Welcome to Merton

|Merton Local Plan - Economy and Town Centres |

Local Economy and Town Centres

Wimbledon is Merton’s only major town centre, internationally recognised thanks to the Wimbledon Championships held annually at the All England Lawn Tennis. It has a wide range of national and international brands, two cinemas, two theatres and lots of restaurants and cafes.  

Mitcham and Morden are district centres, with supermarkets, cafes restaurants and other shops serving people who live in the area. Mitcham has benefitted from recent street scene and public realm investment to improve the Fair Green and make it easier for people to walk, cycle and get around by public transport. Ambitions for the regeneration of Morden have been around for many years; the town centre has not changed much in 20 years and there is general support for regeneration if it makes the town centre more attractive and reduces the feeling of busy traffic dominating the high street.

The way we use town centres has changed. We now visit town centres to socialise with friends or avail of experiences we can’t get on the internet such as going out for a coffee or meal with friends, getting a haircut, going to the theatre,  going to the gym, visiting a shop to see and touch a product or get face-to-face advice. Shopping is no longer the primary reason for being in a town centre.

Merton’s current Local Plan (and most Local Plans in England) designates specific places at the heart of each town centre which prioritises shops selling clothes, shoes, phones, electrical equipment etc. but excludes other services such as cafes, restaurants, estate agents etc. This is because “comparison” shops need a lot of people visiting them to make them viable and grouping them together in the heart of a town centre makes them easier for people to get to and easy to go into  lots of shops in one visit to the area.

However, is this still what we want from town centres? Would we prefer having cafes, restaurants and other experiences we can share with friends in the heart of the town centre or would this crowd damage the shopping experience and the ability of shops to be able to rent space?

Top of Form

1. Would you like to see... w

[pic]The heart of Wimbledon and other town centres prioritised for shops that sell clothes, shoes, toys, electrical items, beauticians and other comparison services?

[pic]Greater priority given to shops, cafes, restaurants, pubs, theatres and other services we can share with friends at the heart of our town centres?

Please use the box below to tell us more (optional)



Protection of pubs in Merton

The Greater London branches of Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) have adopted a "Pub protection strategy", the policy objectives of which are: 

- to safeguard continuing pub use on established sites in planning use class terms

- to bring demolition and all changes of use of pubs within planning controls

In Merton Policy DM R5 Food and drink/leisure and entertainment uses can be applied to protect pubs, but only when a planning application is required.

However, permitted development rights introduced in 2015 have allowed conversion of "drinking establishments" to A1 (retail), A2 (professional and financial services), or A3 (cafe/restaurant) without a planning application having to be submitted. Alternatively, unless a pub had a heritage listing or belonged to a conservation area, an owner could simply demolish it after notifying the intention to do so.

Since April 2015, the nomination of any pub (or drinking establishment) as an Asset of Community Value under the 2011 Localism Act, has had the effect of removing permitted development rights or the ability to demolish without consultation.

Top of Form

2. Do you think we should add to our existing Local Plan policy on pubs to require applicants to demonstrate that a pub is no longer needed before this type of change of use is allowed? 



[pic]Don't know

Please use the box below to tell us more (optional)


Culture, arts and tourism

By recognising the value of arts, culture and tourism uses to Merton’s economy and employment, the council aims to protect and provide additional arts, culture and tourism uses in the borough. These uses will also create economic and social benefits for the borough by attracting tourist and business visitors to Merton. Encouraging the development of arts, culture and tourism facilities throughout Merton ensures that these uses are accessible to all communities.

For example, we are encouraging meanwhile uses of vacant shops for pop-up arts and creative spaces to keep our high streets lively.

Top of Form

3. Can you think of any other ways in which we can support and encourage culture and arts in the borough? 



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4. The Local Plan should help to adapt to the changing commercial circumstances, including changes in technology, the High Street and online shopping. Merton aims to provide business incubator and bespoke workspace. We should secure supportive and affordable workspace from developers at less than market rents to encourage new businesses to grow and develop, particularly in the creative and digital industries. 

Do you agree with this statement? 



[pic]Don't know

Please use the box below to tell us more (optional)


5. We could either take a borough-wide approach to affordable workspace or we could target specific types of site. 

Examples are our town centres regeneration sites and strategic industrial sites or locations which minimise the need to travel by private car. 

Should we target specific types of site for the provision of affordable workspace? 



[pic]Don't know

Please use the box below to tell us more (optional)


6. We should require developers of new business space to work with specialist affordable workspace providers chosen by the council. 

Do you agree with this statement? 



[pic]Don't know

Please use the box below to tell us more (optional)


7. If developers say they cannot provide new small business space to replace what is lost when they redevelop a site we should allow a financial contribution instead to help provide new small business space elsewhere in the borough. 

Do you agree with this statement? 



[pic]Don't know

Please use the box below to tell us more (optional)


8. If you have a business in Merton, are your needs being met? 



[pic]In part

[pic]Don't know

Please use the box below to tell us more (optional)


9. If you have a business outside of Merton, what would make you locate your business to Merton? 


10. Please tell us if you have any other comments.


*We will not use any of the personal information that you provide for anything other than contacting you about planning for the future of Merton

Top of Form

11. What is your age group? 

[pic]18 or under

[pic]19 - 30

[pic]31 - 45

[pic]46 - 60


12. What is your gender identity? 




[pic]Prefer not to say

13. Do you consider that you have a disability w



14. How would you describe yourself? 

[pic]White-English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British


[pic]Gypsy or Irish Traveller

[pic]Asian or Asian British





[pic]Mixed / multiple ethnic groups: White and Black Caribbean

[pic]Mixed / multiple ethnic groups: White and Black African

[pic]Mixed / multiple ethnic groups: White and Asian

[pic]Black or Black British




[pic]Any other ethnic group,


15. Are submitting a representation on behalf of someone else? 



16. Your details w

Name [pic]

Address [pic]

Address 2 [pic]

City/Town [pic]

Postal Code [pic]

Country [pic]

Email Address 

Phone Number 

17. Clients address w

Your client’s name [pic]

Company (If applicable) [pic]

Address [pic]

Address 2 [pic]

City/Town [pic]

Postal Code [pic]

Country [pic]

Email Address 

Phone Number 

18. How did you hear about this consultation? Please select one or more






[pic]Other (please specify)


19. Would you like to be contacted by us in the future about this consultation? 



Thank you for taking part in this survey.

Your responses will help shape the future of your borough.

For future information and future updates on the New Local Plan

.uk/newlocalplan Thank you for taking part in this survey.

Your responses will help shape the future of your borough.

For future information and future updates on the New Local Plan

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