization: ___________________________________________________

Address of Organization:_________________________________________________

Organization Telephone:_________________________________________________

Amount of Donation:_________ ___________________________________________

Amount of Match:____ ___________________________________________________

Description: _____________________________________________________________________

Send this form along with documentation of donation (receipt or cancelled check) to:

Candace Klinglesmith

Gulf Power Company Foundation

Bin 0786

Submitted by Transformer Chapter: ________________________________________

Chapter Member: ______________________________________________________

Date Submitted: _______________________________________________________

Foundation matching grants will only be issued for IRS Section 501(c) (3) charitable organizations.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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