PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: Title 10 United States Code (U.S.C.) 8013, Secretary of the Air Force and AFI 36-2406. PURPOSE: Used to document effectiveness/duty performance history. ROUTINE USES: May specifically be disclosed outside the DoD as a routine use pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(3). DoD Blanket Routine Uses apply. DISCLOSURE: Voluntary. A copy of the ACA may be requested as directed by AFI 36-2406.


NAME (Last, First, Middle Initial)









III. SELF-ASSESSMENT (To be completed by Ratee and forwarded to Rater) Rating Scale: Y=Yes, understands; N=Need more information RESPONSIBILITY: 1. Understands the importance of doing the right thing even when it is unpopular or difficult. 2. Understands the importance of responsibility in the use of and care of equipment and assets.


3. Understands the importance of admitting shortcomings or mistakes.

4. Understands the importance of refusing to partake in inappropriate behavior(s) despite social pressure.

5. Understands the importance of accomplishing tasks in a timely manner.

6. Understands the importance of providing support and welfare, of family, and ensuring they are prepared for separations and/or reunions. (If applicable)


7. Understands the importance of the Air Force Core Values/Standards and how others should be accountable.

8. Understands the importance of applying situational awareness and sound judgment.

9. Understands the importance of living within ones means (financially, budgets, saves, spends responsibility, etc.). AIR FORCE CULTURE: 10. Understands the importance of leading by example.

11. Understands the importance of respecting one's self and others.

12. Understands the importance of looking after fellow Airmen and their families (to include while fellow Airmen are deployed).

13. Understands the importance of showing enthusiasm in being an Airman and in inspiring others to reach their full potential.

14. Understands the importance of upholding the proud heritage of the Air Force and the importance of displaying the professional characteristics of an Airman at all times (24/7).


15. Understands the importance of setting aside time to assess self, as-well-as personal and professional goals.

16. Understands the importance of setting aside quality time to be with family and friends.

17. Understands the importance of striving to meet personal/professional goals. Review Section VII for discussion during feedback session. IV. AIRMAN'S CRITICAL ROLE IN SUPPORT OF THE MISSION (To be completed by Rater):


AF Indicator

VI. PERFORMANCE: LEADERSHIP/PRIMARY DUTIES/FOLLOWERSHIP/TRAINING (To be completed by Rater) - Information may be used on next EPR

(Using AFI 36-2618, The Enlisted Force Structure, as the standard of expected performance commensurate with the Airman's rank, to what degree did the Airman comply with performance expectations.)

1. Task Knowledge/Proficiency: Consider the quality, quantity, results, and impact of the Airman's knowledge and ability to accomplish tasks

Demonstrated insufficient ability; required re-accomplishment of tasks; requires more guidance/experience (few Airmen)

Demonstrated acceptable ability and consistently produced good quality, quantity, results, and impact (majority of Airmen)

Routinely delivered high-quality work early; produced more than expected of current grade (some Airmen)

Knowledge and skills impact far beyond those of peers; efforts directly elevated unit's impact on mission success (very few Airmen)

2. Initiative/Motivation: Describes the degree of willingness to execute duties, motivate colleagues, and develop innovative new processes

Displayed little to no effort in accomplishing duties, lacked motivation and did not display initiative (few Airmen)

Displayed good effort in performance of assigned tasks; mindful of others' needs and developed new processes (majority of Airmen)

Self-starter on task completion, proactively assisted colleagues, routinely sought out new ways to execute mission (some Airmen)

Inspired work ethic, aggressively sought to improve others' motivation, drove innovative environments (very few Airmen)

3. Skill Level Upgrade Training: Consider skill level awarding course, CDC timeliness completion, course exam results, and completion of core task training

N/A (Airman possessed required skill level/training)

Did not complete or took excessive time to obtain required skill level (few Airmen)

Progressed in or obtained skill level within prescribed time and standard (majority of Airmen)

Progressed in or obtained skill level ahead of time and above standard (some Airmen)

Completed CDCs and core task training requirements far ahead of schedule and obtained excellent course exam score (very few Airmen)

4. Duty Position Requirements, qualifications, and certifications: Consider duty position qualifications, career field certifications (if applicable), and readiness requirements

N/A (Airman possessed training commensurate with grade prior to reporting period)

Did not complete or took excessive time to obtain required training (few Airmen)

Progressed in or obtained training within prescribed time and standards (majority of Airmen)

Progressed in or obtained training ahead of time and above standards (some Airmen)

Completed training requirements far ahead of schedule and if tested obtained excellent scores (very few Airmen)

5. Training of others: Consider the impact the Airman made to train others

N/A (No valid opportunity for Airman to train)

When tasked to train, Airman made minimal to no effort to train others; did not meet expectations (few Airmen)

Effectively imparts skills and knowledge to others (majority of Airmen)

Consistently seized opportunities to train subordinates and peers; trainees became highly skilled (some Airman)

Peerless teacher; selflessly imparts expertise to subordinates, peers and superiors with significant impact on mission (very few Airman)


AF FORM 931, 20140701


PRIVACY ACT INFORMATION: The information in this form is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Protect IAW the Privacy Act of 1974.


1. Resource utilization (e.g., time management, equipment, manpower and budget): Consider how effectively the Airman utilizes resources to accomplish the mission

Improperly or inconsistently managed time and other resources (few Airmen)

2. Comply with/enforce standards: Consider personal adherence and enforcement of fitness standards, dress and personal appearance, customs and courtesies, and professional conduct

Failed to meet some or all standards (few Airmen)

3. Communication skills: Describes how well the Airman receives and relays information, thoughts, and ideas up and down the chain of command (includes listening, reading, speaking, and writing skills); fosters an environment for open dialogue

Not articulate; does not assimilate or convey information in a clear and concise manner (few Airmen)

4. Caring, respectful and dignified environment (teamwork): Rate how well the Airman's selfless consideration and expectation of others and value of diversity, set the stage for an environment of dignity and respect, to include promoting a healthy organizational climate


Airman displayed little to no respect for others and/or themselves (few Airmen)

Made good use of available time and other resources within Airman's control (majority of Airmen)

Consistently met all standards, exceeded some (majority of Airmen)

Able to convey most information in an understandable manner; makes some effort to improve communication skills (majority of Airmen)

Fostered a dignified environment by consistently treating Airmen and themselves with respect (majority of Airmen)

Sought better ways to more effectively utilize time and other resources (some Airmen)

Exceeded all standards of fitness, conduct, appearance and behavior; influenced others by example (some Airmen)

Clearly conveyed complex information in a concise manner; improved communication skills in themselves and others; encouraged and considered others' input (some Airmen)

Displayed strong interpersonal skills by proactively meeting others' needs, held others accountable for professional conduct to enhance a dignified environment (some Airmen)

Sought after utilization expert in saving time, equipment, manpower, and budget with impact outside of work center or unit (very few Airmen)

Is the model Airman, raised the standard in all areas for others to emulate; coached others (few Airmen)

Remarkable communicator; mentor and teacher; has the presence and confidence in any setting; sought out by leaders for various communication forums (very few Airmen)

Unmatched interpersonal skills; always displayed exemplary conduct and behavior with actions that are tone-setting, resulting in measurable increases in teamwork and unit effectiveness (very few Airmen)


1. Air Force Core Values: Consider how well the Airman adopts, internalizes and demonstrates our Air Force Core Values of Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in All We Do

2. Personal and Professional development: Consider the amount of effort the Airman devoted to improve themselves and their work center/unit through education and involvement

3. Esprit de corps and community relations: Consider how well Airman promotes camaraderie, embraces esprit de corps, and acts as an Air Force ambassador


Airman failed to adhere to the Air Force Core Values (few Airmen)

Made little to no effort to complete expected professional and/or personal development (few Airmen)

Made little to no effort to promote esprit de corps or community involvement (few Airmen)

Consistently demonstrated the Air Force Core Values, both on and off duty (majority of Airmen)

Established goals and progressed to meet those goals for professional and/or personal development (majority of Airmen)

Fostered esprit de corps through volunteerism and actively involved in base and community events (majority of Airmen)

Embodiment of Integrity, Service Before Self, and Excellence; encouraged others to uphold Air Force Core Values (some Airmen)

Driven Airman; exceeded both professional and personal development goals with positive impact on individual performance or mission accomplishment (some Airmen)

Active participant; organized and occasionally led team building and community events (some Airmen)

Airman for others to emulate; personal conduct exudes Air Force Core Values; influential leader who inspired other to embody Core Values (very few Airmen)

Relentlessly pursued personal and professional development of themselves and others; efforts resulted in significant positive impact to unit and/or Air Force (few Airmen)

Epitomizes an Air Force ambassador; Airman consistently and selflessly led efforts that inspired esprit de corps with significant impact to the mission and community (few Airmen)

IX. KNOWING YOUR AIRMAN (To be discussed by Ratee and Rater during feedback session) 1. How do you think you are performing in the unit? How can your unit help you perform better? 2. What are some of your goals for self-improvement? (Goals should be SMART ? Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound).

2a. Do you have personal (family, financial, fitness, etc.) goals? Would you like to discuss? 2b. What are your professional (assignments, academic, professional, etc.) goals (i.e., CCAF, BA, SNCOA completion, special duties, etc.)? 3. Do you have stressors in your life? If so, what are you goals for reducing them? How can we help? 4. Do you have Wingmen? Do you have at least one mentor? 5. How would you rate yourself as a Wingman and a mentor? Can you provide some specific examples? 6. Would you like to offer any suggestions/feedback? (e.g., unit improvements, safety, productivity enhancements, existing programs, living conditions)

7. Expectations for unit and Ratee (Areas for improvement, strengths and weaknesses; recommendations for improvement).

NOTE: This information is to enhance open communication; the rater will not utilize or document any areas discussed in Section III or IX when preparing evaluations (Ref: AFI 36-2406).




AF FORM 931, 20140701


PRIVACY ACT INFORMATION: The information in this form is FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY. Protect IAW the Privacy Act of 1974.


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