Suncoast cathedral mcc

centercenterFounded February 1995suncoast cathedral mccPastoral Search & Application PackageWelcome! On the following pages you will learn a little about the rich history of SunCoast Cathedral MCC, including our vision, mission, who we are and whose we are. We will share what type of individual we believe is being called to serve as our next Senior Pastor. Finally, we will provide a little taste of this beautiful, sun-filled, art-filled, quaint part of paradise, called Venice, Florida. Join us on our journey! Blessings & Peace, The SunCoast Cathedral MCC Congregation and Pastoral Search Team9410077300Founded February 1995suncoast cathedral mccPastoral Search & Application PackageWelcome! On the following pages you will learn a little about the rich history of SunCoast Cathedral MCC, including our vision, mission, who we are and whose we are. We will share what type of individual we believe is being called to serve as our next Senior Pastor. Finally, we will provide a little taste of this beautiful, sun-filled, art-filled, quaint part of paradise, called Venice, Florida. Join us on our journey! Blessings & Peace, The SunCoast Cathedral MCC Congregation and Pastoral Search TeamWelcome and OverviewWe are so pleased that you are interested in learning about SunCoast Cathedral Metropolitan Community Church (SCC). Like most MCC churches, we are comprised of a wide variety of individuals from many backgrounds and faith traditions who stand together and united in many areas. First and foremost among these we are a prayerful, worshipful congregation of scripturally based believers, who share a trust in a God who is active in our individual lives and in the life of our church. These beliefs have brought us growth and deepened our trust through more than 20 years of service to God and to our community; and have sustained us through multiple challenges. In the following pages you will discover a brief history of SunCoast Cathedral MCC and how we have evolved in to the amazing congregation we are at this point in our journey. Our History0238125003019425155575000In early 1995, approximately 78 people, led by Rev. Dr. Sherry L. Kennedy, felt called to begin something new in South Sarasota County. They began by gathering for worship each week in a rented conference room at the Day’s Inn in Venice, Florida. This required bringing church with them every week - - setting up and taking down all the “trappings” required for a worship service. These “spiritual bag people,” as they called themselves, became the initial, founding members of SunCoast Cathedral MCC. Within months of worshiping in this manner, a large, five acre piece of property with an existing 10,000 sq. ft. metal building that had served as a church for prior congregations, was found along East Venice Avenue and purchased. This was no small feat for a church that didn’t even have its own bank account! Worship continued in the existing church building until 2001 when Tropical Storm Gabrielle caused damage to our building which resulted in toxic mold forming and the building subsequently being condemned. After years of haggling with the insurance company didn’t even yield enough funds to demolish the building, this congregation was not dissuaded or discouraged - - within two weeks, they raised over an additional $40,000 required to demolish the building.4762515430500Refusing to give up, while all the insurance claims were being settled and the work to rebuild was going on, the congregation needed a place to meet. They renovated an existing garage on the property and created a wonderful 960 sq. ft. chapel. The members of the church did this work. Due to the small size of the chapel, two services were held each Sunday for the next several years. A rebuilding campaign was begun called, “Let Us Arise and Rebuild.” After a time of multiple struggles and challenges as the money was raised, with the county and the insurance company causing delay after delay, the members of Suncoast Cathedral MCC persisted and trusted in God, our “foundational scriptures” and one another, and succeeded in completing the building we now occupy in early 2010. 2857541910000SunCoast Cathedral literally stands on holy ground, with our church’s foundational scriptures sown in to the ground upon which the church stands. There are rocks located under the foundation of the sanctuary with Jeremiah 29:11 (our founding pastor’s “life verse”), as well as the other promises SunCoast holds from God’s word (see further in this package). Rev. Sherry always looked to the bright future ahead for SunCoast Cathedral MCC, and the congregation still does today. This is instilled in the DNA of SunCoast as we are indeed a “can do” church!While we have been affected by the unexpected death of Rev. Sherry in 2015, we are determined to continue to grow and more fully rely on God’s grace and leadership for SunCoast as we move in to the future God has planned for us.Our Website & FacebookClick here to be linked to our Website: here to be linked to our Facebook page: ’s Vision and MissionOur VisionSCC MCC exists to serve God and one another; we offer an open and affirming community, healthy in mind, body, and spirit. Come as you are, believing as you do.Our MissionTo bring together people of different values and beliefs, connecting as an open and non-judgmental community, worshipping in God’s love.Foundational Scriptures for SunCoast Cathedral MCCSunCoast Cathedral MCC has a long and rich tradition as a “praying” church. Over our history we have “claimed” several scriptures as our own and they serve as the foundation for what we do and believe. They are in fact literally sown within the ground upon which our church is built and written on rocks which stand below the foundation of the chancel. These scriptures are:Philippians 4:19 - “Our God shall supply all our needs according to God’s riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”Philippians 4:13 - “We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.”Romans 8:37 - “But in all things, we overwhelmingly conquer through Christ who loved us.”II Corinthians 2:14 - “But thanks be unto God who always leads us in triumph in Christ.”Isaiah 54:17 - “No weapon that is formed against us shall prosper;”I Thessalonians 5:24 - “Faithful is God who calls us and God also will bring it to pass.”Jeremiah 29:11 - “For I know the plans I have for you, declares God, plans for your prosperity and not for your destruction, plans to bring about the future you hope for.”Mark 9:23 - “All things are possible to those who believe.”Romans 8:28 - “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to God’s purpose.”Joel 2:25a, 26 – “Then I will restore to you the years the locusts have eaten…And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.”Nehemiah 8:10 – “The joy of the Lord is our strength.”II Timothy 1:7 – “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.”Philippians 1:6 – “The One who began a good work in us will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”Isaiah 42:16 – “And I will lead the blind by a way they do not know, in paths they do not know I will guide them. I will make darkness into light before them and rugged places into plains. These are the things I will do, and I will not leave them undone.”Habakkuk 2:2, 3 – “Then the Lord answered me and said, ‘Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets that the one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.’ “207645013144500Who is SunCoast Cathedral and What is Important in Our PastorIn this next section we will share the overall results of our recent congregational survey with the hope that you will learn about who we are as a congregation and what is important to us as we look to call our next Senior Pastor. Included are our demographics, our strengths, our challenges (we want applicants to have a balanced view of who we are), our financials, and very importantly the characteristics we have identified as important in the next pastor of SunCoast Cathedral MCC.Demographics:Giving:SunCoast StrengthsThe Survey revealed that the congregants identify the following three areas as the top strengths for SunCoast as:Welcoming Congregation / Friendly PeopleSpiritualityOpen and Giving CongregationSunCoast Challenges / Areas of Concern:Leadership (Training & number of leaders)Worship QualityFinancial SupportImportant Characteristics for Settled Pastor (as identified by Survey respondents)Experience levelPreaching ExcellenceAbility to Work with the Board of DirectorsPastoral CareVision SettingCommunity OutreachFinancial Overview and BudgetAs with most churches, SunCoast Cathedral MCC has faced its share of financial challenges, especially during its ‘wilderness’ years - - those years were we had no building and were meeting in the converted garage and did not know if or when we could rebuild. However, just as God has always done, God provided for the people of SunCoast and we survived and thrived. Again, with the sudden, unexpected death of our founding pastor, we faced financial challenges but have continued to meet the challenges and through our diligence and God’s faithfulness, we have persevered. “And I will lead the blind by a way they do not know, in paths they do not know I will guide them. I will make darkness into light before them and rugged places into plains. These are the things I will do, and I will not leave them undone.” Isaiah 42:16Per Capita Giving:2016 BudgetFor 2016, the Total budget approved (General Fund, mortgage, designated, etc.) was as follows:Total Income:$220,268Total Expense:$214,856Net Income$ 5,412Through September, the church is operating at a deficit as follows:Unaudited Balance Sheet, P & L and Budget vs Actuals for the period of January – October 2016, can be accessed at the following: CommunityVenice, FloridaGateway to the Gulf CoastNestled along the Gulf Coast of Florida (aka the “Left Coast”) Sarasota County has so much to offer and the quaint city of Venice is no exception. Below are some facts about this exciting and simply beautiful slice of heaven on earth. It has as much or as little to offer as you’d like, depending upon your interests - - from one of the world’s top rated beaches, to world class golf courses, to museums, to theaters, to galleries, kayaking, to nature preserves and shopping, it all awaits. Come, see, learn. Venice, Florida:Venice, Florida is known as the 'Biggest "Little" City' on Florida's Gulf Coast. Its white–sand coast offers 14 miles of beaches from Casey Key to Manasota Key, plus to the north sits Siesta Key Beach, voted the number one beach in the country. ?There are plenty of recreational opportunities including swimming, sunbathing, fishing, kayaking and sailing. Golfers enjoy 11 excellent golf courses in Venice and an additional 31 courses in the Sarasota area. Venice is punctuated with many canals, gardens, parks, bike and walking trails, as well as its own fishing pier! With more than 30 parks ranging in size from tiny pocket parks to the beach along the Gulf of Mexico, some of the more unique parks include Paw Park, where dogs can romp on the beach! Bike along the Venetian Waterway Park, a 5-mile stretch that runs along both sides of the Intracoastal Waterway.Venice is also a "Florida Main Street City,” where its downtown is graced by Northern Italian architecture and beautifully landscaped boulevards that date to the original city plans of 1925 and reminiscent of the Italian city whose name it borrowed.Venice is one of the few cities on Florida's West Coast that is not separated from the Gulf of Mexico by a barrier island. Preserving the original character of the city resulted in the creation of the Historic Venice District and an Architectural Review Board to ensure that new construction or modification to existing buildings conforms to the Northern Italian Renaissance style of the city’s original architecture.Arts and culture are important mainstays to Venice. ?She has her own Symphony Orchestra, a full-scale live theater, a large Venice Art Center, a Community Center for cultural, civic activities, with seating for more than 1,200 plus two major libraries.Hungry? You'll find what you want in?one of Venice's 52 unique and diverse restaurants. ?But Venice is a chosen destination for fresh seafood.And if you want something different Sarasota is just 30 minutes away with its Opera House, intimate theaters, Van Wezel Center for the Performing Arts and the Ringling Museum.Venice’s population is 23,300, and is one of five cities/towns that make up Sarasota County.The following are the cities and towns and their populations that make up Sarasota County.City or Town?????????PopulationSarasota Springs ??????? ?15,659Sarasota ??????????????????????? 53,300Venice ?????????????????????????? ?23,300North Port ????????????????? ??? 60,380Englewood ?????????????????? ?14,900The average age in Venice per city- is 67.3 years old, but the bordering towns of North Port, FL just to the South is 43.6 years and Sarasota to the North is 46.0 years.The breakdown of the population of Venice by race is as follows: RaceVeniceCaucasian97.03%African American0.68%Asian1.13%American Indian0.02%Native Hawaiian0.00%Mixed race0.79%Other race0.36%In Venice, 2.7% of people are of Hispanic or Latino origin. Please note: Hispanics may be of any race, so also are included in any/all of the applicable race categories above. (Source: )The religion statistics for Sarasota County are as follows:Religion# of Congregations??????????????????????????? Catholic13Evangelical Protestant174Mainline Protestant58Black Protestant7Orthodox2Other Protestant38Jewish15Muslim976200571500What do Others Say about Venice?Southern Living Magazine named Venice, Florida, as one of the top 15 “Best Places to Retire.” They stated that, “in a city named for the canals that weave through it, you know two things: that?the water is central to the life of the city, and that romance and culture are prized. Both are true in this gorgeous city; beach homes overlook the Gulf of Mexico, and beautiful beaches are always close at hand. ?A relaxed downtown boasts of a healthy shopping District complete with walkable sidewalks lined with palm trees, theaters and festivals provide entertainment throughout the year."Venice has also been ranked number 16 in the top 50 "Most Affordable Small Sunny Towns in the United States” by Light Therapy Review. The article notes “Located on the western coast of Florida, Venice is the place to be if you love perfect weather, wearing a swimsuit all year around and any kind of outdoor?sports. Venice is a Palm tree covered dream! When people think of quaint and peaceful parts of Florida, this town has to be what they imagine.” More info on Venice can be found here: Position DescriptionThe congregation of SunCoast Cathedral MCC is seeking a Senior Pastor with in-depth experience leading a congregation within MCC. This individual must have a proven track record as an effective leader and teacher and demonstrate the ability and skill-set to maintain and grow a more diverse congregation including race, sexual identity, age and those looking to be seen for who they are.The Senior Pastor must have a commitment and vision to lead individuals to the message of Jesus Christ, with a desire that seeks to cultivate the current congregation while at the same time is willing to reach outside of Suncoast, especially to the growing families in our surrounding communities. We affirm a desire that the Pastor would be welcoming to all affirming persons into our church family, as has been our practice.The Senior Pastor must possess the skills and gifts of self-motivation and genuine love for the people and be approachable, willing to listen and have the ability to make all people feel valued and heard.Senior Pastor - Application Package Thank you for your interest in SunCoast Cathedral MCC. We look forward to reviewing your application.Once we have received and reviewed applications against our criteria, we will select the top candidates for phone interviews. These top candidates will be requested to then complete a Due Diligence Application which will ask for more personal information and information required in order to complete the necessary background checks.In order to provide us with your initial application, please submit the following:Completed application formResume with education history and three letters of referenceVideo of one or more recent sermons (in the form of an email file or link, or a mailed DVD, with written transcripts of those sermons if available, and a church bulletin from those services)Please ensure that all application packages are complete and all questions are answered clearly and concisely. Upon receipt of your completed package a return email will be sent confirming receipt and the next steps process. We appreciate your time and the thoughtful due diligence you are putting forth in this process.Your completed application package should be emailed to psc@If you are unable to email your application, it may be mailed to Jack Hutter, 3263 Meadow Run Dr., Venice, FL 34293All applications must be received by midnight Eastern Time JANUARY 15, 2017.Please note that all information will be kept in the strictest confidence.Please attach additional sheets to this application if there is not enough space to fully complete your response.Full Name:Address:Contact Information:Email:Phone:Are you currently employed/ministering?If yes, where?Experience: CHURCHMINISTRY POSITIONFROMTOI am a U.S. Citizen (yes/no) If no, are you (please select one):A non-citizen national of the United StatesA lawful permanent residentAuthorized to work in the United StatesI am ordained and licensed in UFMCC? Yes _____ No _____If no, please explain:Spouse’s Name ________________________________________________________What role if any does your spouse have in your ministry or in the church? Describe.Children:NAMEAGEOverall Compensation Requirements: ___________________Date of Availability: ____________________Thoughts about ministry:The areas of ministry I find most satisfying are:The areas of ministry I find most challenging are:The areas in which I need to grow are:Why are you open to a new Call at this time?My style of leadership is:I hope my relationship with the Board will be:I hope my relationship to staff and ministry team leaders will be:Developing and nurturing a vision means:I foster commitment and accountability by:Describe your thoughts about worshipThe worship style I prefer is:My preaching style is:Lay participation in worship should include:Describe your thoughts about administrationI think administration of the church’s business is:The board and ministry teams assist in the church’s administration by:Describe your thoughts about doing justice ministry:Doing justice ministry means:I think being involved in justice ministry is:Describe your thoughts about fellowship:Good church fellowship is:Caring for one another means:Hospital/home visits:Attach a brief Statement of Faith (3 – 5 pages)Thank You! ................

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