Strategic Planning Retreats - to briefly review our ...


Technical Assistance Site Visit Goals 2007-2012

This document outlines a sample of the identified goals for Consultative or Technical Assistance (TA) Site Visits to UCEDDs from 2007-2012, and is intended to assist UCEDD Directors with ideas of how a TA Site Visit can assist a Center.

Strategic Planning

• Strategic Planning Retreats - to briefly review our mission and vision statements, current activities, and focus on defining our current marketplace position, define where we want to be, and develop strategies of how to get there. 

• Determine the strategies most likely to be successful at this UCEDD to facilitate the leadership transition and identify the organizational elements of the UCEDD that might be adjusted to enhance its operations.

• Strategic planning re: UCEDD identity, structure, core functions, coordination with the DDRC, use of the CAC, and collaborations with the DD network in the state.

• Determine the immediate and long term strategies most likely to be successful by the UCEDD to develop and implement changes to the organizational structure, realign the UCEDD’s goals, and implement an interdisciplinary pre-service training program.

• Define what will constitute a successful first year of the UCEDD and a plan for achieving this.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be successful for this UCEDD, with the support of the University, to meet its mission and responsibilities under the DD Act while aligning with the mission of the University.

Core Function Development

• Identify immediate and long term strategies most likely to be successful for the UCEDD to enhance its research capacity.

• Determine the immediate and long term strategies most likely to be successfully used by the UCEDD to develop and implement training program(s) to be delivered in partnership with institution(s) of higher education.

• Determine the immediate and long term strategies most likely to be successful by the UCEDD to develop and implement an interdisciplinary pre-service training program.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be most successful for this UCEDD to effectively develop research and service projects addressing health disparities for people with developmental disabilities.

• Determine the resources and strategies most likely to be successful for this UCEDD to effectively implement technology to strengthen their work, especially in delivering community training and technical assistance, and in interdisciplinary training.

• Determine strategies most likely to be successful for this UCEDD to effectively develop research and service projects addressing health and wellness for people with disabilities.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be successful for this UCEDD to effectively develop (1) a comprehensive menu of interdisciplinary pre-service preparation activities, and (2) an effective evaluation plan to guide and support their systems-change efforts.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be most successful for this UCEDD to effectively develop research and service projects addressing (1) aging and (2) health disparities across the lifespan for people with developmental disabilities.

• Gather information to inform the new UCEDD director and associate director on strategies for increasing affordable and accessible housing options for people with disabilities, as well as strategies for building significant research and evaluation collaborations within the university.

MTARS Preparation and/or follow up

• Determine the presentation and organization strategies most likely to effectively convey the work and achievements of the UCEDD to the MTARS Team.

• Assist the UCEDD leadership in responding to MTARS review recommendations and to prepare for writing the center’s next core grant application.

Program Development

• Determine the issues to be considered and potential short and immediate term strategies most likely to be successful by the UCEDD to expand community capacity in family support by assisting in the establishment of a nonprofit organization.

• Determine the immediate and long term strategies most likely to be successful by the UCEDD in retooling its Adults and Elders Program (explore and discuss ways that a program in youth to adult transitions, health promotion, medical education and aging for persons with disabilities could be developed).

• Assist the UCEDD in preparing to write its 5 year core grant.

• To define Center of Excellence operating principles and create a work plan for developing Centers of Excellence at this UCEDD.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be most successful for this UCEDD to effectively expand opportunities for engagement, understanding, and collaboration with the Native American population.

UCEDD-University Relationship

• Determine the issues the UCEDD should consider and resolve in making its decision whether or not to move its administrative home.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be most successful for this UCEDD to effectively transition to a new administrative home; work closely with the University on terms of repayment via implementation of all aspects of the charter; and inform the developing search committee regarding the roles, functions, and expectations for future UCEDD leadership.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be most successful at this UCEDD to effectively meet its goals while aligning with the mission of the School of Medicine.

• Determine the strategies most likely to effectively move the UCEDD forward within the changing university environment (respond to a self-study of the UCEDD and to strategize with the UCEDD and university administration on the value, role, and central function of the UCEDD within the college).

• Determine the strategies most likely to be most successful for this UCEDD to effectively enhance its current activities to meet the needs of the state, develop translational research activities, and fulfill its leadership role in the urban mission of the University.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be most successful at this UCEDD to effectively meet its goals as well as its responsibilities under the DD Act while aligning with the mission of the University.

Consumer Advisory Committee

• Assist the UCEDD in orienting its 20 new and returning CAC members by utilizing the CAC Orientation Curriculum to introduce the members to the DD Act, the DD Network, and the UCEDD program, explain the roles and responsibilities of CAC membership, and provide tools to assist in advising the UCEDD Director.

• Assist the UCEDD in revising orientation materials for new CAC members and staff that will introduce them to the DD Act, the DD Network, and the UCEDD program; explain the roles and responsibilities of CAC membership; and provide tools to assist in advising the UCEDD Director. (This TA was provided to members of all three State DD Network Partners, and training was presented jointly by the TA providers of both the UCEDD and DD Council networks.)

Leveraging Funds

• Determine the strategies most likely to be effective for the UCEDD to maintain its focus and mission in a context of reduced funding.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be effective for the UCEDD to engage its multiple stakeholders in ensuring that the continued work of the UCEDD is maximizing the leveraging of funds from multiple funders.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be successful for the UCEDD to effectively develop strategic partnerships and pursue additional funding opportunities in the context of its current expertise and circumstances, and inform the search committee on how this information can be incorporated into the search for the Center’s next Executive Director.

• Determine the strategies most likely to be successful to increase administrative effectiveness, reducing the amount of core funding spent on infrastructure so it can instead be utilized for program development.

UCEDD Compliance

• Determine the strategies most likely to be most successful at this UCEDD to effectively meet the terms and conditions assigned by AIDD.


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