Directions: As you read each “Hot Spot” of the Cold War, identify which US president and Soviet premier was in power when this event happened and draw a visual that represents the POV of either the US, Soviet, or other nation involved in the hot spot.


What US and Soviet leader was in power?

|Korean War |SU and US divide Korea into zones at the 38th parallel in 1945 | |

|(1950-1953) |-North Korea – Communist | |

| |-South Korea – non-Communist | |

| |North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950 – Truman saw this as Communist aggression and sent American troops to drive the North Koreans back past the | |

| |38th parallel to the north | |

| |China got involved because US forces came close to Chinese borders – Chinese forces pushed the US forces back again towards the South. | |

| |North and South Korea did not formally end the war until 1996. | |

| |The 38th parallel remains intact with North Korea under Kim Jung Il – being a communist dictatorship – and South Korea becoming democratic. | |

|Hungarian Revolts |Hungarians revolted for change and issued the Sixteen Points : personal freedoms, more food, removal of secret police and Russian troops | |

|(1956) |Hungarian Prime Minister Imre Nagy began to implement reforms such as democratic elections and no more censorship on radio and press – also demanded | |

| |to leave Warsaw Pact | |

| | | |

| |Khrushchev was angered at Nagy’s reforms and ordered the Red Army to take control | |

| |Around 30,000 Hungarians died | |

| |Nagy imprisoned and later executed | |

| |Communist government was restored to Hungary | |

| |US did not get involved although many pleas were made to President Eisenhower | |

|Sues Crisis – 1956 |Did not involve the superpowers – involved France and Britain who controlled the Suez Canal and all its profits | |

|(Cold War reaches the |Nasser, the Egyptian leader nationalized the Suez Canal and took control back from Britain and France – Britain and France wanted to retaliate | |

|Middle East) |US did not side with Britain and France, it was the first time that there was a split in NATO alliance | |

| |Greater significance of the crisis in the Middle East | |

| |Israel – supported by Americans | |

| |Arab nations – Egypt – supported by USSR – USSR gave money to Egypt in exchange for a warm-water Mediterranean port | |

| |Now both nations are influential in the happenings of the Middle Eastern region | |


|Cuban Missile Crisis |In 1959- Fidel Castro overthrew the pro-US government in Cuba headed by Fulgencio Batista. | |

|(1962) |Castro tried to make a trade agreement with the US but the US refused because they saw Cuba as a Communist threat – so Castro turned to SU under | |

| |Khrushchev, who was ready to make a deal | |

| |In return for buying Cuban goods, the SU got permission to build a nuclear missile site in Cuba – a American U2 spy plane spotted the site and | |

| |President Kennedy ordered the US navy to blockade Cuba and destroy any vessel that tried to break the blockade(at this time, the US had a nuclear | |

| |missile site in Turkey, right next to the SU) | |


| |On October 27th, Khrushchev secretly offered to pull out of Cuba if the US pulled out of Turkey and promised not to invade Cuba – the next day, | |

| |Khrushchev ordered Soviet ships to turn round. | |

| |As a result of this crisis, both sides began seeking ways to improve relations – a “hotline” was set up linking Washington D.C. and Moscow for | |

| |immediate contact | |

| |Khrushchev stepped down as Premier of the Soviet Union due to this incident. | |

|Vietnam War |1954 – Vietnam divided at the 17th parallel | |

|(1965-1973) US |Communists under Ho Chi Minh – controlled North Vietnam | |

|involvement |Non-Communists under Ngo Dinh Diem – controlled South Vietnam | |

| |Although Diem was a cruel dictator, since he was against communism, the US supported South Vietnam due to their “Domino Theory” if one country falls | |

| |to communism, the one next to it would also” –US feared the spread of Communism | |

| |Through the use of guerilla tactics used by the Viet Cong – a ceasefire was agreed in 1973 and the remaining US troops withdrew | |

| |Vietnam reunited and is now a Communist nation | |

|Invasion of |On Christmas, Russian troops landed in Afghanistan which was already in a civil war because Prime Minister Hazifullah Amin wanted to modernize | |

|Afghanistan |Afghanistan and push aside the Muslim tradition angering many Afghans | |

|(1979-1989) |Many Afghan Muslins joined the Mujahdeen – guerilla force of Muslims – to overthrow Amin. | |

| |Russians shot Amin and replaced him with Kamal – his government would have to depend on Russian military for support | |

| |However, the Mujahdeen – like the Viet Cong – knew their surroundings very well and were able to control most of the country by 1982 | |

| |US were giving the Mujahdeen access to missiles – not through direct sales – but condemned Russia’s invasion knowing it was similar to their war in | |

| |Vietnam | |

| |Mikhail Gorbachev took Russia out of Afghanistan when he realized they could not win the war | |

| |After the Russians left, Afghanistan remained in civil war until the Taliban fighters defeated the Mujahdeen | |


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