2015 Local Presidents Meeting - AFGE


Volume 1 - 2015 ? Issue date March 23, 2015

2015 Local Presidents Meeting

VA Organizing Champ SSA Organizing Champ L559, LP Tere Watts L2206, LP Anthony Young

Overall Champ and DoD Organizing Champ, L2017, NR Gary Harding for LP Kay Raney

TSA Organizing Champ L556, EVP Pablo Alvarado for LP Don Thomas

BOP Organizing Champ L508, LP Jose Rojas

Congratulations to the District 5 Fall 2014 Organizing C.H.A.M.P.S.

Change Happens As Membership Proliferates

Inside This Issue:

Letter from NVP Everett Kelley 2 Spotlight Page 3

Updated Congressional Reps 6-7 AFL-CIO MLK Conference 8

"Bloody Sunday" 50th Anniversary 8 VA Whistleblower Rallies 13 Training 14 2015 Calendar 16

March 23, 2015

Dear 5th District Brothers and Sisters:

I hope this letter greets you well and I pray this year has been off to a great start for all of you!

This year has been a busy one so far! In January, we had another fantastic District 5 LPTI followed immediately by the Local Presidents meeting. And right after the LP meeting, we had a strong AFGE District 5 presence at the MLK AFL-CIO conference.

February events started with the AFGE Legislative Conference. I was pleased to see many of you there to meet with your Reps on the Hill and to attend the workshops. And we had excellent discussions at the District Meeting while at the conference. In late February, District 5 and AFGE National participated in rallies at two different VA facilities. The VA retaliation against whistleblowers must stop. And I am thankful to all of our members and staff who stand out and step up to speak out ? Justice for VA employees!

March is off and running too! The first weekend in March, several of us from AFGE attended the monumental celebration of the Selma "Bloody Sunday" Bridge Crossing 50th Anniversary. It was inspiring to see some of the heroes and hear the speakers, including President Barack Obama.

We ? as Americans ? have made great strides and we must continue the fight for equality and Voting Rights!

The next big event on our District 5 horizon is the 2015 P.O.R.T. Training, June 8-12, 2015 at Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort. This year, P.O.R.T. is combined with the District 5 Convention and Delegates meeting to help locals save money on travel in a National Convention year. Registration will be online, opening March 23. I hope to see all of you at P.O.R.T.!

I continue to reiterate my vision for District 5, for it is this vision that keeps us all focused on the work we must do together. It is my Vision for the 5th District to REACH to higher levels to ensure that the members of our federation receive the proper services they deserve. I take the responsibility of serving as your National Vice President very seriously. We have a lot of work to do and I can only accomplish these goals with your input, participation and support of the District's vision.

In closing, I want to thank all of you, very much, for your understanding as we ensure we are servicing all of our Locals and members to the BEST of our ability. We are continuing with my vision of revitalizing District 5. We Are One!

In Solidarity,

Everett B. Kelley National Vice President, AFGE District 5

District 5 ? Vision Statement

REVITALIZE Locals and recruit members. EDUCATE Locals, Councils and Members about AFGE to bring about positive change. ACCLIMATE to continue to familiarize the District on the Mission of AFGE. CULTIVATE to lead our district toward positive change by eradicating infighting, non-responsiveness, etc., by providing training skills and educational programs for all Locals. HARMONIZE to bring together all segments of the District in the spirit of unity to address common issues that affect our workforce.


District 5 Plan on a Page



To lead our Federation in taking the American Labor Movement to heights never attained - only dreamed of.


Our Mission is to provide exceptional leadership and service at all levels of District 5 by increasing participation throughout the Federation utilizing cutting edge technology offering life-changing opportunities to our members and their families.

Core Values

AFGE'S Fearless 5th District always strives to reach higher.

Revitalize Educate Activate Cultivate Harmonize

Honesty Integrity Greatness History Empowerment Respect

Fostering unity within our locals through action and education that is accessible to all members. Building strong, effective programs to empower our leadership and members. Being responsive to the needs of the Federation at all levels.

Strategic Objectives

Political Action Goal: Build an effective and sustainable political action program. 1. Increase PAC contributions and LAF contributions (all Locals pay on time) 2. Build volunteer Corp. (utilize retirees / family members ? includes issue education & training) 3. Step up lobbying efforts in DC and at home (weekly, monthly, yearly visits) ? include rank and file members 4. Electing Federal employee friendly candidates (more former AFGE candidates) 5. Developing and/or enhancing coalition partnerships

Organizing Goal: Increase our organizing opportunities in the District. 1. Train-the-Trainer more District "Organizing Institute" 2. District schedules (mini-1 week at a minimum) One METRO (2 Weeks) per year ? per state 3. Web based ? Initiative Organizing Training 4. On-line enrollment

Representation Goal: Provide more effective representation throughout District 5. 1. Establish a District plan that helps locals to best provide effective representation to our members 2. Provide effective representation for TSA workers 3. Win significant AFGE victories 4. Become more effective at the local union level 5. Coordination and Communication of representational matters

Training Goal: To develop an effective training program in the 5th District. 1. Expand on PORT 2. Establish Labor College extension in the 5th District 3. On-line / Web based training that includes Jeopardy Game training program 4. Organizing Training Institute in the 5th District


Another District 5 Leader Selected to Serve on the CPL Executive Board

Jeff Godwin of L4036, FCI Marianna, is now the Secretary-Treasurer for the Council of Prison Locals (C-33). Raised in a Union family, Jeff joined the Police Benevolent Association while employed with the State of Florida. In January 1994, Jeff began at FCI Tallahassee as a member in good standing; and transferred to FCI Marianna the next year. Jeff became a Union Steward for L4036 soon after, and successfully negotiated bidding rights for Unit Team. Jeff excelled as a steward and a Legislative Coordinator. In 2007 he was appointed as VP of L4036. He has served the last eight years a leader of L4036. Congratulations to Jeff!

Local 131 Open House ? New Union Office!

L to R: Sec-Treas Wendolyn Williams, Chief Stwd Deborah Jordan, Sgt-at-Arms Leverette Knox, AFGE D5 NVP Everett Kelley, 1st VP Tannoccus Bryant, 2nd VP Bessie McKinstry, Pres Tammy Ryan

L to R: NVP Kelley, LP Ryan, Acting Director Tuscaloosa VAMC, Mr. John Merkle

Chief Steward Deborah Jordan and West Alabama Labor Council President James Crowder

In Loving Memory of Declan Moss

With a heavy heart, we send condolences to the family of Declan Moss. 18-month-old Declan, son of L0547 member Sheila Moss, was mauled to death at their Florida home on January 20. The incident was featured on CNN. Ms. Moss is a veteran and is currently undergoing cancer treatment. Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers. The family has set up a donation website.

. Many thanks to all of you who have donated already!




iii. Participants will be responsible for making sure

Enrolling Members in AFGthEat new PAC members have completed their financial


allotment if that is the method by which they choose

PAC CONTEST LPC's may enroll AFGE memberstoinsign up.


iv. Pledges will not be accepted. The contest is based on


Via the located




total their

of NEW money raised by the participants from Local during the period of the competition.

urposes of the contest, enrollment in AFGE PAC



D5TisHtriDctISPTARCICPTrCizOesN APRIL 1, 2015 -


WILLmR?pUagNe=FARFOGEMPACApp 321., 2U0s1in5g an AFGE PAC

is indicated by a cash, check, or contribution totaling one of the

credit AFGE

card PAC levels


1st Place winner will receive:

Brochure. You may requveisat verification of pay roll deduction. Payroll deduction

Apple? 16GB


iPadY?ouAmir uwCsiotthnbWteeias-tFniEL-lPigCibtioliteynatenrdtRhuislbPoecrrisooc(nkc2hst0teu2ors)cetk5s!5!af0rto-p8mi0c7kL4sPy.O@Yafogleava.nenodrrngaifoicuantcioinngwcoilnl bteestcowminpnleetres.d






2nd Place winner will receive:

vi. The 1st place prize, below, will be awarded only if

$200i..00LPGCif'st Caparpdointed by their local PCreosnitdaectnint garLeoecalilgMibelemtboers there is a total of at least $2,100 minimum raised

participate in this contest. AFGE LPC's may request

during the competition by the all of the participants

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frcoommbined. The minimum regulations. Prizes will be

is a requirement of FEC adjusted if total amount

April 1, 2015 ending May 31, 2Y01ol5a.nda Pickstock.

raised is less than $2,100.

You can locate:

PAC Club Levels & IncentivTeipss on Signing up AFGE 5th District PAC Prizes

Contest winners will be announced


during tPhree5stihdDeinsttr'isctCPluObR:T$&40DPisetrriPctay Period AFGE PAC FAQ's

1st Place winner will receive:


ConvenDtioonwinntMowyrntleMBicearochfi,bSeCr JJuanceket, President'sDColuwbnload the AFGE PAC 7-12, 20L1a5p.eCl Poninte,satnwdinAnFerGsEneDeidstnroict t 5 PAC Team JAerpspeyvisit

Apple? - iPad? Air with Wi-Fi - 16GB


preseEnmt teorcaoldlleCcltupbri:z$e.20 Per Downtown Microfiber

JPaacykePte, rAioFdGAhtEttpPAsA:F/C/GwLEwapwPe.Aal fCger.eosrogu/irncdeesxv.cifsmit ?Page


Place winner will

$200.00 Gift Card


Pin, and AFGE District 5 PAC Team=AJebrosuetyAFGEPAC

3rd Place winner will receive:

Diamond Club: $15 Per Pay Period

$100.00 Gift Card

AFGE PAC Polo Shirt and AFGE PAC Lapel Pin

Contest winners will be announced during the 5th District

Gold Club Level: $10 Per Pay Period

PORT & District Convention in Myrtle Beach, SC June 7-12,

Silver Club Level: $5 Per Pay Period

2015. Contest winners need not be present to collect prize.

rculate on duty time, using government or govEenrnrmoelnltirnesgouMrceesm. bers in AFGE PAC

LPC's may enroll AFGE members in AFGE PAC by: 1. Via the AFGE PAC App located at Index.cfm?page=AFGEPACApp 2. Using an AFGE PAC Brochure. You may request brochures from LPO Yolanda Pickstock at picksy@ or

(202) 550-8074. Contacting Local Members AFGE LPC's may request membership contact information from the local President or from LPO Yolanda Pickstock. AFGE PAC resource website - visit index.cfm?Page=AboutAFGEPAC ? Tips on Signing up Members ? AFGE PAC FAQ's ? Download the AFGE PAC App

Do not reproduce or circulate on duty time, using government or government resources. You cannot solicit or sign members up for AFGE PAC while on duty time or on federal property.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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