If you're a salesman and not selling, you're toast.If you're a?CEO?and your company isn't performing, you're toast.If you're a professional athlete and not performing, you're toast.If you're the President of the United States and you and your country aren't performing, well that's quite alright in the eyes of 40% of America. Oh, and it's your predecessor's fault.Funny because if you're a U.S. Senator and you suck, you'll probably still get re-elected because the majority of your constituents have no idea what your name is, let alone what your record in their state is.If you're a US Supreme?Court?judge, you can screw up as many times as you want and never face a penalty.Alice3 in Dunwoody, Georgia said:?co's that outsource need to be fined. Its all about money. We made a million last yr we want 2 million this year. 3rd party needs to go. What is this "featured jobs"??? you fill out the info and it brings you to a phone # you have to call... so you play the game and all they are concerned about is you going to school. Soon as you say NO thats the end of it. Yet another process of elimination thats what its about. Theres more reasons NOT to hire you than to hire.Last I checked, this is America and companies can hire whoever they want, especially in a global economy. Fine companies that open up offices worldwide? Seriously? And you expect companies to start?hiring?MORE with an attitude like that?Companies will outsource or hire more here if the numbers make sense. Period. Its not about politics, its about money, its ALWAYS been that way. Without companies making money, they would be out of?business.... you dont stay in business breaking even.You think multinational companies are a recent creation? American companies outsource, as do foreign companies insource. We have Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, Honda, Mercedes, Haier, Nestle, and EADS with factories and offices here in the US. Think of how many more would come here if we didnt have the highest corporate income tax rate in the world. American workers are the most productive in the world, but we're also the most expensive.How do you screw up as a SCOTUS judge when you are there to give your opinion? While I have the utmost contempt for judges who are activist judges...its not because they are screwing up, its because their ideology and opinions are what they are, and which President put them there. You cant really fault a left wing judge making a left wing decision when Obama knew exactly how they would vote.That's just it, you're NOT there to give your opinion. That's what it's become, not what it's supposed to be. Pretty scary how we're all at the whim of their biased opinions. They're all supposed to leave their own personal values at home.Yet another criminal paying for his mistake..... oh joy.How many years has our "dear"?government?been making laws like that which have such unintended and adverse affects, yet they just can not be bothered to think things through.... What are they getting paid (and outrageous?health?benefits) for again?I want a job like that..... good pay, great benefits, no accountability... but I'm way too honest to be in a government position..... is that where I went wrong?How nice for Obama. Its such a LIE its ahhhhhhh. They talked to a guy unemployed for a month. Talk to someone unemployed a yr or more. People think you dont want to work and thats not the case at all. Applying for these min wage job and even they arent responding.Take a look at the debt clock. Not for the faint of heart or those with hypertension!I disagree with the 22 million unemployment figure. It seems higher. But okay, let's use their figures. I don't see how they are counting people out ofcollege?who haven't had a job and might live with their parents.They also don't count all of the people who are underemployed, or working part time jobs, or can't afford any?healthcare?(you have to come here illegally to get that.)It says the population is 314,557,508?It says the US workforce is 143,063,882?It says unemployment is 22,743,271I feel the same about this place.?You see all these people who don't have to work flaunting their money here. It is Disneyland and they are always going on vacations. What shocked me when I moved here, is that there are people as young as 30 who are retired. And the people who got left homes, so they rent them and live off it. Then they get called "successful" and well to do. Well, we all know why they ask if you are White. They want to keep their PC quotas up.Then they get free?healthcare. Oh don't get me started.The low wages were du jour back normal pay back in the 1970s. You made $10 an hour easily. How many decades ago was that? o_OYou got full benefits, medical,?dental, copays, no bills from the doctor, and you barely saw it come out of your pay. And people were at companies long enough to retire, too.A cart of groceries was less than $50, now, it's almost 150 or more.A jug of Tide was NOT $10.00.And?HUMAN RESOURCES?was called Personnel, and they didn't try to cut you up into pieces. They weren't smug like they are now.Not in my field -?Aerospace. Cronyism is how most people get hired. The best jobs go to members of Skull and Bones or those whose fathers are in Congress. Ask George Bush. Heh!I dislike both parties. I think they are one big party. What I fear is now, they will build up the Navy, etc., and start another war. Wars make money for them.There was once a time when people got jobs. Now, the population is so great, and the?government?keeps letting people in, and we don't even have enough livable wage jobs for ourselves.I've been noticing this...we are all alone in our job hunts.?We have been taught to be independent, and yeah, that's all good, but now, we are all hurting. We need to band together.I mean in real life. The SHTF is coming, and there isn't anything in place that is reversing it.We need to think about how we can work together as groups wherever we are, and help each other because we have a greater chance of survival not being alone.I used to have hope, but when I look around, it's not happening. We don't need politicians promising us things and the media giving us fake figures. We need to see plants, factories, and real businesses opening up.I think that is why so many businesses are hell holes now, they are squeezing whatever money they can from them as time is running out.There are things happening that do not get media coverage. All I care to say is get connected to your local?community, independent merchants, groups...mmmm, you might even discover that there is a hidden job market closer than you think!?!?I'm not talking communism or anarchy or passages from the Holy Books. I'm talking about dignity for each one of us, earning our living without entitlements or welfare or corporate enslavement...doing things legally yet helping your community write new rules.I've been fed up with being fed up. Folks, make the choice soon to be part of a new & just society. Take action. We the People can have more power than the system if we band together!I am tired of the system. I am tired of having to give up to get.?This is a horrible system we have. We make money for others, so they can get rich, but we can't, we can't move up, and they throw money at us to live off of.There had to be something more dignified in raising goats than this. I am educated, I love learning about the world and love science. But I don't like what this place has turned into.An employer is more likley to hire someone younger as opposed to older because they want someone thats going to stay. Not getting ready to retire soon, be out on medical leave etc. Once you hit 50 its impossible to find something due to your age more than anything else. Too many people applying is the problem.It's not our ages.?It's not their ages.?And the myth that they all want young people is as bad as any of the other myths.?I know a few 20-25 year olds who cannot find jobs and they've hit the payment.?They are competing with the illegals for jobs, too. No one wants to say that, because it's not PC.There are no jobs, that's why old and young cannot find jobs.Think about it...what do these kids have to look forward to??My daughter had some friends when we lived back east. Three of the boys went to work for a local landscaper when school was out. They worked one week, and when they went back, the owner said he didn't need them anymore. He had several Mexicans there.The boys said they were having trouble getting paid for that week of work. I told them to get their fathers and make a visit.I think kids today see how bad things are. It is really disheartening. I know when I was young, it was all about getting experience, but there were jobs doing almost everything. If you made a good impression, you could get your foot in the door.Not now. Unless these kids know someone, they got a life of hell working for some big box or?food?chain. My heart goes out to them. They are wondering how we ever bought into a life of slavery.Did you ever think you'd see things like this in your lifetime??It's outrageous.Imagine, if this keeps up, and there is nothing in place to stop it...what it will be like for the younger people when they are our ages?An?HR?person spoke at one of my networking groups and she said something that was very profound. She said that all of this was going on even back when you HAD THAT GOOD JOB!She said that two jobs were lost: the one you had and the one you need. Between automation and offshoring, there just aren't that many jobs anymore.Employers are worried they arent going to be makeing enough to stay in?business?with the new tax's medical etc. Alot of it is greed. If we made 1 million this yr we should make 2 million next yr. We are tax'ed over and over. There is no way that the deficit will ever be paid back. Gov is too much in our face. The unemployed are going to put the employed out of work. Its all a nightmare and a new president is NOT going to fix this horror.Teens have it really rough, at least were I live. Some are desperate to work because they need to help their parents out, and they can't get hired at even McDonalds anymore. There are so many middle age people who work at these restaurants now. It's sad, because these people shouldn't be working at?fast food?and this is all they could find. It's rough on everybody because EVERYBODY needs a job. It's so sad, I've known several families who have parents and teens applying for the same jobs and getting into arguments, blaming each other, for not being able to get that job at Taco Bell.?What is life coming to.And once you start your career after?'s kinda hard to change especially with the loans coming due. So your stuck doing something you truly don't love.18 is way too young to know what will make you happy career-wise.I absolutely agree. My brothers are about to graduate high school. They have no idea what they want to do right now. I am trying to persuade them to wait until they know what they want to do before they go to college. But, my parents are still stuck in the mindset of "If you have a degree, you're set for life." And unfortunately, they believe my parents and are going ahead with college.?I really don't want them to end up like me. Graduated with a ton of debt and no job options.I feel bad for everyone. I love what this nation stood for, what it was founded on, but now, it has become indecent. People are numbers, like you said, treated like robots. You can't get sick or have any feelings or dreams.There aren't many remote places on the planet left for anyone to start something new.I always remember Samuel Adams said he would never be a slave. His father was named Sam Adams too, and he was both a Deacon and a Brewmaster. Interesting combination. So his son got a?beer?named after him. But he was a pretty strong guy. He basically told people in the new America they should stand up or just get it over with and put the shackles on.t will be very hard to convince them. I have a BA I got years ago-useless. I had several jobs, but not a career. Luckily, I paid for that BA with scholarships and grants, bc I am a nerd,lol. It was a bad decision, which I know now, but I went right to?college?at 18. I never thought about the JOBS/CAREER I could get, I was focused on getting the degree. Because everyone said, "you must have the degree." If someone had tried to talk me out of it, I would NOT have listened.I thought I would never make a living if I did not go to college. HAHAHAHA! Joke is on me. Because today, I know more people without degrees, who are making great salaries in jobs they love. Some of them never set foot in college, some went the trade route. I have talked to friends and colleagues over the years and they agree with me-college was a waste for many of us. Not so much college, but the useless degrees. MANY of these BAs today are a joke, as we all know.Now, I have a Masters and major debt. I was stuck with the BA. My entire class was in the same boat. I looked into other areas, but nothing seemed right. I have a chronic illness, too, so I had to match my training to that. If I can ever get another job, and get more experience, I will do ok. But, I will probably never make as much as the people I wrote about above. I love this field, so I will be happy with the career. Now, though, I am sick over the loan.It is frustrating, but no one understands this until they live it. My husband's nephew is going for a BA in English Lit. I tried to NICELY warn him, but he says he is "going to make a fortune." When he graduates, and finds no jobs, or low-paying jobs that have nothing to do with the degree, he will see. Until then, he thinks he is on track to?financialindependence. I hope he is, but really..Nope, nothing guarantees work. Everything is starting to get flooded. People going to college do not see this. They see "job shortages" articles or listen to bad advice from friends and family. I am hearing that many nurses here are having a terrible time finding?full time, permanent work. There is also a ridiculous myth that we need teachers-that is so far from the truth. The schools are flooded with resumes.They need to have better standards for getting a BA-they are giving too many of them out. People are NOT earning them, or cannot, and they are being pushed through. Not everyone is college material, but society is saying you must go. Now, it has become a joke, esp. when you see ads for receptionists demanding a BA. The employers know it is a joke.I think everything is basically saturated. Anywhere there were jobs, the schools pushed people into the openings. And our?government?keeps encouraging people to come here to work and get visas. We are being pushed out.Hi guys...I just read pretty much this entire thread. Interesting stuff. I hope you don't mind if I chime in.As my name implies, I work for Aflac. I'm not an employee, but rather a 10-99, commmission-only agent. I started in 2001, and have been moderately successful. I'm not rich, but I"m not dirt poor. Luckily, I get renewals from policies I previously sold, so I get a monthly check. The problem is, I never know how much its going to be...some months its very good, others not so much. i still have to go out and open up new accounts and sell?insurance?policies to make commissions.There is no base salary and NO benefits. The latter is killing me financially. I voted for Obama, but when he talks about about how his?administration?has cut?health?insurance costs by $2500 a year per family I wonder who the hell he is talking about. My husband and I (he is an independent insurance agent too---long story) have to pay for Blue Cross directly (they are the only insurance company that will cover us.) and even with a $2000 deductible, $4000 max per family, the monthly bill is $1400. That is more than my mortgage!To everyone on here who is struggling with finding a job, I really feel for you. It's hard out there. I have a daughter who graduated 2 years ago with a BA in psychology. She applied to 9 different grad schools and was promptly rejected by every one. $3K in application fees right down the toilet. The only job she could find was working in a mental?hospital,?3rd shift. It paid $11 an hour. The 2nd week on the job she was assaulted by a patient. How she didn't walk out, I'll never know.She kept that job for 2 years and I watched as she slowly unraveled...emotionally, physcially, and spiritually. It was as it the long hard hours and low pay just sucked the life out of her. She was expected to work 12 hour shifts, but she couldn't punch out until the next person came on. continued...Last Christmas she worked 52 hours in 3 days. Something in her snapped, (thank GOD) and she turned in her resignation. Came home (New England) and started another job search. She lucked out and found a job in medical research that pays a little better than the mental?hospital. She lives with us (myself and my husband; her step-dad). She helps us with monthly expenses, and she just bought a car with a loan. I keep reminding her of how LUCKY she is to have found something so soon. When the going gets rough at work, I tell her to remember that she might not be so lucky the next time...Okay, enough of my personal stuff. I have a question to the good folks on here who are still looking for work: Have you considered starting your own?business? I'm not recruiting forinsurance...I mean something like: house-cleaning, car detailing, a dog-sitting/walking service, or PCA (personal care?assistant)? There are still plenty of rich people who have never picked up a mop and they'll gladly hire someone to clean their house. The other area that seems to always have opportunities is the PCA. Lots of elderly folks who need baby-sitting. I have a friend who is 53, recently divorced, and she did this for a year (2011.) At first she went thru an agency; then on her own. She always had work. Pay was $11-$20/hour depending on how wealthy the family was. She went to school for phlebotomy at the same time. Now she's certified and doing per diem work, drawing blood and other medical tests. Started out very low paying, but as your experience mounts, your hourly rate goes up. She often has to travel long distances for jobs...1-3 hours each way, but gets reimbursed for mileage.Just some ideas...I'm really scared for this country. I've never seen it this bad, and I remember double-digit inflation and gas lines from the 1970s. My father always used to say "remember: democracy is an experiment."I can certainly feel your frustration, trust me! I have not had to move back home (at least yet), but I can not imagine my folks and me living together at this point.Thankfully, my folks do understand that this is not their job market. Not even the Great Depression's job market. They understand this because they make an effort to stay informed. Wall Street Journal as well as other sources I'm sure.I have asked my mother about how her father dealt during The Great Depression. After a point (a few years I think), there were apparently jobs available. Manufacturing (which are now overseas), Shipbuilding (WW II), that sort of thing. Jobs that simply do not exist in this country any more. Farmed out to the lowest overseas bidder (company).Part of the problem there is that they are listening to the news. I have no idea other than its election time why they are sugar coating all this. Your parents see unemployment down and think whats wrong you cant find something.Most of them don't want to know. A lot of people have been working the same jobs for 20+ years and all they want to know about is vacations, shopping, new homes. They live in a bubble, and they don't care to know that the world has changed since they once looked for a job. They think you still keep calling an employer to let them know how interested you are.It is truly "willful ignorance" on their part. When someone they know and trust, like some of these younger people who try to tell their parents...and they don't listen, it's willful ignorance. They don't even trust that person enough to even believe they are credible.Instead, they believe the MSM, the "news", CNN...they believe that bunk. They believe in "positive thinking" and that if you just think hard enough, you'll land a job. It is truly something from childhood, this fantasizing.I can't believe that the parents of the people posting on here, who live with them and are looking for jobs, don't know of someone themselves who lost a job and can't get back into one. It's so prevalent now.When the economy collapses and the dollar is worthless, they too, will become affected. Those of us who do find jobs know it may not last, and to live in a survival mode and save every penny, and watch what is going on.Not so surprising considering each of these news channels or news sites are either backed by republicans or Democrats. Each party has their own agenda and sublimely want to promote their chosen candidate. I doubt there are many undecided voters anymore. It will come down to how many actually come out to vote.Many have already "voted" - with their dollars. This Presidential election will be the costliest on record. Whoever wins, will be writing a lot of Thank You cards and owing a lot of favors.Yes, it is the same "song n dance" every 4 years, and doesn't matter who gets in. Just musical chairs, and theatrics to make the American people think they have the power to elect their leaders. Technically, presidents aren't supposed to have all this power anyway.Politicians are bought and sold, and they aren't bought and sold by the American taxpayers.I don't believe we vote them in, I believe they are appointed. Those who have power and money just aren't going to let the American people have that power.The free market is no longer. The?government?needs to give?business?tax cuts and other incentives to be in America. Incentives they cannot afford to turn down.If they have businesses here, they should not be allowed to hire illegals of any kind. The tax cuts must benefit Americans.Someone mentioned Department of?Labor?, those are a bunch of morons I will not spend time with.And your right the people at the Dept of?Labor?are useless and the best part is that WE pay for that!The debate is bringing nothing new. Talk of the economy. Romney bothers me with his talk of jobs and the unemployed. How can he even do this when his companies have been responsible for closing down factories, putting thousands out of work and shipping those jobs overseas? He is the king of outsourcing.Ready to get the election over so we can focus. Focus on the country, not on getting reelected or elected.People become Professors because in the private sector it is about accountability.I had Professors who pretty much did the sleep walk thing in while teaching class. They could because there is no accountability.Summers off if they want, pension, great medical...And EVEN when you get your next job, you cannot become too complacent. You actually need to start looking for the job after that.After two downsizes and one terminations, I learned this the hard way. If you aren't (quietly) looking, you are not safe! No job is forever anymore.Many (a large percentage) of new businesses fail during good economies, even more fail during one like this.We have many of the same issues now as existed during the Great Depression. The primary difference is that it's "hidden" to a large degree now. When I have asked at food banks, attendance of people needing help has increased dramatically during this "recession". Food stamps are available now (doubt they were thought of back in the '30s). Government food is distributed differently now than in the '30s.Notice how things go up even when the working peoples wages are flat. Taxes, gas just goes up 20 cents overnight, vehicle licences & fees, utilities, school fees,?grocery?prices when crops have a bad year, the package size gets smaller, yet the price goes up. Cities cry that the sales tax funds are going down, people just can't buy things so it means less tax money, guess they need to put another red light or speed camera up.You are so right!Something that has always bothered me. I have family/friends who have?government?jobs and are in a management role. At the end of the fiscal year if they are under budget they go out and spend like crazy and buy frivolous things. Instead of being rewarded for spending less throughout the year, they are forced to use up the extra money so they will get the same or more amount for the coming year. This is a big problem with our government and being wasteful with the taxpayers money. :(I've heard California is pretty bad. There are too many people and too many illegals. I don't want to get into a politics war, but having so many people willing to work for nothing with no benefits doesn't do us unemployed citizens any good.When you dont have to turn a profit like govt there is never any accountability and that is why we are heading toward Greece. This is a great thread.Also, look at the newer occupations that didn't Unionize. In the IT?business, if you hit 40, you're sh----t out of luck. The companies will hire foreigners. It would have been good ground for unionizing if as part of membership, educational goals were directed to keeping worker skills current, a decent wage was demanded and they had the power to block?hiring?foreigners.Don't we wonder why immigrants are still flooding our shores despite the professed?development?in other countries? Oh, I don't know, maybe because companies who set up overseas skirt taxes, provide lousy working conditions, piss all over the country with unregulated waste....Companies are running to the?bank?with all that they have exploited with foreign?labor. But when does consumer spending grind to a halt and companies no longer have a base to sell their wares to?That is not something I will ever support. No other job, except being a big fat politician, will give you a benefit that you can never lose, no matter what kind of job you do.Personally, I would support nationalized care. Take this mess out of the hands of big?insurance. Make it easy. It works in other civilized nations. Nothing is perfect, but what we have now is not working and hasn't for a long time unless you are part of a lucky group that still has a?full timejob with benefits.That is my main problem. No incentive for high performance at that point. My sister-in-law?is a teacher and has flat out admitted that she will only do the bare minimum required of her because she is over it. She is there for the benefits.I am already preparing for how I can supplement theeducation?for my kiddos to overcome the inevitable lazy teacher they will come across. No sense doing the helicopter parent thing and fighting with the schools on this; the unions protect the mediocre.I think this says it all , VOTE?DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced this week that 200,000 illegal aliens have applied for the?Administration's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program that grants a temporary amnesty and the possibility of a work permit to illegal aliens who claim they were brought to the U.S. at a young age. She also said that more than 3,000 illegal aliens are filing new applications each day.?!Despite numerous attempts by both House and Senate leaders to learn more about how DACA decisions are made and exactly how many individuals are at each stage of the process, DHS officials have been less than eager to release the information.Politics. It's already on every media outlet. Why doesn't this guy go on TV and talk about the economy over the last four years in real terms (and not this "I created 5 million jobs" nonsense)?Your choices are basically "bankrupt the country by giving every last sob story with a toothache?governmentassistance" (democrats) or "cut as much funding as possible to as many social service programs as possible, and create a society in which a few people have a lot of money, and a lot of people have none." (republicans)Thats so you will go to school to be one of those! Dont understand all the hype about going to school when theres no jobs! As long as the "Corporate Tax-Break Economy", which robs the US of billions of dollars a year, stays in place and continues to grow, big companies will not care.Ergo, folks like us and small?business?owners without connections to the?government?mob bosses increasingly have to shoulder larger "revenue" (aka tax) burdens.Just read the headline "1 out of 4 Americans employed work in jobs that pay less than $10 an hour."Let's just fall off the fiscal cliff already.I think Americans born here agree wholeheartedly. More and more job postings I'm seeing?bilingual?required. Warehouse management I've noticed is one cause most of the warehouse pickers are now spanish.Months ago a sales job was posted in the same industry as my last job and they required bilingual.Joe, I know. ~???? all jobs in medical offices want Spanish speaking. You notice how many say "preferred." Some can't put "only" so they say preferred. I know what it means, though. I just skip over that job and won't apply.I got to tell you; the Latino and Hispanics born here are very cool. They all speak good English and are good co-workers. I've had good supervisors and colleagues who came here as very small?children. I think the ones who are here illegally (and who keep keeping), are gaming the system are the problem.I am cool with anyone who pays their taxes and knows enough English to answer the phone or make it across the street. ;)I hate my retail job and I haven't even started.Job fairs for retail is a really bad sign for the country's future. Retail should never be a job that merits and organized job show. The thought actually makes me sick. Dressing up fancy with your resumes for a part-time/seasonal/minimum wage retail job. Good lord.They say that for the last several decades that the US is heading away from manufacturing and toward a more service industry country. More jobs they say. Unfortunately those 'more jobs' will be in retail and such which are lower paying jobs. Middle class is disappearing. Pretty soon we will either be classified as rich or poor. The rich will get richer since our tax code favors them and the poor will get poorer. Hippee. So why the push for moreeducation? I promise u it does not take a?college?graduate to say "would u like that meal super-sized?"My parents are both college educated so they pushed me really hard to go to college. I was an extremely good student because I wanted to get a good job when I graduated. I worked my butt of so I wouldn't be in this position I'm in now. Now I'm realizing that Bachelor degrees are starting to replace high school diplomas. Everyone wants a bachelors but wants to pay 10 bucks an hour. Frighteningly, this is becoming the norm.I wish I hadn't gone to college, at least not when I did. I graduated at the worst possible time. A time where most people still think a bachelors degree guarantees success when in reality it doesn't. I'm glad I know now, but its sad to see so many people attending college hoping to better their lives only to be left with a pile of debt and discouragement.Its sad, but thats where I am at too. Really, we need a brand new economic structure now, because the present one is not sustainable. I mean, 15 or 20 years ago, going to college was a great choice, but now its just insane. I mean, I think high schools should be revamped, since that is where you really make the choice whether or not to go to college. I mean, there should be designated career tracks from there. I mean, even my friend who's anaccounting?graduate can't find a job. She works as a?cashier?at Wal Mart and I have to repeatedly talk her off the ledge about going to school for four years of her life, studying and slaving over logarithms and Algebraic equations to graduate cum laude only to work as a Wal Mart Cashier. Its just hell. We need a big and brand new economy. Thats just the fact.I agree, and I doubt it's coming anytime soon. Something really bad will have to happen before politicians and corporations finally get a clue. Our jobs are being sent overseas faster and faster. Jobs that my parents encouraged me to apply for don't exist anymore. It's a sad situation we're living in. I'm trying to encourage my brothers who are about to graduate from high school not go to college. They keep telling me they'll go into fields that are 'high-demand' like the medical field. Hate to break it to you guys but even nurses aren't guaranteed a job.Well, I'm glad its not just me. They ALL want experience, but who the hell comes out of?college?with the experience they want?! Its basically them setting parameters no college grad can meet. They know this.Really, what is one supposed to make of these numbers? Everyone knows the jobs being "created" are of the part-time and low paying variety. The good jobs haven't come back yet.Exactly. They just throw numbers at us without much of any explanation. The article I found claimed that many of the jobs created were retail and service. Also some?government.No answers really, just more questions.I was just coming here to tell you all that we have this huge increase in jobs. Have you heard the good news? LOL Yeah, I don't see it either.Someone just posted on their FB page that the job report is so much better than it was 4 years ago. Like it is so much better now. I asked her where all these jobs are, because I haven't found anything to send a resume to in the last 2 months. It has to be those imaginary jobs that Obama keeps talking about. I wonder how I can apply to an invisible job. Anybody have some invisible potion I can take?It was one of those dumb political images that people like to post on Facebook. Some crap about job growth under Obamessiah. People that post that junk on Facebook or anywhere need to be ready for the criticism that is sure to follow. I'll believe there are jobs when I see it. Until then, it's all talk and BS numbers.It seems to me, that unless you have the training of a lawyer or researcher, it is extremely difficult to find out the facts. I want to make intelligent choices, but it seems that everyone who runs for office, even if they start with good intentions, usually have to yield to self interest or they won't make it.My father said this forty years ago. He said that there was the "ballot vote" and then there was the "dollar vote". Don't confuse the two. You don't bite the hand that gets you elected.I can really see your father's point. I want to vote, just to have my little "say" (which I know is pointless), but wonder if actually not voting would be better. It doesn't feel like a democracy. How can it be when billions are paid for ads, when the average person is bombarded with half truths (really lies), not to mention the outright slander (Libel, when its written)I'm seeing on these ads. I'm waiting for a candidate to win a?law?suite.The BLS is just one of over 300?Federal?agencies run by appontees - none of which you get to vote for. Do you think those people got those positions by answering an ad on Indeed? LOL!So roughly 160k to 170k jobs were created during a particular time frame. I do not recall hearing how many jobs were Lost during the same time frame due to layoffs/ companies closings etc. I rarely hear exactly where the new jobs have been created either. Retail? Part time? Low pay (not enough to support a single person or family on)? Manufacturing??Engineering? Quite a few "minor" details are left out which practically makes the?data?useless....The number of jobs lost and population growth are things the O?Administration?doesn't want to talk about. That's how they get the BS that he's "created" 5 million jobs. It doesn't take into consideration job loss or population growth. Or the types of new jobs, for that matter. I don't know how any of you without jobs vote for this man again. It boggles the mind.Well, the word "socialism" became a pejorative for ideas I don't like. You hear conservative minded people saying we can solve the problem by stopping spending. The problem is, is that we have a massive debt and a huge deficit, which we have to turn into a surplus. You can stop spending money if you want to, but that debt won't be paid. You need revenue to pay down that debt, by taking more money in than we put out and were a nation of 310 Million plus people. We can cut alot, but its gonna effect us all and try explaining to a long term unemployed person why their tax?credit, tax cut, tax benefit is gone this year. So, we do need to start getting revenue mostly by us creating stuff.The truth is, is that we need to build a brand new economy and slow outsourcing of jobs from this country. Andinvestment?in new technology is what we are gonna have to do. Hell, look at the tech boom in the 90's. That was from new?computer?technology made here.So you're going to go with a guy who has presided over this economy and has "created 5 million" IMAGINARY jobs? Tell you what, if you or I performed this badly in any job for four months we'd be fired. This nonsense about it taking longer than four years to fix things is pure bunk.I see the liberals have been busy flagging. So, you're cool with the economy as is, you're going to sleep walk through it and punch the incumbent for re-election and you're going to burn books? Wow. I'm getting ready for a LOT of whining on Tuesday?evening?coming from the left. I expect chatter about the economy to RAMP UP big time effective January 20.Yes, it would be nice if both sides actually worked for the betterment of the country instead of their own agendas. I personally don't hold much hope for them doing so, I hope they surprise me.OK...NOT trying to start a political debate, but is anyone hearing about the Obamacare issue where people working part time have to go down to 28 hours a week or less-not in all businesses, but a lot? Or, is this old news? It's been a hot topic the past couple of days around here-several of my friends and family are talking about it, on Facebook and via phone. If what I am hearing is true, I understand why I am seeing a lot of part time jobs. I don't pretend to understand all of this.Employers are bound and determined NOT to pay ourhealthcare. So what are they going to do? Make a bunch of part time jobs that's what. Being the gov knows this thats why they are putting a cap on part time hrs. Im seeing a ton of part time jobs for awhile now. I cannot afford to work part time. Keep in mind in most cases you CANNOT combine 2 part time jobs together. If either employer knows about the other you dont get the job. Been there done that and it dont work. The gov knows thats a loop hole to get outta paying the?health care.What I am hearing is that companies with over 50 people will most likely be scheduling part time workers at 28 hours-probably less. Apparently, anything over 30 hours is considered full-time with Obamacare. So, the employers would rather have more pt people, rather than paying people who are working over 30 hours health insurance.So, it is a question of employers paying for?healthcare?or cutting hours. So, they are going to cut hours. The result will be more people being hired, but only part time. There are a lot of people working 30-under 40 hours now who are going to be down to a lot less or will lose their jobs. I happen to know several now who are very upset, as they have been told they will be down to less less hours.Again, I do not understand all of it, but this is most likely going to affect a lot of places, esp. retail. This is supposed to start in January.I did Google. I am actually very good at research, but there is A LOT of info. on this. What I do think is a lot of people do not realize what is going to happen.I think it is going to be A LOT of employers, not just some.I am all for people being provided with affordablehealthcare...BUT for people who deserve it, NOT people who expect the system to take care of them. That is a whole other issue. When I get back to work some day (soon I hope), I will be working with a painful chronic illness. Because I believe in working and supporting myself. Yet, so many others sit home and expect the system to take of them. There are so many who are totally able to work, but collect welfare and other benefits and it makes me sick. They have never worked or barely worked, CAN work, and refuse to even apply for work.My husband's?insurance?costs are going to skyrocket-the bosses already had a meeting about this. But, my stepson, and the MANY other people like him, who refuse to work when they are able to, will now have healthcare, but not with the costs my husband has to pay.The system is broken. I want people who need it to have it, but there has to be a way to fix it somehow so that the scammers (for lack of a better world) cannot get benefits.I think our country is in more trouble than we may realize.Like a cartoon....picture a snowball going down a hill. As it goes further down the hill it gets faster and larger. It cannot be stopped, it just rolls over anything that gets in it's way. That's America now. These so called "entitlements" cannot be stopped now. 30 years from now we will be Greece.Just go to your Dept of?Labor?office...two many workers doing nothing with excellent benefits. They hire people there because it's in the budget not because they really need those extra people.All I can do is get a good paying job and save or find a rich girl.Big trouble. Most of us won't be here when it hits the fan but this is what some experts predict:If you think you are having a hard time now, it will be nothing compared to entering the workforce, twenty years from now. You will be sweatshop?labor?because by then all the inheritance money will be gone. You will HAVE to take that job painting funny faces on adult sex toys. Are you listeing Joe! Heh!Second, by 2035 Social Security will be broke. It is bleeding out faster than ever. More people who are eligible for early Social Security at age 62 are taking it now!Finally, in 20 years, you will just as likely be working in Mumbai as in Milwaukee. That is where the jobs are likely to be.Fox News is practically shouting the end of the world from atop a box to anyone in the market who will listen. Someone needs to put those 24 hour news cycles from both sides to bed. They are a lot of the cause of the partisanship in ourgovernment. Remember the day where if you wanted to know what happened today, you tuned in at 5 or 6 in theevening?or read the newspaper to find out? It should still be like that. Filling a 20 hour cycle with talking heads and bs is no good for anybody.I've heard opinions and "facts" from people who would have neither, if they didn't hear it from some idiot on FOX/MSNBC while waiting for their coffee at Dunkin Donuts. Time for a simplification of the lifestyle.Let's pull all our troops out from everywhere that isn't a direct threat to us, also. Tired of spending lives, loot, and resources on countries that don't deserve our attention.Let's also severely trim down higher?education. Of the 4 years of undergrad, I'd say I had about 2 years of actual relevant courses. The pig fat that some of these places get away with for $40,000 a year is borderline criminal. No wonder we're slipping behind everyone else. Their companies train their workers for exactly the job that they'll be expected to do. They don't waste 30 credits on pottery making and to be laying people off because of Obama winning the election. That's just great. Like we need less jobs in this country. Now I'm getting worried.A friend of ours was talking about this a month ago. Now look at how fast it's happening. I didn't think it was going to be this bad.What does everyone think about this?May or may not be true. I wouldn't be surprised if it were true.With the state of this country and the economy, it's just plain nuts that this guy was reelected basically on blind allegiance and cult of personality. People just simply don't give a damn about performance. It's all about personality and party affiliation. Kind of like getting a job. Really, nothing you've done matters. It's all about likeability.As for the media, we are living in a propaganda state. The internet is rife with it. The major news outlets spew liberal propaganda 24/7. In the last month before the election, the media was negative Romney 24/7 while Obama got a free ride on Benghazi and then Sandy.Really sad for this country right now. All of you who voted Obama who don't have jobs just voted for the status quo of no jobs. Great call.There was a meeting at my husband's job the other day. Supposedly, come January, they are going to make everyone who is part time/under 40 hours go down to less than 28 hours a week. Some will lose their jobs. It will probably be a lot less hours than that for those who stay. The reason is Obamacare---apparently 30 hours and over will be considered?full time?under Obamacare. So, rather than paying for?insurance?for these people, the company will make them work under 28 hours so they do not have to pay insurance. There are a lot of people who work with my husband who may work 35 hours one week, 29 the next etc. Now, they may be reduced to 15 or 20 hours, depending on how the company decides to schedule. Also, my husband's insurance is supposed to increase by $5000 per year-he will have to pay this.This is apparently supposed to happen with companies that have over 50 employees. If they have people working over 30 hours and do not pay insurance, they will be fined $2000 per employee, according to what I read. So, they are cutting hours to avoid paying insurance or the fines.I will keep you all posted if this happens. My husband said that it looks like it will.We need affordable?healthcare, but this seems like the wrong way to go about it. There is so much written about this on the Internet, but you have many differing opinions. Unfortunately, it does not look so good.Everything continues to escalate.?Food?and utilitys especially. Yet employers are trying to get away with paying people LESS. The boss's and managers arent getting less are they?It doesn't have to remain that way. It just tends to because it is the "accepted" way of doing things. It's possible that in some large and progressive organizations managers are trained in how to evaluate job applicants, but this never happened in the organizations that I worked for. So the manager just does whatever the other managers, including the one who hired them, did.Large and progressive belong in the same sentence like Eskimo and lawn bowling.Large bureaucracies are very slow to change. It is the smaller company that is "fleet of foot".in my pathetic job search foray on this site today after over a year of not looking online AT all, out of 250 office/clericaljobs posted in last 7 days 3 required Spanish, not bad. It is worse in the local paper, most med. office/CS/Front Deskjobs require it. I know this will be a prob. that will get worse in time as non spanish speakers become a minority, it's very close now, practically everyone takes it in HS I've read.Well an aquaintance just told me that the CT Forest & Parks Assoc. is now conducting hikes in spanish here in CT - OMG, it will be majority rules type of thing if more than 50% of those who show up to a group hike are spanish speakers they will conduct the hike in spanish, meaning the leader who must now be bi-lingual spanish will talk in spanish for the duration of the hike, NOT English!??Um what about the US born citizens who don't know spanish? THAT could be awkward I imagine, I don't do group hikes myself but Jesus. I may as well shoot myself now (if only I had a gun). I found that MORE disturbing than jobs requiring spanish, which I do find VERY disturbing. All kinds of orgs are just bending over backwards for these people, it sickens me to no end. That was one of the most shocking things I have heard about in a long time. This is CT (New England?) not AZ, TX or CA. Alls we need on the already way overcrowded trails are huge groups of 'spics, they are very group oriented and would bring their extended family/friends to these types of?events, prob. their grills and boom boxes too. Gaa.I just read yet ANOTHER shocking news report about spanish speakrs in my area. In the 2013-14 school yr. in mycommunity, the public schools were comprised of: whites (Non-spanish) @ 42%, latinos 40%, the rest was divided among Blacks and Asians who both speak English just fine and don't require/demand any special accommodation. When I went to school here it was like 95% whites/European descent. The change over the last 10-15 yrs. has been astronomical. No wonder I feel like "they" are taking over...I've said before when I look at the kids out at recess at the elementary school near where I live the VAST majority of kids look latino. I have no clue why this area is a hotbed of the latino population growth or maybe it's like this everywhere now? For some reason ALL the articles seem to think this is a wonderful thing, how we are among the most racially diverse communities in the State, but it's not really "diverse" if Blacks and Asians are a small minority compared to latinos. I have no idea who writes this stuff, whites of European descent are or are becoming a minority, whoo-hoo????If it were not for the language thing and the fact that State parks are over crowded thanks to "them" and their large groups I could not care less. My life IS impacted when I go to the beach to seek a quiet spot away from everyone and a huge group of them decides to play volleyball or soccer right where I am sitting as if I were not even there and they always have to bring their smelly grills and loud boomboxes and talk loudly in spanish, probably talking about the pathetic gringo all by herself for all I know!^ they are up here for jobs ANYONE can sposedly get like: lawncare/snow removal/restaurant/retail. NO shortage of these kinds of jobs. Also they have friends/family here AND it is likely known "down there" one can get by w/o speaking a lick of English and that the?City?has preached the virtues of "diversity" for yrs for some reason. I think it IS welcoming for those people to come here.They've completely taken over the downtown area to the pt. I feel strange walking down Main St. because NOBODY looks like me. Why the 1st of their kind came here to begin w, in the early 90's? well it WAS a nice place to live in, the economy has always been robust. I can't say anything bad about living here other than NOW there are simply too many people, it's expensive, and too many stores, a shopaholic would go insane. We are moving more towards urban vs. suburban living. There are also lots of small businesses, many of them come and go but some stick around.I'd pretty much guess they came here for the job opportunities and STAYED because they found a?communityof their own people & then keep inviting more and more. Also it's not just new arrivals but they tend to have large families.Last yr. my car was hit by a latino teen in the?library?pl,he wanted to take off but security stopped him. Well he didn't have a license or ANY ID on him, had to call his relatives, 4 of them came, and NONE spoke English (or ACTED like they didnt). one woman wanted some guy to fix my car but she couldn't communicate WHO he was. I ended up settling out of?insurance?and giving them the highest estimate. They met me one night in my PL, as I didn't in particular want them to know exactly where I live but they were an hour late (their GPS! had misdirected them). Then gave me a BLANK money order no name or signature on it, which I somehow got across to them they need to fill out to make it legit. Initially they wanted to give me cash like $500, I was like um a?bank?check be better.I'm Sorry for your troubles, and I want to give you my point of view about this.Us job seeker's are surely being discriminated against. But what do most politicians (nothing) do about anything?People need work to put?food?on the table, and most good employers who have jobs available understand that.Most normal employers don't care if you can speak Spanish or not. If your a good caring person a good employer, or professional will give you that job in a minute, and not try to create a problem or language barrier for you.Real Americans hire Americans! I don't think Employers, Politicians, or Judges should call themselves Americans if they don't hire one, or care about its people.Speaking of Kindergarten, I wish they told us the truth back then. That who you know will always be more important than what you know. That going to?college?is NOT always going to give you advantages over people who did not go. I know more people who did not go who have better jobs than the college grads. It is really hard to look at myself sometimes, being unemployed, with 50K in student loan debt, while watching family members and former co-workers earn close to or over 6 figures a year with no debt at all/no degrees. I have spoken with friends, family, and former colleagues who all agree---if we had to do it over, we would not have gone to college, or we would have waited and explored careers for awhile before getting useless degrees. I regret my BA, not my Masters, but I would have chosen a completely different path. When you are 18, and people say you must go to college, you believe them.I went to college because I was told that if I did not go, I would be working terrible jobs my whole life. It was not so much about an edge, but more like I would have security, whereas people who do not go are supposedly "stuck." What a lie! My BA was too?general, but I thought it would get me on track for a stable career at some point. My Master's is something I genuinely love doing, but I think I would have been happy doing other things.I know that people pursue their passions when they get degrees, but so many never realize the debt, frustration, and lack of jobs in general after they get the degrees. My cousin just had to relocate all the way across the country for a job he has been trying to find here for 5 years. He was not happy about it, as he is close to his family. But, he had no choice.It's the same in the tech world. The "unique ability" is the ability to get by on less money than it would take an American. The H1B program exists for the sole purpose of increasing the supply of engineers and IT workers anddriving?down salaries and other expenses (e.g., training) for employers. The US produces enough?engineeringand CS/CIS graduates to fill all the available positions.Not only is the US trending toward becoming a nation of haves and have-nots, it is also trending becoming a nation in which your success in life is primarily determined by the social class into which you were born. Social mobility in the US is below that of most other 1st world countries and falling.I'm at the Dept of?Labor.....someone really needs to throw a firecracker under these people a##ses. I want to see them in the private sector. LOL! It's reverse welfare.I can now honestly say that job searching on the internet has become obsolete. Never anything decent. Just like the job fair.Way too much of a hidden job market and as a result allot of people who get laid off will suffer.I agree. Online job ads have become such a joke.Meanwhile, I have been stumbling onto websites that are rolling out the red carpet for H1B Visa holders.The jobs I'm going after are out of reach for American Citizens.Hell, I have been thinking of impersonating a foreiger ==> get an H1B Visa ==> apply for job ==> get job ==> support my family.The H1B program exists exclusively to create an oversupply of engineers and IT workers, and therefore to hold down salaries and relieve companies of training expenses.Because I am an American citizen, LIFE costs more for me. It is far easier for H1B workers to slip through the cracks tax-wise, & shimmy their way out of paying their "fair share".Sweetie pie, oh how I wish things were as neat and simple as that.For example,?IBM?was on the hunt for IT Project Managers for an 18-month project. Some very specific skills were needed--Active Directory domain migration--which I happen to have.My brother was on great terms with the?account manager. When I heard what the rate was ($30/hr) I salivated and begged my brother to get me an interview. But no can do. The positions were reserved only for H1B Visa holders! I asked bro if he could pull strings, he said NO WAY.Point is, a job that is supposed to go to H1B is not fungible.The only reason that companies would have to hire H1B workers to survive is to compete with other companies that are lowering their costs by hiring H1B workers. Simply getting rid of the H1B program would keep the playing field level. Not that MicroSoft (the biggest US user of H1B workers) is exactly in danger of being driven out of?business.American corporations have been making huge profits the past few years. They are sitting on massive amounts of cash.The issue is that companies should have responsibilities to someone other than their shareholders. There's nothing wrong with an IT project manager in the US making the same as someone in that position in India, so long as the salary provides for the same standard of living, but it doesn't. Now, that person from India comes to work here, takes a huge raise to a level still below the prevailing wage for American workers in the same position, lives okay here for some time, and then can either decide to stay and displace the US worker permanently, or go home for a very inflated lifestyle on earned US wages. Meanwhile, the US worker isn't even allowed to compete for this job, because IBM is preferentially?hiring?H-1Bs for the position. if they do win the chance to compete, they are competing for a lower wage and a lower standard of living.Wages may need to reach an equilibrium at a global level, but it appears that the H-1B and similar programs are hastening the natural rate for this process to occur. Instead of inflation and rising standards of living across the world taking care of the problem by bringing the world out of poverty, we are seeing Americans being pushed toward the bottom. If you're?Chinese?or India, who cares? If you're the US?government, you should be looking out for your citizens.Unrestrained capitalism is likely why you don't have a job right now.Closed economies are bad, but mill towns where workers are required to buy from the company store, but aren't paid enough to do so and end up in debt to their employer aren't great either. We should be looking to moderate the effects of moving to a global economy, so that everyone gets there safely, not shooting a hole in the hot air balloon and offering to be the world's cushion.The author apparently ignored bigger numbers that are causing our woes. Big corps, especially pharma, redistributing their US profits to offshore offices, therefore not paying taxes here. $100's of Billions per year. Sometimes all they have are a PO box in Ireland.Or how about foreign guest workers hired as 1099 contractors? Does this guy really thinks that someone who can't read English is going to file a Schedule C, Self Employment tax form, and a 1040?The list of tax evaders and the techniques they use is extremely long. The amount of lost money from such sources far outweighs the pittance that seniors get.Thank you for the well-wishes. The position is low-paying but should cover groceries for the family. So I'm still looking...not that there's much of anything to apply to.The US tax code is such a big nightmare. There are not enough agents to even do half of what is required to?audit?the big corps.I just really resent the fact that each time I interview, I have to sit and be interrogated by multiple people, have them pick apart my experience and resume, and then I get to watch people being handed jobs. These people never even had to formally interview.You can see why many people would rather spend the time applying for some kind of permanent disability or welfare.I have a relative who did this. He just got fed up with the rigamarole. He resurrected an old high school football injury and found a shady doctor to certify him unable to work.Oh, he use to be a big Republican. He adores Obama now. Heh!You too. I don't think anyone of us has it easy : (...except the members of Congress and the company CEOs that still reward themselves after they slice their workforce in half.Its a joke. The wealthiest people (Congress) is going to vote YES, Tax us more! Not happening.I am from the old securities industry and back in my day, we had never heard of a?Credit?Data?Swap or a Collateralized Debt Obligation, etc. This was the slickest shell game ever.When I say, I still don't understand them, I am in good company. No Senator or Congressman does either and Wall St. knew they could pull this off. They knew that if they were wrong, the taxpayer would bail them out.If you're unemployed now, "The Looting of America" points directly at one of the root causes. What I don't understand is why more people haven;t gone to jail because of this.If something isn't changed, the middle class really will disappear. Employers are crying foul because of the high cost of medical?insurance. Funny, no one seems too angry with big insurance. Oh but that's right, they fund people's campaigns, so regardless of party affiliation, no one is going to go after the ones that put them in office. I just wish people would get angry and do something constructive to change things before we really dive deep into a depression. And the more people lose their homes, acquire hugecollege?loans that they can't pay back, and finally stop buying products, everyone will suffer.Thats exactly right. The electric co is going to pass the cost on to the consumer along with all the others. Things are going to skyrocket so bad its not funny. The?food?is too high now. Your going to work to have the gov take your money? How nice. We are taxed and taxed and taxed.All of this is being passed down to the very folks that cannot afford it and someone is walking away with billion dollar profits. Makes me sick!!!theres going to be 2 classes:?Rich?Poor?Thats it. I know which one Im in.I was just saying that tonight. I wonder how much they are telling us on the news is true being they lie so much about everything else. How much is BS just to make people think they are trying to come to an agreement. Co's are going to pass this cost onto the consumer whose pay ck is smaller.And just think of how many people can no longer get medical?insurance?if they do find employment. It's scary!!!You are not damaged goods. None of us are. No employer is going to tell you that you are damaged goods. All we can do is try to keep applying and that we will find something. The news lies. The unemployment rate is HIGH. We on this forum are not the only ones that cannot find a job.I think you will see Unemploymt number decrease because allot of people will be losing their benefits after Dec 2012 not because they found work.?That's right.And when I hear some blowhard politician talk about job creation, I want to scream. Any new job out there is probably part time, no benefits, and minimal wage. It's only going to get alot worse as companies decide to scale back their pay and benefits to their workers. I saw it in my own company before the big layoff came.In twenty years, they won't ask you to list all your past employers because it would take too long to read the list. My forecast is that in the future having to change jobs every 2 or 3 years will be the norm, even for "professionals".If you are a laid off Silicon Valley IT worker then your career is likely over due to H1B infestaion and offshoring.From reboot to?construction?boots. Silicon Valley laid off IT workers are getting into fights with illegal immigrants in theHome Depot?parking lot looking for construction work.H1Bs are work visas allowing high tech employers to displace American workers. It is similar to illegal immigrants coming over to the US looking for work.No more and No less.Terrible! I sure wish this is what people in politics would get passionate about, but that will never happen.?Last week only 5 angry people showed up at an opened meeting with county executives to discuss the big county tax hike. The masses are not angry enough yet.I think more and more states are letting pot be legalized so to make a nation of spaced-out citizens who won't realized how bad it really is.he expression 'Economic effect' has a very large umbrella. While I do think that the availability of qualified workers ready to work for a much smaller wage causes troubles in the situation regarding employment in the USA, I do not believe that the blame can easily be place on H1B immigrants. Perhaps those making?hiring?decisions have some responsibility in this matter? I believe some of them are USA citizens.You are correct. We export more jobs than we import. Some 10 million Americans already file taxes from foreign addresses. This is a fact not widely publicized.A few years ago, the top destination for US?collegegraduates was Dubai. Many American companies have send US workers off-shore.he logic on trickle-down is weird to me. Unless the increase in wealth comes out of nowhere, it means that the wealth must flow up from the lower and middle classes, get to the top, and then come back down by means of new jobs when the rich create new businesses. This seems very inefficient if the goal is to improve the lives of those below the rich. Just let them keep their money to begin with.In essence, it does come out of no where. I spend a dollar, then the person I spent the dollar with spends the dollar and so on and so forth.The theory that lower rates will lead to more spending is actually a very valid one. In essence, it's deficit spending, essentially what the stimulus did except a different format. The myth in the whole presidential debate wasn't whether we should have a stimulus, or a tax cut, we already had both and both parties were really proposing more of the same, the myth is that tax cuts pay for themselves. And the only fact I'm fairly certain of in that discussion is that virtually no economists today think that. It's a very select group who think that and they're highly politicized.The thing that should concern us as a country were the Bush years. In the years just prior to the great recession, with the low tax rates, the real estate boom, the war stimulus (and make no mistake defense spending is stimulus), the almost complete lack of regulation and keeping the war costs off the books, we still couldn't produce a balanced budget. That doesn't bode well.The retail jobs are on this same nightmare train. MUST have experience and an Associates. For min wage? PART TIME??It is insanity. They wonder why our student loan debt is off the charts. Well, tell me how to pay $50K back on $10 an hour. My classmates who knew people are making triple or more than that, so they will be fine. But, the rest of us will be paying until we die.And, then they wonder how people cannot get experience. HELLO! An associates is not needed to work most retail jobs. My job last year required a Master's and yes, some part of the job definitely used that training. But, the rest-you did not need that degree.Training is like a bad word these days. And as long as we have these ridiculous requirements, there will continue to be millions unemployed.And then there is the irony that I have lost 2 jobs recently to people who had NO experience. I have 3 years. So, what do these employers want?The only problem is that schools and hospitals don't create wealth. Schools and hospitals provide services. Services can only exploit existing wealth but cannot create any for themselves. Real wealth really comes from the primary sector. The Secondary sector turns that primary wealth into "finished" products. The service sector or tertiary sector was initially about finding new applications and efficiencies for the two mentioned sectors. That's what science and?engineering, is all about. But at this point, we've picked all the low-hanging fruit. We have found almost every way to exploit the wealth created at the primary sector and at secondary sector. The service sector , the sector that dominates the economy ,is primarily concerned with increasing consumption. Most people can't increasingly spend more every year, so?credit?has been made cheap so that more and more people can borrow to consume more goods, and more importantly, more services. The big picture is really ugly; more people consuming services that won't benefit them.?Healthcare?and?education(education and training are not the same thing.), in this regard, are no better than the?finance?industry. They are parasitic, in the United States.I saw a fascinating graph this morning. It showed that over the past 40 years, the amount of money paid in salaries in the US has decreased from 51 percent of the GDP to 44 percent of the GDP while corporate profits have increased from 5 percent of the GDP to 9 percent (meaning that 2/3 of the salary reduction is simply more profits for?business?owners and investors).Workers of the world, unite!I'm still trying to think about how I want to respond to many of the points your brought up, but I just wanted to refine what I said for you. (Also, if it helps, replace "school" with "college?or university.") If you drop a large institution into an area that wasn't otherwise served, you create a large multiplier effect on the economy, even if it isn't a "wealth creator." Constructor workers earn money while they build it, as do the employees that work at it, and managers that run it. These people spend much of their wages in the?community, at supermarkets, restaurants, gas stations, car dealers, and shopping malls. The employees of these establishments then spend their wages as well and taxes are collected along the way that go to employ police officers, firefighters, and infrastructure maintenance crews. This ripple continues to have an effect and is renewed each pay period. My point was just to contrast that to "money out of nowhere" (aka "stimulus") that wanes much more quickly. Because stimulus isn't refreshed, eventually the multiplier peters out.This is really an old story. The connection between a good?education?and a job job is really there any more. That was your parent's era.Another myth is that more education is the solution to fewer jobs. Ain't always so.Well,what is the solution?If the system has changed (from the job end), why are we still permitting schools to churn out graduates at regular rates? Old methods in a different market?So I'd be interested in hearing your ideas.We are still using a 1950's model in a 21st century world. My high school education better prepared me for the world of work much better than a high school grad today. I had a good job before I graduated and my brother and sister had good jobs, just after graduating high school. It wasn't operating the?french?fry machine either.Now you have PhDs living at home.I used to beat myself up for never getting a solid degree, even though I have taken?college?courses over the years. I must say, I realize that my ability to communicate and push myself hard in a job has served me as well as alot of my college educated peers. Most jobs that I have had, I was surrounded by co-workers that had degrees, earning no better than I.There is a place for college and getting a degree, but only for very specialized fields that absolutely require it. I would never encourage any young person coming out of high school to go rack up a tuition bill as large as my mortgage. Not in this economy anyway.Both my sister and I have college educations. My sister is a teacher and yet we talked her daughter out of college and into a real profession: hairstylist.Good move. She has never been laid off, never had a college loan, works 4 days a week and lives in a better house than her mother! She can read "Catcher in the Rye" on her own.At one time, any college degree would do but not anymore. Yes, Virginia, there are some worthless degrees out there.College?also needs to be looked at. There's something fundamentally broken when you are paying $100K for aneducation. We need to discover alternative approaches that cut back on that. When I was in college I barely talked to my professors. They could have given me a book, tested me on it, and in 90% of the cases I'd have been just as well off. You can't tell me it isn't the exact same thing in some of these expensive universities where there are 100's of students in a class. Yeah, the air that guy breaths is surely worth $2,000 when diluted amongst an auditorium.Then again, what does Anthony Robbins get for a seminar? What does a MCSE boot camp cost?you know what is upsetting in a reports are coming out that jobless?claims?(29k) are down from last week. and they are saying cause economy is getting's because extended unemployment benefits are running out this month not because economy has gotten better and people are finding week people filing jobless claims again will go down by 25k alsoand the week after that it will go down significantly.?I have seen internships that want experience. I suppose they wanted the student to work for free as well.Entry level?used to mean that you didn't need experience. Now it just means someone with experience that wants to work for peanuts.It seems like some kind of sick joke, really.One thing that makes it even worse is the fact that you always hear that there are lots of unemployed people who have tons of experience. If this is the case then why are there so many jobs that require 3-5+ years of experience? The whole concept of "experience" has begun to piss me off. There is no way in hell someone who has been working at a job for one year is any more knowledgeable or efficient at the position than someone who's only been working at it for 6 months. It shouldn't even be?legal?to call a job 'entry?level' if it requires experience. Same with internships. I am totally fine with it saying 'junior' or something if it requires like 1-2 yrs of exp but entry level is just ridiculous.Nepotism is the way to get a job here. I do not have data, either, but having lost out multiple jobs to people with no experience, but with the right relatives/friends, I have seen it first hand. I watched it last year when people got hired for no reason other than who they knew. Almost every one of my family and friends who have jobs got them because of who they knew. These are high paying jobs with great benefits.There are laws here, for public service jobs, but there are ways to circumvent it if needed. People will do favors by hiring someone's relative or friend. Or, relatives are directly hired when laws do not apply. My ex had a?government?job and it was filled with people who had family members in the place. There was no direct supervision of relatives by relatives, though. I worked as an independent contractor for a local state office, and there were many family members there.I think where I live is particularly bad, but I have seen it for years. I think it is out of control now, but I do not see a way of fixing it. I do wish they had independent hiring committees for the public sector jobs, which would give people with no connections a fighting chance.I don't have a problem if a friend or relative gets hired. What I do have a problem with is if they aren't qualified...and we all know this happens allot.What I also have a prob with is if the job is posted and you do the preparing for the interview but they already pretty much hired a friend/relative. The job is posted purely to satisfy company policy and?federal?regulations.What stinks is that we see this kind of?hiring?more and more because of everyday layoffs and personally it hurts.The county?executive's daughter got a job last year asAssistant?Director?for the Office of Aging...69k a year and great benefits...she had the basic qualifications for the position, nothing facny.They interview 5 people. The other 4 people had no chance in helll. The thing about the job is I forget all the details but she can't be laid off something like that unless the county executive lays off his own daughter.Other news reports claimed that the kid had emotional issues and had to be home schooled. Don't know how true all that is either.I was not one who gave a "no" vote, but just my feeling that getting rid of guns isn't the answer. People will find other just as destructive ways of creating mayhem. Bombs can be made of readily available materials and can easily be way more destructive than guns. Just saying.....50 million other gun owners went to bed that very night and didn't kill anybody.Kids seem to be able to do all sorts of things under their parents noses without the "adult supervision" ever noticing. Certainly, some of the cases, the parents had no idea at all what the kids were up to.My primary thought is that guns, per se are not the root of the issue. As Blue points out, the vast majority of people who own guns are?law?abiding, emotionally stable people. The people who commit crimes such as mass shootings have something else going on in their lives. People who are bullied to the extreme, long term unemployed, the feeling of absolute powerlessness over one's own life and destiny (to me) has quite a bit to do with people "acting out".Perhaps we could look at why these people feel that shooting others is the only way to express themselves in a way that is heard. I am not entirely ready to say they are all significantly more emotionally disturbed than the rest of us. They likely feel ignored and unable to be heard.America is no longer the Land of Opportunity. In almost every other developed nation people have a better chance of advancing into a higher economic class than they do in the US. About the only developed country with a more rigid class structure is the UK.The question is whether a country in which what you can be is determined mainly by what your parents were can be competitive in a modern world. The UK has fallen behind countries with more social mobility. Will we be any different?Today's quiz question:Is this ad for a:?a) senior position?b) mid-career position?c)?entry-level postion?d) none of the above??Required Skills: The candidate must have experience with?Java?programming, databases, BSD or CentOS operating systems, and good oral and writtencommunication?skills. Candidate must be able to work independently as well as cooperatively, follow procedures, apply best practices, follow direction, and stay on task.Preferred Qualifications: Red Hat and Ubuntu systemadministration, Eclipse IDE, J2EE, Hibernate,?GoogleWeb Toolkit, Microsoft SharePoint administration, lightgraphics?manipulation, MySQL , Subversion, and Trac Wiki.The correct answer is d). This ad is for an?INTERNSHIP. Yes, even to do an internship you need have experience!!!The writing was on the wall about employers wanting you to be available for all shifts and days years ago.It keeps you enslaved to them at poor wages and you can't work another job to make ends meet.Forget it if you have?children. It puts you at a severe disadvantage now. You will never see your family.Yup... I owned my own business for years until the industry changed. I sent myself to school, took courses with my own hard earned money and took temp jobs to get my experience. I suffered layoffs because temp agencies don't exactly send you to the most stable companies to begin with. It doesn't seem to matter that I got hired as a permanent employee every time, even as the company itself was struggling. It doesn't seem to matter that I have always taken on more than what was required and that I met some really great people that recognized my efforts and promoted me.I truly wonder what employers want. I know I would hire a dozen of "me" if I was a boss. My work ethic and enthusiasm and skill set is not something I saw alot of on the jobs I worked at in the past, not to say there weren't some wonderful things to learn from some of my coworkers and managers. But I never just did my job to satisfy a quota. Doing a job and doing it really well, mattered to me. I always thought I could convey that fact and stay employed until I was ready to retire. Everything I used to believe is truly blown out the window now. The work world in America is forever changed and I wonder what will become of the great working class of educated and skilled people it once employed?i have read hundreds on online articles on long term unemployment and all are depressing and as you quoted.?also they are all outdated as there has NEVER been a time in recent US history when so many people have gone yrs. w/o work.I am currenly re-reading some old Calvin and Hobbes cartoons, it's the most my fried brain can handle anymore. Am sure the neighbors think I have lost it, shrieking with laughter from time to time, I'd forgotten how darn funny the little guy and his tiger buddy were, plus some of the panels remind me of me and my gang o Bears.?The yr. before last I read the Sword of Truth series, last yr. it was the Game of Thrones series, I find the Fantasy genre to be an excellent escape and i'd recommend those if that's your cup o tea but can't' think of anything motivational I have ever read, sometimes reading a memoir of someone who overcame adversity can be helpful too.Allot of horsesh#t here Herv. Crank up the hearing piece and get ready for me.First, does technology make for lay-offs? Yes your correct.But make no mistake about it the majority of lay-offs are happening because of greed and Wall St.Second, for the American worker it is easier said than done to train (while working and commuting daily) for other positions when that day comes and you are no longer needed. And, you don't know if after this training there will be another position somewhere for you.I do agree with your statement pertaining to personal development. Basically nowadays you have to kiss all the bosses a$$e$ and play the game of politics at work better than the next guy in the room.Layoffs are destroying people's lives even the best prepared person. 9 times out of 10 what I see happening allot is a person making 80k gets laid off after 15 yrs than after a year finds another job only able to make 45k. More and more of these good people will need some sort of govt assistance when they get set to retired because of inadequate funds.And because they aren't paying into Social Security when they are unemployed, their Social Security benefits will be reduced.I have said this before. If nothing changes, Social Security will be broke by 2030. This is not even in dispute anymore.It won't be broke. The savings?account?will be emptied and it will not take in as much in taxes as it is supposed to be paying out. The problem can be solved by either raising taxes or lowering benefits.I don't know why people are saying the unemployment rate is improving and 2013 looks good, but I just heard that on tv. I switched channels.People just have no clue. I really do think they feel there is something wrong with us, the unemployed. My friend is also unemployed, and her niece wants to go tocollege?next year to become an?Art teacher. That is an exceptionally hard job to find around here, no matter how good you are. My friend told her niece this, and explained that connections are more important than your talents, sadly. But, my friend's mom (the grandmom) had a fit, and said my friend should not be "destroying her niece's dreams." My friend is trying to steer her in the right direction.It amazes me that with all these people with degrees who are out of work or underemployed, that society still pushes college as a MUST. I have another friend whose daughter is majoring in psychology. She expects to earn a ton of money with her BA. That degree alone is worth nothing around here.And of course, no jobs to apply to, which is no surprise.Sighing,I can't think of any other area/subject like the "unemployed in America" that people are so misinformed about. I keep saying that it just totally amazes me. No one has a clue but us the unemployed/underemployed.People do think there is something wrong with us or that we are doing something wrong.WE ARE ACTUALLY NO DIFFERENT THAN THE PEOPLE WHO ARE EMPLOYED. WE HAVE OUT STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, FEARS, DREAMS, BAD HABITS, GOOD HABITS, PROBLEMS WITH OUTCHILDREN, OUR BLOOD IS RED ALSO, ETC.... THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT WE ARE UNEMPLOYED.Well, some people still have money. I was selling $24.99/lb scallops and 27.99 Sea bass today like it was the last such on earth. My store will easily hit 300K just today. Probably the same tomorrow.That being said, when 22000 people apply to 300 positions, that doesn't mark the start of an economic recovery. I don't need any degree in anything, to know that.This is the new normal in America. 10-15 percent will live comfortably and the overwhelming majority will struggle to get by. At least until the wealth start to trickle down.5 yrs from now nothing good will be on the job sites, it will be just like looking thru your local newspaper help wanted section.That's when only networking and agencies will land a person a job. And try dealing with an employment agency, good luck with them.I was talking to a recruiter awhile back and she said when Monster, CB, and others first came out the thinking was that they were going to replace recruiters/agencies. Never happen. And Linkedln will soon be a fad also. Right now it's mostly a popularity contest!Yes, job searching is definitely absurd. Even a lot of minimum wage jobs now have crappy online job terminals with a 5-6 page personality test that asks the same few questions in multiple different ways.It's definitely easier if you have open availability, though.True. But is that really all that we were meant to do in life - just pay bills until we retire, or maybe even until we die? Because that seems like what is happening. It's not just "pay the bills until someday you don't have to"; indeed, many Americans seem to just be drowned in debt and bills and stuff - and it seems like such a miserable, "absurd" existence. And I don't like Camus' or Nagel's responses to it either - "shake your fist at it in scorn", or "laugh in it's face, because it's hilariously ironic". I think that, like Aristotle wrote, we should simply find our purpose, or "Telos", in life and do that. Mine is being a musician, and if I can find a satisfying niche in the musical world, I feel like life will be less absurd for me. "If it pays the bills, it is not absurd" doesn't seem to make it any less absurd - ironically it just makes it sound?more?absurd. Thanks for the feedback, though, I really appreciate it. It's nice just to hear back from people.Much of human existence is absurd, but it's generally us artists who see that absurdity for what it is and create a life for ourselves around it. Of course, we have bills to pay too, but we don't see that as the purpose of life. Writers like Kafka, Gombrowicz and Bulgakov (to name but three) took the grinding absurdity that surrounded them and transformed it into elevating works of art.?Why do people with Aspergers have trouble finding jobs?1) Awkwardness/uniqueness: Most of us Aspies are too awkward/unique for our own good. This is what makes us hard to make bonds and socialize, it also makes us unappealing to interviewing employers.?2) Misreading/sensitivity: We are very sensitive, which means the slightest thing can bother us, causing us to quickly unravel. The slightest bother in an interview can unnerve us, causing us to fall apart in the interview (I've had this happen). Many of us are horrible at reading the appropriate subtext and context, causing us to miss the mark or not able to interpret the question properly (I've had this happen too).?3)Not able to do network and/or failing at it entirely: Today's world is becoming ever more focused on networking to get ahead, be it a good scholarship, school, interview and/or job. This puts people who are bad at socializing and/or incapable of socializing to any degree at a huge disadvantage.?4) The FINAL ASD BREAKDOWN (it's not exclusive to Aspies): This tends to happen in late High School, College (happened to me), early in career by age 30. This is result of struggling all of then your life with all the added stuff that affects people with ASDs, typically mental health. This final breakdown either leads to death in many cases or lasts up to a few years due to all the medications and stuff you go through to stabilize. The medication we are given has huge side effects that reek havoc on us, lasting up to years in our systems. If you are like me and went through the medications roulette, your breakdown was extended (me it was almost 5 years).?5) #5 goes with #4. Most of us who are Americans and/or from other countries who's governments and medical system accepted Autism and ASDs in the late 1970s and 1980s are now coming of AGE! This means there was very little research done on ASDs, which in turn lead to horrible view that we needed to be made normal by making it conform to social norms and proper socialization. This also means there is very little help for those transitioning to adulthood and/or graduating from college and finding jobs. Over the past few years there has been real movement in properly helping children with ASDs.Though the problem is none of it lasts post 18 in most U.S. states and countries, though the U.S. Government gives it to you until 22. Obviously if you hit that age, then you get cut off and are damned. You are lucky if you can find insurance who covers what you need at reasonable co-pays and deductibles. There is almost no help for those in most U.S. states, especially in adulthoodWith reasons 4 and 5, you have a gap in your skills and resume to explain for, which you aren't supposed to reveal medical circumstances in interviews, resumes, and on the job. Revealing the actual reasons, can lead to you being fired in many jobs or preventing interviews. This leaves you disadvantage.?6) the Great Recession wiped most internships, part time jobs, and full time work out in most countries. If you are in the U.S. you will know that we are in jobless recovery, with most jobs being created are low paying jobs. Canada is now in a heavy recession due to energy prices dropping. The Eurozone is having an uneven recovery. The UK is having a very turbulent recovery. Japan and South Korea are struggling to recover etc...?You want a part time job in most areas of the U.S., good luck! You are either too old, too overqualified, too young and/or too under qualified.?You want an internship you need to meet all the asinine requirements, including industry experience and required degrees. The problem here is you are not qualified enough for jobs that are supposed to be entering point for young people into the career world. You are also competing against career people in their late 20s, 30s and possibly in their 40s who are willing to take internships to get career positions.?You want an entry level position, is has even higher requirements than internships. They also expect you to know how to do the job without training and adjustment period. Thus most graduating college students aren't able to get these positions.?Also many know require masters degrees and other stuff as well.?7)You are competing against people in their late 20s, 30s and many in their 40s who are struggling to gain full time employment.?The official U.S. unemployment figures stands at 5.4%. This though obviously only counts 60,000 people who are surveyed. This also counts any job you've been paid for as employment.?It also counts anyone who has stopped looking for work for whatever reason that isn't being fired for laid off, as voluntarily exiting the job marketing and is not counted as unemployed.?If add all those who the U.S. BLS as voluntarily unemployed/, underemployed (less than 20 hours, who have steady job), and those who who are getting by week by week doing odd jobs/non steady unemployment??online application processes: Every company uses an online system for job posting and applications. They literally make you create an account, spend an hour or so entering your information, then do that again for the next company. They also scan your information for keywords and whatever else they are looking for. If the system matches up with you, you might get a call back.?Oh most employers are typically swamped with applications. In most cases HR has also been outsourced to an incompetent 3rd party, who if very lucky does the bare minimum. They do not understand anything other than the literal pages their business partners give them. They really do not understand the jobs or the companies they work with.?9) Fake postings: Many companies post jobs that they have no intention of filling by external candidates. They in many cases are hiring internally. They also do this in order to show the government there are no qualified applicants, which should allow them to import VISA holders from countries including India.?They are required by federal law to post these jobs.?It's bad enough being young and/or unemployed, but to have an ASD (or any disability for that matter) it makes it that much worse.I've decided to use my local state agency that is supposed to have a good career placement program for people with ASDs.?I can't deal with job hunting anymore.I'm in the same boat as you.I graduated with a Masters in IT Management (double bachelor's in MIS and Marketing)I also have three internships under my belt, one job, two clubs (one of which I was on the board and quite activity).?Right now the real unemployment rate is between 10%-15% in the U.S. as a whole, higher in most parts of the country.?Most entry level jobs still require 3-5 years of industry experience on top of certifications.Most internships now require at least 2+ years of experience and possibly certifications.?At least half of recent grads are in the position while being too experienced and educated to get retail and food services (me), with almost other half able to at least get retail and food service jobs.?It's an employers market still and the amount of decent paying jobs being added each month aren't many.?You list your volunteer experience, especially if it is field related as you would work experience.?It counts as long as it is related to your field, though it is still better than having nothing.?Also list the projects you've done while being in e join us in the unemployment/underemployment club!Thanks, but resume isn't the issue, since I've regularly been hit up because of it.?I also have made it to final rounds of interviewing as well, but told they were holding out for the perfect candidate and/or other asinine reasons such a lacking knowledge of proprietary software.?General Motors IT put it best... They want new hires who will hit the ground running and need no help adjusting to the job (e.g. they don't train and expect you to know everything day one).Having had to employ and manage many people in my career(s), I would suggest playing down (but not removing): college degrees, professional certificates and professional titles. Instead, in the current world economy, emphasize a functional resume or answer application questions functionally (??).I was always much more impressed with an applicant's knowledge and experience than degrees, certificates and titles. In a functional resume, it is expected that volunteer work, family work, church work, nonprofit work and professional internship work means much more to the hiring individual than it would seem. Focus on management or "people" skills. Businesses being what they are currently, most employers want to know how well an applicant can work with (or lead) others. Suddenly, all those high-school and college student group experiences become valuable. For older adults, all those community and church group experiences become valuable, too.Among applicants with ASD, consider whether or not, you should disclose on your resume. If you do, tie it into the skills that your intended employment needs ("As someone with a neurological disorder, I have learned well how to help other workers (or customers) who are disabled themselves" or "Having overcome many disability-related characteristics, I am able to adapt my experiences and skills quickly to fit many workplaces.") These kinds of statements always get the attention of the human-resources staffers who look for "team players."In the end, be a real human in the interview and not just a breathing version of the resume. Joke mildly if you can, talk about a sport you like, and have a couple of not-so-serious questions you want to ask the interviewer.I don't know anyone in my family, though I have asked and even though they work for big corporations and I have applied for them in the past, they are too high on the corporate ladder to help me (they are in managerial positions and I would realistically be applying to the lowest level such as store floor assistant).Secondly crappy jobs people seem to tell me to apply for such as fast-food places are always full up especially in my area. I also lack the communication skills so even if i were to apply, get the job, I wouldn't survive a day there.I'm frequently asked "do you know what job you are searching for?" and "do you need help finding jobs?", questions I can't answer because there isn't an answer, how can I apply for any job as I haven't had one before? They expect you to know everything about being in one.It had been slowly going this way since the mid 1990s and the financial crisis of 2008 and the recession it caused sped up the movement towards unpaid internships.?It's no big secret that companies regularly abuse the internship definition, in order to save money.In most parts of the country there is a glut of experienced and educated people between 20-40, who were in their careers are were laid off or lost their job due to outsourcing, downsizing, company going out of business etc.. during the past 8 years, that they were willing to compete with college and high school students for these internships.?Add a slow shaky recovery that we are in to the mix, the job market hasn't rebounded to pre 2008 levels yet.This is due to companies being very conservative with hiring, due to the lack of economic activity on the consumer end.?Consumers on the other hand, haven't come roaring back with spending due to them facing employment insecurity.?Companies have been hell bent on cutting costs to the extreme to appease their shareholders by cutting the payrolls to the bare minimum in many cases.?The company who you are interviewing with has the right to determine what they perceive as "real" and/or "necessary".It is literally an employers market right now!Hell I've seen postings for internships asking for masters or higher.?As for abusing the internship abuse, the number of lawsuits and EEOC filings are on the rise from interns who are out right fighting them. Though if you do sue for they find out you filed the complaint with the EEOC and Department of Labor, you will probably be blacklisted in the industry and not get hired as a result (not legal, but the proof is on the person).?Yes right now young people in many countries including the U.S., are in the catch-22!They cannot get the necessary experience, because you don't have the experience to get the job.?Hell young people are still competing in many areas for low end jobs with their older counterparts and losing out.?McDonald's would rather hire a 40+ year old instead of teen or 20 something, because the 40+ year old will stay at the job longer if not permanently. Fast Food and retail are hell bent on reducing turn over.?Entry level is supposed to be entry level, but again with the glut of unemployed people across the board and companies not willing to take risks on unproven people it creates the paradox.?In my experience (including reading the job postings) 3-5+ of actual work experience on top of the necessary degrees.?-- As for college---As for college it depends on your degree, school, and professors.?It's literally the luck of the draw in many cases.?Since February of 2012, my history of job and internship searching, I have found that many if not most places ask for skills you haven't learned anywhere and don't want to train you.Like I've said in other threads, General Motors IT told me in the interview that they were only looking to hire people who could hit the ground running with no training for the job. But General Motors requires you to go to an 8 week course to learn GM history and culture!I applied at another small company which hit me up for the job as eLearning Developer. I would have been very good at the job cause it in my wheel house. But they told me, they were holding out for the PERFECT person, who knew their version of the softwares used and could do the job without training or adjustment.?WHY THE HELL DID YOU BOTHER TO HIT ME UP AFTER READING MY LINKEDIN PROFILE AND RESUME!(it still irks me).?This how nearly all of my interviews have gone...!I also went to an interview where the recruiter loved me, even though I explained it was damn near impossible to get the enterprise software experience while being a college student and working on a internship (the software is made by SAP, Oracle, some by Microsoft and analytics made by IBM) due to the sensitivity of the software to the business. Most people will never gain access to the software and only the use what is needed for their jobs. Oh it is also expensive to get ahold of that many medium sized companies and practically all small business never use any of it.?--As for your experience--It is very hard to get an IT job without the degree and sometimes the certifications, unless you know someone who is willing to get you the job.?In nearly all cases you need the degree and possibly certifications first just to be considered.In my dad's most recent case General Motors offered him an IT/engineering position in middle position (above standard employees but below high management).?When they found out he didn't complete college they withdrew the offer and told him it was due to the lack of the degree, despite my dad's 25+ years doing that type of job and software.Most industries require you to:A) be in related college program to get an internshipB) and graduate with said degree to be eligible for the entry level job.?It's IT, Marketing (all kinds), Accounting/Finance, Business, Engineering, etc...?As I've said, the U.S. and most developed economies are stuck in paradox, that is slowing the recovery.Businesses won't ramp up spending and hiring until consumers start spending at normal levels again.Consumers won't spend at normal levels again until businesses start ramping up hiring and raising wages.It should get better in the coming years, though it doesn't rectify the problem now!-- As for your Example--Apple is not a good example.?Most of Apple's work force is employed directly in U.S., be at their campus in Cupertino CA, retail, or building their computers. Hell even those building the glass for their devices and sensors are employed in the U.S.Apple by the end of 2016 will have all of its computers made in the U.S.Apple has talked about moving all of its products back to the U.S. for manufacturing and assembling.?Apple employs more Americans than all the other hardware makers in the PC and cell phone industries.?Though right now Foxconn has the contract to build iPhones and iPads.They also build Xboxs, PS4s, Nintendo products, most of the Android phones, etc...?Samsung, the biggest Android maker by far, is a better example.?Samsung has been busted in China and South Korea for essentially using the college internship system for unpaid labor.?Not to mention the horrible working conditions and long shifts.I have found all my jobs without a need for any technical skills or technical degree. I can't speak for people on visas but the fact of the matter is not everyone HAS to have technical skills. How about interpersonal, communication or leadership skills? For people who peruse the technical fields, good for them but I get frustrated because the media makes people feel like they are worthless if they don't have technical skills. I don't and I'm doing fine. People should get a job that tailors to their strengths, not what the media tells them they should do.I worked for 10 yrs in the?Insurance?Industry. I worked for 4 different companies during this time who all left California. I am now a 59 yr old woman. Previously I worked manufacturing, TRW?aerospace,?CPA, and finally insurance (Life). I was laid off 5 yrs ago. I helped care for a grandchild so my son wouldn't have to pay fordaycare?during the time I was on unemployment. I did go out on a few interviews but it was obvious people didn't want to hire some one my age and I was tired of the nasty politics and having to keep learning new systems and dealing with nasty people. Who I am most angry with is the?government. My parents were able to retire at 55. I don't mind working if people would hire us but let's face it, they want the younger people and I really don't blame them. We are expected to work until, I think, 67 and due to our?economics?now a lot of us have lost our savings and homes. I feel the government just wants us to die and go away. Mr B asked what we are doing to survive now. My youngest son and his family moved in with me. I am fortunate because the house I am in I have been renting for the past 20 yrs and the landlord has never raised the rent so I pay 630.00 a month. I also took my other sons advise and started caring for other people's?children. I am a part time nanny 24 hrs a week. 12.50 an hour. I also babysit evenings 15.00 an?hr?for one family and 10.00 an hour for another family. I should have done this years ago. I have kept physically fit and that helps. Funny I had a nightmare the other night that I was working in an insurance company.That is because you are applying for a job that prior to the last downsize was previously done by 3 other people. Been there. Be very careful here.Getting rid of 1,000 jobs and getting rid of 1,000 people are two entirely different conversations. The media reports this as being the same. Don't drink the Kook-Aid.If they weren't at home the would be living under a highway overpass. I would lets my kids come back home if they needed a rent free place to crash while they got their career on track.?I wonder what the unemployment rate is for?college?grads ?It's very high in my area. We've got so many unemployed grads here in Michigan it's scary.?There are so many young people in my boat. Desperate to get on with their lives and be responsible adults, but just cannot financially afford to support themselves. I hate that my parents have to support me. I'm an adult that should have moved out a long time ago. And yet, I still rely on them like a little kid. It's not good for me as an adult, and it's not good for them as parents of an adult child. It's a very frustrating situation.I think that there is the increasing expectation that people inengineering?or IT fields will have done 1 or more summer internships while in?college, so employers really do expect that the people they hire straight out of college will have real work experience. So, no, there aren't a lot of true?entry-level positions out there any longer.I know you're joking, but even?fast food?doesn't want to train anymore. I guess they have the cream of the crop now. Why train when you can hire someone who already knows what to do??A family friend of mine was rejected from a fast?food?place because she told them she had never "professionally" flipped a burger. Or "professionally" scooped fries into a container. So they passed on her. They didn't want to train her on how to flip burgers and scoop fries. If that's not insane, I don't know what is.We're living in scary times.My neighbor's grandson has tried several times to get a job at fast food places but so far, no luck.Some 2,000 people a day are applying for early SS. SS will be broke by 2030. That's what the experts say and this is not even in dispute anymore.Before the election, I read that in 1965 only 5% of the population was on any kind of gub'mint assistance. Today, it is 35%. Gonna be tough to get a fiscal conservative into the White House now.Supposedly, the Dems know who their candidate for 2016 is already. I though it might be Hillary but now I am not so sure.I'd say Hillary, though Bill may be too much baggage for her.Joe Biden could run; IMO he has actually been effective as veep. My wife thinks Obama is nominating John Kerry as SOS to position him to run. I don't think so; Kerry actually has substantial foreign policy experience. On the other hand, Obama risks losing a vote in the Senate by nominating Kerry.BTW anyone notice that Mitch McConnell sounds very much like Jimmy Stewart?My unemployment office doesn't even pretend to find you a job. They offer telephones and computers. This I have at home. When you ask the people working there questions they say they are not EDD but EDD rents the office from them. Also being in my late 50's I've asked EDD if they have any programs for retraining etc. They said no. Also I asked if I went and got my own training what would happen. They said they would cancel my Unemployment unless they approved it. I asked what will you approve? They said for me to apply to whatever and then they would contact the school and then let me know if approved but they would not tell me anything in advance. And while I'm waiting for their approval I would NOT be receiving my unemployment check. Is this a screwed up system or what??????????This is the perfect example of when you work for the govt you don't have to actually think anymore.I heard this on the news a yr ago.Our govt was being overcharged for some product. They were being charged 25 grand for a 1000 dollar product.When the news media caught wind of this they went and knock on the doors of this govt agency that takes care ofbilling. The person who looks over the bills said she did noticed months ago that the cost skyrocketed on this product.When asked why she didn't tell some supervisor the response was her job is to only make sure the billing form is filled out by the vendor in it's entirety. Her job is not to question anything that is actually written down on the form.When the media asked the supervisor the same question her response was that her job is to take a sample of this worker's work and only to make sure the billing forms are filled out completely and not question what's actually on the form.She also stated that she and the other office workers shared a chuckle over this in the breakroom a month earlier.This isn't unique to the public sector. If anything it's the size of the operation that causes this behavior.Since the economy went BOOM I have seen several medical careers become small in opportunities. People out of work and buisnesses opting out of benefits, such as medical, has had a tremendous affect in the industry. Several?health?professionals I know are having to re-tool and into more debt to re-establish themselves..The department of?labor?gives statistics of growth in these fields seem false! What a travesty of the ppl who put hard earned time and money.....something these colleges nor the goverment might not mention. Makes me wanna have whisky now. :/ :)Nursing isn't the only industry?advertising?itself as a growth industry when the reality is that there are no jobs and no growth.You're right, so many nursing graduates can't find jobs. It's sad, because most of these grads chose nursing for job security. They work their butts off only to find that they aren't needed like they were told they were. What's really heartbreaking is the middle aged nurses that can't find jobs. Most of these people went back to school because they couldn't find work in their previous field. It's very sad for them to come out and be faced again with unemployment, only this time they are in a new field with no work experience and more student loans (when they most likely still haven't paid off their first degree's loans).?The depressing reality is, very few occupations have job security anymore. There are very few long-term careers left in this day and age. I honestly expect to have more than 10 jobs in my lifetime; this is not including high school andcollege?jobs. With the way things are looking, I'll probably have to find a new job every 3 years. And I highly doubt they'll all be in the same field.DeserSunrise, I've gotten the impression that you're around my age (mid twenties?), do you realize that we're so far ahead of the curve in knowing all the stuff? We're prepared and know what's going on out there.How many of your peers can you say that about? Any conversation I've ever tried to start with my friends seems to go nowhere b/c they have no idea of the magnitude and don't seem to care.I just realized this and thought I'd point it out. Its a positive in all of this :)Yes, I'm a few years into my twenties. I definitely get what you're saying. Mentally, I feel very much old than my age. I tend to get along better with older people, which is why I like it here on these boards. This is mainly because, as you said, many people our age don't know (or don't care) anything about the reality of employment and unemployment. I find it very frustrating talking to people my age about the struggles of being unemployed. They don't understand where I'm coming from. Whenever they are in trouble or need money, they ask their parents. They think that it's normal and perfectly fine to leech off their parents till the poor old folks die. If they can't get a job the normal way, they ask daddy to find them a job through connections. They have no clue what other people have to go through to survive.?I can't do that. My parents have always expected me to make my own way in life. My parents don't have any connections or money to give me. They are kind enough to house and feed me because they know I'd be homeless if they didn't. They can't give me a car or an?apartment?"to get me started". So I've had to grow up, and fast. You learn quickly when you're on your own. A lot of people our age haven't reached that point yet.?Studies have shown that people are maturing much more slowly than they have in the past. A lot of people our age won't "get it" until they're around 30.?So I don't even bother talking about this stuff with young people anymore. There are other people like us, just not a lot. And not any that I know personally.The new paradigm is that most people will experience periods of unemployment. Working for you entire life will become the exception rather than the rule. Basically, companies will expect there to be pools of trained workers available when they have a project that they need to staff. What has been the norm for a long time in industries likeconstruction?will extend into the?engineering?and IT industries.I am getting really frustrated here. My?college?is telling people how open my field is, and how many jobs there are. As we know, they are all about the money.Less than half of my class got jobs, and every one of them knew someone. And these people are worse than the college-bragging and acting like it was so easy to find their jobs. Only one of them even had an interview; the rest were literally handed fantastic positions, 2 of them before we even graduated. Unbelievable.Two of my classmates walked into amazing jobs BEFORE they even graduated, due to family connections. These are probably lifetime jobs with fantastic pay and benefits, unless something weird happens, which we know is common these days. A few others got decent jobs, but nowhere near as good as these 2. The rest of us are either unemployed or underemployed. However, my professors, especially one of them, uses these 2 people as?general?examples, meaning he acts as though this is the norm. He tells current students how they got these awesome jobs, but he never mentions the connection factor, nor does he mention the rest of us who are struggling. It is such a joke.Seems to me that there used to be a time when employers were not so myopic. Some would look at a resume (or paper application, remember those?) and have the ability to find the attributes they were interested in from the different jobs listed on the application.Now, they only have the "ability" to see one or two job titles and claim "you aren't qualified"Living like a pauper simply does not suit me. The newsclaims?that jobs are picking up. I certainly do not see it. I just got one of "those" emails today claiming I could earn money by receiving mail, repackage and send back out. Yea. Right. Red flag scam alert!The news here claimed that new house sales (not sure if that was national or local) are at a 5 year high. I don't believe it. At all. Why? I see NONE of the jobs advertised that would result from such high sales.?Construction. Surveying. No ads. They lost a significant number of workers, at least some of which would have to be replaced if the?housing?market were in such good shape.I've noticed a lot of new arrivals to this board. I know things are getting worse here in Michigan, but it looks like things are worsening elsewhere. Or maybe it's just people who have been needing support for awhile locating this board and deciding to join in. I don't know, I just found this interesting. Either way, welcome to all the new posters. Hope you guys find a good job soon and aren't here for long.?On another note, I'm so sick of the media reporting an increase of jobs and that the economy is looking up. Complete lies. Jobs have dried up really bad in my state. It's very rough and it's not getting better. I decided to job search today, which I haven't for the past few weeks due to complete burn out, and there's nothing but recruiters and ads that are re-posted every few weeks. Nothing new. I'm so sick of this.The thing about the news is that your family and friends see that and think whats wrong with you that you cant find something. Same thing with the?housing?market. If its "better" then why are the carpenters and such still out of work? They are building? Oh yea right. If they added all these jobs they why are so many still out of work. Lost in the world - excellent post. Yes they want this perfect supreme being.We are having a building boom here but unfortunately the jobs are hard to get. They will layoff some workers only to fill them the next day with friends. The?apartment?complex being built across the street from me is like that. They had one crew but fired them and had a new crew start the next day. The signs are all in Spanish but I think they are still looking for drywallers, painters, and laborers. The new mall operated that way as well--I would hear a lot of guys would get laid off only to be replaced the next day.I know in my area the media is saying that job loss and people finding employment went up in November and December--they are failing to mention that these were p/t seasonal jobs and this month those same people are now out of work again. We have tons of job openings right now just to work while the Sundance?Film?Festival is going on, but then the jobs will disappear. You can't pay rent on temp jobs like that.You sound like you could be my twin sister the way you described yourself.BTW, most people on a?construction?site are low paid labourers that are hired because they are paid half of what licensed workers make. Here in TX you see some illegal immigrants hanging out in the HomeDepot parking lot waiting for a contractor to offer them a job.t's definitely still rough in Michigan, I'll give you that. Interestingly enough, I have seen some improvements as a vast number of technology and?automotive?Tier 1 / Tier 2 companies have started to post more jobs for the greater Detroit area. But that's also part of the problem, or so it seems - if you aren't qualified in one of the "lucky" industries that appears to be picking up, you're stuck sitting on the sidelines.Hang in there, neighbor. I don't think it's just Michigan-wide - rather I have many friends and family in nearby states that say the same thing about the lousy job availability. As for the "media's" reporting of the economy improving, hey, what can we expect? How many people want to know the truth - That a more meaningful and truthful unemployment statistic would require adding in the people who have given up trying to find a reasonable means of employment, and those who were making $50K-100K per year (before the recession), got the boot, and had to resort to accepting some meager part-time job paying $8-10 an hour with no benefits? Now all of the sudden we're talking about 15-20% unemployment.Nice to have another Michigander on these forums. You're right about the lucky industries. I have seen a job increase in these areas. Unfortunately, my field doesn't fall into those industries. The field I'm in is very dry, especially in MI.?And you are definitely right with the unemployment statistics. Officials like to conveniently leave out the number of people who have stopped looking. I can fully understand why some people just stop but I just don't know how they expect to live without an income. I hate job searching, but I can't ever give up because my livelihood is on the line.When it boils down to some things though it's because I don't speak Spanish and am not Hispanic. Before anyone jumps on the "racist" bend I am not. You cannot work in?education, retail,?food service,?hospitality, or the?hospital?without speaking Spanish. The want ads are filled with "must bebilingual" to apply. My local?grocery store?is now a Hispanic market. I have to go 8 blocks for a chain store. Our schools are going bilingual/dual immersion. My son's class is 97% Hispanic and the school is 98% Hispanic.Interesting comments about Salt Lake. Not anything like I thought it would be. I had this picture of many people being Mormon there. I don't want to sound ignorant either. I have been to southern Utah twice for all the national parks and all that amazing scenery. It's absolutely beautiful there. I was also surprised that SLC has so many hispanics. I didn't think that would be a popular place to go for them. Our state is getting more of the hispanics and I know they aren't all?legal. You would be a fool to think that.I refuse to learn Spanish. It doesn't interest me in the least and if someone can't understand me, then too bad. When you go to another country you learn their language, not the other way around. I don't have any interest in learning a foreign language. Keeping up with learning everything else is overwhelming enough as it is. I don't have time for learning a language.I know many of our immigrants are here legally as we have employment offices in Monterrey and Chihuahua Mexico to make the process easier. We import several teachers a year because they are more familiar with the culture of the students and they claim it makes it easier.In Salt Lake we have a pop of about 190k with 23% Latino, in my zip code though we are at 53% Latino. Many of the parents I know have a 3rd grade?education?then they left school. It is sad because if you don't know what is being taught then how can you help your?children?in school (that being said many of the parents say that homework shows that the teacher can't teach). A lot needs to change BUT having an undereducated and unskilled population helps keep wages low, people in crappy jobs, and makes the "worker" loyal.No two people are the same and to say that one speaks for all is like saying that Fundamental Christians speak for all of Christianity. I know too many people from all over the world to judge anyone but I can say from personal experience that my area shows a clear preference for one group over another and that I think is wrong. We are constantly being told on the new that Latinos are here to stay, will not learn English, and that we (the White people) need to get used to it. I accept everybody for who they are, but I wish others would do the same. One should not have to learn a particular language just to get a job. This whole issue would be solved if we just had a national language, but we don't. My father and his father were born in Germany. My grandfather and his family did not know English when they moved here after WWI but in 10 years they not only learned English but became citizens. Just a personal choice.I agree 100% with you....?They need to learn English or head back to where they came from.Exactly the way I see it. I used to work with 2 ladies from Germany and they felt that when you move or even travel to another country, you speak their language. You don't make the other country change for you.The way I see people spelling on the internet, I'm thinking a lot of us don't even know our own language, like the ad I just read for a "graphics"?designer?that was filled with mistakes.I don't think most will disagree with you here. We deal with certain individuals south of us everyday. Coming here stealing our jobs and keeping the wages low. It's been out of hand for a long time. I keep saying we should have built a wall at our southern border 30 years ago. I don't think it's being unfair. We have to protect our country and our jobs.Me too. You go to the DOL and they have instructions in Spanish. On the doors of Lowes I noticed they have the words exit and entrance in English and Spanish.Allot of GOOD Spanish people in our country, ALLOT, but it's wrong.t's worse in my neighborhood. Our traditional supermarket was "forced out" and they brought in a Hispanic market. What in the heck am I supposed to do with dried out thin cut beef knuckle or tripe or beef neck bones? I ask you that. I love to?cook?(my son hates to eat, but that's another story) but for good lord, why serve crap? I have complained about outdated products on their shelves and they laugh and say "too picky" then say things to their co-worker that they "think" I don't understand. I have to say that the amount of vulgarity from the workforce is astounding when they don't think others understand what they are saying. I may not speak Spanish, but I understand quite a bit and could easily get around (I have a few e-pals from Spain).The politicians need their vote now so you will see more and more?catering?to the Spanish cultures. I think Romney lost in part due to losing the Spanish vote big time.There's good and bad in all ethnicities. But when you come here you should learn this culture.Well, Utah has been catering for years before the election. We have an agreement with 2 of their states and have made it easier for people to apply for work here and get permits from the state. One of my neighbors found their job that way. They went into the office, filled out an application to be ahousekeeper, and was told the next week the office had a company willing to hire and pack up. They were up here the following week.The state helps Mexicans get visas to work here. It just amazes me how much is available if you don't live here. I want to LEAVE here and no one is willing to help with that.Interesting turn of discussion here. We have a decent sized Latino population in Michigan, but not enough for it to really influence things here. However, our Middle Eastern population is growing very fast. Dearborn Michigan could be called little Arabia. I can tell you, it is VERY difficult trying to find a job in Dearborn. I've tried and failed miserably. Most businesses are owned by Muslims. They like to hire arabs and rarely hire outside of that race. They usually only want to hire men, and if they do hire a woman she must wear a scarf. They also tend to only hire family members. So being of another race (I'm biracial, not including arab) is a huge disadvantage. Oh, and if you're black, forget it. There is a lot of tension between black people and arabs here.?There are still several businesses that aren't Arab owned, but this is quickly changing. I used to live on the border of Dearborn and Detroit and we used to have a large population of Eastern Europeans and a small population of Arabs. It's only been 10 years since I've lived there, but the area is almost completely Arab now.?I am simply stating the reality of things here. Things like this are alive and well and it serves no use to be politically correct about this. But let me make this clear, there are lots of very decent muslims here, just like any other race and culture. My neighbors who are muslim are the sweetest most giving people on earth. I love them and consider them family. So I am simply stating the reality of some areas here in Michigan. I have nothing against any race of people.It will be that way your whole life. It seems like those that don't work hard or those that crooked people get the rewards. Those that follow the rules and work hard get a kick in the pants or have all the bad luck. It's probably not true of everyone, it just seems that way.College?debt now surpasses a trillion dollars. WWII didn't costs that much.Course, there are some unsavory practices going on here. The biggest sales pitch is one that most students fell for hook, line and sinker: more?education?is the solution to fewer jobs. That logic is flawed.Seeing the work my son does in school though really makes me question today'seducation?system. In his 3rd grade class there is no science, social studies,?art, or music...they have math and language arts only. Language arts only consists of reading and spelling or vocabulary.Schools now teach what's on the standardized tests that most states require students to take. If a subject is not on a test, it doesn't get taught. If you were a teacher or principle and you were told that if your students didn't do well on a test you would lose your job, what would you do?Unfortunately each teacher decides HOW to teach the material. Another teacher includes?art, music, history, science, and social studies as she teaches "to the test". It just takes more work to provide a full?education. It also depends on the school. Go 5 miles in any direction and you can find "artists in residence", "Shakespeare in the classroom", and accelerated reading programs. The school blames the PTA (all 6 of us) because they say parents need to fund those programs. I proved them otherwise and hit a roadblock with the principal. Another problem, in my opinion, is that they pass students who should be held back. I tutor a child this year that is in 5th grade but just started reading on a 2nd grade level. I also tutor a 9th grader who can barely do 3rd grade math. These kids do not have a disability and so the blame rests with the school for allowing them to continue without mastery.Also guys you have to realize how much time has changed, it used to be; walk in, say "i need a job", employer responds "how soon can you start" now it's all about employers wanting to find suckers who need jobs and willing to kiss ass anytime told to do so. I've had friends fresh out of?collegeworking pool boy type jobs with degrees in marine?biology?or med students getting entree lv nursing home jobs, etc... I know exactly how rough the economy is and i've busted ass getting into the jobs i've had. I would love to go back to school for?business?management because I think I would enjoy the challenge of opening up a shop dealing with hobby gaming but at this point school is not really an option for me until me and my girl can be supported on 1 income. I mean yeah I could have stayed with Wally World and in 30 years time i would've been making around $20/hr?but being close to 30 i'm trying to make a difference in me and my girl's life. Once she finishes her degrees in a few months i'm jetting back to school.Did you guys see this article about SPains unemployment rate? I tried to post the article, but it was filtered as vulgar language. In sum, Spain's unemployment jumps to record twenty six pct and there are 1.8 million households in which no one was employed.I wonder what the real numbers look like in America?Where my husband works they keep getting on the hourly employees (delivery?drivers?and merchandisers) about watching their hours. It doesn't matter if there's more work some weeks, they still want you to do more work in the same amount of time. Then they expect the sales people, who aren't paid hourly, to work a ton of hours so they end up not making much per hour when you do the math.The supervisors or above keep their fat paychecks, and their company cars, which most of them really don't need. So why is it when they need to save money, the bottom feeders need to cut their hours? Why is when the people that make the least amount of money should give some of it up? I told my husband to ask his supervisor if he is taking a pay cut to help out the company, too.I just don't get these companies. If they had their way everyone would work for free.It's all about maximizing profits (in any industry).The?hospital?I work at layed off a bunch of middle managers. One guy had 33 years and was there since he was since his early 20's. It sucks but lots of companies want to squeeze every drop out of all their employees. At my old job I would sometimes work a few hours each week off the clock just to get the job done. I know I shouldn't have but I had a great boss that was very good to his staff.The economy sucks and many are unhappy at their job... but can't say much as they don't want to be let go or blackball-ed.It is extremely difficult not to believe in some kind of conspiracy theory for population reduction.Read this article in front page of local paper which won't allow link here as it's "offensive" - how ironic!?well the summary is CT is NUMBER ONE in the ENTIRE U.S. for loosing workers, yes we have a crisis here, NOT enough workers to fill all the wonderful jobs employers are's getting to the pt. where reading the?business?section of the paper is aggravating beyond belief and not worth it for useful info as to who is?hiring.?In 2012 over 51 THOUSAND people "disappeared" from theLabor?Pool. What do you suppose happened? Where they abducted by Aliens? The State is mystified why this happened, then they surmise that people just retired or are making money "under the table". God forbid anyone actually suggest that maybe Employers have gotten so picky that unless you can hit the ground running you simply cannot get a job. According to La-La land that is The Media nobody is suffering, people just retired early, everything is fine.?I likely would have gotten the job I interviewed at Thursday if the interviewer had not been so shocked that i've not been able to get A Job since January 2009 since everywhere you read, CT has one of the lowest unemployment rates and we are doing great- like what do you mean you can't get a job??It annoys me to no end that nobody will acknowledge what is really going on but constantly sugarcoating the issue of employment which happens to affect a minority I am a part of.?Since I don't know any other local unemployed people I really don't know if it's just me or are there thousands of us being wiped off the charts as this article may hint at??I also did not file taxes with the State last year or this past and I've stayed put, the article suggests people are moving out, likely as they cannot consider the alternative, like um people have ZERO income to report!I'm afraid that the party is over, there isn't going to be any "economic rebound" or "end to the recession", all there is going to be are a bunch of companies and people that are already rich squeezing their money as hard as they can. I was already thinking before this that I would probably be working until I dropped dead, but now it seems that's not going to be an option and I'll probably be living in a van out in the woods someplace growing my own vegetables and shooting whatever protein source happens to wander by. Things are going to get a lot worse and it's going to happen a lot sooner than anybody thinks, I fear that all these kids that are in elementary school now are going to be left holding the bag, I mean basically we're already holding the bag.Some Doomsday economists like Chomsky and Schiff say that by 2030, USa Inc., will be out-of-business. Social Security will be broke, the inheritance money will be gone and the Yuan will have replaced the dollar.yes, some of us are going to Hell in a Handbasket, whatever THAT means...?what really ticks me off is this this new "underclass" of the unemployable/otherwise poor is totally invisible.?I have lost all faith in humanity, not that I ever had much to begin with.?on top of everything today I confirmed my worst nightmare, the people next door ALSO have a ginormous TV and it's right on the other side of my?laundry?closet in my L/R so am watching Downton Abbey tonight with the doors open and much louder than i'd normally have it. These insensitive clouts have had their new TV on every night that I can hear for hours since before X-mas. Upstairs is the same thing, I don't know what kind of people who live in a complex with zero sound proofing buy a large screen TV with surround sound/speakers, apparently the self centered type so now they are going to listen to PBS whether they want to or not...grrr.I find myself very fortunate that I've become at least relatively familiar with the?Chinese?language and culture, because at the rate that our - AHEM - "great country" is changing, America may become so indebted and miserable in 20 years that the only way to recover even some simulated form of the "American Dream" will be to move to the Eastern side of the world.When a fairly smart person wants to work a decent to good job and can't find one, yes, it's easy then to lose faith in humanity.Just on the news it said 50 percent of?college?graduates are in jobs that they are overqualified for.And, they said that this will be the new norm.As a parent, I wonder how this part of the "proposed" immigration reform will affect my child's (as well as my own) prospects. I wonder what the rules for "trying" would be (they already use the fake job ads when there is no job). The proposal is: —Allowing more low-skill workers into the country and allowing employers to hire immigrants if they can demonstrate they couldn't recruit a U.S. citizenThere are some really educated people at my local Starbucks!This ties in with the some 7 million jobs that we lost since 2008 which were mostly middle class jobs.I read somewhere that there are over 5,000 people with Ph.D.'s working as janitors.I surprised that they are janitors. Every time I see?janitor?postings they want 1 yr exp with exp using a floor waxer.Next they will want you to be certified and?bilingual.Bilingual is already required here...lolThe problem is that the voices who go before Congress will be the big companies who benefit from this kind of thing. They'll all say that they can't find qualified Americans and since almost none of those clowns (Congress) has a clue, except that they get big money from these companies, they'll just roll with it.It's kind of like the annual refrain from Silicon Valley where they complain about the quality of our?education?system in California. Meanwhile, they do every single thing they can to move production offshore, avoid paying taxes and won't train new hires. Wait, a second, you want everything from us while whizzing on us at the same time? Got it!What's genuinely hard about the issue is that there are actual jobs that it is very hard to get an American to do. Farmwork is one of those, something I've done, STEM is not. However, the illegal farmworkers have allowed our farmers to be somewhat lazy in the sense of adapting and improving their processes to compete.Man, it's a mess.Wall Street is the Fed now. This last election was the most expensive on record and while I do like Obama, I know he owes a lot of favors.Robert Reich in his book "Aftershock" echos your sentiments. It is a mess".There seems to be 2 types of jobs out there. And there both bad.The first that's a dead end low paying job. And, the second is where you work 70 hours busting your butt with unbelievable stress to make 80k.There are places around the US that are called "tent?city". People with no jobs live in old RV's and tents. Most carry shotguns around since it's like the wild west. One such place is in Calif. I think in the desert.It's called Slab City, just outside of a town called Niland, but there's a real douchebag named Eric Amptmeyer who is trying his hardest to make life almost impossible for the homeless out thereThe job your looking for doesn't exist. I know because that's what I'm searching for also.Mostly 2 types of jobs out there. Great pay type but comes with unbelievable amount of stress, long hours, etc. ANDLow pay, no stress, dead end..........50?hr?work week, sometimes stressful, good pay to afford the basics and a few extras at times doesn't exist any longer. Once every 6 months I'll see one being posted but so does everyone else. Allot of times it's not in my field. Nowadays most of these jobs are in?government. Example, DOL?laborrep. (they only work 38 hrs)Life s*cks John.That is exactly what I've been seeing for years now around here. Just trying to find high value stuff to sell and get pocket money at least. My present network go only so far with that at the moment.Those good middle class jobs are no more...yours and my parents used to have them.Where do you get the high value stuff to sell?Getting stressed on by my mom now, called lazy etc.. I know some of you know what i mean. I really try not to get depressed, i never let the situation soak in, but it can be pretty harsh when your mom gets on you. I never planed to be like this and don't like putting it on others, so I tend to try to keep to myself about it. I wish I could show her this thread, that outside of the news, and local gossip, there are a million of us struggling without a job, but I know the outcome would be "they are all like you, lazy".The motivation factor just drops after putting out soo many job applications and resumes here and there, just to never hear back from anything.My stepmom is like that (unless you are talking about her adult daughter who is always a victim). She likes to say it is my fault. She has always had a good job, because she went into an open field (at the time) and was able to move up in her career. She also comes from money, so that has helped her, too. I ignore her. I graduated top of my class in high school, undergrad, and grad school. Multiple honors. Worked while going to school, and I did it all with a very painful chronic illness. Lazy is not something I will ever be.I was at the UE office the other day, and I did not see laziness. There were tons of people there, and what I saw was sadness, despair, and fear in their eyes. Sure, some are lazy, but they do not come to job boards to vent because they do not care. I have a stepson who has never worked, is almost 21, and thinks it is funny. Several of his friends are the same way. Luckily, mommy is supporting him. And I know more than a few other people who are content to sit on their butts and do nothing. But, I think the majority DO want to work, but being unemployed is insanity now.It is very hard to cope with this, but when people judge you, it is so much worse. Especially your family. I have VERY successful family members, and the holidays and other gatherings are awful. I get it.As long as you know you are doing everything you can to find work, you can look in the mirror and be happy with yourself. NO ONE knows what this is like, unless they are going through this. And they really do not care. And the employers do not care, so it feels like you are all alone. But, you are not-those of us dealing with this really do understand.My mother is the same way and getting worse. She has made snide comments ever since I moved back in. My brother "has never been out of work in this recession" (he drives a?delivery?truck). She keeps talking about how all these unemployed need to pick up a broom and start sweeping the streets to earn their welfare and "how come there are jobs out there but you claim you can't find one" to "I did what I had to do when I was raising you kids, how come you think you're better than me".I want out so bad it's depressing. She complains about everything. If I didn't have my son I would walk away. Some days I feel like doing that anyways. He has picked up her snide comments and repeats them. I'm used to her treating me like crap but it really hurts coming from him. Some mornings I just sit here and curse the day I was born. I wasn't wanted then, not wanted now. Employers don't want me, child doesn't want me. I never had a problem getting a job until she convinced me to to work while I was going to school and taking care of him. Now I can't find a job anywhere.Is your stepson currently in?college???What does you husband say about him not wanting to work ?Its good that you have a supportive husband.My stepson does nothing but play video games, eat, and sleep. His mother is supporting him. He turned down two jobs his friends found for him. My husband cannot believe that his kid refuses to work, when he has watched my husband work many hours a week for years. The kid wants a job that pays 20 bucks an hour, Monday to Friday, no weekends or nights, and he does "not want to work too hard." I have met more like him, but he just refuses to look for work at all.My husband is an awesome guy. He knows I am trying.Maybe dad needs to have a talk with his adult son and force him to find any job even if its flipping burgers. If that was my son he would be out of the house with that attitude and crazy view of life.Young adults think they are owed something in life...?the only thing they are entitled to is a swift kick on their ass.He lives with his mom, and is never coming here. My husband has tried and tried to get him to wake up, he just refuses to apply. He thinks it is funny. His mother is getting annoyed, but she needs to do something, and so far, she has done nothing but suggest he come live with us. That will NEVER happen. It makes me so mad, I see people here and everywhere struggling and he thinks he is owed some great job.When I was somewhere around my late teens/ early 20s, I got laid off from some job. I spent the next 3-4 weeks sucking up the unemployment and sleeping late thinking "hey, this is a sweet deal". I was living at home with my folks. After approx 3-4 weeks, daddy pulled me aside and said "you have two choices..... move out or get a job". I got a job within a few days.In marketing, they have something called The Losers List. It is actually a multi-generational?database. It consists of 3 or more adults living in one physical address with some kind of relationship: parent/child, grandfather/grandchildren, sibling/sibling, etc. Again, the 3rd person is an adult.You have to wonder what will happen to society with all these 30 year old toddlers living at home now. The Losers numbers in the millions today.I am seeing it more and more. I understand when people are in a bind, and they have to move back home. I don't have that option, because my parents do not have room for me, but if I did, and needed to, I would be helping out and applying to every job I could. But, to blatantly not want to work or do anything productive amazes me. We talked a lot about that in my classes, and some said it is part of this generation (not all, just seems to be quite a few) or generational, in that family members passed down the "lazy mentality."I got my first job at 15 and was NEVER out of a job for more than 2 days for the next 14 years. I would quit one, walk around, and have several interviews for the next day. I don't like being out of work...any work. The last 8 years has killed me completely.I started working for my mom (who owned a retail?business) when I was in high school. Actually, I helped her my whole life, because I got volunteered often, but in high school I got paid to help. Then I was employed by a number of different companies until my late 30s without a gap. It didn't even take that much effort to get a job and get through an interview.Then 2002 I got laid off, decided to go to school and I've struggled ever since. It's been 11 years of BS. Getting laid off again and again. Part time jobs, temp jobs and no jobs. Some of the jobs I was a perfect fit, but couldn't get hired. Other jobs were so simple anyone could do them, but can't get those either.It's very frustrating and makes me feel like I should be on the loser list. How did I get to this point? I grew up in a family where we always worked hard.I have struggled, too. Never had a career, which is why I went for the Masters. We are not losers-we are trying. I think some people just get really lucky. I have several family members in their mid and late 30s who have been at their jobs 15-20 years. They are doing well, but that seems to NOT be the norm these days. And they are the kind who do not understand this insanity.Maybe we are losers.But I think it's a different world today. Just not much opportunity in terms of a real job.I felt like slapping the interviewer last week for an outside sales job. He told me sometimes I would have to work theinside sales?desk some Saturdays from 7:30 to 12. I replied that there's always some negatives to one's job but it wouldn't be a problem. He shot back "this isn't a negative!" "It gives you a chance to learn the inside sales position." When he first told me about working a few Saturdays his tone suggested that it wasn't something outside sale people enjoyed. What was wrong with my response am I suppose to flash a big smile and say something phony as my reply.I hate going on interviews and realizing afterwards why did I waste my time and gas.Life s*cks.Definitely not a loser. I know there is a perfect job for you and a perfect's just a matter of finding each other. I think everyone needs a new perspective (myself included). I vowed today to spend 15 minutes every morning thinking about what I love and desire in my life then get up, get dressed, eat, and work towards my goal a little each day. At night, spend 15 minutes thinking about at least one good thing that happened that day ( anything will, flower, sunny day, you get the picture). Then start it all over the next day.I know it's not perfect and will not change over night but each and everyone on this board will find a job, a significant other, a new place to live, or whatever they are looking for but in the meantime we cannot change others opinions of us, so we can only encourage and support ourselves.No one is a loser...that is high school clique talk designed to make one feel superior to another. We all desire different things but no one is better than another (employed or unemployed). This is the start of a new year and it will get betterI'm not trying to brag it up or look down upon anyone else. I learned early on that is the worst thing to do. One of my better talents was talking to people, not down or up to them. Although the upptity (is that spelled right?), ones get pi--ed of if you don't suck up to them. At age 56, after being downsized twice since 2008, I have learned that many of the people doing the job interview, ( other then?HR?people, have no idea what they are supposed to be doing), as I was saying many of the interviewers are scared to hire someone who has knowledge of the job you are being interviewed for. The reason is that they know they could be replaced. I never had a problem with starting lower than my qualifications, and prove my skills, but no one will hire you, because they know they may be gone very quickly.?For the record, I have been a newspaper circulation rep, newspaper pressman, bowling center manager/ mechanic, Sears salesman twice, a retail manager, retail merchandiser, a professional route salesman, a social club manager, (Moose, Elks, American Legion, etc.), and an?auto?mechanic. It does not mean crap. I have had?driving?companies tell me that my van is too old to be a?delivery?courier. I thought is that I can get that kind of use on a vehicle, I must be a safedriver, and can maintain it.?For those of you who have a parent whining to work at a dollar store, DON'T do it. It is not worth it. Just shop at them.Sometimes I think my parents understand the pathetic unemployment situation the U.S. is in, and other times I think they are stuck on stupid and in absolute denial.?I'm working my butt off in minimum wage retail. Long hours, always on my feet, always have to have a good personality. I get home and I collapse in exhaustion. I'm scraping pennies together trying to save for a car so I can drive myself to this job. For the first time I returned bottles for a little cash. I never used to think about doing that. I am exhausted, stressed and in someways depressed. I've got loans coming due in March and I don't know how I'm going to pay them. My?hospital?is hounding me for their payments. I'm re-using tea bags and searching for spare change around the house.?Today my mother tells me that I am not a real adult because I don't live on my own. That I am really still a child and haven't faced real life. That I think I'm an adult because I'm in my twenties but I'm really still a kid living with my parents. She told me I wouldn't be a real adult until I moved out an had an above minimum wage desk job.?It took everything in my power not to cuss her out. Is she trying to tell me that 30 year old people that have been laid off and have been forced to move back in with their parents are not adults? That they are really?children? Has she lost her mind??Does she seriously think I CHOOSE to still live at home? That I like living off my parent's money? That I'm perfectly happy working minimum wage jobs for the rest of my life? Does she seriously think I haven't experienced hard adult trials with this unemployment? That I haven't faced the reality of life yet??I am so angry right now. I haven't been this upset in a long time. She can go kick rocks. She's never had to look for a real job in her life. She married and has stayed at home ever since. I'm not saying being a full-time mom isn't work, it is. But she has no right to say stuff like this about the unemployed.Parents do not know how much patience and self control unemployed adult children living at home have. I hear it daily too. She doesn't understand, never will, and I hope her husband has a large life?insurance?policy to support her after he passes because she only gets half his social security since she has not worked.I know you will find a job, move out, and move on with life. The hard part is keeping going while having a weak support system.When my mother was my age she had problems and came back home to her mommy. The only difference was that her mother owned real estate so we rented one of her apartments. Parents just don't get that times have changed and it is harder today than it was 40 years ago.The dept of?labor?is a total waste of taxpayer monies.They need to get rid of every employee and just keep one to issue the checks out. Two I mean, the second to give the first a smoke break.I remember a time when job service really was there to help people find jobs. They would screen applicants for companies, physically give out job referrals, you could find applications there and get help filling it out, and they would actually call people who were looking for work to say that a new job was posted that may fit what they were looking for.Now its take this form and get benefits. They don't even mail out things any more. They sent me a message almost 2 weeks ago and I just noticed because I don't visit my?accountevery day. You would think that if they had something important to say they would email/call/mail to make sure people get the message.This is one of the many problems affecting the unemployed. It is plain out and out discrimination. But try to get any official agency to fight it. They won't, because the claim is that it will restrict?business. Unfortunately, with all the millions unemployed, there might be one out there. The job will go to a job hopper.All companies are using this type of discriminatory?hiringpractices. You may be required to own a smartphone as a conditioin of employment. Or a certain year/ model of automobile if it is a traveling position. Or, even worse having to apply through Facebook. If I want the f@$#&*g world to know my business, I'll write a letter to the?editor?of the New York Times.*I remember bout 10 years ago I had to go visit a small client. The person I interacted with was a super nice guy. He told me he use to work for a Fortune 5 company and had enough of it. I thought what a loser, he couldn't be making much working for a super small?business.10 years later, I myself can never work again for a large company. Beware!*Linkedln makes me laugh. I was reading the profile of a guy that I talked to on the phone many times in the past. We worked for the same company. He in San Fran me in NY. Never met in person.The reviews his peers wrote about him on Linkedln are so far from the truth. This guy had poor?communication?skills, never got back to me with answers to my questions, and didn't know much about the company products.It's all BS.Hey Joe,?You're totally right. When I was still with McDonald's, after about a year with a new owner, he straight out told me he could pay 2 people what he was paying me. When he bought the store, he wanted me there to help with the transition but once everything calmed down, I could do no right and I knew he was looking for a way to get me out without having to pay me unemployment. It ended up taking him 3 years before I left on my own. Now they are going thru store managers left and right. Wonder why? You don't pay crap and expect the world.Many people just can not comprehend being practical and not spending money when not needed. Could well be part of the reason this country is in such afinancial?mess. Debt rate has gone down last time I heard though.Not the national debt. It hasn't been this high since WWII. A very bad sign in economic terms.In 1965, only 5% of the population was on some kind ofgovernment?handout. Today, it is 35%. Obama's solution is to print more money.Most career counselors. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.Healthcare is oversaturated now and once?ElectronicMedical Records become all the rage, thousands of jobs are going away. My niece is a medical?assistant?and more and more of this is being automated.The minimum wage is going up to $9?hr?now, suppose to help people out, but I wonder how much that will hurt those corrupt employers into letting more people go?They are cutting hours big time at my husband's job. He is literally doing the jobs of 4 people. He is exhausted. They don't replace people who leave anymore.I think this unemployment situation is going to get a whole lot worse....and I don't know what it is going to take to make people listen.Healthcare?is completely saturated here. So is?education?and most other jobs.Now my mom is telling me to check out the unemployment office, and go out and look for a job. From my understanding, all these unemployment offices do now is post up job ads they see online now. Just about everywhere posts online, even going inside a store they will tell you to apply online on their site.The corporate world is looking less and less worthwhile these days. I come home after these 'interviews' and question what the hell I'm doing and why? What do I hope to gain aside from society's expectations of what life and success means?I don't know if this is my path anymore, I thought it was what I wanted, now I'm not so sure.Some people just have all the luck, things just fall in their laps. Its never been this way for me. I don't know anymore. I'm tired.Personally, I can't do the corporate gig anymore. I could of had a job in sales with Unifirst, Paychex, and a few others. You get to a point in life where the endless corporate meetings, the policy on top of policy, the what have you done lately for me mentality, etc etc etc etc just can't take the corporate bs anymoreI'm really down and dishearten on myself for not taking a non corporate job I was offered a few weeks back. I think that was my calling but at the time I just wasn't sure.I am not tired so much as numb. My first layoff was 16 years ago and someone who had gone through this before said that something deeply fundamental changes in you when you go through this. Even, if you get another job you just aren't the same person.After 2 downsizes and one termination, I am at that place now.You stop living. Every minute of every day you think about the job?search. You start eating poorly and you become alittle grumpy. Many days your chest gets heavy. And when you talk to people you know and strangers too you can tell they are thinking, "What's wrong with this person...why can't they get a job."You don't dress as sharp as you used to when you were employed. Maybe due to the fact you have no where to go for the day. You actually start hating people to some extent. etc etc etc?The longer I've been out of work the worse all of those things have gotten. Numb, check. Tired, double check. Grumpy, eating worse, dressing down, checks across the page. Anger often comes out in strange ways as well.Oh well, still trying to find my way and get other things going. Deal with it. Attempt to move on as best I can. Expect to attempt to prod one of the museums to go through some of their stuff and give me something to sell. Going to take a big stick to prod with, there are just so many projects going on...... and so many more interesting things to do than go through boxes of stuff........My biggest issue is that I am reflecting on my life, and I want to kick myself. I was the biggest nerd in high school (and even the earlier years). Everything was centered on going to?college. Then, when college came, it was the same way-working SO hard to have a great future. That did not happen, because I picked a stupid degree. After years of not having a career, I decided to go for the Masters. Did A LOT of research. Picked a viable degree and graduated into a horrible economy. And now I am in the same boat, but older, and have tons of debt from school. What a mess.It does change you, and you wonder "what if" all of the time.The expectation of society is that you go to school to get a job where you will work for one or several large corporations or a large?government?bureaucracy because that is where the decent jobs are. The tricky part is that corporations don't want to hire Americans on American soil where they have to pay American wages unless you can do the work of four people. The?general?trend is that less people will be needed by corporations in to run their operations in developed countries, where wages are high compared to the developing world, . The large government bureaucracies are also shedding workers because their budget are being increasingly supplemented by debt than tax revenue.Most of our policies, including most on?education?and concerning free trade agreements is about increasing the power of large organizations, the most powerful of which happen to be corporations. If you're not working for large corporations or a large government, and you're making a decent living, you're either very resourceful or you're involved in something illegal.The thinking is that you can't beat them, so join them or aspire to, because they control access to everything you need.Hate to say it but this is the new America. Corporations have become people and they are above the?law?and can do whatever they want to whomever they want. As one article I read recently, the interviewer is not thinking "can this person do the job" but rather "could this person and I be friends and hang out after work". In other words...the cheerleaders and incessantly happy people have taken over. Everyone needs to be competitive, fit in a box, think outside of the box, be willing to be a slave, sign their life away, and be happy for table scraps. When companies can?fire?people for farting, posting on a personal blog, texting a friend, or for being "too attractive" then thing have gone horribly wrong.But, don't go by me or my opinion...I am heading out the door to an interview for a pt job hawking pizzas at the local mall. Why I went to?college?is beyond me (aside from my kid that is).As I have said before, since 2007, we have lost 7 million jobs to automation, off-shoring or restructuring.The real problem is that you have lost two jobs: the one you had and the one you need.In 1965 only 5% of the population was on some kind ofgovernment?assistance. Today, it is around 35% and growing. Its what caused Obama to take the election.In the 60's (and 70's), most of the jobs that were created were middle class jobs. Now, the majority of new jobs pay little more than minimum wage. The rest of the world is catching up to the USA, and our corporate leaders are aiding them by off-shoring jobs.Despite all of the news of unemployment, and the many stories here and elsewhere, I do not think people are understanding the scope of this. I know you won't understand how bad it is until you are actually unemployed. I know that people think it is our fault.Still, I have a family member getting a BA in poetry who thinks that he is going to make tons of money. His mother is about to graduate with some kind of medical certificate and also thinks that he-and she-will find great jobs. They look at me with pity. The irony is this woman has already been rejected from a couple of jobs, but still thinks she will be fine.I have friends who teach?college, and their students are ALL confident they will find fantastic jobs. I guess there is no way to make people understand what this is truly like. Not that I want to make people depressed, but I think it is much better to know what this is like now, before you graduate and cannot even get an interview. I wish I had known.I guess it depends on the news sources and who you are in contact with. If you read articles from CNNMoney, things seem positive, but many of the posters there are extremely negative on the economy. What little I encounter of Fox News would make me think we're still in October 2008 or March 2009 if I didn't know better. In my own life, I haven't seen much of an effect from the high unemployment rate, but I read all of your personal stories and can't help but think things are MUCH worse than my perception. If I were unemployed myself and didn't have much to do but fill out online applications and tab back to Indeed every few minutes, I'd be certain that no job would be coming, ever. I mean, I can only really recall one poster here who has found anything approaching a stable job recently - Nick in NJ, who's now busy and doesn't post nearly as often.I can't help but think that this bombardment of depression wasn't possible pre-1998 or so (when I noticed more acquaintances than not having internet access).BTW, I've also noticed the "positive spin" in the news, lately. It really depends on who you ask. For the people who have jobs/money, things are improving. Their investments are improving, their job is continuing on, and they can still pay bills. But for those who have been struggling, I don't see many of them suddenly getting into something that pays the mortgage. Those people are basically slowly eeking into jobs that used to pay better, that now pay less because they can...and even those jobs are not being created fast enough for demand.People wonder why I love going to work every day, working long crazy hours and getting filthy and smelly most of the time. It's because I make more than most public school teachers, and I know it, and I'm gonna ride that wave for as long as it supports my board. ;)Yeah, I feel that public transportation is only really viable if you live in a metro area. The town I live in now does have some busses/shuttles available. However, it would take me 2 hours to get to either my university or the closest?city?and each route would only work 1-2 times a day. (None of which would get me to either location any earlier than 1pm and would involve a minimum of 4 connections.) To reach the second closest metro city would take me 7 hours. Where I used to live, I could take a commuter train to Boston and to several other surrounding towns and the timing was much better (~45 minutes to Boston, ~30 minutes to a place within walking distance to a mall), but much more expensive - $17.50 round trip to Boston, $9 round trip to the mall. Once in Boston, you can go anywhere for $2.00/subway ride though.I have never felt such anger until becoming unemployed and it's because of what others think of the unemployed.Today I was reading bout North Carolina's Governor who just reduce Unemployment benefits from like $550 to 350 and reduced the number of weeks you can collect by allot. After the article I read the comments of regular people. 80 percent of the people said nasty things like, "If these losers wanted to work they could find something but they are lazy."This experience has changed me in my relationships outside of family.Yeah, NC's governor can bite me.And same with everybody in the million-dollar good-ole boy club.They ship our jobs overseas, raise the prices on consumer goods, and then don't care if people die from exposure or starvation. Real Charles Dickens around here.Well I hope you get one of them. I really do not think the job market is improving... If anything its getting worse. Not sure why the liberals think that job growth is tepid, but improving.. The appropriate term would be "decline". Not only that salaries are getting slashed, while inflation rises. Seriously, I had an easier time getting interviews right after the?financialcrisis. I fear that the overall economy will suffer even more eventually. The stock market is up, but it's been propped up.. and that will eventually lead to a crash. What then? If I do not get a job soon, I will have a financial crisis in my wallet. I hope I get an interview soon that will lead to employment, but that's all you can do I guess.Publicly traded company is all about the bottom line and stock price.Your store manager probably was on a conference call with other store managers and were told by the?District Managerthey need to cut all unnecessary costs by so much.In the case of the store managers and in a publicly traded company if you don't do what you are told your gone. The managers probably look over all their expenses and determined which ones they could live w/0.I can't do the corporate world anymore.That's it!Did you tell anyone at Whole Foods you were voting for Obama?I didn't bother voting, this year. I don't see the difference between not being able to vote, and being able to vote but both the choices sucking.I went to the mall to walk today. Inside lots of people walking the mall, but not many shopping or buying anything. I saw a fur coat for the cheap price of $5995. Sales lady said I could buy it for $2300. Woo hoo, what a bargain. Who buys this stuff?Last night I was having a conversation with someone about how I read back in about 2003 that all the baby boomers would be retiring and in 5-10 years there would be more jobs than people to fill them. You see how that worked out, right? Problem is they aren't retiring as fast or the jobs they had aren't being filled again. Other jobs went overseas and here we are with more people than jobs.Actually there are more seniors still working now than ever before. On the other hand, there are also more seniors opting for early social security now (age 62) than ever before.They will have to raise the retirement age or SS will be broke by 2030.I recall having read even before the Great Recession that the top 2 percent do half of the spending (which is why on sports programs there are so many commercials for?investmentcompanies,?financial?advisors, and luxury cars and watches, which most of us will never have a use for). We're becoming a nation of haves and have-nots.I graduated with a BA almost 4 years ago now. In the 4 years since, I've been mostly unemployed doing a lot of part-time and temporary work. I've been laid off 3 times in the last 4 years. I've lost count of the number of job contacts I've made over these few years, we're talking hundreds of applications hundreds of resumes. Job interviews have become a weekly thing for me. These?hiring?managers all tell me the same things "your very smart, presentable, likable" and they all seem to agree that my?education?disqualifies from any type of job. Professional managers tell me "your smart and its great that you have a degree but you don't have any experience." Burger King managers (yes I've applied to most of the fast-food?places in my area) tell me "your smart and its great that you went to?college, but you have a degree, your way overqualified for this position." Someone tell me why I went to college (on student loans mind you!) if the only thing a BA degree is going to do is completely disqualify me from the entire American workforce. How is it possible that I be either over or under qualified for every type of position out there.What has been most jolting is realizing that companies are not at all capable of staffing for their commercial needs. They don't know what they're doing. I'm relatively young and I just assumed that I would be entering a workforce where the economic actors had any competence or expertise in determining what it was they needed to conduct their businesses. They don't. Big wake-up call.Thanks. Honestly? What I can suggest to anyone in this position of stagnation and atrophy... consider leaving the country. Me and my family are already looking into this. I have more than a handful of friends from high school andcollege?who have left the contiguous United States and pursued their careers elsewhere around the globe. This includes teaching, the STEMS,?finance, and medicine. This is the option that we are now exploring. I'm sorry, but I've given this three or four years. The?labor?market of the United States is not improving. We can either pretend this isn't true or we can acknowledge this IS true and move forward accordingly. I suggest to anyone encountering this endless dead-end nonsense to look outside the box and consider if there might be another country who may find your skills marketable.The work visa requirement of foreign countries are not universally stringent. Look into this.Yeah, when last child leaves the house I'm heading for Brazil.That's my plan as well. I was in Panama a few years ago and I stayed at a small bed and breakfast. The owner was from Oklahoma.I couldn't believe how much English I heard down there already.When u do get a job, never, ever forget that the person or company you work for has no loyalty to you. Everything is a numbers game regardless of the promises or what any one says. If it isn't in writing and signed, its not worth crap. Loyalty is way outdated in the working world.Most employers are looking for 2 things: specific experience and social fit.?Intelligence?and?general?knowledge of your field are not priorities.I never liked F500s. They're stiff, sterile authoritarian bureaucracies.You're just a number out of 100s of people. Invisible. To climb would be very difficult.Unless favoritism is involved. Or you went to Ivy League. Interviews with F500 have always been standoffish. Upon leaving I would feel I need to stick my finger down my throat to purge.Why would you want to work at F500? Even if you went to Ivy and have connections there, you would have to compete with the many other Gatsbies.When they say "getting your hands dirty" they mean doing menial stuff that would by beneath your experience/education.I agree. The psychological?contract?that once traded employee loyalty for job security is no longer valid. Its was forever breached twenty years ago.You also have to remember that the closest competitor for your job is probably sitting about 20 feet from you. If the only name at the top of the Performance Review is yours, you can call yourself "a team" or a can of peas for all that it matters.Smile and nod where its expected but don't drink the Kool-Aid. Your job depends on last quarters' earnings and nothing else.I don't know what my professors were thinking when they interviewed half my class and then accepted them into the program. I mean, really....some of them cannot even speak properly. The writing skills-don't even get me started. Several of them came to class and did NOTHING, but since a lot of it was group work, they made it through because of the bleeding hearts. I did NOT mind helping, but I refused to do people's work, and that made me unpopular. I had to help a few of them with papers. I NEVER thought they would get good jobs. I think what is saving them is there is not a lot of heavy duty writing or speaking in their jobs, but still, they arecounseling?people, and that makes me so sad. The laziness and immaturity...I could go on and on. One of them does do a LOT of reports for her job, and I cannot imagine. Her papers were terrible. Some people are NOT meant for school. And the way these colleges just hand out degrees scares me.Years ago it was taboo to lay-off employees. The stock price never recovered.Back then, laying off employees was considered to be a sign of poor management. Now, laying off employees is considered to be a sign of good management.I wouldn't take an $8/hour temp job now because my permanent little gig down at the death camp pays a bit more than that, although my hours have been cut almost in half for the last month or so. The benefit to this is that my body and mind have been able to recover from the constant beatings down at the camp.I actually applied to three or four jobs over the last few days. It's been some time since I've seen any decent ads to which I can submit myself. The thing is, I could be (and am) the perfect candidate for a few of them, but I doubt I'll have a chance due to my gap. Everyone needs to catch a break at some point and then go forward from there. Or does that simply not ever happen anymore - unless you know someone?It's a ridiculous state of affairs. Heading in to the death camp at 11. Getting out at 7.Good times.I don't think there are breaks anymore. It doesn't matter how many Lucky Charms you eat. The luck may never come. I never seem to know the right people, so I guess I'm screwed.I'm right there with you. I exhausted any contacts long ago. I have people I know (not former colleagues) asking for my resume once in awhile. That's not happening. Too embarrassing. My resume, with the gap, on its face screams I am unemployable. I don't see a way around it without someone seeing past it and acknowledging my experience and skills.I was just thinking today about how I paid cash for a car 6-1/2 years ago. Those days are long gone.All I can add to your post is that I, too must be unemployable too. And yes, I agree totally that we've seen the last of those days of paying cash for a car. This economy just will not ever recover, nor mend itself.This is a good thread. I'm just catching on. I am working FT now. But I was out of work for quite some time due to this recession.I miss the "good ole days" where I had good benefits, (health&?dental), a living wage with disposable income, and a balanced lifestyle.Now, I'm working longer hours (10-12) hrs per day. I have a longer commute. The Co. I work for is doing much more for less. They take on more and more clients and are always understaffed and unable to handle all the new?business.They pay OT a lot and people take advantage of that because the starting wage is so low. You have to work 10-12hr?days just to make a BASIC living.There's lots of overweight and unhappy people there. Lots of people take smoke breaks. I don't smoke. The culture is that you walk through the halls and people don't smile and say hello. They walk fast right past you and maybe look at you. Most keep their head down and walk right on by.You can feel isolated among the large cube farms. You can go without seeing your boss for 2-3 weeks in a row.The favored employees are the chosen few who have special projects. Others are the worker bees.Sad what our society has become. We've lost our humanity. I'm technologically savvy like most of you. I don't like the fact that our office is all emails. No one gets up from their cubes to talk with anyone. You email even if you're 2-feet away.Again, hence the overweight and stressed out workers.All the best to you folks!A sad but unfortunately accurate commentary on 21st century America. Corporations care about neither their employees nor their customers except for what monetary returns they can extract from them. Cooperation in the office is stifled because everyone fears the next layoff and therefore doesn't want to help their co-workers because making their co-workers look better makes their own position less secure.As the middle class is being deleted, retail sales will continue to decline. The 1%er's can only buy so many yachts and the poor are living off food stamps."and the poor are living off food stamps"Or trying to make ends meet with a retail job..Or two or three jobs and even those are getting harder to getI'm no rich person, but I'm thankful for what I have. Lots of decent people hurting out there.What is this nonsense?RECOVERY SUMMER IS HERE!UNEMPLOYMENT IS 5%ALL THOSE PEOPLE NOT WORKING NOW HAVE TIME TO PURSUE ART AND POETRYEVERYTHING IS GREAT!We are more respected then EVAH!And the Syrian Refugeehadis are just like the Pilgrims on the Mayflower.The libs are giving the refugees OUR money! We can not take care of our own homeless, but we must provide housing, welfare, cash, & food stamps to those Muslims who want to kill us?"The organization still claims that the brief government shutdown in 2013 had a negative impact on shopping, although no data confirm that. Last year, the Wall Street Journal reportedthat Matt Shay, NRF President, “attributed the declines to better?online offerings and an improving economy where ‘people don’t feel the?same psychological need to rush out and get the great deal that weekend,particularly if they expected to be more deals,’ he said.”What complete bs this is. I'll tell you what determines my spending it's not statistics or whether it has been a slow start buying hype, it's called my paycheck. I don't know about you but mine has not been rising like the prices that have been rising that's for sure. I about have a hard attack every time I go to the grocery store with how much things have gone up. Also thanks to the $h!tty job market my son has been forced to move back home. We are personally cutting way back because we have to. And in the end, it's not all about just presents anyways, thank God.The original intent for the upcoming holiday, though not scriptural, was to celebrate the birth of my Savior. Now it's all about the bottom line. Just pathetic. Yesterday we gave thanks to God that we live in America, the most beautiful nation on Earth which is now being destroyed by greed.Had family over last night.Some of them, parents of an in law's wife... are American born chicanos... union laborers forever.They hate Obama.The don't want refugees.They hate Hillary.I also have family up in the NW.... white collar.. similar results. Will not vote 'D' next time. Very slow economy in the Puget Sound.More family in San Jose. Out of work with an IT background.IMHO, the DC Media is doing its best to hide what is going to be a disaster for the Democratic Party as it has allowed the Progressives to go out of control.94 million people out of work, with more joining them as they're coerced into training the H1B visa replacements is another indication. And I'll bet that those foreign employees are?not?doing any shopping at the Best Buy!Probably not. Our labor supply is through the roof, Government spending is absurdly high, and there are far too many people with the "Gimmie Dat" mentality. Great time to be in America.IF we were not fooled with EBT cards and all the welfare programs, we'd see lines of people for MILES trying to get a bowl of soup, just like the Great Depression. Don't be fooled. They will not admit it, but 94 million who cannot find a job who are AMERICAN CITIZENS, are in a deep Depression.Nothing has been fixed since the 2007 meltdown. Just papered over and swept under the rug.After enough years, and it's been 7 already, people will finally realize as they should have at the beginning of the Prog Era, that slow growth is a permanent feature of the economy, until the Progs are ousted.And yes, that includes the GOPe.The so-called "Federal Reserve" should be gotten rid of and allow banks to compete among one another for which offers the highest interest rates on savings and the lowest rates on loans. The "Federal Reserve" doesn't perform any useful function, other than check clearing. Currency should be issued directly from the Treasury Department.Student loan debt is much worse than people think. In my class there were about 25 of us or so. 20 of us had to take out loans. Some now have loans close to or in the 6 figures. Only a handful of people got decent jobs, where the max salary is 70K. The rest of us are either unemployed or making salaries under 40K. This is one small class in one state. You don't even need to do the math to see how bad this is. These loans are NEVER going to get paid off, or they will be paid very slowly. I am sick over it, and I will send something each month, once I get working. I know I am responsible, but I went to school and worked hard to get a good job. To better myself. So many of us did. Some people do not want to pay their loans, but most of us really do. We just cannot.Hi Everyone- I was laid off from one of the largest employers in 2009. I interviewed 68 times and landed some?contractsfor most of 2010 till i finally got a perm offer in 2011. I am still at the current job in a dept. where they?fire?people quarterly, hire bad managers who don't communicate. It's very stressful although it was nice for a year or so. I there over 2 years, another new manager and they fired more people so I have a two person job now. I hate going to work, and want to get out of there. I am a sole home owner and need to have a certain amount of pay my bills which are excessive due to living off of?credit?cards since 2009. Now it seems the job market pays less even then before. I even thought of doing?contract?jobs but now I have a medical problem and some of the contracts jobs have no benefits and pay terrible. The agents are greedy and only thinking of where they can stuff you to make a quick buck. Companies don't want perm or older workers because they don't want to pay benefits. It's really sad what things have come to and the lives that are impacted by this new culture we live in.I think we're all screwed for full-time. Corporations have figured out that they can rent and those are the nice places. Others offshore, still others whine to Congress that they can't find capable workers anywhere but in a foreign land, many funnel their profits outside of the country.I believe that the only answer is to get lucky (have the right skill or your state allows fracking), be better than everyone else out there or be prepared for "foot long or 6-inch"? And most of us won't have what it takes to really capitalize on that last question either.I was reading an article in the news about how approx. 50% of people in my area are working on?contract?and are underemployed. Nobody talks about this openly though.The only thing my family can say is 'good luck' and 'yeah' when I describe what's going on.I don't know what to do.The corporate leaders have become so out of touch with the common person that they have no realization that the average person has very little margin financially. They think of employees as a cost of doing?businessrather than as people.I agree. I also believe that most if not all of these people on the radio and tv who talk about the economy and Wall st are so out of touch with the middle class.I regularly would hear the above people saying how 400,000 isn't much money when Obama before the election was talking about taxing high earners above this amt.Being out of work the picture of America and it's future has become really clear for me.One of the senior leaders came back from vacation today, found out what's happening with me, and declared it one of the stupidest things he's ever heard, and I have every right to be pissed. Finally, someone above me who knows how thoroughly I'm being screwed.e on now, you should be willing to save the company money by working for less. That's how they think now. That's not going to help you out in any way.My husband's company is like that. They expect him to work less hours, get the same amount of work done in less time, but end up making less money. The ones suggesting that are salary and they aren't taking a pay cut. See how nice that works?They also told my husband he does his job too well and it got marked against him on his review. They want him to put the merchandise up half-ass. The old way of doing things was that everything had to look "opening day perfect." Now the only time it looks that good is when the Nestle big shots are coming around.Managers and?business?owners tend to believe that they really are superior to everyone else and therefore they don't have a problem asking the lessers to sacrifice for their benefit.This might be alittle off topic.Since being out of work and finding it difficult to get back in the workforce I have more sympathy for people who aren't part of the status quo nowadays. The poor, homeless, jobless, etc.And people who work the system it doesn't bother me any longer. Good for them. Someone wants to take the toilet paper from McD's restroom, so be it.The deck is stacked against the average good person today, it's unreal.When Eliot Spitzer, governor of New York was caught with his sexcapades, he resigned and went to work for his father.You would have gone to jail.Remember our dear Teddy (Kennedy) and "the bridge" incident? You or I would have gone to jail..... yet he remained in congress for the next 50 years...At some point, you will 1. Get a job. 2. Give up looking for a job. 3. Hang yourself. Under the theory of operant conditioning, unless there is some possibility of success (a bone or a pat on the head) you will stop looking for a job and your dog will stop fetching the ball.Some 3 million people have given up even looking. One of my relatives paid a doctor to put him on SSD on a work related injury. This was really an old high school football injury. He looked for a job for 2 years and couldn't find anything He is content to be a welfare queen now.Not an isolated example. In 1965 only 5% of the population was on any kind of gub'mint handout. Today, it is 35% and growing.Do you think it will get to a point where something more consistent than a recession, i.e. a greater depression will occur?Here I have something puzzling...I did graduate from University with a high good GPA above 3.5 to define a range.?I went back to the same institution to ask information about Ph.D programs in the same discipline, and I have learned that a GRE is required previous admission.?Now, what does that say about their undergraduate program?It says that?college?is an industry and today, a very lucrative one. You have to some kind of graduate apptitude test for grad school. I took the GMAT and it was a mother.So how does more?education?solve the problem of fewer jobs? I don't understand this.My husband's company stopped promoting fun and being a team a long time ago. They used to have that attitude that even the people at the bottom were equally important. Not anymore. Now you should give up your hours for the company and help make the guy at the top rich.Joe,You are 100000% correct on your description about working retail.I worked for Pubix Supermarket (2 years of Hell) and the store was always running 'reports' on an hourly, daily and weekly basis. As a manager your # 1 goal was to make as much profit as possible. Your whole life revolved around your department /employees and its associated problems.Any retail job is very tuff and you feel like you are in a meat grinder.I was at Walmart the other day and I understand some people's only option in their life is to work in retail.Retail has a way of making me hate my life. I literally have panic attacks before work because of all the rude customers and stress at my job. I'm being paid pennies and doing the work of three cashiers. I have no life outside of work. I come home and go to sleep. I don't have a "weekend". I rarely get two days off in a row. It's always something like work Tuesday 3 to 10 and then break Wednesday, come back to work 7-3 on Thursday.?I have barely been able to save any money because my bills take up almost all of my paycheck. I feel like I'm trapped. Like I'm never going to get out of this hell. Because it took me almost a year to get this job. A YEAR to get a retail job.?Today I had a woman refuse to take her change because I didn't hand her the coins before the bills. She was yelling at me, demanding me to do it the right way and that cashiers need to know their "place".?God help me, one of these days I'm going to cuss one of these fools out and quit. I'm starting to become an introvert because of this. All I want to do now is be alone.? least I have some kind of job. And for that I'm thankful. Haven't started looking again yet, but I just might start again tonight. This job is killing whatever zest I had for life.Purposes of most big businesses are ultimately criminal. Someone suffers somewhere up or down the line in the name of profit. The?business?who keeps the single mother of two in poverty so that their?CEO?can buy a yacht is not one that anyone should want to buy from, but we do it every day because we don't have much else choice. Just because it's not a crime of?law, doesn't mean it's not a crime against humanity. Knowingly and willfully keeping other humans down for your own material benefit is shameful, and yet they all do it.You are actually correct. While most companies brag about their diversity, what they are actually looking for is sameness and group think.Look at any company's annual report and payroll (that is you) is listed under liabilities not assets.Introverts are being made to feel socially unacceptable. We're the new "unwanted minority." Whenever an employer offers me one of those "personality screenings" I always ask who is interpreting it. Most often it is someone unqualified to interpret the results. I no longer waste any time completing these and I tell the companies why. I can't hide my personality - even though I'm a classic introvert, I'm a very outgoing introvert. Introverts with the classic INTJ Myers-Briggs personality USED to be highly sought after for analytical and problem-solving jobs because that's what gave us our?energy. Now companies want gregarious extroverts for every conceivable position.The One World Government will consist of the major?financial?institutions. They already have nearly as much power as the US govt., in fact they can compel the govt. to give them money when they run short. They have become almost immune to attempts to regulate them.Also, we are all bartering. We exchange our time/skills for money. Money are largely more practical to exchange than, say a cow.Money however indicates that one material thing is "worth" more than something else. That wouldn't work. Everything has to be worth the same. There is only "what I can provide" "who needs what I provide" and "what do I need provided by someone else." A doctor who needs a car finds a person who has a car to spare, but needs a surgery. Need is the great equalizer, and it would get rid of everything that someone doesn't really need.Why would your system be different than capitalism? Just because payments wouldn't be made in money wouldn't prevent people from trying to get you to give them something that you really can't afford to give up in return for something that you don't really need.Once people have to actually give something to get something, they'll be a lot more cautious about decision-making with both. Money is just paper,credit?cards are just plastic. People don't really FEEL the hit of buying that $3000 plasma TV, because it went on a piece of plastic that only requires minimum monthly payments. Capitalism supports the notion that you're worth a lot more than you are, that you can pay back a lot more than you can, and before you know it well...we're at where we are now. With banks getting fat on the interest charged on the piece of plastic they gave you.A barter system does not preclude deferred payments. "I will pay you in Spring after the calves are born."I wouldn't pay or provide services in exchange for a "maybe," myself.are the most american young people socialists now?I'm still under 30, so many would consider me "young." I wouldn't consider myself, nor any of my friends, "socialists." Many of us are in favor of a strong social safety net, but I can't recall any of us clamoring for state control of businesses. (I'd be completely okay with a huge?governmentinvolvement with infrastructure projects in the short-term, however, so long as it's temporary, but stimulus leaves a bad taste in people's mouths right now.)so ur a future socialist,u just dont realize it least ur a democrat right now,are u?I actually tend to align more closely with Libertarian ideals. I've just studied enough?Economics?to see that central banks are a good idea, even if our current one isn't working optimally and have seen enough families in need to want to make sure the poorest among us aren't dying in the streets.I think that the United States should be organized as an anarcho-syndicalist commune. People can be chosen at random to serve for 1 week as president. There will be a bi-weekly vote in which the decisions of the president will be approved, by a simple majority for domestic affairs and a 2/3 majority for foreign affairs.At least this will get everyone involved in the process!I know this sounds silly and futile, but I'm thinking of writing my Congressman and Senator about my situation suggesting they introduce a bill that would give businesses incentive for?hiring?the long-term, involuntarily unemployed. I'll probably blow it off, but it's an idea. I suppose it would go to the same place where resumes go to die. I've never written such a letter because I find it a waste of time and?energy, but what other avenue is left at this point?In the eyes of most politicians, a letter from an unemployed person is like a homeless person walking up to you and asking for spare change.Politicians are convinced that there are millions of unfilled jobs because employers cannot find applicants with the right skills. In Massachusetts, they want to raise the state income tax to invest in 'education' and transportation. They say in MA there are 220,000 unemployed people & 150,000 unfilled job openings because many companies supposedly cannot find people with the skills needed.You can learn at any age, but if you're over 35 you will not get hired because you took classes. I took 47 hours of classes while I was unemployed (with a 3.94 GPA) and it did not help me one single bit.Unfortunately this is true how?hiring?managers perceive it that is why all this talk about "training" & "retraining" is geared toward fresh faced 18-21 year olds. If you are over 35 and think you can retrain in one of the trades that is in such huge demand -- suddenly there are no jobs available or you don't have experience other than what you learned in the classroom even if you passed the state licensing exams but the kid who recently graduated high school who can barely write over text speak is able to get job offers left & rightThis is true. I went to an info session at a well known school here in the Boston area for their continuing ed workforce training programs --Electrician, welding, machine tools,?construction?certificate. Of course they gave the usual cheerleading snowjob, but the 75% enrolled in these classes to 'get ahead' in their current field. Only 15% enrolled for 'career change'. Each class (not the entire track) is over $1350 so you can easily spend close to $10,000 and no?financial?aid is available.?The situation above is absolutely true but the academics,?educationestablishment & mainstream media wont touch it even though they must know it is true (you can't compete with the early 20 somethings) and that you basically are wasting time & money thinking you can career change at an older age as described herePeople who can't even make it through a junior?college?but somehow managed to gain a few years experience working with the right languages and software packages can get good programming jobs while people with graduate degrees can't get anything.Sorry to hear that, clean slate here too. I never get called either. And I am very careful to apply to jobs where I am really qualified. I'm getting fed up with it all and I've scaled down alot sending out resumes. was a real pain..when I applied to some jobs, I had to write essays and all kinds of crap to prove myself. Like what happened to you, I am never contacted. I took down my resume everywhere. has enough apps on file to replace everybody in the?Federal government, twice over. Good Luck with that.I'm applying for a county job. If someone has a family member who can do it, I'll buy a hat and eat it.I've looked at the Border Patrol, and while it looks fun, in a strange way, it doesn't pay that well. The Feds still operate under the lower-pay for good benefits rule, unlike cities and counties in this state who give great benefits, and depending on your union, great pay.As an aside, this is another gripe I have with conservatives. They cry all day about big?government?salaries when the problem is sitting in their backyard pulling people over at the local speed trap and getting overtime to do it.Thing with me is, maybe I'm friggin stupid.I've passed on jobs that just weren't for me.Unifirst, Paychex, and others where your just a number and the stress is high. And, I can see that with these jobs your gone in 10 years so then I'm in my fifties looking again.I don't know anymore.I actually live in a county where the UE rate is above 11 percent so I mainly look for work in other counties. Maybe that's why no one calls me when they see my resume online.I might do car sales. It's something you can do till you drop as long as your mildly successful at it. But it's about getting in at a good dealer.I just don't know anymore.I do think that you will see more and more people working till 80.I'm done! And, I feel better for writing.I'm sure I will be working until I'm 80. I don't see much happening in the future. All I can seem to get are part time jobs or temp jobs. It would be nice to have a job last at least a year. I can't even get those.I wonder if I have any rich relatives out there.I feel a little better knowing I am not alone in this, but sick to my stomach at the same time.?I'm going to lose everything after my EUI runs out next month. I have no more savings, and no more 401K. It's all been used to pay the mortgage.?Unreal that I can't even get work answering phones considering it's what I did for 22 years at At&t.There are many, many people in the same boat.In the 30s, they had things like the CCC, WPA, TVA, etc. to provide for some jobs. Why doesn't the?government?step up and do something today when the unemployment situation is an epidemic?When I got downsized and my UE ran out I had to either cash out my 401K or get 2 part-time jobs to keep me afloat.?Of course there are other considerations as well. I took a warehouse job that paid less than $9/hour. Turned out I am not 20 years old any more and simply can not do that type of work at my age. Then there's a question of state benefits. Am I going to be able to make up for losing most if not all of them at less than $10/hour and do physical damage to myself at the same time? To me that simply is not worth the price.....Yes. I listed both part-time jobs on my resume. For me there was no way I could cover a 2 year gap. Plus the letters of reference helped even if?HR?glanced at them only for a few seconds.There is an article in about Illinois dwindling exports.There's a reason the first thre letters of Illinois are ILL... Illinois be Illin Lol. Seems like everytime I hear a news report about Illinois its about what a sorry fiscal shape that state is in.Meanwhile, I be living in the state of Misery...I think the only way anyone is going to survive unemployment nowadays is to be true to who you are. It sucks but I would rather die today knowing that I didn't become "who they want me to be" rather than who I am.It's sad when good people want to work and just can't get a GOOD job, and the people who are employed have no idea what we are going thru.In large corporations, the forecasting is BELOW actual results. The problem is that productivity and efficiency have increased to a point that there is no need for more workers. Think about an?assembly?line where 10 years ago 25 workers sat building my widget. Recession hit and I laid off 10 workers and reduced my widget production. In that time Company X produced a machine that allows a worker to perform 2 tasks on my widget at the same time. I just became more efficient. Recession is over and requests for my widgets has returned to normal levels. I have 2 choices...rehire those 10 people OR purchase 5 machines (this will give me a boost to my company value and a reduction on my taxable income). I am a company in?business?to make profit. I purchase the machines and have no need to increase my human capital. Those jobs will NEVER be coming back.Hence...we are in a jobless recovery. Productivity and efficiency has increased to a point that humans are not needed as much.I don't even have to move to do that...lolSimply find a manufacturer in another country where I can have my raw products shipped to and have them produce it then send me the finished good. I no longer have to pay for my production plant, wages, and my supply chain has been reduced greatly. I make more profit in the end with the same product going to my buyers.Happens every day.This is why I hate capitalism. Marx said that things would become so efficient that the owners would no longer need human capital (paraphrased). Guess he was right...lolIt reminds me very much of monarchy. In France they guillotined them at a certain point! :)I just don't get it anymore..... We should be enabling everybody we can to get back to work. The more people that are working and earning a respectable salary the better the economy overall. This?government?should be doing everything in it's power to put people back to work. Training should be offered to help people without certain skills obtain them. Why is this so hard?It makes me laugh how the?government?keeps saying that they are doing everything they can to help people into employment. There are thousands of people on job seekers every day and there's no help to find.I know how you feel about it.?There is simply no interest in giving anyone a chance due to the availability of well trained and experienced people. Happy stated made a good statement about it few posts above... profits is what they are after, training means losses...?Most companies are struggling to stay afloat, they are not willing to take too many chances.Most companies are NOT struggling to stay afloat. Profits are at record levels. Companies are not?hiring?because they are: a) able to push more work onto their existing staff; b) have invested in productivity-increasing tools. They can continue to make profits without hiring more workers, so they have no incentive to hire.The US has gone through a fairly rapid change, from an era when jobs were relatively easy to find and when you got one you most likely were there for your career to an era where workers are considered to be an expense which needs to be minimized and to be reduced whenever profits are down. Unfortunately, the political establishment and a large segment of society, particularly the politically important over 65's who are not in the job market, have yet to recognize and/or adjust to the new reality, a reality in which many people will experience periods of unemployment in their lives, even in the absence of a major economic downturn.Hey, no worries. But, let me say this...if a company had a debt ratio of 1.2, is that good or bad? Is it higher than industry normal or lower? Is the company improving or getting worse? Can one ratio determine the overallhealth?of a company? The discussion was on profit and unemployment. As an individual company profit is a stand alone number and "ideally" be connected to employment. I personally disagree with companies that make billions of profit when there are so many people unemployed. One tactic that companies like to make to increase profits is to reduce wages and number of employees. But, then again, that's why I look for companies with high levels of CSR.A very important question though is what are the "never again employed" going to do to survive? Are we just expected to lay down in the street and die? Fill the homeless shelters? The prospect of never working again and living on the street is not very appealing when I have a child and he wants to go to?college.This is related to the point that I was trying to make. Once upon a time, anyone who didn't have a job could move to the "frontier" and survive by hunting and growing their own?food. This is no longer possible. Yet there are still many people who claim that it is possible to survive without a job and without govt. programs, though none of them has ever had to do so. American society has been slow to adapt to the reality that the structurally unemployed do not have a way to support themselves.Sorry Jeff, I was going by the other poster's views. Companies have very little incentive to ever hire again unless the person quits. Human capital is just a body performing a job--any body will do. I guess that is why the DOL stated what they did about people NEVER finding work again.Research "Twilight of the Elites". It offers a hypothesis as to why the ownership class has so little interest in the welfare of the panies will start to hire when they've squeezed all the productivity out of their current staff that they can. There are indications that this has already happened - productivity measurements have flattened or even fallen a bit.I personally don't believe that the US will reach "full employment" again in my lifetime.I think the new normal will be 10%. I also believe that the sun is setting on USa Inc.At the?entry level, they still train.In my area "entry?level" requires 2-4 years of experience. I have not seen many ads that do not require some form of experience. Companies here do not want to train at all.Entry Level?is really 0-2 years. If you have 4 years, I would not consider that?entry?level. I am really referring to recent grads. There is no way for a recent grad to have 2-4 years of experience.Which is why the local universities have a 50-75% unemployment rate depending on your major and level.Some examples from the job boards here:?Accountant: entry level position, 4 years experience as staff accountant requiredCNC Machinist?(whatever that is): entry level, 3 years experience requiredAdministrative assistant: entry level, must be fluent in English, Bachelors, 4-6 years experience requiredDelivery driver: entry level,?CDL, 1-2 year experienceWait Staff: entry level, must have 1-2 years fine dining experience, must be tips certified and have?food?handlers permit?Well I cannot speak for other industries.?Entry Level?may mean something different in other industries. In the?financial?industry,entry?level means exactly what it implies. There are?finance?jobs for recent grads that only require personal attributes and a solid academic background. Recent grads will have no experience, unless they did some summer internships at abank. And that typically is not considered real experience, but just simply exposure to the financial industry and a great learning experience. The big banks will train these grads and pay them less money due to the training.In?general, "entry level" is a euphemism for, "We're going to pay you peanuts."The thing is (I hear this quite often now)...a?college?graduate should have 4 years of experience by the time they graduate college. It is expected that they work while going to school. Part-time during the school year and full-time during the summer. At least that is the way it is around here. Non-traditional students already have full-time jobs and attend night school or online schools to get promoted.In the current vernacular, "entry level" means below average pay. It isn't necessarily correlated with the amount of work experience desired. It is very rare, at least in the?computer?field, to see a job advertised as "entry level" that doesn't require at least 2 years of experience. Jobs that require little if any experience are listed as "recent?college?graduate" positions.When you first start looking you end up spending more time, but after that there isn't much left. How many times can you apply at the same companies before they get sick of you?It's a myth that getting good grades is important. Grades only matter if you want to continue on in school. Employers couldn't care less. The reality is that employers hire for specific skills and personality fits.?Intelligence?and overall ability don't factor in at all. The ability to market yourself effectively is far more important than technical abilityA lot of employed people despise homeless folks and the unemployed. But some of these employed people will inevitably lose their jobs as well. Economy hasn't recovered. Sequestration? Budget cuts? And I don't believe the budget has been "balanced." It's all BS. They will need to strip us of more rights and benefits so they can cover themselves and keep spending.They will take your bonds, pensions, IRAs, social security, they will add more taxes and other fees/surcharges for you to pay. Obamacare just passes the cost of?insurance?to the worker.I think that's the plan.I am all for socialhealthcare. We are the only industrialized nation that ties healthcare to employment. We need healthy workers for a strong state. But, then again, I have been accused of being a socialist before...lolKnowing our?government, they will mess that up too. You can't expect them to do that or anything correctly. They're not that smart.My state is already messing it up by refusing to participate....lolI see I already got a no vote on my comment. Must be from someone that thinks Obama is King and how care I criticize. I suppose that comment will earn me another no vote. See my middle finger? LOLAnyway, I just know how our?government?can't seem to get anything right. They can't even be trusted to tie their own shoes correctly.HH- 12K???! NOT 1200? OMG that sounds unbelievably high. I wonder if they are including those who are temporarily living in the basement/spare room of a friend or relative, if the definition is "someone w/o a permanent address".?I was shocked by the figure here something like 160 in 2011-12, cannot conceive of over 1000 lost souls.?Yeh, the unfortunate are being swept under the carpet or rather under the bus, I am afraid most people have the attitude of the interviewer you'd mentioned prior who "could not stand losers who can't take care of themselves". I have no clue why this would make someone angry instead of sad or wanting to help if they can. I could even understand indifference but not anger over someone else's misfortune.?I dunno bout the May 2013?College?Grads, unless they are well connected it looks like it gonna be retail, retail, retail AND they will be competing for those lovely retail jobs with HS students who are already IN retail and looking for more hours during the summer.?The Big Companies like?IBM?are?advertisingsummer?intern?jobs already, I always wonder who was doing the work the interns are assigned as I gather internships nowadays are more than just getting the boss coffee and making copies, you are really put to work and then who does the work when the interns go back to school, are those the temp jobs they never advertise anymore?NYC has gone from not a lot of homeless, to a literal herd of them. About 6 months ago, Daily Show decided to do a bit in Central Park, where they were making fun of Bloomberg for trying to ban smoking in Central Park, because Central Park is so beautiful...and then they panned to all the homeless in there. I thought they were actors and interns....they weren't.This number counts the people in the shelter and those they could find on the street. I'm sure the number is quite a bit higher because a lot of homeless don't want to be found. They conducted the "count" a few months ago and was calling for volunteers to help with it. They don't count people like me who are essentially homeless but staying with friends or relatives.That's one way to solve the unemployment problem: let the unemployed starve to death and then there won't be any unemployed. I wish that I was joking, but there are people who actually believe this.I am so done! This is beyond ridiculous!! I am going to start interviewing the interviewers. Why not?! Playing the nice role hasn't gotten me anywhere. Treat me like a beggar or criminal of some sort?! Enough! The ONLY reason I am in this position of job seeker now is because I had to quit my job since my EMPLOYER was taking cash receipts (we VERY rarely received cash receipts), and expected ME to hide it in the G/L before I did the monthly closeout! Besides being illegal, it would also cause the COA's MTD wrong but also the YTD, etc!!! And these interviewers want to treat ME with suspicision?! Want to check out my background?! What about theirs? Not just as a company as a whole, but what about them individually? I'm just going to change it up. I used to be proud that I chose my principals (and freedom), over a very good paycheck. I just don't know anymore. I'm tired. Just tired.To Happy or anyone else thinking about coming to California. At a minimum, please don't come here unless you are?bilingual?(Spanish), under 40, good looking, with at least 6 month's rent in the?bank, and have good?credit. Plan on at least $1,500 a month for a place in a decent neighborhood. Can you get by living here on less than I just mentioned? Yes, but I believe it's best to prepare for worse-case scenarios. Unemployment is extremely high, especially in Southern California, and employers here, like everyone else around the U.S., are being especially particular. Some companies NOT in the?entertainment?industry are even suggesting (but not requiring) that applicants send a picture of themselves.Whether it's directly relevant to the position or not, knowing Spanish is MANDATORY for many jobs in So Cal as thecustomer?base and people in charge of?hiring?are increasingly Latinos. This is a fact. If you're coming to L.A. or are going to raise your kids in L.A., please encourage them to learn Spanish.There are lots of good things about So. Cal., but for people under or unemployed, I would say please think twice about moving here.California has one the highest unemployment rates in the nation. My sister lives there and says that people are leaving in droves.?have family in California and had extreme luck in Monterey when it came to getting jobs.If you have family in California, that's great. It's important to have a support system of friends/family wherever you are. Monterey is different than Monterey Park, and if you have had luck in Monterey in the recent past, then great. I prefaced my statements to L.A. and So. Cal in particular because this is the area I grew up and what I know. The REAL state of the economy here is largely underreported. The competition here is extremely fierce. Experience,education, great references are increasingly not enough here unless you know someone on the inside AND have the age/appearance factor going for you. Even when you have all that going for you, you've got hundreds more vying for the same ONE minimum wage position.Unemployment is getting to me... They say the economy is getting better, but this really doesn't seem so... I am at a loss.80k jobs created. UE rate dropped a tenth caused people stopped looking.yea but if you do, the new job can't know about it.You know how threatened all these employers are; they're like the Red Party. You only can have allegiance to them, or they?fire?you if they ever find out. With the way wages have been pushed down in this economy, many of us will have to have a second job or earn money on the side somehow. A third world country is one where having 1 job no longer sustains you.See, I told everybody we're living in a Third World. Everybody makes the same piddly wage whether you're a Ph.D. or a burger flipper. You can have 3 jobs now: PhD., burger flipper and some other job too. And you can collect?food?stamps on the side, as the 3 jobs won't pay enough. - While the illegals gain citizenship and?education?on your tax dollars, and the prisoners get?law?degrees in prison. - Nice –sad thing is. no matter how much you show your allegiance to said company, THEY have no problem getting rid of you to save a penny.So Caterpillar, Inc. is laying of 300 workers in Milwaukee.CEO?at Caterpillar spoke at?business?immigration coalition in Chicago a few days later. He said there should be more visas for engineers from overseas and to make it easier for illegal immigrants to become citizens.The company?claims?it has trouble filling higher and lower level jobs (yeah, right). Here's what he said "Today, we (employers) have gaps in our workforce," he said. "We have trouble filling highly skilled positions like engineers and scientists. We also have trouble filling many lower-skilled positions."It's getting deep around here. Time to get the hip waders out. Typical greedy company for you.this country is being flooded by foreign illegals and H1Bs.U.S. Citizens are now the abandoned class. We're the lowest caste here now.Thank greedy corporate America for that. Politicians are in on it, they want the votes and $handouts.Sooner or later civil unrest by citizens is inevitable. That, or mass exodus.YOU CANNOT HAVE A MODERN SOCIETY WITH ONLY 2 CLASSES, THE RICH AND THEIR WORKING SERFS.Wall Street, K Street and TBTF banks. There is a revolution coming to America if the course is not corrected. How long are the poor and middle class going to keep putting up with heartless, hateful wealthy liars before they finally come after them and tear their world apart?? Something always has to break in situations like this!!!! Sooner or later there's going to be another American Revolution!!!It's going to be a long, hot summer!"If you don't make peaceful revolution possible, you make violent revolution inevitable."--JFK.It will be later rather than sooner. There is little realization in American society about how unequal things have become and not much interest in changing anything among those who do realize. Many people from all social classes believe that the wealthy really did build it themselves. Many people from all social classes believe that they someday will be wealthy (a poll taken in 2000 found that 39 percent of Americans either thought that they were in the top 1 percent or expected to someday be in the top 1 percent).We're far, far away from any revolutions in this country. Who's going to start it? The people with no money? It won't happen in this country.What we need is reform that goes far enough.We're still a democracy and still have freedom. There's nothing better than that as far as systems of?government?go.We just need jobs. That would fix everything. Real jobs.I used to be pretty well off. I've felt both sides of it - not that I was 1%. But I had a job,?health?insurance, assets, cash and a 401k. All just about gone now except for the crib.You can lose it all and many do. I thought I had a pretty good cushion at the start of this thing. Now, sitting on hard?concrete.THAT is it in a nutshell. I just don't see thisadministration?doing anything about jobs any time soon, if at all. It hasn't been on the forefront since 2008 promises, and don't see it being a priority until the next group of talking head candidates.Meanwhile, the stock market continues to remain at an all time high. Go figure.The market is totally disconnected from the economy now. It's not an indicator at all anymore. It's gone up, so the economy should have followed, right? Well, that's not really happened, has it? Of course, if this were a political argument, we'd have O people come on and say how many jobs have been created, etc. It's smoke and mirrors. I know better. And I'm not the only one. It's just that nobody likes to talk about it anymore because we have a rock god and goddess to worship in DC. I just don't get it at all how these people are so loved and worshiped.Take it from me. I spent 15 years in the securities industry. There is very little connection between the stock market and the job market anymore.Nobody says, "I am thinking about buying 100 shares of Oracle. I wonder what the unemployment rate is?"Sometimes the stock market will drop for no apparent reason and saying that it did because of a job report is just convenient. Again, very little correlation.?I used to be pretty well off. I've felt both sides of it - not that I was 1%. But I had a job,?health?insurance, assets, cash and a 401k. All just about gone now except for the crib.You can lose it all and many do. I thought I had a pretty good cushion at the start of this thing. Now, sitting on hard?concrete.It's sad but there are millions of Americans in your exact situation. Living the American dream... then they are down to nothing a few years later. I was watching a 60 minutes segment where school buses had reroute the student pick ups routes at very low budget motels in central FL because their parents lost their house and are now living day to day in some seedy run down motel.Yet Obama still says everything is just sunshine & roses....?The unemployment number is below 8% and dropping ...?Our economy is picking up...Bull $*#+ !!!!!!!I count as employed with this rinky dink part-time job. I make nowhere near what I used to make. And I don't have any benefits. I'm really playing with?fire. I really, really need this other job to come through. D-Day could come tomorrow or later in the week. I'll either be elated or totally crushed. No way around the latter if I don't get it. It's impossible to not attach emotion to it. I've not had any other real interviews in six months.Read: and see all the good paying decent jobs that are being cut.?Caterpillar will lay off over 460 employees in June at their Decatur Illinois plant... But Obama will just pay that's things keep getting better and we are headed in the right direction.The only thing keeping our economy going is very low interest rates on car loan / home loans that artificially stimulate growth. For me I have circled the wagons and won't buy a new car even though my Civic is 10 years old with 175,000 miles.When I would go to the DOL I'd see kids filling out 100 question multiple choice test online for stocking the shelves at Shoprite?Grocery Store. A popular store up here.Hey, do you all think that just maybe, this always hovering around 7.7% unemployment, is actually going to be the new norm unemployment rate? I'm starting to think so. Just seems like they're trying to keep us adjusted to accepting it. Like maybe an unemployment rate of 10%+ will be the new norm that the economy is in bad shape? Just a thought. Hope everyone is having a great Saturday! :)Today read about the W Visa, grr. In a few yrs they may cap this at 200K. I am low-skilled and available for work too. Imagine if they hire these foreigners AND train them. The article in Time mentioned how employers have all these low skill jobs they cannot fill? I wonder if they even ADVERTISE where most Americans can find it?A supremely annoying?HR?"expert" (won't mention the site name in order NOT to drive traffic) said that if you're long term UE and are depressed you NEED TO take antidepressants so you'd come across as more positive! This person has no clue at all. yeh I've taken them and they certainly don't create positive thoughts or increase motivation just enable you to care less. I'd rather not have any blinders on and face life head on come what may even if I am unemployable and doomedHow bad is an IT career? According to an article on linkedin, salaries actually DECREASE substantially for IT workers who are over 50! The peak earning years for IT workers are in their 40's. Even for workers in their 30's and 40's, pay raises are SMALLER for workers who have graduate degrees.Yep, my friend's fella has been a naughty boy in recent times (growing marijuana and getting caught), and he's just started a new job last week!! He only had to do 120 hours of?community?service (working in a charity shop), and that was it. He had two job offers and took the one where he'd be working in the Docklands.I'm gonna rob a?bank?now in the hopes that I land my dream job, laters!in the states we already have people that make very good money robbing banks and nobody arrests them ever. in fact, they give the bank robbers even more of their money. We call these people "Congressmen".Personal rant for the day...went to a?hiring?fair where over 500 people showed up for 50 spots...all spots went to Spanish speakers. The company rep came out, called names and sent everyone else home. Ugh!Question of the day: When and why did we become a country of "what" rather than "who"? Example: sons teacher asked them all "what" they wanted to be when they grew up and told my son he couldn't just "be" happy when he grows up. I teach him to be himself at all times, like himself for all his faults and greatness, and to pursue what makes you happy. Money and status is NOT what makes the world go around.Happy thought of the day: Every second of today something new was created...a person, an?animal, a tree, a plant, a dream, an idea, new things came to life today.nteresting. Thanks for posting from Utah. I've commented on it before, and I don't care how it sounds. It may be too late for us over 35+, but please, so that the generation after us is not at a disadvantage in the workplace, encourage young people to learn Spanish. Like it or not, Spanish is the new English.Also what has actually been crystalized for me since reading these forums is that getting a particular degree or license at an "advanced age" may or may not increase one's chances of employment...especially if you have no experience in that field. I'm so glad I realized this before taking the leap.Q. So now what? A. I don't know.I refuse to learn Spanish. I speak many languages and will never "encourage" my son to learn Spanish for the sake of a job. It's BS anyways. If you want a career in?business?Japanese?is still great to learn, computers is Hindi,?government?jobs is?French. Spanish is being dictated because one group of immigrants refuses to learn the "common language" because they, for the most part, do Not want to be American. My son is learning?German(his heritage) and French (because he wants to be an?International?green?architect.But this is my opinion and others are entitled to theirs. I just know what has happened to my?city's schools after bringing in dual immersion rather than ELL classes.?I feel for you. It's like nails on a chalkboard when someone innocently asks, "Have you tried some of the local job fairs?" I too have had very disappointing experiences with them. I can't wait until I file for an extension to unemployment and the DOL will most likely require I attend one of these, along with lessons on how to write a resume.As I have said before, many people have not been affected by The Great Recession and either hold little sympathy for those of us who have or its just an abstraction in their minds. Hence, all the pithy and useless advice.I read somewhere that for every Arby's that opens, like 500 people apply to work there.Not that this helps y'all's mood, but so long as it's true, anyone who says the economy is improving is full of poop.Nick,When I was living in Miami, FL there was a Chick-Fil-A that wasn't even finished being built and they received over 2000 job applications.A local TV station even did a segment on the people needing jobs.?I heard Chick-Fil-A pays better than other fastfood places.I had my resume posted on CB and Monster for all too long. The only result was massive amounts of spam. I haven't even looked at CB or Monster for quite some time now. Their "job match" algorithm apparently could not identify anything remotely relating to what I was looking for.My experience with?government?jobs, is to only apply for them if you have military experience. Ex-military is all over like white on rice, and they get an automatic 10-20 point bump on all test scores, just for being who they are. Rightfully so, IMHO...just saying an average fella like myself has no chance at most of them from minute 1 of day 1.I remember testing to be an Immigration Officer in Boston. The agent who administered the test was in a suit, of course. I was in slacks and a tie. Everyone else came in like we were back in homeroom of high school....pajamas, some of them. Toting large iced coffees. I didn't even get called in for an interview...I think I scored an 85 or 88 on the test, but some of the folks in there were vets, national guard, etc. They could have gotten a 70 and still gotten a 90, so.?I would love to have a govt job. But, it ain't happening.I don't know. I have mixed feelings about being in the process. I may be too "git r done" and direct for thegovernment?environment. A cousin is a manager and she says it's impossible to?fire?people. Now, in a sense, that's a great place to work, but, in another sense, not so great.For a job where it's almost impossible to get fired, you're in a union, you're making above-average pay for unskilled work, I think most people could bite their tongues and look the other way.I think that the long-term employed are more likely to be hired by the "government" than private employers.Whenever I have to go to a government office, I see no greater number of minorities, older people, disabled people, and "non-model" types. My dream job is now to work in any government office. When I was in my 20s, I would not have considered it.Good Luck! I heard on the radio that has enough applications on file now to replace everybody in theFederal government?twice over.During recessions there is always this flight to safety. My personal opinion is that this cannot continue. The public sector makes nothing and is dependent on the private sector for tax revenue and just look how this is working out?THe reason why the?Federal?government isn't in quite the mess that the states are is because they cannot print money. The Fed cannot do it indefinitely either.The unemployment rate isn't enough to bring down the house just yet but anymore who thinks we are in a recovery is as my ol' Daddy use to say, "Shi**ing in some tall cotton". You cannot have the government be a growth industry.Thanks for the info on USAjobs and overall insight on the state of public sector jobs. I've only recently pondered these issues, but what you say makes sense. This is like a really bad dream. I'm out of ideas.It's pretty sick that lately I find myself overly concerned about my husband's well-being...he asks me "How many times are you going to ask me how I feel?"I am originally from California. Saw one company after another just pack up and leave. Years of overtaxing and overregulation and now the economy is in the toilet and as far as new industry is concerned, the state is on the Avoid List.The state still has money but with an ever decreasing tax base, we see a lot of California license plates coming here too. The locals hate 'em.I travel between Los Angeles County and Kern County on a regular basis, and there is so much traffic in the middle of the day and so many people people hanging out at outdoor coffee shops in the middle of the day that I wonder whether unemployment is more in the 50% range. The supermarket lots are full during the day when people should be at work, and there just seem to be a lot of people hanging like they have nowhere to go, nothing to do. Maybe I'm just more aware of it now that I have nowhere to go and nothing to do.I totally empathize with everyone who don't have job and are job searching. I am currently employed, but I am searching as well. It's hard even if you are already employed. I have filled out several applications but no response yet except one state job that is under review---whatever that means. I am going to remain optimistic.I do not know if many of you believe in God, but if it wasn't for Him I would probably lose my mind. He keeps me going everyday...Helps me to deal with my current boss who is difficult to get along with. Keep the faith everyone....a breakthrough is soon to come.The thing is years ago people didn't care as much about having careers. Not as many people went to?college. Now it's much more important to not just have any old boring job and to be educated.When I worked in a?factory, I hated telling people what I did for a living. It was just a paycheck and what a boring job that was. Lots of hard work. I felt good telling people that I was going back to school for something more interesting. You see where that got me. Lots of part time jobs and laid off all the time. That's more embarrassing then telling people you work in a factory. You still would never get me to work in a factory ever again, unless I get an office job.There are allot of Sale jobs out there, especially the ones with publicly traded companies, where the STRESS is just out of hand. Why?Because if at the end of the year the comp doesn't meet Wall Street's expectations then no one will invest in the company. And as a result millions and millions will be lost.Sell, Sell, Sell!!!! Doesn't matter if the client doesn't need nor want it. Sell, Sell, Sell. They don't want to hear legitimate reasons why something can't be sold. If they tell you to sell water guns in the wintertime then you better find a way to sell them.Large companies really dont' care about their customers. In fact they are trying to tell them what is good for them and what to buy.I could go on and on and on but clown nrop is on.I could of been employed by now but I don't want the 24/7 STRESS?anymore. Life is too too short.So, a few minutes ago, the so called news reported that there is a national uptick in traffic by 4%. The news?claims?more people are?driving?due to more jobs, hence an improving economy.Thoughts?I heard the same news report. It's subject to interpretation. I don't interpret more traffic to a growing economy or that people are driving to "work."You cannot spend all of your time in the house online looking for jobs. It's not healthy or productive. People may be driving for leisure. Unless you're going to interview said?drivers, it's all silly speculation.Increased traffic during "standard?business?work hours" -- that's something I wouldn't mind seeing a study on. For it to be a credible study, however, you have to show me that you've stopped each car and asked each?driver?where they were going. Short of that, it's just speculation and means nothing -- just like this latest news report.At the rate things are going, I swear I will never be independent from my parents home. I am literally about to go insane with this need to get out. But I can't and it's killing me. Minimum wage and no end in sight. No car, no real possessions other than clothes, not even my own room and several thousand dollars of student loans from an apparently worthless and pointless degree. I'm made to feel stupid everyday in this crap retail job, I can't ever do enough for these people. Can't ever clean enough, smile enough, wait on customers hand and foot enough etc. I'm starting to feel dead inside. And there are still no jobs for me to apply to. Just the same junk posted over and over again. I don't know how to keep from losing my mind.This job hunting thing is?driving?me crazy!If I showed up at an interview, and did any or all of the following, they would ask me to leave:- dressed like a slob?- thirty minutes late?- answered emails or looked at my cell phone ringing on the desk in front of me during the meeting?- yawned, looked bored, not paying attentionYET - it seems to be acceptable for the interviewers to demonstrate this type of poor and disrespectful behavior. During the course of my job interviews, I have experienced ALL of the above.It is rude, and it makes me want to get up and walk out or at least say something to the interviewer, but I do not dare.There is no such thing as professional courtesy anymore. They seem to feel that since they are holding your fate in their hands, that they can display any boorish behavior they please.Mind you, I have been to some interviews that were pleasant, professional and courteous. And they provided follow up afterwards and answered my emails or phone calls, even if it is to say they have not decided or I did not get the job (I did not get the jobs though )Unfortunately, it is the bad interviews that stick out most in my mind. Do they realize that I am not working and that the gas money I am spending is coming out of what little income EI is providing me? This money is going towards someone else making me feel badly about myself.No wonder people stay on the dole for so long, the act of looking for a job is a very humiliating and frustrating experience!Doesn't seem fair to me!I've come to the conclussion that those of us who are't outgoing, friendly, social butterflies who always have a smile on their face are doomed. This world just isn't set up for, let alone nice to, those of us who would rather just sit and do our job and not be forced to talk to clients who irritate us more often than not. There is no fixing corporate America unless the big wigs start embracing change and listening to their employees who are on the front line and deal with, not just see, but deal with all the problems they cause by "making things better" with unnecessary changes, punish the employees who aren't doing their jobs and are screwing up left and right and not those of us who try to always do things right or threaten us with losing our jobs if we don't shut up about a problem, big or little.And I do know nice people get ahead, but the point is everyone shouldn't have to be super outgoing, super friendly, people people just to get a decent job that doesn't make you want to jump off a bridge every morning at just the thought of going in. As my current job did with my boss before the current one(prior boss was a nightmare, current boss is a nice guy). Not all of us are social butterflies who thrive on human interaction, but yet corporate American insists on treating us like we are while all the while its slowly killing those of us who aren't. I can be a friendly, nice person, but with my job affecting me the way it does, its getting harder and harder to even try being that way(add to that my personal problems....). Just another reason of many that I would love to have a significant other that can help me pay the bills so I could take a job at a small company that pays less and not have to worry about trying to just get by. I'm an introvert, not an extrovert and never will be.So remember how I said I may be getting back to my old payrate, soon? Yeah, not going to happen. They picked the candidate who had already been working there....AGAIN. Even had the nerve to tell me that my action plan was better, but he was just there longer. The message I take from that is, "we're satisfied with the status quo." What's the point in even trying to do better?I'm stupid poor again. 2 weeks pay goes right to rent, 1 week goes right to the gas and tolls it takes to get to work. I essentially give them one week a month free. I only hold on, because they keep saying bright spots are up ahead, and because frankly after two years of getting rejected left right and center, the thought of looking for a new job makes me want to drink myself unconscious.Corporate America never ceases to baffle me. Actions and words often the complete opposite of each other.... Exactly how to companies keep doing so very well with such poorbusiness?operations?Sorry to hear that Nick.Time for a new trade with a?chemistry?teacher?My last company was a 9 billion company and frankly I have no idea how they were always growing year after year because of their policies and very poor client/customer service.Truth is most of the growth was buying up competitors and keeping expenses/salaries down.The stories I could tell. :)Would love to know how that is. All my co-workers who are social are incapable of doing their jobs wihout screwing up left and right. My boss has said that I am better at my job than my co-worker. One of our assistants just recently had to go because of incompetence and they were social.All reasons why corporate America is screwed up. It rewards the morons no matter how dumb, or mean or psychotic, they are as long as they are outgoing, social butterflies and screws over those of us capable of doing the job but we just aren't super social. It punishes the good, rewards the bad. I can not change the core of my being, so I will never be an outgoing, social butterfly and its beyond ridiculous I get screwed because of who I am. We need a change, but those that can bring that change about don't give a crap about this because they're well off, so not affected.Applying is painless and I have pretty much given up on the hope of ever getting into a Fortune 500 type company.At one of my networking groups, they said, if you are over 40 you can almost forget about working for a Fortune 500. Not that you would want to.Fortune 500's are responsible for most of the downsizing and companies with less than 300 employees are responsible for 70% of the?hiring?now. This is a different job market than it was 20 years ago.If "age discrimination" starts in your 30's, I guess "cremation" starts in your 50's....sigh*I really don't know what that means. What I am really sick of is constantly reading these bleeding heart articles from such 'news' sources like CNN, Yahoo, Huffington Post & USA Today about how these precious 'millenials' (basically the entitled kids in their 20's have it so bad when in reality it is just the opposite when you look deeper into the employment reports), just because they feel entitled and can't manage their debt doesn't mean that others should have to foot the bill..I agree with you partway Nick but the truth is, a lot of Millenial kids were told by their parents to "follow their dreams" and "go to your dream school"! Never mind if it was 2x more than what the state?collegelocally would have cost, or even the cost to attending a?community?college and then transferring after a year or two. I get that a good bulk of my generation has no idea what it means to work, but let's face it, a lot of our parents fed us s$!+ for brains.This is part of the problem with the oversaturation of degrees in the economy. Now we have people getting their masters compounding the problem to get?entry-level jobs. Those are the people competing with the rest of us who want our work experience and accomplishments to act as our merits, but it doesn't look like that's how the world works anymore.Sorry that should be : "I'm in my very late 20s" and "did not finish?collegebecause I decided to pay off my student loans"what that means of course is that you don't have that tiny piece of parchment that means everything to them because then they know how desperate you are to get any sort of job to pay off your loans. since you have no student debt, to them you aren't desperate enough to take the first thing that rolls along. That's your punishment for being responsible.They won't budge on pay either. the pay sucks (even as a single man, I will barely be able to afford rent, gas, and groceries) and there isn't the guarantee that you'll be promoted or get a raise for good performance. They cut salaries, cut hours. Yet, they can afford to give nice juicy bonuses to their executives and?CEO's. When you are single and young, they take for granted that you need basic necessities to live. We always get the raw deal concerning hours and especially pay. And I'm not even talking about the luxuries that people think are necessities.Which is ridiculous of them because I still have to live. Maybe I should be more irresponsible, those seem to be the ones they hire and keep on, no matter much they run the company into the ground.You should've grown up practicing?golf, or been blessed with a wicked fastball. or learned to rap.?The trend is now, if you aren't good enough to be an athlete, or entertainer, you need to have an MBA to get ahead. MBA or the NBA. those are your choices. the rest of us are just searching for scraps. Funny, I thought the gap between rich and poor was supposed to get smaller with Democrats in office.Democrats and Republicans are on the same side. They only fool a few, with their "opposing" rhetoricI too have noticed most employers are NOT young themselves, but you just have to reach a certain age to KNOW when you are being discriminated. And that is not to say I don't think it's really hard for younger people too! I give you tons of?credit?for paying your loans as you went along. I did the same. But getting back to this topic of age discrimination, I have literally gone to interviews that seem to go well when I am talking with management, only to have the?CEO?come in and ask with a look of impatience, "and what year did you graduate HIGH SCHOOL?" What???? People that don't think age discrimination exists have never felt discriminated. It's like racism. It's so easy to say that doesn't exist until you have felt it personally. And if you are wondering why an employer would discriminate against an older worker, I took this summation from one of thousands of articles that exist on the subject;?"The GAO report cites several studies that explain why companies FAVOR younger workers: They typically earn less; employers expect they'll have less of an impact onhealth care?costs; and they won't have an issue working for a younger boss. Employers also worry that older workers' technical skills are out of date, and, since they're obviously closer to retirement, they'll bail faster."i didnt graduate from?college?(it's my secret shame)and my major was?Biology. not related to my career field right now.Don't be ashamed. I'm beginning to feel like college is a waste of time. It all depends on who you know. You could be the worst person in the class, but if you know the right people you'll get a job.?Right now I absolutely regret going to and finishing college. It has caused nothing but broken dreams and loads of debt.I worked 3 years in a deli Dept for a big supermarket in FL and it was pure hell.So I know how unhappy you feel working retail with idiot managers and bozo customers.I keep telling myself this, but it's really hard right now. I just want a job that I can feel fulfilled in.Thats still dreaming. Don't look to work to make you fulfilled, its called 'work' for a reason. This might sound harsh but the image we have in our minds of our 'dream' job is usually not related to reality. I know far too many people that are looking to leave what they thought was going to be amazing.Keep applying, ignore your manager to the best of your ability, stop caring so much what the idiot says or thinks. Think of the pay cheque.Can well relate. I have alot of solid experience in many things, but like you, I get immediately eliminated by jobs that state, "Bachelor degree required". That is such BS! Come to learn here on the boards that companies do that for one reason only (when a degree really isn't required); they do it to simply eliminated the hundreds, if not thousands of applicants for one job. It's such a shame. My greatest accomplishments in the work world happened because I had good management and some good people willing to train me. It wasn't that long ago that a good attitude and good work ethic was actually valued MORE than formal?education.I am just going to sit back and watch the education bubble burst. If the average kid needs to go into the hole for over 100K, just to get a four year degree, do we all really believe this can go on, unchecked???? These poor kids can't get anything to even put a dent into the loans they have outstanding, unless they were lucky enough to get a helping hand into the door of a big corporation.?I stumbled upon discussions of a paper, actually published in a legitimate academic research journal, titled "A Stupidity-based Theory of Organizations". The authors have actually found that a company's productivity declines if it hires too many smart people. Productivity is maximized when the employees are not clever enough to see potential problems or flaws in the company's vision or decisions.It follows that promotions tend to go to those who uncritically buy into the company's vision, which helps explain why the most intelligent workers rarely advance too far up the corporate ladder.It boils down to who they can brainwash and who kisses their butt the most. They don't want anyone who will question things. They want Stepford employees.I am so glad to have found this rand session because I seriously need to rant/get feedback because I feel like I am at rock bottom right now.I graduated?college?thinking life was gonna just fall into place...that was a joke. I started applying for jobs with my degree and NO luck its been a year and I work off and on in retail and have to live with my parents because I am completely broke all the time. I find every job wants someone with experience, but on the other hand you are over experienced for stuff. This economy makes no sense, im trying to get my foot in the door at hospitals but its near impossible when one minute they say I am not experienced enough so I apply for another job and they say im too experienced. I feel like I will never get a job an have money I desperately try to motivate myself but as soon a I get on and apply for 2-3 jobs im usually in tears because of all the stress it brings. Im over it, I just want a JOB!?If you want to see what the dumbest people in NY state look like just visit the Dept of?Labor?offices.I, Joe taxpayer, pay for this stupid sh^t too. I feel like telling them go get a job and get off the welfare rolls because essentially that's what these Labor Reps are...bums who do no work.Wow.....I almost understand it, not that I ever see myself doing this. But seeing someone struggle to just put?food?on the table is so sad. There is the misconception that one can always go on food stamps or collect welfare. I can't speak for other states, but here, even truly needy people are turned away. Actually, you can't even get through to a live voice at the DPW. There are so many stories I can tell here about middle class people now living in poverty; people that did everything right, went to school, worked two jobs, tried to put money away...all the things they used to tell us that would ensure at least a roof over our heads and basic provisions during hard times.Blue, I bet there is a growing underground?business?with shady doctors that are willing to sign some papers to deem someone "disabled". Perhaps that is why I am seeing more and more "Disabled" parking spots created...LOL.On a more positive note, I did ask one of my interviewers how many resumes she received for the office management position. She said 50-60. I was surprised it wasn't far more. On the other hand, what surprised her was that they all currently have jobs. Well good!! Hope the employers are starting to feel just a little bit of the nervousness some of us have been feeling on and off for years now!So went to my mandatory DOL meeting yesterday. There were about 30 of us long termers. So the DOL heading the meeting wants to discuss with us why we aren't employed yet. Says, "there are sooooo many jobs out there", you MUST be doing something wrong.One of her (the DOL lady) suggestions? For us to start reading the obits for job leads!!!!! Don't get me wrong. I'll take any job, but reading the obits find hoping to come across someone's untimely death?!Yup, our "friends" at the DOL are so out of touch, it's baffling. So many jobs? Like part time at WalMart,?Home Depot, Target, Office Depot etc? How are those low paying positions supposed to help us?Seriously. Once you take these jobs, they cut off your gov't benefits, regardless if it's Unemployment,food?stamps, or public assistance. I have friends who are bouncing between all of the above. They cut you off and you have LESS than what you had on your already measly benefits. So you end up going back into the system.These a*s jobs cycle you in and out. The paper pushers make money and keep themselves busy processing you. But your resume ends up looking like scheit and you're stuck in poverty. You're better of refusing those a*s jobs.There are even enough of those type of jobs anymore. My neighbor's grandson has made the rounds of Targets and Home Depots, etc., and so far - nothing.I know!! Even in New York?City, with its 5...5 boroughs, and all the big box retail stores. All you gotta do is walk into one: you only see YOUNG, MINORITY workers. I don't see 40 or 50 somethings there. And then this age and race discrimination is confirmed o their Taleo or other ATS online applications. "Are you under 18 and over 40"? What the hell is that? There is a thread on this issue here.A lot of those jobs are also like mine: part time - no benefits.And if you have Medicaid, like me and others I know around here, they either cut you off or make you pay into it, once you take these amazing part time no benefits jobs. So that creates ANOTHER HARDSHIP. You end up losing your?insurance. So to sum it up: you end up losing your insurance and benefits for a part time scheit a*s job that pays crap and no benefits? And most of these wonderful jobs have a very high turnover rate so they will lay you off after 3-4 months. Then you have to try to get back into the system? Nice...Is that a smart trade off? I don't get it, do these paper pushers think we're all retards???Cos last time I looked, my GPA was 3.9 in a Paralegal B.S. from a private?college. All this is on my resume. Clearly I am not a retard - or any of us here or elsewhere. If someone gives you 2 jelly beans back for the 4 you give them. Is that a fair exchange? Do you profit or is that a loss? Grade school math problem, right?? - I think the actual retards are the paper pushers, who all have jobs. :)Precisely. We lose state/federal?benefits. The help to us = big fat goose egg (actually less since we have less to survive on), benefit to the state/feds, "another person gainfully employed!"I was at the Home Depot the other day and saw the woman from the DOL. You think she would say hi, I haven't seen you at the DOL in a long time have you found a job yet Joe? Just ignores me.It's actually like welfare. We give these people money and pay for their great benefits to not do any work. What do you do...I make copies all day.I remember when I would go to the DOL. I actually went because for 18 months I never told my mom (mum) that I was laid off. So off I went in the morning dress to go to work but ended up at the DOL to use their resources. (which actually s*ck)Like most people I can read body language and also sometimes I would hear little snippets from the DOL staff about the unemployed. They just assume that there is something wrong since we are unemployed for a long time.Now more than ever the unemployed are good middle and upper class people struggling financially.But like Blue has said, there are still more people out there that have never been affected by layoffs and just have no clue.There was actually this retired DOL worker who was at the Center one day. This yo yo was there to give out rhubard from his garden. LOL. He made a negative comment about the unemployed to another worker when I was there and I actually left because I just was so upset.I think years ago most of the unemployed people were lazy. And this way of thinking wrongly has continued to this day. But nowadays the unemployed are?collegeeducated upper middle class who aren't lazy.Part of the reason our native population is decline is because WE CAN'T AFFORD TO HAVE CHILDREN. Why? Because OUR JOBS ARE BEING GIVEN AWAY. This influx of immigration needs to stop. How is a young man supposed to set down roots and raise a family when he has to spend years and years in college, only to get a crappy job with a low wage, if he's lucky. Our wages are being depressed due to this influx. Our youth can no longer bring home the bacon with blue collar jobs. How are we supposed to raise families in these conditions?Fed regs made my wife unemployable. Effing NCLB and Bummer's additional regs mandate a masters in subject to even be hired now as a teacher.?It didn't matter how much experience my wife had in teaching inner city schools with great success. It didn't matter that she had a masters in education. or BS degrees in biology, chemistry and laboratory science. When we moved, she got offered the first job she interviewed for. The state said no due to federal mandate that she have a masters in math to teach middle school math.Thankfully the state we moved to is so much less expensive to live in than MA that we found we lived better on 40% lower income and did just fine on a single income. But now some democrats call us tax evaders. [Next time they control DC you know they will find a way to penalize married single income families in order to force people to either divorce or push both into working.]We've all been there. You can't ever?bank?on any interview turning into a job. Always keep looking until you get an offer. I know it's impossible to not get emotionally attached to something you think you might have, but it is always best to keep moving forward until you get that offer. Employers are simply taking advantage of the huge pool of available candidates and hem and haw their way through the whole process. Keep going and good luck.Who would ever guess that it is the new "normal" to go through numerous interviews for a position, only to have a big fat nothing in a way of an answer in the end of whether you have a job with them or not. Seriously! I think when you have had more than one interview, surely they are only dealing with a handful of finalists. The arrogance is mind boggling. It goes right along with the mentality of certain members of Congress who have the guts to demonize the elderly collecting a small social security check, all the while paying themselves exorbitant salaries and enjoying free?health care.Still no sort of job appear and virtually anything that is?entry levelnow requires two years experience or at least one year experience.I think we have to conclude that there isn't a?laborshortage in some professions. Coincidentally, most of those professions appear to be knowledge-based work and in another remarkable coincidence those are the jobs that are easily off-shored.So true Joe. I know the more highly sought after people don't need to even look online. They have enough ties in the?business?world to get them interviews, even if they have to travel. If you are anything short of a six figure income, you are scrambling with millions of other people. There is no in between.There isn't anymore. We have been carving out the middle class for over 30 years now. Why? According to economists, middle class was a result of manufacturing. People built Buicks, Zenith televisions and Maytag washing machines. That's gone now.The New Economy is more of a wasp waist. Big at the top and the bottom, skinny in the middle. Like my sister says, "Today, you either own a McDonalds or you work in one".WOW if i worked for the IRS I could have employment protection and paid?administrativeleave. You dont need to know any thing, just say "I dont know" or "I dont remember." Thats the perfect place to seek employment....just sayinThat is the most sickening.. Thanks for pointing that one out. Compare the same situation; if your boss inquired about some problem and you simply said, "I've done nothing wrong and now plead the Fifth.." You'd BE FIRED and have to fight just to get UI benefits lest you be called "insubordinate."Hi all,It has been a long time since I posted. A few months ago I was offered a temp job, but they changed the terms and I could not take it. Mostly because it was to involve a lot of travel in my car in bad areas. Nope. So, shortly after that, I got sick and wound up in the?hospital. A lot of it was due to the stress of being unemployed. 2 weeks ago, I was offered another temp job at a different place. It is only for 6 weeks.What I have learned from being back in the working world-there is NO training. You better figure it out and figure it out fast. Everyone at my new place is doing the work of 3 people. It is a mess. You have to have a thick skin because people get frustrated when you do not know something. I am taking it all in stride. I cannot get sick like that again.So, in a month, I will be back looking. I have been sending resumes to everywhere, as usual. I have a Master's degree and 3 years experience. I had an interview a couple of weeks ago for a Bachelor's level job and was told I did not have enough experience. They asked me stupid, stupid questions that were printed from the web.At this point, I am not sure what I am going to do. I have a huge amount of student loans that I cannot possibly pay from short temp jobs and bad salaries.About 4 of my classmates were lucky enough to know the right people and landed fabulous jobs. They are buying houses and going on vacations. I am shopping at thrift stores.I don't know anymore. But what I do know is that if you lose your?health, you are in an even worse way.Wow! I didn't hear about that! I looked it up on the Internet and it happened in Josephine County, which is southwest part of Oregon, borders with California. It's pretty rural and they don't have a lot of resources. Still, that is horrible! =[Catfish--the area was also in FED jurisdiction, the woman called BOTH local and state police and no one came to help. Could not believe the 911 operator would say, "If he assaults you," which he later did, "can't you just ask him to go away?"Don't know why we need guns.. If we're robbed, assaulted, just be polite and ask the criminal to stop. Simple.This is crazy...Even if the police weren't on duty, they should be on call for emergencies like this. The residence voted down a levy to pay for increased funding for?law enforcement, which would have increased their property taxes. I guess they're tired of paying more taxes and seeing little change. :|In Portland my property taxes are outrageous. I get discouraged because nothing seems to change, no improvements, yet they keep asking for more money...government?continues to waste! It's so unfortunate, but I think people get to a point where they just say no more, even for justified reasons. When I first moved to Portland they had a special three year property tax to help with school expenses. When the three years ended and the County didn't budget properly they asked for another 3 years from property taxes. The School Superintendent stepped forward and said they were not going to ask the taxpayers for more money. The County was suppose to fix the problem within that three year timeframe and they didn't, it's not the taxpayers fault or problem. Kudos to her! ;)The story you shared touched me. It's sad that everything today comes down to money. What happened to people reaching out and helping without being compensated in return...sad. :(My rant for today:On the application the company asks if you know anyone within the organization and they want the name of the person.Hmmm ~ if the organization is going to hire within their little circle and use what I call "company nepotism" why even advertise the job. Just ask the employees to refer who they want and stop wasting my time.I have had three applications that have asked this question.?On the fourth such application I backed out and cancelled the process. ~:PRight there with you Missy. This something I regularly rant about and it should be something that is left off an application!! How about those applications that will only give you a pull down menu for "current employment"? No discrimination there. Uuugh!If you want to see what the dumbest people in NY state look like just visit the Dept of?Labor?offices.Well, I don't know whether our DOL "career advisers" here, are just dumb or lazy. My vote is for lazy. They don't care who's life they ruin, they are just "doing their job". Everyone is just bumbling around trying to cover their backsides. That's my problem, I'm too honest for that, hence why I'm in the predicament I'm in.They are actually nice/decent people the DOL staff. But there's just no meat to their programs/advice/etc etc etc.It's a total BS govt agency.I find it interesting when experts say take any job if you become unemployed until you find something better. The truth is your new lousy job with the lousy wages becomes your new market value for most.I actually have someone who will tell potential employers that I am presently working for his company and I still am having a very tough time getting a job.In today's job market you have to have looks, perfect job history, and perfect everything to get back on your feet with another solid job. Pretty stupid if you ask me.Officially going to be a horrid summer. No job and running out of cash. 30 years ago we had Ronald Reagan, Johnny Cash, Bob Hope, and Steve Jobs. Now we have Obama, No Cash, No Hope, and No Jobs.Yes. tis' true I fear.?Although I don't necessarily put all the blame on Obama.?You just don't create jobs by snapping your fingers.?Technology has cut out jobs. Now you have less people doing more for less.?I do question his "laser focus" on jobs, though.Yeah, I remember going back to when this "crash" officially happened. Bernanke and Summers kept saying, "the next two quarters will be different, etc." That was what......5 years ago?!?!?!?!?!?!?Fortune 500 companies are famous now for changing the pay plan for their Sales team every year. Making it harder and harder each year to make money. One reason is the obvious...less for them to pay out. There's other reasons but it's to late.This is why I stay away from Fortune 1000 companies. The f*ckking BS.These days a company that seems to always have openings is a bad omen usually signaling nobody sticks around at the company/company is bad place to work for...Oh and I hate job centres and/or govt. agencies that have the attitude that any job is better than no job. They don't take into consideration/don't care that you may not be a good fit for the job they want you to apply to...Glad to know that the U.S. isn't the only place that's screwed up in job assistance/help centers.I'm sorry I missed it. I used to listen to this station a lot with earbuds on the job. NPR has some great programming.I bet that was an interesting segment. All these companies are going part time so that they don't have to offer any benefits. So frustrating for so many that need?healthinsurance?and some paid time off.Thank for the link. Interesting story. I see a lot of adjunctfaculty?positions posted.And then to hear the adjuncts say that students are dropping out because their part time minimum wage jobs demand flexibility in their availability...this is just sad.It sure is sad and it doesn't look as though it's going to change anytime soon. Ever job I look at has these same characteristics.Is self employment better?Not better. Just different.In the states, the taxes one has to pay for self-employment are pretty bad, and many industries are heavily regulated, plus the permits you have to get can keep some folks from never opening their doors.Then one has to consider payroll taxes et al for their employees, making sure your employees do their jobs, or aren't skimming the registers, or siphoning your?inventory, you're the last to get paid, if at all.Self-employment (MLM doesn't count as "true" SE in my world) has its pro's and con's. What a person chooses (if such a choice even exists) depends on the type of stress you are willing to subject yourself to. Best of luck.I just had no idea it was this bad. I mean, I'd HEARD it was bad, but we've been lucky my hubby has had steady employment, and I just kind of assumed I'd be able to find a little job when I got the kids in preschool.The news is always talking about how unemployment is going down and the economy is improving and now i think they are just lying....He never used one and yet was home everyday at 6:00 pm, never worked weekends and very seldom worked overtime. And it all got done.Can you say that?They don't have jobs like that much anymore. Now you get worked to death and employers don't care. If you don't work overtime you get made to feel guilty and you had better be available at home with your cell phone on and don't forget to bring your laptop in case the boss needs something.I'm amazed at the number of jobs I see posted these days that require you to be on call 24/7. And of course they are exempt so forgot about overtime when you are called out at midnight. And they don't pay that well either!And most of these jobs have NO medical benefits! Imagine what that will do to the economy in the coming years. Paid vacation time? I am seeing less and less of that as well. Everyone NEEDS some time off. It's as essential as getting a good night's sleep.And don't forget, many of us have adult?children?that we are supporting since they can't find employment and caring for elderly parents, since people are living a lot longer than they used to.I wonder what the stats are on people having nervous breakdowns and/or other assorted problems with this new economy?My rant for today? I feel numb, like my spark is slowing leaving me.Today was?compliance?day at the career center. I am on emergency U.C. and it is required you go and sit in a room with other unemployed folks to watch a Power Point presentation on the services the state offers to help become employed again.The session was suppose to be approx. 2 hours. The man was done speaking in 15 minutes.My?general?observations about this session? There were approximately 50 of us in this small auditorium. Only 2 people were obviously under the age of 40. Most were over the age of 50, white, and female, although there was a more than a few middle aged men there. Everyone seem to have the same expression on their faces; they have given up.The only excitement to this session was an unemployed woman informing a few of the others that a local dollar store was?hiring. No kidding! I also watched a woman sit there with another, desperately trying to fill out her required log of jobs she needed to present to keep her benefits coming. They had a cell phone on them and were randomly picking potential places of employment to tally on their sheet. I should have felt angry that my log was legitimate; that the jobs I had on my list were real attempts, but at this point, I just don't care.Needless to say, I did my duty for the day. Hope everyone else is doing well today.And now for some more fun news:?Food?stamp budget is supposedly going to be cut. Sure, cut something people depend on rather than the grossly inflated salaries and benefits of the congress and senate... the people who certainly don't work for us......Very interesting to read this board. I used think I am the only one ia hard time to find a job, I thought something must be wrong with me (though I had my doubts).Now it's clear that we have a major economic crisis, perhaps an equivalent of a modern Great Depression. The only reason nobody speaks of GD is that media hushes it out and doesn't want to bring it up but these posts left by hundreds of people from all over the world speak for themselves.I don't think the "Great Recession" of 2007 to 2009 ended and at this point, it certainly could be defined as a depression due to the length.As one of my old?Economics?professors once said, "One of the major problems with Capitalism is that most of you (looking at the class) will never be one".This is N O T Capitalism. What we have is more like corporate socialism.?Large un-accountable entities,freeloading executives,dwindling production and deteriorating?customer service, nobody cares about anybody, brutal disregard for fellow human beings, low wages, high poverty levels, pay-to-play, "it is who you know not what you can do" attitude everywhere,huge entities doing all the?business?and small entrepreneurs being forced out of game: all these are NOT ATTRIBUTES OF CAPITALISM - THESE ARE ATTRIBUTES OF SOCIALISM ! Only peculiar thing about it it is a Corporate Socialism (as opposed to Proletarian Socialism of Marxist - Leninists).We need CAPITALISM to restore good life !Well, we might have to define some terms but Karl Marx said pretty much the same thing over 150 years ago.No he didn't.It wasn't Marx nor Marx inspired Bolsheviks who created best environment and living conditions for people, it was Western Capitalist system that did it.It was Western Capitalist model that allowed a little mom-and-pop shop owner in Arizona to grow and become the founder of what you know today as a Wallmart.Anyone heard of?Bank of America? Guess what? The guy was loaning money on a handshake and his "bank' consisted of a dining table and a chair he installed in front of his house , to serve by-walkers. And from this humble origin Bank of America grew !Study history,read,ask older generation, marvel at what a Real Capitalism DID for millions.We need to return to the Capitalism that worked! That made America proud and its' Citizens the most prosperous in the world while the rest of the world watched with envy.?ThAt WAS Capitalism ! And we need it back !Bank of America...that was the one that had underpaid, unqualified interns signing mortgage and loan papers for applicants who had no hope or prayer of ever paying the money back, right? The ones who were directly responsible at least in part for the mess we're in now?Yeah, I can't wait to chop that card into itty bitty smithereens. But I have to pay it off, first.There were several banks that were involved: Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual, Countrywide, etc.The question is how did this happen? The answer according to Les Leopold in "The Looting of America" is that Clinton reversed The Glass-Steagall Act which was passed in 1933 specifically to prevent this.Why did Clinton do this? $$$$$$$$$$$While I wasn't even in high school at the time the bill in question (Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act) was passed, when looking at the facts it seems a bit revisionist to say that "Clinton did this." He signed the bill into?law, but it was sponsored by Republicans and passed in a Republican majority Congress. If this was Democrat legislation, then maybe you could pin it on the President.What BofA and others did before 2008 crisis is an interesting but an entirely different subject from one I was pointing out.The fact is many of the modern giants started from very humble beginnings a hundred years (+/- 50 years) or so ago.It was a CAPITALIST system which allowed industrious and entrepreneurial individuals to accomplish this.?When somebody berates CAPITALISM I always tell them to check their facts.?It is SOCIALISM that stifles our economy today (though it's a new kind of socialism, a corporate one).?To fix this economy we need the CAPITALISM back.I know people who argue the great "recession" was caused primarily by congress legislating that banks give home loans to basically everybody, regardless of ability to pay. (no, I do not remember the name of the bill)Supposedly, the attempt was to provide lower income folks the ability to buy a house like it was actually a "right" to own property (apparently regardless of economic status or ability to actually meed one's?financial?obligations).The goal has never been to grant a "right" to everyone to own a property.?If you have a mortgage you don't have a "right" to own the collateral, the lender does (until after you paid off your debt).?Just look into foreclosure statistics and see how many have since disowned what they had no means to pay for.The goal was to accommodate the lenders and, at the time, even Alan Greenspan believed that there was no hyperinflation going on and that everything was just fine (market demand was regulating the price, so to say).?So, while bubble was getting closer to burst, everyone, including the advocates of unlimited lending, were assuming that this?housing?market was a Perpetuum Mobile incarnate of sound money making.?If you get into that mindset then you understand that they saw no risk in unlimited lending to anyone: What is the risk,they questioned,if the values perpetually go up? Anyone defaults on mortgage? So much better, that same house can now be auctioned off for even greater sum than original loan amount!Why such high ranking, decision making people had such a blurred vision is another question, but the goal to grant everyone a right to own a home wasn't one of their blunders (it was just a slogan to sell the mechanism).At one point in time (which we may be getting back to), banks actually looked at risk factors. If the numbers just didn't add up, the loan was simply not given.If I can find the ambition some time today, I will see if I can find out more about it, but my friends lay the entire issue at the governments doorstep, who (supposedly) forced lenders to make high risk loans. (I know, I should have the chapter and verse as well as citations lined up before I "speak")Before the collapse, I heard there were 50 year mortgages. I did not believe it until I looked it up and found it to be true. If a 40-50 y/o took a 50 year mortgage, there would be a reasonable chance they would never live long enough to pay it off.Re: 50 y/mortgage: but he would accumulate the collateral and would probably have a mortgage?insurance?or life insurance to pay off the balance or it would fall on those inheriting the property (who would most likely wish to assume the responsibility, given that there would be large equity built-up by the time of passing of the owner).?As long as there is no mass default there is no global problem with 50 year mortgages per se.As to first part: you are partially right,?government?did play a role in allowing this to happen, but it wasn't a proverbial 'Big Government' ordering sheepish lenders to obey the order and grant poor the right to own homes. There was a lot less idealistic/romantic motivation than a folk tale makes it to be.The decision was pragmatic and one universally supported by lenders. They DID look at risks and saw NONE: they were assuming that markets could never be wrong, that homes DID objectively rise and would keep rising in value, thus unlimited lending was seen as a good, solid, 100% winning bet, not even a gamble. Later it turned out to be a wrong assumption, but at the time it was what caused much of what happened.A lot of those whom you are used to seeing as "Big Capital" and "Ruling" had/were neither when they just started up.?Capitalism (REAL ONE) is a system that gives ANYONE opportunity to excel and reach the top.?It is NOT a system that rewards EVERYONE EQUALLY regardless of input, but neither does it obstruct anyone willing and able from reaching the top.?Wallmart and BofA are one of hundreds of examples you could find.A lot of people base their judgement on what is observed as a result and have no historical perspective. This is a simplistic view. Facts usually are needed to make sense of and better understand things.For example (Hypothetical, Year 20XX, Somewhere in US):A (Simplistic view): My neighbor drives Rolls Royce. He is a Lawyer. Lawyers and money rule!?But I won't be a Lawyer because tuition is 10 million dollars and?law?schools will only admit?children/relatives of lawyers or students who could contribute additional 50 million dollars to a school fund.B (Facts): My neighbor grew up in a poor family. His father died of stroke when he was 13. His father worked on and off, earned too little, aged fast and drunk a lot. But Law schools were still affordable and possible to get admitted to and his mother insisted he go study and become someone. He graduated and started as a?clerk?for a Judge. After 40 years he built a big practice. Now he is?driving?a Rolls Royce and has a team of 150 lawyers who work for him. At 62 he jogs, runs,doesn't smoke, feels perfect and has no plans to retire.QUESTION: Is it Lawyers per se or ability to contribute 50 millions to a school fund that Rule or is it the System that allowed able and talented person to learn the ropes, compete and earn his spot under the sun??If latter then why not restore it?Jeff, in Socialism not?government?but Private Citizenry own everything (so it is said, at least). Now, look at most of the huge, publicly held corporations, who owns them? The same Private Citizenry (via 401K's or larger portfolios).Just as in Socialism, no one individual really owns the majority of or even large portion of shares: the Executives who sit on Board and Manage the company do not really have any stakes in it, they do not really care where will company be tomorrow , as long as they get their perks and bonuses.?It was exactly same in Socialism: the managers of the plant or fabric , formally "appointed" and "serving" Citizenry didn't have any personal stakes in it and consequently couldn't care less about what would happen to the place tomorrow. People do mediocre job, plant is going bankrupt? Who cares, as long as managers can do some extra bucks! And people will get their salaries (until plant/fabric totally collapses) even if they waste their time gossiping, smoking and drinking a coffee.This is a REAL SOCIALIST mechanics of?business?operation , this is how things operate in SOCIALIST system.I don't think it will be around for too long, eventually these behemoths will fail (just the same way Socialist States did) and luckily these Big Corps are not a State, so when all is done and finished and these dinosaurs are gone we will have once again a real competition and small to mid-size businesses with owners having personal stakes, competing against each other and thriving , as they should in a TRUE CAPITALIST systems.Only some of Big Businesses may survive past this corporate socialism age (among them, I hope, will be AMICA, one of the best?insurance?companies out there).And, just in another parallel to company operated under Socialism:There too Managers were most of all concerned about how the company looked on paper (must show bigger number numbers of production every x number of months and years, no matter if the increase achieved at the expense of producing a total rubbish or long term failure of a plant, as long as it looked great on a paper today you were a hero).In a socialistic system, the citizenry as an entity own the means of production. If corporations have multiple owners, it is still capitalism, even if there are a large number of owners.IMHO, what the USA has is a flawed attempt at free market capitalism, with corporations using market dominance (monopoly, cartel) and cronyism to prevent a true free market from operating.I think that the bigger problem was the rise of unregulatedfinancial?institutions, as?investment?companies and sham companies like CountryWide started acting like banks but without the safeguards that?bank?regulations provide. The economy tanked when a relatively small number of foreclosures caused these types of companies to go under.We don't need a central bureaucratic office apparatchiks micromanaging businesses and telling?CEO's what to produce, how much to sell it for, at what profit margin etc.But, this being said, this should not mean that any business owner, including one who can do an enormous irreparable harm to millions, should have means and ability to do so with total impunity.If we could apply this simple principle to regulating the business then we could have all the benefits of Laissez-faire without the burden of Great Recessions, Depressions or what not.I don't know if I posted this upthread or not.People who have jobs can't leave them because there are no jobs out there.People who own homes can't leave them because they're hopelessly under water or there are no buyers.It's total stagnation of the economy, with the only ones making out well up at the top of the chain. The market seems to like the state of the economy and is completely disconnected from the consumer economy.When will it all change? It's been this way now for going on six years.From what I've seen of my company, there are a lot more people interested in making it look like they're doing work, than people who actually work. Most of the people who get promotions, are the ones who let someone else do the work, while they're in the office being chummy with the boss. Actually working isn't appreciated anymore, and sometimes, it's actually looked at like "who is this stick in the mud who is always working and never comes back to the office to socialize?"One guy recently got signed up for the management program...he was running a department, before. When he was in the department, he would spend a solid 6 hours of his 8 hour shift in the back "working." I can tell you, there is NO reason to be back there for 6 hours ONE day of the week, let alone 5. Promoted. Meanwhile the guys out front doing the heavy lifting? Might get a quarter an hour raise in 6 months...maybe.That's another sign of what I define as CORPORATE SOCIALISM (I coined this new term, you see).Although it is a Corporation, yet it has the essential characteristics of Socialist run organization.One of the telling signs is that real purpose of organization is to pretend that something productive being one, while everyone slacks and really does nothing. And better you "socialize" with management better your chances to get promoted: it's all about how you make them feel, not how you perform your tasks and duties (since company has no real viable-business?purpose your zeal in doing a hard good work is actually discouraged).This is what I call a Corporate Socialism.It will be a while before more and more people catch up with it, but I am glad that the increasing number of people notice things going on that defy logic and common sense.What terrifies me is the people who are totally oblivious to their surroundings and what is actually going on.When I was working, I was of the opinion that I was being paid to produce a product, not sit around socializing with people I didn't have much, if anything in common with. If work was slow, that would be the time to socialize...... though I would have rather be doing something else.A company I worked at was in the habit of giving a slap in the face (called "raises") of 5 Cents to 25 cents an hour. One time, I commented to my boss about not being kept up with cost of living. During the conversation, my boss made the comment that some people had to be "taken care of". I held my tongue, but was thinking very loudly "that obviously means you don't value what I do here".......That particular boss had the propensity of doing things other than work (as far as I could tell) while in his office. When I had a question and rounded the corner to his office, I got into the habit of standing at the door for a moment so he could close whatever he was doing on his?computer?while thinking he was pulling one over on me. If it related to actual work, no need to shut down whatever it was......The unemployment numbers are ridiculously inaccurate, however. 20 million people have NO job. How many million more are making minimum wage? How many million after that are making under $12/hr? How can society be happy with "well, they have a job," when there is NO WAY that that person can survive on what they make? Rent,?food, gas...god forbid you have dependents. There is NO WAY to afford this. So how many people are on some sort ofgovernment?program that subsidies their needs? And this is OK?It's like there's about 10% of "haves," and they're sucking every last drop out of the "have a littles," who are desperately trying to tread water, because they're scared as heck of being the "have nots."Carlin did a bit on this, you should you tube it. A man far before his time.The more I think the more I realize that this is not the worst times we have seen, those times are still ahead.These are interesting times, for sure. But as ancient?Chinesecurse goes "May you live in interesting times"Some Doomsday economist authors say that will probably happen in 20 years. First, SS will be broke by then. Second, the inheritance money will have run out. Third, the Yuan will have replaced the dollar.However, the?government?has hedged their bets. Obama reversed Posse Comitatus in 2011, which allows him to use the Army in case of civil unrest.?Homeland Security?has ordered 1.9 BILLION bullets and not a soul around these parts thinks that has anything to do with the official story of saving money. LOL!The Bureau of Labor Statistics does actually quantify unemployment in every way you can think of. The major issue is that the media likes to report on the narrowest measure of unemployment. If they ever give depth to the unemployment statistics by mentioning age, sex, industry, duration, etc., they usually do so in a disjointed?fashion?that makes it difficult for the average news consumer to piece together a full picture. I don't see it as anyone, the news or the?government, as lying to the people - most of the country apparently just doesn't demand the right kind of reporting.No, shut up we shall not. The best treasured thing we have (which no Lord-Almighty Job giver has control over) is our Free Speech. And that I am not giving up for anything.?I may be forced to sit and do nothing, but shut up I will not.According to 2012 Census Bureau estimates the population of DC Metropolitan area is 5,860,342I look for jobs within 25 miles of DC , which has population greater than 1 million.Despite many job adds, job market here is a joke. Every?HRyou ask will tell you they get 100-200 applications for each advertised position.?Some jobs have ridiculous requirements vs tasks performed, "Maters required , PhD preferred" to do some High School level works.?Hundreds of others require active top clearance and I am thinking with so many people doing "top secret" how do they keep anything secret?I try to apply to those jobs that best match my individual skills and abilities, with no TS or PHD nonsense.Just average jobs that I know for certain I can be good at and which doesn't require jumping through the hoops, having active TSC or multiple PhD's.Still, no matter what I apply for, it is the same idiotic software that asks the same 50 questions to create a profile and then you upload a resume, click submit and to black hole it goes. Occasionally I get "You are a great candidate but we decided to go with still better candidate", but most often it is just nothing.I don't know if I agree that there are more incompetent people than there used to be. I would agree that companies are less interested in?customer service?than they used to be.Why do think that the theory of functional stupidity is not viable?Interesting. Once in awhile you say something intelligent.My last gig was Outside Sales for a Fortune 5-- company. I saw first hand what these types of comps were trying to do. Made me sick.1. Tell the cust what they should buy even if it's bad for them. As long as it's good for the comp. Only when the cust has had enough and is about to leave and use a competitor will the comp give in.Every policy is geared toward the company's bottom line which in turn favors the investor.The stories I could tell but the women and?children?here would have nightmares.Never again for me.But the measures used are not reflecting a full picture.?It may be good for investors, but not in the long run.In the short run? Sure. Expenses down, profits up - that's all you need to increase the value of the stock. But eventually running what you do will catch up with you.#1. Ever lower wages and fired workers mean less buying buying power, less money to?chase?on the market. Provide best service in the world and manufacture the product ever , who are you going to sell it to if there are no buyers for it? One wealthy man is but one man and he can buy for himself, may be for his family and friends, but that will be miniscule portion of his assets - the rest he will put away (either save or invest somewhere). So, without mass consumer able to buy your goods, who are you going to sell it too?#2. Consistently inferior?customer service?and products will eventually (though not immediately) turn your customers away.?It may take 20 attempts to sell your?customer?what is bad for them, and they may keep buying from you (old habits die hard, thinking and looking for a competitor is hard, people are lazy and will accept what you throw at them etc), but eventually you will have them fed up and they will find a way to get even with you. May be stop using your product/service and just save precious money instead of spending (this is actually what happened in USSR before its' collapse: because products and services were very inferior, people just saved all their money instead of buying anything. Before hyperinflation , which forced people to get rid of their savings, there was accumulation of enormous amount of money in savings accounts because there were no good quality products or services people were willing to give up for.If Fortune 500's decided to go that route how would it benefit investors in the long run?Your posting above is very well written. Great on paper.When the tide turns and the majority of buyers change their buying habits then Companies will adjust also. They will have to.See, Greed is ok. Nothing wrong with alittle greed. Your Grandfather's era. But now, now we are in a period where it's beyond greed. Take everything mentality! Let's call it Predatory Capitalism. It's what Fortune 500 companies are practicing now. Massive Layoffs, high prices, tell thecustomer?what's good for them, raise that stock price.A?CEO?isn't rewarded for the long haul. They're rewarded for getting the stock price up. Since they're often in their 50's or 60's who cares once their done. Heck, since it's enough to retire why should they care if they were in their 40's.Sign the?contract, give it a go for a few years, and if it doesn't work out, well, no harm, no foul, for the CEO. The massive paychecks, except for the guys who just want to be CEO, almost guarantee this behavior.And, if they break a few eggs, employees, well the employees aren't signing his check.Which is why they emphasize cutting costs, which raises the profit immediately, rather than developing new products, which may take years to make money for the company. The Worst Idea Ever was for companies to give the bulk of the CEO?compensation?as stock options. Unfortunately, tax laws encourage this ultimately harmful method.And might I add: stop being so picky about the length of time people have been out of work. There are many legitimate reasons why we may be unemployed! For me, I had to quit my job and take full-time care of a terminally ill parent for three years. I didn't choose to do it- I HAD to.For others, it may be a child or spouse that needs help. Or they may just be laid off at no fault of their own. Have a heart!Unfortunately, capitalist businesses could care less about having a heart. Given the state of the economy, they have the pick of the litter when it comes to?hiring. There are tons of qualified, experienced,?college-educated people out there all scratching and clawing for a the same job in many instances - they can take whoever they want, and then simply toss the rest of the resumes...It sucks, but its a reality. I know, I have a bachelors and a masters, and I cant find a decent?entry level?"administrative" job anywhere. I've probably sent out 100+ resumes and cover letters in the last 18 months, only to get no replies, never mind an interview.In fact all jobless people should go online and write about their experiences.Why help shysters to pretend that we have a good job market where there are less people unemployed today than there were 5 years ago?After N amount of time and XYZ number of resumes send via indeed (with steps 1,2 and 3 already passed through) I decided to contact the workforce agency, hoping they would assist me and do something I haven't done yet.?When i asked what they do they told me: 1,2 and 3.Don't go there again and make that mistake twice.They just don't have it. I'm glad they have their govt job and benefits because most of them couldn't make it in the private sector.Time to take the cat for a walk.I read that some?airlinesnow deliberately hire older people in an effort to save money on retirement and pensions. . =)That is so despicable. But hey, if it gets us a job=)The most frustrating thing for me is when a job listing says "Entry Level" or "junior" and then asks for 3-5 years experience.That isn't an?entry?level job. That's a job for someone who entered 3-5 years ago. #FacePalm3-5 years is Entry Level today.I like the * must be capable of working independently. Makes me think that the training budget went the way of the company picnic.Today, somebody, who knows somebody got a job.I got another rock.Be optimistic (or rather realistic).Think of it this way: today another action was taken that was against the long term purposes of existingbusiness: some moron was hired to do a job I could do better, just because they know him/her personally but didn't know me.The "inertia" goes only so far, there is only so much fuel to run with executives and?hiring?managers doing everything against what business exists to do.?At some point (and you may be surprised, the point is not remote in future) these behemoths will fail.Once these behemoths fail and markets crash things WILL change for better (because it won't work as it does now and it will no longer benefit anyone, while it still benefits many).Our?energy, abilities and more will be required in time.Too bad for those who near the retirement age: by the time things change for better you will be out of workforce: my only advise to you - cash on your 401K before these behemoths are done. It will be worse than what happened with the?housing?market.In 2012 there were no alternatives.?Mitt Romney was exact same candidate as Obama (in terms of what he would have pursued?economics?wise). The only benefit of Romney being in office would bethat people would realize these are not exactly "liberal" policies (whereas for now they think so).Back in 2008 there were alternatives. I strongly advocated candidacy of Hillary Clinton but no one cared about her credentials or how well country did when her husband was President. Everyone got over-excited with a young candidate with zero?executive?experience.?I hoped McCain would win at last, but he lost too...Now we are stuck without President (unlike those in known circles who dislike this current President for his color , I criticism him for lack of leadership and for pandering to the very same people who brought economy to this impasse).Anyway, good thing is: such policies will not continue indefinitely. May be few more years, but inevitable it will bring to crash of market and from there the necessity to adopt policies that get out out of this mess.Hilary Clinton would not have been much different. Ron Paul was the way to go, but people were too busy passing him off as that "crazy old guy". The same people that were throwing rocks at him for his take/solution on the economy, are the same people who are now wishing politicians would do the same thing he advised. Why do we need the?federalreserves again??? And if you think your "vote" still counts, I got some bits and some blinders over here for you.Yes I realize I contradicted myself, but at this point I don't care. Votes don't get you heard, having your face be seen and your voice heard, and hitting them where it hurts the most.. their pockets, does.I've read that a company will pretend it is seeking more employers to satisfy the board members of the company - to give the appearance that the company is growing.Another rant, sorry I have a lot on my mind right now. Working at this retail job has made me really hate some things about this country. I'm a single woman trying desperately to work and support herself. I've never considered?government?aid because I feel I would be taking it from people who really need it. However, my opinion on this is starting to change.?I see people come into this store on the regular?drivingcadillacs and carrying coach purses. They have a gazillion kids (the money makers), and are using EBT cards instead of the wads of one hundred dollar bills in their purses and pockets. These people are blatantly ripping off the government and the taxpayers. I'm having a quarter of my minimum wage paycheck taken to feed this people who don't need this assistance.?I'm not against government aid. As many people there are who scam the government there are tons who actually NEED the aid to eat.?However I guess it's just the area I'm in. I see these scammers everyday and I get so angry. Here I am struggling to live and do things right and these people just take it easy on the taxpayers.?Note: this isn't a political post. This is just me ranting about things I've seen at my place of work?Yes you are not getting it for free, you are paying into the system. As humiliating as it was, I used ebt for 6 months, the first time I got laid off a few years back. I after it ended I didn't reapply, I had gotten hired elsewhere the same week it ended. I have not used it since.Hey, if you absolutely need it there's no shame in using it. EBT should be used to help people in difficult situations get back on their feet. Once they are out of that situation, they need to stop using it because other people need it as well.I'm not against EBT. I'm against the EBT scammers.No trust me I get you, I was telling you if you need go ahead and apply. You're right people abuse the system all the time! You've got people who treat that crap like it's a heritage. Just have a baby, all it takes is one,?food, rent, utilities,etc all paid for. Even schooling (if they even choose to go, some only go to get finanical aid back, then disappear for the rest of the semester.)Sad part is Obama doesn't want to cut entitlements to those people?driving?a Cadillac.He wants people like me with a job to pay more taxes as he wants to increase hand outs to these lazy bums that milk the system.I know that life is unfair. I think all of us know that. I just look around and see things that don't make much sense to me. I have a friend who has a degree, but is looking for any type of job she can find. She just got rejected from Walmart because she is overqualified. Then I have a friend who just graduated from?college, with a horrible GPA (was on academic probation a majority of her undergrad years), but she got multiple job offers immediately. Some things seem awfully backwards. I looked for a job for well over two years, and I got all kinds of rejections. I didn't have enough experience for jobs in my field, but for jobs outside my field, they didn't want to train me just to have me leave. The new jobs here are not professional jobs...our job creation seems to be mostly retail and restaurant, and, contrary to popular belief, if you have a degree it's not automatically easy to just land a job by applying.I was reading an article the other day and one of the commentators, I think he used to politician of some sort, commented that it was the failing of thecollege?student when they couldn't find a job. That students with real degrees weren't having problems.That politician should shove it. I am in DC area. I know people with Masters' out of GW (costs around $40K-$45K per year) who can't find a job, any job and feel lucky when taking low paying?entry level?jobs far outside of their field of study. How is it their fault? They went to college, they got good grades, they graduated and can't find a job now. 200-300 individuals apply for each job opening,HR's?hiring?only insiders who are in 'network', what is student to do??If someone threw a brick at this politician and then blamed him for his injury too, I wonder what would he say then.New Jersey, from what I hear, is a H1B pit. And from what I see in these parts, looking at?data?type searches in the resume section, my guess is that it is extremely not pretty from a H1B perspective. My guess is roughly 70% of the resumes.BI/data is a phenomenal fit for me given my background but I think I'm going to have to give up on the idea.Anyways, good luck, and trust no one.Read more about?labor?force participation rate and less about unemployment rate.?Get this: unemployment rate WILL GROW when there is more labor participation and job growth because greater number of people will be actively looking for jobs (thus adding to official 'unemployment' rate).?The reason we get reports that unemployment rate decreased since recovery and hasn't changed recently is that those who didn't loose jobs recently simply GAVE UP looking for jobs: thus contributing to decrease of unemployment rate.?This is misleading picture and does not reflect the actual reality of great number of active working age population being thrown out of the labor participation.Here is a link to Fed Reserve publication in San Francisco. It sheds some light on the issue (though I consider it overly optimistic about anticipated renouncing, in light of?datashowing steep decline in labor participation among 25-54 y/o).Years ago there were jobs and a genuine need to fill those positions.Now, there are no jobs (literally net loss of jobs this year and steep decline in?labor?participation since 2007).?So, what you have now are miserable?HR?people trying to enact their BDSM fantasies during the interviews and thus getting some relief from being subjected to the same by their superiors.Exactly!! I haven't been able to get a job because it seems the employers are soooo worried on why I had not been working for a whole year. WELL GUESS WHAT EMPLOYERS, WE AS HUMAN BEINGS SUFFER LOSSES IN OUR FAMILIES, HAVE?FINANCIALPROBLEMS, AND ETC ETC ETC WITH our personal lives!!!!Oh, and it just frustrates me so bad that even though you take your much detailed RESUME, you still have to fill out their 10 PAGE APPLICATION EVEN THOUGH THEY ARE NOT EVEN GOING TO HIRE YOU!!! Aren't they basically the same thing???!!Uuugghh!!! That felt great to vent :-)Oh Lord don't even get me started on that! Don't forget the personality tests. Funny part is, the people who pass it don't seem to have much of a personality at all.Rick Perry is kind of like what we have here, only on the other side of the aisle. He pretty much has a job for life, he's as career as career politicians get, and you'll simply never get him out of there (I hear he's retiring though) and the likely replacement is probably worse.Here in California, we have Jerry Brown, a rerun, and his likely replacement, Gavin Newsom is definitely not an upgrade.A while back (guessing 6 months or more), someone started a thread along the lines of the emotional toll this economy has taken on many of us. I suspect it would be fair to say the toll has gotten worse since we simply are not seeing the "improvement" the press is telling us is here.Being part of a now forgotten and very much ignored group of long term unemployed, well, the frustration comes and goes.What say we all march on DC and replace the flaming idiots called congress? We could collect their pay and benefits and live in their houses. Let those clueless jerks live on the street for about 3 years (or even the rest of their lives).Replacing Congress sounds like a good idea, but rather than march on DC all is needed is for every voter to understand that those ballot boxes are not some idle novelty that some stupid people throw paper in and then count, but those are actual places where you go to choose your destiny. And that KNOWING matters. That you must have critical thinking abilities to be able to select the candidate most fit to represent you and do your bidding once elected.We have beautiful Constitution and every right and opportunity to change things for better. All we need to do is understand our responsibility and do what it takes to bring positive changes: vote for the right candidates and not for those who only make things worse for us.Though this country was founded by revolution (and arguably terrorism), those means would not actually be very feasible for this country in this age. How many people now (in this country) would actually be willing to give their lives and fortunes (literally) as the founding fathers did?Congress has had "issues" for what, well over 100 years, known for more self-service than for service to those who elected them....I will admit to having only have a?general, rather than in-depth understanding of history, so my contributions to political/historical issues will be rather limitedUnlike founders we don't need to make a revolution: they did it for us and left us a mechanism to better our lives via civil participation in elections (that's why they left us a Constitution).But, without looking at current statistics, I would say (off the top of my head) that between 1/3 to 2/3 of population doesn't participate in elections.Of those who participate only handful are well aware , focused, know the issues, candidates and what they vote for.?Many vote based on slogans and with little to no understanding of what or who they vote for.I had a conversation with one idealistic youth last year who was telling me how intelligent and great such and such elected official is. I said ok, I have an open mind, would you proceed to tell me why that official is smart as you say it is?Answer was 'because that official is smart' and nothing else. That person had no idea why they thought the candidate they voted for is smart. They probably heard it on radio or TV and were merely repeating it.That's where the problem is.I would would basically agree with your above statements, especially about people being basically unaware of what the candidates stand for. After busy days, not many folks have the time or?energy?to research the candidates. Voting records vs tv sound bite don't jive much of the time.Even a great candidate with the best intentions can make little difference these days. Elections need money and all the politicians, whether they be one political affiliation or another, have to be in line with the big corporations that funded them. That's why I just shake my head when people believe their president has all this power, good or bad.I do miss the days when a president would at least come on television and act like a leader; lay out a plan that he wants to push through Congress...another big freaking joke!I fear it's going to take a collapse like what we saw in the 1930's before anything truly changes. Only then will big corporation cry foul because people will no longer have the money to even buy the basics.I would would basically agree with your above statements, especially about people being basically unaware of what the candidates stand for. After busy days, not many folks have the time or?energy?to research the candidates. Voting records vs tv sound bite don't jive much of the time.That's because they don't really stand for anything other than claiming a political party. It's no wonder people have become so apathetic. We don't have candidates, we have interchangeable cyborgs who will stand for whatever they need to get elected. Then once elected, they are free to focus on what really matters: campaigning for reelection.I would would basically agree with your above statements, especially about people being basically unaware of what the candidates stand for. After busy days, not many folks have the time or?energy?to research the candidates. Voting records vs tv sound bite don't jive much of the time.The culprit is not long day of work, the culprit is a culture.From what I understand farming was an awfully tough job to do and required more working hours than what is considered a 'full time' now. Yet, there was a lot more participation in years past (when US was still very agricultural country) than there is now.Notice that I do not suggest that doing occupation ( farming or not) is a cause, I merely bring an example of how greater numbers of time dedicated to hard work didn't prevent our predecessors' from more meaningfully participating in political life.Something has changed, along cultural lines, we have a large mass of population who does not feel anything about their civil duty as citizenry and takes it for granted that politics is a dirty work that is reserved for crooked and your vote means nothing.Another culprit is Edward Bernays and if you read his book 'Propaganda' you will understand is as far as what caused a mass apathy and total ignorance of civic duties on part of many.I will always say that everything needed to make America Great and restore pride in it and its' people is in our Constitution and the true Capitalist system that put this country on its' feet and made it one without a rival in the whole world.?If and when Americans realize it this country will be Great again.I find it totally and thoroughly unconchable that politicians run on one platform and do the exact opposite once in office. Just about every single one of them should be in jail for worse offenses than some of the folks already behind bars.I do think at least some (perhaps most) of that frustration of "what's the point, they are just going to do whatever they want" prevails now. "We" (the American public) perhaps used to actually have more of a say in the process than now.You have the power of vote. The more you educate yourself on issues more valuable your choice will be (for your own sake).The American people do have the same say today as they did earlier, it is just many are mostly withdrawn and of those who still participate how many you know that have critical judgement of candidates they vote for (rather than repeating soundbites and voting along party lines?Actually, not really, votes don't mean as much as perhaps they once did. I did vote in the last MD election: every single item I voted for was voted down in this extreme democratic state. My "say" was successfully drowned out.For example, instead of raising taxes, people like us should be put back to work. The effect would be that the state would collect more taxes without having to raise tolls and gas taxes. Where's that stance in MD (or?federal) politicsActually, not really, votes don't mean as much as perhaps they once did. I did vote in the last MD election: every single item I voted for was voted down in this extreme democratic state. My "say" was successfully drowned out.For example, instead of raising taxes, people like us should be put back to work. The effect would be that the state would collect more taxes without having to raise tolls and gas taxes. Where's that stance in MD (or?federal) politics?What makes you think your votes don't mean as much as before??The number of people who vote for the same thing as you do may be much greater than the number of those who vote for what you vote for.?What you should do (instead of wrongly assuming that your vote mean less than before), is to think critically and really try to understand one or another issue you vote for.?You could also talk to those around you who you disagree with. Ask them, why do they vote the way they do?Very often people will create a clique where only like-minded people gather and they will endlessly reinforce the common opinion with no one ever challenging or asking them to show?data?and back up their opinion on reasonable grounds.I personally am politically independent (not even Independent Party independent, but independent in an absolute sense of the word) and I try to assess issues and candidates strictly based on what data I can gather and what reasonable conclusion the latter lead me to.It was just a gut feeling about votes Perhaps not counting as much.Trust me, I do not have the time,?energy?nor patience to attempt to discuss politics with the extreme liberals. Which is why I typically leave politics alone. The more I look at how things seem to actually work, the more frustrated I get and the further I need to get away from it.There are better uses for my time than a heated political "discussion" where nobody's opinions are swayed.As a?general?rule, the healthy political debate should occur among reasonable people, among those who sincerely try to get better understanding, educate and get educated, and learn to defend their views on reasonable grounds (as opposed to hype, trends, sound bites and what not).None of it negates the fact that unless we have better understanding of issues and consequences of choices we make,and unless we use our voting power wisely we will be no better off in improving our living conditions than a herd of domestic cattle; and for this, my fellow indeed posters, we have no one else to blame than ourselves.?This is one thing we are definitely collectively guilty of.John , you drop the relevant subject as a hot potato but you also complain that things don't work the way you wish they did and everything is a complete mess. That's like having a cake and eating it too. But you can't have it both ways.?If you drop politics as a hot potato (which is completely up to you and your right to do so) then you lose grounds to complain of the outcome.With my political views in such obvious conflict with the majority of this state, I do, indeed, feel powerless to change anything. So, yes, I say things are not the way I want, but my energies really should be elsewhere. The majority of folks I know have similar views as I do. Those who don't have no desire to see things change. There are other things I should be worrying about changing before other people's minds on politics. I am not nor do I want to be an activist. It would appear you would do much better at that than I. So, I am quite content to leave the battles up to those who wish to fight.John, there is a State just across Potomac river (VA) which is on the other end of political spectrum. If political climate here is too stiffing to you have you thought of moving there??That State, btw, has lower UE rate than MD (around 5% vs 7.1% in MD as of May 2013).I don't want to say that I like what MD has come to lately, but I still think the level of tolerance here for various opinions is much higher (in case if you don't share the views of dominating party) than if you went to VA and dared to speak your mind in slightest disagreement of what Politburo over there endorsed.Lastly, I don't suggest 300 million people or even majority of voting population to become a political activist. Since when voting and using a grey matter in your skull to comprehend issues and know who you vote for is equated with "activism"??I simply say that everything is in the hands of the voters who should take their civic responsibility seriously and thoughtfully. Or else don't complain of the outcomes.I mean absolutely no offense, but what I mean by "activism" in this case is that your primary topic by far has been politics. That is a form of activism. Generally, there are other concerns and topics people like to talk about here other than that sole thing.Yes, I have noticed the various comments people have made along the lines of "there are more appropriate boards to discuss things like politics". I am also more than ready to move on from having politics being the sole point of discussion here as well.My brother used to live in VA and was generally not impressed though he is less impressed with where he now lives. Any potential moves on my part are complicated by "owning" a house number one. Two, unless I moved in with family, there would likely not be a place I could live other than the street. From what I've heard,?apartment?complexes now like to docredit?checks (perhaps they always have, I don't remember). Without an income, I would not be able to rent or buy a house.Political speech, under First Amendment , is one of the specifically protected speeches (along with Satire) and , under our Constitution and form of?government?, is one which is rather encouraged (despite the popular belief to the contrary).You have equal right not to participate in any debate and discussion and not to voice your opinion, just as I have mine to do the very opposite.The best way to proceed (in instances where someone posts something you don't want to engage yourself in discussing) is to simply ignore such posts and not reply to the poster at all.If you do so then no one can insist you act contrary to your will and force you to still be a part of a discussion.Hope this helps.I will try to keep in mind that a "simple" change topic request is now considered "squelching free speech". (attempt at humor!)Seriously though, I never said you "could not" talk about whatever you want to. And I am still responding for some reason. I guess it's a way for me to keep somewhat entertained for a few minutes......Why are you altering the meaning of what I wrote and allude to what is not there?If you want to change the topic why would you even ask me about it?As long as you are frustrated, looking for a job and want to impersonally "rant" to that effect you are free to post whatever you will (that's under indeed guidelines).You may also choose to respond, make a joke, keep yourself entertained for few or any number of minutes , that's all up to you (and indeed admins).But if reply to me and state something that sounds unreasonable to me then I will reply to you accordingly.Another viable party needs to emerge. The GOP seems hellbent on suicide.I think today that the Democrats are the much saner party. We tend, because we want to be fair, to lump the Democrats as extreme, just in a different way, and sure, they have their guys, but the party, and most of it's platform is pretty mainstream these days, at least in my opinion.Now, at the state level, especially in California, I would, almost, agree. The problem is that guys like Newsom, Brown, etc. aren't radical Liberal by classic standards. They are just made out to be Satan because of where our politics have shifted to.None of that should be taken as an endorsement of the California Democratic party. I think they need to go, in the worst way, but absent changes by the GOP it's not going to happen.The greatest ironies of all, of course, is the fact that USA is founded on Liberal principles and the founders were Liberals in the strongest meaning of the word.?If you are not Liberal you are in effect against the founding principles , against what the USA is based on.I wonder what exactly meant when people use word "Liberal" today (which, I perceive, is some sort of a curse word shunned by many as a plague, a contamination).Is it possible that what is described as Liberal today is not actually Liberal but is a straw man designed to discredit what true Liberal principles stand for?How is it even conscionable that in a country built on Liberal principles and Constitution, many are ashamed and apprehensive of being associated with anything remotely perceived as Liberal?Some things are just surreal....Both parties are equally insane and anyone who wants to run under one of them has no interest in making a difference, but wants the power. The whole system is f'ed up beyond repair.Up until the end of the Clinton?admin?at least one party (Democrats) wanted something for the common good, for the country besides the power for themselves.But after Clinton it seems as if Dems said "Down with it, we will just be like Republicans from now on, we will sell our souls to the highest bidder and Devil may care about the country and its' future!"Sad reality.What I see as pure blood "Republicans" today is indeed extreme. As I mentioned earlier, if Reagan was in office today they would brand him RINO and more forcefully demand his impeachment than they did Clinton in 90's.On "Democratic" end, when people speak of "extremes" I wonder who or what exactly do they refer to and what is the platform/ideas/goals of such a Democratic party member who is an "extremist"??For all I can see, Democrats are running to the right in an endless race to outdo Republicans, just so they can get their turn polishing their pants on chairs (look at current job market, trillions of dollars wasted in bail out of huge companies and so on).this will be my last comment on the subject.One of the many definitions of conservative:1. favouring the preservation of established customs, values, etc,The colonies believed in tradition. They also believed in God as Christians and left Britain because Britain was taking their freedoms away.They believed in god which is why "In God We Trust" is on our currency.Separation of?church?and state was meant to be the State should not have rule over religious beliefs not the other way around.I made a comment in this forum to discuss jobs and the lack of work in our country, not to have a political debate.I will not respond again...everI would strongly suggest (by all means , just a suggestion) we keep racial controversy out of this "jobseeker rant" page unless it has direct relation to employment related themes.My 2 cents: it is tragic that public seems incapable of considering criminal cases with color-blind eyes.What happened in Florida? In Florida one man shot another at close range without any witness telling the jury exactly what happened. Shooting has resulted in death of the party being shot at. In Florida the?Law?says that you can use deadly force if you perceive threat of bodily harm (not threat to life , but mere threat of bodily harm, a lot lesser threshold). The party that used weapon (defendant) had shown photographs that show bodily harm inflicted (bloody scratches/scars on back of head, broken nose) and defendant claimed that he feared of more bodily harm.?There was no direct witness at the scene to credibly challenge the accuracy of defendant's testimony.?Prosecution failed to produce credible evidence that could convince jury beyond reasonable doubt that defendant murdered the victim out of ill will, malice or other illegal cause, without threat of harm.Jury, based on FL law (which allows the use of deadly force if threat of bodily injury exists) and based on lack of credible evidence on part of Prosecution to challenge the testimony of defendant, found latter not guilty of crime as charged.If you think the law is bad you may share your point of view and articulate it , but you can't blame justice/court?for carrying it out.?If court acted against the law then such arguments would have basis, but as far as any reasonable person can see the court merely executed the letter of law (acting otherwise would be to break the law).The debate (whether deadly force @ threat of bod.harm is justified) should be carried out without mixing race into it. IMHO.It is appalling how public gets divided across racial lines when any criminal case gets publicized (where victim and alleged perpetrator are of different race).Look at facts of case, evidence and judge based on it and the existing?law. The color of parties involved is irrelevant !So, gonna gripe. I went to the doctor's office last month. I have coverage (386/mo) and I'm getting the bills which are totaling $700. I'm looking at the bill and it makes no sense, everything is rounded, and I think, all in their favor.They've just gone Office Space on me, legally.Oh, and I now have a preexisting condition. I don't think it's anything that's gonna kill me anytime soon, or probably ever, but it's something that could surely be used to deny coverage at some point.Medical care in the United States is complete 8S. When I show up for something like this what can I do? Can I shop the charges? What are the charges when I'm getting the order to go take the test? I'm thinking about demanding their charge list so I can make informed decisions on costs next time I need anything from them. Nope, don't want that blood test, or that blood test, that one is OK.Absolutely ridiculous and 1/2 this country is too stupid to grasp this.Maybe I should go on Medi-Cal.You absolutely can shop the charges and if more people did, medical costs would come down. My niece is a medical biller and she gets 10 calls a day from people who say, "I need to see a doctor, how much for an office visit, if I am paying cash?". Many doctors will give you a price break for cash now.You can shop for tests. I needed a stress test done and I shopped around and had prices quoted from $375 to $1,000.You can also shop for prescription drugs. In California,Costco?is tough to beat. Here, I can run across the border for one of my meds. Here it is $45.00 for a 90 day supply. An hour from me, across the border, its $6.00. Its the same medication but in a different box.Some now check as they slide your?insurance?card and tell you right there if your out of pocket exceed a co-pay. You then can say "Ok, I accept" or reject the service.It's another house of cards that is brewing for trouble. I remember when the med insurance used to cost $25 per paycheck , with $10 co-pay and zero deductibles.Now you pay few hundred dollars a month (if you are lucky) and then there are deductibles, higher co-pays and 20% out of pocket charges and what not.I hear a lot of people with insurances put off doctor visits until they just reach the point where they must be taken to an emergency. And whatever Obamacare is, I think it will be delayed until he leaves the office and then they will repeal it. Not even sure what the benefits of that?law?is to an average citizen.I have a catastrophic policy with a $3,000 deductible. I am fine if I get hit by a bus but anything else, is on my dime. I can't run to the doctor for every sniffle.Obviously, I have to follow all the?dietary?guidelines andexercise?but anything like rock climbing, bungee jumping or hang gliding is out.That's what I used to do. I stayed with?Kaiser?because I've been with them so long but I can't do $4,500/year.One of the interesting things about Obamacare is that a lot of people are predicting there will be a ton of retirements from the work force. People won't need to work at a crappy job just to get medical coverage. It might be a boon to some segments of the unemployed.I'm really curious how it will all play out. There are so many "experts" out there that are certain it's going to go a certain way. All I know is that the current situation blows!?I have a catastrophic policy with a $3,000 deductible. I am fine if I get hit by a bus but anything else, is on my dime. I can't run to the doctor for every sniffle.Obviously, I have to follow all the?dietary?guidelines andexercise?but anything like rock climbing, bungee jumping or hang gliding is out.And if anything happens when you are paying your own bills, you will find out just how greedy doctors are. I was in the same boat, and sprained my ankle and some radiologist charged $600 for spending a minute or 2 checking my x-rays. And I only had those x-rays taken because the GP decided that she wanted her own x-rays rather than using the ones that the urgent care center had taken!!!That's what I used to do. I stayed with?Kaiser?because I've been with them so long but I can't do $4,500/year.One of the interesting things about Obamacare is that a lot of people are predicting there will be a ton of retirements from the work force. People won't need to work at a crappy job just to get medical coverage. It might be a boon to some segments of the unemployed.I'm really curious how it will all play out. There are so many "experts" out there that are certain it's going to go a certain way. All I know is that the current situation blows!I have always said that having medical?insurance?should have never been based on whether you have a job or not. I don't pretend to know the solution, but we all are paying for the uninsured anyway by our high premiums etc. Of course pharmaceutical companies and big insurance are reporting profits in the stratosphere.But yes...there are people that work to just have the insurance. As I side note to that, some of us lost a huge portion of our savings to keep our family insured after losing a job.I hear a lot of people with insurances put off doctor visits until they just reach the point where they must be taken to an emergency. And whatever Obamacare is, I think it will be delayed until he leaves the office and then they will repeal it. Not even sure what the benefits of that?law?is to an average citizen.I don't see why primary care visits aren't 100% free, for every person, all the time. Provided the feedback cycle of "cut reimbursement for procedure, doctors order more procedures to increase revenue, etc." is broken first, increased access to preventative/wellness visits with your PCP should decrease?healthcare?spending overall. What costs more:?counseling?a person to eat and?exercise?better or a triple bypass surgery? A blood test or rounds of chemotherapy? (Yes, I realize my view is somewhat utopian and would require a change in how we compensate allied?health?professionals and/or zero corruption in ordering unnecessary tests and procedures.)Benefit of the Affordable Care Act for the "average citizen:" Access to healthcare despite pre-existing condition(s). Benefit of the Affordable Care Act for the "younger average citizen:" Ability to stay on parent(s)' plan until an age typically able to pay their own way. Benefit of the Affordable Care Act for the "low-income citizen:" Access to healthcare, period. (Will stop relying on the ER for care.) I wish the law were bipartisan (even though that doesn't exist these days), but it's not without [intended] benefits for "average people."Ever since doctors started getting hurt by what has happened to healthcare, they are indeed padding the visits with unnecessary tests and prescribing meds for every darn thing (I rarely fill the prescription given me unless truly necessary). Also, my doctor makes me come in every three months for a check-up in order to refill the one stupid anti-depressant I take and have been taking for nearly 10 years with no ill effects. The man doesn't even listen to my heart or lungs most of the time. I get weighed and blood pressure is taken by his nurse. I have no problems with either. I know my doctor is just trying to keep his head above water.I don't think most doctors are struggling. My husband had to pay $1800 for a plastic mouthpiece for his TMJ problem.Health?or?dental?insurance?doesn't cover a cent. That doesn't include the other related costs. Why so much for a piece of plastic? I told them that I can buy a few computers for that price and I got a dirty look LOL. I sure wasn't expecting $1800. Oh, and they expect payments of $308 a month. How many people do you know with an extra $308 laying around? Most of us are just getting by.With medical prices that high, so many people are going to go without that could really need medical treatment.I was reading an article yesterday about this economist Peter Schiff and a book he wrote about the economy and recession called "The Real Crash - America's coming bankruptcy."I don't know about Peter Schiff and I usually take any alarmist book with a spoonful of salt, but there are basically two things that could be troublesome:1. Reserve and Excess reserve.Reserve: Banks only required to keep a small fraction of their assets in Fed reserve (10% or so) and this allows them to sort of buy an?insurance?and make greater amount of loans. This was instituted to prevent the sort of panic and defaulting that took place?during great market crash early XX century.For decades Banks kept only enough in reserve as required and loaned as much as they were allowed, because that's how banks made money.After TARP and buyouts, banks got really scared and since Feds pay interest on reserve (while lending is too risky) they decided to just pile up all the reserve. Currently we have, I think, an excess in an amount of $1.8 Trillion dollars.It is reasonably assumed that at some point banks may decide to loan this money again (instead of rusting it and collecting s small interest from Fed) and if this amount of money hits the market as an avalanche it could cause an inflation of unseen before proportions. That will make your life savings lose value overnight and it's hard to imagine how things could unfold under this scenario, but by all means it would not be a pleasant experience for anyone involved.2. Another big problem is that businesses currently operate under the long held formula of "scarce money" economy. Instead of investing in growth, jobs , innovation and so on the?business?only look at cutting expenses and reducing costs as the ONLY means of increasing profit. Think of it: if people have less money to spend it makes no sense to increase production [tbc]to innovate and do other things you would normally do. Rather, you just cut all costs and squeeze as much out of what revenue you get as you can.This model works, but only up to a point. The cycle is such that self-contraction is inevitable. By laying off greater number of people and by reducing wages, those companies also cut the base of tree they sit on. So, they will constantly have less revenue to expect (less money in pockets of consumer) and this will perennial force them into vicious cycle of cutting costs , laying off and reducing wages.?Anyone employed today should seriously be prepared to be downsizes at some point soon.This can go on only until certain point (In theory, if taken to extreme: until there is only ONE corporation with ONE?CEOsurviving , with no one having a penny left to buy whatever he can produce).?So, at some point this model will collapse if we don't do something to fix things sooner than later.But the big question remains whether this entire process is under control (that there are wise people who understand everything and will walk us up to the edge but will take measures at critical moment to fix things and turn the tide around) or whether this is a free fall that no one will be able to get a grip of. If latter is the case then we may have to go through very big trouble before things get back to normal. If former is the case then there is still a hope.Its not the 1% that is the problem. Under Capitalism they are not only a given, they are an absolute necessity. All men are not created equal; that's 4th grade Civics. Some run faster than others and should be rewarded accordingly. Even Adam Smith in his Wealth of Nations referred to this "invisible hand".?I don't see even that as a problem. If top 1% had 100 quadrillion dollars I couldn't care less. That's not the problem as I see it. Perhaps the only problem would be along sustainability lines (does earth have enough to create such wealth and not vaporize during transformation ?)The problem I see is with the dynamics.?Is the money and wealth generated by constant growth and increase in overall economy, with everyone having a shot to making a good living if they try enough (as the true Capitalist system would allow)? Or is the wealth "generated" by mere stiffing, suffocating and just ripping off all you could based on principles of jungle?law?ruled society?The latter is very problematic, and not the less for top 1% as it is problematic for the rest.Proverbially, the extreme outcome of this model ultimately should be a single?CEO?on top of a single super-monopoly but with no one left with a single penny to purchase anything from this CEO , thus starving him to death as well.The problem is that, even when the economy was growing steadily, the growth wasn't being captured equally. US GDP grew at roughly 3% for the 80s, 90s, up to 2007. During that time, the share of income earned by the top 10% grew from 30-35% to 45-50% (and didn't decrease more than a couple percentage points between 2007 and 2011). Even in a properly growing economy, our economic policies tend to concentrate income at the top; you don't even need to take into?account?if people are acting as if they are in a Hobbesian state of nature, or a Lockean one.Why do you think it's my?business?how much wealth Johneses next door are generating??As long as I am able to work, pay my bills and amnot obstructed from growth when I try , why should I care about Johneses family? I may even be grateful that they generate the opportunity for me to work and pay my bills while I work on my grad degree or on start-up of my own.The problem is not income inequality per se and whoever says it is either making a straw man argument or doesn't understand capitalism and rights to own property.The problem in our current economy is that there is no net wealth generated anymore, it is assumed that there is X amount of revenue in the economy (and it may only get worse and decree as vicious cycle of lay offs and wage decreases go on) , and what companies do is engage in cut and slash race to make profits grow on paper, but this model is not sustainable.You have rats in encloses container, since they can't find anything to eat anymore they just eat each other, with bigger rats (of course) eating smaller rats. But if you leave it as is in the end you will have one big fat rat, but the moment it wins race will be begging of its' death from starvation.This is not how Capitalist system works, read more classics and pay less attention to paid pundits you see on TV.Proverbially, the extreme outcome of this model ultimately should be a singleCEO?on top of a single super-monopoly but with no one left with a single penny to purchase anything from this CEO , thus starving him to death as well.Agreed with everything said. And I agree with the last paragraph and have been thinking about the long term effects of out-of-control capitalistim - if money keeps getting pushed to the top, after awhile there will be no customers. I imagine it's not much concern for companies because:1) they can go global and always sell to countries that are doing well like Brazil, Columbia, Canada, Australia?2) they are so far removed from reality that they don't realize many, many people are slowly giving up buying ANYTHING but?food?and gas.Its not a straw man argument. Each ism has advantages and disadvantage. This is Comparative?Economics?201. Income inequality is one of the disadvantages of Capitalism.Bluetea, the textbook for Economics 201 can claim that economic inequality per see is bad (absence abnormal 'dog eat dog world' economy we currently have). For all you know the author of the textbook for economics 201 could be a secret Marxist and wished for expropriation and equal?distribution?of wealth among all.?Or it may mean that one of the inconveniences of Capitalist system is that income is not distributed equally and some earn more than others.?Latter is true but necessary element of growth. Forced equalization was tried and failed (in former Socialist republics). What happens is that when everyone is forced to earn the same then no one gives a poop about doing anything. It also encourages corruption (people learn to break love, steal wealth and bribe those in?law enforcement?to get away with it).?I don't know what the advocates of equal wealth distribution are thinking, but I know it doesn't work.?Capitalism, with all it's inconveniences and inequalities of income, is a viable alternative to Socialist utopia.?BUT, I am talking about Classic Capitalism, where there is a consistent growth of wealth generated, where?general?citizenry is active , entrepreneurial and contributes it's share in wealth generation, where there is a dynamic growth and opportunity (not equal distribution of wealth but OPPORTUNITY) for upward mobility, provided one merits it, works and tries hard.We don't have wealth generated anymore, it is pillaged form what exists and the bottom of pyramid goes under water first, but eventually the top will sink too.?This is not a viable model, that's my point.?I don't give a duck if A makes 10000 more than B, as long as economy is viable, B can be productive, work,pay bills & move upward, if being more productive than C, DThe problem is that the?CEO?gets paid based on increasing the stock price NOW, not on how well he/she sets up the company for 20-30 years down the road.And some of these CEO's have scarred the reputation of these companies that use to be a stellar organizations! ;)We had normal GDP growth 2000 to 2007, around the same 3% we had in the previous 2 decades, but income inequality grew due to policy decisions. We had economic growth (what you claim is most important), but lack of incentives for "not just piling up all that cash" (policy).It's more than that. The scope of this discussion and format do not allow for comprehensive probing and discussion of all causes and effects, but suffice it to say that?housing?bubble started in 2000 and continued on until it brought us to economic crisis in 2007. That already wasn't a growth, it was a scam. Take that off equation and I am curious what the actual growth during 2000 to 2007 was.If you respond that strongly to a phrase, then you're denying yourself the ability to consider all sides of the argument. You can recognize that income inequality is a symptom of something being wrong with the way the system is functioning and not think that the solution is state-mandated redistribution of wealth, a'la 1917 Russian Empire or 2013 Cyprus. History is a great guide, but relying on it betrays the uniqueness in each new situation. One of the causes of the Great Depression was illiquidity - money wasn't moving enough to keep the economy going. When 2007 to 2009 started looking a lot like the 1929, in America we responded by trying to keep things liquid, and so we had TARP, ARRA, and still have QE. Obviously, something was different this time, or we would be in a more robust recovery.Don't talk about "have heart", that automatically puts you on emotional side (aka stupid) and makes you a candidate to be disregarded, dismissed or just wave the hand off.Instead, tell them to have BRAINS. If you are a candidate you can do job better than the moron they will hire utilizing the ineffective TALEO software or corrupt 'networking' practices, then you have a point of contention.Most importantly, if you look at DOL statistics we are AT HISTORIC LOWS when it comes to?labor?participation rate. Unlike Unemployment Rate, which can be artificially low due to people giving up on actively looking for a job and thus no longer counted as "unemployed", the Labor Participation rate shows the total work age population vs the number currently employed. You could then look up the period from 1948 up to now (Go to? it out and see for yourself that we are down to 1978 levels. We are in extremely bad shape compared to 90's and we had very steep decline in past 5 years. All that hype about recovered economy, apparently, has nothing to do with job creation. Why no one ever mentions it is a mystery I will never fathom (we had A LOT BETTER during Bush years, yet media screamed every day how bad it was).Now, this has nothing to do with having or not having a heart, but everything with having a BRAIN.So,instead of saying have a heart I say: "HAVE A BRAIN".The fact is: companies can not afford to under-employ and underpay large number of people indefinitely. They depend on mass consumer as much as mass consumer depends on them for the income.It is hard to understand the real cause or purpose of this prolonged economic downturn (as far as jobs and wages are concerned). It could be anything from invisible shadow economy that uses proceeds to fuel itself (can't go on indefinitely) all the way to mass stupidity that afflicted allCEO's simultaneously (again, if true, can't last forever).Consumer Economy will hit the ground at some point in future (hard to say when, but it inevitably must).I agree. Thehealthcare?schools are churning out tons of new certified techs. Healthcare has used this fact to depress wages. The wages printed on school brochures are wrong! No way can I justify spending $$ on private schools.Everything healthcare is in a glut right now, no jobs and the few jobs available are going to the lowest bidder.Totally agree. One of my interviews was?healthcarerelated and they received tons of resumes. The salary is at the bottom of my range (well the range I thought my degree would get). I know nurses who cannot find jobs, and I keep hearing how they are not replacing people who leave if they can help it.I sent hundreds of resumes, was very upset with total silence and lack of response.?I felt just as any of you would.When I finally got interviews I thought I was well qualified for positions applied... only to be followed up with "we found a better candidate" emails.?I then spent my scarce money, to post ad and to find out who I was competing against: results were disheartening, with 2 Ivy Sch. graduates and dozens of holders of post grad degrees + many yrs of relevant experience applying for just ONE job similar to what I was applying. I became certain I had greater chances to win multimillion dollar lottery than land a job in this market.?To make things even worse: I am introvert, I do not have extensive "network" and I don't know people working in places where I want to work.YET, I NEVER QUIT !It was no longer a matter of getting a job, it was a matter of doing what I believed I must do REGARDLESS of outcome (or else I would justify anyone suggesting I deserved to be unemployed).Now, to my great surprise, I got an offer of a job!It is sort of surreal, I still don't believe it, so I keep rubbing my eyes and trying to 'wake up', it seems as if I will be greeted next day with a broad smile and festive "Got ya! We were just kidding ya! Now take a hike!"But , assuming I am not totally out of my mind, assuming this is for real and that I really did get a job, this once again stands to prove that YOU SHOULD NEVER GIVE UP !!!!Do not let your spirit go down, , to not stop trying, have faith in yourself and have faith that you will meet people, though total strangers, who will come across your path by chance and extend a welcome hand 2U.I can not emphasize it strongly enough: DO NOT GIVE UP !THANKS to EVERYONE @ forum, including Bluetea who seemed unreasonably harsh at times but who meant well, I am sure.I can't come here as much as before, but will when I can.JUST DO NOT GIVE UP !So, today the stock market took another little nosedive which was blamed on lack of consumer spending. To me, that begs the question of exactly where is the supposed consumer money coming from? The low paying part time jobs?I just wonder where the common knowledge that "middle class America drives the economy" went? I think people, even those making over 90k are out of touch with the cost of living. Also, supposedly inflation is under control, but if you make less than 30k, you feel it much more than higher earners.So, either corporations don't realize that money doesn't go as far for their customers as it did 10 years ago or they are expecting to make money from other sources like other countries or inbusiness?to business transactions and don't care about middle class wage earners.Lot of truth in that. When you put a producer out of work, you take a consumer out of the marketplace. This fact isn't lost on companies. So how does it work? You shift the marketplace.Many companies today have?international?sales that far exceed domestic sales. Today the?Chineseare the biggest purchasers of Lamborghini and Porsche.In California I have some?data?points/anecdotes.First, median family income in this state is $55K/year. Honestly, outside of the central valley (Sacramento, Stockton, Fresno, etc.) that's probably about the bare minimum you could do. It would be hard in the Bay Area.Second, I read a post somewhere by a woman whose family was making $130K/year and she was complaining that she couldn't put her kids throughcollege, have 2 cars and live in downtown San Francisco.Third, we've passed a?law?that provides educational discounts (my word, not the official one) for families whose total income is less than $140K. Yay, in California you get?financial?support at $140K/year.I'm pretty sure we're out of touch and messed up in all kinds of ways.The person I emailed actually threw a hissy fit and "tattled" because I had the audacity to ask her a question that took too much time (maybe 2 minutes) to answer.?This is how temps are treated. I used to temp, and one client complained that I asked "too many questions" on my first day at the assignment. Most temporaries are treated very poorly. They will complain about anything you do.You cannot win, and the likelihood is that most temp jobs will never go perm.Temping is the worst thing these days, that anyone can do. Temping can virtually destroy your career, and make a mess out of your resume.The problem is that when employers see a lot of temp jobs on a resume, it looks bad to them. They will ask you why none of those temp jobs hired you on permanent. They will think you are an incompetent worker because your temp jobs did not go perm. Even if the temp jobs were never meant to go perm anyway.Temping actually looks even WORSE on a resume, than working for nine months at, say, a store like Barnes & Noble. "Sales?Associate?at Barnes & Noble" looks better than "temp for nine months" listing lots of little jobs that never went perm.I would encourage everyone to consider applying for work in retail stores,?grocery?stores, before considering temping. Temping is a trap, and many temp jobs no longer go perm. Sadly, I know of several people who have no temped for years. They always think their job will go perm one day, it never does. All the other people they work with are temporary, too. They are like donkeys following a carrot on a stick. But they can never get the carrot.I'm really hoping that science doesn't end up like tech by the time I get out. It's really crazy what you people have to go through. I'm honestly sorry that it's come to this for you.Everyone but BART train operators, cops, firemen and plumbers will have to go through it albeit the idiot learning curve won't be there. Look at what's happened in?construction. They've been wiped out.?Auto?mechanics which always seemed like a decent gig is apparently awful today, just because.I don't mind taking a salary-dive, although it's going to be a mighty hit to my ego, as long as there's a way back. I need to have a place that genuinely rewards initiative, or, gives me some technical skill that I can?bank?in a couple of years. I can't make $50K/year and survive in these parts unless I'm working on my death bed.This whole idea that we can tell employees to forget themselves, not give them benefits and then expect us to fund our own retirement isn't going to work.Question to everyone: Finding a job is difficult, if I may what is making skilled job seekers not create their own jobs or be self employed and sell their skills in terms of services?Technical skills are not all that is required for being self-employed. Marketing skills are required, which not everyone has, and you need to have money to support yourself until you attract clients, which not everyone has.As far as selling your skills, in the New Economy many professionals and skilled laborers are virtually independent contractors. Few expect that they are entering into a lifetime relationship with an employer when they get hired. Most have the understanding that they are being hired for a specific project and that they have no guarantee of a job after that project is completed.I forgot to mention start up costs for the majority (if not all) small businesses. To buy into franchises costs thousands. Starting a new?business, one has to have enough money to live on for what, a year or more. People who are working at substandard wages and unemployed could scarcely afford to start a business.Each job gets large pool of applicants...Then you have sites such as indeed who get paid on "pay per click" basis. So, lots of jobs you see are just rotating posters from a few very large companies that have allocated X number of dollars to post jobs, collect thousands of resumes for each position listed and may not even have intention to hire.You're perhaps one of the few who have identified the problem of advertisements for non-existent jobs, but there's a term for it that?HR?professionals increasingly put into practice called 'pipelining.' This practice was formerly known to all in the field head hunter recruitment, but a?Googlesearch of the term together with other keywords soon reveals how companies are cutting costs through the queuing of candidates in their developments of 'talent pools.'As a job-seeker myself I find my efforts are frustrated by the diversions of resources toward positions that in fact do not exist. They might exist in the future when the economy turns around or there is greater employer certainty in market conditions.Unfortunately, and this is the tragic part, many people are amiss and going through any number of contortions to meet expectations of what they think is a position offered from a standpoint of market confidence. The prevalence that applicants do in fact make the grade in their applications is a testament of employers' lack of confidence in their respective markets. It is unfortunate that so many applicants are caused to personally re-assess their approaches. Market uncertainties are magnified by the revolutionizing monetary and fiscal policies of late.Leading jobs, of the kind that can make the employer money in this recession, will likely capture the attention of the prospective employer. Support positions however have two sides to the coin as an employer may not be certain enough to support such positions.You are nearly forced to watch the horizon of public policy and institutional response to anticipate what's next.I've witnessed a number of reversals in social welfare organizations right here in western NC since 'sequestration.' Overnight practically, a family care free clinic which had a thriving operation has nearly spun on its heel to suddenly offer pregnancy?counseling?and adoption services instead and trying with some mix of the same staff. That too may change next year.I think the?business?to be in at the moment is signage given the numbers of plastic fabric banners.The approach to social welfare (Bush Jr.) led to the creation of lucrative social welfare management positions. Suddenly non-profit anything meant higher paying niche salaries subsidized by?government?or insulated salaries in the 'gift economy.' What the workforce previously assumed were low paying non-profit management jobs, on the order of teacher's salaries, suddenly boasted upper-middle income positions commanding Masters degrees. In fact, there were so many well paying jobs in social work and non-profits here in NC that I was left scratching my head over my major. The dynamic didn't last long.Sequestration and the new?administration?has altered thelandscape, but perhaps what has altered it more is the privatization of social welfare operations and their public offerings on the exchanges. That alone has the tendency to beat wages down to increase shareholder profit.This is how it is today...knowing the right people to get a job...I must know the wrong people! :(Yes, it is how it is, but it's probably one big reason why quality is gone from almost everything.?Look how the?auto?industry advertises now. They rarely talk about quality, maybe mention how many MPG you could get, but mostly show some kind of vague fantasy of how the car would fit a lifestyle of intrigue.I call myself a slave, because I am a slave, and this is whatcollege?got me. I am chained to a job, and it's not for a home or any trappings, it is just basic survival. I am rather frugal, I have to be, but I cannot just leave a crappy job.Economic slavery is alive and well in America. I am not referring to those who buy outside their means and then struggle to pay the bills. I am talking about keeping a roof over the head,?food?on the table...the basics.All of this is very true! I live a simple, honest life, pay my bills and it's a daily struggle. I can't even find a part time job. And now I need a biopsy...what next?I'm not a negative or bitter person but I wish a shining star would shine over me and bring me a little luck! :/I feel for you...I've seen this. We look at the person with the nice car and the nice home and the nice job and think they have it...but they don't, they just have things.?What we have been through, we have fine tuned lenses on about life.When I was a teenager, I got my first job in what use to be called Personnel. Course, you were a person back then. Then, years later, they changed the sign on the door toHuman Resources?and you became a "widget".Now many companies changed the name again to, are you ready, "Talent Acquisition". Every time I read this, it makes me want to bring my accordion to the interview and play "Polka, Polka, Polka".I've heard the term, "Human Capital". One company boasted they could help other firms manage their "human capital".?Sounds very much like slavery. I am a slave myself in my job, very experienced, but I have a manager who didn't finish high school, is just a friend of the owner, who screws things up constantly. Gravy job for her, but she hasn't a clue how things are done.And to have to work for someone who is stupid and didn't finish high school is the ultimate insult. I get "yelled at" for doing things that are a normal part of my job. She doesn't know how to gauge what I am doing.I feel like a slave at work. Unemployment is also degrading.?So many of us feel there is no American Dream anymore. Just trying to hold onto that flimsy raft and float on the rough waves every day...Just wait till ObamaCare kicks in and most places stop?hiringand if they do it will be only 20 hours per week.ObamaCare kill many people's chances of ever finding another full-time job.I have a job, but every day I am reminded in some way?that there's no job security.?I don't get the ones who get a job and think they?are home free. They must be the ones going out and?buying homes and new cars.?I don't feel that safe.You're smarter than me. It took me two downsizes and one termination before I figured that out. No job is forever anymore.When I moved for a job years ago, I had the option to rent or buy this house. I rent. I didn't feel safe...?I've been let go numerous times, big old revolving door?in my field.?I also learned it's not about how well I do my job. In?most places, how you schmooze the bosses and their?favorites is most important. I hate that. I don't?schmooze, and I have no brown on my nose.Thanks, David. I am sorry you went through that, but I am so glad that you had your outburst. Maybe more of us need to start doing that.You're welcome. I wish more people would call these companies out on their BS. I've done it on few more interviews since that one, especially when I get a strong whiff of BS wafting by my nose. I haven't done it on everyone, cause I really need a decent paying job, and only have done it on those interviews that I know is nothing more than anexercise?in futility. If you do decide to call'em out, ensure that it's not a job you really want.Replacing Congress sounds like a good idea, but rather than march on DC all is needed is for every voter to understand that those ballot boxes are not some idle novelty that some stupid people throw paper in and then count, but those are actual places where you go to choose your destiny. And that KNOWING matters. That you must have critical thinking abilities to be able to select the candidate most fit to represent you and do your bidding once elected.We have beautiful Constitution and every right and opportunity to change things for better. All we need to do is understand our responsibility and do what it takes to bring positive changes: vote for the right candidates and not for those who only make things worse for us".Congresspeople are reelected at almost a 90% rate, I think it's mid 80 plus. We aren't changing things, that way, any time soon.To paraphrase Einstein's often over used and least applied quote: Insanity: voting for the same person over and over again and expecting positive changes in Washington.What need is a grassroots effort that'll shove term limits down the throats of Congress and the Senate and we need to make'em choke on it. It'll take a lot to get these overpaid morons to pass an amendment limiting their strangle hold, but it can be done.We have term limits in California. It hasn't changed a thing, except, maybe, it's made our legislators even worse because they lack the experience to write good laws. In fact, it's worse than before in another way. We have several career politicians, of both parties, who once they were termed out simply switched jobs. Bill Lockyer, Jerry Brown and tom McClintock come to mind.The change will only happen when voters become smarter and looking at what goes on in internet debates for the most part, the meter is moving the wrong way.The lessor of two evils is still evil.And therein lies the problem. We never vote for someone anymore. We are voting AGAINST someone.Voting doesn't work anymore anyway, it's all a big theatrical display every election.The lessor of two evils is still evil.This is what has discouraged many folks from voting. Many of us would much rather not vote for evil at all but left with no choice.Seeing too many politicians say one thing to be voted into office, then do the exact opposite of what they promised while campaigning.That is soooo true. I've lost jobs and promotions to twits that are better "knob polishers" than employees. They have no clue to what they're doing and have the temerity to ask for my help or the help of others. All because they kiss the boss' buttocks. It sickens me to see people get passed over for promotions or not a get a job because they don't stroke the egos of their superiors. Unfortunately, I do not know of any way to prevent this from occurring. Maybe shaming or ostracizing the offending twit would send a message, but that could backfire and cause some of us to be labeled as "difficult," "not a team player," "has a poor attitude," etc. etc.The worst part of it all is...the real workers are expected to do their job and make sure everything is done, and the unsaid rule is, cover for the dead wood.If things don't get done, we get blamed, not the dead panies now, are just a form of WELFARE. Those who can get their friends, families, pool, give them jobs so they can share in the money from the top.Some of these employers seem like they have really low self esteem to just badger, mentally abuse and make fun of the hobbies and interests of very nice people. I'd be like, "Numerous. Including participating in charitable functions that actually are productive, benefit this?community?and do something productive. I guess I'm just not into getting an emotional high by making fun of, picking on, creating problems for or abusing other people to provide a quick boost my self-esteem or my status in this community."I actually had nasty co-workers recently tell me I shouldn't socialize or interact with people. I'm thinking, "People like you aren't going in where in your life or career and have extremely low self esteem problems. In fact, you don't have anything to offer other people(except your mental abuse/nasty personality), which explains why you make up lies and file frivolous?claims?against high achievers, and waste the time of state public officials, including the?labor?department to attract attention to yourselves."I have had to deal with really abusive coworkers too. They think they can stick their noses into my?business. I am polite, I will talk about the weather, who won the game, but I don't discuss my personal business at work, and this seems to BOTHER them.You have the ones who whine about their spouses. You have the ones who are mad their favorite show wasn't good last night. The ones who have "bad hair days" or broke a nail. The privileged ones.Going to work and doing one's job isn't enough now. It's pure HIGH SCHOOL and one is expected to pay homage to the most popular and the favorites of the boss.If I could take all of the hard work and?energy?I have and put it toward my own business, I know I could be successful, but I don't have the $$ to start one up.I agree. Its high school all over again and I hated it the first time.It's not a good place for anyone who intelligent, wants to do a good job, has some pride in their work...So even if you like the work you do, there is always one killer at the place ready to make life miserable.That's why starting one's own?business?is best, but it's very hard to do now.Modern life is too much for most humans. We weren't meant to be super robots on the job. Everything is so complicated now. Check the cell phone, check the?computer, remember all the things they keep giving us to do with the same amount of time on the job.We are watched, manipulated, checked, absorbed, numbered, and controlled.Farming was good enough for our ancestors, and they were in charge of themselves.Excellent observation. My kids are in?college. A number of their friends dropped out of college because they didn't want the debt burden and couldn't see the value of the degree (many kids are getting nowhere with their BA). They now go "woofing", which means they travel across country doing?farm?jobs, just to enjoy the land and reclaim their sanity.You know, I am glad some kids are seeing it. I wish more would.The sad thing is, many do not get it. 2 of my friends teach college, and many of the students do not think they will have a problem finding a job. They even say that those of us who are unemployed are just doing something wrong. They are so conceited and entitled. Not all-some understand.My cousin's daughter is going to be in debt to the tune of 200k when she graduates with her nursing degree. There are not many jobs in that field here. And one of my former coworkers has a daughter who cannot move out because her loans are 1200 a month. That is insane, when she is making 50K a year and won't see a major increase for years. My coworker got a little fussy when I asked her if this was worth it.If anyone can?apprentice?with someone to learn something, it would be better than going to college, but then, one has to work for someone they know or themselves...but I think it would be a better quality of life.My uncles were farmers in the mid west, dairy and pig farms. When we visited them we were put to work and would help on the farms. It was not easy work, but I always had fun doing it. ;)This was a small town/community, everyone knew each other. My family was always the headlines of their local newspaper when visiting because we were from Portland OryGone... LOL =)Aah...the good old days! =bExcellent observation. My kids are in?college. A number of their friends dropped out of college because they didn't want the debt burden and couldn't see the value of the degree (many kids are getting nowhere with their BA). They now go "woofing", which means they travel across country doing?farm?jobs, just to enjoy the land and reclaim their sanity.To be honest, I would love for my kids to go that path. If they can find non-conformist harmony without a reliance on capitalist possessions, I think I'd have put them in a better place than my parents put me.After all, isn't that what this is all about? Giving your?children?a better life? I can't do much about the state of the economy and employment, but if a kid finds happiness in a nomadic lifestyle you described, I'd consider myself a success.Today's rant? I'm NOT?bilingual!! Finding a job is getting even harder and harder with that last requirement stating; "must be able to speak both fluent English and Spanish".So basically being born here and being a hard working citizen of this country for the last few decades is not good enough to even find a low paying office job. I shouldn't have to know another language to work again! I am so very tired of this.I am not bilingual either and it should NOT be a requirement for any job unless it is specifically a translator's position.It's no wonder our country is in such deep trouble.My grandparents on my dad's side came over from Italy and they never got the choice but to learn the language of the land they wanted to settle in. No wonder the American Dream could be realized back then.I do think it's odd that the trend is no longer "integrate, but appreciate your heritage" and is instead "resist and make America more like home" for an apparent large portion of immigrants.. My niece is in?healthcare?and she said that Spanish is almost mandatory today. She didn't have it and struggled to get her foot in the door.Somehow, that seems discriminatory.Hispanics are the fastest growing population in the USA. Like it or not, many jobs now require Spanish or you won't get the job...?Heck, you wouldn't even be considered for the job.Just think how Obama doesn't want to control the influx of illegals that cross the boarders. He wants to allow them to stay here, feed them, free?healthcare?and have as many?children?as they want so they can't be deported.Hopefully Dennis Rodman takes Obama with him over to North Korea and leaves him there.Just kidding about Rodman and Obama in N Korea (kind of).But even here in North Texas that doesn't have too many Hispanics...?Many jobs require applicants to be?bilingual?and to speak Spanish.When I lived in Miami, it was mandatory to speak Spanish.Well, if you want to bend over with that, go ahead, I will move until I can't move anymore.?I refuse to have someone tell me I cannot speak English in America. I wonder when Americans will wake up. Americans are too worried about being nice and getting approval.I went to get some assistance for a utility bill yesterday, the supervisor who was Latino, asked me to bring in medical proof of my injury. Yeah, that's what landed me there in the first place. I had to use what little cash I had to pay for my immediate care facility. Forget that I couldn't get the surgery I needed since I have no medicalinsurance.So she asked me why I have not been able to get a job.You were more polite than I would have been. The fact she's Latino, questioning YOU on why you can't get a job in AMERICA would have sent me postal. You should have told her that you can't find a job because people like her have first dibs on OUR jobs!Sorry, I am not happy today. I just got done filling out another obnoxious online application. I cannot believe after 2 years of filling these things out, that one click of a button can't populate these darn things automatically. Add an extra insult to the mix, but it states that they "prefer?bilingual". What are the chances I get the job? Everything else about the job would fit my qualifications to the number.They run?healthcare?now, why they favor their own folks.I feel your pain. I received a call for a receptionist job at a vet office. When I walked in the manager gave me a long hard look and asked me my last name. When I gave it he seemed amazed. "How can you be Medeiros and NOT speak Spanish?"?Wow! REALLY? I could not believe he had the brass tacks to even ask me that but I answered as politely as I could.?"First of all, I am Spanish and Irish. Obviously the Spanish part by-passed me and I got the Irish good looks. Secondly, Medeiros is my MARRIED last name. Third, my grandmother refused to let my mom, aunts and uncles teach us Spanish because she felt as Americans, we should only speak, read and write English and in fact, cussed people out regularly at the stores for speaking other languages. She felt it was an insult and they were ungrateful to their adoptive country, USA."?Needless to say, I didn't get the job.Don't you wish you had that conversation recorded? Talk about outright discriminatory remarks! My mother came from Canada and only could speak very broken English when she came here to the states with my dad. She too never thought this country needed to change for her. She learned the English language by staying up and watching late night TV. True story! She's proud she did that and she worked hard her whole life, here in America.I'm sorry you didn't get the job.Most of our generation can tell this story of our parents and grandparents that immigrated to this country expecting nothing and giving back nothing less than their unshakable work ethic in return for citizenship. There was no "entitlement" with them!I am sick of stupid people getting divided and hating each other here. Hate and kick the S*IT out of each other and ruin America, then I want to see what will you do next.?Idiots!?What happened to good old common sense?Everywhere you go you hear these stupid mob conversations where everyone is looking for someone to scapegoat. Aren't you tired of your own stupidity?I don't give a screwball if the man has White, Black, Latino, Chineese or Eskimo roots, as long as he is loyal to our Constitution, which I hold above all for to it we owe everything we have, then he is my brother and there is no reason for me to be resentful or harbor ill feelings against him.This being said, we have some social challenges that need intelligent approach. Rather than hating Latinos, I suggest we start a reasonable dialogue around the fact that this country has immigrants from all over the world. What would happen if all of us wanted everyone else speak our own language? And what would happen if requirement to speak 140 languages was part of getting a job? It would be practically impossible for anyone to get a job, wouldn't it? And I strongly believe that one owes it to his adoptive country to at least learn its' language and civics, no exceptions there.This being said, I see no reason why we should make this debate about "Evil Latinos" or evil others, blah blah blah (as it clearly is implied in many of these conversations).A man with Latino roots who is loyal to this country and to its' Constitution in my eyes is always above someone who isn't, even if latter be my brethren.No doubt....Hispanics are the fastest growing population in the USA. Many jobs want Spanish speaking employees. In places like Miami, FL its almost required.It's required here in the NE. It shouldn't be. Too many of us now can't qualify for even the low paying jobs because of this very discriminatory requirement. And yes, I think it is outright discrimination!!We used to pay a premium wage for people that could speak more than one language.The Hispanic market is huge and many industries have to cater to it. Hence, the "Spanish speaking preferred" requirement.And sadly, if we were like any other country in the world, we would require immigrants to learn English and be done with it. I have nothing against Spanish speaking people, but it hurts that in this phase of my life that I have one more hurdle in getting hired for simple jobs. I doubt I stand alone in not having the?bilingual?skill. Seems that all my other skills mean nothing because of the way it is now :(The Hispanic market is huge and many industries have to cater to it. Hence, the "Spanish speaking preferred" requirement.I think it's deplorable that we do this to our own citizens!!! Huge population or not, they shouldn't get first dibs on those jobs. My grandparents had to stand in line and learn English before they were accepted. The political correctness of this country has hurt us more than helped!! Sorry.No matter, I would still prefer to be a Black African American in most bigoted American locale than the Black African in some African states where I could be shot dead or sold into indentured?labor?faster than in Jim Crow states of late XIX century.Keeping everything in perspective, I recuse myself from further participation in this hard topic, with the hope that we all become better and more conscious making America the what it was founded to be.In Califonia, the minimum wage will be going up to $10 hourly in 3 years. And Illegal immigrants will now be able to get California?Drivers?license. Just great.I wonder how much this will hurt the state. Inflation of prices.In MD, illegal immigrants can get drivers licenses and get in state tuition at state colleges......California has already hit the iceberg. They don't realize that they are sinking.Huge exodus from California to other states now. They might even beat Michigan for migratory patterns.We have a lot of California licenses plates here and they ain't all here to see The Alamo.With ObamaCare,?hiring?will grind to a trickle.In many aspects, yes, but what's your alleged point? There are people on here who are unemployed, so just giving them the death sentence isn't very helpful.People who are working just to obtain?health?insurance?will now quit and this will open positions for others that need a paycheck. Also there are many who aren't working so they have no health insurance and they will now be covered. Also the hospitals won't be flooded with the uninsured for minor problems like earaches which the state pays for. $400.00 for an ear ache will be more like $50.00.Cleveland Clinic announced they will cut expenses by $330 million and have big job cuts soon.When I see Taleo I just back away from the PC, very slowly.I won't fill them out any more.LOL! Me too but I think that is the whole point. Its very Darwinian.Tough job market everywhere nowadays. I have friends who just managed to find?full time?work 2 years after they got out of?college.My?auto?store interview was good.. There was like 10 other people there for interviews, all at 8AM. Some look presentable and had good backgrounds , others where in jeans and tshirts with chains on their wallets (very unprofessional looking, I could sense that they did not enjoy being there, as if their parents forced them to go.)Now the interviewer was like 30-40 minutes late, which was annoying waiting around the store for him.First question he asks me during the interview "Are youbilingual?" . No I am not. I won't be surprised if that killed my chances off the bat. I am however confident in my interview skills, as I am prompt with my comments and voice?delivery.?But other than that, it was a typical interview. They make it sound like a hard demanding job just for minimum wage. Of course, there is the possibility of moving up in the company, but at maybe topping out at $15 an hour for manager position? Still sucks.I haven't heard back from it, so I am not crossing my fingers on it.It's amazing what employers put job seekers through for a minimum wage job. That's ridiculous to have to wait that long for the interviewer to show up! Can you imagine if you were late for an interview? They'd tell you to go home! :)I feel for you on that one! Even the most minimal paying jobs are now requiring someone to be bilingual. OK, I get it. We have a lot of Spanish speaking people in this country. But whatever happened to expecting an immigrant to learn English and keep it as their main language in the work world? If we suddenly make every job open to only people that are bilingual, we are only going to hurt our country more by making it even more impossible for the majority of citizens here to get a job! Quite frankly, we will also make it easy for companies to hire illegals and pay them under the table if all they seem to want is someone that is bilingual. I personally don't hold out much hope for myself ever working again with this added requirement. :(I feel just awful that this young generation is seeing the worst economy I can ever remember. My 19 year old can't even get hired at McDonalds and desperately wants to work. He had a job, but they just stop giving him hours with no explanation, no matter how many times he calls them up to ask. I suspect his retail job only wants someone that is really outgoing, something my son is not. It's a shame because he is reliable and wants the experience.I work for a?farmwhere 99 percent of the workers are Spanish. I'm in Sales for the farm.Funny thing is that they don't have direct deposit for paychecks. Why, because the majority of the workers don't know how to or can't go to a?bank.I'm in the minority. :) First time for me at a job. But I'm fine with it.Also,Some American words that we write for the workers have to be written differently or they will not grasp their meanings.?I work for a?farmwhere 99 percent of the workers are Spanish. I'm in Sales for the farm.Funny thing is that they don't have direct deposit for paychecks. Why, because the majority of the workers don't know how to or can't go to a?bank.That's pathetic. Sad state of affairs that we as a nation have allowed this to go on. We should have nailed shut the borders a long time ago. Good luck with that one Joe.That's pathetic. Sad state of affairs that we as a nation have allowed this to go on. We should have nailed shut the borders a long time ago. Good luck with that one Joe.I agree with you (and I'm half haspanic) but Obama wants to give these illegal folks 'rights' and eventually grant them citizenship, medical care,?food?stamps, free school lunches, educational benefits....., etc... Basically Obama is rolling out the red carpet for these illegals.Learn Spanish because the Hispanic population is now the fastest growing in the United States of America. If you want a job... learn Spanish.I feel your pain. I too am finding it harder and harder to find a job to even apply to because of this demand for someone who is "bilingual". My mother came here in the 1950's, barely able to speak a stitch of English. You know what? She learned English and she too worked hard at every job she ever did. And you know what else? She still finds pride in the fact that she did this. She's also grateful that she was able to find jobs that didn't require much more than dedication. In today's world, landing a decent job is like winning the lottery with the same type of odds stacked against you.I do not believe the borders need to be shut. Also as pointed out this issue was going on long before Obama....Eagertofly, I find it interesting that you are commenting on something from a whole other country. I have nothing against these wonderful immigrants that worked hard to become a citizen and become a part of our workforce. But what is happening now in our country is not fair to people that have lived here their whole life, paying into a system that is now shutting the doors to them!! Why does anyone in a cubicle need to speak two languages unless they are expected to be able to speak with outside clients? We had some?bilingual?people in our old company that handled this and it was a good thing. But the kind of work I do, I am more "behind the scenes". Almost 90% of the jobs I want to apply for are now saying "bilingual preferred". I think that is discriminatory. Think about it. If you don't speak this second language, you need not to apply! I'm already in my 50s, so you tell me if I am not already having the odds stacked against me? I haven't had an interview in 2 months, even though I continue to apply to jobs left and right, even these ones that say "bilingual preferred". Heck, why don't they also say "young people preferred"?Personally, I think it is admiral when a family holds on to their heritage by speaking their native language in their own home.But, when it comes to one of the basic precepts this country was based on, called "Melting Pot", I do not see many people trying at all to do so. Instead, they expect the natives of This country to learn their language? All I can say to that is NO.Thanks eagertofly for clarifying a little better. I certainly don't want to come off as some intolerant b*tch because of my own struggle to get work. But there IS a problem when we are giving one group of people preferential treatment over another, simply because they speak two languages. It wasn't too long ago that being able to speak two languages was seen as something that commanded a higher salary since this was a real asset for a job that required one to be on the front lines of an?international?company. But when I see minimal wage jobs demanding this same skill, jobs that I know would not require me to wheel and deal with the public, I feel pretty put out. And as many of us have stated, we had parents and grandparents come from other countries that had to learn English to get by. I don't think this was a bad thing. It certainly kept the job market open to native citizens here and it made it open to any immigrant willing to learn English.I also remember the time when immigrants were expected to learn english. Those who didn't, well, too bad for them. Political correctness has it's place, but has arguably gone way too far (hope I didn't offend too many people with that statement!)Personally, I think it is admiral when a family holds on to their heritage by speaking their native language in their own home.But, when it comes to one of the basic precepts this country was based on, called "Melting Pot", I do not see many people trying at all to do so. Instead, they expect the natives of This country to learn their language? All I can say to that is NO.Exactly John. My mom is?French?Canadian and she still loves her native country. And when she chats with her family back in Canada, she speaks french. But she is so adamant that learning English was the least she could do to be a working citizen here. Maybe I just admire my Mom's work ethic and attitude. What can I say?But what if that person is navajo or Apache or one of hundreds of the other languages that one can speak in america and still be native american. Anyway it can be frustrating to apply to a job and not be able to qualify because you do not speak another language. This issue has no easy answers I actually agree with that part,Eagertofly, I get what you are saying about native languages, but from a workforce point of view, English is the language of the majority in this country. It's one thing to embrace all the languages spoken here and another to say that in order to work here, you now need to speak this and that for $8 an hour.I can only look back at an economy in the past that was a lot better and it correlated with a time where we weren't demanding a knowledge of speaking anything but English.I agree with you about the workforce it is annoying when one applies for a job and does not speak spanish or whatever other language is required. That is frustrating but I do not have an easy answer either. The bottom line is people want jobs and that is it right their.Personally, I think it is admiral when a family holds on to their heritage by speaking their native language in their own home.But, when it comes to one of the basic precepts this country was based on, called "Melting Pot", I do not see many people trying at all to do so. Instead, they expect the natives of This country to learn their language? All I can say to that is NO.This is the point I was trying to make myself. It gets old when you have to repeatedly explain that you don't hate immigrants and want to stop them from obtaining?LEGAL?citizenship and learn to speak English. I am disgusted with how big and small corporations have taken advantage of these people they put on an underground payroll or pay them a wage that is substandard. No one seems to see how that has had a huge impact on our entire nation. Part of the reason companies demand?bilingual?skills because they want to encourage cheap?labor?and it is also another roadblock for the average person to submit a resume. God knows what kind of tax incentives they get by?hiring?a non Caucasian to the work force. Why else do they include those EEOC questions on applications, even if you don't legally have to answer them??I come from an agricultural family and I've seen the work ethic and the truth is Americans won't do those jobs at anything approaching the wages paid.However, if there were no Latinos, and suddenly it was $30/hr?to pick fruit, even at a performance rate, you'd suddenly start getting people. Just like how they get guys to risk their life working on a boat in Alaska. It would be harder, because crops don't all come ripe at the same time, there are no benefits, etc., but, it would get done.But there's no reason to pay that kind of money when someone will do it for $10.00/hr and no benefits of any kind.Really? The wages of all Americans have plummeted in the last decade and there are tons of people, Latino or not, that will do a job with great work ethic. It's a mistake to fall into this mantra that "Americans won't do these jobs". Ask anyone that works in an HR department what they see when they advertise a job. Even these minimal paying jobs net thousands of applicants from all types of people, not just Latinos!As for those that have come here legally? I say that is a great thing. I have relatives that came from Italy many years ago and they worked their behinds off in a country that did not want them at the time.Sure, Al Capone must have been very hard working guy. Or he must have been Mexican in disguise.I truly believe that there is a damage being done to everyone (including immigrants) when too many of them come here in too short period of time, without real demand or need for their presence here. It's like coming to someone's house without invitation. Not only do you wear thin patience of hosts , but you risk your own well being since pressure will mount to some day kick you out with no regard to how it may make you feel.?For those, very obvious reasons, I support measures by Sovereign Nation (that US is) to set limits and to control the flow of foreigners who come here to permanently settle.?But my rationale has nothing to do with being silly and blaming modern immigrants as more evil creatures than their predecessors. When will we grow up, folks???t is far from destiny that the living standard of the developed countries will continue to drop until every country arrives at a world average. If we keep sending jobs to each year's new country of cheapest?labor, then yeah, maybe that will happen, but we have other choices. For instance, in the US, we keep saying that we want to be an "information and advanced manufacturing"-based economy, but we don't embrace that ideal. Instead of really ramping up training for this kind of economy, we still push every child towards a 4-year degree and tell them to be happy being a waiter or receptionist until they can find a job in their field. If we really wanted to do what we say we do, you'd probably see a third of all high school students either attending a vocational/technical school or those types of programs in an integrated school, and the remaining manufacturers would be following up with signing bonuses and specialized training programs. You'd also see a massive increase in funding to the NSF, NIH, NASA, DOE, DARPA, etc. We can't have a 21st century economy resting on our 20th century inventions.I also want to take the time to go outside the box a little here: All we need to do is survive until we reach a post-scarcity society. With enough?energy?and raw materials, standard of living won't be a problem. We could have Agrarian society levels of income inequality, but if?food, shelter, and goods are so cheap to produce as to be effectively free, who cares?Riot in MA, I specifically mentioned low skill/laborintensive jobs, but come to think of it almost all those jobs you are thinking of can be outsourced as well. Half the US IT industry operates out of India. The only ones that will be a challenge to export are the DARPA and those involving highly confidential technology, but even those jobs can be outsourced with some good thought given to it.I am not a Nostradamus and least of all can be certain of any destiny out there, but I base my projections on empirically observable trends. I too know how great it would be to embrace some high ideals, but short of seeing it happening in practice I will put it into "wishful thinking" category, rather than one I can call a "real deal".My neighbors are really nice where I live. However, I would like to find a?community?that is self reliant, grows their ownfood, and is off fossil fuels. I would like to learn how to be more self reliant and develop income streams/self reliance outside of employment and the USA in?general! Since I am Gen X, I have not had the benefits of the baby boomers and have little faith in the stock market, 401K or Social Security. I believe that when the roosters come home, the USA gov will get rid of social security, medicare, and haircut all of the retirement plans (it is the largest store of wealth in the USA). It is happening in other countries right now.unemployed?CPA?in Michigan thinks that baby boomers have benefits??As an end of the era baby boomer, I can tell you that as a girl among 40+ classmates throughout school in the 1960s, I couldn't get the time of day let alone appropriate?educationfrom my school system (considered a GOOD local school, by the way). My aptitudes in science,?engineering, math (the "boys" side of the COPS tests) would make a "geek" drool. No?counselor?or teacher even discussed education options w/me or even that if I got good grades, I could get $ to attend a?college. I wasn't even told what an SAT was; all I knew is that it's a test that costs $, which my family didn't have. You might need to study a little history instead of believing the propaganda perpetuated by a?government?that subscribes to the Aldous Huxley rule, if any culture threatens the control of the status quo, just make it look ridiculous. That's what I'm up against as a baby boomer (like a coworker who made ageneral?comment about "dirty old hippies". Like everyone else who works, I paid into Social Security w/the idea that our government would INVEST the $ so we would receive this retirement benefit. Nothing more. Nothing less. I doubt that the program American Greed will investigate what the US government did w/all that $.Common misperception. SS is not a "bank?account" with your name on it.This is how it works. The minute you pay into Social Security, it goes right out again. It is and was a Ponzi scheme from the minute FDR enacted it.Er, by the way, unless more young people are born who will pay into it, it will be broke in 18 years. So far, it ain't looking good.If one isn't angry over the current state of affairs, they'd be a zombie.?People who go along with the system and think everything is fine will never change things or make it better.?When you see what is wrong, how the world is digressing, you know what is going on.?People who think this is nothing but a little recession don't get it.?Gerald Celente has a good quote, "This is not free trade, it's slave trade."Nothing will happen until the people in the middle class and those who have slipped below the middle class will stop blaming those who have no chance to get into it. The documentary, INequality for All (please?google?the trailer, I can't post the link). is an attempt to unite's also an attempt to show how the concentration of wealth at the top is unsustainable and not good for anyone - not the rich or poor. It features a filthy rich guy who has come to this realization in very recent years.It discusses laws that need to be changed, the workings of a successful economic engine, documents everyday working families and their pletely agree with you. Passivity never changed a thing in this country. We are going into a major crisis that is affecting the lives of millions of people and it's only going to get worse. It will be a good day when people finally start banding together in large groups and tell our politicians and corporate America that wee have had enough!Now should she address that Obama or ObozoCare? =bTrust me, I would really let Obama have it for doing such a poor job these last few years. I would also call him out on constantly lying about the low unemployment numbers and the slow job growth in the USA.I would also call him out on ObozoCare and the many job cuts in?healthcare.BTW,?I'm hoping for 15% returns on my 401k for the next 20 years. There will be no Social Security in the year 2033.The cuts in healthcare were inevitable. People can't afford to see the doctor and the?dentist?because they don't haveinsurance. Insurance companies rake in billions in profits, but you rather buzz about the president who didn't start this monumental problem. Healthcare should be affordable for all working people Beth. If it was, there would be no need to make cuts.And good for you for having a 401K. You are blessed. You are not the only person who worked hard and tried to save for their own future. Many of us did until we lost our jobs and had to cash in our retirements. I don't blame the president for my unemployment. I blame corporate greed that stared from way back when and I blame both parties for allowing this.If people like you would do a better job in educating themselves on how the economy really works, you could be part of the solution instead of a taking head for media outlets like Faux News and Rush Limbaugh.With all the dumb crap our taxes are used on today, it's unfortunate that this is the topic where people decide to take a stand.Cut other programs to keep taxes reasonable; there is plenty of waste out there. But a program that benefits many should not be sacrificed.This is a good guide, however, there just isn't much leeway to cut anymore. There aren't enough people making enough money above a living wage to be taxed that can help?government?revenue. The large corporations have moved to tax free countries where they can piss all over the land without worry of regulations and they don't have to pay workers much nor deal with unionizing.And we wonder why we have an immigation problem. Those US/global companies simply don't contribute much to the developing countries. A few execs, board members and investors walk off with more wealth, while our shores get inundated with immigrants.Raises hand on both accounts...I've searched for two years for something in my field, I finally accepted it this past summer that at age 45 I'm "too old," I just began my "exciting" new job as an?entry-level typist (temporary, of course), paying less money than what I made in 1993. The first week, I didn't think I'd last, I'd begin the day crying, cry at lunch, end the day crying...I really thought I was going to end it all, but I finally managed to "get over it," now I'm just a zombie going thru the motions. One of the things that hurts the most is hearing everyone around me say the same thing, "hey, it's a job" and "you're lucky to have a job." Well, at my age I foolishly expected to have a little something more than just "a job." And what comes next when this gig is over, a?cashier?at Target? Scrubbing toilets? And what do I say to people who tell me and who truly believe I should be "grateful" for the opportunity to be scrubbing toilets...? I truly feel I have nothing left to live for.You're not alone. I can't offer any advice. But there are many of us who know what you're going through. It's not pretty. I wish these experiences on No ONE.It has taken plenty of soul searching, usually in the dead of night when I've wondered "Now what" so many times, to come to grips I won't be resuming my career that got derailed 3 years ago.Wishing you success in getting something permanent when your temp gig is over.I have those same moments of utter despair. The few jobs that I will see that actually appeal to me and I have all the qualifications for will start at $8.00 an hour, the same wage I made in 1986 without a?college?degree! It's really awful to realize that you no longer have a say about where your career is going to take you. I'm 50+, so I know why I don't get the offers. I haven't had an interview in 2 months now and it's getting to me.The worst feeling is realizing that even if you get a job at this point, what are the chances of ever feeling like you will be appreciated and that hard work will pay off. After three layoffs in the last decade, I know that answer. :(I used to believe it all pays off. I have always been that employee that made it a point to never be just average. It's in my personality. In the past, I saw promotions and I saw raises. But you know what? I also saw layoffs that were never in my control. I no longer believe the best of the best stay safe from getting sh*t on. And I never had that attitude until recent times and trust me, I too don't believe the world owes me a thing. That's what makes all of this, all the more painful.I know what it's like too. I worked my tale off for corporate pharmacies since 1995. I put in 70 hours a week when they couldn't find anyone to work at the worst stores, so I could help them keep the doors open. I was the #2 immunizer for the entire region and I was the only pharmacist doing a medication therapy management program for them and not just my store but for 6 stores total created extra revenue for all six stores. Did they give a crap about me and all the extra work I did for them? NO! When my benefits got too expensive because of my age I was replaced. And the new graduate that I was replaced with was hired in at $25,000 less per year than I was making. This happened to me in 2011 at age 51 years old three weeks before Christmas!!! I spent the next year applying for jobs all over the state and not ONE SINGLE INTERVIEW. They can deduce form my years of experience on the application what age range I must be in and they're not interested despite my experience. I have had it with corporate America and all the internal politics. You try to get ahead and the person above you is pushing you down so you don't get their job and the person behind you is pulling you down because they want your job. Find a way to work for yourself.That is a raw deal and it is happening all over the place, especially to our generation of hard workers. And I don't want to hear that we just have a bad attitude. I have always been humble in the work arena and I certainly don't go to interviews with a chip on my shoulder. But there comes a time when we all have to agree this is plain abuse when these employers want all our talents and experience, but decide they rather hire someone half our age and exploit them.Can you open your own pharmacy? I was an?accountantwith experience and doing a great job and the newcontroller?came in promised that he was not going to lay us off.. He came in 2 weeks later and laid all of us off. Most of us were beyond 40 years old. We were replaced with young "pretty" women just out of school. One of the girls could not afford to move out of her parent's house with the salary she was getting.Oh no. My grandfather bought some newspapers on the day my mother was born in 1923. We still have them. Those classified ads are hilarious. Right there in black and white some of them read "No Negroes or Jews need apply". LOL!Well, at least they were honest.Yup. We need today's ads to read...Do NOT apply if; you are over the age of 40, have anything less than a Bachelor's degree for?file clerk?duties, can't speak 5 languages, require any training, need any holidays or weekends off, and your salary requirements exceed $8.00 an hour.My son has looked for those grunt jobs like cleaning cages in?animal?hospitals. They say they want "experience". That makes me sad because this kid was raised with all sorts of animals and he has a huge heart for them, as I do. He doesn't want more than minimum wage and he would never miss a day of work if given the chance.I honestly don't know how some kids ever get a start. Not all of them are outgoing and cut out for retail.I think a lot of?HR?people set the bar too high for an?entry level?job... =(They eliminate so many great potential people by stating a person "must have experience", even with the grunt jobs that anyone eager could learn. Every single job I was ever successful at, I was not experienced at coming in. Someone had to teach me. But I took that training serious and I worked hard to be the best I could at whatever was given me. I have a pretty wide range of experience ingeneral?and I know that 90% of those jobs I apply to, I could be just as great as someone that may have more experience at one specific task. An eagerness to learn can be a better match then someone who knows the job already, but may be complacent about it. When you really think about it, no two companies do anything exactly alike. Everyone needs training and attitude is key to having a great employee. I trained enough people in my day to say this from a place of experience.HiI have driven miles to meet many recruiters. I have met them all and spent a ton on gas. Not even one interview from them. All my interviews were from me sending in apps.They're a waste. It's like going through the unemployment office and having them help you find a job. In Oregon it's the Workforce of Oregon and they only know how to help people who have minimal experience. Anyone with anything more they don't know what to do. Most of the people working in the UC have been there 20-30+ years and have zero clue of the real unemployment world.... :(My rant for the day and I am absolutely ticked.I LOVE Obamacare. YES! YES! YES! My private?insurancecompany dropped me today!!!!!!!!!! YAHOO! RIDE EM COWBOYS! As if being F'in unemployed wasn't bad enough. I don't need this crap or any of the F's out there who think this moron has any degree of competency. GAWD.Peace and love to all!I was disappointed that Congress spent so much time and money trying to kill it, instead helping work out the problems. If it kicked in earlier, I could have ditched COBRA.Here is the problem,?insurance?that could be afforded is now going to be cancelled. For many people that live in a state that decided not to expand Medicaid those folks are screwed. Essentially it is money that many have to come up with that they just didn't have. It isn't "free" as some people seem to think.Medicaid isn't free. It is "cost shifted". Every Band-Aid is eventually paid for; maybe not by you but by someone.The problem is that we are running out of "someones".The question is what will happen then?I remember how much flack she and Bill Clinton took for even addressing the issue of?healthcare?some 25 years ago. They were pushing for nationalized care before we had this many people without affordable care like today. Their idea went over like a lead balloon. But they saw what was coming. Privatized?insurance?is no longer affordable to most and it's not the fault of the sitting president. ObamaCare is a big fat mess, but that's only because of all the forces working against it. Just check out the profits insurance companies are still making.Obamacare should never have built around a website; its far too ambitious and far too complex even for Canadian and Indian subcontractors. The scope of what that thing is trying to do is like trying to build The Great Pyramid of Cheops in a week.The truth is, even when a company rolls out new software, the time leading up to it is called, "The Death March".I totally agree that it was so complex that trying to roll out the site while every politician was still arguing about it. But they did offer a phone number option. Also, in Massachusettes where the framework began, few people signed up initially, then it slowly gathered momentum and they are saving state money on the pla.nd sadly, people go to the emergency room because they won't get turned away there. You should see the local?hospital?in my area on any given weekend. It looks like a freak show, very few being real emergencies. We all pay for that.Emergency medicine is THE most expensive kind and most of it is paid for by other people. A Tylenol isn't really $5.00 but when 9 other people can't pay 50 cents for it then you, being the 10th one get stuck with the entire tab. Ain't nothing free. Don't think it.This year is coming to a close and I have a policy which doesn't kick in unless I get hit by a bus. Too date, I have spent about $300 at Urgent Care and that is much cheaper than Obamacare.Course, I don't do anything as stupid as smoke, drink or enjoy myself on tropical vacations.And sadly, people go to the emergency room because they won't get turned away there. You should see the local?hospital?in my area on any given weekend. It looks like a freak show, very few being real emergencies. We all pay for that.This is exactly what I saw at the hospital I worked at. Most could have gone to an Urgent Care facility. Back when I worked at the hospital, a visit to the emergency room cost on an average $800.00. I have gone to Urgent Care in the past with no?insurance?and ended up paying $75.00. :]I go to Urgent Care and its about $80.00 now and you get more than 10 minutes with this doctor!I don't understand why people won't use Urgent Care. It's cheap and every time I've gone there isn't a wait like there is at the?hospital?ER.I've noticed Urgent Care centers popping up all over my neighborhood. There is one that just opened up a month ago 5 blocks from my house and another one just a few weeks ago about a mile away. :0I tried it for the first time this summer and didn't have a great experience. A lady's dog bit me, a policeman saw if, and was going to force me to get an ambulance. It's a long story and not a good one, but I was able to get him to agree that I'd go across the street to the urgent care facility instead. It was a minor puncture wound to my forearm, not a big deal. He escorted me over there and I was shocked at what I saw.The whole visit cost me > $200, the waiting room was filthy, some family had come with their 8000 kids and they tore the place up while both mom and dad were being seen simultaneously, the staff was indifferent, and the doctor saw me long enough to order a bandaid and a tetanus shot. It was as bad, if not worse, than an inner?city?ER, minus people showing up with gunshot wounds. I am sure it would have been more expensive to go to the ER at a private hospital in my network, but if I was really sick after hours, I'd strongly consider it over ever going back to that place again. It was so disgusting.Doc-in-the-Boxes(Urgent Care) are much like Jack-in-the-Boxes in that each franchise is independently owned and operated.They are not for after hours or if you have a knife in your back. Conversely, ERs are not for kids with ear infections. They should be turning those people away.The Urgent Cares I've been to are pretty clean. Now when I have blood work done and go to a?lab?those places are absolutely filthy…they give me the heebie jeebies. =@After working in a hospital I will tell you I hope I don't have to be admitted for any period of time, especially ER. They might look clean on the surface but I'm a clean freak and part of my job was making sure certain medical equipment was up to sanitary standards and typically it wasn't… ;\I don't know how anyone human can deal coherently w/the job search process. I lost my job as of 10/1, & I'm feeling a little crazy already. Maybe it's just the stages of grief associated w/any loss? In this forum, I feel for everyone who indicates the frustrations of a complete lack of understanding about unemployment time. We had two speakers @ a job seminar recently. One stated that she gets 50-200 applications for an?entry level?part time minimum wage job (some applicants have master's degrees) while the other said that she can't fill all the job openings she gets as a?counselor?for medical students @ local?community?college, we shouldn't believe the news that there aren't jobs available, & if people can't get a job, it's their own fault! So these two women contradict each other about job openings, I guess I'm hallucinating that there's barely a page of employment in local papers where there were once 2-8, & talk about a heartless counselor @ community college!?I remember how much flack she and Bill Clinton took for even addressing the issue of?healthcare?some 25 years ago. They were pushing for nationalized care before we had this many people without affordable care like today. Their idea went over like a lead balloon. But they saw what was coming. Privatized?insuranceis no longer affordable to most and it's not the fault of the sitting president. ObamaCare is a big fat mess, but that's only because of all the forces working against it. Just check out the profits insurance companies are still making.Private?health?insurance is "no longer affordable" because the?government?has allowed big pharma & the FDA to gouge people for medications that you can get overseas for a fraction of the price; because of the?law?that anybody who shows up to the emergency room has to be treated regardless of their ability to pay, so the illegal immigrants & people who do not have insurance for whatever reason use it like a clinic & don't pay the bills so the cost gets dumped back into the "insurance pool" and that's why the premiums have gone through the roof; doctors are so terrified to get sued that they do million dollar workups on everybody which often consists of tests that are totally unnecessary; and because the life expectancy of people is no longer 68 years old--people are living into their late 80's and 90's, and with that comes a bunch of health problems that cost money.Absolutely spot on! I wish people would understand that big pharma and big insurance are raking in billions of dollars profit, all the while we have had people choosing groceries over medications. This is deplorable and should bother anyone with a conscience. I guess it's a lot easier to point the fingers at Obamacare instead of all the factors that got us here.It's amazing when you see how much other countries pay for the same pharmaceutical drugs we get. It's a fraction of the cost what we pay. Pharmaceutical drugs is like racketeering, only it's?legal. =(Obamacare is a very bad solution to a very complex, out of control problem. Until?health care?costs are reined in, people stop using emergency rooms as clinics for sore throats, gonorrhea & when they get the flu, pharmaceutical companies quit charging 100 times more for a drug than what the same drug costs in India, doctors stop ordering tests that people don't need to protect themselves from being sued & people realize that doctors are not gods & that they are human beings & they make mistakes too, the costs will not go down. Mandating that everybody havehealth?insurance should be what makes them get rid of thelaw?that you have to be taken care of if you show up at an emergency room regardless of your ability to pay. If everyone has some sort of insurance, because it has been made a law, then every?hospital?should be paid for all emergency room visits & no care should go unpaid. What they need to do is to STOP illegal immigrants from using our health care system & not paying for it!! And, make it mandatory that all babies born within U.S. borders have to have one parent that is already a U.S. citizen in order for the baby to be a U.S. citizen. We're so busy taking care of people that aren't American citizens that the American citizens are suffering, yet they are the ones paying all the bills.If I lived close enough to cross a border and get my drugs at a fraction of the cost, I would do it.Years ago my sister-in-law?went to vacation in Mexico and she brought me back a tube of Tretinoin cream (Retin-A), pharmaceutical grade. It cost her $8.00 and she didn't need a prescription. Here a prescription is needed and at the pharmacy it was $85.00…. =bI am all for decreasing immigration, unemployment is bad enough for the Americans. It isn't popular to say it though. I think it is reasonable for a parent of US citizenship to be the forward going qualification. The other thing that needs to stop is work visas. It is killing IT,?engineering, and nursing.Google?what some American pharmaceutical companies tried to do in India---they tried to sue for an injunction to get Indian drug companies to stop making generic medications because the American drug companies were losing profits!! Sure, big companies are all for capitalism & competition, until their profits get gouged in by another company who can manufacture the same thing for a fraction of the price. Then, capitalism is no good & they sue the other company to preserve their profits rather than lowering their prices to actually compete with the other companies. It's ridiculous. And the drug companies always try to say that their high costs are because of the extensive research &development?that they do to get FDA approval. The FDA is another scam, protecting the?financial?interest of the drug companies & their?CEO's. Approving drugs without the proper research studies to make sure that use of the drugs doesn't cause you to grow a horn out of your forehead just to expedite a big drug company's income & profit margin is not what the FDA's purpose is. Their purpose (or purported purpose) is to protect the people & keep them safe. Who they really are protecting is the top level managers & keeping their fat salaries & bonuses safe.Obamacare is a very bad solution to a very complex, out of control problem. Until?health care?costs are reined in, people stop using emergency rooms as clinics for sore throats, gonorrhea & when they get the flu, pharmaceutical companies quit charging 100 times more for a drug than what the same drug costs in India, doctors stop ordering tests that people don't need to protect themselves from being sued & people realize that doctors are not gods & that they are human beings & they make mistakes too, the costs will not go down. Mandating that everybody have?health?insurance?should be what makes them get rid of the?law?that you have to be taken care of if you show up at an emergency room regardless of your ability to pay. If everyone has some sort of insurance, because it has been made a law, then every?hospital?should be paid for all emergency room visits & no care should go unpaid. What they need to do is to STOP illegal immigrants from using our health care system & not paying for it!! And, make it mandatory that all babies born within U.S. borders have to have one parent that is already a U.S. citizen in order for the baby to be a U.S. citizen. We're so busy taking care of people that aren't American citizens that the American citizens are suffering, yet they are the ones paying all the bills.AMEN… I use to work at a trauma hospital and saw this all the time! Unbelievable what you see when you work in a hospital that others don't see… I can understand why some get discourage with the way the system is set up. If you see first hand the BS and waste of money that goes on in hospitals, it's unimaginable! :\Use an online Indian pharmacy. There are 2 very good ones. You can get 6 months' worth of medication for less than what your co-pay for one month would be in this country. The drugs are generic & manufactured there. The b***sh** that the FDA tries to scare the people with is just that---B***SH***. If the medications had rat poison in them or some other toxic substance, people all over the world would be dropping dead because everywhere else in the world they're using the generic meds that are not manufactured in this country. When people didn't believe what the FDA was saying, and continued to get their expensive chemo meds & other stuff from Canada or wherever, cutting into the profits of the big pharma companies, the FDA went to the?credit?card companies & made it illegal for them to pay offshore pharmacies. That is how far our?government?will go to protect big pharmaceutical companies. The problem is that the vast majority of people have no idea what's going on because they've got their heads stuck so far down in the sand, they can't hear anything.Please---the?fraud?& abuse of the system is mind boggling. You never hear a politician talk about how much debt hospitals have to absorb---that just gets passed onto the people that have medical?insurance?through higher premiums---that comes from illegal immigrants not paying for?health care?services from hospitals. How many illegals pay for the costs of all the anchor babies that they're popping out? In one of the hospitals where I live, in 2010 they had to eat 80% of the costs from the maternity ward. EIGHTY PERCENT!! Why? Because that 80% was illegal immigrants popping out anchor babies. They don't care because they can't be traced or gone after by the hospital or?collection?agencies because they're not citizens, don't have a social security number, do not work on the books so their salaries cannot be garnished, get paid in cash so they don't file income taxes......I could go on about this topic for days, and still not end there. No politician ever will talk about it, either, because they don't want to lose the minority votes. To the politicians, it's all about being re-elected. That's why we need term limits for Congress and the Senate---when the motivation for them to do the right thing becomes about protecting the American people & not about what's going to get them the most votes in the next election, things will change. Until then, nothing is going to change.I am all for decreasing immigration, unemployment is bad enough for the Americans. It isn't popular to say it though. I think it is reasonable for a parent of US citizenship to be the forward going qualification. The other thing that needs to stop is work visas. It is killing IT,engineering, and nursing.Why do you think employers are now requiring us to bebilingual?for jobs that have nothing to do with?customer service? They WANT immigrants,?legal?and illegal, for the cheap?labor?aspect of it.Obamacare is just another action that the?government?took to ensure that insurance companies continue to make money. It is another "tax" disguised as something good. Mandating that every AMERICAN buy?health?insurance is unconstitutional--it's like telling everybody that they have to buy a car, & that each state will have certain car companies selling certain models in their state, & that they can buy a base model car all the up to a luxury sedan---the choice is theirs. Forcing people to PURCHASE something from for-profit companies is unconstitutional, but there are so many people out there who think it's a great thing because "so many more people will have insurance". The expansion of the Medicaid system will increase the premiums for everybody else that is paying for their?health care. And now that "everybody" is required to have insurance, then EVERYBODY that shows up to the emergency room should be able to produce an insurance card. If they can't, then they should have to pay the cost of what the E.R. visit is & NO COSTS should have to be absorbed by the hospitals. I find it odd that the government has mandated that all AMERICANS have to purchase insurance, but they said NOTHING about mandating illegal immigrants to purchase insurance or getting rid of the Emergency Medical Treatment &?Labor?Act. Why do you think so many hospitals have been forced to shut down?That is what makes me mad about Obamacare. It WILL profit the insurance companies even more. But before Obama ever took office, there were others that pushed for nationalized care and that went up like a led balloon.I just wish all?legal?citizens could get affordablehealthcare...period! We saw what happened when we relied on our jobs to have insurance.Much agreed! Obamacare is so flawed, but I get the premise of it. I would much rather do what other industrialized countries have done and that is to go for some sort of nationalized care, with the option of buying private?insurance?as a supplement.And yes!...stop illegals from having access to our?healthcare. That makes me crazy. Sadly, far too many people, including illegals, use hospitals as their first line of care since they don't have the means to see a regular doctor. I dread ever having to use an emergency room any time soon.Please--there are women running over the borders from Mexico into the states 9 months pregnant & in?labor?to have their babies in this country so the babies can qualify for welfare & WIC. That's how they feed their families! They breast feed the kids so that they can get real?food?like milk, cheese, etc. instead of formula and they feed their entire family with the food. If they have 2 or 3 kids, they get a lot of real food to feed the family. Then they use the cash that they're making at their housecleaning jobs to buy cars, cell phones, etc. They breast feed the kids until they go to school, practically, to maximize their WIC benefits. They live 35 people to a house. The?fraud?that goes on is mind boggling. They don't pay for the costs they jacked up to deliver their babies & they don't care because nothing can be done to them since they're not American citizens & don't have social security numbers. The?government?needs to stop taking care of everybody else & start taking care of it's own people. There is no other country on the face of this earth where somebody could walk into a?hospital?& get taken care of for free. The "freedom" in this country that my grandparents rode in the hull of a boat for, for 2 weeks to get here, has gotten out of hand. Now, the American citizens have been unconstitutionally mandated to purchase insurance from for-profit companies.?I am all for decreasing immigration, unemployment is bad enough for the Americans. It isn't popular to say it though. I think it is reasonable for a parent of US citizenship to be the forward going qualification. The other thing that needs to stop is work visas. It is killing IT,engineering, and nursing.I know it! It's all about big profit for corporations. Never mind the long term implications of cutting the pay and benefits of American workers. At some point, we won’t be able to afford all these products that are being made.What do you think the solution should be? Any thoughts? The old system has failed. Employers aren't covering people any more.I think that at this point a solution has become so complicated because things have been allowed to get so out of hand for so long. The?government?should not be unconstitutionally mandating American citizens purchaseinsurance?from for-profit companies. If the government wanted to institute a single-payer system, then sit down & hammer out the financials for how much more each person would have to pay in taxes so that everybody could havehealth care. Don't let for-profit insurance companies collect the money so that the?CEO's can take home $18million bonuses every year. if every citizen in the country is covered, then anybody who shows up to an emergency room without the ability to verify their insurance has to pay up front, period, end of story. There should be NO REASON for any?health?care costs not to be covered. The problem is that the government is in the pockets of big insurance companies, big pharmaceutical companies, etc. & if a TRUE single payer system were to be initiated, those companies would lose A LOT of money. The solution has to start with regulating internal costs--but, from what I've recently read, just the opposite is happening. Obama wants to give free rein to pharma companies to increase medication costs & force off-shore generic medication production companies to stop producing generic meds that compete with American-made meds. What I find funny, though, is that no regulations apply to other companies outsourcing their production out of the country to save money. Why should it be any different? The rules should apply to EVERYONE, not selectively doled out. The TRUE solution is single payer. You pay more in taxes but never have to worry about being taken care of. The problem is that a single payer system destroys profits for medical companies.My son spent three days in the hospital for kidney stones. He had massive amounts which meant he needed a lot of IV flushing of the kidneys and pain management. Thankfully, he needed no invasive surgery, but guess what the bill was for his care? Ready? $49,000 for 3 days of pain management and?general?monitoring!!! He was covered byinsurance, thank goodness. But you can see why we have a huge problem.For a long time, Americans were told that medical care anywhere else but in this country was sub-par & that you'd have a bad result & probably die because the?governmentwanted to keep everybody requiring procedures &?health care?in this country because of the profit margin for all involved. However, once air travel became the norm, & people started to see that medical care in other countries was not dangerous & in fact, much cheaper & of the same quality, they decided to travel to those countries to have the surgery. There are many procedures done in other countries that are not FDA approved in this country, & they are performed successfully without incident. The way to control the people is to scare them. They tell us that the U.S. has the best medical care in the world, yet our infant mortality rate is worse than about 40 other countries. We are intent on having doctors deliver babies, where most other places in the world rely on midwives. When a laboring mother goes into the?hospital, they are immediately put on a Pitocin drip to accelerate?labor---WHY? In other countries, women labor until the babies are ready to be born on their own timelines. Pregnancy & childbirth are not medical "conditions"---they are the most normal physiological process known to human beings. It doesn't have to be controlled or "helped along". Babies know where to go & how to get there. When this country can really prove that its care is the best in the world, then I'll believe it.It's out of hand, for sure. 3 days for kidney stones without any surgery sounds like a lot. I've had chronic kidney stones for 15 years, & have never been admitted to a hospital. I've had numerous surgical procedures, but they were always done on an outpatient basis. There is much truth to the "wallet biopsy" stories--people with better insurance tend to get admitted to hospitals more frequently than people with crappy or no insurance. Doctors are actually being taught about the economic aspects of patient care in medical school now---can you believe that? A human being's care is dependent on their insurance & how well the hospital is going to get paid? I was in the hospital in August for a very unexpected diagnosis--2 days in ICU and one day on a telemetry floor---& I am getting bills from doctors I never even saw! Every test I had was read by a different doctor, so a co-pay for each of them, & considering I had a bunch of tests from a chest xray to EKG to echocardiogram to sonogram of my leg, those co-pays add up. In addition to the specialist, I was seen by a "hospitalist" every day & he really had no contribution to my care. Then there was the emergency department physician & admitting physician---2 different people. And everybody is scratching their heads wondering why?health care?costs are so high? Give me a break! Add to that my $1,250 deductible, and all of a sudden my "great" insurance plan isn't so "great" anymore. I ended up having to pay about $3,000, & I have private insurance!!When my Dad was born, my grandfather paid him with a smoked ham and a dozen eggs!The doctor lived in the next town and my father was already out by the time he came. The doctor said that he would come back in 3 days to check on everybody and that is when my grandfather paid him!My father was born in a house with two midwives and they didn't have co-pays back then! LOL!I like that!When we were growing up our Doctor made house calls!When my mom had my sister and the?hospital?bill was $75.00, she spent an entire week in the hospital. Nowadays you pop out a chap, spend 12-24 hours in the hospital, get booted out and the bill is thousands of dollars! :)What other country is clamoring for an American stylehealth care?system?My European relatives to this day, can't understand why you need a job or a husband before you see a doctor.Certainly, our?health?care system is broken.... unless one has money of course. How come we hear of people in other countries coming here to get operations (if they have money of course)? Because the waiting list is so long in their country, they could well be dead or severely disabled before the operation would take place......Agreed, universal health care is a wonderful ideal.... and would be great to have if done right.Certainly, our?health care?system is broken.... unless one has money of course. How come we hear of people in other countries coming here to get operations (if they have money of course)? Because the waiting list is so long in their country, they could well be dead or severely disabled before the operation would take place......Agreed, universal?health?care is a wonderful ideal.... and would be great to have if done right.I disagree. Because health care in other countries is prioritized does not mean that people needing surgery would die or be severely disabled before the operation would take place. If you don't get a knee arthroscopy, you won't die or lose your leg. Unless a surgery is the difference between life or death, like a fast growing malignant mass in your brain or elsewhere, a ruptured aneurysm, etc., most procedures can wait. What the problem is, is that most people CANNOT wait, which is a product of the me, me, me society & instant gratification. In the times of cell phones, text messages, take-out?food, people have forgotten what PATIENCE is. What did everybody do before they had a cell phone attached to their ear? They waited until they got home to call someone. What did they do before ATM machines? They had to wait until after 9am & the?bank's doors opened. Technology is great, but it changes people. People have a very inflated sense of self-importance these days, & it is actually quite amusing.I think a big problem is that people have stuck their heads so far in the sand that they don't know what is even going on in this country. They watch the mainstream media reports & believe everything they're being force fed. I'm not conspiracy theorist or anything--the things I've said are facts. People hear one person from Canada or Europe complaining because they can't get their cataracts operated on for a month & think that a single-payer system is horrible. While the eventual goal is to have a single payer system, with everybody's medical records stored on a central?database?server so that all medical providers can access them, for now they have to placate the insurance companies & big pharma to ensure big campaign contributions for the next election. The problems have gotten so bad & complicated because it seems that everything has become interconnected, like an octopus. You can't do something abouthealth care?without regulating the insurance industry, & you can't regulate the insurance industry without doing something about the costs of care & medications, & you can't do anything about the costs without addressing how much is being spent on workups & care because doctors are terrified of being sued, & you can't address the doctors without considering tort's a web of sh**. Stop allowing insurance companies to dictate what medications can be prescribed by the people that spent 7, 8, 9, 10, & even 15 years learning about the medication in the first place. Stop allowing the multi-million dollar jury verdicts for medical malpractice lawsuits & that will lower malpractice premiums.One of my professors said that technology will change social behavior and not always for the better.We played a game at my last job. I would get an email and I wouldn't respond. Ten minutes later, I would get a phone call (from the same party that sent the email) and I would let it go to voice mail.Twenty minutes later, the same party would walk by my office and say, "Heeeeey, how's it going? Did you get my email?" We would all burst out laughing.Technology has created this instant gratification society. How many teenagers do you see out & about that aren't glued to their iPhones? How many people do you see that actually drive the speed limit? How patient are we when we get told that we have to wait a few minutes for a table in a restaurant, or a doctor's appointment, or at the hair salon? Can you imagine having to live now without a?computer, or a cell phone, or an ATM card? You can't even look for jobs or apply for jobs without the internet. My mother is required to have her social security directly deposited into her checking?account?& they do not issue checks---so, thegovernment?has her?banking?information. Same thing with unemployment. I am a victim of the instant gratification society too, just as much as anybody else. I actually bought a remote starter for my car, because I am too much of a priss to walk outside in the cold & start my car 15 minutes before I have to leave the house! And everybody talks about the obesity epidemic--just take a look at EVERYTHING during the day that technology has taken over: you don't pull your garage door up or down, you press a button. Lawnmowers have self-propelled wheels to make them easier to push (that is, if you even mow your own lawn!). You don't have to walk to your neighbor's house to ask if they have a cup of sugar--you just text them. You don't have to get up to change the TV channel--you press a button on a little box.Yup! The problem is that we are becoming slaves to the technology instead of the masters of it.One of my pet peeves is people constantly texting and on their cell phones. It's a strange addiction. You can be in a room full of people and half of them are sending a text instead of carrying on a conversation. People are loosing social skills. You walk down the street most of them on cells or so busy texting they would run right into you. Most people have an anxiety attack if they forgot their iphone. I must be one of the few in the country who doesn't have one. It's a bizarre world to me.Nothing more hilarious than someone walking into a ditch, a pothole or a fountain because their were sending a text and not watching where they were going. But on the not so funny side people have had wrecks and taken lives because of it to. It never fails some idiot?driving?down the road is sending a text or on their phone.I have family in?law enforcement?and see first hand the cr@p they deal with. Some put them down and think they are all bad apples. Yes, there are always bad apples in the bunch, but the majority of them are risking so much to protect us. I have a lot of respect for people who's jobs are to protect or take care of us! :)?If you don't get a knee arthroscopy, you won't die or lose your leg. Unless a surgery is the difference between life or death, like a fast growing malignant mass in your brain or elsewhere, a ruptured aneurysm, etc....Even if the particular surgery is something that the doctors say "can wait", my first question is "how much pain will I have to live with until the surgery?" Will I be confined to a wheel chair until the knee or leg surgery is done? If there is considerable pain/ discomfort, etc, I would want the surgery within weeks, not months myself. Quality of life can slide downhill fast under the wrong circumstances....I rarely talk on my phone. I text, I email, I Facebook. Plus it is a scientific fact that an iPhone is kryptonite for a screaming child. Hey sweetie, if you can STFU for a few minutes while mommy tries to check out at the?grocery store, you can play Angry Birds in the car ride home.Works LITERALLY every time.Gee---when I was growing up it was "Stop screaming or else you're going to get a good smack across the face when we get in the car." That's what stopped my generation from screaming in a store---we knew better.Those days are long gone. I'm ok with having to find other ways to discipline. It appeals to my?creative?side. Mine are pretty good - because I don't drag them to the store if I can avoid it. That's the real problem. Kids misbehave because parents are so self absorbed today and insist on treating their kids like little adults. They arent! They're kids! And guess what??Grocery?shopping is super boring for a kid. So they do what kids do and that's see what they can get away with.100% agreed. Your child really needs a nap right up until about age 3 1/2. And a little past that they need a srtuctured rest time. Taking a kid out in mid afternoon is just setting yourself up for trouble. And there are a million other stages that people seem oblivious to. Parenting done right is very attention intensive. I think this has been completely overlooked in the last 20 years.I didn't whack me kids around either. But if they did something wrong, they sure heard about. And after that there was a discussion of rewinding the?event?and what could be done to avoid problems the next time. Plus we always insisted they refer to adults as Ms. And Mr. - even if the adult insisted on their first name.You and I are the same page with this. Agree, especially that last part. I was forever correcting a few of my daughter's friends who thought it was OK to address me by my first name. It actually shocked me the first time that happened. My daughter was certainly taught better.I also agree with you and Better! It takes a lot of quality time to raise yourchildren. My boys were also taught to respect others, please and thank you were a natural part of their vocabulary.When my boys were young, teachers and friends would always comment on how polite the boys were. They weren't born polite, they were taught it. Today they are young, respectable men and they have told me many times they're thankful for the way their father and I raised them. Very proud of them and I love them so much! :)When I was told by my son's teacher that he was the most polite boy in his class, I was beaming. Everyone seems to want their kid to be the smartest or the best athlete. I just want to raise mine to be decent people with good manners. The rest will work itself out.Facebook is like a high school reunion that never ends. Constant one-upping people that you really have no interest in having a relationship with in real life.LOL---You're so right. And what makes me laugh is people that post pictures daily or every thought that goes through their head or every move they make on a daily basis. Give it a rest. Do you really think you're that important that everybody wants to know your daily?exercise?routine, or that you are eating ice cream, or videos of your kids dancing? Good Lord.My nephew posts pictures of what he had for dinner last night at a Thai restaurant? I really don't care. Should I?I kind of relate Facebook to the ultimate in boredom---taking pictures offood?& posting it is the epitome of boredom, isn't it? I thought daily pictures of your kids making cookies, running down the street, making stupid faces & sitting across from you in a diner was bad. Food is much worse. It's like taking a picture of the grass. "Here's the Kentucky Blue I planted last fall. It's so green & fluffy!"But there are people that would get hundred of "Likes" and 20 comments if posted "Here's the Kentucky Blue I planted last fall. It's so green & fluffy!". If I posted it...promptly ignored."Awww, that grass is so cute"That's because the people that would "Like" the post are posting pictures of their grass too, to show that their grass is greener & fluffier than the grass they're "liking". It would say "Love your grass!! Here's a pic of my grass that I water with special, ionized water & whose dirt I carefully sowed with manure from cows that only eat grass watered with special, ionized water & defecate in special areas made specifically for the safe storage of gourmet cow dung!"LOL. I hear you! I wonder if these people that are doing this are also unemployed.The most prolific facebookers I know are retired or SAHMs.?Here, if one of your richest relatives invites you to come over and help take the wheels off of his new brand home, you might be a Redneck.Baltimore used to have "official" projects. Multiple high rise towers that looked like prisons for all the.... how do I put this.... "underprivileged". Back in the '90's, Baltimore decided it was time for those buildings to come down. The low income?housing?was literally spread around the?city.Yes, there are "nicer" pockets of Baltimore, but a block away is, well, not such a good area.In California and in Texas, Spanish is almost a requirement if you are in any kind of?front office?setting.When I look for jobs I use the phrase blah, blah, blah and NOT Spanish and NOT?bilingual. That narrows the field down to about 3 jobs.I haven't seen the following lately, but a few years ago, there were numerous ads in my area that specifically stated "women and minorities encouraged to apply". Yes, in those exact words.Well, since Baltimore?city?is majority African American, that, by definition, puts me in the minority class for this area. But, that is not what the employers meant.So, in a city that is majority African American, why were (are) companies not getting enough "minority" applicants?And though I am not racist, qualifying a job ad with the above statement does put me at a disadvantage......The area I am in almost everyone is?bilingual. Who knew in central Oregon? I took many Spanish classes in?college, but that was 20 years ago. So it has been difficult for me to be in settings where there is only Spanish spoken. My friend is a?chef?so I am not sure why they wanted him to speak Spanish. I almost didn't get my part time job because I am not fluent.?I haven't seen the following lately, but a few years ago, there were numerous ads in my area that specifically stated "women and minorities encouraged to apply". Yes, in those exact words.Well, since Baltimore?city?is majority African American, that, by definition, puts me in the minority class for this area. But, that is not what the employers meant.So, in a city that is majority African American, why were (are) companies not getting enough "minority" applicants?And though I am not racist, qualifying a job ad with the above statement does put me at a disadvantage......I used to see those ads too and I happen to believe it is code for "this job is low wage". Hate to say it, but it's a fact women and minorities do tend to earn lower wages. There are plenty of discriminatory language out there such as, "college?grads welcomed!", code for, "we like young, naive students". I would like to see all language like that eliminated. I am a Caucasian woman in her 50s that never understood the sting of discrimination until it happened to me personally. I think companies discriminate on all sorts of levels. Let's face it, they need to say, "if you aren't related or connected to someone already internal, you are on the bottom of our list of interviews".Whaaaa! I can't get a job because of Taleo!?Whaaaa! I can't get a job because I'm not a minority!?You have an excuse for everything, don't you? Being a victim must be awfully tiring.I can honestly say that in all my years of?hiring?and firing, minority status has never been an issue. I've never been pressured to hire or not hire someone because the color of their skin. I once had to hire a fluent Spanish speaker to handle a project I had down in Uruguay. And guess what I hired? *gasp* a white guy. He had the best qualifications for the job and spoke Spanish fluently. If he had been a minority, or heck, even an orange cat, he still would have gotten the job. I've spent 20 years working for Fortune 100 companies, household names. This is the way that it is done. There is not a secret room of people discussing ways they can raise diversity while holding non-minorities back.In the end, your skills, your personality, and your price are what matters. Everything else is just noise.My job at Walgreens has been threatened because I don't have enough suggestive sales of the item of the month. Are they allowed to do that?In most states, they don't even need a reason to?fire?you. They just come up with something to avoid lawsuits.?Hang in there and never take any of it personally.Things could be worse. You could work in the death camp with me.I've been there less than a year. 35% of employees are gone either via quitting or firing in less than a year. There have been two terminations in the last few weeks. There's another one coming this or next week.You can imagine the tension and stress in the atmosphere based on the above alone. But there's more to it. The atmosphere creates even more tension between the individual employees. I've not seen more games, more immature behavior or more inappropriate, unprofessional conduct in the entire expanse of my working life. It's a zoo.There's even more to it than the above which I can't even get into. It's really not the work; it's the atmosphere and the threatening, attack emails coming from up high to the entire office. It's several things which will go unnamed waiting to happen.I'm still there, but it's ripping my soul to shreds on a daily basis. It's still better than being unemployed. I know how hard being unemployed is and how it grates on you, but this experience is right there at that low, low level. Every day I and everyone else is on tenterhooks wonders if we'll have a job the following day.One day...I think a lot of places are like this now, it's not one type of industry.?All one can do is one's best.?I agree about this not being morally better than being unemployed. It is hard to know if the job will be there next month.I am trying to think of ways to go into?business, because I feel there isn't much security working for someone else anymore. Not that having a business would be all that secure, but it sure would beat working like this.Hang in there.You truly have my condolences. Every time I am tempted to feel sorry for myself for not having a job, I think of situations like yours and I get the shivers up my spine. I KNOW the atmosphere you work in and have been there myself more than once in my life. The psychological toll can't be measured. It's the only situation I can think of where you don't have much control until you either walk out the door or they show you the door.I hope you can get out as soon as possible.I'm not currently unemployed, but I absolutely cannot stand my current job and I cannot get out of it for the life of me. Nobody will hire me.I've come to the realization that there are very few career choices..there'sHealthcare?(which I would say has the most employees, saturated, most of the time lack decent pay and everyone is burnt out..unless your a doctor of some sort), Manual?labor?(which usually goes to those with a criminal record or no degree), Sciences (bio,?chemist,?engineer),Education?(over saturated and almost impossible to find a job).?A bachelors degree is like having a high school diploma, but it costs thousands more. Masters is the next step and another $20,000+ sometimes. Some people with 2 year degrees or no degree make more than those with bachelors or masters!The whole thing is unbalanced! There are too many people looking for jobs, the jobs that are?hiring?are looking for people that don't exist (top of the line,?bilingual, has 3 years experience, supervisor experience, 7 references and this that and the other). The jobs that would hire people off the street are in some other country somewhere. People keep going back to school but the same thing keeps happening. I'm not sure if it even matters what career your in..I think it's the same everywhere.I'm pretty sure it's over for me. I have no degree and I am in my mid fifties. It doesn't matter that I have lots of great experience, had a few decent job titles, and my own?business...I can't even get a bite from Craigslist these days. Perhaps my gap is too large. I have been out of work for a year and half. But I am hardly stale. I am a voracious reader and I like to do all sorts of things to keep myself sharp and in the loop. I have tons of connections, but they have no job openings. They all know I am chomping at the bit to get something...anything...part time...low pay...anything to start.It is not over for you! You have so much to offer UU!I was thinking the same thing, I felt like something was terribly wrong with me because I couldn't even find part time work. What I will say is part time beats?full time, especially after reading Parafreegal's post. For me, part time bypasses all the office BS. I go in, do my job, I'm not there long enough to see all the crap that goes on.You will find a job…I know you will, when you least expect it will happen. :)The jobs situation has been bad in Chicago for at least six years. It's gotten no better. There's a slew of underemployed people out there on top of the unemployed. Places just aren't?hiring, and if they are hiring it's likely temps.I can't stay at this place for very long. I'm a pretty healthy dude and have kept off the weight I lost doing that graveyard shift down at the mill, but the monumental stress of the gulag cannot be good for me or anyone else working there. My eyes have been open the entire time I've been there, but I've had no interviews. That's too bad because the experience I'm getting now will be very valuable going forward.It's bad where I am too. I think most major metropolitan areas just have too many people for the jobs available. I will actually raise an eyebrow when I see a job ad I haven't applied for.So, the situation with this dude blowing up at me twice over nothing yesterday? I guess the resolution is we both agree to just work together. And then something went out to the entire office about dispute resolution in?general. This dude is going to get away with while I'm painted as the bad guy. The whole thing was caused and started by him, and I only raised my voice a tiny bit compared to this guy completely losing it over absolutely nothing. I'm not sure if I've been warned or written up yet. I just sit here shaking my head at all of this craziness. The pressure, stress and drama is just through the roof. Never have I been so dissatisfied in an office job.Oh, raises are coming out. There haven't been any reviews. There hasn't been any notice. I guess you just look at your check and figure it out?Seriously. I'm just stunned.Have you noticed this? The more emotional they are, the more drama they create, the more valued they are??If you show up on time, if you do your job 100+%, do all the things they ask you to do, use the pink postits, not the yellow ones, blah blah blah, it is still not enough.?I really believe "they", meaning the knuckleheads who get promoted into bossdom, like things to be highly emotional.I used to work in life?insurance?offices. Companies left and right were leaving California. They would leave and I'd be stuck looking for another job. After about the 5th time and 15 yrs later I decided to heck with it. My blood pressure was up and I was on Paxil and Topomax for stress headaches. I was 55 years old competing against younger people. As a kid I was taught not to complain so kept things bottled up just glad I had a job. I haven't seen a doctor in the past 5 years due to no insurance. I now have a job as a nanny making as much as when I was in an office with a nice family and insurance. Went to the doctor who couldn't believe I was on no medications with perfect blood pressure and heart and I am now almost 61 years old. Point of the story is office life with all it's politics was killing me.I got laid off from a really good job. But because I have specialized skills, and come across as competent, employers either don't get back in touch with me or tell me I'm overqualified. Right. I get that. My mortgage still needs to be paid, my kids still need to eat. One employer even told me I was "too entrepreneurial". Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. My unemployment?insurance?runs out in 10 weeks, and it only covered 2/3rd of my expenses anyway.?I saw on the news that some job seekers 'just give up'. Oh, yeah? And what do they do for?food? My guess is that not all of them have trust funds or employed spouses. I sure don't. What I have is 5 kids who put their faith in me.You're like me, you'd do better with your own?business.?I can't say what they interpret, but I think they know we won't bow down to them.Buying old stuff helps defer costs too. Modern?furniture, appliances, and other goods were designed with planned opalescence. They are designed to fail after so many years to encourage replacement. Wasn't that way a generation or two were ago. You bought a sofa or a refrigerator, you bought it for life.I have no interest in buying some old appliances from the 70s, but I've slowly been replacing hints like my coffee table, dining set, etc. with antiques that I've salvaged. A little bit of elbow grease and staining, and they are as good as new. They sure take the damage of young?childrenfar better than the newer crap I bought for far more money. We found an old lawn mower tossed out in the trash this fall. Brought it home, spent 20 minutes tinkering with the engine, bought a new blade, good as new. Sure beats paying new for something if you aren't afraid to get your hands dirty.Good points.?I think the cars from long ago were far better made. Less cheap plastic. You could fix them yourself because they weren't computers on wheels.?Never see any commercials shouting about how well made cars are now. It's just about a lifestyle or feeling.Being unemployed is worse than being in my position. That's painful to admit given the amount of stress involved with this gig.They guy I worked with directly is now leaving. He was very, very close to getting fired and boom out of nowhere he puts in notice. Very little work was already being done. Now, no work will be done and it will all be on me. Outstanding!There will probably be 3-4 new folks starting in the next few weeks. This place churns through people like soft butter. And I'm a stick basically sitting out on the counter at this point. I've seen 50 times more garbage in this job than in all other jobs combined. I have a looming deadline and basically a warning to do something when...wait for it...I don't even have any file, papers or information from which to work. Meanwhile, the guy leaving is just going to blow it completely off. This case is an indication of a day in the life at this joint.?It works just like?advertising?on TV. The few advertisements that are actually fun to watch rarely increase sales because people don't pay enough attention to what the advertisement is for. Annoying ads tend to be effective because people remember the product the advertisement is for. So, if you just do your job you probably won't get noticed. If you fuss and whine constantly, you will.Yes, goes along with the increasing number of incompetent managers. They take these courses on how to manage, how to motivate their people, blah blah blah ad nauseum, but it's all books and on paper. Most manage with intimidation and favoritism.?Which is why everything is going to hell in a handbasket now. Manufacturing is essentially gone from the US. So we have these service sector jobs and dealing with the public which is just a living hell.?Try to find quality products and it's very hard to find.?But you go anywhere, and employees are forced to say hi to you, talk it up with you, more blah blah blah, but it's all just an act to get your?business. They do it at the?dentist, the store, the car repair, you name it. All acting, all a big front.?Gone is the day when it was all quiet politeness, and employees didn't have to act drugged-up cheery and prostrate themselves, and the work was done right.well yes they do ask for gaps in ur employment, even if that is only a month that u were unemployed.What do they expect us to do to fill this gap. They themselves are not willing to hire us. I do agree that every job has its own dignity, but I hate and do not agree with the idea of working in mcdonalds or burgerking as a cleaner after obtaining a masters degree. I could have very well invested the money i spend on?college?in starting my own small scale?business?. I am an msw graduate and worked in a group home for 2 years earning 8 dollars per hour to not have a gap and to keep myself engaged. Now they say they need college level job experience. The group home job is only high school level job experience. What a waist of two years.">>>>>>>How sad for people going through all this educational training and to not even recieve an?entry level?, moderately paying job in their chosen profession. BK, KFC, or Mickey D's are their employment/dream job choices?Yuck!<<<<<<<I totally agree with you, I am working on my masters degree and plan to stop after this semester for that reason. The direction employment is going today, leaves me feeling discouraged even with my bachelors degree, especially as I get older, its so sad.It only gets better.No, the guy who accused me of talking to him like a child is still there. He's a fixture.One of the guys I was working with who was this/close to being fired is leaving. He's been totally invisible, doing little work and is now doing pretty much zero work. He put in notice a week ago. I've not been told when his last day is. Bizarre but typical. He isn't responding to me and putting out any work. This puts me in the crosshairs, which is totally unwarranted.Today, yet again, I was asked by a boss where this guy was, what he was doing and if he's covering things this week. Again, I have no idea and have told them such. Within an hour, an email goes out to all saying if attorneys miss anything it's their staff's behinds as well. I'm not in control of this guy who's invisible and doing nothing, but sure, okay.A new guy is coming in to replace the guy above. This guy is going to work out of his home office 4-5 hours away. I guess they didn't learn anything from the other guy never coming in or working.Meanwhile 10% of the office consists of scared new people in the last week.The good news is I have an interview set up. Not sure about this though, as it's sort of outside of my area of experience. Still, I'll go anywhere.I am at the point where I have such a poor outlook on the workforce. I think about all the past experiences I've had and how none of them have really worked out...I know I will have to work again but I am dreading it.Contrary to what some people have told me, I'm not lazy, arrogant or difficult. I want to work, do my very best when I'm at work, and have a life outside of work. I'm tired of the office politics and "fitting in" crap and all the other stupid social and political stuff you have to do just to not be a target. I want to be a professional and represent a company well. I didn't realize the workplace was going to be another version of high school.I hate when i see a job to apply for on CB or Monster and it says location White, NY.Then when you click apply the location is different????? In same state but hours away. It's happen to me a few times before.Anyone else.funny, last night I'm watching an old magnum pi show that i taped on a vhs tape. One of the commercials was the?cable?company?advertising?for a sales position to sell tv advertising. all they wanted was a 4 yr degree. i taped the show over 10 yrs this same cable company has a long?laundry?list of requirements for the same position. you need industry experience, proficient?computer?skills, etc (time warner cable.)Didn't Time Warner just get bought out by?Comcast??Everything is owned by something else now.?I remember when it was just Warner Cable and they had Bugs and Daffy on the side of the repair truck.?The techs were great then too, they could help you with your computer, but now, everything is so tight as far as what they can do. Sometimes, at night, they used to have great techs in support. Now, all you get is someone reading the same thing.I wish I had something to show for my hours upon hours of applying for jobs that I never hear back from. I'm 23 and received my Bachelor's degree last year. I don't have much experience. I understand that I need to gain some so I've been applying to countless internships, some of them even unpaid, and still hear nothing back. How do I get this experience when working for free even requires experience?! I'm trying to stay positive but it really is frustrating and demoralizing. How do you stand out when you're reduced to a single piece of paper that is probably just skimmed over or not even looked at..Every single one of us has had a tough time or bad situation with work. In life, you will trip and fall in the mud at some point. This is where you see true character. Do you pick yourself up, brush yourself off, keep walking, and make sure to step around the mud next time? Or do you stay on the ground complaining that you were pushed? The answer isn't did you trip on your own or did you have help. It's how you let that fall impact the way you carry yourself moving forward.People post all the time about stupid questions they hate getting in interviews. I have one that people hate but I absolutely love as a manager. "What would you change about your last job?" It's a good glimpse into people who are able to rationally look at a bad situation, vs. people who are victims and refuse to learn anything.I was on last night. When did they bump up gov salaries higher than their private sector counterparts for menial jobs like?janitor,laborer, etc. There was 10 dollar differences.You know Joe, that is what bothers me more than anything. Raises should only be given when the private sector is doing better. There is no way they can possibly understand what is going on out here unless they get to feel a little pain themselves. Of course that will never happen.Kudos to all of us that keep pushing forward, no matter the circumstances. At least it makes one appreciate what they have.there was a time years ago that the reason people went into govt was either because1. they just weren't smart enough to work in the private sectoror2. they really wanted to be a public servant and help the public the reason is because it's a better gig than most private sector jobs.I agree. In some places, the?government?is the largest employer.?Now, it's a cushy ride to early retirement and a pension.Sadly, most seem to go in it because they are guaranteed raises, full benefits, and a full pension, regardless of how well they served in their job. It's worse than some of the unions you used to hear about.At the very least, limiting someone's time in office and eliminating the cushy pension may make some difference. But you and I will never see that happen.Last week I said,"Why work here if you don't want to help people?" The department head said, "Cause it pays good".My mother had a friend who use to work for the county. Her job was to place people into various?housing?projects, section 8, motels, etc.She once told her boss that she hadn't placed anyone in two years because there was nowhere to place them.Her boss said, "Which side of your desk do you want to be on?"Government?has been a really bizarre experience, especially mine. My situation as I've detailed elsewhere is incredibly dysfunctional. What I'm dealing with epitomizes every single bad thing you've heard of in regards to government workers, the unions and bad management. I can't tell the story but now that I know it, its mind-blowing. Also an incredibly learning experience in a really F'd up miserable way.So here is what happens. You show up, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed (we still use that term or does it show my age), ready to go and at the bottom. You see really obvious problems and changing them becomes a nightmare. As my boss says "there's always some m...........r in the way." So you beat your head against the wall until you either become one or quit because no one listens to you at the bottom. My fortuitous situation is that it's so bad it's obvious even to government.And because you start at the bottom all you run into are walls. Eventually, years later, you get a manager job, accumulate some power, but by then, all you want to do is survive until the finish line and cap your salary grade. So real change never happens and honestly, despite all the rhetoric, probably never will. Government isn't supposed to be entrepreneurial and nimble and given it's constituency base (everyone) that's pretty much impossible.I work in an area with a lot of really smart people. I have lots of advanced degrees running around because of the nature of my niche. I think people here, at least in regards to what I'm doing, want to get things done and move the ball. There's dead weight, a lot of it, but it's not all dead weight.It's more than hard to succumb to being sucked up by the machine.?People have to have a sense of purpose. If you are just stamping out a part on an?assembly?line, you want to know it's a quality part. It gets that base.Just giving is really just checking your brains at the door. Then you get that dead vacant eye stare. Walking dead is next.People, and even animals, are sentient beings, so it doesn't do us well to just go along with acting like sponges.My last job as a contractor at a?federal?facility would have been comical had it not ended with me being unemployed again. No one did any work unless specifically told to, they never did more than they were asked to do (and frequently did less), and they never did anything unless there was an SOP. No one ever questioned a superior,?contract?employees would risk being fired if they ever said anything negative to or about a civil service employee, and sucking up was explicitly demanded by managers. It took 5 months, multiple forms, and the approval of multiple managers to move adesktop?workstation from 1 cubicle to another and the commonly-used software packages that I asked for in June hadn't been installed when I left in February.I finished my?college?degree early and have been applying to jobs everywhere since before graduation. I am still sitting here three months later, pulling my hair out. I can't seem to find a job anywhere. The call backs quit coming. I am living in my parents' house and slowly going insane. I thought that having a degree was supposed to help you succeed...It's amazing how naive the?general?populace is. Doesn't anyone get it? The politicians and corporations are not going to "provide new jobs" or any jobs at all. They're outsourcing to foreign and automating jobs. They're using H1B workers and using illegals. I have seen plenty illegals in offices too. No Mexicans, but I've seen Latin American, Hispanic, Asian and European illegals being used as file clerks, temps, in F500 firm?food, mail,?cleaningdepartments. Yes, in NYC!! I saw this in the 90s when I was a temp myself in F500. Moreover, in vino veritas: in wine there is truth. Give drink and the truth will flow. At parties and while at bars, you overhear people talk. You talk to people yourself sitting there and they say..."my boyfriend works at....has immigration problems...or "my wife is___at__ and they don't want to make her permanent." Nepotism/cronysim is how these illegals get into the offices. Remember, these are jobs that we, the long term unemployed could easily do. But these corporate F500 get their welfare by employing illegals. Just like Walmart andn the rest. Then you wonder why you have to fill out Taleo and other ats e on, we all know they want to screen us out. That's the sole purpose. Otherwise, there is absolutely no reason why it should take someone qualified, educated and experienced 1-3 to find a job. 1-3 years it takes in a third world country to find employment. But here? It's insane, really. Age discrimination is another major reason, but that's a topic for another thread.Yes.That's why Putin is laughing at us.Europe thinks we're a joke as well. I wonder, if I go to Europe right now, with my American?education?and work experience, I would find a job faster I bet. It wouldn't pay much, but I would be employed I'm sure.But, yes. Obummer needs to stay away from Russo-Ukranian affairs. He has no dog in the fight. Let's focus on our own people here, won't we ?Many (perhaps most) people are primarily (often solely) concerned about only one thing: their own little world. It still absolutely shocks me when I come across someone who has little, if any knowledge of the "recession".On the so called "news" this morning, the claim was this "recession" will last for a total of about 10 years. The pundits are supposedly thinking the ue rate will dip below 6% come 2016 or so. I very seriously doubt they are taking the underemployed and unenfranchised into?account.From what my parents tell me, the Great Depression lasted about 10 years (yes, they were alive and lived through it). So what makes the Great Depression so much different than the Great Recession? The name of course.Another pet peeve is so many people finding it easier to worry about some other country than this one. Sure, lets send private donations to the latest cause overseas instead of keeping our money here and helping the people in need in THIS country...The people who don't have knowledge of the Great Recession are willfully ignorant.Americans are becoming more selfish, and IMHO this stems in part from our trend towards becoming a nation of haves and have-nots. Many people fear that doing anything besides looking out for themselves will increase their chance of becoming a have-not.I can say that being unemployed and uninsured and facing?financial?ruin have made me more compassionate. Having had people be less than kind, including some who know me well...I dont want to be like that. We have to help each otherPretty convinced anyone who would replace me wouldn't last three months due to the workload, the stress and the atmosphere. I'm trapped. And I just can't do anything about it. Every single day I walk out shaking my head, muttering to myself and thinking I can't take it much more, but there's no alternative. This just isn't the way to live life - being this disconsolate about your job.I have been there too, and my response IS NOT at least you have a job, because many people today work under the same stressful atmosphere. Short of staff while there are so many people unemployed who are dying to work for any organization. It is almost D--n if you are working or D--n if you are not. I will never look at our country the same again, because so many good people are suffering in this economy today and those who helped create or worsen the situation have very little idea on how much stress has been placed on the American people today. So many people from?collegegrads to mid level career to the undecided retiree are left in limbo and filled with anxiety about what their future will hold. This not only angers many of us, but it has left many depressed and feeling hopeless. Congratulations you have served your tax paying Americans well!!About two weeks ago I went in for another interview (telemarketing position) and was hired on the spot, and came in later that night for a four hour "training". It was really just the "trainer" making us read a script off the wall to see how we sounded, and him giving us all nicknames. The next day in the morning the other employees asked us how many new ones there were and we told them. They even told us that one guy went home in the middle of the shift and never came back. I was scared. The whole time in training we were told oh, "you never call the same person back" or "it's 10$/hr?and?full time?so you can't complain". As soon as we started, I knew it wasn't for me. We WERE calling the same people, we all sat at our "desks" and all that on them were the different scripts we were to read if the person on the phone asked if we were a certain company, and we were asked to sign a paper saying they could talk to us like we were in/on hell's kitchen (the tv show). I left at lunch and never looked back.I don't care if someone says "it's a job" "it pays more than minimum wage". If I am not happy at a job the first day, I never will be. I know it wouldn't be a good fit. Nothing could change my mind. It's not right for my to take someone's spot that probably be good at it and maybe possibly enjoy it (but I don't know how they do enjoy it).That's all I get out of it too.?I am a shell of what I used to be.?The managers pass the blame on, never have any accountability.?We have to do more and more in the same amount of time.?Sometimes, I think about going off the grid. If I had the money, I'd buy a plot of land and take a chance of making it that way. If I didn't then that's the way it goes.?It would be far more dignified than being a slave.?I think too many people just accept the economic slavery thing.?I don't and you don't.?Right now, there are no choices.?I am tired of the liars, the self-absorbed narcissists, the buck passers.?I am tired of having people over me talk talk talk talk about themselves. I am an employee and they think anyone below them is an ear for how wonderful their life is.I try to find a solution to this,and there are no jobs,even though I look constantly.?I don't do well accepting how lousy things are and am constantly looking for an answer.I found notes from 2004 when I was @ a local "one stop." Notes stated that there are 200+ applicants for every job. Same stat given recently (2013) @ job?counseling. I guess the economy has run on "fumes" for @ least a decade. NOW we compete w/people w/Master's degrees for part time, minimum wage,?entry level?jobs & people are even more likely to get suckered into those so called "college" degrees from so called "colleges" (local or on line) that all "teach" the same skills that very few (if any) companies respect.Unfair treatment of unemployed is a serious problem and I pose that the 19,000+ responses to this post is proof. I actually AM an?HR?professional seeking employment and even have my master's degree. I am livid with employers for blatant and open disparate treatment against the longer term unemployed who are highly qualified and who otherwise have good work history. This "discrimination" is largely due to excessive word of mouth recruiting. Also, with cutbacks in HR, there are a lot of non-HR personnel now responsible for recruiting function who do not understand the concepts (or care) of disparate treatment (processes that negatively impact a protected group)and other techniques such as avoiding recency bias in interviewing (being most impressed with the applicant they interviewed last) or the primary effect (first impressions stick) when making employment-based decisions. HR professionals are taught to not practice those biased behaviors. Example: I was on an interview with TNTP and went through a telephone screening for roughly 1/2 hour. The screening went extremely well, the interview seemed structured and professional and was full two-way?communication. The 2nd stage was a phone interview with the V/P of HR. Shockingly, at the onset of her interview the V/P stated the interview would only last 5 - 6 minutes - and she called an hour early. Needless to say, I was appalled - who can make a "decision" by only talking with someone for five minutes? To make matters worse, the focus was only what I was doing the past few years (my continuing?educationwas not good enough) and nothing whatsoever about my skills and abilities and education. I avoided delving into my?health?problems (I am now cured) but am insulted all the same. I am non sensationalizing myself and am applying for positions i KNOW I am highly qualified for. I am routinely and constantly being held back because of my recent lapse - there is no other explanation. It is nearly pany layoffs are not being tracked anymore.?bls dot govHow accurate is the unemployment rate? There is no follow-up on layoff workers except those who qualify for unemployment. So many people are not being counted.(From the Bureau of?Labor?Statistics website)?"Mass Layoffs?Data?Discontinued?On March 1, 2013, President Obama ordered into effect the across-the-board spending cuts (commonly referred to as sequestration) required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, as amended. Under the order, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) must cut its current budget by more than $30 million, 5 percent of the current 2013 appropriation, by September 30, 2013. In order to help achieve these savings and protect core programs, the BLS will eliminate two programs, including Mass Layoff Statistics, and all "measuring green jobs" products. This news release is the final publication of monthly mass layoff survey data."?Ohio Means Jobs just took over the local "one stop" that has had maybe five owners in the last ten years. On the internet, the website asks you a few dozen questions, including if you need help w/training,health care, etc. You answer, yes, but no one contacts you. I've talked & emailed w/a few nice people @ local unemployment. They remind me of the few teachers/professors that said encouraging words but couldn't actually help anyone. Same thing w/local "job club" counselors. You really are "on your own."Wow, we are pretty lucky here in Southern Ca. The workers and counselors here do their best to help you find work when they do have job leads. The state of Ca paid for my re-training for a new career as a paralegal because I fell under the "displaced worker when the market crashed back in 2007 (previously in the mortgage industry). But needless to say the school failed to find students jobs and the jobs we did find were all paying minimum wage. I already have 4 years of?legal?experience under my belt and was promised a higher salary before I entered the school. Unfortunately, I think it was the schools way to get another student and another state check.Now when I do go into the One stop offices, The counselors still do their best to assist but it's like Russian roulette with the leads and jobs they receive, sometimes they get them and sometimes they don't.The system has its up and downs and most of the jobs I find on my own, are pretty much fake or from 2-3 months ago so I pretty much know they have already been filled and just not taken down from the website.Don't come to Chicago. There are no jobs here. Trust me. That's across pretty much all sectors.I feel 90 percent of the reasons people aren't getting hired has nothing to do with experience, knowledge or these personality tests. The reason your not being hired is due to your age. Especially when they like your resume, have you drive all the way in to interview and you can tell as soon as they look at you, even though you've dressed perfectly the interview is over without a word being said. Age discrimination does exist and there is no one to police it.?hate that though, because I'm not a "Bolter" too old for that crap. LOL?I have ten good years left at least before I can retire but have been looking into it lately because I'm getting fed up with not being able to find anything out here besides minimum wage jobs and I just don't have the time or?health?to work 3 minimum jobs to get by, now I see why so many people have given up and started their own businesses.OMG, I was just telling my Ma that I see why so many people go intobusiness?for themselves. I think the jobs have gotten worse. They want you working 10 jobs in 1 for $9 and hour plus overtime if needed. I even see jobs like that including Saturday, just working you to death. And I don't mind working, but I'm tired of trying so hard for so little. What I'm seriously looking for is something with some decent growth potential where the 'upgrades' are good. Where I am, ain't nothing to go up too. I go back and forth from being scared as hell to feeling hopeful. I'm trying to keep my spirits up, but I've been here before, applying into black holes and only hearing back from scams and recruiters. It makes death feel like a welcome escape.I'm a bolter, lol, and I've been applying to everything, including part time and I know I don't want that. So I know if I got it I'd still be looking for full-time. But I know people that left my current job used it as a stepping stone, you could tell it was just a paycheck while they kept looking.I just received a similar e-mail and I was all excited because it was for an?administrative?position and I get to the end and it said located in California. I mean if I did have to relocate I would, just not to California (no offense to anyone who lives there)No offense taken. It's nice here in CA but it's getting to the point that only the Rich are going to be left living here. Rent is too high, in the "so so " areas for a studio apt rent starts at $1450. Entrance into Disneyland is now $185 per person and the theme should be called "Most Expensive Place on Earth".The amount of student loan debt these days is well into the trillions of $$. Earlier this week, Obama was talking about capping the payback of these loans to 20% of a persons salary.Well, at this point of time, there are some "issues" with that line of thought for me. One, many (most) jobs being created are part time, low pay, no benefits. I.E., not enough money pay for?food, rent, gas, car, etc (unless one lives with 20 other people in a small?apartment), let alone paying back a student loan for the next 50 years.I have heard of people in their 50s who are still trying to pay off student loans. They simply can't for lack of decent jobs.What we need first are jobs. Not part time retail. Good paying,?full timejobs. Like we used to have. The last gov't report I saw on tv claimed that the majority of jobs being created are of the restaurant/ part time Target/WalMart type.Those of us who have been/ were unemployed for extended periods of time have seen job ads such as for a secretarial position..... requiring a 4 year?college?degree and paying $10/ hour or less. Nothing more than a weeding tool.This is actually a myth. What you really need are more jobs not more?education.I agree to that to an extent. Education may help you to get to the next level in your career, but that's assuming you have a career. Some careers may require you to have a Masters (eg.?college?professors, school advisers). However, too much education may lead you to being overqualified for most jobs because you may receive too little pay for your education, you may leave too soon due to boredom, or some other excellent reason for not getting hired.We definitely do need more jobs....reasonable jobs! (ie. not this 3-in-1 job with min wage BS)It's why I dread the idea of another staffing agency. I keep thinking about it, but know in the end it will be just another waste of time and?energy. I've been there multiple times before. It's just upsetting that it's not about actually getting you a job. I think that's the real reason I don't go back. When you need a job and are hurting emotionally and financially and most of these places and people play around with you taking you on a roller coaster ride, it makes you wanna kill somebody.Agencies are almost always a waste of time. It's hard to see how they actually remain in?business?since it appears they only ever post fake job ads and then bring people in to "sign up" and then start the whole cycle over again. Surely they must get some people jobs at some point, and it must be pretty lucrative since they're wasting all this time on the merry go round of nothing which is fake ads, "interviews" and then empty promises to call you.With that said, I just put in something with an agency, but I specifically told them in my letter to only call me if the job was legitimate. Ha. Sure.To be honest, you're not the only one. It took me 1.5 years to finally get noticed from reasonable companies after graduating from graduate school. What I mean is that during the first year out, I've gotten offers to write solutions to mathematics books for $8/problem (and the problem took easily 2-3 hours) or the unpaid?internship. So, I felt like I was worth < min wage.I've also became super stressed and depressed that I would have to fake being happy or content whenever I am with friends or family (especially when they talked/complained about work). When I did be myself, well, I haven't heard back from a friend of 5 years...he sort of went silent on me.What I have noticed is that, MANY people (family, friends, etc) don't understand what we're going through and they don't want to understand. MANY people have never been in our position. And the biggest challenge I face is to not lash out at anyone for being st00pidly ignorant of the circumstance.It is a tough world out there. And, from this experience, I've learned to be patient, be understanding, and be empathetic to others in a similar (or other crazy) circumstance.We will get over this hump :)Yes we will get over this hump for sure.?I am more compassionate towards the homeless, actually I have always been compassionate towards others who have been less fortunate, so I guess I'm blessed in that since. It felt so good buying lunch for two homeless guys today, the one guy looked so joyful and got teary eyed.?I know we will all be blessed with employment soon, you just have to stay positive and keep the faith. :)No worries, I'm a licensed Paralegal now, so like everyone else here, I'm trying to switch careers from mortgage to real estate?law. :)?Big mistake. I see they are still selling the whole paralegal industry supposedly growing by leaps and bounds. That's so false. The jobs are not there. And pay has stagnated or even contracted. There's no money or future in this field.I'm in it because I was a sucker who bought into it years ago before things really got bad. The only way I'd go this way is if I were some schmuck off the street or perhaps working at the local coffee shop and the local plantation law firm decided to hire me in this capacity. You know, like at my office.?I just got a rejection email for a receptionist position...are you kidding me?Oh what would you all do about this situation? Saw an ad and it said to contact so-and-so at this # so I did that and got her voice mail. I left a message and that was 24 hours ago! I am trying to remain strong and positive, but inside I feel like crying. But on an up note I am getting real good at interviews...lolThat's a good thing, because at least it means you are getting interviews and that is always good. That's great actually! I know I'm saying that because I'm not even getting that and interviews don't mean much without a job offer, but I can't even get to that step.Employers want so much for so little now and they all want TONS of EXPERIENCE, even for little nothing positions. 5+ years experience and a B.A. to answer phones, or type some letters and send a fax. Or yes, even scrub toilets. It's a straight up joke. It's either that or I see job duties that go on for 4 pages for $10 an hour. Come on.In California, Nevada and Texas if you don't speak Spanish, they won't hire you.My daughter says in?college?Chineseand Spanish are the most popular languages now. Nobody is taking?German?orFrench?anymore.Especially true in San Francisco! You MUST speak either Mandarin Chinese OR Spanish to get any sort of job at all. Silly me---I Minored in German in college. Took German so I could have fun traveling thru Europe. Had fun in Europe, but no job now. My German is quite good, but no one's interested in that language. All Germans speak better English than my German, anyway.I have a native Calif-born friend who just happens to have some Spanish ancestry. She got hired as a teacher based solely on her Spanish last name! She has no teaching credential, either. Public shcools are desperate for teachers who speak Spanish. When my friend got there, school assumed who was fluent in Spanish. Lucky for friend, she had taken 3 yrs. Spanish in high school! Still, it was a real struggle for her to try to converse in Spanish w/ the kids.he rules for creating your Killer Resume change daily. Maybe that is why you can go into any?library?and buy a Resume book for a buck off their Discard pile. As I have said, the thing is basically a holdover from the past today.The Objective Statement is out. Too silly sounding. Use a Summary of Qualifications statement instead.References available upon request is out. That is understood. DO NOT LIST your references on your resume.Don't go back farther than 10 years. Its probably irrelevant and it can date you.Don't put your street address on your resume and then plaster it on job boards all over town. You run the risk of Identity Theft.?City?and State if fine.You can throw away your resume paper with the matching envelopes.Take all resume advice with a grain of salt.Very true. For ex., it would be horrible to work in pharmacy these days. Pharms. are overworked, pharm techs are underpaid. I spend lots of time in pharmacies; see what it's like. Person after person demanding to know why THEIR meds are not ready/not in stock. Some w/ very nasty entitled attitudes.I get so frustrated, too. But I see how overworked everyone at pharmacy is, so I always try to be nice. Even when I call week in advance and they promise meds will be ready. Get there--NO meds! Tell me to come back next week. 'When?' Don't know. 'Will you call me?' They say 'yes', but rarely call. It's ALL up to the 'patient'. Keep calling to remind pharm. to order meds. Results in multiple visits to pharmacy every month; have to wait over an hour each visit. Don't know how I'd ever be able to do THAT and keep a job.exactly, also how no stone is left unturned to make sure you DON'T get benefits when you most need them. This is what isdriving?me mad. It's not like it's 8 grand a week. The benefits are barely enough to live on. But I need them now.Yeah,?insurance?is one thing you pay for, but they don't always have to give us anything unless they want to.?If there were less people than jobs, if we had more?business?in the US, things would be in our favor. Why people think they have to import more workers, esp in IT, is beyond me. Remember when Bush said we didn't have enough talent in the US in IT? Then he favors importing people from 3rd world nations. Makes no sense, we are more developed and tech nation.The primary trouble is not cover letters or resumes. It is the shortage of jobs. Been getting progressively worse since 2008 which was close to the beginning of "the great recession".....Yes, the?government?says we are totally recovered. So much for their words, I don't see any real businesses springing up and?hiring?tons of people at all. Since we don't make anything in the US anymore, everything else is affected too.?Glad you were able to stay employed, that must have been really tough...Well, it worked until 2008. Found myself out of work for basically 6 years. Just started this job a couple months ago.Many of the jobs being created from what I see are part time retail and?food service. People working like that still need to be on things like?food?stamps,energy?assistance, etc to even break even.?We need?full time?decent paying jobs.Supposedly, MD's UE rate is floating around 6.5%. I don't believe it.I see the same too. Mostly low end service sector jobs, call centers, cheap sales.?Yes, the full time-livable wage-benefited jobs are hard to find.?I don't know anyone who get raises or cost of living increases.I think it's far worse out there than being reported, too.?I think the Under-employment rate is about 50%. Most people I know are underemployed, low paid, experience terrible turnover rates, aren't working in their fields, and have no room advancement.?Unemployment, I'd say is close to 25% in some areas.Glad you are working.I'm glad to be working as well, thanks.Have you also noticed that some major companies are reporting record profits to wall street, yet can't give our a raise that's worth anything?A few years ago, a large box store was blasting all over tv and the entrances to their stores how they were giving away 2 Million each and every week to the local?community. My first thought was "why not give away 1/4 of that and put the rest towards the pay and benefits of their underpaid part time staff?"Of course the answer was likely along the lines of tax breaks for charitable giving.... instead of treating their workers something like human......I agree. It was all PR and tax breaks for them, if they really were doing it. They just underpay staff because there is always someone who will work the job.?I wonder how badly this will digress. How bad will things get??Right now, so many jobs don't have benefits or any raises, and the pay is so low!The employment problem is a systemic failure. You balk at people for not keeping up their skills. Yet, companies once supplied training. Now, they want people to show up with mad skills, even though?education?is astronomically expensive. Higher Education/Infrastructure improvements, etc. were was once funded by taxes. We are at the point where taxes for the top percent have been regualrly evaded for the past 20 years - by the richest corporations. They take their work abroad where they can pee on the?landscape?and sh-t on the people.America was what it was because it didn't allow the richest people to steal from the middle class. Have you ever wondered why poor countries are so poor???? BECAUSE there aren't Democratic laws to prevent abuse. So, now our governement has been bought and sold - And you are still blaming hardworking Americans!!!???? Do you not realize that American workers have had fewer days off than other industrialized nation? AND family life has been thrown to hell by work demands. Why are we so surprised that mass shootings, suicides, teenage pregnancies are out of control???So, MyCon, you are trying to crack some whip to make them work harder?I have made things work on VERY little pay. 6 or 7 years ago I started this job making less than 20k.People making 60k + would drown themselves on my pay. All these years later I feel like nothing has changed much, pay is still crap but expectations continue to go up (experience and?education?must be out of this world) Anyone making that kind of money coming down to a minimum wage job wouldn't be able to handle it. I guess that's the one perk I have, I'm used to being poor so getting another low paying job won't be a stretch for me, lol. Oh God.I commend you for being able to live on a low salary and still at home with your mom, You have some good points but you have to consider in different states the cost of living is beyond minimum wage and minimum wage is not a living salary.In Southern California the rent for a studio apt is $1800 a month and that's in a "so so area". If your making minimum wage and along with having a car note, car?insurance, there is no way you can live on that low of an income, just not possible.?Even renting a room here is expensive but people do what they have to do to survive aka working 3-4 minimum wage jobs.Honestly, its hard going from 55K - 65K a year to 20 K, its very insane and very depressing. My education and experience don't seem to matter anymore and I have reached a point of going from making 28.97 an hour down to 15 an hour and even 15 is a stretch. For those who have never had a good salary 55k & up, you just wouldn't understand what it's like mentally, emotionally, especially going on job interviews and constantly getting low balled by employers on salary.That's so true about the cost of living. I know about some states. Chicago is not cheap either. I would need section 8 if I could get it. I live at home, but I was helping with rent while I was working. it's also a family ownedapartment?building. I know that if I had to get an apartment my whole check would go to rent. I would have nothing left. I wouldn't make it. It would only work if I had zero debt. I don't have a car or kids, but I'd still be struggling. Heck, a monthly bus pass is even $100!I know we talk about taking "anything" and people expecting us to not be picky and take minimum wage, but in a way that would almost be like not having a job at all. I know not literally, but I have been applying to part time jobs too and I saw one that was only 4 hours a day and I figured out the pay would be about $480 for 2 weeks. It would be something, but I would still stay stuck. Sometimes I don't know what to do.Be careful with part time, unemployment deducts from whatever you make and gives you the difference, at least that's what they do here in California.?My sister took a part time commission only job and literally had to fight for unemployment. The company she worked for only paid them once a month and in one month she made $375. I helped her win her case, but I swear EDD workers and the system can be evil, just know what your getting into with part time work and the consequences that may come with it, don't get me wrong, I'm just saying with the Govnmnt system they pretty much Jack up your money. LOL :)It's PLANNED disemployment (unemployment + underemployment + people who've given up), it's bipartisan, it's been going on the past 35-40 years, but accelerated since the banksters got their $23 trillion dollar bailout.Planned disemployment, as planned by "both" parties, the bankster elite, and companies in?general?that prefer to mimic banks (i.e., firms make their profits through?financial?engineering?- stock buybacks, furious mergers and acquisitions of hollowed out companies, etc. - instead of the actual provision of goods and services). Planned disemployment has several features to the bankster/corporate elite:(1) It pushes everyone's wages down - if you're in constant fear of being laid off or have been permanently unemployed, you'll work for almost nothing. This is true up and down the economic ladder, so long as your job involves a pay check.(2) It makes workers docile, pliant, and skittish. If you're lucky enough to befull time?(increasingly lucky, since the "recovery" has only seen a proliferation of part-time/temp work), you're probably exempt. If you're not pulling your weight or "fitting in" with 80-hr?work week and demoralizing treatment, you're probably not a "good fit" with a proper "work-life balance."(3) It justifies an HR system that creates the excuses to freeze?hiring?and terminate existing workers. They're like the?clerical?class of the Middle Ages that served to insulate the lords and nobility. The actual work involved isn't that much, so they spend most of their time on LinkedIn scolding us to develop a brand and to get experience without actually having a job....4) It serves as a convenient excuse to dismantle Social Security due to lack of revenue (funny how we can print money for banksters, but we have to tax or borrow for things that help the bottom 99.9%). Good cop Obama was hired by his bros at Goldman Sachs to privatize the program.(5) It justifies a police state. "More crime" which naturally results from a beleaguered, jobless people will justify private military firms surveilling and policing us.(6) It justifies a the?education-industrial?complex wherein the?HR?people tell us to retrain, which conveniently allows the banksters to collect rents viagovernment-back cash streams and which are then, in turn, extracted from people who continue to disemployed.(7) It shifts people into Obamacare where individuals have to buy junk *private* (so it's not socialism)?insurance?that doesn't actually cover them when they need it.Many of the online jobs are not real.?It's an attempt to look competitive and selectively find talent when and if they need it.?I asked one big company why they had so many jobs out there and never was contacted even once for the zillion times I had applied. I was told there were no jobs, they just put feelers out for resumes. Sort of confirming what I already suspected.Right now, the only peoplehiring?are jobs with high turnovers with wages from 8.50 to 10 an hour and mean bosses that expect more for lessYes. Manufacturing has been sent overseas and to Mexico, so now, everything is cheap service sector jobs.?People think manufacturing is all?factory?jobs but its not.?They were happy to get rid of the unions, so this is what they can deal with now. The jobs no one wants, low low pay, no panies just go and find cheaper and cheaper?labor. Maybe someday they won't even pay anyone. There are too many people willing to go along with this.Every Sunday night the reality sets in."Tomorrow morning, I have no job to go to."?I have been unemployed before, but never in my life have I experienced such an exhausting search for employment.?I get to the point where I take it personally. "Maybe it's just me."Hi Leeann66,I feel the same way! I'm sure many others also do. Our talents are being wasted searching, applying or hoping for that call or invitation to an interview &/or job offer.Now, I'm starting get these?insurance?types of company's or car dealerships offering opportunities. There was a time that I would never consider this types of jobs but the longer being unemployed, the more attractive they're getting. I think this is where they get half their sales force - From individuals who can't get a job anywhere else.At least that's how I feel.People are not getting jobs because there are no jobs. Their experience is just fine. Their schooling and credentials are fine.?They dotted their i's and crossed their t's just fine.?They did all the right things on interviews and more.?They are polite and honest, and more.?John was right.There are jobs, just low paying onesIf you have a?college?degree, they won't even talk to you.?You can't survive on those jobs anyway.?Most won't even pay the rent.A college degree isn't a guarantee to a future anymore. It's sad to say.I know. I take inspiration from people like Steve jobs, J.k. Rowling and Stephen king. The real money is in what you do in your spare time. Create and sell. I plan to sell patents while working at crappy jobs. Planning with my mate. You have to be smart and semi self employed in this worldYou know you’ve been unemployed too long when you are having an out of money experience.You know you’ve been unemployed too long when your reality check bounces.You know you’ve been unemployed too long when you try to make a comeback but you haven’t been anywhere.You know you’ve been unemployed too long when the job interviewer tells you that there’s an opening for you and it’s called the door.You know you’ve been unemployed too long when you bring your dog to a job interview.I know they are building a gigantic shopping area near my town. The local media points out all the great job opportunities that will be available. Yes there will be many....part time minimum wage jobs. Which I would take at this point if I could get one. I do wonder where people will get the money to shop in this nice new place. Everyones broke!Places like that do bring jobs, but they are not jobs for everyone. Some people can live just fine on those salaries. Most may be young, living at home, first time jobs, etc. Over the years once you gain skills, schooling, experience you don't want to go back to selling nachos or folding t-shirts. Nothing against those jobs, but when you know you have skills for something better paying, that's what you want.And how do you go back to that? You used to make 60k plus now applying for a movie usher job. What do you say? "Oh, I just want to get back to my love of movies" Ugh.A day after they can someone down at the Gulag they send out an email to all warning people to be busy working or else. They also have the gall in the same email to tell all employees they want them out looking for newbusiness?for them. Huh? Not one word about what?compensation?would even be involved if business is brought in. Let me understand, you give me a C-Note or something to get business, and then you profit on all the work going forward? These people are out of their minds.In other better news, I got a call back today from the thing I went on on Friday which I thought I had no chance at. They want to talk to me. I assume an offer is forthcoming. I'll have to see what they say. There are several things in play on this thing: salary, a commute, etc. I thought I blew the interview. I'm shocked.Hey, man, you have to do what you have to do. You have to get out of the house and work. If you have to take a job there, then that's what you have to do. I worked a job on the graveyard shift that really wore me down, but I did it because I had to. I'm convinced having that job plug the gap got me my current job, which will get me my next job.Hey, Chipotle isn't too bad?food?wise. Free lunch? That would work.Seems like 90% of the job ads mention a "fast-paced environment." I always figure that they don't know the half of it... I've always worked to deadlines.That is code for you are applying for a job that use to be done by three people before the last layoff. I have been there and it sucks.It's not just a job when you're in school. I'll have to face job my school schedule if i get the job. That's 6 classes.Good work on scoring a new job. Let's hope your employer is respectful of your school hours!!!Too many employers are D-ckwads over the flexibility in hours.You hear a certain unnamed political population in the US blabbering over "the out-of-work population's unwillingness to work". Yet, when one tries to patch together a part time job with another part time job to achieve a living wage OR part time work with?college?work, the demands prohibit having a successful life.Many employers paying their scruffy minimum wage salaries have ludicrous demands on employees' time.No job is permanent anymore.Yup! After job searching almost every single day 24/7 for almost 2 years - I landed a temp job earning 1/3 of what I used to earn. The company was a mess as they just had 4 layoffs and everyone left accepted a cut in salary and in most cases a demotion. For a year I kept searching in my off hours for a permanent job but I couldn't find one. In Dec the company told me they were ending my?contract. One month later all of the people I worked with were laid off. Yes, the ones who accepted pay cuts and demotions. This is in the Northeast - supposedly one of the areas with a low unemployment rate.More education will only work if there are real jobs that need people.?People assume they aren't finding jobs because they aren't educated enough or have more skills.?It's a different world. Too many people and not enough jobs. Not enough livable wage jobs with benefits either.?I seriously doubt anyone on this site is not getting jobs because of their skills or education. It's because there are no jobs.?I feel so behind in life.. I graduated?college?exactly a year ago on this day, but I'm still here. I see all these people on fb getting promoted and stuff, but I'm still here looking for a job. I just want to shoot myself!!!!?xboxer,Hey Man - You are the one acting like there are no jobs.Everyone here that's physically able to get a job can get "a job"!!!That's a fact -It only took me 6 years, but yes, I did get a job. I don't count the 6 months in a warehouse which I could not physically handle.And I personally do know other people who "act like there are no jobs" because they simply can not get considered for any of the 100s and sometimes thousands they have applied to. Yes, in their area of experience.I really wish I had kept a count of the # of jobs I have applied to. It must be hundreds , perhaps ....thousands. although after i knew the number, what would i do then ? LOL. I really cannot believe the situation in this country right now. Meanwhile the govt sends millions all over the some point all this will of course crash. Our economy will crash. I am trying to prepare for that (not in the sense of being a fanatic about it...but just being informed and thinking through on my options and preparing) We shall see.There was a guy who used to come around these forums who used the name of Nick (from the Boston area of Mass initially) who was well in to the multiple hundreds of jobs applied to. I forget exactly how many and I don't feel like searching at the moment. Unfortunately, I have heard too many stories along those lines.Today it seems like employers can pick and choose and that seems to be exactly what they are doing. They tell people that their?credit?report is not so good... what does that have to do with anything? As long as you've never stolen anything from an employer, that is all that they should be concerned with. In addition, you need to be bi-lingual... why? They are just making up excuses to not hire people. And don't be over 50, I'm not even going there.?But we all have to stay positive and just keep going!I went thru my emails and counted all the confirmations/rejections, put them into a nice little excel sheet...since April 2013 I've applied for just over 400 jobs (and I know the number is higher because with many submittals I received no email confirmation or rejection).I went thru my emails and counted all the confirmations/rejections, put them into a nice little excel sheet...since April 2013 I've applied for just over 400 jobs (and I know the number is higher because with many submittals I received no email confirmation or rejection).Of course, there are and always people who will be happy to tell you that it's your resume or cover letter that isn't allowing you to get the interview rather than the more obvious answer.... (where are the jobs for the rest of us)Today it seems like employers can pick and choose and that seems to be exactly what they are doing. They tell people that their?credit?report is not so good... what does that have to do with anything? As long as you've never stolen anything from an employer, that is all that they should be concerned with. In addition, you need to be bi-lingual... why? They are just making up excuses to not hire people. And don't be over 50, I'm not even going there.?But we all have to stay positive and just keep going!So true, I think they want to make it as difficult as possible. And that's even before you apply. I saw one ad yesterday, the first words were a position for a recent?college?grad, with zero to 1 year of office experience, then the duties were just about running the office. It sounded like of responsibility for someone fresh from school or no experience, then they wanted your college transcripts and copies of your SAT/ACT scores and they had to be a certain score, on top of a resume, cover letter. And they wouldn't accept an application without it. That was ridiculous to me.Now it's not enough to be a perfect employee, you have to be a perfect student, perfect citizen, have a perfect credit score, perfect work background, have a perfect life. Just say that. "Imperfect lives need not apply".sorry i keep accidentally posting before i'm done typing. I have said this before, its worth repeating. My self worth isnt bound up in whether or not I have a job. I would like a job, but it doesnt affect my self esteem either way. We are living in hard times, and things have changed a lot. This is a false notion, that we ARE our jobs. A job is nice yes, but I am not my job.If you seek to become adept in your field regardless of the school, your talents will eventually make a way for you. (Proverbs 22:29)For me, its not about getting a job. I have more subtle plans. I want to learn a lot in my field (software?development)Then its a moot point. Success is its own reward.Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Larry Ellison, Mark Zuckerberg, Michael Dell, etc., are all?college?dropouts. Nobody cares what college they went to or dropped out from.This is true. But the?education?system couldn't stand the fact that these guys accomplished what they did, without degrees. Sure, they could have earned a degree, no doubt about that.?But they were given those "honorary degrees" by various schools, as if they weren't complete without a degree.?It's just more empty posturing.I had a?college?professor actually say that. He said something like "The most brilliant minds are now tinkering away in bedrooms and garages and coming up with the next big thing. The rest of you are in my class". LOL!Extremely sucessful people in civiled societies always tend to make up a minority. The number of high paying jobs has to be a minority in order for most economies to function. the prosperity of the 1950s, which is unprecedented, I think, in recent history, started breaking down in the late 1960s with high inflation PRIOR to the 1970s oil shocks. A college degree has less to do with the success that contributes to one obtaining a high-paying job than socioeconomic advantage and innate cognitive ability. Bill Gates was born into Old Money. Gates wasn't born rich but he was very far from being poor. Steve Jobs was born into an upper middle class household not) or exceptional cognitive abilities, as with the case of Larry Ellison. College, traditionally allowed the wealthy and the bright to mingle. If one doesn't have money or has some exceptional cognitive ability, or isn't exceptional in some other way, college will not lead to a high paying job.Education?or no education, Gates was smart enough to see an opportunity when he did. He was smart enough to take advantage of?IBM?and get control of the software when they didn't realize the potential.?I don't think either Gates or Jobs was mingling with rich people. Jobs had to find an investor. He had the luck of having the technical abilities of Wozniak. But he was smart enough to define his own niche in thecomputer?world.?I agree with your last statement. College now, is like a high school diploma, unless it's a very difficult degree not many can do. Who you know trumps any degree. It's rather baffling why companies want to do this kind of staffing though. Just because someone knows someone doesn't mean they will do a good job. In fact, it's usually the opposite. So why DOES American?business?favor?hiring?the managers' friends and families? If I had a business, I would want to hire the best and brightest, not some manager's boyfriend.The gap in employment must make the employer feel very nervous abouthiring?the person. After selling and overselling yourself in phone screens (which is the 2014 way to go for the interviewers), it seems the employer thinks something is wrong with the "great" candidate since no one else has snapped the person up already. They will ask questions to try to figure if you are a problem employee or if you have other distractors that will hinder you from jumping through hoops."If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving" MLK."A frustrating interview", An ExcerptINTERVIEWER: ...and we have part-time seasonal openings with a training class coming up. The training would be full-time.?INTERVIEWEE: (Thinks: the ad said there were part-time seasonal job openings... in every part-time seasonal job I've had in the past, the hours have been flexible. This is sounding slightly different than the job ad.)?INTERIEWER: Do you have any schedule conflicts in the upcoming months that would prevent you from being here??INTERVIEWEE: (thinks, of course, I have another part-time job- guess you didn't see my resume that said I have a part-time job, did you?) Yes.. (explains availability)-?INTERVIEWER: (after several minutes) Well, this is a part-time job, and you would need to be available six days a week, and it's 18-24 hours a week, so we don't have a position for you.What does it take to get a job to make some extra money these days? A part-time job that requires 6 DAY PER WEEK AVAILABILITY- seriously?Don't laugh. I had a very similar interview for the position of a part-timebank teller.Very few of these so call flexible part-time jobs are actually flexible. What they actually mean is they need you to be flexible for them whenever they need a person. Even if you're all that it seems then they're looking for something more or something else to disqualify you.IMO, the worst part about this is that the interviewer didn't read your resume. Whether they're stupid or just lazy, it's a sad example of how screwed up things are today that complete idiots who aren't even qualified to read a resume are the ones in charge of?hiring...I'm curious as to what the age of the interviewer was, as my latest gripe has to do with "managers" of today -- the only qualification is to be 24 years old and have a hot supermodel-style pic on their StinkedIn page...If you're not a people person... good luck. I honestly don't know what jobs exist that don't involve heavy amounts of people interaction. Lots of them are?customer service/?food service/ working with people in retail all day.And as for meeting employer's "requirements"... yeah, it seems like they're looking for Willy Wonka's golden ticket - if you don't have exactly what it is you want - or if you don't know somebody who can put in a good word for you - you're out of luck.I got put down by my mom and daughter today. My mom is trying to give job hunting advice from the 70's. She has no clue how hard it is. She landed this great?governmentjob in 1976 and before that a part-time job as a teen. My daughter said no wonder you cant get a job, your acting crazy. I don't even want to be around people anymore, they are all insensitive. I don't even have one decent person in my life right now to talk to. I've been crying for the last 3 hours and don't know how I am going to cope. I can't take anymore personal attacks right now.I'm sorry you are not getting the support you deserve. It's true that people that haven't been unemployed in these last several years don't know how much things have changed. I have a sister that can't believe I'm really trying to find a job. Then again she thinks I don't really need an income.I just don't want you to give up all hope that life won't turn around for you. Sometimes we can only get through one hour at a time and forget the rest. Many others here do understand what you are going through!I also think people have their own idea of what unemployed people should be doing. Like we are supposed to always be job searching, never enjoying one minute and be ready to pounce on anything put in front of us. "They're?hiring?to hand scrub the sidewalks for $8 an hour!" and we are supposed to go running with resume in hand. Not saying that jobs like that aren't honest work, but I feel that people expect me to act a certain way and when I don't I"m not serious or making an effort.Like the last time I was out of work, I was on the?computer?10 hours a day and my Ma got nasty that I spend all my time on the computer, when I got nasty back that I was job searching she looked very guilty. I wasn't on there playing Call of Duty, I was actually working. They don't get it.?HR?people really are bordering on psychotic in their behavior. I had one person call me for a second interview five minutes before I had an appointment. I politely apologized, explained that I had an appointment and asked if I could call back later that day. He then gave me the number of someone else in HR. I got voicemail every time, left two messages, nothing. I tried calling the number he had called from and it would disconnect after several rings. Finally I got a rejection email several weeks later from an?intern?at the company.Now did he decide "forget you" because I couldn't take his call at that exact moment at 8am? As if he was some king sitting on a throne? We have lives. That just seems insane to me that he would take so much offense that I couldn't take his call right at that exact moment.They say jump, and we are suppose to say how high. Jobs are scarce and they know it. They can treat us any way they want.Too bad we can't turn the table any time soon. With cheap and illegallabor?pouring into our borders, what chance do we have of getting any respect?Is it the same in Canada? I have considered going there. I can't keep going without affordable?health care.I am filled with so much rage today. I thought yesterday was bad but nothing like today. My fuse it short and I feel ready to explode anytime. I warned everyone around me to BACK OFF and leave me alone right now(after yesterdays comments towards me). I wonder if I am going insane from being unemployed. It might just be severe depression at this point, I wonder if anyone else gets like this too, or is it just me?It sounds like people make equal or way less than what they used to make a decade ago but the cost of living is so much higher nowadays. And yet, the stock market is skyrocketing making the rich people richer while annihilating the Middle class by cutting wages, outsourcing, downsizing, overworking/underpaying, etc. Do we even have a solution or is this just a slow death? An unavoidable downward spiral? Hate to sound pessimistic but I don't see things improving, ever.Mark (Levin) do some research on the youth in America yes they should be angry, as we have all been sold out by these low life politicians. But I think they are turning to Bernie not because they think they are entitled but because they are defeated. Idk if it was the schools (all schools including colleges) that made them believe the American Dream is dead and they have no choice but to look to the government. I can only speak of my child (22) and what I hear from their group. They are working and going to school and they feel that they will not be able to get a job. Most work in service jobs and are not getting any experience to get a job in their field (and they are not getting liberal arts degrees). Not to be a conspiracy theorists but it amazes me that they don't think they can make it. Trust me I wasn't easy on my child and work was rewarded. It blew my mind and made me sad when they expressed their non belief in the American Dream.I'm glad to be working but the last years of my career hasn't been a happy one unfortunately. I just want to be to one day look forward to get up in the morning and work. It's out there. I just have to find it some how and grab it. Still on my 90 days trial and I'm finding out how crazy this work environment is.Problem is sometimes you discover that ALL work environments in a specific field are "crazy." What to do? Continue where you can identify the craziness or experience a different brand of the same thing? Wish schools were more honest about work environments as well as teaching/training! Of course, it's in a school's best interest to keep you paying tuition.Anyone feel absolutely no motivation to look for work? Do you ever question what the point is after looking at a job posting and thinking theres no way you'd ever get it b/c you don't fit the qualifications 100%?This is me right now. I can't bring myself to send out any applications. I haven't sent one out in months.I think i've internalized all this stuff (employers want someone whose done the exact job before, they won't hire me b/c theres 100's of people who have already applied etc).Its a bad spot to be in, but I just can't bring myself to send anything out.Anyone feel like this?I do, definitely. I'm tired of interviews, I'm ready for some offers to come in. Not ONE! It gets worse when I find less and less things I'm qualified for and then the fear sets in because if I'm not applying, then no one can call, and I will never find a job and that endless circle continues. I have come across jobs where I won't have every job requirement, but will start the process and if the application is to long or to much crap to type out, I just forget it because I know I wouldn't get it anyway. In those cases sometimes I feel good about just dropping it because it raises my blood pressure to deal with an application for an hour when it's pointless to start with.This past week and a half I have no motivation. I have a friend who seems to be doing something job related all day everyday, it makes me feel like s##t that I'm not doing that. Sometimes I just get burnt out. I'm just so tired of interviews and no offers. I used to tell people it was great that you are getting interviews, but now I see how that means nothing anymore. An interview with no offer is even more depressing. All that hope, preparation, stress, worry, finger crossing, fake smiling, and it all ends with nothing. So painful.I saw an ad for an?admin?where they said they want you to be able to work "at the speed of light" and live in the world ofcomputer?/keyboard short cuts. This scares me and is what the job world is coming to. I mean, to advertise they want some lightening fast work mule is depressing to me. This job is saying they want to pile on the work and want you to work super fast and get as much done as possible. I was stressed just reading the ad.?I can't imagine what that work environment is like. I don't want to work anywhere that expects "speed of light " results. To much pressure and stress in a "get it done!" Atmosphere.Unfortunately the "speed of light" can be a disaster. Especially in thecreative?field. It's hard to get any creativity with everyone rushing you. I'm currently working at a company where everything is crazy, rush, rush. And muck-ups have happened. I've worked in fast paced environments but it seems like the work environment is getting worse where everyone wants you work 100mph!Problem is sometimes you discover that ALL work environments in a specific field are "crazy." What to do? Continue where you can identify the craziness or experience a different brand of the same thing? Wish schools were more honest about work environments as well as teaching/training! Of course, it's in a school's best interest to keep you paying tuition.From time to time I regret going to?college. I would have been better off not going to school or got a?community?college. But yes of all the work environments I have tried last year and earlier this year, insanity!People want to keep up the illusion that the economy still has good jobs available. The reality of the world today is millions of people are joining the ranks of the long term argue this with people all the time. So many think it's something they are or aren't doing right. They think they didn't wear the right color shoes on an interview or their degree isn't from the right school.?You see posts on Indeed forums with people wringing their hands over the details when so many jobs posted aren't even real.?When places need people they just don't play games with them. Overpopulation, increasing influx of foreigners, and loss of industry in America are contributing to more and more job loss. The problem is so big, you see the news turn a blind eye and report that the economy is improving or job losses are down.So one of my friends interviewed for a job 2 weeks ago that he had applied to back in February. Today he saw the job listing re-posted on the company's website. This s**t is becoming too common. Why do companies waste our time if there have no intention of?hiring?us?Because there is no real job. They just want to see if they can get someone cheaper than they have now.My find for the day:A job ad that lists 26 Responsibilities. Half of the Responsibilities include sub-Responsibilities... as many as 12 sub-Responsibilities per item.And of course, Responsibility #26 is "Perform other duties as assigned."Oh and there's this classic line:?"Must be able to see, hear, stand, walk, speak, read and perform manual tasks with or without accommodation, and care for oneself with little or no difficulty."I want to get a job where I develop the Responsibilities for other jobs.Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.Lord ActonSo people with any flaws or weaknesses will really fall into this.?If someone is centered over who they are and how they view life, they won't become a monster.?But so many do.I would hire my incompetent brother too. But I'm referring to the rejects who have no interviewing skills, negative attitude, and no connection/networks/family/friends at where they're interviewingBusiness?says they cannot afford to hire unproductive or incompetent workers, but they do it all of the time because of nepotism or favoritism.?It is quite well known that it's very difficult to find a job without knowing someone or being connected.?I've seen so many of these friends or relatives get hired and how much of a burden they are to the businesses.?So I find it odd that you think those who are unemployed are somehow incompetent.This thread has been around for a very long time. It's my hope that the people who fell off from posting found employment and no longer have a need to rant about unemployment.I used to post under another screen name some time ago when I was much more hopeful and confident in my skills. It's been almost two years since then and I still haven't found full-time employment in my field of study. I've found out that my degree is pretty much useless (at least where I live) and I don't have money to relocate. I attempted another degree a few weeks ago, but the pressure of the loan money was too much. I simply cannot take on anymore debt. I still haven't paid any of what I owe for my first degree.I feel very lost. I don't have much work experience because I'm young (only 22), yet everyone expects me to have several years of full-time experience under my belt. I simply don't have that experience but I'm desperate for work that can support me. I can't keep working retail because I cannot pay for an?apartment, car,?health?and car?insurance, and my loans on 7.50 an hour. I'm so broke I still live with my parents.I'm really hoping that doors will open up soon; for me and for any other hardworking people who can't find employment.And for anyone that is mocking us and ridiculing where we are in life, I hope you never have to face long-term unemployment. It breaks people's self-esteem and causes deep depression. If ranting with other people in the same boat helps ease the pain, why ridicule them for that?One of my relatives had been looking for a job for almost five years. He bumped into his old boss and told him about the never ending job search. The former boss told him to change his resume to show that he still worked for the company and backed him up when the?HR?dept called to verify employment.He has been working for the new company for several months and they love panies need to stop discriminating against the long term unemployed as NO survey ever conducted supports the drop in "skill set" claimed by businesses these days.Many companies simply will not touch you if you have been unemployed for any length of time.Every time I interview, they ask "So how have you been supporting yourself?" or "What have you been doing with yourself?"I hate the "So how have you been supporting yourself?" question! What does this question have to do with the open position?Maybe no surveys but some companies will ask you take a battery of tests claiming it's a viable way to assess whether you've lost your skills..mind.Well I have been thinking about going to graduate school so I have been studying for the GMAT for the past few months. One employer had me fill out a 100 something math test and I did well as I had the knowledge fresh in my mind. The interviewer told me, "You did well - really well on the test!" Apparently, it wasn't enough to get the job. Kind of frustrating - why put candidates through all the tests if you have NO intention of?hiringthem? Time is money - I should send a bill :)Today I got the idea to look up a few of the companies I've applied to in the past year, and I was able to see who their hired from the staff bios on their websites. It turns out that the other applicants were truly better than me. I'm a good applicant, but I was underestimating the competition. I'm a?collegegraduate (2013) and in the writing/editorial field. It looks like I'm going to have to build up a stronger freelance writing portfolio to be a better applicant. It makes me motivated to improve myself, but it's kind of a blow to my self-confidence knowing that I'm easy to knock out of the competition.Seriously.It just boggles my mind that experience and solid skill-sets seem to have no value in today's job market.?California is a good representative of a two-tier economy. I wonder if the rest of the US is following suit with this model. Where do they think the rest of us are going to go??I wish someone had something like a "Job Corps" program for the people who used to be the middle class. I would gladly join up.I agree. There aren't many levels to management anymore, either. You go to some places and it's "one boss". That's it.?The future will be doctors, lawyers, and bankers with everyone else making their lattes, servicing their cars,?cleaning?their homes, and waiting on their tables.?It's rather a scary thought, because a lot of people don't belong in the upper jobs and a lot of the ones in the menial jobs are way too smart for those.The Middle Class was something uniquely great about America. You could live pretty well and not have to be rich. Now, that's pretty much gone.Again, I totally agree. News now is just emotional, sappy stuff. If they really wanted to report information, they'd talk about the statistics of the job market in the US. But then again, they'd probably sugarcoat it.?It seems like people have to have some kind of "help" to get a decent job now. That don't say that in these newstories, but that's the truth. Unless someone "saw" them or felt something for them, they wouldn't get a better job.They need to report it without sugar-coating! Perhaps if they did, those of us who have been long-term unemployed/underemployed would not be viewed as "unemployable" and treated with suspicion or not even considered at all.But then again, pretty much any mainstream media source is completely unreliable, biased and useless and serves mainly to usher the?generalpopulation into a state of apathy, where it will remain until the two-tier economy has completely taken hold and more people get affected. And then it might be too late.I am not a conspiracy theorist or anarchist, but I see a?French?Revolution in America's future. Might come too late for us, but if things continue as they do, it will come. Once a person has nothing left to lose, it's easy to take action, and slowly but surely, despite what the "news" reports, despite our best efforts, more and more of us are becoming displaced.And yes, I do realize I sound completely nuts. :)I am in the same boat as are millions of others. Its not going to get better. This is it.It's obvious what the agenda is for the USA now.We do a disservice to immigrants by not encouraging them to learn English.Employers want cheap help. What better way to get it by employing people that are just trying to find their way in this country. I can't help but think there are many illegals taking the jobs we used to give high school kids and blue collar workers.There are a lot of people coming to America who aren't really "immigrants". They are just here for the free handouts and complain when they don't get enough. It's our tax dollars funding this, and they think it's like some big well of money that keeps replenishing itself. They just can't figure out why Americans don't like this.I fear this is true. I have never seen so many immigrants (legal/illegal) working the jobs that used to belong to the?general?blue collar workers. I have a nephew right now that would give anything to have a nice part time job while he attends?college. He's had no luck. I could say more, but it's not politically correct and I am not looking to attack any group of people. I can't blame them for wanting better. But I do have issue with those that come illegally and expect jobs and benefits. Employers that exploit this ought to be punished, but we know that will never happen.Yes, my great-grandparents did the same thing! But that America is long gone.They love to hire illegals because they know they won't demand benefits, won't make waves, will work for cash. The profit margin is the only bottom line with many businesses these days. It irks me that they seem to demand complete loyalty and towing of the party line but give nothing in return aside from a paltry wage and unaffordable benefits.I simply wish that I wasn't being disqualified for jobs in America that I would be otherwise perfectly qualified for simply because I grew up in America and back in the 70s-80s, there wasn't a huge push in the school systems for kids to become bi-lingual. I know there's no use crying over spilt milk, but sometimes I just have to VENT.I'm old enough to remember the shocking news footage of what was happening in Vietnam and the shipment of bodies coming home. Those kinds of images got the masses out in the streets in protest. In today's world, the media is not showing the tens of thousands of people that can't get jobs and are losing everything. It would be bad for?business?and politics as usual. They control far too much and have way too much power. Imagine the bedlam if people really did get together in the same rage they had decades ago.I concur with all this. You know it's bad when highly educated people are now expected to start at $10 an hour. I've watched my own grown?childrenstruggle and know this will not get better for my grandchildren.The bi-lingual requirement for almost every job is code for cheap?labor?and should be considered discriminatory.I fear this is true. I have never seen so many immigrants (legal/illegal) working the jobs that used to belong to the?general?blue collar workers. I have a nephew right now that would give anything to have a nice part time job while he attends?college. He's had no luck. I could say more, but it's not politically correct and I am not looking to attack any group of people. I can't blame them for wanting better. But I do have issue with those that come illegally and expect jobs and benefits. Employers that exploit this ought to be punished, but we know that will never happen.Or just expect benefits.I have also seen an influx of people coming to my state from other states that just want benefits. On the bus once, I heard an older woman advising a younger woman that she shouldn't be struggling to actually WORK a job because Minnesota was the "land of milk and honey". Then she proceeded to give her instructions on how to scam various local organizations like she and her daughter did in order to receive a free mini-van, furnishedapartment, and weekly 100.00 gift cards to Target. She even illustrated the correct crying tone to use when calling and advised her to say, "I can't keep doing this to my kids!" I was riding home after a long day at the crappy?call center?and I just. didn't. want. to. hear. it.Moving in with parents is still a stand-up comic's joke, but way more real than anybody realizes. My son is 45, has a degree and 25-year work history in?education?and has been living with me for 3 years with no income. He made the rounds to?fast food, counter help, etc. and finally got hired at a WalMart, but only because he checked the "overnight" box on the application where it asked what shifts he was available for. I've also been unemployed for a year, and my unemployment comp has stopped. We're now trying to keep the ship afloat on my meager Social Security and his $9 an hour Wally World job. As far as being able to retire, I'd LOVE to get out of everybody's way and let that be one job for somebody else. But I don't want my son to have to support me for the rest of my life. So I still look but only at jobs I truly want. By the way, for all you ultra qualified folks, you may be interested to know that when I resigned from my last job (medical office, 17 years experience) because it was?driving?me insane, I was replaced by a waitress. 4 bucks an hour and 20 hours a week less. Not very encouraging. Also of note, the latest group of morons who interviewed me and gushed at how impressed they were and would call me Monday.....crickets all week. And so it goes....Recently heard a news report (yes, news report, so starting kicking)say that the only way out of this economic debacle is a war. A war??Funny but not so long ago, a lady at my?church, who is majoring inEconomics, mentioned this same thing as the solution. I thought it was an interesting comment then and I still think so. I think they're forgetting that it was an altogether different world/market back when the economy improved after wars. There were less inventions and less decline in acceptable social mores (i.e. companies are more greedy now and don't care what they step on to get to the next rung).According to some experts, Social Security will be bankrupt within the next 20 years. There are already fewer people paying into it and those that do, do so at lesser amounts. Add to this that we old geezers are opting for early SS in massive numbers now.?I have a friend who is a teacher and she's had the "invasion of privacy" conversation with her students in regards to drug-testing. Their response is generally, "Well, I have nothing to hide. I don't care if I have to get drug-tested." SO not the point.It's so depressing that the younger generation has grown up thinking that employers doing surveillance on your entire life (in and out of work) is normal and acceptable. *sigh*Yes, many people on FB are TMI but even placing your profile on private is used against you. Employers just see it as having something to hide. A couple of years back employers were even demanding FB passwords!?I heard about that a few years ago. I had a FB page for a few months, but could not figure out any use for really. I never posted anything of a personal nature anyway. If an employer had ever demanded the password, my response would have been my middle finger and perhaps a harsh word or two.If I remember correctly, a few states made it against the?law?for employers to ask for FB passwords.Oh, and "60 Minutes" did a story about companies "harvesting your personal?data" (again, courtesy of my mom throwing this up to my face, because it's clearly my fault I'm unemployable). Although they did say fb "keeps their harvested data to themselves," maybe they are selling it privately? Who knows...again, seems ludicrous for companies to go to such efforts to disqualify people when they could probably do the same just by reading one's resume...Funny, just the other day I "deactivated" my fb page. My mom is convinced that it's the reason I haven't been able to find a job and has been harassing me about it these past few years, she saw one story about a woman who got fired for posting something controversial on her page...I tried to explain to my mom that woman didn't have her privacy settings set like mine where only my friends can see my content...while the logical side of me doesn't want to believe it could be something silly like that (I mean, seriously, companies don't have better ways to spend their?energy?evaluating candidates? no one in the world would have a job if it boils down to your fb page), I'm pretty much out of theories on why so many of us have been kicked out of the job market (I used to?google?my name oten to make sure nothing "bad" was out there). No, I didn't post pics of myself nekkid or drunk, but I did partake in some political "debates" that got a bit heated. So did fb kill my career? I'll never know, as it's too late to rectify...That's why with the exception of my LinkedIn profile any social online activities are carried out under an alias and personal email separate from my professional, job hunting panies do harvest personal information and they do sell it. I know this from a demographic marketing standpoint. Ask yourself how does Facebook actually makes money? Why is?Google?almost $600 a share? Are you paying them?If you are still not convinced, post a resume on Craigslist and watch how many once in a lifetime opportunities suddenly fill up your inbox. That is where all the scams come from.If information is available today, it is for sale. That said, one of my relatives is a detective and if they are looking for you, one of the first places they check is to see if you have a Facebook page. LOL!The best thing is to always post anonymously. Sadly, people can and will interpret the most innocent things you write in a negative manner a lot of times.emp agencies just seem to be a waste of time in my experience, There come a time when everyone who has been abused or mislead will get together and contact washing for a bill to be passed against all temp agencies for false?advertising?so they can be fined.I went on a job interview 2 weeks ago and the recruiter flat out lied, The client I interviewed with confirmed it and they even complained about how they didn't understand why temp agencies lie just to get people to go on a job interview or lie about the job description.?can't see anyone ever not?hiring?someone because they ::have:: a Facebook?account. If they could somehow see your page AND you were constantly posting about hating your boss or had pictures of you lighting a bong or something, maybe.Oh I have stories for you! LOL?Years ago I went on a job interview where they asked me for my screen name on facebook. I refused and the interviewer stated to me "well I guess you don't want the job then".I put down the application and looked at him and said "you know what your right, I don't need the job", and I left but the look on his face was priceless.Years later out here in California (I believe the it was in Ca) a company was fined due to Requiring all prospect employees and regular employees to give their screen name and password. It was all over the news. :)?I believe the employees won a sum of money as well in the?court?case. :)Oh I'm sorry about your living situation moving backward. Dang, when do we get a win? I just started getting my unemployment so I'm ok FOR NOW, but I would still rather have an actual job. I have savings and the unemployment, but the unknown scares me. But oh how I don't want to go back into ANOTHER job I might hate. I was there for years. Aged me 15 years.Like my sis tells me, I need to stay off facebook. That's where I see 'Another GREAT DAY! I'm blessed. Off to work!' oh and one friend said if she won the lottery she'd still keep working. La dee da, isn't it great to love your job that much? I bet most of those people at the newspaper job got in from someone they know. Probably weren't even qualified to work there.Oh and get this the worse part for the newspaper people, they heard about the massive lay off on the News!!?The LA Times didn't even have the balls to tell people they were shutting their doors. I can only imagine the possible shootings that will happen in LA soon at the plant.Thanks I do feel like I am going backwards, between the 7 doctors that I have now seen and none of them have a clue as to what's wrong with my right leg, it's just hilarious at this point. A friend did offer for me to stay with her but I'd just feel like I'm imposing. I'm still giving it some thought though, the idea of being itchy and stinky all day is not a good thought for me. LOL?I've been homeless before and stayed at a shelter and the people there were pretty much nuts in the head that should of been in a mental ward instead of on the streets.Good luck to us all. I'm finding that volunteer position(s) won't lead to employment; @ least my most recent first contact made that clear to the few of us @ the first session. I'm qualified & have applied to a dozen different?clerical?positions @ a local medical facility; all they want is another volunteer instead. Don't know what I'd do if I didn't qualify for early retirement since my unemployment benefits ended. Can't live on social security either. What do people do? Only option to die?It seems like it. re; die?I been praying every night for death to come and take me away.?I'm tired of being in constant pain, limping to job interviews that either are not as described or having them turn out to be part time when they were advertised as?full time.?Tired of the "over qualified" BS as well. Its a wonder so many shootings have been happening with Ex-employees going "Rambo" when terminated.I wish all the CEOs, VPs and Presidents would all get laid off their cushion pay jobs and experience what it's like to go from making a nice living to minimum wage.I wish I could retire, but in CA you have to be 62 to even receive your SSI benefits, and by the time I'm 62, whose to say that the benefits will even be there or if I'll be alive.?I swear?bank?robbery is starting to look really good now.I'm still wondering on how retirement will work for me since I have been working temp for so long with no kind of savings for retirement, I may have to just rob a?bank, get caught, do my time in jail as a retirement gift to myself. At least it be free room and board. LOLMe too. I never did a 401 (k) at work because when I first started we made so little me and my friend joked that we didn't want any money taken out. I started looking into a Roth IRA last year becasue that's what my friend eventually did but figured it out to late because now I"m not working. So I screwed myself there. I think about retirement a lot lately because I know it's not like it used to be. There won't be any money left for it. Jobs pay so crappy you'll have to work until you die because you can't live off of anything the?government?will give you. I wish I was like my aunts, they had nice jobs, got nice pensions and they retired 15 years ago before it all went bad. I so wish I could not have to care like them."Maybe tomorrow". Well, a couple of those and now it's another week. A few more "maybe tomorrows" and now it's been another month. Suddenly summer's over and it's been a YEAR, here comes Christmas again, but you remember this is the SECOND Christmas and so it's been almost TWO years! The thing is that it can happen to ANYONE. Doesn't matter how much schooling you have or haven't got. I know that life's a beach (not my choice of words), but some folks just seem to cruise right through. You know? :^/I have been trying to make myself useful by helping my parents with theirbusiness. They own a?cleaning?company and it actually makes a lot of money, but they're trying to get enough?contracts?so that they themselves don't have to do the cleaning and can send employees to do it. I've helped them get three new clients, including a?college?building that pays over two thousand a month and an office building that pays $600 a month. I've been having to learn a lot about SEO,?advertising, writing contracts, answering phones in a?customer?friendly way, direct mailing, writing business letters and proposals, and more. At least this is keeping me somewhat productive. I want my parents to not have to do hard physical work when they're old so it's good motivation. Combined they currently earn 14K a month, but they need to do so much physical?labor. Hope I can get them enough clients that they can sit at home and just pay younger people to do the cleaning.One of the first jobs I had after graduating?college?was?cleaning?houses. I couldn't find a job to save my life!That was many years ago and I couldn't do it now but I have thought about trying to own a cleaning service.Cleaning is one of the most profitable businesses out there. People just don't want to do it because it's not glamorous.I worked with a girl way back, who was in college,?business?major, worked in the summer, not sure what she wanted to do. Recently ran into her brother, who told me she started cleaning houses and turned it into a profitable business. Maybe you could take over the family business when your parents retire?I'm about to bust out in a fit of rage. Why does every stupid listing have to be part-time, 24/7 open availability!?Why, for the life of me, can't I find ANYTHING that is full-time with some sort of set schedule!?Even though I know I'd never be hired for these full-time positions, at least I would know they exist! I feel like I'm doomed to live in my parents house, sharing a bedroom with a younger sibling for the rest of my life. It shouldn't be so hard to support yourself!?God, I really friggin hate my life right now. I feel like using what little money I have, jumping on a train out to Wyoming and start living in the mountains. I'd probably die from exposure or starvation, but I'd at least die with a pretty view.I hate whining about my life, but dang it I'm so tired of seeing the same part-time slave wage jobs in my area. There's nothing for me here. Nothing.I hate this myself. That's all that seems to be available now. And usually they put that on the end of 20 other requirements.?I wish I could retire, but in CA you have to be 62 to even receive your SSI benefits, and by the time I'm 62, whose to say that the benefits will even be there or if I'll be alive.?I swear?bank?robbery is starting to look really good now.It seems the only people getting pensions are?government?workers. So you and I pay, through our taxes, for these people to retire at a nice age, where they can enjoy the retirement. We pay for their pensions, their?healthcare, and who knows what else. They can retire at 40, 50, whenever.If you work for private industry, you only can put money away pre-tax if they offer a 401K or similar, but no one gives you a thing to live off for retirement.It seems so wrong to take from others.That is why the competition for gub'mint jobs is so fierce. One of my neighbor's is a double-dipper. He gets two pension checks: one from the USMC and the other for working for 20 years for the?Federal government.Has no idea that that times are bad.I think some of them do but don't care.?Willfully ignorant.?I never had the mindset of taking advantage of things, that somehow, that would ruin things, but obviously a lot of people don't care.?The whole public assistance thing is just ruined.A lot of people don't realize it. They believe what they're fed on the nightly news. Recession over,?housing?sales up, unemployment down??! That's because so many of us have been dropped from the unemployment rolls and we're no longer visible.When people are purposely blind and believe propaganda, they are buying themselves the ability to live it up while things are going down.we can't afford it any longer. take a person going to work for the govt at 27. does 30 years. retires at 57. there's a chance he will live another 30 years. can't afford that.My next door neighbor used to work as a teacher for the?City?of San Francisco. He is absolutely RICH compared to me. He gets a generous pension, free?healthcare, etc.My neighbor seems to have more money than he knows what to do with, and he was just a?government?worker, nothing that prestigious. Not a cop or a?firefighter. Guess I should have been a teacher!My neighbor has his home completely paid off. He retired at around age 55. He has 5 dogs (in violation of City policy) that he spends $250 a month to have groomed. He also can afford weekly maid service. In addition, my neighbor is constantly doing costly 'home improvement' projects that aren't even necessary. He got 'early retirement' and has nothing but time and lots of money on his hands.You got that right.?I went to EDD office today and spoke with a worker there and she told me they are no longer doing extensions, once your 26 weeks runs out, that's it. And what I found really really hard to believe is the office had only 2 job seekers there looking for work when normally the office is full and there is a waiting line to get on the computers and it seems like all the EDD workers that use to work there all lost their jobs due to lays, I so wanta tell them "welcome to the club of the unemployed, now you get to go through what the rest of us have been going through".The?counselor?at my private university told me to go to the EDD. She was clueless about everything. Now I discover that the EDD doesn't even help people find work anymore. Guess they all got laid off!My next door neighbor used to work as a teacher for the?City?of San Francisco. He is absolutely RICH compared to me. He gets a generous pension, free?healthcare, etc.My neighbor seems to have more money than he knows what to do with, and he was just a?government?worker, nothing that prestigious. Not a cop or a?firefighter. Guess I should have been a teacher!My neighbor has his home completely paid off. He retired at around age 55. He has 5 dogs (in violation of City policy) that he spends $250 a month to have groomed. He also can afford weekly maid service. In addition, my neighbor is constantly doing costly 'home improvement' projects that aren't even necessary. He got 'early retirement' and has nothing but time and lots of money on his hands.Personally, I'm happy for people who worked for decades and landed on their feet. It's not their fault that they got their jobs and their retirement packages in a better time than we are facing now. The way I see it, he's one person not competing for the jobs the rest of us need. There are 5 dogs being well cared for instead of in a pound or worse. If you or I could have scored a deal like that, I know I, at least would have. Enviable, yes, but I can't resent people who have made it to a comfortable retirement through their own work efforts, just because mine haven't paid off.The EDD told me about . LOL!Wow--it's a diabolical circle, LOL! Private counselors tell you to go the EDD. The EDD tells you to go to . I'll bet I'm not the only one who feels caught in an endless circle, looking anywhere for advice. These days, the EDD or anyone else will just refer us to yet another website.The EDD told me about . LOL!Same here :)The state unemployment office sent me a letter stating I had to spend most of the day in a group session. They went over the basics of job searching and I didn't learn anything new. Then we watched a movie and in the movie the narrator mentioned that, " fact some day in the future you may see computers in most offices." I had to laugh at that comment, when was this movie made?!Been there. They are completely out-of-date and out of touch.So you've noticed this too? LOL! In my industry, we call this the $500 flyswatter - just a huge bureaucracy designed to accomplish a very simple thing.Watching some season 2 episodes of the Walking Dead as I job search and I'd rather live like that than do this. It's sad when I'd rather have a Zombie Apocalypse so I don't have to worry about finding a job anymore, I'd rather take my chances with the Walkers. At least I won't have worry about bills and job searching.And you can always blow some steam on a bad day by sniping some zombies for target practice. No need for a weapon permit anymore! Woo Hoo!Worse Company Ever - K-Force!!!This is just a Rant.?I received a phone call on Monday with the promise of the job starting on Oct 6th, I'm delighted because this means I would not have to give up myapartment?and move to a shelter, low and behold I receive a phone call today and the recruiter tells me, oh we haven't submitted any resumes yet until we meet everyone. I'm thinking WTF ??The recruiter tells me I'm meeting everyone at 1 pm today, well it's 11:45 and corona is a good hour drive so I'm thinking great, no need in me stressing over this crap and then here's the ringer.....................................The recruiter tells me "oh the job is not starting on the 6th of Oct,?Kaiserstill has to review all the resumes first and pick the people they want to interview and the position / job itself probably wouldn't be starting until mid Oct. or the end of Oct.I told the recruiter I would have to borrow money for gas to get there since I have no income, then she questions "would you be able to get to work ? I told her yes, I have not sold my car yet and I have transportation to get there.I thought to myself, this chick has no intention of referring me for this job position with all the questions she was asking me such as "would you commit to the job with it being only 4 weeks, I told her yes since it's paying $20 an hour for?data entry, then she asks, would you be able to do the job ? Have you done a job like this before sitting in front of a?computer?all day ? I'm thinking, ok this "B" has not even looked at my resume asking me stupid questions like this. Heck I was an?admin?assist /?executive?admin for years sitting in front of a computer for 8 hours a day, if you don't want to refer me for the position, fine, just don't dangle the dam carrot for the job in front of my face or waste my time and phone minutes, seriously, WTH ?Why do these dam agencies have to lie ???????????????Yah it's their loss. I know I was qualified for the positions I applied for. I got another e-mail from?Adecco?temp service also. They rejected me, then they send me a job offer for parts inspection today!!! I could inspect parts for $11 an hour, but I would need to get a criminal check first. I sent them a message back telling them to remove me from their system. One day I hope these companies become desperate for workers and the tables turn on them. Too many jobs, not enough workers!!!Yes, it is their loss.?I'm working on a petition and letter to send to Washington DC on making temp agencies liable for false?advertising?and misrepresentation jobs.?I filed a complaint weeks ago on?Kelly services?and they are giving me the run around in not answering or responding to my emails. So I'll be filing another complaint with the better?business?bureau, it may not do any good but at least there will be a complaint on file :)We all need money.Dam straight, I need money now!?Just received last EDD Check for $226, I'm rich! LOL?Hanging my head as I start to pack up my place and preparing myself for the possibility of shelter life. Ughs.?I think I will just stay in my car and do the YWCA for showers.?This totally sucks.The state unemployment office sent me a letter stating I had to spend most of the day in a group session. They went over the basics of job searching and I didn't learn anything new. Then we watched a movie and in the movie the narrator mentioned that, " fact some day in the future you may see computers in most offices." I had to laugh at that comment, when was this movie made?!They do the same thing here with referring you to take classes that are 8 hours a day.?I did most of the classes in the past and didn't really learn anything. I left more frustrated than anything. You really can't concentrate on such things when your depressed and those instructors just don't understand that nor do they get it.I honestly wish the tables would turn and have all the employed experience everything that the unemployed are going through, loosing your home,apartment, living in your car, living in a shelter etc. It's not a life that anyone wants or longs for and these evil employers with all their games are no better.As for the staffing agencies and who they employ, they are the bottom feeders of this economy, they know that people are struggling and yet they still dangle that "carrot" It's shameful and if they ever knew what it was like on the other side, I doubt they would be taking advantage of people the way they do...Since when does a secretary/AA also have to be a travel agent, lol....I can't help but laugh at some of the duties some of these companies want you to excel at....I have been job searching since 8am and I have been laughing right along with you. I would say it's gotten worse, but it probably was the same I just didn't know because I haven't been job looking for years. But employers want more and more for less and less. I've been sitting here thinking 'what are these job descriptions...?' They are insane. I can't get over these extreme level of skills and abilities they want for $10 an hour, and they are so adamant over what you MUST HAVE walking in the door.And I worked reception and now jobs want the receptionist to run errands, stock the kitchen and bathroom, distribute mail and office supplies along with?admin?work. What happened to staying at the?front desk? How do you answer phones when you are stocking coffee in the break room?I've seen ads requiring admin assistants to have?accounting?AND?graphic design?skills on top of the usual admin skills!Exactly, and I remember when I was let go of my last job my office manager told me they wanted the next person to have Secretarial School experience/degree. Nothing against secretaries, but I DO NOT want to go to SCHOOL just to learn how to assist someone who sees me as nothing already. I just can't do it. It just feels so demeaning to go to school to be a secretary, like it's the 40's and that was 'Women's work' and the only option. The problem is that Admins run the offices, expect they don't.I'm an office manager and have been for 10 years. What I'm seeing is absolutely ridiculous (to put it mildly) and I have no degree, but numerous years of experience in?HR?and?Accounting?but these employers think a degree is better than experience??I could understand a vocational program (several months to a year tops!) for those who are fresh out of high school or those who have never been in the workforce. To require that and a bachelors of someone who already has years of?admin?and?clerical?experience is an insult.Yes, I agree about the vocational degree for young and no office skills. But most people start as the receptionist or office?clerk?and move up. No need to go to school for that. Employers just don't want to be bothered unless they can get the skilled and desperate for less.Now I love me some Catfish battered in cornmeal and deep fried, but that Temp bottom feeder I would put in a Shredding machine and watch it slowly die! LOLYou are right on point on how temp agencys treat people for sure, they think it's ok to mistreat someone and that we will just put up with it because we need a job. One day they will learn and there will come a time where a shooting will occur and it will be at a temp agency. Not saying that it's gonna be me, I'm just saying :) LOLTemp AgencyI have to say I am very proud of myself.?I sent an email to an temp agency yesterday K-force telling them to Remove me from their?data?base and to Destroy my resume because I do not believe in working for a company that mistreats or disrespects people.?I caught them in a lie, a flat out lie and I may bring it to their corporate office attention. I am on?Fire! LOL?No one should be mistreated. The recruiter had the balls to tell the office staff that I had transportation issues because I couldn't met her at the drop of a hat in Corona when she called me at 11:45 am telling me to met her at 1 pm. Mind you, no promise of a job and she slipped and said "Oh you haven't been submitted for the job yet and the job doesn't start until end of October". LOL?Not! My parents taught my and my siblings not to play games and they are lucky because if I could get away with it, I would make the news for going to their office and shooting them all with paint guns :) hahahahahWelcome to the group.?All I can say is keep your head up and go for getting your license in CA.?Don't be surprised if your offered a lower salary then what your use to making. Employers just figured since the job market is crazy with folks looking for work that it gives them the right to offer a lower salary than what they would normally pay.There are too many people with?college?degrees and not enough jobs to go around. I read one recent study: At least 50% of college grads are working at jobs that do NOT require a college degree.But just try to get a job in?fast food?or retail. They ALL want 'experience'! NO experience, no job. And the pay is so low it's a crime. I believe in paying folks a 'living wage', even if the?government?has to mandate it. That's probably the only way that companies will ever agree to pay a decent wage. But companies still offer 'under the table' work to get around paying even minimum wage."Perfect employee" has replaced "dedicated, loyal, hard working and willing to learn" they don't care about that anymore.True--nobody wants to take the time to train anyone anymore. I've contacted several businesses and have offered to work for FREE as anapprentice, in order to gain some experience. I tried a?jewelry?store. They want someone who is a graduate of a prestigious jewelry academy.Employers are looking for people with VERY specialized skills and experience. There's always somebody else who's a better match. Contacting small businesses and offering to work for FREE as an apprentice does NOT work these days.Never allowed to be sick? Never allowed to go to the doctor? The modern workforce is sounding more and more like indentured servitude.I am sure that some employers would love to repeal the 13th Amendment.I worked for one company about 10 years ago and just prior to my starting, they were fined by the?Labor?Board. They were only allowing people to go to lunch when "they weren't busy". Lunch is a?law?not a company policy.Someone just asked me why aren't the people looking for jobs doing volunteer work while they are looking? She said that she knows people who got jobs because they were volunteering at the companies. So when an opening came up, they were hired.She said people should also be going on LinkedIn because her professional contact say that you must have an updated LinkedIn profile to get hired in today's market. And don't forget to hire yourself a headhunter.I wonder if some people realized that getting to and from these volunteer gigs cost money. If the company isn't willing to cover my transportation cost or absolutely guarantee me a paid position in the future I'd rather use that money to pay bills and keep a roof over my head.What you wrote makes more sense. To me, most companies would be willing to keep the person on as a volunteer since it's free?labor?and saving them a lot of money. They would be in no big hurry to make the job a paid position.Everyone is always trying to make money off of us by telling us we can't do this or that.?We are supposed to need career coaches and all sorts of gurus.?But we all know they don't know anything more than we do about the economy and we probably know MORE about our own job markets and what it takes to do our jobs than they do.I had this temp assignment in a building and down the hall was a guy who ran some kind of time share?business. He bragged to my boss about running the whole thing with unpaid "interns" from a local?college. He just gave them their "credits".I just think employers are taking advantage with the whole volunteer/internship?fad today.I agree. I wonder why people insist that volunteering leads to a job. There is no volunteering in my line of work, unless you go to a boss and say you'll work free. Then they'd think someone is crazy.?If people think they have to volunteer at a charity to show some?hiringmanager they were "working", then they are not concerned about having the brainpower to do the work. They are more concerned about showing how much of a slave they will be.?Everyone knows when you lose a job, you are out of work and it takes time to find a job.?I am working, but I have never once had anyone, when I was interviewing for any kind of a job, ask me if I spent my time volunteering. Never.Everyone is always trying to make money off of us by telling us we can't do this or that.?We are supposed to need career coaches and all sorts of gurus.?But we all know they don't know anything more than we do about the economy and we probably know MORE about our own job markets and what it takes to do our jobs than they do.This is SO dead on. We are told to revise our resume', get better clothes, show up early, show up exactly on time, answer this interview question this way (whether it's true or not), then another article or "expert" will tell you to answer the same question another way. Volunteering will get you NOTHING, except an unpaid job. Great idea, if as Ms. Dopplganger points out you have money laying around for gas. I am finding it's all a very large crapshoot, and clueless people are actually making money advising us on how to roll the dice.I had this temp assignment in a building and down the hall was a guy who ran some kind of time share?business. He bragged to my boss about running the whole thing with unpaid "interns" from a local?college. He just gave them their "credits".I just think employers are taking advantage with the whole volunteer/internshipfad today.I agree.?I've heard some industries do use students as free?labor?with an employee overseeing them.?It's really sad when there are experienced people to do the job.I blame the students. They should know better and they should know they are creating a bad future for everyone else and themselves.?They aren't just victims here.I don't think the students do realize what they're doing. Any student will leap at an?internship?in their field, because they think it will get them a job after they graduate. Then they end up on a forum like this totally confused at how ultra prepared and educated they are at 22 and still can't get hired. It's sad all around. Except, of course, for the employers who are getting their slave labor.A lot of them will do anything to get a foot in the door.?I've seen people work free, not a real internship, and that's scary.?I wonder when they think an employer is going to start paying them.You're probably thinking this too...where is all of this going to take everything? How far will people go to get a job?Yes, unfortunately, this is the way it is, until that is, and if, the economy turns around and employers are faced with little or no pool to choose from. In the 80's, everybody who wanted a job had one. The production plant where I worked had to implement a?creative?weekend shift with perks AND full benefits to entice people to staff the place on weekends, because, at that time, dishwashers were making $10 an hour, literally, in this area. I just hope I live long enough to see employers in that position again. I didn't appreciate it at the time, but I certainly will from here on out.Most companies won't even accept volunteer work as valid employment because it isn't. They will give it a good will nod and then say they need references from paid work. Maybe volunteer work gained points in yesteryear but not so much in today's search.As the population increases and more people enter the US, the job market will worsen. Most of the manufacturing jobs have left, so the businesses dependent on that are hurting or gone too.?Politicians always run on "jobs" and nothing changes.I've been around long enough to know, and have actually witnessed, that everything runs in cycles. I don't think manufacturing will ever be what it once was, but it IS returning, because some of the current start-up generation feel it is important to make products in the USA. Some of us, if at all possible, buy only products made in the USA. I think jobs of the future will be in tech, preventing cyber attacks, crime,?healthcare, and, as always, service work. Anybody notice that not too many people have completely stopped eating out?I've been around too, and agree with you.?I see a lot of people spending money. New homes, new cars, eating out, vacations, shopping sprees.?That's not me!?I wonder who all of these people are, who are so generously compensated, because any time I've looked for a job, they want to pay low.If manufacturing ever comes back, it will be treated like?agriculture?with an imported?labor?force.?It's very difficult to be in the Middle class in the US anymore.So true! I watch my youngest son struggle just outside the Boston area on $14 and change per hour. Median home price (for an old piece of crap) is $350,000 and people are buying them. People?driving?and putting gas in SUV's the size of a small?apartment?and I constantly wonder "where are they getting the money"????Hey, I see that too and wonder the do you afford to fill those things up??They must be the people getting jobs because they know someone. Perhaps "knowing someone" includes a lofty pay scale.?If you go to the airports, they are packed. It's not?business?travelers, it's vacationers!?I've talked to people who have second and third homes. It's amazing. I always thought these were people who made money in the previous decades, but it's something else.?I know?government?workers can retire in their forties and be taken care of for life with pensions, free medical, etc. A lot of them have the money to relocate and buy a new home where they want to live. Makes working for private industry really depressing.Hey, I hear that one can retire in Costa Rica and live on just social security. I've actually considered that!Interesting. I used to feel that having to leave the US was a bad thing, but I have since changed my mind. I feel like I am working to support things I don't approve of and I will get nothing in return.?It seems only a generation ago, the US was a good place to be.Do people ever have the nerve to ask an employer, "How am I supposed to LIVE on minimum wage/?entry level?pay?" (I'm sure that question is forbidden!). But look at what RENT alone costs, esp. in Calif.?Food?is expensive, so is gas,?health?insurance?is costly--everything is so expensive! And that's regardless of where in the US you live. Are people living 4 to a one-room apt. or something? I just don't get it.I'm starting to believe people are living 4 to a studio like in new York. LOL?A?hotel?worker on the news said his rent for a studio is 1350 a month, his current salary of 10 an hour doesn't even cover his rent so is working 2 jobs just to cover his rent.Yes, the cost of living is crazy, it's just a shame that no one in thegovernment?or employers thought of raising the minimum wage to deal with the fact.Obama needs to get his a** in the kitchen and start baking some cookies!!!!!!!!!He also needs to take a walk on every low income street, trailer park, RV park and public parks to see the real people who are in need of help.It sickens me to see so many people homeless and on the streets, Whether I'll be part of it or not. Our?government?is not doing enough.I been talking with this homeless man now for a couple of months, he's still waiting to get disability to mental problems. The system, his family, friends just forgot about him.I'm making it a point to make a difference and to show compassion.Our government needs to do the same. Sad how this type of stuff doesn't make the news. I read 2 days ago that there is a town here in California in the dessert area where there has been no running water for 5 months due to the drought. People are having to buy water by the case load just to bath with and flush their toilets with. Sad world we live in.Someone just asked me why aren't the people looking for jobs doing volunteer work while they are looking? She said that she knows people who got jobs because they were volunteering at the companies. So when an opening came up, they were hired.She said people should also be going on LinkedIn because her professional contact say that you must have an updated LinkedIn profile to get hired in today's market. And don't forget to hire yourself a headhunter.Whomever this person is must be employed because she is full of Sh*t.?Everyone knows that being on networking sites like LinkedIn are a waste of time.?I was on there for a couple of years and never got a job offer, I was solicited many times by temp agencies with jobs in other states because they didn't brother to look to see that I'm in California. Just stupid in my option.As the population increases and more people enter the US, the job market will worsen. Most of the manufacturing jobs have left, so the businesses dependent on that are hurting or gone too.?Politicians always run on "jobs" and nothing changes.The politician's need to close the gate on letting people enter into the US period.?I agree with you as well, the job market will continue getting worse.I've been around too, and agree with you.?I see a lot of people spending money. New homes, new cars, eating out, vacations, shopping sprees.?That's not me!?I wonder who all of these people are, who are so generously compensated, because any time I've looked for a job, they want to pay low.If manufacturing ever comes back, it will be treated like?agriculture?with an imported?labor?force.?It's very difficult to be in the Middle class in the US anymore.Middle Class ? What middle class ??The middle class is close to being extinct.Everyone who has a job thinks it's so easy to get a job.So true.?They haven't a clue on what the job market is like at all, honestly they don't and my so called friends (no longer friends) don't.?I get so sick of hearing "maybe you should just take a minimum wage job (which living in CA would mean I'd have to work 2.5 jobs just for survival) and go from there.?But when I throw it back in their faces with them working their nice 60 - 80K jobs, I hear nothing but silence for their response. LOLDoes anybody get so frustrated with their job situation and possibilities that it sucks the joy out of life, even things you enjoy doing. I have had this for a while, and I apologize to others about my attitude on Saturday, but I was in a bad place. I can't seem to find enjoyment in the simple things often, and I was wondering if people found ways to break out of this? Talking to acounselor?can help, but not always.You are not alone.?There have been many suicides due to not being able to find work here in CA, it seems the news does what it can to keep out of the publics knowledge.?My best friend passed away two years ago due to stress of not being able to find work, lost his house and continued to go down hill from there. His son was the one who found him as well and the son was 22 or 23 at the time.Here in CA, the state has a suicide counselor you can talk to free of charge, so its nice.?For me personally it's on a day to day basis but I have found taking a bible study class and going once a week has helped me a little. I do have my bitter moments in asking why is this crap happening to me etc etc. I have often thought of suicide but have managed to think of the ones I love and would miss and that takes me to a better place every time even if my current situation looks hopeless.?Prayer has helped me as well at times.Our government is not doing enough to help people get jobs. I recently heard a politician say, "Anyone who wants a job should be able to get a job". (I cannot remember who said this, because both Republicans and Democrats say this all the time. It's just empty rhetoric as part of their 'stump speeches'.)I see Republicans blaming Democrats for our nation's problems, and Democrats blaming Republicans for the same problems. I don't have faith in either party. Nobody is offering any constructive solutions, at least not to my knowledge.I went to social services today and the worker suggested that I apply for permanent disability and they would get me to see a doctor, so that is my next step tomorrow.?I want to work but I'd like to find out what's going on with my leg as well before it ends up turning blue and being amputated. Just frustrating.Good luck with SSDI Disability. It's good that you're trying to get it. I've heard that SSDI can be pretty heartless, though. They may well argue that the problem with your leg doesn't affect your ability to type. (I know others with severe chronic illnesses who were denied SSDI Disability). Yet I've also heard of people who got SSDI. It's a real crap-shoot. Even though we've paid into the system, we're required to jump through hoops to get SSDI. Yet another?government?bureaucracy...I can certainly sympathize with other unemployed people who feel like they will never find a job again. I've been out of work for 5 months now (the first time in my adult life) and it is soul crushing it truly is.?I finally got a job offer and it's contingent on passing a background check...I thought wow, that's no problem since I know I've never been in any kind of trouble. Well, it's not as easy as I thought. The background screening company First Advantage still hasn't gotten back them and it's almost a week now, and people have been saying that it can take upwards of sometimes 4 to 6 weeks on background checks.I don't think it's the students fault, they just want their?college?credits so they can graduate or pick up the college credits and experience for what they may be majoring in.I did an unpaid?internship?straight out of college (I went to school for paralegal studies) for a month and a half.?The attorneys and staff loved me and where sad when I left but I told the attorneys "I need to find a paying job" but I was happy for the letter of recommendation they gave me along with the experience I gained. I still in touch with them and they have told me that with the economy being so bad, that their are?law?firms with Attorneys doing paralegal work!It's not the students' fault. In order to graduate from college these days, one must do 'compulsory volunteer work'. SO IF we don't do the 'volunteer' gig, we will NOT get our college degree. The companies are so sneaky---they wait till college students have just enough credits to ALMOST graduate. Then the college informs students about the 'service learning' requirement, usually during the final semester. It's a no-win situation when you are REQUIRED to 'volunteer' in order to get that college degree. After spending 4+ years and $150k in tuition, who's going to say 'NO' to that requirement?I stopped eating at restaurants years ago. It's sad. I used to go out every weekend to upscale places. With a steady job and steady pay, you don't really think twice about 'rewarding' yourself for all the hard work you've done. Now, I'm just trying to pay rent and medical bills. No money for restaurants. All those people in restaurants have either jobs, inheritances, or retirement. (I'm excluding cheap?fast food?here. Even that is probably 'expensive' for many unemployed people). It's hard to maintain friendships when you can't afford to go out to a restaurant, too.I understand wishing for either a winning lottery ticket or a heart attack. The medical establishment can suck whether you're paying lots of money or not. My expensive?insurance?denied an MRI--said I was 'too young' for cancer. They charged me 6k to get the MRI and find out that I did indeed have cancer.I went to 4 diff. doctors. All told me the cancer was 'advanced' and 'aggressive'. The docs promised me if I refused chemo, radiation, and surgery I would die. (I was scared, but I DID NOT want to go through HELL just to try to stay alive). 6 years later and I'm still alive with no cancer symptoms. I've read a lot about how much $ doctors and drug makers make off of the 'cancer industry'. They scare people into getting the toxic 'treatments', when they might be better off doing nothing. Certain types of cancer are being over treated--there are many scientific articles on the subject.verybody thinks 1. It's easy to get a job and 2. It's easy to get?governmentassistance. I only hear this from people with secure $80k per year jobs who are clueless as to '2014 reality'.I just asked a pharmacist about trying to get a job as a pharm tech. He's been working at various pharmacies for 30 years and never been unemployed. He wasn't even aware that these days applicants have to go to the website. I'm not faulting him--glad he's focused on his job.Everyone seems to be living in their own insular realities. Those with steady jobs don't have a clue what it's like out there. My two older brothers got steady jobs in the 1980s. My brother did NOT even know what a 'rejection email' is! Lucky him.What's truly scary is that probably the most secure jobs are inHEALTHCARE! And pharmaceuticals.....what does that say about the condition of the population?!Ughs!?Busted another agency today and put them on blast on social media.?Just tired of the lies.?Received phone call with the typical "can you come in so we can discuss a couple of jobs I have in mind for you", I said yes, got dressed went to work force center to do the needed tests and then sent an email for the initial job I had sent my resume for. Finally 20 minutes later I receive an email saying the position was filled, and my other questions on if they had jobs ignored so I asked again. Finally received an email stating "We have no jobs at the moment". I responded with "remember our phone conversation on my experience with agencies lying and me having my time and gas wasted. Final email "the interview has ben cancelled". LOLSo tired of the lies?recall reading something about Obama complainers on a thread about him extending unemployment past 26 weeks, (unfortunately I don't think I will benefit from an extension) but everyone was going on about people just need to get a job and scrub toilets and wash dishes and 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps' etc., and of course there was the gripe that unemployed just want to collect from the government, a lot were saying that there should not be unemployment, which makes no sense. Also some like to say they didn't collect unemployment but proudly worked 7 jobs, working 24 hours, sleeping behind each job so they would not be late (I'm exaggerating) but I have heard people who like to get props for not collecting unemployment. Whatever. That doesn't make you better than me.So what? I want my unemployment, I paid into it and I worked hard at a sh**y job I no longer have and I deserve that?compensation?while I look for another one. And need I remind them that you still have to get hired to scrub toilets, there's a line to do that too. I don't care what crap job it is, you still have to get hired there. And those same people saying go work at McDonald's wouldn't work their themselves. And unless McDonald's is handing out jobs with Quarter Pounders, I still have to apply, get called and get hired there too. I said this on the forum as well. The only people that think like that are making really good money and have for a long time.Even?fast food?places make you take tests these days which I find kind of odd.?Personally test which back in the day you never had to take.What everyone is forgetting though is that students usually live on their grants so that would be where the gas money comes from or their parents or even a part time job if they have one.When I was in school in 2010, the program was run by the state of California, so it was free out of pocket for myself and other students to attend who were looking for a new career or being retrained for a different career due to the mortgage companies laying everyone off.?So I was on unemployment while doing my?internship?and while going to school.?Loved the experience I picked up. Just sad that attorneys were not willing to pay as advertised and offered jobs at 8.50 an hour. SMH (shaking my head)I would never work free. If that was the deal when I went to college, I would have not graduated because I won't contribute to this modern slavery. It's just corrupt and wrong and they are taking advantage of people.?They get away with it, because people go along with it.I know you are supposed to appreciate things, but I feel it's much, much easier to do that when you are already in a halfway decent place. I have friends online and off who are always singing praises to Jesus and saying God is Good but most say it after they get something or something went right. After being unemployed for months you aren't waking up screaming God is Good, at least most people aren't. Yes, you woke up, but still.Hey Shingami - Of course it's easier, much easier to praise God and shout for joy when things seem to be going our way. That's only natural. I would think you wouldn't be human if you haven't ever wondered at some point where God could possibly be when you are going through 'hard' times. I would find it hard to believe that you haven't even screamed to heaven asking him, "Why me and why now?"?I'm learning that the path of faith with Christ Jesus (Romans 10:9) will take me to hard places and times where I will be tested and tried about the songs I have sang to God and about God. I will be tested to see if what I said I believe I still believe when He (being God) doesn't respond the way I (being not God) want Him to respond and on my time schedule. Habakkuk 3:17-18I'm coming to realize that hard times are opportunities to get to know God more intimately if I choose to. Psalm 119:71?The only other alternative is to become bitter and hard hearted.I must remind myself in these hard days that 1) God is good all the time, 2) God loves me and 3) God will answer me in His time and in His way. Hebrews 13:5, Jer.31:3If you recall in the Bible, the Lord Jesus Himself (in His human form) cried out on the cross, "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46 Now He is seated on the right hand of God. Luke 22:69Everything you vent on here, you can safely and respectfully vent to God, knowing that He takes note of our every word and tear.Psalm 56:8BTW - Sometimes I think my case is hard but when I read some of the posts of here, dealing with illness, family issues in addtion to job hunting, it's heartbreaking. So I do keep everyone in prayer as I pray for myself - for God's continued grace and mercy.Thank you very much for your kind words and the words of Our Lord, it helped. And I do know that my situation isn't as bad as others, but it gets to me sometimes, I start to lose hope. It's depressing to think I can't even do a little bit better than I had previously, even one rung higher on the ladder. There are some good people in this forum and I wish us all best of luck and a good life.It's great to talk to people who know what you're going through, I appreciate everyone sharing their personal stories of failure and triumph. I hope one day I'm announcing I found a job, that will be a shocker. And that others will too.Its easier said then done sometimes and why does he let us get to the bitter and harden heart mentality ? When he can so easily come in and do what he has to do ??I keep asking God why have I been in a storm for 7 years now, enough is enough already.I agree with you on some things being heart breaking. I pray for everyone here as well.?I can't even watch the news when it comes to stories on?children?without crying, like little boy who was missing for 3 days and then suddenly found in the basement, they ever did air the out come of the story on where he'd been for those missing days, just strange.You said why does He LET us get to the bitter and harden heart mentality? He doesn't. Hebrews 3:7-19 We do it of our own volition because we refuse to believe in those dark, stormy situations that He is really working for our good and His glory.He is God and He is on His own schedule not ours. Just like?childrencannot tell their parents when it's time for them to get up and do something for them, neither can or should we. We would label those children as disrespectful and out of order. And we wouldn't think much of the parents either for allowing such behavior.Ok, you threw off on the children example because in todays society, kids do tell their parents to wake up and take them to school depending on the household. LOLI understand things have to happen on gods schedule and all but I just don't understand the suffering especially if he sees what's going on, and that is what is leading people to not believe and loose their faith. I haven't had an?apartment?and have been technically homeless since 2010.?In the state of California you can not rent an apartment if your receiving unemployment, apartment complex's will not rent to you, so it's either rent a room from a psycho which I wont do after my last 2 bad experiences or rent a?hotel?room which is still considered homeless because you cant use the address. Now that I will actually be on the streets as of next week, of course I'm wondering where is God in all this ? I'm just saying and mostly venting. I've been talking to my pastor and he seems to be lost as well in giving me nothing but silence when I question him. :)There needs to be a "Faith" forum on here :)Fight for your rights, I know that you already know that God knows that you have been in your storm for 7 years and that you feel like it's gotten old and you're ready to move on and up. But like He says, let patience have her perfect work and after you have suffered(been tested for a while), then He will straighten things out. 1Peter 5:10, James 1:4Do you remeber that Joseph was falsely imprisoned in the dungeon for over 10 years before God in His own time/purpose decided to release Him? Genesis 39-41I have just realized for me that God has to always bring me back to the place where I can honestly say or be made willing to say, "Not my will but Thine be done." Luke 22:42?For then, I am at peace about the matter, either way it goes because I am resting in His promise that He will take care of me. 1 Peter 5:7?Faith in God is no wimpy deal, but tough at times. John 6:26I know one good thing - you have a really good sense humor and it doesn't appear to be waning. LOLLOL :)?Yes, in deed I do! LOL?I think that's the only thing that is helping me keep it together besides reading the bible and prayer for understanding. :)Oh and big thanks for all the bible verses as well. :)The closest I could get to religion is along the lines of deism. A higher being made the universe, the laws of nature it operates by and just allows things to take it's course. Otherwise this higher being is not involved in the day to day operations of the universe. I for one find no comfort in the idea of a higher sentient being that allows things like this to happen to people to teach them a lesson, or worse yet as part of some deliberate plan for some "higher purpose." That would simply make us pawns in its game... It least with the "sh*t happens" theory I know its not personal....LOL @ Sh*t happens theory. Too funny.Sometimes I feel kinda like a pawn, I mean, I look at others who don't even believe and they have riches among all means, but then I think, ok, did they sell their soul for all the material things they have (like all the reality shows on TV with all these Very rich housewives etc) and it makes me wonder.?I know the person that I am, even if I had that kind of money, it would be going to getting homeless shelters build and getting doctors to volunteer once a month for medical reasons for these people and to set up a system to get the homeless back to working and productive members in society. A lot of the homeless are smart people, but have been forgotten by ourgovernment?system or family members.I suppose most people comfort themselves with the idea of some divine retribution. Hell, karma, being reincarnated as a lower being, etc. Me? Eh *shrug* It's a free country though so what ever gets people through the day.I so agree with that. Praise God for the good, blame the devil for the bad, but it's all coming from the PEOPLE here on earth! I think people who hold a great spirit so closely may be somewhat afraid of their own power. I believe in a higher power, but if you have good/bad, darkness/light, sadness/joy, men/women, yin/yang, I then can't wrap my head around ONE PERSON, a MAN, being in control of everything. No balance there, no reason. If you can believe in a book written 3000 years ago and it helps, I'm glad for you. But I have an old King James version from my childhood, before editors got hold of the Bible and made it more palatable to thegeneral?public. I find it to be the biggest purveyor of hatred and intolerance ever bound between 2 covers. But, as Ms. Doppelganger said, if it gets you through....With the King James version, you actually have a rather recent edition. King James was confronted with a dozen different "Bibles" during his time including the Tyndale, The Bishop's, the Cloverdale, the Catholic and the Sinai.In an effort to quell the differences between the Catholics and the Protestants, he decreed that there be only ONE Bible.Fat lot of good that did.Someone steals an apple and for that we have to go through all of this? That blows the Divine Intelligences theory for me right then and there.What a sorehead.It truly is all so bazaar. If I was going to make a race of people to control and I wanted them to behave, I wouldn't give them free will. BUT, I'm told, by my religious siblings, God wanted us to decide for ourselves. ExCUSE me, but if you give them free will, they're going to exhibit it, and your utopia goes down the drain. "There's a beautiful ripe apple on that tree, but don't eat it, K?". SERIOUSLY???He gives us Free Will but he sure gets upset when we?exercise?it.And as for omnipotent, you put the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden but you didn't see this coming? Please.I lost 10 manly points today, my friends. My mother came back from a meeting with a long term?healthcare?representative and told me that when she mentioned her 27-year-old son living with her, the rep' asked if she wanted to set up a special needs fund for me. When my mother explained my situation, the worker then asked if she had spoken with me about what would happen when she died.My manhood... :'(My brother lived at home well into his 30s, and I moved out at 27 myself. This is just how things are today.How about only using the words?entry level?for?ENTRY?LEVEL JOBS! I can't stand when I click on a job add with "entry level" in big bold letters only to find they want 1-2 years of experience. Guess what THAT'S NOT ENTRY LEVEL! Employers please stop wasting our time with misleading job titles. Entry level means no experience necessary. Has anyone else experienced this?Morning!?Here's a thought- Freewill doesn't mean you won't have boundaries. If you have kids and really love and care for them you will set boundaries for them to protect them, not to harm or hurt them. Will you be disappointed that they crossed the set boundaries and will you follow through with your prescribed consequences for such behavior or will you laugh it off and ignore it? If you are the parent, you should be looking out for your?childrennot helping them to harm/hurt themselves. Same with GOD. But if you want to go your own way, you can. Just remember, there are consequences. Check out Romans 1 for a start.?Most don't believe in God because they don't want to believe that they are accountable to anyone other than themselves. So, they think they can do, say and live any kind of way they want to, without consequences. Galatians 6:7-9Believing in God through Jesus Christ is a coping mechanism? It's the best method yet.Some prefer drugs, sex, money, anger at the world, oversleeping, stealing, gossip, overuse of psychiatry, TV, complaining, titles, etc for coping. And where do these methods get them? Jail, dead, broken, depressed, sick, lonely, more angry ......Except that my choice to have and raise children didn't come from a story in a book written thousands of years ago by people I don't know. I get that to accept that requires faith. But when they were handing out faith, I was in another line where they were handing out a conscience, and I live by that, instilled it in my kids, and will take it to my grave. Acceptance of other people's faith is part of that conscience. I have a Jehovah's witness brother who is SURE the rest of us are going to some fictional place called hell, mo matter how 'good' we are. A Mormon uncle and family tells me you have to be a Mormon to get to one of their "levels" of heaven. ISIL is willing to actually KILL people who won't cave in to their "faith". All radical versions of someone's truly honest belief. Everybody who insists their way is the only way will feel rather silly when they find we are all on different paths to the same destination.I guess $10 dollars is a gold mine if you are in a minimum wage job, maybe getting a 25 cent raise every 6 months. The biggest arrogance which I believe is also partly due to pure ignorance on the part of employers is that 10 bucks is barely a living wage.Around here, $10/hr?is not a living wage unless one has multiple roommates in a small place. For a few months I took a job that paid under $9/hr. It covered my mortgage and part of my utilities. Nothing else. Like the rest of my utilities,?food, gas, car repairs, etc, etc....Many professional jobs now do not offer benefits. So if you are working, you're supposed to be able to pay for any?healthcare?you need. It's truly a horrible thing.?$10 an hour is just horrible pay for anything. Yet, you see offices, medicine, you name it, paying people that wage.?Workers have nothing to bargain with now. Even our skills, talents, experience are negotiable to employers because they figure they can always find another person.?There are just too many people.Around here, $10/hr?is not a living wage unless one has multiple roommates in a small place. For a few months I took a job that paid under $9/hr. It covered my mortgage and part of my utilities. Nothing else. Like the rest of my utilities,?food, gas, car repairs, etc, etc....Many professional jobs now do not offer benefits. So if you are working, you're supposed to be able to pay for any?healthcare?you need. It's truly a horrible thing.?$10 an hour is just horrible pay for anything. Yet, you see offices, medicine, you name it, paying people that wage.?Workers have nothing to bargain with now. Even our skills, talents, experience are negotiable to employers because they figure they can always find another person.?There are just too many people.And by the time the employee pays for that stuff, they are out more than their paycheck. When that's the case, it is simply not worth my time andenergy?to get out of bed.Its a horrible job. I did it. I have a lot of sympathy for anybody who can do that well.Me too. I don't like dealing with the public anymore. Employers think all customers are legitimate in their complaints and there are some really crazy people out there who will go after you.?99% are good people, but it takes one complaint and they can cost you your job, even when they are wrong or complaining about something outside of your control.How right you are. These days if somebody doesn't like the color of thecashier's fingernails, they can go on line and rock her or his world! I do a lot of surveys and I'd NEVER go after the employees. I take the time to tell the COMPANY what's wrong with IT, and go out of my way to say their people are great. Even when they're having a bad day and maybe aren't so great. To do that job, all day, for that kind of nothing money, sorry, nobody should be allowed to complain about you. I've been complained about in my days as front line in a medical office. It is always guilty until proven innocent, boss always considers the patient/customer?is telling the truth. Even when they are so off base they're making crap up out of whole cloth. Like I said a while back on this forum, not a people person.I really miss the days of being able to apply for a job and starting the next day.?I had this night job doing?data entry?and we'd bring in our Walkman?s and the same cassette tape and we'd all put on our head phones and rock out to the B52's.?It was so funny, we'd be there sitting in our chairs swaying back and forth in our chairs to Rock Lobster. The supervisor would come by and start laughing and I'd let her listen in and she'd start dancing too. LOL?Man, I miss the those days when workers were appreciated and taken care of. :)Exactly, that's another reason I don't want to go corporate. I feel like it's just to much policy and politics and rules for no reason. Let people work and leave them alone. Workers are not appreciated, they are just seen as work mules and that's why you get what you get people running out at 5, not caring about what isn't finished, etc. or wanting to lend a hand. We could work with our headphones on at my old job, that was probably the only 'perk' we got.Exactly, that's another reason I don't want to go corporate. I feel like it's just to much policy and politics and rules for no reason. Let people work and leave them alone. Workers are not appreciated, they are just seen as work mules and that's why you get what you get people running out at 5, not caring about what isn't finished, etc. or wanting to lend a hand. We could work with our headphones on at my old job, that was probably the only 'perk' we got.Yes, it was the same way at UPS on employees being worked to death and a good 80% were all temps. They had us working 12 - 14 hours and not caring at all but when it time to go home, people would sneak out and go to the lunch room and wait out the time because there were two systems we had to fill out as far as time cards go.?Most of the nights it would be myself, another?admin?assist and a manager doing the clean up work that the crew left and didn't do, but after a few warnings, the managers just started getting rid of people and brining in new temps.Do you have anything resembling a?Labor?Board in Canada? That's where I'd send an anonymous comment.Sadly it's not a national?law?and varies state to state as I found out. I now work at a well known burger place on the overnight shift and we get no breaks. One manager is uptight about it and expects us to always be on,cleaning?or whatever while the other understands. Honestly it shouldn't even have to be a law, just basic human decency.While I'm glad to actually have a job, as sad as it is. This will lead to nowhere, so I need to keep searching just so I can hopefully get out of here and find something better.Wouldn't it be great to get a job you wanted? Maybe one day it will happen.That's all I think about since a lot of my friends and relatives like their jobs, knowing that actually gives me more stress because all I did was watch the clock my whole life--worrying about Monday, thinking about Friday, thinking about 5:00 p.m.. And getting paid nothing on top of that and being worked to death. I will take a job that is tolerable paying something decent. If I could get at least $14- $15 an hour I'd think I was rich. I can't get past $11 for nothing. It's depressing because I feel like such a failure, I'm taking some?computer?courses, but I need to go back to age 20 and start all over again, lol.For me, honestly I don't know what I would do differently. Maybe I would have been able to go and finish?college?before the great recession. Maybe knowing my major is a deadend unless I was extremely lucky I would go into the science/engineering?programs. Even though I have no interest in them and it's not my strongest point. But I am a hard worker and would study my ass off so I would do decently.It just really does suck. First in my family to go to and finish college. Not just barely graduate but do so with honors. But where I am at now I do feel like such a failure even if nobody says so to my face. I felt like a worthless bum when I was jobless. It's just a miserable feeling all around. Even though I don't post much as others. I do browse here a lot and as horrible as it all is, it's kind of comforting I'm not alone and there are others struggling like me, from all walks of life.I would have become a nurse instead of staying in pharmacy as a technician. There are always job opportunities for nurses (atleast in my area) and that is not the case for pharmacy techs, the workload is outrageous and the pay...even after 20+ years I'm "lucky" to be making $13 an hour and with only part time status right now, I'm at the mercy of coperate cutting hours .After a family medical emergency I had to give up my last job, and it took me over 5 months to get this new part time position, so now I will have to work my butt off and wait for an opening just to get back to?full time?status. I am however greatful at this point to be getting back to work. It's terrible out there looking for work, with so many unemployed...and if you complain (no breaks), there are dozens of people just waiting to take your spot and these companies completely take advantage of that fact, and it doesn't look like the economy is going to be getting better anytime soon. My advise to anyone out there that has a job, hold on to it until you can get something better because any job, is much better then no job!Nursing: there are lots of openings, but they aren't all being filled. I know of many?hospital?units with 3, 4, or 5 openings for nurses ... but they aren'thiring?to fill them. It's much cheaper to stack the work load onto the current staff load. I interviewed for one position and was told my by 'spies' that 6 months later they still hadn't filled it. Also, medical assistants are being trained for clinic jobs that used to be RN positions. Much cheaper. It's tough all over.The only other jobs around where I live are truck?drivers. Whether or not they are actually?hiring?the nurses for the jobs posted I do not know, but if your not a nurse or a truck?driver?in ne pa- good luck finding work. It's crazy out there. Even 5 years ago finding a job was not nearly as difficult as today- and what the heck... Where did real paper job applications go? Everything is online now- taking away the chance of even making that important first impression!!Where did real paper job applications go? Everything is online now- taking away the chance of even making that important first impression!!It's to many job seekers now, they don't want to be bothered with the endless revolving door of people coming in asking for an application, unless they have them piled up on the counter. Even those kiosk job things were a pain, I remember using one for Blockbuster video (yes it was that long ago) and that application was over an hour long, I thought it would never end. for BLOCKBUSTER! Filling out paper applications gets old real fast. But I do recall doing it and handing it in and them reading it right then and talking to you and you possibly getting a job or interview on the spot.Online, all I want to do is email my resume, cover letter and hit send. Or at the very least fill out some things like name, phone, sex, ethnicity, etc. I'm not interested in over an hour for every job I apply for, when not one will call back anyway. Makes me want to shoot myself.It's to many job seekers now, they don't want to be bothered with the endless revolving door of people coming in asking for an application, unless they have them piled up on the counter. Even those kiosk job things were a pain, I remember using one for Blockbuster video (yes it was that long ago) and that application was over an hour long, I thought it would never end. for BLOCKBUSTER! Filling out paper applications gets old real fast. But I do recall doing it and handing it in and them reading it right then and talking to you and you possibly getting a job or interview on the spot.Online, all I want to do is email my resume, cover letter and hit send. Or at the very least fill out some things like name, phone, sex, ethnicity, etc. I'm not interested in over an hour for every job I apply for, when not one will call back anyway. Makes me want to shoot myself.I remember those days too... Long gone unfortunately:(?I know exactly what you're talking about with the hour long online applications and all the 'personality tests'. I remember doing one for Michael's crafts and another for a dollar?general?job.?Lol, I never heard from either of them, then found out you are suppose to answer either strongly agree or strongly disagree (anything in between is apparently not what they are looking for) so essential be a robot.?As incredibly frustrating as it is, just know there is something out there for you and you WILL find it!I miss the days when you could just have 1 or 2 resumes tailored to the jobs/industries you were looking for. You only really needed to spend time crafting your cover letter, if they even asked for it. It was much easier to apply for multiple jobs. I hate the fact that now you're expected to craft each resume to each individual job ad. Not only does this increase the chances of creating and missing a typo/grammar error (because nowadaysHR?has no issue with throwing out a plumber's resume because he misplaced a comma) but it eats up so much time. Where I use to be able to apply to 6-10 jobs in a day, I'm lucky if I can send out resumes for 5 jobs... And the libraries in Philly only allow you 30 minutes on the?computer?for one day.I miss the days when you could just have 1 or 2 resumes tailored to the jobs/industries you were looking for.... Where I use to be able to apply to 6-10 jobs in a day, I'm lucky if I can send out resumes for 5 jobs... And the libraries in Philly only allow you 30 minutes on the?computer?for one day.Exactly! and some make you craft one by wanting you to answer specific questions they give you. "Why do you want to work here?" "Name 1 thing you learned this week" (yes I saw that asked) I have a default cover letter and copy it and then tweak it to a degree and re-save it and send it. If they ask for to much I don't bother because 10/10 I'm not getting the job. If I have 100% of what they are looking for and feel I would have a shot, I do it. But overall, it's just to time consuming when I *MIGHT* have a chance. I've seen requests for: resume, cover letter, references, salary history, start date. Good grief, and of course you never hear back.I been thinking about applying for a truck?driver?job. I know one company that has paid training fordriving?a big rig. A lot of people say get your license on your own and then go for a company that pays better than the company that is willing to pay for your training but at this point, if a company is willing to pay for my training, it sounds good to me.I don't blame you one bit, hey especially in this economy, if a company is willing to pay you while they train you...all the better! And if they don't make you sign a?contract, look at other places that pay better, see if or how much experience they want, and when you've got what the higher paying jobs are looking for- go for it. These big companies use us all the time- "burn them and turn them" I've heard used as an expression of working people so hard they burn out- then they get rid of that worker- and the company is certainly not losing sleep at night over it.?Best of luck to you!!?I don't blame you one bit, hey especially in this economy, if a company is willing to pay you while they train you...all the better! And if they don't make you sign a?contract, look at other places that pay better, see if or how much experience they want, and when you've got what the higher paying jobs are looking for- go for it. These big companies use us all the time- "burn them and turn them" I've heard used as an expression of working people so hard they burn out- then they get rid of that worker- and the company is certainly not losing sleep at night over it. Best of luck to you!!Wow and I thought UPS was bad.?They would do the same thing, I know a couple of workers told me that had been working 17 - 18 hour shifts before I came and a lot of people were getting burned out and quitting. And your right on company attitude because management didn't care, they'd just request more temps.?I have to go through my emails now to see if I can find that trucking company :) LOL?Oh and thanks for the tips re: if no contract etc etc. :)I applied to a job with a company back in March and they JUST got back to me a week ago. I was thrilled so I prepared and was ready for the 15 min phone interview. We talked for 30 mins and I felt great about it. I knew I was qualified for the position and that it was a company I wanted to work for (or so I thought). She just got back to me today saying that they will not be able to go forward with my application.God damn it. It's just so discouraging and people tell me I need to just be strong and positive, but I don't know how much more rejection I can really take.? fresh, so young! It brings back memories!On another note, that's VERY common nowadays. There are just too many others competing for the exact same position. The chances of beating out the competitors is very difficult because many do have the exact experiences the company is looking for. So, it really comes down to who is the "best of the best."Many recruiters/hiring?managers/HR?will not tell you why you didn't pass the phone screening. Sometimes you can figure it out on your own (ie. bad answers). Other times, you may think your answers are great, but the other candidate's answers are superb. At the end of the day, if it really bugs you, you should email whoever you phone interviewed with, but good luck.Job-seeking is a very frustrating and depressing process. Good luck...Job-seeking IS like dating XD. Aww...I just realized that I'm unloved in this sort of dating game. </3Riddle me this.........What is the purpose of employers asking you the salary your looking for ? Is it to separate the applicants asking for higher salaries from the applicants asking a lower wage regardless of skills ?My dad always said "You get what you paid for". LOL?I'm hoping one of these days, employers will realize thisJust wondering if its some kind of trick.They are definitely trying to gauge the lowest pay you would accept for the job, always make your offer atleast a dollar or two more then you would accept because 9 times out of 10 they will counter offer that much below what you state. Example in a recent interview when I was asked I said $15. They countered at $13. Had I gone in saying $13 I'm sure they'd have said how about $11... Even when they want you, they always want you at the cheapest amount they can get away with paying you!!On the other hand, when I got my last job, I wasn't their first choice. I was the low bidder. I found this out a few weeks after I was hired.Yes, these companies really have the upper hand on the unemployed right now:( Sometimes you don't get any say on salary when you need the job badly enough, I was lucky, it was only because of my experience and certification in my field that I knew my worth and they knew I'd be valuable to them. It's extra difficult trying to get work if you don't have a specific 'field' you're in. Then they have complete's not right and it's not fair how poorly these companies treat those looking for jobs, but, they just don't care- it's so much about their bottom line and staying on budget so the?CEO's can get their millions every yearTurns out I have to be out of my friend's place by Nov 7th because his father will be staying with him for a couple of weeks and then they're going out of town for a couple of more weeks.... My temp gig also ends on the 21st of the same month.... I've posted an status update on my Facebook profile asking if anyone would be willing to let me crash. Of course crickets.....As I've said, all the non-shady rentals want too much up front. I could rent a room on a weekly in a shady part of town right next to the elevated train line but as soon as my savings run out I'm completely sh*t of luck...FML.....Hi?See that was the killer for me on FB. All of friends (well I thought they were friends) know that Ive been looking for work and only one contacted me giving me info. I applied but was declined with the typical "we went with another candidate" bs.They all know going through rough times but its like my status on FB is falling on blind eyes, they just dont care. Id get the ocassional "I will pray for you,", but thats it. Even family members turn ther back, its all about " the money" to them. I just laugh it off and remember all the times Ive helped them when they were in need.I'm thankful for the "count on fingers" true friends that do always come through for me though, without them, I dont know where I'd be.I hear you fight, I found out quickly who my real friends were when I was unemployed as well. I was quite shocked and disappointed in some people I'd known for many many years who just turned their backs and walked away. It hurt and it sucked. But you know what? I found out who my REAL friends were!! And was able to connect with people on sites like this where others understand what you are going through and we will all remind you on here to hang in there, and support you when you're feeling down and be happy for you when you do find something, because you will!!!!I've been wondering if Facebook is really doing anyone any good besides Mr. Zuckerberg? I don't have a facebook?account, never did, and with prospective employers feeling perfectly comfortable spying on your personal life any way they can, I'm sure I never will. I know you can set your profile to private and all that, but my younger son's charity has tons of followers, and as with Ms. Doppleganger's fundraisers, they scatter like rats deserting a sinking ship, when a show doesn't do well and he tries to match the donation total online. I do look at FB, occasionally, through his page, and I see a lot of bullsh*t artists going on at great length about how wonderful their life is, when I KNOW the contrary is true. Guys claiming to be struggling at work for their?children?whom someone else is raising. Women claiming to be happy joy with hubbie and kids, when the kids are being raised by someone else and the husband doesn't want kids. I agree with the 'count-on-fingers' true friends approach. You know who they are when you truly need something. And everybody else is full of it.?I have a question... Is it normal for recruiters to call you and then call you again like 30 min later...leave me no message since they already left one...and speak at a million miles an hour so you can barely understand a word they are saying. This happened to me yesterday. I applied at a job that said apply with your indeed resume so I did. Then I immediately got a call from a person that I knew was a recruiter so I let he phone ring to hear what they had to say in the vm. This guy was foreign so of course it was hard to understand him anyway BUT he was speaking so fast it was like hearing this one teacher from a saved by the bell episode who talked at the speed of light lol.And also, why even have recruiters at all? Why can't frickin companies call you if they're interested or email you? Is this only for temp positions im assuming?Does anybody else wonder why the foreign individual with little-to-no-command of the English language has a job - COMMUNICATING - and so many of us don't? Even in THIS country, nevermind outsourcing hell.Since it's computers that read resumes, not people, PLEASE note that you must rewrite your resume to fit EVERY job ad precisely. We're talking exactly fitting the words themselves from each & every ad into your resume. "Cut&Paste is your best friend" (workshop @ Ohio Means Jobs) if you want the receiving?computer?to spit out your resume when thebusiness?hits the "print" button for the resumes to consider for a job. No wonder some jobs post repeatedly intermittently for the same jobs. Weirder & weirder.Yeah...maybe I should have been a stripper, LOL! Seriously, so many people out there are completely clueless to economic realities. I have a hippie friend who rails against 'corporate America', explaining that he's too ethical to ever work for a soulless corporation. Like people have a CHOICE? Mr. Hippie has ultra-rich parents and a multi-million dollar trust fund. So he's FREE to rail against corporate America all night long, then sleep till 4 pm. He literally does not understand that most people HAVE to work for a living.Your friend is NOT a "hippie." I speak as a genuine 1960s relic. Popular myth has demonized "hippies" for decades until all we are perceived is dope smoking idiots when we were actually all about question authority & bring social justice to the entire world, the antithesis of what a?government"of the rich/by the rich/for the rich" would want. Hence the dumbing down of the American?education?system since the 1970s. I wince everytime I read or hear the popular misrepresentation of my generation. Like Aldous Huxley instructed, if any idealogy threatens those in control, just ridicule it. Then people will be too embarrassed to consider it seriously. Bet Brave New World isn't regularly on a curriculum anymore. Whatever happened to "Occupy . . ." after infiltrated by paid disruptors?What's disheartening is how many "colleges" sucker people into taking classes for the same kinds of ancillary basic pay jobs knowing that there aren't that many job opportunities for those certified/graduates, & w/a glutted employee market, the pay keeps reducing. I got an?AssociateDegree in a job, low pay/high responsibility, & NO respect for the degree since nearly all the other employees were/are still trained on site (veterinary technology). The?college?REALLY misled our class w/$ statements but for me, mainly, that veterinarians were EAGER for us & oureducation/skills. I hear that in human medicine, expect burn out, & a lot of the office positions are filled by volunteers, not paid staff, in hospitals where there were once livable wages.Actually, I would like to get back into writing anyway. That would be my dream job, to be like Stephen King. But I have been thinking about writing a book where a couple of the main characters lose their job and it basically ruins their lives and we go through them interviewing and how they're treated and overlooked and the slow progression that takes on their lives, body and soul. When I'm really depressed I want to pour all that into a story, but I just can't get writing.What's disheartening is how many "colleges" sucker people into taking classes for the same kinds of ancillary basic pay jobs knowing that there aren't that many job opportunities for those certified/graduates, & w/a glutted employee market, the pay keeps reducing. I got an?AssociateDegree in a job, low pay/high responsibility, & NO respect for the degree since nearly all the other employees were/are still trained on site (veterinary technology). The?college?REALLY misled our class w/$ statements but for me, mainly, that veterinarians were EAGER for us & our?education/skills. I hear that in human medicine, expect burn out, & a lot of the office positions are filled by volunteers, not paid staff, in hospitals where there were once livable wages.You're on?fire, pebcl! So true. I just completed a course in medical coding and found it is impossible to be able to even APPLY for a job in that field without 2-3 years experience. And those volunteers? This forum is full of people who volunteered because they believed what the unemployment office told them about volunteering and then that company will hire you! Didn't happen. Companies get free?labor?- the volunteers get zip. Welcome to the new millenium.Oh wow, kinda like "Nickle and Dimed" Actually, I would like to get back into writing anyway. That would be my dream job, to be like Stephen King. But I have been thinking about writing a book where a couple of the main characters lose their job and it basically ruins their lives and we go through them interviewing and how they're treated and overlooked and the slow progression that takes on their lives, body and soul. When I'm really depressed I want to pour all that into a story, but I just can't get writing.I was thinking more non-fiction, so that the word gets out to employed people and everybody who believes the news when they say unemployment is down and don't bother to mention that's because people have been kicked off the unemployment rolls. The book "The Help" was written by a writer and compiled of individual chronicles by a town full of black maids. It was a group effort, presided over by the author. But nothing was made up.What's disheartening is how many "colleges" sucker people into taking classes for the same kinds of ancillary basic pay jobs knowing that there aren't that many job opportunities for those certified/graduates, & w/a glutted employee market, the pay keeps reducing. I got an?AssociateDegree in a job, low pay/high responsibility, & NO respect for the degree since nearly all the other employees were/are still trained on site (veterinary technology). The?college?REALLY misled our class w/$ statements but for me, mainly, that veterinarians were EAGER for us & our?education/skills. I hear that in human medicine, expect burn out, & a lot of the office positions are filled by volunteers, not paid staff, in hospitals where there were once livable wages.I think that colleges and universities stay in?business?by lying to students about the supposed benefits of a 'degree'. Trade schools routinely claim that 90% of their graduates find jobs in their field. This cannot be true. I wonder what the actual employment rate is for trade school graduates?I went to an expensive 4-year university. The teachers told us: "You can never be poor if you have a college degree". Oh, really? I'd like my tuition back!lolol @ wanting your tuition back. I do believe universities and colleges lie about the greatness of a degree. Unless it's very specialized (doctor, lawyer, nurse, teacher, etc) then you won't have it easy. The bad thing is that they are right in that employers want to see "college graduate" no matter what the job is--unless you know someone. My cousin got a job in ahospital?with no college degree or prior experience in the position.certificate schools are worse, unless it is a trade to be an?electrician?or something. commercials like ITT make you believe you can stop tending bar and end up in a fortune 500 company managing somebody. The majority is selling the dream to students who see themselves being successful at the end. There was a girl temping on our?law?office inaccounting?and I found out she had an MBA. They didn't keep her on and she said she was going to pursue using that degree, but she didn't need to be temping with an MBA. That's the reality after a lot of graduations.A lot of the specialized professions are becoming saturated as well... Lawyers, nurses, pharmacists..all having a hard time finding jobs.I mentioned teachers and should know that that is not a sure thing like it used to be too. I thought about that after I wrote it. Sad that teaching was a fool proof profession too. I still don't think nurses will ever have a problem, but they will always be under valued, although some make very good money. I thought about nursing, but that was when I was about to graduate and had a panic attack because I had no degree in anything remotely usable and had nothing to look forward to after graduation. But I knew I wasn't going back to school and start over for nursing.Nurses may actually have difficulty getting jobs. I recently spoke to a nurse with 15 years experience and gets shut out by new grads hired at much less money. Unemployment is running out for him. A NURSE. Preparing to live in his car.So I'm filling out online applications for a bunch of 24 hour pharmacy locations in Philadelphia in an attempt to get an weekend/evening?part-time that will allow me to continue looking for a work a day time job in my desired field.I really hate the "why do you want to work for [insert chain store]?" question.?Hm...why would I want to sell my soul and become a emotional and verbal punchi....eerr I mean?customer service rep?for some chain store? I donno? Because I need the money!? Why the f**k else would someone put up with that sh*t?!It's disgusting how much trash is involved in raising young?children?nowadays. They only use it for a few weeks or months then it's thrown out. A lot of the time it's still perfectly good stuff that just needs to be cleaned up a bit before donating.And smart people do just that. Clean it up and re -use. My daughter-in-lawand my son have guardianship of her grandson, and he has more toys and clothes than any 10 kids combined from yard sales. Good things, some didn't even need laundering. Strollers, car seats, wagons. When he grows out of them, she passes them on. Of course he also has 'new' clothes and toys, birthdays, Christmas, but re-purposed is so much more economical when possible. Harder to find now that he's no longer a baby.There is a variation on the theme that I am familiar with: Medi-caid?Assisted Living. The "kids" drop off senile Mom and Dad at some posh assisted living facility and pay the first few months of care.After that, they are never seen again. The name and address are bogus. The assisted living facility has to transfer them to Medi-caid?housing?and they don't have to go through the bureaucracy that everybody else has to endure.The sad thing is that sometimes that is the only way to get care for someone. I know someone who dropped their sick brother off at the homeless shelter because the VA couldn't get their act together. 2 days later he was finally getting taken care of. It had been a five year battle before that.Woah! I didn't know you could transfer a Section 8 app from one state to another. And, yeah, the income requirements are kind of crazy. I worked with someone who quit her job because they started giving her too many hours. The subsidies were worth more than she could earn even working full-time.Another friend quit her job to qualify for senior?housing. Once you secure anapartment, you can start making money again, but you have to be below a certain income to start. She got her job back afterwards.I don't see how this state can sustain all of the subsidized housing long term. So. ME has turned into a real have/have not place. You're either one or the other or you can't afford to live here.California is the same way. You are either rich or you are poor there.I really hate the "why do you want to work for [insert chain store]?" question.?Hm...why would I want to sell my soul and become a emotional and verbal punchi....eerr I mean?customer service rep?for some chain store? I donno? Because I need the money!? Why the f**k else would someone put up with that sh*t?!I hate that too, some turn it into an essay with 2-3 questions. They really want you to kiss their a** and go on about how much working for them has been your life goal since you could walk. I don't give a sh*t about your company, I just want a job. And it's usually the most crappy jobs that ask this that make you feel even more dumb answering. 'Why do I want to be the Perfume counter girl for $8.00 an hour? OH let me count the ways!' Really?Not necessarily. I'm neither. If you have a job, you can sustain life in this state. It gets rough on unemployment, but I made it for almost a year. I only did?food?stamps for 2 months, (the only time in my life), and with an attitude like our ass clown of a governor, it's hard to get any assistance. But I did make it, start a new job on Monday, and truly don't consider myself a "Have". I've been here for 32 years.Are you sorry you had to ever take food stamps? Because I hope you're not. If you need it and it's there and you can get it, then take it. I just can't stand how people treat others who end up needing?government?assistance. We were on food stamps when I was young, in grammar school and even H.S. for a while, it wasn't until H.S. that people I knew didn't care anymore. But I remember never wanting to shop with my Ma if she made me buy something at the store and I had to use food stamps, I hated it. Now I feel bad I hated it so much.When people glow that they never took assistance I want to kick them, well good for you! STFU. It does not make anyone less of a person to do it. I learned that as I got older. Actually, I'm thinking about applying for them myself. Not sure if I can do it on unemployment. They truly want you lower than low, even lower than unemployment to qualify.Hey, anybody got any advice on someone wanting to leave their job, but can't find any jobs on the job market that they are qualified for that's related to what they want to do?PS: The job market is WAY worse than you think, than we all hear about. We've all had problems with stupid interview questions, applying over and over to jobs we ARE qualified for, with experience and?education, and they STILL blow us off. I've seen a trend in companies filling their open positions with the cheapest?labor?they can get. With 17 years medical office experience, I was replaced by a waitress. NOT trashing waitresses, I can't begin to do what they do, but she had never even used a?computer. She was willing to accept 4 bucks an hour less and part time. And that, boys and girls, is what gets you the job. How much you're willing to put yourself out for THEM!Meh, this is employment now. Either you have coworkers trying to replace you, managers trying to replace you, or people drooling over your job and offering themselves up for very low pay to replace you.?It's ridiculous.Does it ever seem like the career centers don't really do anything that someone can't do on their own with job-seeking?They're a waste o' time and will keep that carrot out in front of you.?When you can't figure out the magic riddle, they will say you don't want to "find your path" or you don't want to be successful.So many people are hurting so much. Just getting the life sucked out of us. Then I see all of the people buying new homes, new cars, planning vacations. You know, the people who have job security and never give losing their job a thought. It truly amazes me. How can things be so polar? I've spent the last years just trying to stay employed. Yet, for so many, it's all about what their "passion" is, or what they are "interested in", and they find employers who want to indulge them.One of my cousins lived up in Maine and applied for Section 8?housing. Four years later she gave up and moved to another state for a better job. A month later she was notified that her application for Section 8 housing had been approved. Apparently, you can transfer Section 8 housing to your new state. After one year she was notified that she earned too much at her almost minimum wage job and was kicked out of the program.I am beginning to see why some people "game" the system by having 12 kids by 5 or 6 different baby daddies. Every single time I walk by the low income section of town I see a ton of baby stuff waiting on curb for trash pickup.If people are really having lots of babies to get welfare, that is SO wrong! I know I'm not able to support myself, so I made the decision never to have kids. It does seem like single, childless people are discriminated against in the tax code, the welfare system, etc. People who are responsible don't get any reward for it.I know this is a huge debate issue--do welfare mothers have more kids to get more welfare? I wonder what the true answer is.If people are really having lots of babies to get welfare, that is SO wrong! I know I'm not able to support myself, so I made the decision never to have kids. It does seem like single, childless people are discriminated against in the tax code, the welfare system, etc. People who are responsible don't get any reward for it.I know this is a huge debate issue--do welfare mothers have more kids to get more welfare? I wonder what the true answer is.And you are SO correct about being discriminated against, particularly by the tax system. Even when I had kids to support, I thought it was so unfair that we got a tax break, but people struggling on their own get zip. Even if you don't have kids, you get a better tax rate if you are married than single people do. That's so wrong on so many levels. Flat tax. Me, you, Donald Trump, Warren Buffet, all at the same loopholes, no rich people tax shelters. Yeah what a lunatic you are considered to be if you favor THAT!That is so deceptive. People deserve to know what they're getting into. When I hear the term 'subsidized?housing', I'm also confused. Is that the some as Section 8?I went to a tough district in S.F. and they announced that they were building 'affordable housing' there. That sounded like a good thing. But before I sign on, someone please tell me if it's the same thing as 'the projects'!I was almost raped/carjacked/robbed/murdered in the Bayview District. I won't be living there no matter how 'affordable' the housing is.Don't drink the Kool-Aid. "Affordable Housing" is the politically correct term for "projects". Would you ever be interested in "Low Income Housing", if they called it that?I turned down a job in San Francisco once because I would have had to live out of a shopping cart had I taken it. SF is one of THE most expensive cities in the world.Sigh I wish everyone on here the best of luck with getting a job. I have been out of work since august because I was let go for no reason even though I asked for a specific reason tons of times. My state is an at will state and they used that against me by saying they didn't have to give me a reason. I worked very hard to get that job only to lose it in less than a month :(I was shedding tears earlier because I just want to support my husband and I and keep our?apartment. We worked so hard to get this place and the last thing we want is to move yet again. Im so scared. I just want to make a living and pay bills :(Once again, good luck everyone. I know hard it is out there. I have gone on several interviews since being let go and have gotten almost nowhere. Now I am to the point where I will take just about anything to have a job and some income even though my last job paid a little over 11.Ok so get this. I got hired. I was all excited, get to orientation today and they have all of us sign a paper saying that we're acknowledging that this is seasonal". We didn't apply for seasonal. So now they're doing the old bait & switch with jobs. This is going to be a huge waste of my time. I'm going to make the best of it and hope they hire me permanently, but how annoying! When I applied, I applied for permanent. Why would I a 37 yr old woman, need to work for 2 months? What reason? I'm not in school yet. What a freakin' blow. Unbelievable that a big name Manhattan company that has been a staple of retail for years, would feel the need to deceive to get seasonal workers. The post on their website didn't say seasonal,contract?or temporary at all.And then there's the opposite problem... I get absolutely no response from?customer service?type jobs, because my work history marks me as an educated tech worker.Probably afraid you'll leave when something better comes along. The stupid thing is that traditionally that's what retail jobs basically were. Back in the day most?hiring?managers for these positions knew that most people would be leaving within 2-4 years. Now they expect people to make a career out of N also says unemployment is down. Everybody says that. Oh yeah, and the economy is improving.To be fair, it's not like CNN is making up numbers. The Bureau of?Labor?Statistics shows that statistically, all 6 measures of unemployment (each level has different definitions of "unemployed") have dropped in the last know, right? For better or worse, the U-3 rate is what we use as the "official" rate, but it's not like the U-6 rate isn't published and freely available. Also, many people still seem to think that the unemployment rate is determined by counting up everyone that receives unemploymentinsurance. It's not; the numbers come from the Current Population Survey.Many people also think that the Unemployment Rate (however it is counted) is somehow a measure of how well the economy is doing. Its not. Not according to my Econ 101 teacher.The question is why is it counted at all. We had to write a paper on it.Well, in a macro sense, where all you care about is GDP growth, you're right. GDP can increase without employment if you increase productivity or automation. That said, for most of history, economic growth and employment have been linked. It's natural to think that if the economy is doing well, you can find a job, but if it's doing poorly, you might not be able to. Looking at the situation in another way, if we find a way to keep a good standard of living for everyone and maintain equity in the political system, who really cares if people work? I don't think we will anytime soon, but it's good to realize that people don't really want "a job." What they want is to do something meaningful with their lives and live a good lifestyle.I think there is another part to this whole mess. For a period of time (for the sake of argument let us say the late '40s through perhaps the early '70's), the jobs which were created actually paid a living wage and had real benefits (health?insurance, company retirement plans for example) and were?full time. One person could find work and actually support a family, buy a house and a car.Now, many of the jobs being created are low pay and part time with no benefits. Sure, more people may well be employed, but they are also ongovernment?assistance.I agree. And long ago, people could change jobs if they didn't like something about their job. Now, it's one job if you get one, and it's very hard to leave if you hate it.?I don't get the disparity though. There seems to be a lot of people who are able to find jobs based on their "passion" or what "interests" them. Look on these forums. You see people who have gone for degrees then turn around and want to do something else more inline with what they think turns them on. I get the feeling a lot of them think an employer will do headstands over what they are "interested in" or what they like. I wonder if they are getting jobs...?Another inconsistency is all of the people out there who don't sweat their jobs or have security. They get a job and buy a home or a new car. The people who, instead of saving, will go on a vacation or buy new?furniture.?I don't get it. I have never felt secure like that in any job I've had, no matter how busy I am. I am competent, but we all know that doesn't buy you any favors at work anymore.I've been looking for a job for 2 months, it's terrible.But lately I've been doing online stuff for cash getting 30$ a day to survive. It's not the best.. but you gotta do what you gotta do. :/This country keeps letting people in, and keeps giving anyone from another country free?healthcare, all they can eat style. Benefits and money just get handed over, but if you have worked and paid into the tax system, you're lucky if you can get unemployment.?I think there is another part to this whole mess. For a period of time (for the sake of argument let us say the late '40s through perhaps the early '70's), the jobs which were created actually paid a living wage and had real benefits (health?insurance, company retirement plans for example) and were?full time. One person could find work and actually support a family, buy a house and a car.?That's very true, also there were more jobs to be had and just about anyone could qualify or at least people were given a chance. Someone could just walk into a deli and ask about the dishwashing or?cook?job and the manager would give him a chance, not interview him 3 times, call references to see how fast he washes dishes, give him 8 tests then reject him.Once computers came into the picture that cut a lot of people OUT of the picture. Not that there weren't skilled?labor?jobs then, but computers and technology put a new spin on the job market, and we know that instead of having 5 people doing 5 jobs, they want one person at a?computer?doing 5 jobs. And now with 500 people for every 1 job opening companies can be picky and nasty and make you jump through hoops to get that crap job.Job training is gone, they want you literally running in the door and getting it all in a few hours of training, not even a day anymore and up to speed. I see jobs listed going on about what they expect and what you need to know and then they list this job offers no benefits and pay is $9 an hour. I actually saw that! This what we are jumping over hoops for today? And we take it because there ain't nothing else and we've been hoop jumping for 9 months already. It's truly a sad, scary state now.Every now and then we read an online story bout someone who quit a great job to do something totally different, their passion for example. And everything is working out for them. You read the inspiring article thinking that is the norm. Truth is, that is the minority...prob less than 1 percent of the population.I would love to expose the Temp Agencies, all their tricks, scans and lies.?I bet we'd have a best seller too. LOL :)We have Section 8 here in Chicago. As someone said, it's really "Affordable?Housing" but I can't think of what they changed it to, as we can't call it Projects anymore. They tore all ours down and all those people got Section 8, I had a friend get a house in the suburbs. We had a few families on my block but I don't live in burbs. They do better than me! I don't want to complain because a lot of those people were struggling and wanted to get out and some just didn't know how, and of course some don't care and want to live in squalor.I'm not sure how long the wait time is, but you can get a job and buy your own house in 10 years.Yeah we have section 8 here in southern California, but it' no longer called that, it's more like "Affordable living" but you can still ask for a Section Eight application. LOLAnd the houses and apartments are usually (well some of them) are in a nice area too.?Just gets me on how illegals can qualify for it and move in right away and US citizens have to wait a good 6 months to three years. I'm on a couple of housing list and my wait is 3 years. By then I'll be in a senior?apartment, but even they are running high these days. The lowest I found so far is $850 and I believe it's without utilities. :(Yes they do, I had to wait until I received my very last unemployment check before re-applying for food stamps and medical. Just sad on how people are treated especially US Citizens vs illegals, it's like our government gives them everything, I just don't get it. Citizens have to jump through hoops to get food stamps and any other assistance, and if you apply for GR (General?relief) you have to be completely broke and then they will give you $300 a month and place you in a?janitorial?job making $1.35 an hour to pay them back the money they gave you. Just a sick and twisted system that they have set up out here in So CA.Yes they do, I had to wait until I received my very last unemployment check before re-applying for?foodstamps and medical. Just sad on how people are treated especially US Citizens vs illegals, it's like our?government?gives them everything, I just don't get it. Citizens have to jump through hoops to get food stamps and any other assistance, and if you apply for GR (General?relief) you have to be completely broke and then they will give you $300 a month and place you in a?janitorial?job making $1.35 an hour to pay them back the money they gave you. Just a sick and twisted system that they have set up out here in So CA.I agree. Most people don't see this until they lose a job, lose?healthinsurance, or wind up working in the midst of it.?It truly is frightening.?Those of us who are citizens who have paid into the system get virtually no help.Thanks for the positive thoughts. Some days are positive. Others are full of panic.I just want to provide for my family. Nothing more. Nothing less.I agree totally, you should be able to get a job at company that's not going to take advantage of you that much. Come on, they are looking for upwards of a 50% paycut from previous job- if that's not trying to take advantage of your being unemployed I don't what is- good for you for standing your ground at the 40% paycut- that sounds more then fair on your part, I'm hoping they reconsider and it works out for you! I know times are tough but these companies are using that to their advantage to the point of abuse now! Good luck to youSo many companies nowadays mean available and on-call 24/7 in order to get 20 hours a week at most when they say flexible hours.That's the way it is where I work. You have to have "Open Availability" or they won't consider you. This makes it difficult to put two part time jobs together.I overheard a conversation at a local Kohl's and apparently everyone working in the store has a?college?degree. One guy came out from the back of the store with a bunch of boxes and mentioned his BS degree in?Engineering?The economy is not doing as well as the official statistics suggest.I called one of the private emergency shelter organizations but they only take families. I was refered to a state office to register for other services. The moment I saw the proof of income requirement I knew I was out of luck. I'm going to wake up extra early on Monday to try to register and not miss more work. Perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised but I have the feeling I'll fall through the cracks as always. I feel like I get penalized for trying to be responsible and resourceful dispute me falling on hard times.I just wanted to add that I feel that a lot of job seekers are doing all the right things. It's these incompetent employers that are doing the wrong things and not being held accountable for their actions.This is so true and I'm beginning to see it with my own eyes. Lots of disgusting, immoral, unethical creatures with good paying jobs.After 3 years of unemployment on zero income, WalMart called my son.....within HOURS of his checking the availability box that said 'overnight'! They passed on him with his degree and experience several times, but night shift?? Hell yeah! It's going ok, though. A guy with a degree and heavy experience in?education?is not likely to make a career out of stocking shelves, but it's money.You have to do what you have to do to survive. It sucks, it almost isn't even worth just surviving at that point. I'm stuck in the same situation and have no idea where to go from here. I need a miracle to happen for me to get a decent paying job at this point. Should I even think about going back to school, but for what?I called one of the private emergency shelter organizations but they only take families. I was refered to a state office to register for other services. The moment I saw the proof of income requirement I knew I was out of luck. I'm going to wake up extra early on Monday to try to register and not miss more work. Perhaps I'll be pleasantly surprised but I have the feeling I'll fall through the cracks as always. I feel like I get penalized for trying to be responsible and resourceful dispute me falling on hard times.That's the way the system was set up apparently. Years ago, I heard stories of families who made good money who spent it as it came in, did not keep savings. They were the ones who were able to get grants and loans when their kids went to?college. My folks, who did took the responsible route could not get a penny for me or my brother.The system highly encourages people to lie "game" the system to get help.They can't believe that employers will use the fact that had to take a fast-food,?housekeeping, or waitressing job against me. They still believe that to them it shows work ethic instead of being Otherwise unhireable. They also can't believe that emplyers drescriminate against the long term unemployed as much as they do. If omit my low level survival job I'll have to deal w that.They also keep pushing me to go into?customer?facing survive jobs just to take anything. First off, I can't live off those part time low paying wages. And it's next to impossible to make two part time gigs work to the employers unreasonable availability requirements. Second of all, I'm a dyed in the wool introvert in addition to currently being in a very bad way right now w my mental?health. I spent many years job hopping, taking sales and CRS jobs I knew I wouldn't last in out of desperation when I was younger, some times working two or more of them. I numbed myself w xanex pilfered from my friends and booze I technically I couldn't afford.Soon to be unemployed pet peeve. When people tell you to suck it up and just take anything knowing full well they'd never do it themselves. Do not ask of others what you wouldn't do yourself!I was reading that three of the fastest growing professions for non-collegegrads are:1.?Fast food.?2. Home?Health Care.?3. Prison system.My first job out of college was?cleaning?houses. I was another testament to the failure of higher?education.To my friends here on this forum, my pledge:?Now that I have a job, I will NOT become a "Person With A Job" and expect everything to go as well with everyone who hasn't found one yet, especially if they follow my pearls of wisdom to the letter. If you get my drift.I agree. I have had jobs off and on, and I know every job is just a stone's throw away from not having one!?We know how hard it is, and getting a job now isn't always the end to our problems.?So when I go for a job, I try to get as much money as I can. I used to think going for the lowest dollar would a)make me more desirable as a candidate and b)keep my job longer because I was cheap, but I found none of that to be true. I am not a good a**kisser, so I don't do well at securing myself in a job very well.I have enjoyed conversing and sharing on this forum with you all even when we didn't see eye to eye on some topics. Your frankness and transparency was, at times, very encouraging. I will never forget the "will bring brownies" interview answer. Liked it! That was funny and clever!Yes, GOD has blessed me with a new job! James 1:17All the best to you all and I will keep you in my prayers.James 1:here's no point in doing a follow up.?If they want you, they will call.?When they don't want you, they don't call.I agree. Any job I've ever gotten, I never called to follow up. In fact I never do.I never follow up, if they're that interested, they will contact me.Excellent benefits now nearly non existent; those costs have increased inbusiness; that's a kind of raise. You don't have to factor the costs of commuting to work. Everyone's workload everywhere keeps increasing w/one person assigned work once done my two people as if computerization somehow equals human physical effort required by most jobs. Do you actually LIKE your job, & do you work w/trustworthy/pleasant coworkers? Major benefit.Are your parents supportive at least? Hopefully they don't rag on you too much.They are, but they are rather ignorant to how hard it is to find a job and the lack of jobs in our area. My town is saturated by?college?students and college graduates. Hundreds are competing for one job opening.?They keep telling me to apply to service jobs (retail), because "you need to get your foot in the door and make connections." After spending a year in retail and finally getting out, I'd rather shoot myself than go back. I don't think I could handle one more bad?customer. I might end up strangling someone if I return to retail.When I was in retail, it got so bad that some days I ended up drinking before and after work. It was then that I knew I had to get out. It's not worth becoming an alcoholic over.Very true. The majority just don't understand that a lot of folks are just not cut out for public facing service jobs. It is not a character flaw or personal weakness. Our strengths just lie in other areas. Insisting that folks like us work these types of jobs is a disservice to the employee, the company and to the?customer?in the long run. The outcome will be miserable employee, lack of productive for the company and customers getting mediocre service.Where do people think this will end up??How will the great story end? Jobs have been leaving the US since the 1080s. More and more people come here every year, including the ones on visas and work permits. Our taxes support more and more people and programs. The cost of living is continually going up. More and more jobs are gone, part time, low pay, no benefits, or temporary.Our politicians keep running on the same old "more jobs" and "I was raised with a good work ethic" lines. But nothing changes. In fact, it gets worse.People talk about "being positive", but thinking good thoughts won't set the ship on the right course. It's not about wishingRight, I honestly can't stand all that positivity woo. All the happy thinking in the world isn't going to change sh*t unless it's backed up with action.These people just watch TV and believe the constant blathering on the news.?"The economy improved today with new job creation across the nation" blah blah blah blah.There seems to be a huge disconnect between job seekers and employers right now.Most employers don't feel there's enough qualified candidates out there and a recent Manpower survey confirmed that by finding out that a lack of 'technical competencies' was the biggest impediment to?hiring. Interestingly, job seekers don’t see it that way at all. More than half of the job seekers surveyed (55%) by Manpower felt that they weren’t getting hired because they were facing competition from too many qualified applicants.I had one contractor job and one temp job all of this year; it has been the most pathetic job search ever. And the worst part is employers are starting to adopt a common-place/comfortable attitude about candidate rejection. It's disturbingly bad and something has *got* to change.Ok, so I just read the manpower survey...there seems to be a fair amount of emphasis on a number of factors that without on-the-job training, in this rapidly changing marketplace, are going to cause some issues, combine that with the fact that employers want relocation/portability/foreign language skills/and professional certifications...(how much experience,? 3 years? ), the job market has been morphing at such a fast rate, ...seems obvious, their expectations are panies are drowning in a sea of qualified applicants so they make decisions based on weird things.Where my sister works, they can easily get 500 applications but there is still only one f**king job. Usually, they are looking for the cheapest candidate they can find but not always. Its the competition that is the killer here.Fair enough, I have choked on the seminars myself...sign-up and waste time on conflicting information, ...don't sign-up and be criticized for not doing everything you can to get-a-job! And worst, the people speaking are often delivering out-dated information!The biggest waste of time, I found, was all the stuff pushed heavily by the US Department of?Labor?Employment Office!!!It is that there are to many applicants, so they want to nitpick and you will never why they don't pick you. Sometimes it's obvious but I have been fully qualified and talked 5 minutes with 2 questions and then later get turned down and don't know what I said or didn't say. That is frustrating when I know I can do the job and then I get "someone more closer to our fit" really?No, they just want a 200% match and every skill in the world and someone willing to take $9 an hour for that job. I think a lot of jobs are filled too but the ad keeps running for weeks and weeks. Personality fit is Bulls#it because it's subjective. I've had interviewers act like they don't like me and I'm a loser and others say they like me and seem to genuinely think so. They just don't care cause they don't have to.You are right about ads running for weeks past, job-seeker sites use those to get more "fish", found one that was a company I was doing work for and asked if I could do that, the job was 7 months old and had been completed, the recruiter tried to get it taken down, but last I checked it was still there and showing as a current listing, it changes every few days to show a newer date!The biggest waste of time, I found, was all the stuff pushed heavily by the US Department of?Labor?Employment Office!!!SOOOOOOOOO True!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!More often than not these people in the DOL this is their first real professional job and they have been there for 20 years and have no clue about the real job world and private sector.On a side note, ever take note of their clothes they still have their wardrobe from the 70's. It's cute.What a waste of taxpayer monies.One of my most treasured memories of the mandatory monthly seminars at the unemployment office, in order to get your 300 bucks a week, is when we were all being coached on interviewing and we were told to have thank you notes and stamps in the glove box of our car, and upon exiting the interview, we were to quick address one and drop it in the nearest mailbox. I'll never forget, when asked if we had any questions, this grizzly older guy, weatherbeaten and rugged, just trying to get something, anything till he could get back to his trade, lathing, says quietly with a kind of whiskey-soaked voice, "I've never gotten a thank you note for putting in an application." The clueless moderator of the seminar was speechless, for a pletely out of the blue, some recruiter/agency I signed up with, oh, probably three or four years ago calls me up and asks me if I'm available.Sure, what's cooking?Send me an updated resume and I'll see if the client is interested.Great.The guy emails me back. Hey, it's a temp to perm and the last several people I've sent over have gone perm! And then he gave the hourly salary and what the perm salary might be.The hourly salary is what I was making at least 15 years ago. The bait was the perm salary wasn't too far south of my current salary. I'm sure.I'm not quitting a perm gig for a temp gig paying a lot less. And it looks like salaries are going down too. Brutal.Yes, I agree, too much competition, and $$$ is so important, save as much as you can, cause the so-called improvement in unemployment numbers is way off. Take a look at the free and reduced lunch numbers for schoolchildren?in your state, the numbers are sobering, ...There's so many people unemployed and in need of a job nowadays that employers don't have to invest in training if they don't want to. In fact, investing in training means spending even more money on someone. That's why it's better for them to hire as experienced as they can get. Someone who can come in, sit down and just do the job with virtually no instruction(s) as to what to do.All these employers nowadays want to be cheap while the cost of living keeps going up. People have lives to live and bills to pay and the money they earn helps keep many businesses doors open, especially smaller ones. Money makes the world go round and it helps make for a good, strong economy.But that's just it...with so wide a field of applicants to choose from they can GET the most experienced, and educated AND not pay them what they're worth. Because as you know from being on this forum, there are VERY well educated people with tons of experience either unemployed or way underemployed. It's the employer's ball right now. Eventually, the pendulum will swing the other way, hope I'm around to see that. In the 80's an employer really had to offer something to lure a person from the job everybody had.I can understand wanting someone who's most experienced but then you have to compensate that person appropriately.All these employers nowadays want to be cheap while the cost of living keeps going up. People have lives to live and bills to pay and the money they earn helps keep many businesses doors open, especially smaller ones. Money makes the world go round and it helps make for a good, strong economy.Nope, they do not have to compensate appropriately. They can do what they want because there is always someone who will work cheap.?There are also students and interns who will work for no pay so "they can get experience". So a job will just materialize just for them. This stuff is ruining everything.absolutely true. I saw it at my last job. They hired young and cheap and usually those people brought in people they knew, so the place was full of friends, cousins, nephews, etc. They thought asking for $12 an hour was like asking for $60 and that's sad. When I first started I wasn't even making $20,000 a year and I had a lot of work, sometimes coming in at 7am and leaving after 6pm and I was the receptionist staying later than the secretaries.Kind of wondering to myself why there are so many positions for?Customer service?@?Fedex, in different locations. That is kind of strange especially for Manhattan.They are always?hiring?- I can't speak to the Manhattan office specifically, but a friend who works in another state is always complaining about this. They hire a ton of people, most of whom don't make it more than a few months. It seems like she is either working a ton of overtime because they don't have enough people or she can't get any hours because they've just gone on a hiring spree.They seem to prefer lots of part-timers as opposed to a few full-timers.Well....I'm STILL one of those people with a 2014?College?Piece of Paper....I meant Certificate.....ok Diploma.Anyways, after 6 months of applying to numerous job openings, learning to finally say "No Sales", blaming the economy for everything, deleting my Facebook so I don't see "OMMGGGG, I GOT THE JOB @ BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY AS?ASSISTANT?CEO!!!"I've used CareerBuilder, Indeed, USAJOBS, Job Fairs and so far would say my applications are in the high 200s or 300s. Around 5-6 actual interviews. Numerous "We regret to infor-".... AHHHH 4UCK YOU........ And around 5 or 6?Hiring?Agency interviews/screenings with so far nothing. I only had 1 job opening for an agency just a few weeks ago that I couldn't get simply because someone else took it literally within 5 seconds of the agency sending out the e-mail. One direct-hire job that I really wanted and wanted me but later figured out that they can't have a sibling working in the same environment. That was a.......very depressing and aggravating week.I've worked in Retail before, volunteer, and at my school. All were only for a month each.......I really don't have a problem being a part of the 12.5% that is Underemployed....I DO HAVE PROBLEM with being Unemployed.....I mean seriously, if my parents did not pay for college,?housing,?food, plumbing, electricity. I would most likely have to commit suicide based off what stories I've read from kids who did not have the backing that I fortunately have.However, there was this thing that I learned which is called Locus of Control. By the looks of it, I'm definitely a definition of having an External Locus of Control. I blame politicians for not caring about the job economy, I blame the employers, I say "pffff, I would have gotten fired anyway if I got the job"Pretty much every excuse you could possibly think of, has come across my mind but I have no necessarily expressed those feelings. If I did, well...LOL I would most likely lose of my "Friends" on Facebook.ok, I just looked at some statistics, and the mind blower is this, among working people the average hourly rate of pay is....$24.53!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?Now in order for it to be this high, it means that the high income of some is averaged with the low income of the masses. No wonder the Republicans are so confused or that Obama thinks?healthcare?is now affordable!ok, so I just took the total population of the US, subtracted the?childrenbelow age 15 and the people above age 65. I subtracted 19 million unemployed which is a number many believe is closer to the actual, then assuming that the free and reduced lunch numbers are indicative of the population and divided the number by 50%. While I realize it may not be considered particularly scientific, it leaves about 30% of the population that are actually gainfully employed! There are an estimated 10 million people that are self employed.?So about 187 million are working for someone else, so about 187 million jobs for about 206 million people of working age. Give or take a few hundred thousand. And yep that puts about 19million unemployed ...another 90 million underemployed and about 97 million real jobs that we are all competing for.So any math whizzes? Of the 97 million real jobs how many are attainable? How many jobs qualify as middle class wages? Any thoughts? Roughly 3 million people will retire this year so that is about 1 job opening for every 7 people unemployed or underemployed. At any given time you are competing with possibly hundreds of applicants.?So, I am just trying to get a clear picture in my head, because, too many of us are beating ourselves up over the unemployment situation. What were the numbers during the Great Depression?I need a Plan B & C. My plan B is volunteering in the meanwhile so that I at least keep current on my resume. Plan C, I haven't figured out yet.Ha, working on that myself, I keep hoping for my luck to change, but looking at the numbers makes me think a plan C needs to be considered. I do not like plan C. Moving back in with my parents, at my age is not appealing, yet their?health care?is continuing to escalate and their savings to dwindle. I grew up in an upper middleclass world and finding myself facing some hard realities. If serious job growth does not occur and we continue to send jobs overseas or outsource more occupations, then the future is not looking good.So here's another statistic... less than 127 million people voted in the last Presidential election and there are at least 110 million unemployed or underemployed. So we ALL need to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.It just makes me crazy how many folks are suffering, and what a number this all does to an ego, I started dissecting numbers after I read a post from another person, here, ...the reality is, extreme competition, and no matter what any of us do/does...there are a whole bunch of people that will not make-the-cut. A whole bunch of highly educated people, "we" as a group ought to be able to come up with some "real" solutions.I'm surprised we don't hear more stories of people committing suicide over unemployment or underemployment. I've thought about offing myself more times than I'm comfortable to admit this path month. I've never made a plan or anything, but the thought crosses my mind when I think about what I'm going to do when I completely run out of money and lose?housing. Sadly, it always pops up like "Well, I could always kill myself."?I'm just at a total loss at what to do. I applied for a couple of jobs I thought I would be perfect for last Monday. I haven't heard anything back and was told from someone in the company that they probably wouldn't consider me because I was an "outsider" and they like to hire from within (or from contacts of those already employed). I just feel so hopeless. I shouldn't feel this way at 22. I should be enjoying life to the fullest but I feel so old and beat down.?I think I need professional help, but guess what? I can't afford it without a job!My primary thought would be since suicide isn't "glamor" news like a football player beating his wife or about a Kardashian (whatever the H that is), Bieber (like I care), it just isn't news.After all, our "wonderful"?government?is telling us that the Great Recession is over and we all have jobs now. Never mind the jobs we Do have are at 10 + year old wages....I'm surprised we don't hear more stories of people committing suicide over unemployment or underemployment. I've thought about offing myself more times than I'm comfortable to admit this path month. I've never made a plan or anything, but the thought crosses my mind when I think about what I'm going to do when I completely run out of money and lose?housing. Sadly, it always pops up like "Well, I could always kill myself."?I'm just at a total loss at what to do. I applied for a couple of jobs I thought I would be perfect for last Monday. I haven't heard anything back and was told from someone in the company that they probably wouldn't consider me because I was an "outsider" and they like to hire from within (or from contacts of those already employed). I just feel so hopeless. I shouldn't feel this way at 22. I should be enjoying life to the fullest but I feel so old and beat down.?I think I need professional help, but guess what? I can't afford it without a job!Rejoice in the fact that you are young and learning how tenuous employment can be, my generation did not anticipate this...sure my grandparents were always pointing out that "we" needed to be more frugal...but we were victims of slick?advertising?and media. Your generation now is tasked with figuring out how to bring jobs back to this country, how to make less money go farther and solutions that bring it all in line. You are way too young to be viewing this as are the generation that has the ability to SOLVE this mess!!!I am finding similar problems here, I have a Masters Degree, and have managed to find SOME work, but demands from employers are often ridiculous, the expenses associated with some assignments actually exceed the pay. I find it a bit frightening to consider the big picture...I do not believe unemployment numbers are improving, ...Oh believe me, the numbers are not improving and Washington is just feeding people lies about the unemployment rate being down.?They don't consider those whose unemployment has run out and are homeless or living in their cars.Rejection Letters...................I am finding that I am receiving rejection letters the same day as applying for jobs online within a 2 - 3 hour limit.This is freaking me out, it's like "really, you found someone whose skills fit more than mine, Seriously?".Who are these people offering a wage lower than minimum wage ? WTH ??You are so on point on employers listing all the requirements and then offering up little in pay, it's just flat out EVIL to me and makes me want to Really hire that Clown from AHS Freak show to take a couple of them employers out! LOLIt truly is EVIL because you know they say "someone will be desperate enough to take it" and they are right. When you get like us you take a second look at those jobs and I hate that I have taken a second look at jobs and hours I would never have before. No adult can live on $8.78 an hour. I still can't believe they posted that pay along with 5 years Exec level skills wanted. That had to be a typo.It truly is EVIL because you know they say "someone will be desperate enough to take it" and they are right. When you get like us you take a second look at those jobs and I hate that I have taken a second look at jobs and hours I would never have before. No adult can live on $8.78 an hour. I still can't believe they posted that pay along with 5 years Exec level skills wanted. That had to be a typo.I'm thinking maybe it wasn't a typo on the requirement.?I saw an ad that had every possible office duty to name along with wanting the person to have 5 years experience and the pay was only $9. I was beyond shocked and yes, you are right with people being desperate enough to apply and take the job. It just kills me that any employer would and could be so evil knowing how bad the job market is and offering such low pay, but then they are probably thinking the?economics?theme of "Supply and Demand" that we all learned in high school and frankly it's pretty F*ked up for them to honestly think that people can live on $9 an hour without having to take on at least 2 other part time jobs in order to survive.Ok, Evil is at work here or something is just wrong with this employer. LOLI applied for a?customer service representative?job in Irwindale on 11-4, $16-18 starting salary. I receive a phone call today stating they were calling regarding my application for a superior?court?clerk?position in Long Beach and if I was "still available for work", when I hear this statement, I immediately think it's a Temp Agency Calling, so of course I ask, is this temp agency and the guy says no, so I'm thinking, ok cool. I proceed to tell him he must have me confused with someone else because I applied for a CSR job, not a court clerk job.Here is the Kicker..........................?He says there was a "Glitch" in their system and that the job was actually in Long Beach and for a superior court clerk and the salary was $10.96 an?hr.I said "Seriously? Are you kidding me ?", His vibes over the phone, came off as being embarrassed my question and I could mentally see him shrinking in my head. LOLEveryone knows and it's common knowledge that the court system starting salary is at least $14 - 22 an hour. I just found it hard to believe that the court would use a 3rd party company to collect court payment and that the 3rd party wouldn't pay as well as the court does. Gosh, what was I thinking ? LOLNeedless to say, he excused himself and politely said thank you.?The 26 miles wouldn't even cover the cost of gas to get there. Ughs.But you gotta love it when they make asses out of THEMSELVES and you know and they know you know. Just tiny little victories like that can go a long way. Keep on, Fight!We have a new governor in IL and I'm hoping and praying he fixes the job situation here.I am so frustrated right now I could scream. I have had it with applying to jobs and getting no response! I literally want to call these places and give them a piece of my mind. Why can't you just give me a quick call or e-mail and let me know I don't have a chance?! Just send me a one sentence note saying "not qualified" or some other bull.?And on another note, why does no one hire strangers anymore? Why do you have to know someone in the company to have a chance at employment? I swear to god, I've worked with people who have gotten jobs just because they know someone in the company. These people are awful, lazy and have no clue what the heck they are doing. Yet people who are hard workers and skilled are overlooked just because they don't have an "in". People are so lazy they don't want to go through the effort of interviewing people, so they just hire from whoever they know!?I am at my wits end. My temp job ends next week, and I don't know what I'm going to do. I literally feel like going to businesses and begging for a job. Yet, I still have a little dignity left that's preventing me from doing this.?God I hate my life, all these selfish companies and?government?so much right now. It shouldn't be so hard to make a meager living. I don't ask for much, I just need to provide for myself.have you tried door-door, ?If you mean door-to-door in terms of taking your résumé directly to the employers, speaking to someone and giving them out. Forget it. I tried this not long ago. Mom drove me and I went in. I can't tell you how many employers seemed surprised to see me. (I guess doing this has died out several years ago. People just don't do it nowadays.) The vast majority ended up rebuffing me and refusing to take my résumé. Told me they weren't?hiring?and told me that to just get rid of me no doubt.I've done that before. They wouldn't even accept my resume. Just told me they weren't hiring, or to apply online. Never heard back from the online applications. Only thing I got out of it were rude and superior looks. I was inferior to them because I was asking for a job.I've been trying to get a?federal?job ().Been applying for everything from a GS-4 to a GS-7 not only here at the Great Lakes Naval Base, but in the big cities as well: Chicago and Milwaukee.There was a time (10, 15, 20 years ago) when it was quite easy to get a federal job. When times are good, no one wants to work for the?federal government?because they know they can get better paying jobs on the outside. However, when times are bad everyone wants in and then it becomes hard to, if not, impossible to get in.Though one of the particularly nice things about the federal?government?is if you have a?general office/clerical?background and are looking for work as a mail room?clerk,?data entry clerk,?file clerk, receptionist/front deskcoordinator,?administrative/admin?assistant, payroll clerk/technician, budget clerk/technician, supply clerk/technician, etc..., then there's certain parts of the country, like upper Michigan (Iron Mountain area) where you can go and work for such entities like the VA because no one wants to go work out in the middle of nowhere. It's just a matter of trying to relocate when times are bad and money is tight or basically non-existent. However, there are times the government will pay for one's re-location expenses given the job they applied for and how badly they want the position filled.I am so frustrated right now I could scream. I have had it with applying to jobs and getting no response! I literally want to call these places and give them a piece of my mind. Why can't you just give me a quick call or e-mail and let me know I don't have a chance?! Just send me a one sentence note saying "not qualified" or some other bull.?And on another note, why does no one hire strangers anymore? Why do you have to know someone in the company to have a chance at employment? I swear to god, I've worked with people who have gotten jobs just because they know someone in the company. These people are awful, lazy and have no clue what the heck they are doing. Yet people who are hard workers and skilled are overlooked just because they don't have an "in". People are so lazy they don't want to go through the effort of interviewing people, so they just hire from whoever they know!?I am at my wits end. My temp job ends next week, and I don't know what I'm going to do. I literally feel like going to businesses and begging for a job. Yet, I still have a little dignity left that's preventing me from doing this.?God I hate my life, all these selfish companies and?government?so much right now. It shouldn't be so hard to make a meager living. I don't ask for much, I just need to provide for myself.It's not you.?Many of the "jobs" we apply to don't even exist.?You're not doing anything wrong.?I agree that most of the?HR?and others who do the interviewing are incompetent or petty.?I agree that the government isn't going to do anything about this.Today will be my "mass-apply" day. I've been slacking off with the one app a day thing. I try to do as many as possible but let's face it, quality for quantity.I can't even find two. I'd love to "mass apply" and tried but ended up getting fake jobs. It has scared me that in 4 days I have applied to 2 jobs!! And have not heard back from NOT ONE of the jobs I mass applied to a couple weeks ago. I have a couple months left of unemployment and don't see a Happy New Year in my future. More like Happy Same Old S#it From Last Year. My email and phone is growing cobwebs. I think the holidays are not helping.Yesterday I didn't find anything. I can't mass apply no matter how much I want toI've done that before. They wouldn't even accept my resume. Just told me they weren't?hiring, or to apply online. Never heard back from the online applications. Only thing I got out of it were rude and superior looks. I was inferior to them because I was asking for a job.This is what makes me want to scream and cry. We are treated like garbage for wanting a job like they have. People are quick to judge and tell those not working to "take any job" and not be lazy. But then we are treated like lepers when out there pounding the pavement. When did it become demeaning to job search?I feel like most companies don't pay attention to online applications. I feel like they already have someone in mind and only put the listings out because they are required to by?law.The only interviews I've ever gotten were from jobs I applied to where I've had a reference in the company. And I've only had 3 of these. I'm so unlucky I can't even get an interview. I've been on only four since I graduated (including the interview for a retail job I worked for a year and half), and that was back in 2012. My area is so saturated with people like me (college?educated, but little experience) that I know I'm going to have to move to have any chance in life. I just cannot afford to move without a job.The reason employers want people filling out online applications instead of handing them paper résumé, i.e. hard copies, is that humans are becoming less and less involved in the?hiring?process. By requiring online applications, software automatically decides who is, and is not, worthy of an interview.On the employee side, the downside is that, for example, if the software is programmed to trash any application where the bachelor's degree box is not checked, then it doesn't matter if you have 30 years of management experience or?administrative assistant?exerience; no one will ever see your application. Pretty sad state of affairs.This is what makes me want to scream and cry. We are treated like garbage for wanting a job like they have. People are quick to judge and tell those not working to "take any job" and not be lazy. But then we are treated like lepers when out there pounding the pavement. When did it become demeaning to job search?It became demeaning when people insisted everyone needs a?collegedegree.?When schools saturated certain fields. When the?government?keeps bringing in more and more people to work cheaper than Americans. When the jobs keep going overseas. When more and more?business?in the US is just giant companies instead of medium- or small businesses. When employers can get away with murder and employees have to put up it.Its the darkside of technology. My sister works for a brand name company and they use Taleo as their ATS system. A human only will look at less than 10% of the submissions as Taleo puts the other 90% in the B Pile: Not printed, not processed.The resume which you can upload along with the application is only there to make you feel a sense of accomplishment. It is only looked at, five minutes before your interview.On the employee side, the downside is that, for example, if the software is programmed to trash any application where the bachelor's degree box is not checked, then it doesn't matter if you have 30 years of management experience or?administrative assistant?exerience; no one will ever see your application. Pretty sad state of affairs.And if the pay grade is 30K - 35K and you put in 37K as your salary requirement, nobody sees your application either. Ain't technology something? LOL!over half of the people at my last job knew someone. Me and my friend joked that we had to actually interview for that crappy job. One of theattorney's 17 y/o daughter was back up receptionist, so don't tell me that employers need a?college?degreed candidate with 4 references and 3-6 years experience to do it AFTER 3 interviews. It's a joke.I so wish I knew someone who could just tell me to show up at the office for a guaranteed job. The MANAGING PARTNER knew some young girl who was a previous?bartender. ZERO office experience. She was the new receptionist and not doing that bang of a job, at least in the beginning. But they have to put up with it 'cause of how she knows. You know she would not get into to many offices with just a bartender background.Oh and the previous receptionist took her twin sisters old job--an Underwriter position. ZERO experience. When I saw what people want to hire somoone as an underwriter, no way she would have gotten in without knowing anyone. She tells me 'No experience, but they're gonna train me and show me what to do' Well, hell, they can do that with anyone! Yet someone qualified has to jump through hoops, have experience and STILL get the rejection about someone getting it that's a better fit.Any of you have good luck WITH a staffing agency in the past?I avoid them like the plague. I've only been placed 3 times by them. Manpower, Paige Personnel Services (JobGiraffe these days) and?ChaseProfessionals have all placed me. None of the jobs they placed me in lasted that long. The one with Manpower lasted 2 or 3 days. The ones with Paige Personnel Services and Chase Professionals lasted a day. I also tried a specialized agency for?healthcare?professionals and for?dentalprofessionals (dentists, hygienists, assistants, office managers and?front office?staff). Paid the dental staffing agency $10 to process me and take me on. Nothing. Months went by and I was watching all these jobs listed on their site they could've sent me out for and didn't. I finally asked them to refund my $10. They reluctantly agreed.Honestly, I've always had better luck on my own. My experience with most staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting agencies has been negative. They say they'll find you work and send you out and when push comes to shove, they don't. Nowadays you simply wait around twiddling your thumbs for them to get back to you about work and when you get back in touch with them they simply tell you they're working on it and don't really give you any?concrete?updates about finding you work let alone placing you.If you search the Indeed forum, you'll find more negative things about them than positive.Any of you have good luck WITH a staffing agency in the past?N.E.V.E.R. Suburban Girl, I got a call from?Chase?Professional but when I called her back she refused to return my calls. WTF? Anyway, I always have better luck on my own too. I have done the come in, fill out papers/take tests thing 3 times and never amounted to anything.I guess I should say that one staffing agency did contact me with a job and I was set up with the interview within days, but didn't get hired. I guess I can say that the was the only one that actually just got right down tobusiness?with having a job for me and sending me out on it. Never had that happen before. I wish they were all like that.But overall they have never helped me and just want you to come in and fill out papers so they look busy. I also hate when you see a job posted through the agency and apply and they want you to come in and want to talk about your goals and what you're looking for, fill out papers.. um, what about the job that was posted? Can we get to talking about that? Somehow you never see that interview and that job disappears, but they will be sure to call when something else arises. Sure. Ok.I have lost all faith and trust in them.Any of you have good luck WITH a staffing agency in the past?Apple One is not bad unless something happens on the job to you personally and they will totally take the clients story and will not take you off the assignment, (they'd be loosing their commission if they were to do so).Other than them, I like many others do my best to avoid them if all possible.?If they call you saying "I have a couple of jobs in mind for you" It's a scam and their way of getting you in the door and signing up with their agency, only to build up their?database. Sometimes you will hear back from them but if all odds, you wont. Temp agencies are nothing but a waste of time, gas and don't show any sign of being human at all. :)I'm just saying from my experience.?But these days of desperation while still holding on to my Soul, I just wanna work and if they have something that starts in 24 hours and is at least 3 months, then I'm down. :)And all those fake ads they post.I especially dislike the COMPANY CONFIENTIAL ones. Seriously? Why does the employer need to be confidential?Personally, I think way too many have their hands in the cookie jar all for one job these days.I had a lady with a staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting agency E-Mail me once about a job with Abbott Laboratories. After reading about the job and what it entailed, I told them sure. Submit me. Definitely a job I could do and was interested in. (It was a basic?lab?job similar to the one I had in my early?college?days in the?biology?and?chemistry?prep labs at the local?community?college and a couple of recent specimen technician jobs I had which required sorting, processing and aliquoting samples.) However, shortly after I told her to submit me, she contacted me again to tell me her boss said she couldn't do that because her boss felt I wasn't qualified enough. The lady ended up apologizing to me and I said that was okay but boy was I upset and disappointed because they reached out to me, NOT the other way around. A few weeks later, I'm contacted by a guy from another staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting agency. This time on the phone. He was telling me about the exact same job the lady at the other agency had told me about. I told him thanks but no thanks because I just had a lady from another agency going to submit me for the job when her boss ended up pulling the plug because she felt I wasn't qualified enough for the job. The guy told me he disagreed with that and wanted to submit me for it because he had a special relationship with the employer that no other agency had so I said fine, submit me. I must've waited at least 3 weeks to hear back from the guy before E-Mailing him for an update. He told me he was still waiting to hear back from Abbott and would be in touch. Never heard back from the guy. I thought employers only used one agency when it came to filling a job or jobs. Personally, I think staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting agencies are much more of a joke nowadays than they were 10, 15 or 20 years ago. I think they did a much better job doing what they did back then than they do nowadays.Yes. I think back then they genuinely wanted to help you find a job, now it's just about recruiting people and making it seem like they're helping you. It's just a?business?to them but it's very hard to deal with on our side when we are checking every avenue for job help and want a job NOW, not in 5 months IF they get around to it. I knew a lot of people that got jobs through staffing agencies which is why I always went to them, I guess I wasn't going to the right ones or the specific ones or something. I thought I was.I just feel like after the the tests/paperwork/talking to them they can find SOMETHING I'm qualified for. But after that is usually when they drop off the planet and I'm feeling frustrated again I wasted my time and getting my hopes up.I checked CareerBuilder today and it's a joke. 98% of it is staffing/recruiters and the other 2 percent equal months old jobs probably already filled and sales jobs. It used to be better than that. There's nowhere reliable to even look online these days.Too much paperwork and don't get me started with their tests. It's bad enough I'm asked to take personality tests and other assessment tests for jobs with the actual companies/employers. Heck, that's where they probably got that from just like the whole working interview thing.Honestly, I don't even know how staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting agencies can even stay in?business?these days.I checked CareerBuilder today and it's a joke. 98% of it is staffing/recruiters and the other 2 percent equal months old jobs probably already filled and sales jobs. It used to be better than that. There's nowhere reliable to even look online these days.They post everywhere, not just CareerBuilder. They're on Monster and Craigslist too. I hate it because I have to sort through all their crap for actual employer ads. Staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting agencies should be prohibited from posting on job/career sites since most of their ads are fake (why they'd even pay to post a fake ad is beyond me) and since they offer no real help whatsoever.I dropped the?director?of the local Catholic Charities an E-Mail after the last job fair they hosted not so long ago and told them to stop inviting all the staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting to their jobs fairs because they're of absolutely no help to job seekers today and I explained why.I thought employers only used one agency when it came to filling a job or jobs.No, when a company jobs out a position, they are usually "price shopping" and they will give the job out to 3 or 4 different recruiters and let them beat the bushes for them.No, when a company jobs out a position, they are usually "price shopping" and they will give the job out to 3 or 4 different recruiters and let them beat the bushes for them.I presume the reason the jobs have dried-up is because *job seekers* got really tired of filing out resumes and then NEVER hearing anything! After a while monster, etc... all become pointless or irrelevant. If you spent a year or two using those resources and applied to 100s of companies and maybe got an occasional email (thanks-but no thanks)...well, it just became a huge waste of time.Any of you have good luck WITH a staffing agency in the past?Oh, boy, does this touch on a sore spot with me. I initially became unemployed five years ago BECAUSE of a staffing agency. While I was still at my last "real" job (which I really did want to move on from), I spied an online listing from an agency for a?contract?position that offered better pay and was more in line with my background. Long story short, I interviewed for the job and got a call back from the agency that I was one of a team of candidates who would be working for their client. The project was supposed to start the next week. (Make a note that I wrote SUPPOSED to start!) So here's what happened after that: I promptly told my employer that I was leaving, and they were unhappy that I wasn't giving them a full two weeks' notice. Within a day or two, I got a call back from the staffing agency, informing me that the project I was hired for was being postponed, and they couldn't tell me when it would be starting. Great. So, I went back to my employer, to see if I could hang on to my job, and, of course, they told me that, since I'd already given them my notice, I obviously was not interested in being there, so they wouldn't want me to stay on. Thus, I was left both without either my OLD or my NEW job. Thanks, staffing agency! (I have a few more tales to tell about my experiences with staffing agencies since then, but I don't want to cram everything into one ridiculously long post.)I resemble that remark!!! Staffing and temp has changed dramatically in the last few years...I have horror stories as well, they can actually do more harm than good, so be VERY careful. It runs the gammit from employers who are seeking the cheapest?labor?they can find and so abuse thegovernment?subsidies for training pay (for these you can be the perfect employee and still be fired after a few weeks) so easy for them to?fire?as they call the temp/staffing firm and ask for someone new ,the last one is a bad fit...agencies undercutting each other so you get work from one that you love and the next job goes to a different agency because they under-cut the one you worked for the last time, agencies that make it sound good up-front and then your out-of-pocket expenses exceed the pay rate, agencies that hire 1,000 people as Independant contractors and then you compete with each other on a first come-first serve-website with very few job offers...(of course their goal is to fill the jobs as quickly as possible, so they look good, and they are successful as it takes less than 1 second to fill the work, when you have 100s or even 1000s of people watching the website), and the worst thing of all....YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RECOURSE!!!!!To continue with my screed against staffing agencies (I warned everyone that this is a sore subject with me!!), in the first half-year after I found myself without a job, I tried everything I could think of to get myself back to work--other than contacting staff agencies, that is, because I was so disgusted with them in light of the experience that had led to my losing my job. (Actually, I believe there was one staffing agency I got in touch with within a few days of becoming unemployed, but that was only because they were right around the corner from where I live. As it turned out, I heard back from them only once, many months later, when they placed me on one half-day assignment.)?Anyway, after six months of being without work, I conceded defeat and started registering with staffing agencies. One of them placed me on a temporary?data-entry?job at a?law?firm. It turned out that there were a bunch of other temps doing more or less the same work, and, from chatting with one of them, I discovered that the rule was the law firm would decide after three months whether to take us on a "permanent" basis.?My three-month trial period came and went without anyone saying anything further to me, so I contacted the agency to find out how much longer I would be on the assignment. (As an aside, the turnover at the agency was tremendous. During the six months I was on this assignment, the person I was supposed to contact at the agency changed three times.) The agency initially told me that I was hired by the client law firm, but, alas, that proved not to be the case, and I remained on as a temp for another three months, until, one day, the supervisor in the department where I was working called me into her office to inform me that my assignment was over.?I wound up never working for that staffing agency ever again. I'll share the rest of my staffing agency experiences in another message Apparently, I've reached the limit for how long the text in this post can be.My staffing agency horror story continues. (I hope I'm not boring everyone with this, but I really need to vent!!!)?Right after my?data-entry?assignment at the?law?firm ended, I got in touch with a different staffing agency, at the suggestion of one of my former temp co-workers, who said she'd had success getting work through them. So, I registered with this other agency through their website, talked to someone there by telephone, and took a bunch of online assessments. I repeatedly called the agency to follow up, but just kept getting told that they had "nothing" for me, so I eventually stopped contacting them.?Months later, the agency that placed me at the law firm contacted me to ask if I would be available that day to help a company move its offices from one building suite to another. I took the assignment and made the hour-long drive to the client company, only to discover, when I arrived, that nobody there was expecting me. Apparently what had happened was that the staffing agency's previous candidate on the job had been so terrible that she had been let go, and the client company decided just to use its own people to take care of the office move. So, I had to turn around and go home. At least I got four hours' pay out of the deal.?I later applied for another assignment through the agency. Someone from their office was supposed to call me for a telephone interview, but when the appointed time came and went, I heard nothing from the agency, so I called them. I was told that the person who was supposed to call me was tied up, but would be getting in contact with me in a little while. I heard nothing further--not even an apology for having wasted my time.?There was one last time that I tried to work with the same agency. As usual, they initially told me very little about where the assignment was, but it turned out it would have been very inconvenient for me to get to, and I wound up passing up the job. I don't think I ever got in touch with them again.I had this happen to me as well, but staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting agencies weren't involved. I had left one actual company/employer for another one and when the second one said they no longer wanted to invest in training me a week and a half into it the damage was already done with the first one. I ended up flushing 5 months of employment down the drain for a better opportunity that came back and bit me in the a**. Sucks, doesn't it? I was unemployed for several months as a result of that.Personally, staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting agencies should be illegal. I don't think they should be allowed to exist. That or they need to be regulated by the?government?and be adhering to certain standards and subject to periodic check-ins and reviews.Whenever I walk into staffing/personnel/employment/temporary/recruiting agencies, there's gobs of Hispanic people. I feel like I live in Mexico.They do realize they have to take care of people of other races and ethnicities, right?OK, I promise that I will wrap up my saga (or, actually, rant) about staffing agencies.?After going for quite some time without landing any more work through the agency that had placed me at the?law?firm, I tried my hand at retail work, which proved to be a complete disaster, and I wound up signing up with yet another agency. This time, it was OfficeTeam, and, if you poke around on one of the Indeed forums about them, you'll see two or three (negative!!) comments I posted about them some time ago, using the same screen name and town as I do here.?Since there's really no benefit in repeating what I've already written there, I'll just sum up my experiences at OfficeTeam by saying that, while a couple of the assignments I had with them over the course of 15 months were fine, I repeatedly found myself placed on jobs that I was either physically unable to do, or for which I lacked the qualifications. The problem I had with that particular agency was that OfficeTeam often provided incomplete, or even incorrect, information about the jobs they were trying to fill. It might be a matter of disorganization on their part, perhaps because (as with one of the other agencies I mentioned in an earlier post), there seemed to be a lot of turnover in their staff.?As an example of the poor information OfficeTeam provided me, on the very last assignment I took through them, they gave me a non-existent address for the place where I was supposed to be reporting. I had to take it upon myself to figure out where I should be going, because no one at OfficeTeam ever got back to me when I pointed out the problem to them.?On that last assignment, one of the big issues I had was that I kept getting conflicting stories about how long the job was going to last. What was really irritating to me about that was the guy I reported to at the agency then put the blame on me for all the confusion going on.?Oh, darn! I've run out of room to type. I'll finish up this story in my next post.OK, I promise that this is my final post on staffing agencies, at least for now. It's just a topic that makes me so mad!!!?Anyway, the final straw for me with OfficeTeam was when, in the course of about two weeks, two big arguments broke out in the offices of the place where I'd been assigned to work. I call them "arguments," but I think they were a bit more than that, because, in one case, the two people involved had to be physically separated, and in the other case, building security had to be called in, and we all were told to lock our offices, so the guy involved couldn't return.?When I called my supervisor at OfficeTeam about these incidents, indicating my concern about remaining on the assignment, he was extremely unhelpful, even dismissive. Since I was closing in on the end of my sixth month on that job, I decided I'd had enough and gave him my two weeks' notice.?A postscript--on my final day on that job, I discovered that OfficeTeam had failed to tell the client company that I was leaving, so they pleaded with me to stick it out for a couple more days, so a replacement could be trained. It was a rather interesting request to make of me, since the guy at OfficeTeam had earlier criticized me for changing my mind about whether I wanted to continue with the assignment.?Well, by that point, I'd had enough with the whole thing, and I left on the day that I had said I would. I've never been in touch with OfficeTeam, or any other staffing agency, since then.?And thus concludes my tale. (I hope at least some of you are still awake.)Sooo...the most irritating thing is that... all of these complaints, issues, etc...are spun/spinned as "us" blaming someone other than ourselves, for our current situations. That is the MOST frustrating part of ALL!!! Somehow we are not owning up to our own shortcomings, otherwise we would not have these problems!!!Some authors do say that if you are unemployed, you are somehow responsible. You didn't see the writing on the wall, you didn't keep your vocational skills up, you didn't align yourself with power cliques, you stayed too long at one employer and not long enough at another, you dress funny and on and on.Martin Ford in his "Lights in the Tunnel" says the job market is continuously shrinking and predicts a much smaller job market in the future. Thinking that if you lose one job that you can just go out and find another one, will soon not be an option.Monster has to be the worst site for job hunting. Am I the only one confused by the postings? TMonster's Golden Age was about 20 years ago. Companies were still running classified ads in newspapers, using telephone hot lines and holding job fairs. Their success was in their timing. They were the "next big thing". Its an aging product line now.Sooo...the most irritating thing is that... all of these complaints, issues, etc...are spun/spinned as "us" blaming someone other than ourselves, for our current situations. That is the MOST frustrating part of ALL!!! Somehow we are not owning up to our own shortcomings, otherwise we would not have these problems!!!Speaking for myself, I'm sure that, in my case, I have developed an attitude that's pretty counterproductive. On the other hand, though, there are lots of (very good!!) reasons to feel frustrated, irritated and angry about the situation we're in, such as:?1) Applying endlessly to jobs online, and almost never hearing anything back--not even a boilerplate rejection.?2) Seeing the same darned jobs listed over and over again, month after month. What's with that??3) Getting bombarded with job alerts containing almost nothing but completely irrelevant listings.?4) Working with temp agencies that are incompetent at best and waste your time in more ways than you can count.?5) Out of desperation, having to take some?entry-level position where a bullying (or just basically nasty) supervisor treats you like an idiot.?6) Having a bunch of well-meaning, but basically uninformed, friends and family members give you advice on what you need to do to get a job, such as improving your attitude.?7) And, finally, seeing news reports about how the unemployment rate is dropping, and new jobs are being created, but knowing that there's more to the story than that.?I conclude by saying, "Grrrrrrr!!!"Martin Ford in his "Lights in the Tunnel" says the job market is continuously shrinking and predicts a much smaller job market in the future. Thinking that if you lose one job that you can just go out and find another one, will soon not be an option.It's like that now. If you lose a job it's next to impossible to find one.Here's my take on things...I think they post fake jobs to look competitive and to make the economy look better than it is. I also think they post those jobs to get resumes so when the boss decides he wants his nephew, who just graduated, to work there, they can say they have looked outside the company.Lots of reasons for a bad job market.Yet the news will tell you the economy has improved and we are no longer in a recession. NOT.The guy told me he disagreed with that and wanted to submit me for it because he had a special relationship with the employer that no other agency had so I said fine, submit me. I must've waited at least 3 weeks to hear back from the guy before E-Mailing him for an update. He told me he was still waiting to hear back from Abbott and would be in touch. Never heard back from the guy.?I thought employers only used one agency when it came to filling a job or jobs.Sometimes the companies end up putting the job on hold or cancelling all together.?Sometimes the companies just take forever to make up their minds on whom they are gonna pick for the position as well. Its just senseless at times waiting around and I hate the fact that the agencies lie threw their teeth as well when they talk to you on the phone, Jerks.I had a job several years ago that was literally a 2 hour commute. I did it because it was all I could get and again, I was employed.When I am working, I have no life.I can relate.?When I worked for SCE my commute was 2 hours each way. We worked 55 to 60 hours a week as well. I'd leave my?apartment?at 4:20 am to be at work by 6:30 if I was lucky depending on traffic. My work was my life.Same thing at UPS - I worked 12 - 14 hours 6 days a week and definitely didn't have a life there and before I came, I heard some of my fellow co-workers tell me they would be worked up to 18 hours in a day and still be expected to show back up for work on their normal shift of 8 hours. That place was nuts, 50 of us were all temps as well, so the company was taking advantage for sure because they knew how bad the job market was back then in Feb 2014 and unfortunately still is.I told my friend (that I'm staying with) this very fact last night, she was shocked. I told her think about it, if your not receiving unemployment then your not included in that count. The govt could care less about those whose unemployment ran out, the homeless etc. Their letting the news shine on TV like everything is ok when it's not.I can tell I have changed, I get madder much faster now. I'm tired of spending hours to find a job, apply and never hear back. Making me pretty insane now.I can relate.?I won't even apply to state jobs now, I figure why waste my stamp when they don't have the slightest courtesy on getting back to people. That's 45 cents I could of used on something half off at the 99 cent store. LOL :)Here's my Version1) Applying endlessly to jobs online, and almost never hearing anything back or receiving Rejection emails within the hour of applying.?2) Getting bombarded with emails from?insurance?companies.?3) Working with temp agencies that are incompetent giving you false hope and promises.I'm just sick of it all, I mean where is the honesty these days, no company seems to be truthful, yet they want you to pee in a cup and do a back ground check for a job that is more than likely non-existent or filled already.Monster has to be the worst site for job hunting. Am I the only one confused by the postings? TI believe the only responses I ever got through Monster were from a fast-talking guy at some sort of?financial-advising company who had seen the resume I had posted online. Oh, there is absolutely nothing in my resume indicating that I have even the slightest bit of experience related to financial advising. Such was my welcome to this Brave New World.Never in my life have I gotten a response from Monster, and I was also confused by their postings. I'd search and everything in the world would come up. No organization at all. I gave up using them.Here's my Version1) Applying endlessly to jobs online, and almost never hearing anything back or receiving Rejection emails within the hour of applying.?2) Getting bombarded with emails from?insurance?companies.?3) Working with temp agencies that are incompetent giving you false hope and promises.I'm just sick of it all, I mean where is the honesty these days, no company seems to be truthful, yet they want you to pee in a cup and do a back ground check for a job that is more than likely non-existent or filled already.Oh, those are good variations, too. (As I was posting my list, I knew there was no way I would think of all the possible things to include.)?I believe I've run into some, or all, of these, as well. When I initially lost my job, nearly five years ago, one of the very first things I did was go onto the websites of Wal-Mart, Target and one of the big bookstore chains (either Barnes & Noble or Borders). In each case, I apparently flunked the online personality assessments that I had to take. The rejection from Target got to me within what seemed like minutes after I'd finished taking the test. Yay!?By "e-mails from insurance companies," do you mean those ones that they send, looking for people to sign on as agents or in sales? I've gotten those kinds of e-mails (even though I have no sales background), and even phone calls, from insurance companies. One time, I looked up the insurance company that had contacted me (I forget the name of it now), and found a blog written by someone who had responded to one of their solicitations. It was incredible to see how much of a huge rip-off it was! The blogger said he wound up being on the hook to owe the employing insurance company money, because his sales commissions were less than the cost of his license and/or the draw that he had been paid. Who needs that??1) Applying endlessly to jobs online, and almost never hearing anything back or receiving Rejection emails within the hour of applying.?2) Getting bombarded with emails from?insurance?companies.?3) Working with temp agencies that are incompetent giving you false hope and promises.I'm just sick of it all, I mean where is the honesty these days, no company seems to be truthful, yet they want you to pee in a cup and do a back ground check for a job that is more than likely non-existent or filled already.It's all about the money. I believe most of these places are trying to make as much money before the economy goes down. I don't believe the economy will truly tank or collapse. There is far too much money in the American economy. Look at all of the people going on vacations, hitting the malls, buying every new cell phone that comes out. I don't live that way.Some people are living good still. 40K cars, 400K homes etc., and last but not least, they all have the new iPhone 6.Must be nice to live like that.Yep. Most are not the real rich, but they are the remnant of the Middle Class.?Everywhere I go, employers are trying to pay the least. How are these people making such good money and how do they get employers to pay them well? They aren't all doctors and lawyers.Ok, so in order to bring jobs back, stop buying imports that displace jobs. Many foods are imported now from other countries that used to be exported from the US. We vote with our $$$, so one way to bring back jobs is to stop supporting companies that sent our jobs overseasYes wtf is overqualified? I get that a lot. I'm over-qualified, but not enough, because I don't have a degree. Which is it?That is such a crock...everyday, employers try to get the best value they can for the least expense, telling people they are overqualified is about as lame an answer as there is. Code max out-the-pay-scale (and we really only wanted a 'yes" person), ....code for, you are more qualified than the person?hiring?or management and that makes "me" uncomfortable, because you might know more than "I do"...code for, ...I think this is a good way to let you down-easy, we really do not like you, but don't want to damage your ego, and we are too polite to ignore you.There is a book called "Lights in the Tunnel" by Martin Ford and he predicts a much smaller job market in the future. This comes about as a result of automation and off-shoring.The problem according to him isn't unemployment as you don't' need jobs for a robust economy, not anymore. The problem is that we are losing our tax base. If you lay off 10 cashiers for an automated self-checkout, what happens to the income tax? How do you tax a machine?The "dear" governor of my state is on the way to figuring that out.When I got my ezpass, I paid $15 for it and there was a $15?credit?on the new?account. Free to have and use at the time. Now, unless the user goes through tolls a minimum of 3 times a month, the user has to pay $1.50The state does can reduce toll collectors along with benefits with enough ezpasses. Matter of fact, there is a toll road here that has NO toll booths at all. Everything is done by camera, ezpass or not. If no ezpass, a picture is taken of the license plate and a bill sent to the house. There might even be a surcharge for not having an ezpass.``Keep that quiet, will ya? The ass clown of my state who was recently re-elected governor by folks who go to the polls with their heads up their asses, likes ideas like that. He wants to "look into" taxing non-profits to make them "pay their share". Like taking care of the homeless, feeding people for free, and providing services to disable vets isn't doing their share. That EZ pass larceny idea is right up his intellectually stunted alley.I tried to interview at a?hospital?for the nights and weekends taking trays to patients...they chose to interview me to manage the meal service...4 hour interview, 15,000 meal a day, responsible for 20+ employees-schedules-accountable for special diets..., work nights, weekends and was $9.25 per hour, their excuse, it was a ministry.Here volunteers do that. Its also a ministry with some highly paid CEOs.So I was looking at job postings by a local university and was surprised to come across these:Custodian: Must have five years of work experience as a custodian to be considered (mind you, all you will be doing is mopping,vacuuming and scrubbing toilets).Receptionist: Must have a BACHELORS degree and three years of?front deskexperience. Yes, a bachelors degree for a receptionist position?! Who the heck goes tocollege?with the mindset of being a receptionist when they graduate?!I cannot believe how ridiculous these employers have gotten. This country is in a sad state of affairs. Doesn't matter where you go. Look at us, were all from different areas of the country and we're all experiencing the same thing.If you lay off 10 cashiers for an automated self-checkout, what happens to the income tax? How do you tax a machine?The "dear" governor of my state is on the way to figuring that out.When I got my ezpass, I paid $15 for it and there was a $15?credit?on the new?account. Free to have and use at the time. Now, unless the user goes through tolls a minimum of 3 times a month, the user has to pay $1.50The state does can reduce toll collectors along with benefits with enough ezpasses. Matter of fact, there is a toll road here that has NO toll booths at all. Everything is done by camera, ezpass or not. If no ezpass, a picture is taken of the license plate and a bill sent to the house. There might even be a surcharge for not having an ezpass.``They will just tax the working person more or tax other things more. Right now they are squeezing the heck out of anyone who makes a livable wage.They do nothing to eliminate overspending. They bring people in and just set them up on the dole. That's why everything is so expensive for us. We front the bill.They will just tax the working person more or tax other things more. Right now they are squeezing the heck out of anyone who makes a livable wage.They do nothing to eliminate overspending. They bring people in and just set them up on the dole. That's why everything is so expensive for us. We front the bill.You want to talk dole?? In this state we have a head of DHHS that still keeps her job (by the same ass clown governor) when rock after rock has been turned over revealing a mess costing the state a fortune in Medicaid?fraud. "Oh the two?computer?systems weren't communicating with each other effectively" (for a YEAR!) WTF?So I was looking at job postings by a local university and was surprised to come across these:Custodian: Must have five years of work experience as a custodian to be considered (mind you, all you will be doing is mopping,vacuuming and scrubbing toilets).Receptionist: Must have a BACHELORS degree and three years of?front desk?experience. Yes, a bachelors degree for a receptionist position?! Who the heck goes to?college?with the mindset of being a receptionist when they graduate?!I cannot believe how ridiculous these employers have gotten. This country is in a sad state of affairs. Doesn't matter where you go. Look at us, were all from different areas of the country and we're all experiencing the same thing.Exactly! That's me. I'm supposed to be this proud college graduate working as the receptionist? And how does a bachelors degree help you answer phones? TracieSparkles is right, it's really a?admin?assistant?in disguise. I've seen "receptionist" duties include making travel/hotel?arrangements,?accounting, building security, working with vendors, planning office?events, doing the mail. Yet they are paid $10 an hour and considered to be "just the receptionist "And once you are done making the mail deliveries, they will have you mowing the lawn.Never apply for a job if you think that it was once done by 3 other people. Been there and done that. No fun.This is true! It's sickening how much these Employers are asking one employee to do.All jobs are like this. If you don't agree to do more than your job, you won't have last job, I did several other jobs constantly.I never said anything about not wanting to but I'm not doing the work of 8 people, and getting paid $9.00.I'm having the same problem as many others on here. Right now the job I have is a seasonal job which sucks and is only giving me about 5 hours a week right now! I graduated from?College?last Dec and since then I've only had a part-time job as?Cashier?at a tool store that's a competitor of Harbor Freight which was one of my worse jobs I've ever had over the years and one day my manager got so snappy at me I got up and quit.I keep applying for full-time jobs, part-time jobs and such but I'm having no luck. I had an interview last week with a?collections?agency, but I didn't get called back and the whole job from what they told me was mostly commission based and low hourly pay and seemed pretty shady. I did have an interview on the phone briefly with a medical company and the lady was nice, but she told me they had a lot of applicants they're going over and trying to find them positions in the company.It seems like Craigslist works a bit better IMO when it comes to getting contacted back since they're in most cases smaller places that don't use those?hiring?software programs that weeds 80 percent of applicants out. I had another interview on the phone with an?insurance?office for?data entryand the guy was impressed with me, but told me I had too much experience for?data?entry?:(I also keep applying countless times to hospitals. Mostly office jobs, and even simple jobs like material handler. I've must have applied 50 times and each time I get rejected a week later. What is it with hospitals don't want to hire me for?clerical?work?I don't want a retail job, but these companies especially larger ones all want experience and qualified in all sorts of?computer?programs, and alaundry?list of other things. How is someone who's mostly worked retail andcustomer service?jobs who graduated college supposed to find?entry levelwork then? Even retail jobs right now want at least a couple years experience just for low level supervising.Pretty much my problem with retail is the hours...they want you avail 24/7 at a moments notice, and it prevents you from working a second job (which you need if you work retail, due to low pay)...I struggle with this as well, I spent an awful lot of money on an?education, trying to escape retail...and yet it is a job.Get away from the concept of a retail/commercial/ Christmas image. Try googling free Christmas ideas, plan a nice family gathering (old-fashioned) everyone brings a dish. Where on earth did we get the idea that it is only a merry Christmas if we slave ourselves to pay to celebrate? Rethink the holiday!!!Seriously...nothing more liberating than to convince the family to stop exchanging puts a whole new light on the season as you watch frantic, craziness and you shrug, go home and bake a batch of cookies and plan a nice family vacation instead. Less stress, less work, more family time, less $$$, (create memories not a stockpile of worthless junk or bills to pay).You absolutely get my vote on that. In the course of the past five years, I have tried twice to do retail work, and what you say is exactly true. The second (and last) time I tried my hand at retail, I was hired by one of the big box stores for seasonal work for the holidays. My very first day on the job was Black Friday, and it was positively grueling, with almost non-stop work from the moment I stepped up to the cash register. I lasted a grand total of four days, when I threw in the towel after discovering I'd been scheduled to work one late-night shift and then was supposed to be back either later in the morning, or early that afternoon (I forget which). I might have been able to hack (or put up with) something like that back when I was in my twenties, but not anymore.The whole concept of staffing agencies just mystifies me. For the life of me, I can't figure out how the heck they stay in?business?(and, actually, I think a lot of them don't--I'm sure I've signed up with agencies that later disappeared off the face of the Earth). It just always seems like the person looking for a job has to spend an inordinate amount of time on the application process, and then weeks and months will pass by before being placed anywhere.?The only way I can think of for how the agencies might be able to pull this off is if they have so many candidates in their pool that they can draw from. That way, the agency always has people placed somewhere, but any given applicant might not be working at a particular time.?Whatever the explanation is, it's darned frustrating!I'm having the same problem as many others on here. Right now the job I have is a seasonal job which sucks and is only giving me about 5 hours a week right now! I graduated from?College?last Dec and since then I've only had a part-time job as?Cashier?at a tool store that's a competitor of Harbor Freight which was one of my worse jobs I've ever had over the years and one day my manager got so snappy at me I got up and quit.This reminds me of the two miserable experiences I've had in retail work since becoming unemployed.?As I was heading into my second full year without a job, I decided to take a job as a cashier at a little pet store near where I live. I figured that, since I love animals, I'd been a?customer?of the pet store for some time, working there might be worth a shot.?I lasted a grand total of about a month or two. The last night I was there, the cashier who was supposed to come in for the following shift called at the last minute to say she wasn't coming in, so I offered to stay an extra hour to help out. There was a lot of work to do, because the weekly shipment of products to be stocked on the shelves had come in. The stuff we had to stock included big, 30-pound bags of dog?food, and it was pretty strenuous work. After a full day of being on the job (with almost no time to scarf down my lunch), I was pretty tired.?Well, this one?assistant manager, who had been on my back all day about one thing or another, started hounding (no pun intended) me about where I'd placed a box of items that I was putting on the shelves. I'd finally had enough from this guy, and I just put down what I was doing, went to the manager, told her I was quitting, and left.?I think retail managers often just figure that the people they supervise are dummies whom they are free to insult.Pretty much my problem with retail is the hours...they want you avail 24/7 at a moments notice, and it prevents you from working a second job (which you need if you work retail, due to low pay)...I struggle with this as well, I spent an awful lot of money on an?education, trying to escape retail...and yet it is a job.Not sure if you were here when my son got his job in September. He's got a degree and 20+ years in?college?math and science tutoring. When that was pulled out from under him, he had 0 income for 3 years. He applied to all kinds of?fast food, big box stores, and nothing, until he checked the "overnight" availability box on the online app for WalMart. They called him within hours. Not his ideal, but it's same hours every night, he's settled into the routine of it and is socking away money for his next move, which may NOT be a master's degree anymore, due to everything talked about on this forum. I feel sorry for new college grads who find that their degree is very nearly useless today. He was repeatedly turned down for low level jobs due to over-qualification. But I guess overnight is so hard to staff nobody's 'overqualified'!I am convinced people who schedule retail and supermarket jobs have some sort of brain defect. That is SO common, go home at 11, come back sometimes at 6 or 7 even!! I worked retail for a few years when I was young and could NEVER get a lucid explanation for that practice.They are only allowed to staff the hours thecomputer?tells them will be high traffic, based on previous years store traffic. Which is why making out a regular schedule is virtually impossible. The mgt is limited in ability to change as the computer red flags any requests outside the computer recommendations. Can't even save hours from one point to use in another...(ie: can't use a human brain...because the computer is supposedly smarted).I find it hard to believe WalMart goes by that guideline. They had lines into next WEEK last night and about 4 cashiers. This is usually the case in that store, no matter what hour or day you go in. They are clueless. And the managers (and I use the word loosely), most store managers don't know how to do all the jobs anymore, so they're no help. They stand around with a walkie talkie in their back pocket. Useless.Banking?is the same way. If you want to be a teller, having "Open Availability" puts you ahead of the pack. Your schedule changes from week to week.Tip: Avoid Walmart on weekends, school holidays and the first week of the month. Try and go before 9:00 AM.My sister worked there.his reminds me of the two miserable experiences I've had in retail work since becoming unemployed.?As I was heading into my second full year without a job, I decided to take a job as a?cashier?at a little pet store near where I live. I figured that, since I love animals, I'd been a?customer?of the pet store for some time, working there might be worth a shot.?I lasted a grand total of about a month or two. The last night I was there, the cashier who was supposed to come in for the following shift called at the last minute to say she wasn't coming in, so I offered to stay an extra hour to help out. There was a lot of work to do, because the weekly shipment of products to be stocked on the shelves had come in. The stuff we had to stock included big, 30-pound bags of dog?food, and it was pretty strenuous work. After a full day of being on the job (with almost no time to scarf down my lunch), I was pretty tired.?Well, this one?assistant manager, who had been on my back all day about one thing or another, started hounding (no pun intended) me about where I'd placed a box of items that I was putting on the shelves. I'd finally had enough from this guy, and I just put down what I was doing, went to the manager, told her I was quitting, and left.?I think retail managers often just figure that the people they supervise are dummies whom they are free to insult.Yea the?assistant?manager I had was treating me like an A$$. My final day there I was simply going to count my drawer down because my shift was over and she started getting on my case for not setting my receipts on the table close enough to her. That was the final straw and I just said I quit and stormed out.Something's up with this, have experienced this myself.?Also, the?bilingual?thing. If I went to France, would I expect the?Frenchwaiter, the French?cashier, the French medical receptionist, the French nurse, the French learn MY language?As long as people go along with this and get bullied into learning another language to make it easier for others (not you), it will continue to get worse. You won't be able to get a job if you speak English, that day is coming.Retail sucks. My last two retail jobs have been hell. That is all I can find though.?Full time?jobs in offices want experience with certain?computer?programs, medical terminology, etc. So that leaves retail as the only option.They cut my hours down to zero almost right now. I keep trying to apply for full-time work or even part time work in a office, anything but retail but no luck. I have a degree I have like 40 grand in loans and look where it has got me. A waste of money it was getting a?business?degree. It has opened no doors for me. Heck it might be worse because it makes me overqualified for lower jobs.There needs to be a way to get this word out, about useless degrees these days. Same in my family, son has 40,000 out in student loans, works at WalMart overnight. Colleges are still promoting how they'll get you a job in your field. Bullcrap!The word is getting out but slowly. Enrollment in trade schools/programs is way up. Corporate certification programs are on the rise. Many colleges are seeing steep declines in the "liberal arts" majors and many?financialinstitutions are starting to pull out of the?college?loan?business.People won't listen. I've tried it. I was told by some students that our school says you're just trying to discourage us or that I was just a "negative" person. They won't get it until they do it and knock on 1000 doors and find out there are no jobs.?The students all think they are the next big thing and it seems the schools now really pump them up to be aggressive. "If you're good, you'll get a job!".College?admission officers are just as sleazy as used car salesmen. LOL!"Trade" schools are a real problem too. They are charging people really exorbitant amounts to attend, like they are holding some key to a future. It's not just the liberal arts colleges...?The trade schools lie and sell a lot of broken dreams.A lot of the?healthcare?trade schools are bad. High prices for saturated fields and low quality educations.Everything is marketing now. They want people to believe that aneducation?will save them. It did several decades ago. A college educated person was more likely to get any job, and do better overall in life. Not now. That person now is the boss' nephew or neighbor or girlfriend.It really doesn't matter what you know.This is why things are so bad now. You get poor quality, bad?customer service, crappily made products.We all know that any product or service is only as good as the people making it or designing it.Employees are everything.But we cannot expect those people on Capitol Hill to stop it because they are the masters of this a**holery.The school also said they always?hiring?for work study positions or part time and said there was a job for everyone at the school. I must have applied for like 20 jobs there and never even got a call back or interview. Again they always seemed to hire girls for the position. Even minority males don't get hired much at school.Overall though it seems the job market is the hardest for white males. I'm not trying to sound like a racist but it seems us white males have a hard time. While women seem to outnumber men most places I see.I agree with you on the temp agencies being sleazy and you are more than likely correct on them just updating their records on you. Should you decide to call them, just tell them up front you want Temp to Perm or Direct Hire Only.?That way you can avoid all the games, lies and promises that they tend to do all the time.I avoid all temp agencies like the plague because they always tend to stretch the truth when it comes to assignments. I now tell them up front to give me something in writing, if they can't provide that, then I move on and tell them to delete me from their system and to stop all solicitations. :)The school also said they alwayshiring?for work study positions or part time and said there was a job for everyone at the school. I must have applied for like 20 jobs there and never even got a call back or interview. Again they always seemed to hire girls for the position. Even minority males don't get hired much at school.Overall though it seems the job market is the hardest for white males. I'm not trying to sound like a racist but it seems us white males have a hard time. While women seem to outnumber men most places I see.It's not racist, it's factual.?Many large companies have big diversity programs and pay diversity officers top dollar to work for them. It's the price of doing?business?with thegovernment.It's not racist, it's factual.?Many large companies have big diversity programs and pay diversity officers top dollar to work for them. It's the price of doing?business?with the?government.Tell me about it. I happen to go to the VA once with my dad while he was getting a blood test and while I was sitting there I saw an minority there and her badge said something like "diversity?coordinator" all she did for the 45 mins I was there was lean against the counter BS with her coworkers. She probably makes 70k a year wasting tax money as well. No wonder why the post office is broke.It's amazing how much BS goes on in companies as well as government agencies. Both are filled with waste like this.Tell me about it. I happen to go to the VA once with my dad while he was getting a blood test and while I was sitting there I saw an minority there and her badge said something like "diversitycoordinator" all she did for the 45 mins I was there was lean against the counter BS with her coworkers. She probably makes 70k a year wasting tax money as well. No wonder why the post office is broke.It's amazing how much BS goes on in companies as well as?governmentagencies. Both are filled with waste like this.I agree. I worked at one place about 10 years ago. One of them with a fancy office and rumor had it she made over 100k. Just a job going to seminars, dinners, etc.The system is so broke, but no one wants to get to the real problem. It's like they are trying to put frosting on a dead cow and pretend it's all going to work.?"They" don't want to admit that the universe is a very unfair place and some people get more in the way of brains and talent than others. That just doesn't feel okay to some people and they keep saying everyone is the same.As long as people go along with this and get bullied into learning another language to make it easier for others (not you), it will continue to get worse. You won't be able to get a job if you speak English, that day is coming.That day has been here for last 10-12. I see so many jobs I qualify for, but then get to the bi-lingual part. At times I see Polish,?Chinese,?German, but of course nothing like Spanish. Sometimes the first thing I see in all caps is 'Must be Bi-lingual (Spanish) I NEVER understood why this suddenly became the norm. It's ok for them to come here, get a job, get?governmentassistant?and don't even have to speak the language. It seems pretty cozy and no wonder they want to get over here by any means necessary.I get more and more frustrated and angry when I see that I'm qualified and then get weeded out because of the language thing. If you are going to LIVE and WORK in a country, why is ok for you to not speak the language? I don't get it. And even worse is it seems like it's OUR fault and we're looked down if we can't communicate in Spanish. It really puts me into a rage. Even worse, those that do manager to learn some English (young ones mostly) now have the upper hand because now they are bi-lingual and can get better opportunities. The kids in grammar school now better 100% learn a couple other languages.English is the?business?language of the World.?Spanish, except for Spain and maybe places like Argentina, are 3rd world nations.?So why would we want to learn Spanish?If you go to Japan, Germany, etc., they will all do business in English.I don't like being bullied into it either, and I don't like my tax dollars giving people free medicine and free?college?educations when I am a citizen and I do not qualify for those things.This country is not a limitless well of money. Eventually, very few will be working and this huge umbrella of people coming here and getting on the dole in some way or every way is going to break the backbone of the US.Something I just heard on the so called "news": talking about the shift from democrat to republicans, some woman pundit (didn't catch her name) claimed that "many people feel the job market isn't working for them, but if you look at the statistics, the jobs are working for them."Oh where does someone start with that idiotic statement?? Lower wages? Worse jobs? Part time vs?full time? Hitting the out of touch B upside the head with a bat?The last few years around November or so the?administration?reports unemployment is down, but it turns out most of them are seasonal retail jobs then the numbers go back up in Jan. Plus those numbers don't count who's unemployment benefits have ran out and underemployed people.It was painfully obvious to anybody with a brain that this woman is totally clueless. Of course seasonal jobs increase around the holidays. For the past few years, part time and low pay job creation has been outpacing the well paid (living wage) positions that used to be so readily available.Rush Limbaugh has been calling the?admin?out on it too and says the same thing we are saying basically. I recall last month Limbaugh mentioned the Sept job numbers and then mentioned how 80 percent of the jobs created were jobs that were low wage, part time and don't require a degree and he also mentions how 40 percent of recent?college?graduates are unemployed or under employed.Did I write this? lol, you feel just like me right now. Right down to being willing to bust my ass for a chance. I was just sitting here at my?computer?and a job I interviewed for about 3 weeks ago popped into my head (that job is long and dead I'm sure) but it just hit me that, yet again, no one wanted me and I can't get a second chance. I really feel like I will never work again.I'm finding the same problems with you applying. All I'm finding is managerial/director?jobs, analysts/IT, or?health?related jobs--things I'm not remotely qualified for. Those are just all over. And anything?clerical?wants everything under the sun and then some plus?bilingual. I'm hitting a brick wall.I'm finding the same thing. I don't think it's even worth applying to some of these jobs anymore, I already know the answer is no. I hate to say this, but I'm so discouraged and unmotivated that I just want to bury myself under my covers and never come out.I'm finding the same thing. I don't think it's even worth applying to some of these jobs anymore, I already know the answer is no. I hate to say this, but I'm so discouraged and unmotivated that I just want to bury myself under my covers and never come out.Me too. And it's just not my situation. Going out into the world looks bleak. Everything is starting to look like a 3rd world nation. Low wages, low manners, low expectations, low quality. Nothing will change until the real problems are addressed, like WHY the lack of jobs, WHY the high crime rates. It's not what CNN is going to tell you. They think the economy is just dandy.To me, it looks like what happens is that the people whose careers aren't derailed continue to be able to use their past successes and good fortune to continue moving farther up the job ladder. Meanwhile, the rest of us who have been left behind are just left in an endless loop of either having no job or, out of desperation, taking the crummy ones in retail or temping, and we'll never escape.There are people whose careers have never been derailed as you say and I was actually one of them until it happened.One book I read said that in the future, 50% of us will be employed by thegovernment. 25% of us will have our own businesses and the other 25% will be herding goats for a living: flipping burgers, stocking shelves, delivering pizzas, etc.After two downsizes and one termination, I feel the same way. My working days are coming to an end and I can opt for early SS next year, deliver pizzas part time and eat off the dollar menu.However, I don't want this for my daughter so we have had some very different conversations from the ones I heard growing up. She knows that no job is forever anymore.My parents need to realize this. They kept pushing me and my siblings towards?college?like a degree would open so many doors for us. It hasn't done squat for me. I just wasted a lot of time, money, and self-esteem. They keep pushing me to go back, like I did something wrong the first time. I keep telling them nothing is a guarantee anymore. Having a bachelors degree is a dime a dozen now. It doesn't guarantee a stable career like it used to.?But whenever I tell them this they just act like I'm lazy and not trying hard enough.A bachelors is the new H.S. diploma and a Masters is the new Bachelors. I also feel like it's a double edged sword. I've had employers nod happily over my degree, point it out, be all 'oh we can give you more assignments since you have a bachelors!' never heard back. On the flip side, others DEMAND a bachelors for washing dishes and vacuuming and answering phones (and those places don't call back either)I feel foolish and worthless at times proving I have a degree to come in and sit at your?front desk, like we should be proud to graduate and come push your mail cart. A long time ago you didn't need a degree for everything. Now, technology and economy has made things unbearable and they needed a new weeding system. I saw it race wise too. When a certain group were all getting bachelors, then suddenly you NEEDED a MASTERS to qualify.I'll never forget being the receptionist and this girl telling me I should go back to school. Yep, already graduated. She was knocked out. That was a bit degrading.I have had this conversation with many people including my own daughter. She is in?college?now but carefully avoiding the worthless degrees and those professions which can easily be automated or off-shored.I had a good job right out of high school but that's Ancient History now.My degree falls into the category of worthless. God, I wish I had been steered away from that degree. Having been told all of my life that all I needed was a college degree to succeed, I didn't know any better. I did what I thought was interesting and also what I was talented in. Looking back, I now can tell everyone was lying to me with smiles on their faces. Top of my class and I can't find a job. What does that say about the program, or better yet, the school?All of medicine is like this now. People got told the jobs could not be outsourced. But many places are cutting staff, making jobs per diem, not offering benefits, or cutting pay rates.People buy into the marketing of schools.?For some reason, schools are thought of as good authorities or benevolent. They aren't as they are just businesses.My niece went the med?assistantroute. What they don't tell you is that you 1. Need to speak Spanish and 2. You need experience. She worked in a nursing home to get experience and she said that was the toughest job she ever had.She is a medical biller now and she says that is become automated more and more.These employers think everyone speaks Spanish. I guess it will be in the future as we are forced out of our nation.Hey, you and me both. I thought I was the only one with the revolving door. I'd like to know how there are so many people who feel secure with their jobs though. When I was working, I never felt safe enough to buy a condo or home. I lived frugally like each check could be my last. But I look around me and see people buying homes, new cars, vacations, living it up. How do they do it? What fields do they work in that are so secure?Me too! I thought I was the only one terrified to even lease a 2 year?contract?car for fear I wouldn't be able to make the payments when I inevitably lost my job.?I don't think I'll ever feel secure in a job. I don't think I'll ever own a home for this reason. It's very sad, because I do want my own home in the future. But with my job instability, it's just too risky to think about.After two downsizes and one termination, I feel the same way. My working days are coming to an end and I can opt for early SS next year, deliver pizzas part time and eat off the dollar menu.However, I don't want this for my daughter so we have had some very different conversations from the ones I heard growing up. She knows that no job is forever anymore.I have worked call centers and its pretty godawful. When they call you a stupid, f**king b1tch, you can't take it personally.Those places are so abusive, it's like slavery. Right now, it appears employers can pretty much do anything they want. Unless you have enough money to kill them in?court, and then if you had that, probably wouldn't be working said job.Retirement is a fantasy for some of us. I have a cousin who is a teacher and she complains that her pension probably won't be enough. She owns a home. I told her that those of us not in govt jobs do not get pensions, we have to use our own money to supplement SS. She had no clue. She stopped the whining to me.People with pensions don't get it. When you have a pension you don't have to save 1 penny your self for retirement. And it's guaranteed. It's free money!Then again I think we will start seeing more and more Detroits where pensions are not totally guaranteed and are reduced 5 - 10 percent.If I ever get to hire people again I'll discriminate. I'll try to offer jobs just to unemployed candidates.It's a b*tch out there. No matter what one does it's tough. I once went to an interview where the interviewer ask me a question and I answered it well then I added, "I don't mind starting at the bottom to get my foot in the door."Well he said, "This position is not a bottom type job!!!" My point is that you can't win no matter what you do or say. Wear glasses don't wear them, wear the skirt, go with pants instead. Sigh. :(My parents need to realize this. They kept pushing me and my siblings towards?college?like a degree would open so many doors for us. It hasn't done squat for me. I just wasted a lot of time, money, and self-esteem. They keep pushing me to go back, like I did something wrong the first time. I keep telling them nothing is a guarantee anymore. Having a bachelors degree is a dime a dozen now. It doesn't guarantee a stable career like it used to.But whenever I tell them this they just act like I'm lazy and not trying hard enough.Yeah that's kind of a disease of parents these days. Fortunately, I was unemployed the same time as my son, who has moved back home after 25 years, so I had a clue. But your folks are just eating what they're fed by the media and the?government.Also I checked with someone I use as a reference and they have said they have never got a call or email from any employers. That means they don't like my work history or my?education?and it just ends up in the dumpster.?I just got my rejection from the Container store. My life finally sucks.Isn't just the last kick in the face you needed? This is what needs to be shown to people who say 'you need to just take any job' I don't care if it's wrapping hamburgers, wrapping presents or stocking shelves, you still have to be HIRED.I really like the Container Store too. I wouldn't mind working there. But I never worked retail, I wonder if they would hire me.Isn't just the last kick in the face you needed? This is what needs to be shown to people who say 'you need to just take any job' I don't care if it's wrapping hamburgers, wrapping presents or stocking shelves, you still have to be HIRED.I really like the Container Store too. I wouldn't mind working there. But I never worked retail, I wonder if they would hire me.I have a degree and have applied for retail and I'm having no luck as well. I did have a interview with that?collections?agency which was a joke they never called back but I could tell from the interview it was min wage when I tried to ask about the pay.I apply for everything and I'm not having any luck.I take?general?advice from these advisers and gurus with a boulder of salt. You're better off going with someone who either works or specializes in reciting in your work field.Career counselors, career gurus, life coaches...all the same thing. I went to one once and wasted some money there. It's not like they know more than you. It's just a lot of positive thinking. Wishing, hoping. Unless someone really understands your field inside and out, it's a waste of time to me. You can find what you need better on the net. Heck, that's where they find it.People with pensions don't get it. When you have a pension you don't have to save 1 penny your self for retirement. And it's guaranteed. It's free money!Then again I think we will start seeing more and more Detroits where pensions are not totally guaranteed and are reduced 5 - 10 percent.Yeah, it's not fair to tax me and give it to someone else so they can retire and have an income and free?healthcare. Some of those people, we support them longer than they even worked, too.This was a huge complain't about unions, so most people were glad to get rid of now, all we have are really?government?unionized people.I bet a lot of people wish we had the unions back, if only for just the workers' rights, pay and representation.My sales job is only paying minimum wage. After I pay for gas, I am only making $300 a week. The manager told me I would be making 35K a year...rah right!!! The jobs sucks and I spend a good 20 hours a week?cleaning?too. The store isn't that busy and there are too many sales people now. You have to sell 20K every 2 weeks in order to get commission. If not, you get your stinking minimum wage!! Lies, lies, lies!!! Still can't afford to buy groceries either. Who can live on $1200 a month??Yea a lot of them sales jobs are scams. Unless you sell a lot you're making near min wage hence why turnover is probably so high.A lot of jobs these days are scams. I mean by the amount of work required. Like office jobs with whole?laundry?list of duties and qualifications but only pay $10 an hour to do the work of 3 people.Also I graduated from Webster University in Stl? Is that a bad school you think when compared to SLU and Washington U here in St. Louis?Did I waste my $$?I don't think any different university matters now.Well folksI got offered the?clerical?job at the?attorney?office. It starts on the 24th and pays $24,000 a year. The salary is a bit disappointing since that is what I was making 6 years ago and does not further my career at all. I feel like I've taken a step back. It is steady income though and if I can find a tolerable, older, mature roommate, livable. In the meanwhile, I have several other interviews to go too and hopefully I'll be offered something better before this new job starts. If not, I'll have to wait until I accrue PTO so that I can go on interviews for better jobs.I'll be sticking around and joining in nonetheless. I wish the rest of you luck in your job search.oh wow! YAYAYAYA!!!! Listen, I want to say I'm so glad you got offered something. You were so stressed and on the verge of homelessness, and God did step in and drop something down on you. Just as you were about at your worst you get a job. It will be steady money and a?full time?job.But I definitely know what you mean about the money. It is very disappointing to do all this hustling to make what you were making years ago. That's how I feel. I'm applying to $10 an hour jobs, worse that what I was making before, so I will NEVER be able to get ahead, just backward or in the same place. It's depressing, but I'll take $10 an hour now. I'm just sick of this s#it. It had to feel good to finally be offered something. I'd cry for days if someone finally offered me something. I don't think I will ever be offered a job again. What will that feel like?I've got to figure out how to pay back my student loans before I start thinking about retirement. At this rate, I'll get around to retirement at age 45.Same here, my student loan has been on hold for payment since like forever due to constantly being laid off working temp jobs.?I figured by the time I get around to paying it back, I will be 85, or Jesus will come and then my loan will be written off. LOLMy degree falls into the category of worthless. God, I wish I had been steered away from that degree. Having been told all of my life that all I needed was a?college?degree to succeed, I didn't know any better. I did what I thought was interesting and also what I was talented in. Looking back, I now can tell everyone was lying to me with smiles on their faces. Top of my class and I can't find a job. What does that say about the program, or better yet, the school?I feel the same way, I graduated at top of my class with fellow school mates, didn't get offered one job and the school would send everyone job ads from Craigslist of all places, what a crock and a joke that was. Most of the attorneys they referred us to paid only Minimum wage as well.My niece went the med?assistantroute. She is a medical biller now and she says that is become automated more and more.Its sad that so many jobs have become automated.?I use to be a telephone operator, you know Dial Zero and you received me on the line, not anymore, at least here in CA. A lot of my friends were pushed into retirement early due to automation, I swear it's like the Terminator movie coming to life. GrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrNo luck still. That manager I talked to yesterday morning still has not called me back for an interview. I still got no hours at the dept store this week and still have not heard anything from the countless other apps I filled out.College?is useless unless you're going to be an?accountant, doctor or lawyer.Accountant jobs are being outsourced to India and the?law?field is over saturated. Even the practical BS or STEM degrees are no guarantees anymore.OK, am I the only one shocked by all the job postings with "ability to speak in Spanish or?bilingual" is required ??????? WTF ???Geeze, I would think since the land was taken from the Indians, we should / would be required to speak Navaho or something. Wow.Since when did the US become Spanish speaking ? WTH ????Sorry just frustrated today. Trying to apply for jobs but every single one has a second language requirement and the pay is $9 an hour. What a F**king Joke!!I'm talking Collier County too btw. One of the most expensive places in Florida to live. I think the average home price right now is $342,000 I last read. Granted that includes all of collier including Marco Island, Pelican Bay, Port Royal and the multi million dollar homes, but still that's high. Even Golden Gate aka Golden Ghetto is going up in price as well.That's cheap compared to home prices here in CA.?Even in the Ghetto / Low income areas, the houses usually start between 450k and up. It also amazes me how the Illegals qualify for these homes too, I just don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for fair?housing, but WTF, how can illegals afford to buy a house ???? I guess since they Don't pay taxes that's where they get their down payment ?I had a co worker back in the day brag about how she is Not a citizen and doesn't pay taxes since she lives and works in CA. I'm surprised someone hadn't called immigration on her azz. LOLSorry just frustrated today. Trying to apply for jobs but every single one has a second language requirement and the pay is $9 an hour. What a F**king Joke!!No, definitely not the only frustrated with that! There have been so many I couldn't apply to because of that. Oh and I just saw an ad today for a Word processor, wanting ACCURATE attention to detail, 70 wpm, etc. $10 an hour and no benefits. So depressing to see this kind of stuff. This is what's out there? You have to be an expert in MS Office, type 70 wpm, be 100% accurate all the time for $10 an hour and no benefits. Wow.And that's the sad part, I type 65wpm with accuracy too and it's just frustrating on what employers are paying these days. Then they have the balls to get pissed when they hear that your looking for part time work as well. Geeze, they just don't get that the economy along with cheap azz employers that people have to work two to three jobs for survival. Ughs!!I type 50, 55 on a good day, lol. It's pretty decent accuracy but I can still proofread and spellcheck. I mean what, I gotta type it and then immediately print? I can't fix mistakes? they need to stfu about that accuracy bulls#it. Employers just don't know (or care) what people have to do to still survive with a?full time?job. I have heard that co-workers were living in group homes, with family. My good friend lives with in her sisters studio and sleeps on the floor, we would always joke about when she got her ownapartment?she will finally have a door to close.I'm just so frustrated with what you have to have in order for them to even glance at your resume, and then they only want to pay $8 and $9 an hour, no benefits, work evenings and weekends. Indentured servitude.Its like legalized slavery without providing the home and board.?I saw on a Lisa Ling special on jobs located in North Dakota with companies not only paying $30 and up (for some jobs) but also providing room and board free. But of course your working 75 hours a week.I'm tempted to consider it but the tempature being below -3, is a deal breaker.LOLI'm making less money now than I was 22 years ago when I graduated high school. I haven't made less than $10.00 per hour since my sophomore year in high school, back when minimum wage $4.25 per hour. I've always had a strong work ethic and a willingness to do hard jobs that other people tend to shy away from. My job in high school was working in a car wash for Tractor Trailers... ever have to clean a cattle or hog trailer? You earned every dime of that $10 per hour. I've been an?Industrial/CommercialElectrician?and made $35 per hour with full benefits, but because of a poor economy work dried up, I started building and maintaining pools and hot tubs for $13.50 per hour, but it was?full time?and year round work (seems there's still people out there buying lots of luxury items.) One day I got hurt, had surgery, and was fired for a BS reason even though everyone knew it was really because I caused the company?insurance?to go up. Was out of work over a year, started going back to?college?to get a degree in?draftingand?design?(halfway there,) and so far the best job I've gotten is working part time at the local Office Max for $8.50 an hour.I'm 40 years old and working part time for $8.50... I get paid every 2 weeks and make less on my checks than I made on unemployment. Of course in 3 days, I'm losing this job now too. Thanks to a corporate merger with Office Depot, our store is closing. They offered job transfers to some of the employees, but only the full timers (aka, the GM, the ASM, the Print Center Supervisor, and the senior?logistics?associate) basically the people with a set of keys to the building.I've got a wife, I've got 3 kids, and somehow people expect me to make ends meet with no income. Thankfully my wife has a decent job that keeps us afloat, but without my income we can't cover expenses. Last time I was out of work, I went and applied for?federal?aid, guess what, we didn't qualify. Less than $1000 per month income...Job openings are on the rise — so why isn’t the U.S.hiring?Maybe because Barak Obama is still in office?The economy is broken. Jobs are broken. He has no frackin' idea how to fix things so he avoids it.Yep, I've never had any luck with those?government?run career centers either. When I was in South Florida I spent several months jumping through humps trying to get them to pay for some career training. All I was trying to get was MOS (Word, Excel, Outlook, Access, Powerpoint, Publisher) certified. When my unemployment ran out I ended up having to take a 35 hour a week, $9.00 an hour job that conveniently had me listed as per-Diem despite the fact that I consistently worked 35 hours every week. No?health?insurance, barely able to make ends meet, living in a rented room in a rundown house from some crazy old perv, raking up?creditcard debt what I was barely able to make minimum payments on every time my car had issues. But as far as they were concerned I was employed and no longer eligible for job training funding. And the career assessment they administered to me gave?factory?worker as my ideal job because, lovely.I read online from a job coach that you should always end an interview with the following: "Thank you. I look forward to being part of the team. I want the job." I've used it a few times but it doesn't get me the job.Job coaches, in my humble opinion, are right up there with temp agencies. Useless. There IS no generic method for everybody.Tell me about it. This is the 2nd time I've seen a job coach/careercounselor?and felt it really didn't amount to a whole lot. She wants me to take another career test.By the way, she wanted me to E-Mail me my re-vamped résumé so I E-Mailed her the new functional one expecting feedback, nothing. She never returned my E-Mail. And I had to wait about a week to get into see this lady because she and the others were all booked.Seriously, just what is the?college?paying her to do?...but when I see so many hires being made on the basis of personal recommendations and personal connections, I lose hope about a random resume sent to a stranger having much effect.Keith in Lorain, Ohio said:?Thank you for helping me prove my point. Networking is for people that already know and trust each other. As another poster somewhere here once said, "You'll never be as qualified as the bosses new son-in-law."Unless you're lucky like the ones you spoke of, there will always be someone within a company or some relative or friend to take that job before any job listing is made for the public.This is why I'd really like a?government?job.?City, county, state or?federal.. I wouldn't care which level picked me up. I'd be happy to get a government job because a lot of the crap that happens in the private sector when it comes to?hiring?and even being employed isn't going to happen with the government because it's illegal for it to even happen in the first place. Not to mention, you have way more jobs security than you do in the private sector what's you finish your probationary period. At that point, it becomes hard to get rid of someone.Charmed existences. I try very hard to ignore them or wish they were worse off. But some people are OBLIVIOUS to the?general?struggle in the world. I wonder if there's a forum for them. It could be called "I've got mine, and if you don't, oh well...." My son runs a 501c3 a homeless charity out of Boston, He and his fiancee' are raising her grandson, they've got nothing to speak of, he works a 40-hour week,behind in bills, sleeps about 4 hours a night, but is driven to do this thing for other people. Imagine if rich people had that drive???! If Bill Gates would put some of his billions into building?housing?for people who are on the street instead of pouring it ALL into other countries. Permanent housing in every majorcity, for the homeless and disabled. That would be like lunch money for people like him. I just don't get it.Bill Gates doesn't care about Americans. He is very much into the overseas guilt trip.'m in a position where I need?healthcare?insurance?right now. This job doesn't offer it. Prior to Obamacare, I always had my own healthcare coverage that was either purchased from a broker or directly from the company (BCBS, Aetna, Humana, Assurant, Celtic, UniCare, etc...) and it was something I could easily afford for myself. (I usually had deductibles ranging from $1,500 to as high as $7,500 and paid anywhere from $80 a month to as much as $190 a month.) However, post Obamacare?healthinsurance is so expensive I just can't afford it on my own. Plans at my age start at $176 a month and to avoid having to chose a new doctor and other providers, I'd have to choose a plan that cost more than $200 a month as all the cheaper plans are either HMO or limited network plans. Not to mention, the deductibles are much higher now unless you want to pay an insane amount to get a low deductible or no deductible plan. Prior to cancelling my Assurant Health plan at the end of 2013, I was paying $116.45 a month for a $5,000 deductible. I guess $176 a month isn't all that bad unless you're looking for a company to dictate your care or force you into choosing new providers.Anyhow, as expensive as healthcare has become (even?dental?and vision has gone up), there's just no way I could make Vector work. I'd be looking at a huge chunk of my pay to try and cover myself health wise.You know what's really frustrating? All this part-time crap. I wound anadmin?assistant?position with a real estate office (B&W) that was just weekends only.Thee Supreme?Court?is getting ready to hear and argument that everyone living in a state that goes through the federally run Marketplace is illegally getting a subsidy. 4.5 million people could end up loosing their subsidies.If I knew that wasn't going to happen, I wouldn't have a problem with accepting a part-time job.Sure. Some people are going to say don't let that stop you from signing up for Obamacare and taking a subsidy. However, if I did that, took a part-time job ad then lost the subsidy, I'd be in sh*t hole 6 feet deep because there's no way I could afford?health?insurance?right now on my own.I ended up telling the guy with Vector Marketing he was better off at targeting young people 18-26 who are still on their parents health insurance policies, SAHMs, like my former co-worker Camile, who are looking for work during the school year to keep them occupied, and SAHMs, like my friend Dina, who’ve been home a few years with their young kids but who want to get back into the workforce now that their kids are older and in school. People like Camile and Dina have SOs who they can rely on and who may have them covered under their employer sponsored health insurance policy.Someone like myself is just screwed period. I can't make part-time work in this day and age.Don't employers care?You know what's really frustrating? All this part-time crap. I wound an?admin?assistant?position with a real estate office (B&W) that was just weekends only.Don't employers care?I saw a job for weekends only. I saved it and went back to it a few times but just decided that would not be enough money for me to even bother with. I'd be working, sure, but that is for someone who truly ONLY needed for something for the weekends, I'm sure that schedule works for someone. I see more and more part time. Scary.Oh and no, employers don't care. I got a rejection notice with the standard "we went with someone who closely fits our qualifications" that's what they care about. A 100% fit.I see more and more part time. Scary.Yes, it's scary. From what I can gather here, no one really wants to be working part-time.I think employers who want to fill part-time work are going to find themselves struggling more and more to fill it. What's eventually going to happen is we're going to end up with a nation with a ton of part-time work that's going to start going unfilled for months and months, if not longer, on end.The plastics company wants me to do even more assessments.I'm so damn tired of assessments. I can't believe they're making me go through all these hoops for this job. I'm starting to think this isn't worth it.omg, those assesments are such a waste of time and mean nothing! I'm so sick of these places with these stupid tests like you're applying to the FBI. Then they don't hire you anyway. More than once I didn't bother with jobs that wanted this. I just can't do it anymore. These places need to stop.?omg, those assesments are such a waste of time and mean nothing! I'm so sick of these places with these stupid tests like you're applying to the FBI. Then they don't hire you anyway. More than once I didn't bother with jobs that wanted this. I just can't do it anymore. These places need to stop.Just how honest are people going to be with these things anyhow? Like people are really going to admit they do drugs on the job, that it's okay to steal while on the clock, etc... . Desperate times call for answers everyone wants to see from an assessment. If you're a druggie or kleptomaniac of course you're not going to say you agree or strongly agree with doing drugs at work or stealing now and paying later.This is the 2nd assessment that plastics company has made me take and the 2nd time they've asked me all these yes and no type questions and what have you. I suppose I'll find another E-Mail in my inbox tomorrow asking me to do more of this crap. Can't they just give me the damn interview now? How long do they really want to drag this out? It's a miracle they hire someone to work there given all this.I heard that Congress wants to do something about these assessment and personality tests because they stop good people from being hired. I once had an employer tell me that unless you 'pass' the test they gave you, you weren't even going to get an interview. SERIOUSLY? That's crazy! You could be the greatest at whatever you do and have been doing it for years but unless you 'pass' you won't even get the time of day. That's just messed up.I've been gone a few days but I'm pretty pissed.As you know I was working at Macy's and getting hardly any hours for the season position I got. Anyways I saw an ad on Craigslist for a temp agencyhiring?for?call center?reps 40 hours a week for a couple months. So I interviewed with the temp manager. Nice guy, but went to the first day of work today and it sucked. It was more confusing and a pain than I thought it was. A lot of rules, and a lot of pressure to get results. Anyways one person even got kicked out. The?instructor?thought he wasn't paying attention even though he was because he was on the same page I was on and was looking at her. The job also paid only like 8.50 an?hr?too and they changed our hours up wanted us to work 1-8 instead of 2-9 which that part wasn't a big deal.The place looked like a joke and I can see why their turnover is high.IT was funny I met another girl there who worked at a Macy's in another part of time the same position I had. She told me the same thing they got hardly any hours there and that's why she quit.I'm thinking what they do is Macy's hires like in Sept for the seasonal positions but they only work you a few hours a week just to train you and then around black Friday and the couple weeks before Christmas give you a bunch of hours. Otherwise you get about 4-8 hours a week.When I worked therein 2008 in a seasonal position they gave a lot more hours and did not skimp like that.What kind of a job works you 4 hours a week???Some companies prey on the unemployed -- here, you are allowed to refuse jobs that aren't within a certain % of your salary for 8 weeks. After that, you have to take anything. One company I worked for would call in people they knew were unemployed and offer them minimum wage or close to it, threatening to report them to the unemployment bureau if they declined.My brother lives in NJ. They apparently have very strict "standards" (used very loosely). Unemployed must attend regular meetings at the ue office. Must apply to ANY thing. If one had been a rocket scientist, they were still required to to apply for everything including?janitorial, everything and anything.One issue with that is all supposedly open jobs get inundated with resumes of people who have no experience in any way shape or form in any related or even semi related field.Can anyone imagine going from $100k a year to a min wage job (if they could get accepted)? That would not cover any part of their expenses. Matter of fact, it would create more expenses since the person would have to use their car (with related expenses like gas,?insurance, wear and tear) to get to a job that would likely not even cover the gas......Yes, that is how it works here after the 8 week period. It's not worth the hassle, stigma, and stress for someone coming from a 100k job.I can understand that the govt. is trying to give people an incentive to work, but it doesn't do anyone any good to have a rocket scientist flipping burgers instead of adding value doing what they have been trained to do -- and, yeah, who wants someone who doesn't know how to work in a restaurant working in one? Just because a job doesn't pay well doesn't mean that it doesn't require a lot of skill.It's interesting to see how?hiring?practices have evolved or devolved now that it's easy for a person to send out 100 resumes in a day and also easy for an employer to discard a thousand in five minutes with keyword algorithms.And what the employer I knew of would do is hire extremely skilled people for nearly minimum wage -- if they knew you were unemployed but had far more experience than they could afford, they would offer you a 1/3-1/2 the market wage and make references during the interview about how you had to take any job that was offered if you were on unemployment.I never pass them either. I've had my mom sit down and do them for me even friends and nothing. I don't know what they want, what they're looking for, etc... . Complete waste of time. Mine and theirs.You know what is funny, a lady in my bible study class, her son had to take an assessment test and didn't pass it, he was more than qualified for adesigner?artist?job, so he called the manager and told him, can't you look at my skills, schooling etc. and see that I'm qualified ? The manager told her son to take the test again and of course he failed. Well her son challenged the manager to take the test, Guess what, the manager failed! The manager in turn had another manager take the test and he failed too. Needless to say, Her son got the job and the managers are looking into getting rid of the assessment testing all together now. :)I somewhat agree with Mom. However, my son and his degree were running into the same problem, he couldn't even get an interview for a BS job, until he checked the "overnight shift" availability box on WalMart's online app. He was called within a few hours, got hired and is currently enduring it and biding his time to put together some money to get a Master's in math. In Florida. I hate him. LOL.This is all too familiar. We are told we need companies open 24/7 because that's what the?customer?wants, but it's more like the company putting out a larger net to get more's all hidden under the concept of "convenience".Gone is the 40 hour, M-F week.?Gone is the 8-5 job.?But you notice the management isn't usually there when you work nights or holidays.It's like the concept of the American standard of living has dropped very low.The?government?tells us about all this job growth but reality is most of the job growth is season, low paying retail jobs that are min wage because I don't see many good jobs. It's mostly retail or service industry.They lie to us about everything, including the crime rates.?The government cares more about foreigners than its citizens.Maybe the North American Union is upon us.?Why I cannot watch CNN or any of the others for what is really going on.You have to get out of St. Louis!True. We will see possibly tomorrow how bad it gets here if they reach a decision. This grand jury thing keeps dragging on.Read that they are sending over 100 fbi into that area but police are not allowed to touch protesters per holder. Interesting how they will do their jobs...My nephew is in?law enforcement. They are to keep all weapons holstered unless imminent life is in danger.Obama reversed Posse Comitatus a few years ago.?Federal?troops CAN be used to quell civil unrest now.I doubt any of them will use their weapons against any violence in the area, because they don't want to wind up with the kind of trouble that Wilson has.Obama has reversed a lot of things in this country.Including what little prosperity was left after Bush.The protesters are just agitators and are connected to the govt, which is why their groups demanded to know the verdict before the?general?public. They wanted to be able to "organize" and get ready. This is how communism works.Including what little prosperity was left after Bush.Yes, and inviting more and more people into this nation. It's not just Mexico. Thousands are getting visas. All of the diseases we killed off will come back in.?As far as jobs, they will get first dibs on jobs courtesy of the?government.?I went all this year of unemployment without?insurance?BECAUSE of the subsidy. I was eligible for great subsidies, but read the fine print and the FAQ's. Once you get on your feet, The Uncle is going to be there with his hand out for you to pay it back. I would've owed thousands back in subsidies. When our?government?smiles in our face and tells us how well they are going to take care of us because we're too stupid to take care of ourselves, these small things, they don't mention. I'll take the fine, thanks, it's cheaper.WHAT??You mean is we are getting Obamacare, we have to eventually pay that back?Could you give me a link to a web page for this I want to read this before I start cussing and swearing.They MADE me sign up against my will so now they are going to take my money against my will? :-( :-( :-(Yes, and inviting more and more people into this nation. It's not just Mexico. Thousands are getting visas. All of the diseases we killed off will come back in.?As far as jobs, they will get first dibs on jobs courtesy of the?government.Yes, I stress this to people and they just won't listen. Some people are so ignorant.Yes, and inviting more and more people into this nation. It's not just Mexico. Thousands are getting visas. All of the diseases we killed off will come back in.?As far as jobs, they will get first dibs on jobs courtesy of the?government.Along with getting a low interest rate when applying for loans. :(I'm going to stop reading these forums for a bit. I understand that many of you are rightfully frustrated with the current state of employment in this country, but I've started to take on a very pessimistic view of the future. I think that this attitude mostly comes from what I read here. Being in touch with reality is necessary, but many of the posts here have started to take a very toxic turn toward stagnant depression. I wish everyone the best of luck!Take a break, we all do every now and then. We come back because here everyone is like family and the people here do know and understand exactly what your going through with the every day stress of looking for employment, dealing with the stupidity of employers, misleading advertistments etc.?Depression comes with being unemployed. So take that over due break and no need to announce your leaving, just do what you have to in order to keep your sanity. :)?Interveiw UpdateI asked the caller if they would consider experience and she said yes but that the 15 is standard because it comes with "at the end of the month bonuses depending on the quota of your work load". Which of course did not make sense to me at all, I don't like quota positions because it's a weight of pressure that lies on your shoulders and that kind of pressure I don't need, I'd rather have the $2 increase in pay rather then having to fight tooth and nail to meet quota standards etc.My feelings after the intital phone interview, is that it was just a waste of time and I wont be surprised if I don't receive a call back at all. :(Job searching really sucks!!!!I dont' like quota jobs either. I don't like it for 'bonuses' or for just a standard work day. I interviewed for a job like that (never heard back) and I'm kinda glad because I don't want to be called in about not making enough calls or doing enough work for the week. It's to stressful and jobs are stressful enough. I think that's just a way for them to keep from paying you anymore. They can hide behind 'you didn't make the quote this week/month' a job like that gets old real fast.To be fair, I'm looking to get any job at all and I can't get one. How am I supposed to feel when I'm apparently not good enough to bag groceries. I AM depressed.Burt Lange and KingofWisdom, I agree! After months and months it does take a tole to apply to hundreds of jobs and get enough interviews to count on one hand AND get rejected from those same interviews. I agree that some of the wage conversations I didn't agree with, but I didn't even read all of them because I didn't care for it. As much as we complain we do encourage each other. I do believe we will all get our day as long as we keep fighting. I'm glad I met you all, I NEEDED to complain, it kept me sane.I've offered to work for minimum wage and my schedule is currently wide open (until I can collect enough job money to go back to school). I still can't get a job in?fast food?joints or retail.Is the job market really that bad in SE FL? My aunt lives in Naples and is having a hell of a time finding part-time work. She can't even get on at Publix as a?cashier.Problem with parents' work advice is unless they are unemployed NOW, they don't get that it's way different than when we were younger. I'd get laid off, do a few weeks unemployment, find another job and go back to work. I never DIDN'T get a job I applied for. No crap from temp services, THEY worked for ME, and sent me to work. If didn't like a job, I'd quit and get something else immediately. And this is where a lot of your parents are living, in the distant past, thinking it's all the same. I might be the same way if I hadn't experienced this last year. And I HAVE experience and work history. I still could paper the walls with rejects. So don't let anybody make you feel like the problem is you.?It doesn't help that the interview process usually weeds out hard-working people for those who can act excited and outgoing. My brother got a job as a bag boy in Publix at 25 with no work experience and no volunteer work. He sent out very few applications while he sat at home and played video games. I was busy going to interviews and applying toentry?retail/restaurant jobs in the area. So far, nothing. I have a feeling too that the volunteer work I do will lead to a?fast food?job too, getting minimum wage. While my bro gets $8.50 an hour plus tips (not bad for a first job).Wow. He's 25 and never had a job before???Also I'm sure if one can speak Spanish can help get a job in FL too. When I lived down there a lot of the workers at Publix were Mexican or Cuban and a number of them didn't speak much English at all.Yeah, Spanish is more in demand here than English. I don't know Spanish either, even though my mom is Cuban. She came at a time when Hispanics were a minority, so she learned English and my dad also speaks English. Most kids here learn Spanish simply because the parents are too stubborn to speak English. The one thing I have going for me is that I am technically Hispanic, but I don't like to share my ethnicity on applications.I'm 22 with no work experience as well. We had naive, but good-intentioned parents who thought it would be a mistake to let us work. They didn't want our grades to suffer, and they also couldn't afford to give us a car. Now I'm trying to make the best of my situation.My parents made the same mistake. When I was a teen, I couldn't wait to turn 16 so that I could get a job. (I'd heard that it's illegal to work if you are under 16, though I've heard of some people who started working at 14).But my dad refused to allow me to work. He also refused to allow me to get my?driver's license until I was 18. (Money for a car was not an issue!)My dad would not allow me to do anything that might interfere with school and grades. To him,?college?was the most important thing in the world. Dad believed a college degree=a good job. He was from a very different era.My friends who had parents who allowed them to work during high school and college are doing far better than I am. I've heard that employers like to see that applicants started working at a young age.I never worked in high school, but it wasn't because I didn't need to, I just didn't. When I was about 20 or 21 I guess, I applied at this pizza place near home where my sister applied. At the interview the girl goes "you never worked before. That's odd" I felt so dumb. Of course not hired but my sis, who worked in HS did. I tried to use youth as long as I coukd, using going to school as to why I didn't have experience. I always hated how she said "that's odd" well maybe I didn't need to work. Not ever teen works.But I knew I was going to need something because I was getting old and I already hated filing out apps with nothing to write on them. I don't regretcollege?I just regret not getting a worthy degree. I saw an ad yesterday for a PART TIME receptionist at a grammar school. Wanted 5 years experience and a college degree. Sadly, I do need that degree. AND 5 years experience!I've been finding out that employers today, even larger ones, want more than just date of hire, date of separation, title, details about the position's duties, and salary and they want to hear directly from bosses, managers and supervisors otherwise you can forget it.I went to a job fair last month and the?HR?representative for Snap Diagnostics told me that unless I had boss, manager and supervisors they could talk to and who could say something good on my behalf, they weren't interested in pursing anything with me and that my letter of reference/recommendation from Camile wouldn't suffice.I met a guy at my?bus driver?interviewer, he'd been with?Boeing?for 25 years, well Boeing decided to shut down their office in Los Angeles and move to Mexico where?labor?(of course) is cheaper. They let every one go last month. He loss his home and is now renting a one bedroom for himself, wife and 15 month old baby.?Just sad. Your loyal to a company and they treat you like trash when greed comes into play.Does it bother anyone else when the online job application only specifies the job's location as (city?you're in)? Miami is a pretty big place, and I don't have a car, which is obviously why I need a job. I'm not going to apply to a position that's over ten miles away, especially when getting home might be an issue depending on the hours (since I'd be taking the bus). The least you can do is list your address.The logic is that if you can keep moving from job to job after a few months at one job, you stand a better chance of bettering yourself career wise. You keep yourself from being locked into a lower paying job with no benefits, very few benefits or crappy benefits longer than you absolutely have to be.Besides, if loyalty means nothing anymore to most employers, then why bother staying longer than you absolutely have to stay there? If they don't care, why should you? Might as well try to better yourself on the heels of the job you have with them before they dump you or screw you over somehow.I signed up for a?healthcare?policy directly with Land of Lincoln?Health(LLH) via their website. I chose a silver PPO plan with a $1,500 deductible for $244.46 a month. The plan is effective 1/1/2015.I know this woman offers health?insurance, but I'm not entirely sure what that is. Even though she has a total of 60 employees, not all are full-time. Most are part-time. She could only offer one choice for healthcare coverage and it could be an HMO for all I know in an effort to keep costs low. I hate HMOs and would never be a part of one. Not to mention, the 90 days it'll take me to get health insurance through her will bring me relatively close to that 3 month mark of not having insurance for 2015 and I'd like to avoid the penalty at all costs. I hate Obamacare. I wish this would be repealed. I got the short end of the stick and it's not affordable for me. If having?health?insurance?was so important, then why were employers with less than 50 employees exempt from providing?healthcare?coverage? Why was the employer mandate delayed? Why aren't all employers required to provide healthcare to employees and from the very first day of employment?The thing I dislike about Obamacare is that it really is NOT affordable. And insurers STILL look at pre-existing conditions--they just can't admit it anymore. Most irksome, I'll never understand why 'open enrollment' is limited to just 3 months out of the year! Everyone is scrambling to try to get health insurance, all at the exact same time of the year. They definitely should allow people to change plans at ANY time of the year, IMO.My health insurance agent just called me a couple of days ago and told me that only NOW is the info about other health plans available for him to compare. AND my agent says I need to make a choice by Dec. 14th, so it seems like I'm being given less than a month to make an extremely important decision re: my future health insurance. Why can't Obamacare enrollment be year-round? That only makes good sense.I totally agree.That said, open enrollment was just supposed to apply to the Marketplaces, both?federal?and state. They never wrote any language into the ACA that specifically said insurance companies (BCBC, Aetna, Humana, UHC, Assurant, Coventry, etc...) had to adhere to the open enrollment period when selling individual insurance plans off Marketplace, directly to consumers. This was a decision the insurance companies made on their own to sell off Marketplace, directly to consumers only during that 3-month open enrollment period (which they want to shorten by 2 weeks next year.)As for making changes, again, this was just limited to the open enrollment period and only applied to what was bought on the Marketplaces. Theinsurance?companies made the choice on their own to lock you in during the rest the year even if you bought off Marketplace. I guess the?insurance?companies wanted continuity.For any of you hoping to find a low wage job to get by on, forget it now. You have to compete with the $3000 per illegal that the?government?is giving out to businesses to hire them over between this and the tax?credit?the?business?owners are getting more of a free ride. This also affects people like me with?college?degree jobs.Most people believe us Americans are dumber than $hit compared to our Indian and?Chinese?counterparts. I guess so now that we always seem to vote in people not for the American person. Good job!business/incentives/opptax/wotcEmployers.cfmI still and will always say you must first take care of your own people in your own back yard first, then if there is anything left over, bring in more people.So who foots these $3000 money-grabs?There's an ad for a residential?helper?for waste management."Required: Six months previous experience."You need work experience to help dispose of waste. What is this world coming to?This ad is designed for the immigrant because they have so much $h-t in their countries. They literally have $sh-tloads of experience. The American?government?says so; us American citizens are just little dmb-$sh-ts.What'll we see next?"NEEDED: Lemonade Stand Sales Position?REQUIRED: Bachelor's Degree, one to two years previous sales experience,?bilingual?(English, Spanish, ability to achieve and surpass sales goals.Perks: NonePay: Minimum wageHours: Part time, must be available for nights and holidays"And perhaps a dual major with with you said, and the second anagriculture?degree with emphasis in lemon crops.Yes, this is my understanding of it. The 90 probationary period coincides with the wait period for benefits.This could be bad for many single people like myself who get jobs at the end of the year (in December) and at the start of the year (in January). To avoid incurring a potential penalty for going uninsured for 3 months or longer, the newly hired employee will have to purchase individualhealthcare, whether or on or the exchange, in an effort to cover themselves during the 3 months they're waiting to become eligible and to sign up for?insurance?— which will most likely have an effective start date 2 weeks out from the time they sign up. For most people, trying to afford insurance after just having been hired will be rather difficult, depending on their?financial?situation, as insurance is STILL rather costly. For me, the cheapest insurance I can get right now is a Blue Choice Bronze PPO plan with BCBS for $175.51 a month. (Prior to Obamacare, I was almost away generally able to pay $150 or less a month for decent healthcare that I was more than happy with.)Unfortunately, the?law?says I MUST have?health?insurance. Not to mention, I really need it. Now more than ever because at my age (I'm pushing 40) I'm starting to have some medical problems that need attention. Not to mention, you just never know what's going to happen. I got a UTI once and wasn't insured... it broke mom's piggy?bank. We ended up owing well over $2,000 to the?hospital?and ER doctor that treated me.I feel like I'm being punished by Obamacare.For any of you hoping to find a low wage job to get by on, forget it now. You have to compete with the $3000 per illegal that thegovernment?is giving out to businesses to hire them over's DEFINITELY not good.We're watching the collapse of the US empire.I've had it bad where a couple of my jobs I was laid off or let go. Not one of my jobs I transitioned from one job to another.And, of course, all the?hiring?managers look at you cross eyed and wonder what's wrong with you, why you can't hold a job why you don't want a career, etc... .They do too. A lot of people have not been affected by The Great Recession and hold little sympathy for those of us who have. We are just all lazy, good for nothing slackers. That's how they think. Ain't that right Mom?We're watching the collapse of the US empire.If I say this is the demise of what we once held as good, we get called "negative thinkers".?The REAL negativity are those in denial thinking the economy has (or will) bounce back.It's not just a "recession".The thing I dislike about Obamacare is that it really is NOT affordable. And insurers STILL look at pre-existing conditions--they just can't admit it anymore. Most irksome, I'll never understand why 'open enrollment' is limited to just 3 months out of the year! Everyone is scrambling to try to get?health?insurance, all at the exact same time of the year. They definitely should allow people to change plans at ANY time of the year, IMO.My health insurance agent just called me a couple of days ago and told me that only NOW is the info about other health plans available for him to compare. AND my agent says I need to make a choice by Dec. 14th, so it seems like I'm being given less than a month to make an extremely important decision re: my future health insurance. Why can't Obamacare enrollment be year-round? That only makes good sense.You're paying for everyone else, and that's why utilities, insurance, phone bills, etc. are so high. It's how America subsidizes so many people who don't work or have a lot of?children?on the dole.I don't think I will ever find a decent job. I'll be 40 while all my younger cousins will have far better jobs when they graduate soon.I have given up trying to find work. I must have filled out 80 or so apps, craigs list replies the last month with very little luck. I graduate Dec 2013 and so far worked two crappy retail jobs that have not lasted.I think my?business?degree was a waste of money.if u feel bad now for not having a job. PLEASE dont go to linkedlnn. cause u will feel even worse reading other profiles. i am a big loser compared to others!I don't care for those brag sites either.?I think a lot are "embellished", rather sales-y.?Remember, those people could lose their jobs at any time too.well i guess this is the slow time of yr for seeking a job. good news is we get a month long vacation from job seeking. Ha Ha...j/kI am doing some fill in work, but nothing is definite. No set hours, nohealth?insurance.Everything now is geared toward taking money from us.People are going to have to create a better place if they want a better place. This has been the way for thousands of years. It's no different now.The only thing to me that is better in this day and age is the ability to have a tooth fixed or filled if you need it. Everything else sucks.That's DEFINITELY not good.Yeah this totally fouls up my chances. And in my area, Cleveland, there are plenty of immigrants from many countries.Many landscapers around here have been?hiring?summer workers from Mexico for years. This will really open up the floodgates.It will be interesting now to see where us American born citizens will go and do.I don't know if I'll have a shot at this, but I did find a job ad for a place that is hiring engineers for oil field work in?Iraq. I really didn't want to move to Iraq but I guess part of the American governments plan is to exchange us for new immigrants.Perhaps maybe because the new immigrants will be unwise to the antics of our?government?and they will stay loyal to the government that accepted them with open arms. Probably just a matter of time and these new immigrants will also become wise to the antics and then the whole cycle repeats itself.I really hope I'm wrong but the 30 day period will take you just past the high times of the holidays. And?business?slows down again?Well, 30 days (one month) takes me to Christmas. Christmas Eve to be precise. (What a hell of a time to find out if you're headed out the door.) 90 days (3 months) takes me out to the very end of February. If I were to go all of January, February and March uninsured, they'd hit me with a penalty.It's important this job works out so either way,?insurance?through her or individual coverage, I have something to avoid being hit with a penalty. If this job doesn't work out and she ever got rid of me, I'd have to hustle my a** to find another job so I could get covered again. I'd have a 3-month of being unemployed to work with. Otherwise, I'd have to file for a hardship exemption again.I hope it works out. But if you're not working, like me, you get a free ride with Obamacare. I don't have to pay anything for the coverage. If you have no income I don't see how they can make you pay a penalty.My last employer layed me off the first?business?day after Thanksgiving. This Monday is my 13th anniversary. If anyone is in the Cleveland want to have a few drinks and help me celebrate?Yeah this totally fouls up my chances. And in my area, Cleveland, there are plenty of immigrants from many countries.Many landscapers around here have been?hiring?summer workers from Mexico for years. This will really open up the floodgates.It will be interesting now to see where us American born citizens will go and do.I don't know if I'll have a shot at this, but I did find a job ad for a place that is hiring engineers for oil field work in?Iraq. I really didn't want to move to Iraq but I guess part of the American governments plan is to exchange us for new immigrants.Perhaps maybe because the new immigrants will be unwise to the antics of ourgovernment?and they will stay loyal to the government that accepted them with open arms. Probably just a matter of time and these new immigrants will also become wise to the antics and then the whole cycle repeats itself.Those coming from other places will like it here for awhile, until things become so 3rd world familiar and then they seek better grounds.Right now they are getting all the freebies. But that can't last.Well, 30 days (one month) takes me to Christmas. Christmas Eve to be precise. (What a hell of a time to find out if you're headed out the door.) 90 days (3 months) takes me out to the very end of February. If I were to go all of January, February and March uninsured, they'd hit me with a penalty.It's important this job works out so either way,?insurance?through her or individual coverage, I have something to avoid being hit with a penalty. If this job doesn't work out and she ever got rid of me, I'd have to hustle my a** to find another job so I could get covered again. I'd have a 3-month of being unemployed to work with. Otherwise, I'd have to file for a hardship exemption again.My "job" has no insurance but better than being unemployed. I've been looking at the?healthcare?plans. It's like buying a car without the car.Cheap plans are 300-400 or more. Over 6,000 deductible. After deductible is met, you pay 20% copay.So basically, with the monthly premium, you get nothing until you spend over $6,000 of your own money.How can they get away with this? It's just not decent.They get their money from us either way, if we buy it or get fined.How can you be charged something for nothing?How can they make us pay for others?I read those coming into the US or have "been here" are now qualifying for free benefits, courtesy of us.So when I work and pay taxes, I pay for them.My "job" has no?insurance?but better than being unemployed. I've been looking at the?healthcare?plans. It's like buying a car without the car.Cheap plans are 300-400 or more. Over 6,000 deductible. After deductible is met, you pay 20% copay.So basically, with the monthly premium, you get nothing until you spend over $6,000 of your own money.How can they get away with this? It's just not decent.They get their money from us either way, if we buy it or get fined.How can you be charged something for nothing?How can they make us pay for others?I read those coming into the US or have "been here" are now qualifying for free benefits, courtesy of us.So when I work and pay taxes, I pay for them.Makes you sick, huh? They have the money to lobby and get laws passed for them. Politicians love the extra money in their pockets.Makes you sick, huh? They have the money to lobby and get laws passed for them. Politicians love the extra money in their pockets.Our elected "representatives" no longer represent us. It's truly amazing how quickly this nation is changing. Yet, with the media, it's like it's a great day/every day out there.High taxes, escalating inflation, fewer and fewer real jobs with benefits, increased population, more cars on the freeway, more pollution, more noise, less quality in?food, services, you name it. Everything is going up in price every week.Everyone screaming for their piece of the pie, but we have to work for it.What makes me sick are those local tv people when they get on the six o'clock news all excited, with their six figure income. They tell us, "great news, jobs are here! You're hard times are over." They then tell you about the new Walmart that has come to town and when they will their career fair.I sure wish I could taste my piece of this American pie, but after it is shown to me, the?government?always manages to steal it and give it to someone else.Forget about me (and you) and how we retrained and worked hard under the guidance of our government.Forget about how we did everything the government said to do for this piece of pie. Forget about how we all went aboard the media brain train for a better life. That's another rant for another time, about who really controls media and the information that is spoon fed to the people.Forget all of it. It's all just one big lie.I really didn't want to live in a colder climate but I wonder if Canada is an option to move and finally have a job, some self respect, and dignity. I'd prefer Canada over?Iraq?any day.I hear you! What I'm sick of are these bouts where I get 3-4 interviews within a couple of weeks and start to feel a bit of hope that people are calling, though I hate when they bunch up all at once and I feel out of 4 I should be able to land one and then they all reject me! It makes me feel so worthless I can't get one to say yes. It's why I just go 'whatever' now because I'm used to the rejection routine.All October I got nothing, this month I got 4 interviews. But it does get annoying when they all keep ending the same way. But at almost 6 months I feel something has to break soon. Hopefully, lol.I hope you people realize that when employers hire family and friends intoHR, they will pretend to have job openings to justify?hiring?said person. It gives the HR person an ongoing job.Oftentimes companies trash resumes every 30 or 60 days. The actual time limit depends on the company.It's like?city?jobs, such as police and?fire. They don't actually have any job openings but they have to keep an ongoing active pool of candidates in the?event?there is a job opening.They stipulate in their laws, however, that at the end of the day of interviews, they can pretty much whoever the HE|| they want, and they do.Those coming from other places will like it here for awhile, until things become so 3rd world familiar and then they seek better grounds.Right now they are getting all the freebies. But that can't last.Many are coming to avoid violence in their own countries. American corporations move to other countries to avoid taxes but do very little to improve the living conditions in those countries. In fact, their presence in other countries often exacerbates the violence. Plus, the companies can puke their?industrial?waste all over those countries because there are no protective?federal?pounding greed quarterly.It would be more advantageous to make Mexico a better place. Right now, the things Mexico has going for it is huge?labor?source, drug money, oil as a resource, some?agriculture, etc.?We cannot support the 20 million or more just in Mexico?City?alone, but somehow, some people think the answer to the problem is to bring people here and throw them on the dole and let us take care of them.What makes me sick are those local tv people when they get on the six o'clock news all excited, with their six figure income. They tell us, "great news, jobs are here! You're hard times are over." They then tell you about the new Walmart that has come to town and when they will their career fair.I sure wish I could taste my piece of this American pie, but after it is shown to me, the?government?always manages to steal it and give it to someone else.Forget about me (and you) and how we retrained and worked hard under the guidance of our government.Forget about how we did everything the government said to do for this piece of pie. Forget about how we all went aboard the media brain train for a better life. That's another rant for another time, about who really controls media and the information that is spoon fed to the people.Forget all of it. It's all just one big lie.I really didn't want to live in a colder climate but I wonder if Canada is an option to move and finally have a job, some self respect, and dignity. I'd prefer Canada over?Iraq?any day.Yes, the system doesn't reward us. It just enslaves us for being the hard worker. I'm sure you've heard that line about how bosses will work the good worker harder than the bad worker.We don't get much for our taxes.?hope it works out. But if you're not working, like me, you get a free ride with Obamacare. I don't have to pay anything for the coverage. If you have no income I don't see how they can make you pay a penalty.Free ride with Obamacare? Believe me, it's all but free. If you take a subsidy, then you may end having to pay some or all of it back at tax time.That said, the Supreme?Court?is getting set to hear a case and to make a ruling about the subsidies people are getting in states that are requiring people to go through the?federal?Marketplace. Supposedly, the subsidies are illegal and only intended for people living in states that run their own Marketplace. I guess it has to do with ACA wording. The courts seem to be taking a literal view of the wording saying that when the?law?states thathealth?insurance?subsidies can only be given through an “exchange established by the State” it refers only to those marketplaces set up by individual states and can't be taken to mean exchanges formed by thefederal government?even though the country is considered a sovereign state. So should the justices of the Supreme Court find that subsidies in federal exchanges aren't allowed, about 4.5 million people will end up losing their subsidies and since the majority of them need those subsidies they'll end up getting rid of their?healthcare?coverage because they can't afford it on their own.FYI, IL is a state that makes its people go through the federal Marketplace. We don't have our own state run exchange. So everyone living in this state receiving a subsidy is currently at risk of eventually losing it.As for the penalty, they simply deduct it from your taxes if you're getting a refund. If you owe money, they simply tack on the penalty to whatever it is you owe the state and/or federal?government?at tax time.Personally, I don't want no damn free ride.I want?health?insurance?to return to the way it used to be when I could actually afford it on my own and have it even during times of unemployment.I was happy with my Assurant Health plans for 2 years and am upset Obama made me give it up in wake of his ever so famous lie on national television, "If you like your health insurance, you can keep it." What a bunch of BS that was.My "job" has no?insurance?but better than being unemployed. I've been looking at the?healthcare?plans. It's like buying a car without the car.Cheap plans are 300-400 or more. Over 6,000 deductible. After deductible is met, you pay 20% copay.So basically, with the monthly premium, you get nothing until you spend over $6,000 of your own money.How can they get away with this? It's just not decent.That's pretty much what it's like for the vast majority of people now who used to be able to afford individual coverage on their own pre-Obamacare.Most individual plans are limited network plans (LNPs) or HMOs to help keep costs as low as possible but then you sacrifice qualify for cost.The cheapest insurance for me right now is a BCBC bronze plan just under $200 a month, $175.51 to be exact and that's for a $6,000 deductible. It's a LNP and my PCP and some of my other providers aren't accepting that. I'd need to get something over $200 a month with BCBS if I want to keep my PCP and other providers.Most plans require you to meet a deductible before they start paying anything.It's not fair, but Obama and the Dems own this one and I intend to start changing how I vote. I may e Democratic but I've been voting Republican and am giving anyone who wants to repeal Obamacare extra browning points.Obamacare is one big f***ing joke.Watch out for the free ride. The subsidies have to be paid back if you get a job and your?financial?situation improves. Read the guidelines.Can you give me a link to this? I recall only reading something about when I die, they have the option to the estate or something like that.They won't get much from me because when I am of?legal?age for social security, I bet all of it would go to repay for Obamacare. So I'd starve to death in a couple weeks. That is if I live to be that old.How can any of us unemployed watch out about this Obamacare free ride. It's the?law?they are forcing us to take it. So then maybe I should just go off if it. They can't collect it from me since I don't file income tax because I have zero income.They can go collect it from the non-citizen immigrants that they are giving pardons to and paying their employers $3K. They can very well exclude me from their antics.Kennebunk is this accurate and what you are talking about?millions-face-surprise-tax-bills-under-obamacare-22451/This is if you happen to make more than you report, so you get a larger subsidy then you are entitled to so yes you have to pay back the difference.I always accurately know my income. ZERO.This article talks about how people have to pay back the amount of subsidy they receive if they were not entitled to it. It doesn't say they have to pay back all of the subsidy amount they received.Unless I don't understand this or there is a better page that explains this. Please post a link.?Never tried LinkedIn. Have had some luck with Monster and CareerBuilder. Most of my good fortune comes from Craigslist or, as I did with this home?health?agency job, cold E-Mailing employers.Yes I really don't see a need for any job board or staffing agencies, unless the employer exclusively uses them.Locally, I can scope out in person all of the businesses then research them and contact them.For out of town, there is enough on the internet, and?google?maps to scope out companies and then contact them.That's lazy for people not to keep a list of employers and when they contact them about employment. Why rely on stupid head hunters?How do headhunters find out about job openings? Can't we just do what they do to find job openings?Sadly, employment/staffing/personnel/temporary/recruiting agencies tend to help those they can most benefit from nowadays and we all know the group they can most benefit from are is Hispanics. In fact, it's not uncommon to see those agencies employ Hispanic people so they can speak to them in Spanish.They can benefit from Hispanics for a plethora of reasons:1. Hispanics are willing to take many jobs non-Hispanics don't want to work.?2. Hispanics have no problems getting down and dirty or doing really laborious work.?3. Hispanics will work for really low wages and are satisfied with those low wages.?4. Hispanics don't necessarily need [job] benefits to be happy workers.?5. Employers like to hire people who can speak Spanish. (I saw a job and for a?forklift operator?and they wanted someone who spoke Spanish.)?6. Hispanics are least likely to complain about the work environment and things like working overtime.Remember, they can get by a lot easier on very low pay because they qualify for other public assistance and such that you and I are not eligible for. That's why they don't care about benefits as much as you and I. A great many of them do not work, so this is propaganda given to us so we will accept them as "workers". Look at the statistics. This is what is?drivingup the cost of your utilities, water, phone,?cable, medicine, and overall taxes. Someone has to pay for it, and that someone is you and me. You are paying their bills. If you walk in an ER and get hit with bills to pay, you are paying them. They get free.The whole Spanish thing is for them. A nation is united in several ways, one giant one is language.?If any of us went to any country to live, we would be expected to know the language.Also whenever you have a new "group of laborers" who are content with pay, it's only a short time before they will be demanding more money.?It always goes that way. Once they perceive that?business?is dependent on them and there is no other source of?labor?to turn to, they will demand more.Gee - maybe the American employers will go back to employing AMERICANS then! How cool would THAT be?!Yes, there are a lot of Hispanics on some kind of?government?assistance. A lot of the people who utilize?food?pantries are also Hispanic.However, Hispanics also know how to save and be tight with their money. When I used to do yard sales regularly for many years up until my mid early to mid 30s (I don't do them as much anymore), I can't tell you how many Hispanics would come and try to talk me down when I wasn't even asking a lot to begin with. It wasn't uncommon for a Hispanic or theirchildren?to ask me (if their parent or parents didn't speak English) if they could have just about everything for a quarter. It's like they wanted things for free almost and yet I knew they had money to spend. They were just being cheap for the sake of being cheap.Sometimes, I question their government assistance and food pantry use when so many of them are in?business?for themselves and doing some kind of trade (landscaping?and tree removal, plumbing, electricity,?HVAC,construction, paving and home remodeling/renovation, etc...).Hispanics will ALWAYS be content with low wages simply because what they get here is so much more than they get in Mexico or wherever else they're form.They are costing us taxpayers billions of dollars per year. The whole charity system idea was not something that was supposed to give millions of people a check,?healthcare, food, educations.?It just wasn't. It was for those who truly cannot work, are disabled, sick, or older. Now we have millions coming here just to get the free all-you-can-eat buffet. They come right over the border to birth babies and get other free care and services. Many hospitals in California have closed.Most of us know this cannot go on forever. As people come here and birth more and more babies, who also go on the system, it's is becoming top heavy. America is viewed as some kind of a never-ending bread basket. If you are working, you are paying for all of this with your taxes. Just read the statistics of what it costs (billions of $$$) the taxpayer to house, feed, birth and educate their?children, and give them free medical care and?college. It's appalling, when citizens are denied these things, who paid into the system and need help.Hispanics will ALWAYS be content with low wages simply because what they get here is so much more than they get in Mexico or wherever else they're form.You may think they will always be content, but they see how others live in the US and will want that. They are already demanding more withhealthcare. Remember, they have activist groups prompting them, too.hey are already demanding more withhealthcare.They're demanding it for the 'Dreamers' group, which are?children?and young adults who were brought here by their parents when they came here illegally. If they're on the up and up (law?abiding) and paying taxes and contributing in a good way to our society, then perhaps they deserve that. After all, it's only fair. Unfortunately, the children of the illegal immigrants have virtually no say in coming here. As a child, you listen to your parents and do what you're told. By coming here with mom and dad, they're doing just that.I can also see why 'Dreamers' wouldn't want to be deported back to Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba or wherever else they initially came from because they become more and more disconnected to that culture and way of life the longer they're here. In other words, they're becoming Americanized. If you send an Americanized Hispanic child or teenager back to Mexico or wherever else they came from, they're treated differently and even ostracized.It's NOT the child's fault and yet many want to see them punished simply because their parents made a bad choice/the wrong choice in life.You may think they will always be content, but they see how others live in the US and will want that.I disagree.I always check mark the caucasian box for ethnicity. I then follow it by check marking non-Hispanic. Technically, I'm half Hispanic (part Mexican and part Puerto Rican) and half Caucasian. Even though my mom and dad divorced when I was quite young and I never really grew up exposed to a Hispanic culture and way of life, I know enough from my dad's side of the family to know they're always going to be fairly content.Wow. I can't see that. Around here the temp agencies that's all they hire are blacks. My temp job that lasted a day 18 out of 20 in the training class were black.It probably has a lot to do with location. Over the past 10 or so years, my county in IL has seen a HUGE increase in the Hispanic population and some communities like Round Lake, Mundelein, and Highwood have seen a really sharp increase in Hispanics.While I agree with those who see immigration as a huge problem, I also agree with this. It's not the kids' fault. Anybody who would risk life and limb to get here must have an awful situation in their own country. That said, what in the hell would be wrong with, as soon as they arrive and show up at Town Hall for assistance, DOCUMENTING THEM??! No assistance to anyone who is undocumented. I'M documented - I'm an American born here, but the?government?knows ALL about ME!! Why not all about THEM??! Then maybe 60-90 days, you need to be supporting yourself, or a family member needs to be supporting you, just like us Americans. If they continue to make things SO COMFORTABLE for anybody who walks across the border, at the expense of we who have to work our asses off for all that stuff, it will NEVER be resolved.Yes, there are a lot of Hispanics on some kind ofgovernment?assistance. A lot of the people who utilize?food?pantries are also Hispanic.......Sometimes, I question their government assistance and food pantry use when so many of them are in?business?for themselves and doing some kind of trade (landscaping?and tree removal, plumbing, electricity,?HVAC,?construction, paving and home remodeling/renovation, etc...).We had an old couch once we thought we would give away to someone we thought was needy. Someone had placed an ad obviously a private person hauling things.It turned out to be a hispanic guy from our neighboring town, which has a 25% population of hispanic or latino people.We were disappointed because they guy came half drunk with a liquor smell. We didn't really want to give it to someone that is reckless with their money.That reminds me of another situation. I went to my local?grocery store?that has those coin machines so you don't have to wrap the coins.While I used it, a group of 5 hispanics came in and waited behind me to use it. After I was done, while I walked around looking, I made sure to see what these guys bought. They checked out with only?beer?and potato chips. Then they walked out to one of those big vans that carries seasonal workers around to the farms and landscaping jobs. This was in the middle of the summer.They're demanding it for the 'Dreamers' group, which are?children?and young adults who were brought here by their parents when they came here illegally. If they're on the up and up (law?abiding) and paying taxes and contributing in a good way to our society, then perhaps they deserve that. After all, it's only fair. Unfortunately, the children of the illegal immigrants have virtually no say in coming here. As a child, you listen to your parents and do what you're told. By coming here with mom and dad, they're doing just that.I can also see why 'Dreamers' wouldn't want to be deported back to Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, Cuba or wherever else they initially came from because they become more and more disconnected to that culture and way of life the longer they're here. In other words, they're becoming Americanized. If you send an Americanized Hispanic child or teenager back to Mexico or wherever else they came from, they're treated differently and even ostracized.It's NOT the child's fault and yet many want to see them punished simply because their parents made a bad choice/the wrong choice in life.It's not about "fault" or "blame". They knowingly have their children here to enjoy the advantages of being in the United States.Mexicans demand things here, why not demand it in Mexico? The "dreamers" need to change their own nation, instead of just coming here and expecting everything be handed to them.There truly is a huge advantage to changing your own nation and not trying to make another nation into yours. Things will continue to be bad in Mexico until the people decide to change it.America simply cannot absorb millions of people onto its social services/assistance net.Saying hispanics will stay content is denying that they will ever integrate into American society and will be treated as second-class citizens. A lot of people think they are going to stay here and eternally pick crops or clean homes. If someone is smart enough and given the right opportunities, they will move up through the social classes.Immigration is one of the tools to overhaul the?labor?force to lower wages, and it's especially detrimental to Americans at a time when vacant jobs are almost non-existant. The politicians are granting amnesty to please thebusiness?owners, not because they "care".My message wont post with a link to that GE job in?Iraq. Here it is without the link. Hmmmmm.We're going through a major process of ethnicity and cultural change, all to the demise of our once great America. In with the non-citizens and out with us citizens.If this link works, here is the job I mentioned in another post. If I get it I will have to move to Iraq. You'd think a big corporation like?General?Electric would at least provide some moving expenses.Wow so much for things being confidential and not used for the selection process.?They're breaking the?law?that's criminal.It's truly about serving special interests, not doing what is best for theirbusiness?or otherwise. If an organization does any kind of business with the?Federal government, and that's just about everyone now, they have to play The Game.?Companies are scared to death of any kind of discrimination suit, but moreover, they want the favor of the?government.?If you aren't in a minority, you have nothing backing you at all.Mexicans demand things here, why not demand it in Mexico?Because in Mexico and in many other poorer countries, the people are persecuted and even killed for rising up, protesting and making such demands. They're expected to be complacent and to accept things the way their are. Their governments are all corrupt.In the U.S. and other similar countries (Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand) we're considered democratic societies. We have due process when arrested and are awarded many freedoms, or rights, the people of Mexico and other poorer countries aren't awarded such as the freedom or right of to speak freely and to do so without the fear of persecution or being killed for doing so.It's truly about serving special interests, not doing what is best for their?business?or otherwise. If an organization does any kind of business with the?Federal government, and that's just about everyone now, they have to play The Game.?Companies are scared to death of any kind of discrimination suit, but moreover, they want the favor of the?government.?If you aren't in a minority, you have nothing backing you at ernment also wants the favor of big business. As my father use to say, "There is the ballot vote and then there is the dollar vote; two different conversations".For Cleveland State University you can only use career services if you are an alum or a student. Anyone that has not gone there can't join and use the job posting section.This is what I mean. How can anyone be allowed to use the?college?job?bankthrough this college central place if only students and graduates are the only ones allowed to sign up and use the actual college career services?The student and graduate paid thousands of dollars and put in many sleepless nights studying, so now anyone off the street can bypass that hard work to try for the same jobs?However, for my local?community?college, that offers only?Associate?degrees, I think they allow anyone use it. But am also alum to that college too so I could be wrong on that.Most people won't qualify for those jobs unless they have the credentials. But it is unfair for someone who didn't go to your school and is qualified, to use your job boards.Schools are very liberal and like to do the generous and "compassionate" thing, which is always to the demise of others. It certainly is not fair to allow others to use the same job boards.Because in Mexico and in many other poorer countries, the people are persecuted and even killed for rising up, protesting and making such demands. They're expected to be complacent and to accept things the way their are. Their governments are all corrupt.In the U.S. and other similar countries (Canada, England, Australia and New Zealand) we're considered democratic societies. We have due process when arrested and are awarded many freedoms, or rights, the people of Mexico and other poorer countries aren't awarded such as the freedom or right of to speak freely and to do so without the fear of persecution or being killed for doing so.We got to be democratic societies by RISING UP! For which I will be eternally grateful to our founding fathers.Just think about how fierce the competition is for low-requirement jobs. Every time I send in an application, I'm going up against hundreds of other people. Then, if I get the job, I'm still not making a livable wage. I don't want to live at my parents' house forever.Think about how much worse this is going to get when you're competing with half of Mexico for that job too.?The lie that Americans didn't/didn't want to do "those jobs"...Americans picked crops, made?hotel?beds, did dishes, landscaped yards, and didconstruction?for generations. Those deceptive mantras people chant that they pick up from the media just are lies.I always get a charge out of watching this guys videos. He was raised Jewish but has left that faith. In his latest video he talks about that immigration reform, among other just want to reiterate that young people are having a hard time finding jobs too. Employers want workers that don't exist. People in their 20s who already have 10 years of relevant work experience.So how do they justify?hiring?their inexperienced friends and relatives? And non-citizen immigrants?Then again, I'm 22 with no work experience, and even though it's perfectly natural to want to focus on your?education, employers treat me like there's something wrong with me for thus far being unemployed.?It's different when you have a connection. You're already 90% there when you walk into the interview. At that point, all you have to do is not crap your pants when you walk in and you're hired.It's getting to where if you don't speak Spanish, no job.I find this deplorable.So it's more important to speak Spanish than know how to do a job.I notice that too a lot of jobs now require you to know Spanish. I saw a couple jobs on indeed I know I could do but it said you must know Spanish which I don't!Well, the border is gone, so it's the North American Union now.?You can see all of the signs of it.?The pols only want their vote, not ours.?Imagine the US in another 50 years.Wow straight from the gov page, they want alot of?bilingual?people. There's alot of?legal?American citizens that speak only English that need to be hired before non-English speaking people. Or am I looking that this the wrong way?I thought you had to learn some English to become a U.S. citizen?JobSearch/Search/GetResults?OrganizationID=EE00&ApplicantEligibility=allThe US may very well be some sort of AmeroAsian Federation in 50 years.Why would you want to work for an employer that keeps rejecting you? Even if you did manage to make it in, would you honestly be happy working at a place that kept rejecting you over and over again?If they don't want you, why waste your time re-applying once, twice or a whole bunch more times? Move on.Yeah This baloney about "keep trying" is no longer something I will entertain. They can go suck it.Hospitals sometimes?contract?with agencies that find employment for people with disabilities to staff their low level positions. I believe they get tax breaks or some other kind of incentive to hire people with disabilities.Also why are hospitals so hard to get into? How do other people get those jobs? I'm not talking like RN, but even material handler and other low level jobs. And I've seen people working low level jobs in hospitals who look like they might have some learning disabilities for example. I even applied for stuff like that before.That's a good question because they are. I feel it's near impossible to apply off the street, you need a connection. And that doesn't always work. I tried many times for?clerk?and?call center?jobs but they wanted previous?hospitalexperience anyway so I just gave up. You need an in for everything now.What are "targeted groups"??Shouldn't they be the people who are most skilled, qualified, experienced for that job?Why would the?government?offer a tax?credit?to hire somebody that is qualified for the job? LOL!business/incentives/opptax/eligible.cfmIt's a true disadvantage for a?business?to hire someone unqualified just to get a tax?credit.?They cannot?fire?them.?That's a lawsuit among other problems.Thinking that the "most qualified" always get the job is a common myth.Because of nepotism and affirmative action.You can see the negative effects on industry all the time.It's all govt influence now. Most businesses are connected to the govt in some way, shape, or form, so they have to play the game.It's the demise of?business. You can see companies struggling. They want to attract the best and brightest, but aren't allowed to.It's sheer darwinism reversed.If I had a?business, why would I want to hire just anyone for a tax?credit?It has to be much more than that if this is going on.So companies have to be?hiring?people to appease the govt "policies" and then make the real employees who know the work.I actually had a job like that once. I had to do my work and someone else's work.It's all govt influence now. Most businesses are connected to the govt in some way, shape, or form, so they have to play the game.It's the demise of?business. You can see companies struggling. They want to attract the best and brightest, but aren't allowed to.It's sheer darwinism reversed.And politicians need money to get elected and where do you think that comes from? Wall St. has been running this show for a long time now.And now businesses will get a $3000 tax credits to hire illegals. It will be even harder for?college?and high school students to get part-time jobs now.I knew about the tax credits because they ask when you fill applications out. I wonder since I don't work if I go on EBT it will make it easier for me to get a job.I saw a part-time?cashier?job near my house on Craigslist I might apply for later today.So much for this?college?degree getting me a good job. I guess I will have to settle for $8 an hour part-time jobs.It also helps on the Diversity bit to say you are a Female, Native American, Disabled Vet, born in Samoa. The more boxes you can tic off, the better.And is their decision making process improved by using the STAR questions and giving 2 or 3 interviews for a position that pays 10-12 $/ hour?Hell, even Starbucks uses STAR questions, where you're making minimum wage to $8 an hour.There are "geniuses" making a living off of coming up with this stuff.?The more tests, the more silly questions, the worse they hire.?I guess none of them have any sense of what is good about a human or not.its all bs now. even car dealerships want experience.some of the dealerships around here are now using head hunters. get real!tough tough job market. it's not that we are doing something wrong for the most part.Pretty soon, all of those employers will opt for the 3K refund per the govt for?hiring?nonAmerican workers.Like the illegal immigrants from south of us who will likely be granted amnesty.... after all, most Americans just can not afford to work for minimum wage and have no desire to cram 20 people in a one bedroomapartment.....Get the "American Dream" of single family homes, good jobs, cars, etc rammed in our faces for decades and look where we are now.I am glad to be working at close to a living wage, but my salary is about 10 years old. And every time I check, prices (food, gas, taxes,?general?living expenses) have all gone up.Yep. And it's almost impossible to find a good full-time job right now. So it will be impossible to find just about anything now.And the other thing with the low pay jobs it seems it's easier for young people to get these jobs. I mean high school and?college?students. If you already have a college degree they won't hire you because they will think you will leave the job for a better job or will ask for too much money.There might be teens and?college?students working in the?fast food?places, but imagine how many people apply. Now imagine how many of those who were hired had a connection.Not sure. I hear the turnover is high though. They hire a lot of "minorities" from the?city. I always see different faces usually whenever I go into these places.The pay is min wage at most places though. Even shift supervisors they get paid a joke wage. I thought about applying for management positions until I see how low the pay is.There doesn't exist a job you can get by simply lowering your expectations. Lots of people are out of work and employers have us by the balls. There's a common misconception that?fast food?places will hire anyone with a warm body, but there are far more people looking for work than there are fast?food?jobs. You think they'll hire anyone because they hire incompetent teens, but that speaks more to the?hiring?process, doesn't it? These managers make us jump through hoops and you get weeded out unless you're the best actor. It's not that they'll hire anyone. I would know.?just know I've had a few interviews in?fast food?and haven't made much progress. I felt like they liked me when I came in to Burger King a month or two ago, but they never called me back and I couldn't remember the name of my interviewer (I had a million things running through my mind, like not screwing up). It can't be that I don't speak Spanish, I was never asked.I know McDonalds many of them require Spanish. Even one in Kansas?Citya poster on here said it was required but that might vary since they're franchise owned.You're not missing much. There are much better min wage jobs to work than fast?food?though. have you tried Publix again? Even just a bagger is better than fast food. When I was a bagger in Naples during season the old people would always tip me too.The last min wage job interview I had was JoAnn Fabric. They were tripping over themselves to hire me literally but when I went for the interview I saw how hectic the job was and then when the manager told me all the things you had to learn there was no way I was going to do that for 7.50 an?hr?and I think she realized it too. From what I saw they have a hard time finding anyone to do the work the manager told me.It's strange because I have had a bit better luck getting interviews for min wage jobs. It's the ones that are full-time and in an office is what I'm hitting a brick wall. I have a degree and I can't work for 8.50 an hr and 10 hours a week. I live at home and only have my two?credit?card bills and car payments. My parents pay my?health?insurance?and everything else and my student loan I don't have to pay it right now because I don't have a job. If I have to start paying the 300 something a month starting in Jan I am totally screwed.My degree is basically a piece of toilet paper. They say?business?degrees go to get but it has got me nowhere except low paying jobs that no degree is required. What a waste of time it was.If I can ask but what is your race? I ask this because as we all know Miami has a HUGE Hispanic population and they I would think are probably?hiringother Hispanics for those positions. In Naples that happened a lot.Have you thought about looking up in the Tampa area? I would think that would be better for jobs and?housing?is a lot cheaper the further north in FL you go. Of course you don't get the year round warm weather like Miami does.Wow. I really think South FL has a terrible job market still. Like I said it took them a month to contact my aunt for an interview last week and she had to bug them a couple times and it's not even the store she applied for but she is desperate so is taking the position.When I lived in Naples I got hired on at Publix back in 2000 while in High School. It was so easy back then. My mom worked as a?cashier?there already though. I walked in, interviewed with the two managers for a bit and got hired. Was pretty simple. No?computer?applications BS like today.It's sooo hard to get even these min wage jobs now. I remember the times like back in 2006 how easy it would be to get any job you want. if you applied you likely got hired. Now you apply and chances are you will never hear from them.Even in 2009 when the recession was at the worse it was still easier to get interviews than it is today it seems.They say the economy is doing well lol. It seems to be getting harder and harder to find a job.Like the illegal immigrants from south of us who will likely be granted amnesty.... after all, most Americans just can not afford to work for minimum wage and have no desire to cram 20 people in a one bedroom?apartment.....Get the "American Dream" of single family homes, good jobs, cars, etc rammed in our faces for decades and look where we are now.I am glad to be working at close to a living wage, but my salary is about 10 years old. And every time I check, prices (food, gas, taxes,?general?living expenses) have all gone up.Yes, even when we make low wages, we don't "qualify" for any money. We have to pay for everything and live cheap. Wealth redistribution.I did the math based on $9/HR?and a 52 week year.$3000 is roughly 6.4 hours a week for the 52 weeks.So when these places only have you work an afternoon for 4 hours, they not only are getting free?labor, they are also making a profit.That is all Macy's would work me some weeks was like 4 hours a week. Then the week before I quit I had ZERO hours.I found out they do that at the other Macys stores too with the part-time and seasonal workers especially freight and signage team.IMO what I think they do with the seasonal help is work them 3 to 8 hours a week starting in Sept when they do the?hiring, then on black Friday week and the couple weeks leading up to Christmas work them like 20-30 hours a week. Then after?inventory?in Jan they either cut your hours to about 4 hours a week or just let you go. Usually they let you go. When I was at orientation for the?call center?job that didn't work out there was another girl there who worked at the largest and busiest macy's store in town. She quit too because she was only getting about 8 hours a week she said.What a farce. Even for a?college?student how is 4 hours a week supposed to pay for anything other than a tank of gas in order to drive to work?When I did the Macy's temp job back in 2008 they gave a lot more hours. During the slow times I still got about 15 hours a week. None of this 4 hour bs.You're damned if you're rejected and you're damned if you actually get offered a job. Either way, employers hold all the cards now. It's misery for people looking for work and for many people who are working they're simply not happy for one reason or another (hours, pay, benefits, work environment, etc...).In?call center?training, they told us that 20% of the population has some form of mental illness and we were to expect to get a few "doozies". I can tell you from working at a call center, that 20% is a conservative estimate.I wonder what the percentage is of politicians? Most are narcissist.Does anyone ever see those episodes of Dr. Phil where he has "lazy" young people on them? I admit some of those stories are bad, but a lot of them living at home can't help it. Like I can across on youtube recently from an episode a 23 yr old guy who dropped out of military academy and was really a smart guy but said he hit a "brick wall." Anyways he is back in school to become an?engineer?but his mom?claims?he's lazy and just stays at home, sleeps and plays on the?computer?when he's not in school. Turns out he does have a job but he says it only works him about 12 hours some weeks being a bouncer and he doesn't have gas money to go looking for jobs.Heck I'd be happy with a 12 hour a week job like that if I was big enough to do it! Plus if you're in school full-time for something hard like?engineering?I can't see how you could work a lot anyways.Do people like Dr. Phil who make probably 15 million a year even understand how us little people struggle? It seems the rich really don't understand how hard it is to find good work. He always tells parents to just throw the kids out of the house. If they can't find work how can they pay rent??I also wish executives and CEOs would take a look at these horrible job application programs like Taleo, People Soft, Kronos, etc and see the hell we have to go through filling these out each time for some $9 an hour job.Dr. Phil also says if we don't have a job your job is finding one and to spend 40 hours a week on it! Every day I look for jobs on craigslist, indeed, simplyhired, careerbuilder and search and keep checking every couple hours.What more are we supposed to do? I'm sick of this!And what's really troublesome for someone single like me is the fact I can't sign up for?healthcare?coverage for 90 days following my employment so if you're hired in November, December, January or February then you better hustle and find some healthcare on your own during open enrollment until you can get coverage through the employer after 90 days (3 months) or 180 days (6 months) and then hope and pray to God the employer keeps you and doesn't let you go in the process.This can be absolutely devastating for someone single like me who really needs it. I'm pushing 40 and have?health?issues that need addressing like a gallstone and I racked up $3,000+ in?dental?bills at the end of last year and beginning of this year for a couple of teeth to be pulled and some fillings. It's all on a Care?Credit?card I haven't been able to make payments on for several months now.This week (and it's only Wednesday) five jobs that I've already applied to and in some cases even interviewed for, have re-appeared on the job boards.I always think, "If you had hired me the first time, I'd still be working there for you."I will not be applying for those jobs again.That's a bad sign and I never reapply either.Same here. I notice that too sometimes. I'll apply for something and about 2-3 weeks later the same position is posted on indeed or Craigslist. Yet they won't even give me an interview, but hire someone else who last a couple weeks then is fired or quits.What is it they don't like about me?According to an article I found written in 2012, FL has the highest rate of long-term unemployment in the nation. Some 53% of jobless Floridians were out of work for more than six months in 2011, according to Brookings' Hamilton Project, which crunched Census?data.I don't know if this link will post, but this article written last month again cites Florida as the king of long term unemployment:news/index.ssf/2014/10/njs_share_of_long-term_unemployed_ranks_among_worst_in_us_data_shows.htmlWow. Plus we all know the?government?fudges?data?to make unemployment numbers to not look as bad. If the article is accurate about long term unemployment it is probably about 10 percent higher than what the government?claims. Wow.It's just fitting into this environment that really worries me the most. It's just so different from any other place I've ever worked and they seem anal about certain things.They do seem very picky. The first few weeks or months of a new job are awful, at least for me. I just hate it, I just wish I could snap my fingers and feel like I've been there 5 years. It's so hard trying to learn the job while doing the job. there was this bitchy girl at my old job, when I started a new position, she would rant, loudly and right behind me, about the clerks (me and a 3 others) and how we'd create the files and they were all messed up, blah, blah. Knowing I can hear. And be all nasty about 'don't they get training?' I recall?attorney's complaining about us being trained. We didn't get trained.Our training was a co-worker showing us 2 things then going back to their desk. You took notes and were on your own. And everyone expected you to be perfect with that whopping 30 minutes total of training.I see a lot of jobs are through temp agencies now. Especially?accounting. I tried a temp agency job I saw listed a couple weeks ago for?call center. p*ss ass wage of 8.75 an?hr. They jumped all over me when I emailed them about the job so they must be really desperate this temp agency. Anyways I got there it was for telemarketing surveying. the entire training class looked like a freshman?college?course. Mostly 19 and 20 year olds and mostly ghetto the way they were dressed and acted. The training was total garbage. By the end of the night I knew I wouldn't last at this job and just quit. The temp agency manager tried calling me when I didn't show up but I was away from the phone but from his message I could tell he figured I wouldn't like the job. When I went to pickup my paycheck he understood.Was a total joke for the peanut wages they were going to pay me. Then at the orientation I found out the assignment could be as short as only one month instead of two I was told then they changed our hours at orientation than what we were told when hired.I just saw this local job listed on indeed. Looks like companies are already gearing up to hire the illegals Obama is allowing to stay! It's bad enough they allow more work visas as well allowing companies to hire people to come over here to work on the cheap leaving us with even less jobs!I see a lot of jobs are through temp agencies now. Especially?accounting. I tried a temp agency job I saw listed a couple weeks ago for?call center. p*ss ass wage of 8.75 an?hr. They jumped all over me when I emailed them about the job so they must be really desperate this temp agency. Anyways I got there it was for telemarketing surveying. the entire training class looked like a freshman?college?course. Mostly 19 and 20 year olds and mostly ghetto the way they were dressed and acted. The training was total garbage. By the end of the night I knew I wouldn't last at this job and just quit. The temp agency manager tried calling me when I didn't show up but I was away from the phone but from his message I could tell he figured I wouldn't like the job. When I went to pickup my paycheck he understood.Was a total joke for the peanut wages they were going to pay me. Then at the orientation I found out the assignment could be as short as only one month instead of two I was told then they changed our hours at orientation than what we were told when hired.Oh yes, the trick of the trade. You have to be really bold when dealing with temp agencies. You have to tell them straight up that your looking for direct hire or temp to perm and a job assignment that's at least 6 months.Same thing happened to me back in April. I was told the position would be temp to perm and it was for a field manager position and I would be working with my own team. Well turned out it was a job posting fake ads on craigslist and telling people if they were hired on as a contractor that they would be charged a $75 dollar fee for a back ground check. I was shocked, needless to say, 6 of us started that morning and 4 of us left at lunch the other 2 people left the next day. The temp agency was pissed that the company lied to them about the job completely, needless to say the temp agency had to replace all of us. LOLAnd most jobs that are in offices if they do advertise the wage it's like $11 an hour and they want you to be superman and able to do 50 different tasks, have a degree and 5 years experience as well.And that's scary if $9 an hour is what places in Southern California are paying right now. I know it's a fortune to live in that state. $9 an hour here in Missouri is a farce too unless you're a?college?student working part-time retail.15 years from now I can see America jobs with immigrants working many of the jobs for lower pay, lots of jobs being computerized or sent overseas with a large part of the population fighting for these low paying jobs and having to live off?government?welfare, while the smaller percentage of the highly skilled elite have the management positions, executives, doctors, lawyers and such. I see the real unemployment numbers being VERY high.I might suspect that companies do not post salaries these days because they price shop just like some us do as consumers.When I applied to my present job, there was no salary listed in the job description. I would suspect I got the position because I was the low bidder. Of course, I happened to be earning the same amount of money 10 years ago. My going rate should have increased. Suffice to say though that I am significantly above min wage though (but less than $18/hr).I have seen some jobs (with similar required skills that I am using) listed with a salary $4+ an hour less than what I am currently earning, and some jobs listed for $3/ hour more than my present salary. So, I am in the middle.HR?professionals all like to say that we should never ask what the job salary is during phone interviews, but that all are on the same page to screw us big time. I always ask, because I am not going to waste my money and time for a job that I will not take. If they become upset, then you should know that they wanted to pull a fast one on you. We should make a?law?to disclose the salary for a job post. At least indeed should not let them post the job without a salary, just like we can't sign up without an email.this is why you see so much "Hit the ground running" which is their way of saying there will be little to no training. That always scares me because that is setting you up for failure. I've been to interviews and asked about training and some say 'oh yes, we'll train you' and one told me that it's a small office so they don't have a specific training department and she hemmed and hawed. That's not the point, you know you have someone new starting, who is going to show them the ropes?I hate being the new person standing around feeling like a burden but expecting to get your work done. You ask questions you lose. You don't ask questions, you lose. I LOATH being the new person. I feel the same as you do. when I started the new position, it was in the same office, just a new role, a couple new people started new too and the old timers complained about how many times we or they asked questions. I'd hear them say 'I already showed them that! She's asking me again?!?" I learned to take as good of notes as I could, almost to the point of recording it. That's why I would have stuff for a long time because I'd be trying to figure it out for myself. Just terrible.Wow. I'm shocked they still gave you an interview if you were competing with all those with a degree. Is it a pro team? If so I can imagine the competition is intense because everyone wants to work for their favorite team.I got my degree last Dec in?business?and it's totally useless. All it has got me was a couple crap retail jobs that were unbearable. I keep trying to get a full-time office type job but I keep getting rejected. Both retail jobs did not require a degree. What a waste my?college?years were. I couldn't even get a job at my school like emptying the recycle bins in the halls out! Yea they had a part-time job advertised for that.Yes, I too was surprised and disappointed to discover that a college degree won't help me get a job. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from an excellent university---but I guess it was all just a tremendous waste of both time and money. All I have is the 'education'.The S.F. Bay Area has the highest concentration of 'degreed' individuals. Everyone in retail has a college degree. When I had to take a limo to theairport, the?driver?was a graduate of UC Berkeley. Everyone around here seems to have a good education.The irony is if I was going through all of this job rejection WITHOUT a college degree, I'd be thinking to myself, "If only I'd finished my degree; then I'd get a job".I don't know if these days people need at least a Master's Degree or what. That's what I'm starting to think is needed to get any decent sort of job. Or any job at all.The irony is if I was going through all of this job rejection WITHOUT a?collegedegree, I'd be thinking to myself, "If only I'd finished my degree; then I'd get a job".I don't know if these days people need at least a Master's Degree or what. That's what I'm starting to think is needed to get any decent sort of job. Or any job at all.That is EXACTLY what you would be thinking. This is why, despite our feelings about having a degree, I still do not think that schooling was a waste of time. The problem is that a college degree may get you a job today, but not that "good job" that we all expected when we were filling out our college applications and listening to our parents lecture us on going to school.My cousin got a job as a Unit?Clerk?in a?hospital--with no prior experience--because of a friend, when she got fired (for chronic lateness) I asked her why she isn't applying for that same job elsewhere and she said they all want degrees for that job now. But she just slid in there I guess because she knew someone. IF you have a degree, then you still need something else. They will harp on your experience or your skills. It's always something. I feel they want all these degreed candidates for low paying jobs because then they can expect and assume more, and give your more tasks/work because you should be able to handle it as a 'college graduate'. I see a degree gets you more responsibility and work but not more money. (in most cases)Yes they price shop all the time. Businesses have been known to place job ads and interview people while they have no job openings.They window shop and price shop.I think that companies should be required to post at least the approx. salary range. People have a right to know both the hours and the pay, IMO. I hate how we're almost required to act like we're willing to work endless hours for ANY level of pay at all.By the way, what does 'price shop' mean? Thanks.When an?HR?department "price shops", they deliberately omit the standard salary for the position in a job ad in the hopes that a good candidate will offer to work at a cheap price. The logic is, "Why guarantee that you'll have to pay $14 an hour for a?clerical?assistant?when you can have a chance to reel in an unwitting or desperate person who expects $11?"I imagine my not knowing Spanish makes it more difficult to find a job as well. It greatly limits me if I want to apply for acustomer service?position, but I can't really get any other sort of job because it'll involve training of sorts and employers don't want to provide training.Yea like I said it seems in SE FL English is the second language. You said your parents are Cuban and you look white? Heck in Miami whites are the minority then you should get preference over them.Dam them!! I hate that! They could at least return your phone call!I received a call last week from Western?Dental?about a?customer service?job the day before thanksgiving, I called the lady back on the following Friday, never heard anything back. I called again yesterday and stated I was returning her phone call and that if I didn't hear back from her I would just assume the job was filled. Never heard back from her sorry Azz either.The same with the school?bus driver?position as well. I returned their phone call and never heard back. It's like WTH is wrong with people. So once again I'm moving on, I will probably just end up investing in a knee brace and taking a two jobs at a?fast food?restaurant.Its one thing to get a call back from a job you applied for but when you return their call and they can't even call you back, it's like what the hell ??This is just too frustrating.Knee brace? If you got bad knees is it possible to apply for SSI? I mean it probably pays what a min wage job pays.The illegals and that will be reaping this so as a AMERICAN you should go for it and are entitled to it more as well!Do you think that employers take an attitude that police take, when they say if you've done nothing wrong then you have nothing to hide, so you should not mind all of the personal questions??.?.?To their attitudes I would respond, since I never do anything wrong and have nothing to hide, why should you even question my integrity and honesty? Don't you trust me??Wow. That sounds just like my job- make sure you don't make any mistakes but be lightening fast about it!!! I'm still learning the?computer?system at work, so it takes me a little longer then the girls that already know it, but there sure isn't much empathy from my co-workers either:( It's like they've all forgotten what it was like to be the new person and still learning! So many companies these days are like this- their training is absolutely terrible but they expect people to just somehow learn everything about their system overnight and it's quite overwhelming at times!!!!!this is why you see so much "Hit the ground running" which is their way of saying there will be little to no training. That always scares me because that is setting you up for failure. I've been to interviews and asked about training and some say 'oh yes, we'll train you' and one told me that it's a small office so they don't have a specific training department and she hemmed and hawed. That's not the point, you know you have someone new starting, who is going to show them the ropes?I hate being the new person standing around feeling like a burden but expecting to get your work done. You ask questions you lose. You don't ask questions, you lose. I LOATH being the new person. I feel the same as you do. when I started the new position, it was in the same office, just a new role, a couple new people started new too and the old timers complained about how many times we or they asked questions. I'd hear them say 'I already showed them that! She's asking me again?!?" I learned to take as good of notes as I could, almost to the point of recording it. That's why I would have stuff for a long time because I'd be trying to figure it out for myself. Just terrible.When the agency owner asked me if I felt I can do the job, I should've said, "I think anyone can do the job if given the right tools, training and time to learn it." Maybe that would've been the better answer.That's a stupid question to ask anyway. Yes, there may be times you actually need to say 'no, it's to much for me' but the majority will say no and push through and try to get it. You need a job and are not going to tell your boss you don't know if you can do it or not. I remember starting a job an the second day the girl helping me told me the officer manger kept asking her was I getting it. I was so stressed. I felt like I had zero time to get up to speed. It doesn't help that I'm not a very fast learning on some things, and I know that's why I've struggled in jobs and the job search, but I can get it without people standing behind me waiting for me get it RIGHT THEN.The thing is they don't want to give you time and the right training. They always want someone who can pick it up TODAY and work tomorrow like they've been there 6 years.This is what I'm talking about (again). I found a?dishwasher?position, gee, I wonder what the requirements are... "Previous experience as?hotel/restaurant dishwasher or in?janitorial/cleaningposition." There are next to no?entry level?positions, and I'm tired of the older workers on here pretending like we could get a job if we just lower our standards.i always see experience weed wacker needed in the summertime. 2 yrs exp required. i laugh so hard at that one.then again maybe people can get hurt who never used one before.what can happen using a dishwasher? put too much soap in???You know what? I've made up my mind. $11.00 hourly at 10 hours a week..and on call during the holiday season is not worth it to me. I'm putting in my 2 week notice. Sometimes you're better off cutting your losses. I'm no better off than when I had nothing and it's seasonal, so whatever. I'm thankfully still landing interviews. I'm putting in my 2 week notice tomorrow when I work. I checked the calendar and if I don't do it now, I'm going to end up having to work on Christmas. I refuse for this job. A good paying permanent job, yes, I don't mind working holidays for them.Amen Sistah!?I don't blame you!?I won't even take a job making $11 an hour, for me it's the principal and self worth because I know if I can make $28, 26, 20, 19, and 18 in the past at a jobs, there is no reason why I should have to go below $15 and that is my bare minimum. Anything less and I'll never be able to move out from my friends place.?I already plan on going back to the?hotel?once I do land a permanent job because the rent is cheap. I can't get a studio anywhere else for $760 a month. And renting a room at 55 y/o for me is not an option. Too many weirdo's out there with rules and restrictions, no thank you. :)Good for you in giving your two weeks notice, no job is worth low pay and them basically making you give up your life to hold to a job. :)Just received an email that I didn't get the job. After all that, reference check and everything. I can't believe it. This was the closest I have gotten in 7 months to an offer. SEVEN FREAKIN' MONTHS! I don't know what else I can do. I give up.Wow. Why would they go through all that trouble of checking references and not?hiring?you? Most of the jobs I've had never checked them. Except when I applied for the min wage job at the?grocery store?over the summer. yea a bagger and stocking job they called me and asked for more references because THREE were not enough they said. I just screw it with that job. With the union fees it would be like making $6 an hour.Here is another example of the crazy requirements businesses want even for just an $8.50 an hour warehouse job!Insane! They want you to basically write a book about yourself. These employers really are delusional.DESCRIPTION:?Responsible for the complete process of picking, packing, and shipping orders. Both retail and wholesale.To pick and pack product from bins per?customer?orders, and accurately ship both retail and wholesale orders within the United States andinternational. Must have the ability to lift heavy packages. Must verify correct product was picked and packed for shipment. Must be?computerliterate, able to multi-task, and work in a fast paced environment with good attention to detail. Previous pick, pack, and/or shipping experience preferred.STARTING RATE OF PAY: $8.50GENERAL?DUTIES:?Duties generally include, but are not limited to, the following:?? Efficiently prepare product for shipping, affix proper label, and check order to ensure accuracy?? Accurately prepare shipping orders to meet end of day cutoff time?? Rotate among various functions of material handling such as: Receiving, checking, picking, or packing?? Report any problem areas to appropriate staff member in order to resolve?? Responsible for validating accuracy of products picked?? Ship all retail and simple wholesale orders within a timely manner?? Ship United States and?International?orders by using the USPS and UPS software.?? Create necessary international documents for outgoing shipments?? Arrange for pallet pickup?? Supply tracking information for orders?? Responsible for maintaining a safe work environment?? Continually maintain working knowledge of all company products, policies and promotionsREQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS:?? Enthusiastic and energetic?? Friendly and upbeat?? Establish and maintain a positive work environment, which encourages an exceptionally high level of team member morale?? Ability to work from a standing position for long periods of time? Ability to lift 30 pounds?? Ability to pay attention to details?? Ability to keep area clean and organized?? Ability to work well as a team?? Ability to be available to work a flexible schedule which includes all hours of warehouse operationPREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS:?? At least 18 years of age?? High school diploma or equivalent?? Ability to prioritize and organize effectively?? Ability to use personal?computer?and software applications (i.e. word processing, spreadsheet)?? Ability to read, write and speak the English language in order to communicate with employees, customers and suppliers, in person, on the phone and by written?communications?in a clear, straight-forward and professional manner?? Ability to work independently?? Knowledge and ability to use the following office equipment: computer, telephone, copier, fax, calculator and stapler?? Knowledge of all functions and related tasks in the area of?customerrelations?? Knowledge of Natural Parenting Products?? Knowledge of warehouse proceduresTESTS:?Applicants will be expected to pass any assessments associated with the position.TRAINING:?Paid on-the-job trainingProvisions listed in these Job Descriptions may be changed or modified by the Company without prior notice, at any time and at the Company's sole discretion.?The Company is an Equal Opportunity Employer.HOW TO APPLY:?Please answer the questions below. Reply to this post with these answers, along with all additional information/resume/cover letter, etc. that you have.Please answer the following questions in 4-5 sentences each:?1. Tell us about your previous job experience.?2. Tell us why you think you are qualified for this job.?3. What experience do you have working on a team? What is your favorite role within a team??4. Your favorite job and why.?5. Your least favorite job and why.?6. Your ideal job.Wow. Why would they go through all that trouble of checking references and not?hiring?you? Most of the jobs I've had never checked them. Except when I applied for the min wage job at the?grocery store?over the summer. yea a bagger and stocking job they called me and asked for more references because THREE were not enough they said. I just screw it with that job. With the union fees it would be like making $6 an hour.Exactly. I thought I had excellent chances when they called references, but I didn't tell anyone, not wanting to get my hopes up to much. I'm glad I didn't. I emailed the office manager and asked her why and she said the other lady had some real estate experience and the owner liked that. I appreciate her letting me know. But I feel like I was punched in the gut. It just never fails. It's so hard to be 100% perfect for every job. Even for dishwashing, as we joke about. I have washed dishes at home for years but of course I need 5 years of washing dishes in a restaurant to be considered for that job. I'm truly depressed tonight.It's terrible when they get your hopes up like that. I understand the feeling about having to be 'perfect', too. I feel like no matter what I do, there will always be something about me that fails the rigorous employer standards. Someone else will always have more experience or more?education, or whatever. It is a very depressing feeling; like nothing is ever good enough. We're all only human. I wish?HR?people would understand that, because THEY are not perfect, either.I received a call last week from Western?Dental?about a?customer service?job the day before thanksgiving, I called the lady back on the following Friday, never heard anything back. I called again yesterday and stated I was returning her phone call and that if I didn't hear back from her I would just assume the job was filled. Never heard back from her sorry Azz either.The same with the school?bus driver?position as well. I returned their phone call and never heard back. It's like WTH is wrong with people. So once again I'm moving on, I will probably just end up investing in a knee brace and taking a two jobs at a?fast food?restaurant.Its one thing to get a call back from a job you applied for but when you return their call and they can't even call you back, it's like what the hell ??This is just too frustrating.Please don't count on a knee brace to keep you standing up! I'm not a professional, but after some 16 years in and around physical therapy, I'm betting if you could get to an orthopedist, you would get PT and solve this sh*t. I'm afraid standing, brace or not, will only aggravate the situation. I am AMAZED at the lack of medical treatment where you are. I always thought Maine was medically back-woods, but Cali is putting us to shame!Thank you so much. I only have the courage because of the support from you and others like you here. I admit I was apprehensive because I just got the job but there is no way on Earth I'm working Christmas and on call. No wayYour welcome.?My thing is since I'm older, I just don't tolerate BS anymore Period.?I have loss too many friends to suicide and natural causes to know and realize that Life is too short and to live happy and free of stress and nonsense.?That's why I won't put up with BS.I figure if I'm gonna work my ass off for a company they best know I will not put up with any BS like being mistreated, under paid and abused. No way No how.You have to do what works for you and your wallet. Never let Any company pay you less than your worth. Always research the job/pay market so your have tthe upper hand on salary, that way the company can't low ball you on salary. They may try and get back at you by making you work weekends etc but set a goal and limit for yourself for stuff thstvyour putcup with and stuff that you wont and your find the perfect job will fall right into your lap. :)Please don't count on a knee brace to keep you standing up! I'm not a professional, but after some 16 years in and around physical therapy, I'm betting if you could get to an orthopedist, you would get PT and solve this sh*t. I'm afraid standing, brace or not, will only aggravate the situation. I am AMAZED at the lack of medical treatment where you are. I always thought Maine was medically back-woods, but Cali is putting us to shame!Thanks. My friend that I'm staying said the same thing.?It just sucks. She said if I was an immigrant I'd be in better shape by now! Sadly I think she's right.?Our?government?system seems to take care of foreigners more then its Citizens. Sad system we have.I DO feel for immigrants and the crap that they are fleeing from, but really....they arrive in Maine, and their first stop is town hall for public assistance from the town, then?housing?and Medicaid (FREE?healthcare) from the state, then?food?stamps from Uncle Sam. When are they required to start taking care of themselves and the 20 other people in their family who show up next?I've been trying to find out more about eTechnologies via goggling and I can't find anything about this company other than H-1B Visa Stats and on the site it lists the company as marketing consultation services, not car title loans:h1b-visas.l/12267/Etechnologies-Inc-in-Northbrook-ILI'm a little skeptical when it comes to not being able to locate a website or any other information on the company/employer.Honestly, I don't know how to go about handling this. She told me Thursday before she sent me home that this was "just a try out." She was just "seeing how this would work out." Nothing more, nothing less. Those were her exact words to me.Too many Red flags.?1) parking?2) boss asking you if you can handle job?3) 30 day probation period ending at any time?4) phone incident?5) Having to Walk to police/firehouse to poopJust too many flags for me.?Being older and wiser, having friends pass away too early in life, makes me realize life is too short and no amount of BS is worth tolerating.Not sure why your hesitating or having second thoughts, but trust and believe any person that would so rude in telling their employees to walk a block to relieve themselves doesn't deserve a two week notice.?I would just vanish, no phone call or anything.ABSOLUTELY, Suburban Girl! Fight is right! There are some jobs that are not worthy of you OR your notice. "Vanish" covers it perfectly! Or are you waiting for more abuse in the form of "Nah....this isn't working out". Don't give her the pleasure.Why is it at least from what I read on here is if you're able to find a job it's usually a lot of BS for low pay and not even really worth it.The?government?says the economy is fine though and that there are a lot of jobs!We all know that the Government Lies!LOL?Good example: Area 51 in Nevada :)The thing is: I DO need the money.I can understand your needing the money, but enough is enough.Here's what happened to me..........?I had a job back in 2008, where the boss was Constantly touching all the female temps, he made it a point to tell us all "You will just have to put up with me, the economy is bad and jobs are really hard to find".?One co-worker came to me crying because the boss constantly touching her, rubbing her back and trying to feel her butt. She said if she were to tell her husband that he'd kill our boss. I responded to her with, How much more are you going to continue to take ? She stated, she needed the job and that she needed the money.Well when it came to "My turn" for him to feel on, I would jerk my arm away, pull away from his advances as much as possible, he retaliated with giving me "Cat calls" when ever I entered the room knowing that it was pissing me off, then he followed up with massaging my shoulders and doing his best to massage lower. I again pulled away. He even asked me to go to lunch with him outside the office so we could be Alone. He'd even texted me on the weekends to see what I was doing and offered to help me move. Too many flags. I complained to AppleOne but their only response was "He is out client". Needless to say after his last advance to stand closer to me when we were having a meeting and seeing my discomfort, he called AppleOne and ended the assignment. Prior to that he had offered for me to go permanent but I'd be working for him and another manager downstairs in the underwriting dept. I refused because I didn't want to work for him any longer.?I was glad to be out of there and before I left his?assistant?told me that our boss already had 6 women who were permanent come forward and complaint about him but the company unfortunately didn't do a dam thing about it. It paid $18 an hour, 60 hrs a wk. For me it wasn't worth it.AppleOne promised to place me in another position so I wouldn't file a lawsuit, well stupid me, after 2 years of no placement, I called anattorney, the?labor?board and was told had I filed I'd win the case because I definitely had a case for sexual harassment. The people at the labor board told me that Appleone dangled the "carrot" of promising to get me a job so that I wouldn't file a complaint and the only thing I could do is to file a complaint against the old boss. I just dropped it and moved on, but the weird part, every time I apply for a job working for the company, I am denied. I believe that secretly he is behind it but who knows it's a big company and he can't control or have power over other departments. I use to work for the same company for 4 years Why is it at least from what I read on here is if you're able to find a job it's usually a lot of BS for low pay and not even really worth it.The?government?says the economy is fine though and that there are a lot of jobs!Let's see, how long has it been since I ever believed anything the government says? before the market crashed, I don't think he knew that information.It's not that I don't want a job, I just don't want to feel like I was given something that I don't deserve. That I didn't earn it.I don't think any?business?these days is going to hire you out of the goodness of their heart. If they need somebody and they want you, take it. You have the rest of your life to continue to look for a job. It's a little easier with an income.This is what job seekers are up against today.Apply to jobs, they say I haven't done this one task/skill recently.?Update the skill thru classes.?Go back applying to jobs. They say but the skill has not been used in their industry.?I FINALLY get a job in that industry and use this skill.?After awhile I apply to better jobs with better pay. They now say, but we hired a person from that company in the past and they didn't work out OR well now we need you to have this new skill.?Sigh :(Point is, it's ALWAYS something in the job search.Nitpick?Nitpick?NitpickI noticed a thread on this site about Delta?hiring?flight attendants and it pays only $1,800 something a month?? I thought they made decent money? So they have had their wages slashed too?I think their wages have been awful for at least 15 years -- I looked into doing that when I got out of?college?and the hours and money were awful.The whole reason McDonald's pays you nothing is because anyone can do the job. If you hire "the most qualified", you're dooming teens and young adults to selling drugs just so they can make money.I think volunteer work would stand out a lot. I understand what you're saying, I really do, but if you only interview the people with the most experience or if you only interview people who are friends of crew members, how do people with no experience get jobs? The whole reason McDonald's pays you nothing is because anyone can do the job. If you hire "the most qualified", you're dooming teens and young adults to selling drugs just so they can make money.Yes, it's a huge problem. Unfortunately, businesses are not charities and just don't care and/or aren't responsible for the wider social implications of their?hiring?choices or their employment practices.There's a racial/class component to this as well. People who have friends and family who have 'good' jobs are more likely to get good jobs. This practice contributes to systemic poverty and structural racism.It's just human nature, though. If you have a choice of spending 8 hours going through 200 resumes that all look the same and then another day interviewing a few of those people vs. spending two hours talking to Joe that Karen recommended... Hiring?through connections only, in my opinion, is a form of discrimination. I'm not saying it shouldn't be done, I'm just saying that the applicants who can't get a job hook-up deserve to work too. The problem is that there's such an air of dishonesty in job interviews that you have to stretch the truth just to stand out. The problem isn't that there are too many applicants, all though IT IS a problem, rather the main problem is that the interview process is designed to punish genuine honesty. It's interesting. Is work a human right? Would that even be enforceable?What was your major? Is there some kind of?entry level?position more related to that than retail?I feel that everyone is entitled to a job. You cannot afford to even live without a job. I'm a?Business?Administration?major, but I only have a year's worth of credits so far. I was thinking about finding a job so that I could pay my way through?college, all though I'm not sure if that's such a good idea anymore. There are so many people here who have put themselves into debt to go to school and they're still applying for retail jobs because they need to put?food?on the table and it's all they can get.why do you want to work here? u can't say the truth...cause you need a job.Exactly. They want you to tell them what they want to hear, then these interviewers wonder why they get bamboozled.I'm a lifer -- I wouldn't mind being a snowbird, but I can't imagine leaving. It's going to get interesting, though. I live in the largest?city?in Maine. The city is defying the state right now with regard to providing welfare/housing?benefits to people without making them prove citizenship. There is a chance that the city will be on the hook for ALL welfare/housing spending. I don't think I want to see my property tax bill if that happens.I don't think I finished my thought, which was that it is really hard to live in an ultra liberal city with a tea party governor. The city is still trying to fund everything, we are flooded with people who have been cut off elsewhere, and it's just squeezing out the middle class and not-quite-poor-enough... and the rich people flee to the suburbs. It's weird to see urban flight in such a small town.I might try some honesty, like, "I really need a job" but I just get the feeling that I would be eliminated on the spot if I don't have some great reason for wanting to work there. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.If you give a sort of offbeat answer, people will remember you -- maybe not favorably, but sometimes honesty is refreshing. Not everyone takes it well, but I've found that many interviewers are just as bored with the BS answers as job hunters are with giving them. Stories sell, so if you can come up with something sort of project or adventure oriented, it makes you stand out. 'I really need a job' could work if you said it in a sort of joking way.All I want is an office job, Mon-Fri, weekends off, no holidays. Why does this seem most unattainable?I do hate that weekends are such a big deal now for jobs. Don't get me wrong, I'll put up with it, I just wish I didn't have to. I'm a geeky guy, I like comics and?Japanese?anime, so I go to these conventions whenever they're held in my area. You get to meet comic artists and actors who have portrayed characters in these works. But they're held on weekends, so I would probably need to use vacation days just to have some semblance of a social life outside of work.All I want is an office job, Mon-Fri, weekends off, no holidays. Why does this seem most unattainable?That's all I want too. I found a great one. Starting pay in the 30's, 3 weeks vacation, nice manager, casual office, great interview, nice location. Only they picked the other person, not me. I will never find anything as good as that. I thought I had gotten my Christmas miracle, and the manager genuinely liked me! I cry thinking about how this is what I have been searching for and --POOF!-- no fruit for me.I feel the same as you, why us that so hard to find? Everyone wants 8-6, available on evenings, sometimes Saturdays, for $9 an hour and watch you like a hawk. I have yet to even come close to something as good as that in 6 months. It's not for lack of trying!!! It's just not in the cards for me to get ahead and be happy.I honestly was applying for mostly?customer service/retail jobs because I knew I could land those easy but I'm done with retail and I understand why so many of us go so long without getting a job (not seasonal, good pay). It's because as they should, they don't settle. I realize that I was settling and only applying for the bare minimum. I've landed a couple menial jobs, but now I'm being selective and we'll see what that gets me.Sorry I hit the reply button by accident.As I was saying?Data Entry?jobs normally pay between 13 to 15 an hour.?But sneaky employers have been trying to lower that now to 9 - 11 an hour but they expect you to type 65 to 85 wpm.?All I want is an office job, Mon-Fri, weekends off, no holidays. Why does this seem most unattainable?I applied for a job today that I found on indeed working as a?customer service?represented and the hours are perfect 10:30 am to 7:00pm with the exception of the days which are Sunday through Thursday with Fri and Sat off. I'm old school in believing Sunday is the Lords day, so I do my best to not do much of anything on Sunday if I can. :)?And the pay is 16 an hour. I'm really hoping they call me and its a permanent job.?I could be out of my friends house in no time and believe me, soon is not soon enough for me. :) LOLFor the temp agency the typing test I scored a 99 percent overall. I'm a super fast typer and accurate. However I've applied for those jobs before no luck. I got a phonecall for the?insurance?agency for?data?entry?25 hours a week but the guy said I looked over qualified and he said it 'only' paid $10 an hour.?have ALWAYS settled. And I hate it too. The sad thing is that I have been trying not to settle and now I'm at 6 months and beyond being unemployed, and what scares me is hitting bottom and ending up a?hotel?maid or washing dishes somewhere--not that those aren't hardworking jobs, but to end up doing worse is truly depressing me. I was trying to get out of reception and just work in an office, not at the front and I'm slowly coming full circle back to my receptionist trap mostly out of desperation right now. I hate it.My sister suggested going back to school but I don't know what for. I'm just stuck in a special kind of hell right now. Many times I don't want a job as I'm filling out the application but I'll take reception right now just to be employed. I loath working at a?law?firm again and, yup, been applying there too. I feel like I can't be picky anymore and part of me still tries to be because I'd like be half way happy for once at work making over $11 an hour. I don't think thats asking for much. It's still crap wages and I can't even get that! $30,000 a year is poverty for a lot and that's actually an improvement for me, and I'm fighting to find that. #sadanddepressingI was going to apply for?federal?jobs but the resume alone is some kind of complete essay over haul. I took a test to apply for state jobs, it's so confusing the application process. I don't even thing my test scores are valid anymore. I find the application process ridiculous.I noticed retail jobs about 8-10 years ago paid MORE than they do right now in most cases. Most right now are 7.50-8 an hour. I remember back then even the lowest ones were at least $8 or more.All I want is an office job, Mon-Fri, weekends off, no holidays. Why does this seem most unattainable?Everyone wants this, but businesses tell us we want stores, etc., to be open every day, 24/7. Now, we really don't, it's the businesses trying to put a big net and make more money.?I have worked weekends and I know how hard it is to have a life. Most people are off when you are working.?It wasn't a choice.?I'd say take the first job you find so you are not on the streets.?Then you can look for the weekday job because you are already employed and that makes you more valuable.It all makes me so paranoid. Remember last year when they were saying that he told them not to find in favor of the employees so much?? I am so embarrassed that he got reelected. Cutler should be ashamed to show his face.I so totally agree. I emailed him twice and BEGGED him to drop out, if he really cared about the state and to not sacrifice us to that flapping pie hole again. He thinks every "able bawdied" young person who is unemployed just sits on the couch and plays video games. Sure, there is some of that, but you see here, everybody's trying. He is SO completely out of touch. A true ignoramus. Yet the head of DHHS still keeps her job. Millions lost because her?computer?systems weren't 'talking to each other',?fraud?up the wazoo, but her face is still in my face making excuses. Sorry, the subject of that jackass just lights me UP! LOL.If I'm ever old by an employer they want to hire me but there's a probationary period, I'm saying no way José and if asked why I'm saying that since IL is an at-will state anyway, I don't see a reason for a probationary period to begin with. If they say that's how they operate with all new hires, they can shove the job up their a** for all I care.I missed out on 2 very promising interviews, the one with the?furniturecompany and a second interview with D*ck's Sporting Goods, to take her job and look at where it's gotten me. That's not happening ever again.?I so totally agree. I emailed him twice and BEGGED him to drop out, if he really cared about the state and to not sacrifice us to that flapping pie hole again. He thinks every "able bawdied" young person who is unemployed just sits on the couch and plays video games. Sure, there is some of that, but you see here, everybody's trying. He is SO completely out of touch. A true ignoramus. Yet the head of DHHS still keeps her job. Millions lost because her?computer?systems weren't 'talking to each other',?fraud?up the wazoo, but her face is still in my face making excuses. Sorry, the subject of that jackass just lights me UP! LOL.If I see Cutler walking on the street, I might punch him, or at least hit him with a snowball, and I am so not that kind of person! I was really surprised at the margin in that election - I am not sure Cutler actually made that much of a difference. Have you see our guvnor in person? It's something else. He gave a speech at a tourism conference I went to --- talked for about 40 minutes about natural gas lines, had nothing whatsoever to do with tourism. I'm not going back to the conference while he's still in office.One thing this has taught me is to not be so quick to jump on a job offer that has probation attached to it.If I'm ever offered a job that has a probationary period attached to it, I'm going to say no thank you. Since IL is an at-will state and an employer can let you go at any time and for any reason or no reason at all, it seems pointless to agree to being hired on probation. Either the employer hires me or they don't. If they like me and want me that bad, then just hire me without the stipulation. I can find many other employers to hire me sans a probationary period and have been hired by many with no probationary period attached to me being hired.You know that's what I wonder about?hr. This?computer?garbage started around 10 years ago. How for MANY years did companies function just fine with just sending a resume and filling out a short application. When I got my first job at Publix down in FL in 2000 it was a simple paper application I filled out and I got the job. No BS computer no stupid taleo test no thing.I wonder what they do all day at companies that use Taleo, Peoplesoft, Kronos,and such since the computer weeds out most of the apps anyways.For example a couple months ago I filled out a online application for a company here in town both my parents worked at in the past AND my mom currently has a friend working there still so I used her as a reference and someone I know as well when I filled the online application out with Peoplesoft since it ask that if I knew anyone working there. After filling all the BS in and test and such it must have taken over two hours.Then a week later I get a canned email from PEOPLESOFT, not the actual company I applied for saying sorry to regret but "we" decided to not fill this position. BS! I know that really means that the actual HR in the company never saw my application, but it was PEOPLESOFT themselves or their "program" that rejected me and my test results or keywords in the resume. That really ticked me off. I waste all that time, have someone I know who WORKS there currently and both my parents who worked their listed and still go nowhere.All I see HR do these days is make copies of your ID and tax information, and they sit u in front of a computer for training. That's ALL they do all day. Lazy.Its just the dark side of technology. Companies are literally Googling for candidates now much as you would?Google?for a pair of size 13 bowling shoes in purple. My sister's company uses Taleo but they can get 500 apps for a single position. Nobody is going to read all that - not today.And when I see the Taleo logo, I pass on the job. Taleo is for companies that want a 98% skill set match. Its an expensive piece of software.Then, if you even get an interview, these managers act all high and mighty. You have to be perfect while they treat you like you're less than human. All these mind games they play, I don't know how anyone can take this disrespect and constant rejection. To borrow a line previously used in this thread, it's like a dating game... except even the ugly on I've been looking at Craigslist and around here, almost every job listing requires experience. If it's?customer service, it requires being?bilingual?in Spanish and English. If I had money, I would flee the state of aren't interested. What level of hell are we in?You know what I'm just realizing for some reason? Most of the time the reason you don't land a job, has absolutely nothing to do with you. I can't tell you the countless number of incompetents running interviews that I've encountered lately. It's really pathetic.I went ahead and filed an anonymous OSHA report over the weekend (before she terminated me) and got a call from OSHA this morning.They apparently didn't see a problem with the home?health?agency owner asking her employees to go to the police and?fire?station to do their non-pee?business?over there. The guy who took my report said he'd speak to his boss to see if they could send her a letter telling her not to do it, but that was about it.The person from the dollar store emailed me back from craigslist and asked if I can come in at 930am for a interview! I said sure but they have not replied back yet because I had to ask where it was even though based on Craigslist I think I know where it is. I'm still not sure if I will get hired because she sounded worried that I'm way over qualified for it.I guess this is the new job growth the?government?keeps talking about. Low wage, part-time retail and?fast food.Yeah, OSHA is all about safety concerns.?Labor?board is who you need to sick on the queen of the freakin' governing council. Geez.LMAO every time I see "Governing Council" because it makes me think of Hunger Games. We won't stand for that mess because we are club "Mocking Jay"! :)Also, Affordable?Healthcare?Act an kiss my A$$! It didn't make healthcare or?insurance?more affordable. It just made getting insurance more complicated!I'm finally making enough this year to be eligible for a tax?credit?but of course its December! My current employer's healthcare is through a union which I'm not eligible for until February. My employee?health?insurance would cost me $168.00 biweekly! If I pass on the union insurance I'd be given $250ish a month to put towards my own insurance. Because of this I'm not eligible for a tax credit. So I'd have a one month gap... I'm also not keen on any of the options on the website. I got spoiled at my last?full time?job. PPO, deductible less than $1000.00, $25-30 copays, insurance covered 80% after deductible, and my contribution was $100.00 a month tops! *sigh*I too am ticked off about Obamacare. My 'granfathered' PPO is going to go up to $955 a MONTH next year! I've got to give up that expensive plan. I sincerely believed that Obamacare would be an affordable alternative. Now I discover that I'll need to pay about $600 a month! Plus there's a deductible and prescription costs, etc. How is that 'affordable?health care?"Insurance companies are still looking at pre-existing conditions. Plus, insurers charge MORE if you live in one county vs. another. Why should it matter which state or county I live in? I don't understand it at all.s, getting?health?insurance?is SO complicated I cannot figure it out. I have an insurance agent to help me, but since everyone has to apply at the exact same time each year, he is overwhelmingly busy and I can't get through to him to ask questions.I even called my health insurance company directly. Looks like they finally hired people to answer the phones (I was shocked that I wasn't put on hold). However, the people whom they hired are clueless!I asked the rep for ONE example of a 'specialty drug'. First he said 'controlled substances'. (I know the PDR like the back of my hand, and I know that the prices of 'controlled substances' vary so widely that this made no sense at all). So then the rep said that 'anti-depressants' are 'specialty drugs'. Oh, really? He went on to say that 'anti-psychotics' are also 'specialty drugs'. (I think the rep was clueless about pharmacology and was just trying to think of any class of drugs, out of thin air.I then asked, "Painkillers?" Are those 'specialty drugs'?" He said yes, they are. To this rep, sounded like ALL drugs are 'specialty drugs'. (I think specialty drugs are meds that are seldom prescribed and very expensive, but I'll have to check to be 100% sure. The rep could NOT even tell me how much my NEW PREMIUM for 2015 would be! Talk about clueless. Now, *I* should be doing THAT job.You know for the Voluntary Self Disclosure bits in applications, why the hell do some give you various choices with an additional multi-racial option specifically for non-Hispanics? As if you cannot be both Hispanic and multi-racial.LOL, I always choice the two or more races button. LOL?I am a mutt but I get what your saying because how can you choose just one when you are multi-racialI went on the interview! The guy, owner was really nice. However it was near min wage. I would basically be working 5-6 days a week and 5-6 hour shifts.I'd be also opening the store by myself, have alarm code, and be running the store by myself a lot which I'd basically be doing a managers job. The store is pretty small. It's a family owned place but I honestly don't see how they will stay in?business?when I saw their?inventory?they are a small store. That's just what I see from a business standpoint. The guy also said I'm probably over qualified.My parents don't think the job would be worth it for $8 an hour and basically having the responsibilities of a manager which I agree with.If they offered 11 an hour I would probably take it, but how the small the store was for a dollar store I don't see how they're going to stay in business which is another flag for me and I don't want to trash my resume even more because they shut-down in 6 months. I wish employers would stop lowballing like this. They want you to multi task and be a "rock star" and offer min pay!I agree with your parents. With all the duties you'd have working there, $13 an?hr?is what they should be paying you. At least after seeing the store you were able to foresee the stores soon demise. :)Keep plugging away, with all the luck and breaks that everyone has been getting in here lately, the perfect job will come to you as well as all of us whom are still looking. :)?I too am ticked off about Obamacare. My 'granfathered' PPO is going to go up to $955 a MONTH next year! I've got to give up that expensive plan. I sincerely believed that Obamacare would be an affordable alternative. Now I discover that I'll need to pay about $600 a month! Plus there's a deductible and prescription costs, etc. How is that 'affordable?health care?"Insurance?companies are still looking at pre-existing conditions. Plus, insurers charge MORE if you live in one county vs. another. Why should it matter which state or county I live in? I don't understand it at all.I believed it too, but I'll take a fine for this year. Those subsidies have to be paid back if your situation improves, and mine improved a LOT after I got my job. I would've owe back thousands.I believed it too, but I'll take a fine for this year. Those subsidies have to be paid back if your situation improves, and mine improved a LOT after I got my job. I would've owe back thousands.I keep reading in the news that Obamacare offers 'subsidies' to people who are unemployed or are only working part-time. How does a person get a subsidy? I signed on to an Obamacare plan and even had a?healthinsurance?broker to help me do it.No one ever even asked about my employment situation (or lack thereof). Isn't a person in my situation supposed to get some sort of a tax break? I'm truly confused. Can anyone please explain this or direct me to an impartial website that might truly explain it? Thanks.You know for the Voluntary Self Disclosure bits in applications, why the hell do some give you various choices with an additional multi-racial option specifically for non-Hispanics? As if you cannot be both Hispanic and multi-racial.I never fill out race. I always decline to identify. I've always gotten call backs even when I do that.So is it wisest to just leave 'race' blank? I never know whether to fill out that box or not. (It does say it's optional).How about gender? That one is also optional.I think it's very nosy for employers to ask about race. Why should it even matter? Maybe I'll leave that box blank. I've asked various friends, and everyone seems to have their own idea of the best course of action. Everyone has a different opinion, so I never know what to do.I keep reading in the news that Obamacare offers 'subsidies' to people who are unemployed or are only working part-time. How does a person get a subsidy? I signed on to an Obamacare plan and even had a?health?insurance?broker to help me do it.No one ever even asked about my employment situation (or lack thereof). Isn't a person in my situation supposed to get some sort of a tax break? I'm truly confused. Can anyone please explain this or direct me to an impartial website that might truly explain it? Thanks.When I visited the disaster site, after it went back up, there was a questionnaire regarding income, etc. At that time, all I had was unemployment and the subsidy for the plan I tentatively picked was incredible...the plan would have cost me about $4 a month because I was including my son as a member of the household with no income. The taxcredit?was something like $900 a month. THEN my son clued me in to the crap about paying it back. If I had done that, I'd now be into Uncle Sam for that $900 a month for what 10 months or so. No thanks. If you expect your situation to improve, watch out. My son said it's designed to keep you poor, and I believe it.I'm just as pissed off too. Obamcare has screwed me over and I don't see how on Earth it's affordable. If anything, it's unaffordable.Insurance?companies are still looking at pre-existing conditions.With employer-sponsored, i.e. group-based, insurance, they can still rate you based on things like height and weight and they can still take pre-existing conditions into consideration.I can FINALLY get employer-sponsored?health?insurance. However, their insurance is through BCBS and my provider and the?hospital?she's affiliated with have chosen not to renew their?contract?with BCBS. While they will be taking their Medicare Advantage PPO, they're not really accepting anything else. They left the HMO plans up to their affiliates so some will take HMO and others won't.Basically, this screws me over as far as employer-sponsored coverage goes.Since I know for a fact they take ALL Land of Lincoln plans, it looks like I'm going to have to go with that individual coverage off Marketplace.Thanks Obama for making me pay $244.46 a month for a $1,500 deductible when I could get the same deductible years ago for less money.?totally agree. Any $11-$12 an hour jobs I apply to want the world and 34 in person interviews and I still don't get it. That pay is still low and I can't even get that because the process is like they're paying $40 an hour, and the duties are 3 pages long. I don't know why employers think $11 or $12 is such a goldmine that you should be willing to do 11 jobs in one for such EXCELLENT pay! (Snark)You will work like a slave for that pay too. I can't do anything with less than $10 an hour. I'd like to go up to $14 and that's still low for a lot of people. It's just not in the cards for me. I'm getting rejections from applications 3 plus months old. And right now I'm playing email tag with a woman in trying to set up an interview and I'm scared she will end up disappearing like the other lady. I guess they just get bored and decide to go on about theirbusiness. I feel like some street urchin begging for scraps with these people. Tired of working so hard to get such shi++y jobs to begin with.I'm seeing that too with jobs. They list like two pages of things you're required to do for min pay.I have not been doing as many cover letters as well. It hasn't helped me at all anyways. Also job application that require and hour long or timed test I usually won't do as well. I never get interviewed anyways with those jobs.I spent over an hour filling out an online app for Solstice Sunglasses and my IE browser froze up and I had to do it all over again then it wanted me to take some stupid test. Backed right out. I might take the test later. Just depends on the mood I'm in. I'm just sick of playing games with these applications and getting no results.For me, I want out of retail. Even if it pays the same, right now I want the word "retail" off of my resume. Once it's there, you'll be stuck in retail/customer service?jobs.For me, I want out of retail. Even if it pays the same, right now I want the word "retail" off of my resume. Once it's there, you'll be stuck in retail/customer service?jobs.I understand that totally. I feel the same with reception. It's that type of thing where you get pigeon holed and no one thinks you can do anything else but retail. It can be hard to transition out of that. I just about gave up with trying to transition out of reception. I just want a little office?assistantposition where I don't have to alert people when I need to go to the bathroom. Sad I can't get that. I never did retail but I did a lot of?customerservice/call center?work and thought I'd never get out of that. I didn't really mind it to much, but not something you want to do for 40 years and it would never pay enough anyway.I would if I could get myself there. I don't have a car. Parents won't drive me barely anywhere but to job interviews. The bus only goes so far in my area. And plus, It would take about 2 plus hours to get anywhere if I had to rely on the bus. They don't stop often enough in my area, so you have to wait sometimes an hour for your connecting bus to show up. In the dead cold of winter in Michigan, it just doesn't makes sense for something I'm not being paid for.?Everywhere I turn I feel trapped. I get ideas on what I could do and there's always something that ruins the plan. It's usually lack of transportation and money.?Believe me, I'd love to volunteer. Especially at the humane society because I feel animals are therapeutic to me. I don't have any of my own, unfortunately.I feel you 100% I have tried to volunteer at?animal?shelters but most of the times they don't have openings, if you can believe that. Once upon a time I was on the road to being a Vet but lost faith in myself having the brains to do it and fell off that road. My biggest regret in life. I would volunteer too just for something to put on my resume for the gap, but couldn't find anything close to me, everything way downtown taking busses and trains. I didn't want to scrape together bus fare and spending time to go somewhere to volunteer like I'm some bored housewife. And it would hard to do that anyway, what I truly want is a paying job.It just blows. I'm 22 and never had a job, and maybe I waited too long (all though my parents kinda forced me into this situation), but I don't see why I'm completely unemployable simply because I didn't work starting in high school. What, do they think I'm too stupid to learn now? No, the problem is they don't want to train me at all. I think the hardest part for me is being unemployed and with no?healthbenefits. I have had ongoing health issues since the 2010 era, and I'm only in my 20's. For just one reason or another, chronic fatigue and a host of other ailments. I can only briefly afford the?healthcare?I need with one job, and then once I lose that job, there goes the money again. If it's a temporary job, no benefits are included at all. So, it's like a matter of being impossible to get the glowing 'full-time job with benefits' and while I work these jobs my health issues come roaring back...a vicious cycle. I walk around exhausted all the time whether I am employed or unemployed, and I am also mocked by my family for not working. It's been an awful past 4 years for me. I think the next step from Receptionist may be?Admin?asst but now they have all of these requirements. Now I'm not only seeing?College?degree, but I'm seeing "Must have graduated from a major university with a 3.89 GPO" who the heck are they trying to hire? A perfect person apparently.Yeah, you're right, I'm working on my Powerpoint and Excel skills, but I know I have had jobs before in offices where I didn't really need advanced skills in that. This may sound ridiculous, but I do like working in an office but I don't want to sit around doing spreadsheets all day. I'm sorta trying to find a middle ground. The problem is that I feel like a true Admin?Assistantis fading out as they don't want to pay a receptionist and an admin assistant. So I see "Receptionist" at $11-$12 an hour and you have to doaccounting, create Excel spreadsheets, power point presentations,international?travel arrangements, payroll, office supplies, etc. while sitting at the front answering phones and greeting guests. This is what irks me.It just blows. I'm 22 and never had a job, and maybe I waited too long (all though my parents kinda forced me into this situation), but I don't see why I'm completely unemployable simply because I didn't work starting in high school. What, do they think I'm too stupid to learn now? No, the problem is they don't want to train me at all.I think I was about the same age when I got my first job. I never worked through H.S. either and I said this before, but I interviewed at some pizza place in my early 20's and the lady goes 'odd, you never worked before' I remember feeling embarrassed and angry and also desperate to land a job anywhere so I can start creating a resume. I held on to the fact that I had youth on my side and that is one thing you can use. Say you are a?collegestudent, you might have to look for part time things, not to say that you aren't, but yeah it will be harder and about 99% of places want at least 6 months experience somewhere.But again, you are still young and if you didn't work through H.S. and college that should be understandable. Plenty of people don't work at that time. I tried to get work study and never got it until Senior Year and was so pissed cause that would have been sweet to have all through college to work right at school and have those skills earlier. Oh well. But it's not to late. You're only 22.I think the problem is I have my degree now and I don't have enough of a good job history for these good paying corporate jobs, BUT I also have way too much experience for retail as well like what I've been told lately so I'm stuck in between.I'm too educated for retail, but not educated and experienced enough for a corporate job.A mental assessment? WTF. They want the world but to pay the bare minimum. These employers think $11.00 is enough to offer me. Really, cause the minimum wage in New York is getting really close to that number. They're going to have to improve that.I'm so freaking sick of these staffing agencies clogging up job boards. It's like a treasure hunt just to find a real job ad these days.Craigslist is a nightmare. NO, I am not going to send you references and phone numbers when you won't tell me your name or even the name of your supposed company. And now craigslist scammers/staffing think they're being smart by posting fake addresses, as if you can't just plug them into?Google?Maps to verify them.Everytime I think of how much staffing has ruined job hunting I want to punch something.:/ A mental assessment? WTF. They want the world but to pay the bare minimum. These employers think $11.00 is enough to offer me. Really, cause the minimum wage in New York is getting really close to that number. They're going to have to improve that.Exactly, I am sick of us having to be assessed and judged and prodded for freaking $10 and $11 an hour. They take so much time trying to pick a perfect person, just be grateful anyone wants to do your lowly job. It sucks that a thousand desperate people are lined up behind you waiting for the same job, then these people couldn't be so picky.Hey. Another Stl guy. I'm having problems finding work too and I agree about the job sites and all these temp agencies clogging them up. Craigslist seems to work a bit better though getting legit replies because you're not going up against Taleo or Kronos monster. However they seem to be lower paying jobs around here.And I took a staff agency job from an craigslist ad. It was for a temp?call center?position $8.75 an hour. It was thru Ultimate Staffing who owns Roth Staffing. The job lasted just a day. The temp agency guy was impressed with my typing skills I scored perfect so he hired me quick and it was close to home. I go to the job site and the place was a joke. It was basically 20 yr olds all from the temp agency. And it wasn't simple survey taking like the guy told me but had to do like 40 minute ones and sit all day staring at acomputer?screen being timed and such. The trainer was an arse too. She kicked one guy out because she thought he wasn't paying attention even though he was just leaning on his hand! I quit after the first night.Since you lost your job, have you been interrogated by The U.S. Census Bureau with all sorts of personal questions, including what you do for income and types of?food?that you eat.I've been answering their questions for a year now and they are still questioning me. I feel like they have targeted my like I'm sort of criminal.The sad part is they claim this brings in funds and subsidies to the area. I have not seen that and I still don't see the jobs.Just bring our jobs back so we can work so we don't need?governmenthandouts.If a person gets too hung up on pay or whatever. they'll NEVER work. I can understand minimum wage, but I do think $11 or $12 an hour is what unemployed persons should be striving for in the very minimum. Believe me, if a person works full-time at that rate, the pay is going to be enough to get them by until they can find something that pays more money.I would say it depends on the state you live in as well.?$11 - $12 an hour will not give anyone independence in South California when the rent for an?apartment?is anywhere from $1200 - $1800 for a studio in the Ghetto!!I won't take a job paying $11 - $12 an hour because I know darn well that with the 50 tasks that come with the job the employer by all means should be paying more.?That is why I have been applying for?Data entry?jobs, at least most of those start at $13 - $15 an hour but the catch is an hour and thirty minute drive to a two hour commute each way. So it brings the pay down to $9 after uncle Sam gets his chuck in taxes and not even to mention the cost of gas to get back and forthNot to mention when you take a low income paying job the EDD in Ca "locks" you into that salary so if ever turn down a job for that amount in the future you are denied UEI benefits.Either way it just sucks, I swear if my right leg was better, I'd be dancing on the Pole on "Chubby" night at the night club making some real money. :)I have come to the sad conclusion that I will probably or more than likely end up taking a low paying job, and to be honest it kills me. I am a "high end" salary person, so going from making $19.80 an hour all the way down to $10 is devastating for me, it just is, not sure if anyone can understand this. My salary history has always been either $28an hour to 20.00 and hour, in the last year I was at $26, so dropping to $18 was ok, but now having to consider $12 or $11 just makes me feel like a complete and total failure.And interviewing as well when working?full time?to find a job paying more is a task within itself. Hell, I'm 55 (but I'm 38 because I'm in denial - LOL ) But for me to have to take a job to get by while looking for another job, I'm not a spring chicken anymore, I could do that back in the day when jobs were easy to find, I'd quit a job and have a new job 2 days later no problem, no now a days, it' not so easy.I see why people would rather committee suicide then go through the hassle of looking for work and constantly getting rejection letters or phone calls.I totally get it. It seemed for a long time that the only jobs calling me back were low paying. It made me feel like "What exactly is on my resume that says I'm only worth the minimum?"I noticed a?furniture?store new to town is?hiring?but it says?bilingualpreferred!! yes to be a sales?associate?for a furniture store in Missouri.I guess we will need to get used to speaking Spanish with all the new illegals thanks to Obama who will also take lower jobs away from us too.IMO to be honest unless you're a doctor or in something highly skilled expect to possibly be under employed or unemployed long term when graduating?college?right now.Some of her co-workers complain about?government?work and don't where they currently work, but I tell her they should be thankful they're civil servants because people who work for the government, whether it's local, state or federal, don't fully realize what it's like in the private sector as they're granted certain protections employees don't have on the outside. Not to mention, when you're a government employee it's harder to rid of someone versus the private sector. They enjoy what everyone else don't enjoy: job security. On the outside, I can be discarded at any time, for any reason or no reason at all. In the public sector, everything gets documented and a case for dismissal (firing) must be proved over months and months of written documentation and they can't just get rid you of because they don't like you (personality wise), hate how you look, dislike how you dress, etc... . People who are civil service should be glad they are and I know some civil service employees who'd never make it on the outside thanks to all the protections they have as government employees. If they ever worked on the outside, they'd really wake up and smell the coffee. they'd quickly realize just how cutthroat things are and just how....As an unemployed person you can only do so much. And that is the ONLY thing that these professional can tell you repeatedly is what you're doing wrong and how to do it right. I gave up on these articles after being out there pounding the pavement for so long. There are to many out of work and to many worthless employers and recruiters out there that don't care and are searching for the perfect employee for $10 an hour.And let's not forget the slave wages of 10 and lower that no one can live on unless they have 5 roomates in a one bedroom apt and the ability to be available 24/7 at their beck and call. These employers are just unreal these days.People who are civil service should be glad they are and I know some civil service employees who'd never make it on the outside thanks to all the protections they have as?government?employees. If they ever worked on the outside, they'd really wake up and smell the coffee. they'd quickly realize just how cutthroat things are and just how....That's true. When my daughter graduated from high school, so many people told her to go into government work because of all the perks and protections.And let's not forget the slave wages of 10 and lower that no one can live on unless they have 5 roomates in a one bedroom apt and the ability to be available 24/7 at their beck and call. These employers are just unreal these days.They pay that low in CALIFORNIA? Everything cost a lot there. Wow.They pay that low in CALIFORNIA? Everything cost a lot there. Wow.Yes, some employer's are lowering wages due to the congested job market. They want 65wpm & 10 key and offer $10 an hour. For that wage, you either have to live in a dump / ghetto area or rent a room or get a roommate. Depending on the area, apts can start from 1800 for a studio to 2500 for a one bedroom.Yes, some employer's are lowering wages due to the congested job market. They want 65wpm & 10 key and offer $10 an hour. For that wage, you either have to live in a dump / ghetto area or rent a room or get a roommate. Depending on the area, apts can start from 1800 for a studio to 2500 for a one bedroom.How is Obama's amnesty going to help this situation?Who knows.?With all the wages being lowered, employers might as well hand out shackles to potential employees since they want employees to he available around the clock. Grrrrr :(How is Obama's amnesty going to help this situation?It's not just low wage jobs that will become unavailable to us.?Many of the?government?jobs, especially state ones, are locked up withhiring?them. They will get all the benefits we don't get, too.?But this is all fine with most Americans. You don't see anyone getting upset about it. It seems most Americans have a high tolerance for things. Even when their economic status is going down the tubes.?Politicians just say they are against something, but it's all talk and they never do a thing about it.I think a lot of Americans are against it, X, it's just SO politically incorrect to say anything these days. Yes, they ARE people, and they ARE escaping awful situations, but I feel that just letting them in, letting them stay with NO consequence if they are illegal, and we need to start calling them illegal, because they are, is insane.It's been said if they were "legal" vs "illegal", it would all be okay. I disagree with that because any large influx of people going on our public assistance programs such as?healthcare, is going to impact us horribly. Even if they get low wage jobs, they still qualify for free healthcare and other programs like free?college, etc. Why do we have to work to pay for all of this, and why do most people think it's okay? It's a form of slavery.I think people in the US are so used to being kicked around, they think it's the mode du jour now.How is Obama's amnesty going to help this situation?Obama is a jacka** and I have no problem saying that even after having voted for him twice. I now realize I made a HUGE mistake at the time and, unfortunately, it's not something I can undo. Personally, I don't give a rat's a** what he even has to say at this point. His Obamacare screwed me over. I just want him out of office and am counting down the days until his 2nd term is over. Even though I'm a staunch Democrat, I'm voting Republican next time. I ended up voting largely Republican this year. I want change.Your first year as a?government?employee is generally considered probationary. They can usually get rid of you quite easily just as they can in the private sector. However, once you make it past the year long probationary period, you're pretty much locked in to your government job. They can still get rid of you, it just becomes a lot harder at that point and they need a certain amount of documentation, usually written, to get rid of you. Andevent?at that, government employees have a union they can turn to even if they're not paying into the union; the union still helps them.IMO, if a person can get a job working for the?city, county, state or?federal government, they're generally better off working for the government even though they may not be making as much money in the public sector. The benefits are almost always going to be better and trump the benefits employers give their employees in the private sector.I've had my fair share of government interviews and have never been asked those same types of questions. In fact, there was usually an?HR?representative during the interview to ensure none of those types of questions were ever asked. I can honestly say all of my government interviews were 100% on the up and up and the way an interview should be.While it might be better working for the government, it doesn't advance our economy in the ways that the private sector does. You don't see the latest technology coming from the government employees. New technology and innovation comes from private?business?and the more people the government employs, the less advancement we will see. When it reaches a fair percentage, we are socialist.If you have noticed, the Republicans are just doing the same as the Democrats. They all cry how they are againsheythings, but it's all talk, and they never do a thing about it. Actions do speak louder than words.?The two parties are one party. The?government?never loses that way. Your "elected representatives" never represent you or me. They are just about special interests now. They just use our tax dollars.Obama is a jacka** and I have no problem saying that even after having voted for him twice. I now realize I made a HUGE mistake at the time and, unfortunately, it's not something I can undo. Personally, I don't give a rat's a** what he even has to say at this point. His Obamacare screwed me over. I just want him out of office and am counting down the days until his 2nd term is over. Even though I'm a staunch Democrat, I'm voting Republican next time. I ended up voting largely Republican this year. I want change.Me, too, twice. But what choice was there - Term 1 our other choice was a ticket with an ancient warmonger and an intellectual midget, and the second time our choice was between a now-borderline socialist and a clueless billionaire. If EITHER party ever gives me somebody even halfway toward the middle I'd vote for them. But every single one of them has their own agenda.While it might be better working for thegovernment, it doesn't advance our economy in the ways that the private sector does. You don't see the latest technology coming from the government employees. New technology and innovation comes from private?business?and the more people the government employs, the less advancement we will see. When it reaches a fair percentage, we are socialist.While that may be true, the private sector is a b*tch to work for and treats its people like crap. (I'm not saying that's not the case with government work. You can be treated poorly there too but are less likely to be treated that way.) In certain cases, you get paid less money (I'd actually get paid more money doing?front desk/reception or other office-type work for the government). Your benefits aren't as good and you have less protection. not to mention, your rights are trampled on during interviews and illegal questions and questions that have nothing to do with the job or your ability to even do the job are always brought up. And loyalty isn't even appreciated. At least the longer you work in government, the more you're recognized and thanked for your loyalty and years of service.If you have noticed, the Republicans are just doing the same as the Democrats. They all cry how they are againsheythings, but it's all talk, and they never do a thing about it. Actions do speak louder than words.?The two parties are one party. The?government?never loses that way. Your "elected representatives" never represent you or me. They are just about special interests now. They just use our tax dollars.Very true. I am from Europe where most countries are Socialist and while they are considered the true worker's system, very little innovation comes from them."Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money" - Margaret Thatcher."The problem with Capitalism is that most Americans will never be one (A Capitalist)". My high school?Economics?teacher.I wish there was a 3rd party. We really need more than a 2-paty system.I don't see why the Tea Party just doesn't break away and become its own thing. They're so different from regular Republicans and don't even see mainstream republicans as real Republicans anyway.While that may be true, the private sector is a b*tch to work for and treats its people like crap. (I'm not saying that's not the case with?government?work. You can be treated poorly there too but are less likely to be treated that way.) In certain cases, you get paid less money (I'd actually get paid more money doing?front desk/reception or other office-type work for the government). Your benefits aren't as good and you have less protection. not to mention, your rights are trampled on during interviews and illegal questions and questions that have nothing to do with the job or your ability to even do the job are always brought up. And loyalty isn't even appreciated. At least the longer you work in government, the more you're recognized and thanked for your loyalty and years of service.As long as you understand that the public sector( government) could not exist without the private sector. Its all on the taxpayer's dime.Very true. I am from Europe where most countries are Socialist and while they are considered the true worker's system, very little innovation comes from them."Socialism is fine until you run out of other people's money" - Margaret Thatcher."The problem with Capitalism is that most Americans will never be one (A Capitalist)". My high school?Economics?teacher.There are other things besides capitalism and socialism.?The problem with everyone working for the?government?is you head toward communism. You can see signs of it now.The reason for this is that the government doesn't make anything and if don't make anything, you can't sell anything and Capitalism depends on a robust market of buyers and sellers.When was the last time you bought something from the Bureau of Land Management?Plus it spends too much money and doesn't manage it very well.While that may be true, the private sector is a b*tch to work for and treats its people like crap. (I'm not saying that's not the case withgovernment?work. You can be treated poorly there too but are less likely to be treated that way.) In certain cases, you get paid less money (I'd actually get paid more money doing?front desk/reception or other office-type work for the government). Your benefits aren't as good and you have less protection. not to mention, your rights are trampled on during interviews and illegal questions and questions that have nothing to do with the job or your ability to even do the job are always brought up. And loyalty isn't even appreciated. At least the longer you work in government, the more you're recognized and thanked for your loyalty and years of service.I wouldn't say the private sector doesn't treat people like crap, though sometimes it can. But I actually wish the public sector was tougher on its employees, because once you get a government job alot of them practically have tenure.Part of the problem with government workers is they can afford to be less competent and sloppy bevause they are harder to terminate.The one owner is too anal and too micromanaging for my liking.He just got mad because I didn't enter a first contact's info into CORE, his CRM. Hello! I'm still new and learning. It's nice to tell someone to do something, but they have to be shown and taught how to do it. He came to me Friday just as I was about to leave, handed me 3?business?cards, told me to input them into CORE. Again, not shown how to do this. Just told. I tried to do the best I could on my own.It was like that at the home?health?agency too. They get made ar me over filing and I'm brand new to the job, trying to learn and not really be told and shown. I was left all by myself and then when I do it, they get mad because they think mistakes were made.What's wrong with employers? Don't they get new means new? Don't they understand a new person needs to be shown, taught and given time to learn?I hate this about the workplace now.One question that I now ask during the interview is "How much training can I expect?" If that is met with uncomfortable glances and sighs, I know that might not be the job for me. II am not the "hit the ground running" type. My major is?computer?information systems. I was laid off from my job a few months ago because my company got bought out right when I was hired. Since then, I've had over 20 on site interviews and have gotten turned down by all of them or never heard back. When I get a rejection e-mail, it's usually vague and generic, such as "We're moving forward with other candidates". I get calls and e-mails often but in the end potential jobs always fall though. It's gut-wrenching, brutal and painful. I have started to wonder at even at my age (25), if I'll ever find a job again.I'm looking at getting a couple of certifications (A+ and Network+) through the Workforce?Investment?Act where I can get up to $3,500 to take training courses to get those certifications. Not every company that calls me for a phone interview asks if I have any certifications and those that do say "It's no big deal" or "It's not required". If I still can't find a job even with those certifications, I don't know what I'll do.I was warned about this guy from several if the gals working in the office.This guy literally told one of the gals in a recent meeting to shut up when she tried to speak up about something he was talking to us about. It just floored me. I've already seen him openly admonish employees out in the open around other co-workers. Thankfully, it hasn't happened with clients around. Like Kelly said, can you imagine if clients ever saw it? How unprofessional that'd be.I spent 9 months working for an optometrist who also openly admonished his employees on the floor and didn't care if patients were around and acted similarly to this guy with employess. Not going through it again, especially for another 9 months.Now I know why Jeff, the full-time?front desk?person, just up and left. This guy is rough to work for.Why do I always get stuck at the sucky places?And what sucks about these jobs is they're resume wreckers because you don't stay at them long enough to list them on your resume and if you did you can't use them because they won't have good things to say about you.Already had that happen to me earlier this year with that horrible?cashierjob at Northern Tool.Funny, I talked about and complained about my job at the home?health?agency and no one told me to stop complaining, get off the forum, and to concentrate on that job. Now, all if a sudden, I'm being told that about this job. Weird how some of you are picky and choosy about when you will listen and offer support and advice and when you won't listen and offer support and advice to someone.I think what everyone is trying to get across to you is that this is a "Frustrated Job Seekers Rant" forum.You are now employed, so perhaps make a forum for "Frustrated With My Job Rant" forum.Most of us here are trying to get jobs, you have so far landed two and have complained about every single one of them, while some have given you advice you continue to rant and rave about how much you hate each job.?To some us suffering from going to job interview after job interview and looking to land a job, you have landed Two jobs and seem to be ungrateful.I'm just saying what others maybe thinking, at least the regulars that use to be here who have now left for one reason or another. Just a thought.I'm sure if you made a forum here on Indeed about hating your job, you'd have a bunch of folks coming into the forum.Here we are just trying to find work, a place to live, pay our bills and get by on what little income and some on No income to get by.I wish you the best on whatever you do at your present job, but come on lady, you have a job, be happy and do your best to keep it and be happy that you have a job.I called the service managers cell phone again early this afternoon and it let me leave a message this time but still have not got a call back from him.Should I just give up on getting a interview from it?I give up on this. Every time I think I get an interview lined up they back out, or don't contact me back 90 percent of the time.On the local news website it says MO unemployment down to 2008 levels as well and look at me.I need to start my own?business. I've been out of?college?nearly a year now and all I had was a crap job at Northern Tool part-time and the job at Macy's that worked me 0-8 hours a week. I don't see myself ever being gainfully employed again.You and me both. It's just crap out there.?I'd work my fingertips off if I had have my own business.From my experience in?collegewomen take the more social sciences classes and liberal arts classes like sociology, psychology, female, gender studies etc and other fluff. Yea the university I graduated from has just added a gender studies degree and has a big feminist movement on campus the last couple years. Hence they always seemed to brag about their high GPA while I had to take more?business?courses and harder stuff.You wonder what someone does with a gender studies degree. It doesn't even matter if you get a 4.0 GPA in that major.Schools try to make it like all degrees are equally difficult and that just isn't true. In fact, schools often charge extra fees to enroll in science,engineering, medicine, and business programs.Those courses seem like a lot of propaganda. Imagine going through that every day.Anyone have any rants or raves from working at Walmart?The Chicago Tribune just posted an article but the link would not take. Indeed responded with:"We do not allow vulgar language, personal attacks, or phone numbers in our forums. Please edit your comment appropriately."----------------------------------------------------------------------------The Pennsylvania Supreme?Court?ordered Wal-Mart Stores Inc to pay $188 million to employees who had sued the retailer for failing to compensate them for rest breaks and all hours worked.Wal-Mart said on Tuesday that it might appeal the decision, which upheld lower court rulings, to the U.S. Supreme Court., please consider allowing links because some are legitimate and job related.Well the service manager from the dealer never called me back. I left a message Monday night on his work phone and tried calling a few times yesterday and left a message on his cell phone and tried one more time today.No dice. It always seems that way. I get my hopes up I got an interview and it ends up not working out because they decide not to call me back to hire me, or it's a phone interview and they say they will get back to me for an in person interview or they only offer me 6 hours a week or min wage.I about give up on this job hunting. I filled out 4 more apps this week from Craigslist and no luck still.I'm trying to talk my parents into finding me a way to start a?businesssomeday. My resume is trashed from when I was younger and got laid off and switched jobs a lot and in this last case because I quit my job in order to go to?college?and finish my degree faster.I've never seen anything like this before. Just how rude managers and such are today when it comes to interviewing by not returning phone calls or just plain being nasty when you call them about the status of your application.Are you working on your novel? I'll proof! I have some small writing projects too. I have not been consistent about working on them.I had been working on it off and on, mapping out my plot and characters but for the past 6-8 months I haven't felt motivated to do it. I think about it, especially when I start reading and it makes me want to stop and go write my own book. I have fan fiction novels. I wish I could publish those, lol. I wish I had something decent for to proof. But I don't have anything written to the point I'm finished with it and ready to just edit. I need to do it. That's my only passion in life besides animals.How does one get hired by a company that uses Brassing, Taleo, PeopleSoft, etc?Why can't it be like it was 15 years ago where you fill a paper application out or just email them a resume? It sounds like they want to cut back on?HR?workers.I wish I knew. I figure that certain jobs are looking for certain types. Retail jobs are looking for honesty, integrity, and "OMG PEOPLE I LOVE PEOPLE YAAAAY, PEOPLE!" so even if you are honest and have good integrity if you're more reserved or gasp! Shock! introverted (like me) and that shows in the test, you might not pass.That "person" had a sense of entitlement. As we all saw, if the smallest thing didn't go her way, well, everybody around her was at fault. Some folks here pointed out that the same issues kept cropping up at every job she had, perhaps it was time to look a bit closer to "home" when it came to issues.As others here have said, she needs to be the center of attention.It's amazing anyone can go to work nowadays and think they can get their way. Unless they have some skill in huge demand, it's just?catering?to what the employer wants.?I think a lot of the same issues can come up in different jobs. I have had that happen. It's sort of the?business?world now, the flavor of things. But her reasoning was flawed. Telling a place she wouldn't work the?front deskwouldn't work unless she had some in-demand talent.Has anyone else thought about maybe starting their own small?business? My resume is so trashed and job gaps in it for not being fully employed due to the economy.Like I learned in school from a couple entrepreneur classes I took some people start their own business because they were unable to find work.At least then you're responsible for making your own money and not relying on Taleo, Brassing, or Kronos to get you a job interview.I think about this every day!I know I don't belong working for other people. I am tired of asking bosses to clarify themselves, or when they contradict themselves, I hate having to bring it up.My current boss told me to arrive at a site at 8:30am. The form said 9am. I asked again and she said, no, it's 8:30.So I get there at 8:30 and no one is there.I texted her and asked why no one was there. She said that the site opens at 9am.Now, is she just stupid or lame or is she messing with me?I am so tired of this crap. I work hard, and I am willing to work hard to get a business off the ground.People used to tell me that if you work for yourself, you're going to have no life and work very hard. Well, I have been working for others, and it's been that way for me.I agree, that there is no way to have a quality life unless you work for yourself. I just don't have the idea yet. That's the hard part. It doesn't have to be something brand new, but something I know about.I have thought of starting my own business, but honestly do not have the personality for most self employment. Many times (arguably most), one must have an outgoing personality to charm people over.My father did his own business for a number of years. He worked 10-12 hour days. I prefer to wrap things up and go home around 8 hours.See, when I work, I work 10+ hours a day. I've worked 13 hours in one day. Plus the 1 hour commute each way...?I don't think one has to be overly charming. You just have to have a good product and find that niche. If an industry needs a part or process for manufacture, and you do it well or cheaper, you got it.?Especially if you know someone in the business.I don't like working for others. I am tired of the games, the politics, the put-downs, the belittling, the arrogance, the incompetence. It's not the hard work. It's the mind games, etc.Going to to work is such a huge part of life. If one is at home for 10 hours a day and part of that is sleeping, it isn't much time for oneself.I'd rather work 60 hours a week for myself than 40 hours and having to put up with rude managers and such.I'd rather work 60 hours a week for myself than 40 hours and having to put up with rude managers and such.Exactly. It's about quality of life and not feeling like one is constantly swirling around the drain of insanity.Or having a 21 y/o female manager who is filing her nails and has her flip flops on and chewing gum while you're trying to relate a system issue to her. Then she says she doesn't know how to fix it.I think about this every day!I am so tired of this crap. I work hard, and I am willing to work hard to get abusiness?off the ground.People used to tell me that if you work for yourself, you're going to have no life and work very hard. Well, I have been working for others, and it's been that way for me.I agree, that there is no way to have a quality life unless you work for yourself. I just don't have the idea yet. That's the hard part. It doesn't have to be something brand new, but something I know about.I would love to be my own boss, but I have zero business sense and am just not a business person. I watch Shark Tank and think those people have good ideas and make some money but I just couldn't do it, and when the sharks ask pertinent business questions I'm like "huh?" I'd be bankrupt in a week lol. I just love the idea of running the company because I know what I'd do differently and how I'd appreciate my employees. I would not forget the little man. But at the same time I don't want to be bothered being in charge. I dont want a 60 work week. If you get lucky and it really takes off then you can sit back and chill but that's if it takes off that well.I hate those?hiring?softwares the companies use. If it is so great why do they hire such dumb people? I mean I thought it is supposed to weed out people not qualified lol.Perhaps they aren't looking for the smartest people. The managers might not want someone better than them under them.?Most jobs now have no where to advance to, either.That could be why possibly in retail they don't hire the smartest people figuring they will eventually take their job or leave for a better job soon.I've spent the last few hours doing more research on starting a?business.?I can't take working for morons anymore.?It's like everything is inverted.?Businesses used to hire the best people. The most skilled or dedicated or other, but now, it's one big grown-up playground. Just cliques. Women are big on cliques, but men do it too. Just who they like or don't like. If they don't like you, forget it. If they didn't like Einstein, Tesla, or James?ClerkMaxwell, they wouldn't get hired.I'm not saying I want to be a millionaire but even if I had a small?businesswhere I made $30,000 a year income for myself I'd be happy. Heck even $20,000 I would since I live with my parents. I have a degree and each time I fill an app out for jobs that pay 25 to 30k a year I get NO interviews, just ignored or rejections.It's only near min wage jobs I get bites from.As I told my parents I basically give up looking for a full-time good paying job. I spend hours fighting Taleo, Brassing and Kronos for jobs I never get interviews for.I'm just sticking to craigslist now where it's easy to?fire?off an email and a human sees it but even that lately has dried up a bit.I graduated Dec 2013 and only job I had was a?cashier?at Northern Tool for 3 months then I quit as it was unbearable and the harassment I got from my managers, and then Macy's which lasted 3 months but I got 0-8 hours a week. So now I have nothing to put on my resume for the last year since graduation and before that summer 2012 was last time I worked. From what I'm reading I'm pretty much screwed now.Hence why I want to somehow get my own business. I see everyone else who graduated last Dec or this May at my school getting jobs. I'm sick of applying for jobs I wont get. That is time wasted I could be learning stuff and researching about starting a business.Trying to get something patented is really discouraging and expensive. I found a service for free patent work (since shut down) and learned that my idea already had 30 patents taken out against it. The lawyers told me to just do what I wanted and wait for someone to find me. I'd have to pay them to license the patent.What really makes me mad is that it's software. It's ridiculous that you can patent 'online shopping cart' and 'button that sends you from one webpage to another' when no two people will solve the problem the same way.It's like everything is being done to stop the dissemination of ideas and keep innovation out of the hands of the workers.Hence why I want to somehow get my own?business. I see everyone else who graduated last Dec or this May at my school getting jobs. I'm sick of applying for jobs I wont get. That is time wasted I could be learning stuff and researching about starting a business.What skills do you have? The quickest path to profitability is to sell a service.How does this job sound? Should I apply? I never get interviews for full-time jobs so I guess I'll stick to part-time low level jobs.Part Time?JanitorialMorning hours. Start at 7am. 3 hours; Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat (12 hours per week)$8.00 per hourMust be at least 21 years old, no criminal background, no whining, no bs.Clean bathrooms, dust mop, empty garbage, wet mop, scrub floors, buff floors.Reply to this ad with interest.Looking to start ASAP.I thought the illegals were here to do the jobs, like this one, that Americans don't want to do.?Have heard this ad nauseum over and over from the media and thegovernment.I am also tired of the silly businesses that are actually started. Like where DO these people get the money to start a website with webcam hugs?I look at some of the startups and they seem to be the dumbest ideas ever, but they still get the money to create them. Over use of apps for phones that are excessive. Most of the new startups are just apps.?At least they mentioned that it will still be 2+ years before the economy supposedly recovers. And that salaries have remained stagnate at best.A day or two ago, it was actually mentioned that the median salary has gone down by about 3k over the past few years.And consumer prices keep climbing. More people seem to be spending money. (Where exactly is this money coming from when salaries are going down????)I do wonder about that, too. Maybe debt? Investments? Savings from lower oil prices?i think most of the profits from us companies are coming from their overseas biz. like Apple.maybe we should take a boat ride.The media keeps the propaganda going. They aren't going to say how bad things are. They can distort numbers all they want, but when you don't have a job or you work and get your paycheck and see how little you get...I'm a registered independent but haven't voted since 2009 and have no plans to vote anytime soon..The whole process has become totally distorted..Me too. I feel like no one represents me or anyone else. I feel they are pawns of the masters.Remember the old communist single candidate ballots? That's basically what we have now.New immigration center will hire 1000 employees and house and feed them. I assume of course they will be?hiring?illegals to fill these jobs. Their job is to process the illegals in this country to give them amnesty.Looks like it will be even harder to get a job now.big-government/2014/12/26/cost-to-pay-and-house-1000-new-immigration-employees-for-exec-amnesty-48-million-a-year/Why ask for the top dollar?Because they said they are willing to pay it with the range offered.Because the only time you have any leverage regarding your pay is when you're?"negotiating" like this.Because you have to get it going in the door.Because you'll never get any raises or bonuses or cost of living increases or adjustments.Because you know your own value and know you are competent.Because no job lasts forever, so you might as well make as much as you can while you work.The whole process is broken. I had a professional job once that I just quit with nothing lined up. Took me a year to find another. Years ago.Nowadays if I were to just quit a job,?Hiring?managers wouldn't touch me. They would think there's something wrong with me. I remember at the time the interviewer said to me, "I understand perfectly why you left." Only job I ever upped and just quit. Today I'd be an outcast and never work a pro job again.Systems broken:today/post/article/5-reasons-hiring-processes-never-attract-best-people-like-jeff-haden?trk=tod-posts-post1-ptltHe missed the biggest reason.Insecure, snide, egotistical managers who want to keep the competition out. If they perceive you as being better than them, they don't want you around. You'll make them look bad and could move into their position.Why it's such a locked up game now.A lot of people are not comfortable talking about money.?Sometimes, we are brought up this way or some people feel it's being greedy to try to get more money.You have to be comfortable talking about money and trying to get the best for yourself.It's not being greedy to get what you think you deserve.It's important to be able to talk about money. I think a lot of employers?bankon the fact that a lot of people are unable or uncomfortable to talk about money and will take whatever an employer offers.The more skilled the job is, the more leverage you have with getting more money.Employers ask for salary requirements up front pretty much all the time now. Because they can. They hold all the cards. Really not right when it's a blind online ad, but what can you do except say "market value?" Asking for references up front in a blind or salary history is just too much though.I've stepped into this sight a couple of times and was actually a regular years ago. What I learned most from leaving this place was a better perspective on my life. Getting stuck in this place became a twilight zone, never moving on. There is nothing wrong with venting, but when it becomes a constant thing it gets in the way of moving forward.I know I'll get negative feedback from the regulars, which is what I expect. Reading posts from others who have tried to share something that wasn't too favorable with the regulars was like being thrown to the wolves.Also, I've been in the same boat as most of you on here; unemployed for years, over 50 and working part time, underpaid jobs. I just got hired with my third part time job, love all three jobs and my life. I'm always working on having a positive attitude on life, no matter what is thrown at me! Best of luck......It (venting) actually never got in the way for me. It was here I learned that there was nothing "wrong" with me, and I'll always be grateful to the "regulars" you've mentioned for that. I figured EVERYBODY here couldn't possibly be a useless lowlife. We all encourage each other, and as we get hired, instead of leaving the site, we stay on to encourage the rest. I think that's the most positive thing going, when the rest of the world, Dr. Phil, and sometimes your family, think you're 'just not trying hard enough'.I'm not really nervous about my interview on Wed. I learned not to get worked up and excited before an interview anymore because then when you don't get the job you get all mad and that.I otherwise pretty much give up unless it's on Craigslist or something really simple to apply for. No more two hours of going to war with Taleo anymore or anything like that when they're not going to contact me for an interview anyways.My only other option is to find a way to start a?business.Otherwise I'll probably be better off dead eventually than being broke and considered useless the rest of my life like most employers think of me.Has anyone else given up filling out any job applications that use?hiringsoftware like brassing, Taleo, Kronos, Peoplesoft, etc?I've officially am. It's nothing but a waste of time and I have not got any interviews so far with jobs using any of this software.I'm only sticking to jobs that let me reply directly to someone via email or simple submission form or Craigslist.I don't have multiple hours to waste on ONE job that I will 98 percent chance not get contacted for any sort of interview.Also I don't like my SS number out there too as most of those programs require you to enter it. Especially not after someone tried using my SS Number this past year to file a bogus return on me.I wonder how much good calling these?government?offices really help. This is job related in the sense I need to cut costs because I am unemployed.So I called my PUCO, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to complain about how my phone company, CenturyLink, is way higher in their prices compared to all of the surrounding telephone companies. Their internet price is outrageous.I made sure I told him that I am unemployed and how the area unemployment is high. That was when he gave me his first *sigh*. And then a couple more times during the rest of our conversation. He acted so put off to the point I wished I had never called.Nothing ever became of it. I'm still waiting for an answer.Oh I also have called a few times to complain about lack of jobs to some of my political reps, i.e. state senator, congressman, and one other but I forget his title.End result: I only received lip service letters that thanked me, which included a reminder to vote for them in the next election.Guess what dudes? I gave you a big UFCK YOU because I did not vote for any of you!!!!!The first person to name an amount loses.?I never bring up an amount.?When they ask me how much I am looking for, I say, "I am sure you will offer something competitive for this job."?If they ask again, I bat the ball back and say,?"What range are you willing to offer or come in with?"Let them tell you what they want to pay.?Then you can ask for the top amount.Nice Answer!!?Thank you for sharing, I will use this next I'm asked that question.?Seems when I name the amount, I am low balled by someone less experience and they get the job.?My dad always said "You get what you pay for" and these cheap azz employers are getting just that!?Rather than pay a reasonable salary for those that are qualified or even overly qualified they'd rather go with someone asking for less with less experience or a "brown noser" who is deseparate enough to take anything. Sorry I still have some pride left to hold on to and unless they "show me the money" the low ball bait that they offer, I am not willing to take. :)Why do employers consider and refer to those working temp jobs as "Job Hoppers" ?This is so frustrating for me.?It's like every other interview I land, they bring that up first thing along with voicing it.?My response is "I am single and self supporting and working temp until I find permanent work, is a way for my survivial".?Then of course I heard "well we are still interviewing people and we'll get back to you upon making a decision", of course I never hear anything back. :(I wonder how much good calling these?governmentoffices really help. This is job related in the sense I need to cut costs because I am unemployed.So I called my PUCO, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio to complain about how my phone company, CenturyLink, is way higher in their prices compared to all of the surrounding telephone companies. Their internet price is outrageous.I made sure I told him that I am unemployed and how the area unemployment is high. That was when he gave me his first *sigh*. And then a couple more times during the rest of our conversation. He acted so put off to the point I wished I had never called.Nothing ever became of it. I'm still waiting for an answer.Oh I also have called a few times to complain about lack of jobs to some of my political reps, i.e. state senator, congressman, and one other but I forget his title.End result: I only received lip service letters that thanked me, which included a reminder to vote for them in the next election.Guess what dudes? I gave you a big UFCK YOU because I did not vote for any of you!!!!!They checked your name against their list of political contributors and didn't find your name. Hence, you get the form letter. Now had you attended the last $10,000 a plate reelection dinner, you would have had a different outcome. LOL!My father use to say, "There is the ballot vote and there is the dollar vote; two different conversations". He never voted in his life.Remember back when Sprint got rid of 2,000 customers because they felt it was not worth dealing with them??Allegedly customers were calling multiple times about the same concern. Like people even want to be on hold like that and fight thru their telephone web.?If people call back over and over, you can bet a good number of them never got the issue resolved with the prior call(s).People like the guy you talked to, the "sigher", must have cushy jobs and have no cares.Politicians will only send you a form letter back, telling you to write to them with any issues. Which you already did. Which is why I never write to any of them anymore. I once wrote back, "Thanks for wasting my time."I think we are now a communist nation. The constant crap going on is far too much for a free nation. Look how many FEW CHOICES you have now, and how you are taxed for things you don't want to support. Like that guy's job...I'm seeing jobs requiring proficiency in Spanish as well as in English and alaundry?list of other requirements for jobs paying in the lower tier of the middle third of five-figure jobs.And then what I see on glass door...well it's rough out there, folks. It's still rough out there. You really have to know someone.These employers don't care. Salaries are down. There are always plenty of candidates. They figure they'll have no problem getting a new fanny to warm a chair. I don't think it's about quality of work anymore. Of course, if you don't perform then you will be gone. But, for starters, they just don't care who comes in there to do the job. Get someone who knows someone and a favor is owed back to keep the wheel spinning. We're not cogs in their wheel. We are pawns who go out to do the dirty work and are sacrificed. There are always replacements. Gross.Good article about Mark Cuban and his comments about the huge student loan debt problem this country has and how it's nearly impossible to pay it back because of the economic situation.This article also mentions?business?related degrees and how myself and others have been saying how there are way too many business majors now and not enough jobs to go around for them with so many jobs being done in third world countries now.Unless it's?accounting?I would stay far away from business related degrees, MBA's etc.I see my business degree being a big waste of time. I should have went into something more specialized or into?law enforcement.billionaire-mark-cuban-just-dropped-biggest-truth-bomb-student-loans/I just got back from my interview. I think it went about average. Not too bad, but not super good. They will contact me by Friday they said hopefully to let me know if I got the job or not. They have to pass it along to management she said who makes the final decision. The job I did ask and it does pay $13-17 an hour plus bonus and overtime since they're expanding right now. They asked if I was a rockstar and that and if I don't mind stress.This has me worried a bit but if it's 13-17 an?hr?and bonus and benefits I guess I should tough it out then.They also asked if I can speak any languages like Spanish because a lot of the truck?drivers?don't speak English well they broker to. I was honest and said I don't.You can thank NAFTA for that. Its like even here in Missouri that want you to speak Spanish :(They also asked if I worked at all since being out of school and what I have been doing since I have not been working. I told them I was taking 15-18credit?hours my last year and a half of?college?and I just didn't have time to work much.While the interview was okay I think I don't think I'll get the job.That whole language thing is so overboard now.?We are being forced to be?bilingual, but people coming here aren't.Every group has their own country. They can't try to be in it while they are here.I don't even care about the New Year.?I am tired of trying and not getting anywhere.?Family, who doesn't live with me, does not care. Period.?What happened to the American Dream?Presidents are just front men. They are figureheads. They really don't have all of the power.People gave something up to act a certain way. I think I bought into it all for awhile. But I don't now.?I miss the good old days. A regular paycheque, and lots of job if you weren't happy with the one you had.Yep, going to work, planning for the weekend. Not many people worked nights or weekends.?People left work at 5pm.?Now, businesses want us to think "people" want them open 24/7. They just want to put out a bigger time net and get more sales or?business.?Pretty soon, everything will be open 24 hours a day.The only people who luck out are the ones who don't have to work.I don't even care about the New Year.?I am tired of trying and not getting anywhere.?Family, who doesn't live with me, does not care. Period.?What happened to the American Dream?Me either. All I keep thinking about is ringing in the new year with the same Job stres and worries. No reason to celebrate 2015 when there is nothing to look forward to. What do I have in the new year? More applications? Whoop de doo!I looked a lot of TV show marathons today, that helped but only a little. Depressing.I'm with xboxer-don't even really care about it being the new year.Haven't posted in a while, but I have been reading the forums (especially this one) every day. Although I can't say I'm glad you (meaning the regulars) are all still here, it does provide me with a degree of comfort knowing that I'm not the only one who still hasn't found employment yet.Just the other day I had to endure yet another rebuke from a family member regarding my unemployment. Said family member had just gotten home from the?grocery store?and was told by another family member (who is also unemployed but not for the same reasons that I am for the most part anyway)that he was going to have to come up with money to pay for some car maintenance expenses. The first family member turns to me and said "See this is why you need a job-to pay for groceries and car expenses" I would ask that you keep in mind that the family member who said this to me is one that basically worked for the same employer all the years she did work and has been retired now for 10+ years.So once again you guys that come here and post everyday continue to be the only one who get it-that the employment world has changed, that the methods of obtaining employment have changed, that the number of people needing jobs outweighs the supply of jobs, the odds stacked against you when there are hundreds of people applying for the same job once it goes out onto the internet and that you better be an exact match to the requirements or you won't even get an interview, that the majority of jobs out there are jobs that don't pay a living wages but expect the applicant to be willing to work whatever schedules they can come up with and do multiple tasks/have multiple responsibilities and let's not forget you had better be able to do those jobs in a fast-paced environment while paying attention to detail.I know all the above has been said before, but if this year is anything like the previous ones, its going to be the Same S!@#, Different Day for the next 364 days...This person has known me their whole life but can't seem to figure out why I am still unemployed. This person knows my past dealings with people throughout my life and how said dealings may have affected me, knows my medical history and how that affects what kinds of jobs I can apply for. This person knows my educational history, my personality, strengths, weaknesses etc., but can't figure out why I'm not a "good fit" for the types of jobs that are out there. This person should also be able to understand why I don't want to commute for over and hour to a non-salary job that would not pay me enough to live on my own or why I don't want to work with people/have co-workers that are levels of?education?below what I have.I'm tired of all the times I am guilt-tripped about living at home and being reminded that said person is paying for my?health?insurance?when the premiums arrive in the mail. Why can't said person get that it's not that I'm lazy and don't want to work/apply for jobs its that the economy is still in the s!@#ter and that there are still too many factors working against me when it comes to getting a job/that there are too many jobs that are not worth my time/effort in applying to because I won't get them even if I apply to them.Now with the above said, I still love this person and am grateful for having a place to live,?food?to eat, shelter from the weather, internet/TV etc, but this said person just continues to be out of touch/cannot fathom today's employment environment.I don't get these lectures/rebukes everyday, but when I do man do they hurt...Thank you for reading and I wish all of you luck in finding jobs this year.I get the lectures, too. The worst is when they're triggered by something stupid. One day, it's the TV being on with Dr. Phil covering, of all subjects, people who mooch off their folks because they're lazy and/or don't want jobs. Another day, it's your mom's?financial?consultant?suggesting special needs funding for that 27-year-old who's, strangely, still living at home. It almost always results in a fight between my mother and me.Most of all, though, it really bothers me that there's no way around the disconnect between myself and potential employers, no reasoning with them. In a little over four months, I'm turning 28. I started my search when I turned 26. Those are two years that I could have spent starting over, developing my social life, looking for a sense of identity and passion, and just enjoying the tail end of my youth altogether. But instead, they were mostly wasted clawing for a number of interviews that I could probably count on one hand and e-mails with empty compliments and wishes for success. I don't think they really get how much damage a lack of employment does. This isn't a minor inconvenience or a bump in the road for me. It's destroying what should have been the best part of my life, and that's going to haunt me for a long, long time. To know that I will never get those years back is torture.I wish I could have known as a child that things could turn out this badly for me if I didn't explore the world and try to come up with a game plan. I would have lived so differently. Cruel thing about those younger years. They just happen to be the years that are most important for determining your lot in life, but you're too naive and carefree to make them count.You are still very young. I'd give my left foot to be turning 28 again. I remember being 28. I remember wanting to accomplish so much before I turned 30. Didn't happen. I hated it too. Where did all my 30's go? I have nothing to show for those 10 years. So, you have an advantage to me in that you know now what I wish I had known them. How hard jobs are to come by and how hard it is to get ahead and get anything, especially when you are older. You still have youth on your side. 28 is nothing. I to remember feeling old at 28. 28 is young when you're 38. or 48, lol.Don't dwell on losing this "last spent youth" I think we all go through it because we know that by 30 we should all have some idea of what we are doing in your lives, in a real job, sometimes even married with kids. I wish I had left my crap hole job earlier instead of toiling there for all of my 30's because staying was easier than leaving and to just have a job. You still have time to have these bad years and turn them around. Cherish that.I feel lost and hopeless right now too. I feel my depression coming back. The last few days I noticed there was a job lag because Of the holidays so I didn't put to effort in for a while but I'm still not seeing much today. It's making me feel anxious. I can't take another 6 months of this. And you're right, the employers demands make it 100 times harder. Trying to meet their expectations is exhausting not to mention EXTREMELY unrewarding. ne of my family members is a teacher. Makes great money. Day is never over 6-8 hours. Every holiday off and paid. Perks. Great?healthcare?benefits. She gets a pension when she retires. She plans to retire young. So you retire and get money to live off and free healthcare too. Who gets THAT now? She said I know more about science than she does, and she teaches it. She owns a nice home in a nice suburb, always drives a new car, and she goes on vacation. That's ONE income too, she is not married.Not saying being a teacher is the worst profession in these times, but teachers' pensions are being assaulted along with anyone else who might still HAVE a pension. Most teachers I know work day, night, weekends. Plus, they constantly pay the bill for classroom supplies.I find it strange that people attack their salaries. The profession is one of the LAST American professions that guarantee workers' rights. The vast majority of teachers are medium Middle Class earners, like you and I ONCE WERE.Er, so people are attacking them because teachers had the common sense to maintain worker protections???How far we have fallen. We let the billionaires & corporations suck the life, brains and income out of the Middle Class. At the same time we attack the profession that, from the beginning of the?industrial?revolution has fought to keep?children?off the?assembly?line, have foight to raise everyone's lot in life up.I'm not sure what teachers you know, but I DO know married teachers, both of whom have part-time jobs to make ends meet. Especially if they are early in their careers, unlike your friend who has been obviously in it for a while. Besides that, those better salaries and especially pensions are TARGETS for the conservative agenda who really are about aren't much about the middle class succeeding like they claim they were.The American Dream died. It's now called "The American Horror Show". LOL?At least this is how I have been feeling lately.?It's a flipping joke, can't get a job, can't get?insurance, employers drag their feet on?hiring?and most jobs here in CA, Your required to speak Spanish, but if your an illegal, you get insurance, low interest rates and a job, WTF ??????Sometimes I think and feel like I'm in a Twilight Zone Episode and I'm waiting to wake up but I can't get out of the dream. :(The ultra rich have always viewed the "Common man" as a slave. The masses, whatever they call us.?Labor?is an unpleasant part of doing?business, and they hate having to pay people, as you have noticed.Despite the great focus on how far we've come and technology, a lot of us are still slaves. People think of slavery as someone in chains, but slavery can be economic. Where you have to work a job you hate and grovel to the bosses and have limited choices in life.That's why I say, NEVER WORK FREE. The people getting out of?collegewho will work free to get experience are shooting themselves in the foot.Just read up on what com-munism calls us. Then you get a good idea of what our politicians think of us.It takes a lot longer to reach that 'American Dream' than it used to--if you reach it at all. Wages are so stagnant that most never do. I got excited coming across an ad where I fit everything--then got to where you had to speak Spanish. It's the Spanish Dream now as America is more about speaking Spanish than anything else.I was watching The Walking Dead marathon the last couple of days and I really felt like I'd rather be out there scrambling and fighting Walkers than to keep up this job search. At least I could just live however and not have to worry about bills and interviews. I know that sounds ridiculous, but the idea of just forgetting all the cumbersome ties to the real world would be great. Just find a nice empty house and make your life there, get a garden, fight a few walkers on?food?runs every now and then, etc. I'll take it. I will take killing a walker over going to another interview.I was just thinking today of how this all feels like a dream.?How I am just getting by on what I have.?Like I am in the same squirrel cage over and over.?Deja vu-ish like, because now I am going over the same employers all over again looking for work.We are all the pioneers here. There will be more people who come after us and will be in our situation. But they aren't paying attention to us, because we spoil their reality.What you said about Spanish is true. It is as if the North American Union is real, and there are no borders. Anyone can come here and tap into the tax dollars.?This can't keep going on forever, it will run out.I agree. It's like going in circles now with the job market.I just had someone tell me the other day to "hang in there, the economy is going to get better really soon."So I asked why they said that. They told me that the price of gasoline would be going down and it will stimulate things.I said it might help transportation, but it isn't going to help build factories, etc. We have lost our manufacturing base.Another person told me the economy will get better. I asked why and they had no answer. I think they just say that.College?professors are the best gigs to have. Especially the private universities as they pay $$. The university I went to the?assistant?andassociate?professors those are your full-time professors all make around $100k a year or more if they're?business?school teachers as they made the most. They get summers off, lots of days off like students get and they usually only teach 3 classes a semester and most are not union so no union fees to pay, and it's almost impossible to get fired from. Very cushy jobs and it sucks in a way because there is no system really to?fire?crappy professors.It's funny my college had troubles finding full-time?account?professors because the starting pay is ONLY about 100k a year one of our professors said. Everyone just looked at each other like WTF. If I was an?accountantI'd jump all over there to get all that time off and other stuff. I'd do it for 50k a year! Great job security too.I wish I knew of a good place to go. Most large US cities are hell holes now.?I think eventually, the?Industrial?Revolution will go in reverse.?There was a guy who once wrote a book about all of that. He claimed within the next 200 years, the US would be using candles again. Not that we can't do more technology, but just that the increasing population on the dole would undo the advancements. You can see it now with the hospitals that have closed because they couldn't absorb all of the costs for freehealthcare.Wish we all lived in one city. We could meet and discuss what we can do. I guess more minds are better than one.?I know of two teachers in the Chicago Public School system who make between $85-95K. That's for nine months of work. True story.War Thunder is a game you can download for free. I believe it's 20th century based combat. World of Tanks is another free download which is similar. I downloaded it in the past week. Eh. Boring in my opinion. I believe you can pay for upgrades to your tanks. Not sure. I guess that's how it's free. PC-based gaming has nosedived lately.Don't forget all of the benefits they get too.?I see people say they want to get out of teaching and it baffles me. They think everyone in private sector is making more than them. No way. With their hours, holiday pay, and benefits, they are doing pretty well.?I'd advise anyone looking for a career--go teach it.Here is the New York Times map of unemployment rates by each county for men age 24-54. It's pretty alarming. Even counties that are low are still around 15 percent in many cases. Article says man of these men will eventually just give up finding are discriminated imo due to affirmative action and such especially white males. These days women get picked over men in most cases.interactive/2014/12/12/upshot/where-men-arent-working-map.html?_r=0&abt=0002&abg=1#/5/38.5/-96.1My cousin from FL is in her first year of?college?and is up here to visit. She said it took her a year to find a part-time job at Wal-Greens down in FL.That shows you what the economy is really like, but I am always getting people telling me the economy is better. They must be on drugs.Had an uncle who was a house painter. He never married and on his spare time, he would buy these old houses and fix them up and sell them. This was back in the 60's. He died a millionaire.If I could go back in time, I would pass on?college?and go to plumbing school or?beauty?school. I think trades are where its at now.I got into another heated argument with my parents this morning about jobs. They say I give up too easily and that there are jobs around here for me if I apply myself to it.I tried explaining?HRIS?software to them like Taleo and Brassing and how they basically automatically black list me and reject me but they don't get it. They say keep applying for those jobs that use Taleo.Taleo is a waste of time. They use it where my sister works. Out of 100 submission, they might look at 10.?I'm sorry to hear you feel that way, Shingami. You pretty much sum up my current state of mind, too (although I must say that trading messages with everybody this afternoon has made me feel a little better).?What's almost as bad as that feeling out of options or lost is the grim realization that, if a job finally does come through, it's likely to turn out to be some horrible thing (oh, say, like working as a?cashier?at a dollar store--which is what I applied for earlier today) that people with better options would never take.Yep. I too am done with near min wage retail cashier type jobs. They treat you like crap, unstable hours and they wreck your resume. That is the problem I have is all my past work is retail related so when I go for a good paying job they see I don't have any experience so then I'm stuck applying to places like Lowes for cashier that pays near min wage. I paid 40,000 in loans for acollege?degree and I'm not working some 15 hour a week job for $8 an hourYep. I too am done with near min wage retail?cashier?type jobs. They treat you like crap, unstable hours and they wreck your resume. That is the problem I have is all my past work is retail related so when I go for a good paying job they see I don't have any experience so then I'm stuck applying to places like Lowes for cashier that pays near min wage. I paid 40,000 in loans for a?college?degree and I'm not working some 15 hour a week job for $8 an hourI hear ya. I absolutely hate the idea of applying for retail jobs, because I've had all those experiences that you mention. It's pretty terrible stuff.I'm sorry to hear you feel that way, Shingami. You pretty much sum up my current state of mind, too (although I must say that trading messages with everybody this afternoon has made me feel a little better).?What's almost as bad as that feeling out of options or lost is the grim realization that, if a job finally does come through, it's likely to turn out to be some horrible thing (oh, say, like working as a?cashier?at a dollar store--which is what I applied for earlier today) that people with better options would never take.I'm just in a bad mood today. That rejection I got just killed my last little bit of spirit I had left. Mostly because in the back of my mind I was hoping to get hired and thought the holidays was holding them up, and to get that generic rejection email---it was like watching my house go up in flames. Another shot at a job gone down the drain. It just truly killed everything inside me to see that email and I sat here in tears for a while. This is my new year? I am just in a downward spiral. My unemployment was also reduced. I think suicide looks pretty good right now. I truly, truly see no light at the end of this.And you are SO RIGHT about the job we get being some crappy job. Like this?law?firm receptionist job that I don't even want to do anymore, shackled to a desk dealing with a@@hole lawyers again. and I hate that all my desperate hope is on something like that that I don't even want. There is nothing but low pay and high job expectations out there. I don't know what I'm doing wrong? The interviews actually go OK, yet always a rejection. I'm tired of interviews altogether. My mental state can't take it anymore.I feel the same way. I'm in my mid-fifties, and next month will mark the fifth anniversary of the day I was let go from my last "permanent" job. Since then, I've gotten by with a mixture of temp positions and self-employment, with some occasional retail work that I always wind up leaving in short order. I realize now that my problems started way back in my twenties, when I didn't find a good employment niche to get into, and wound up making a whole series of bad decisions (including going back to school and racking up gigantic debts) that have led me to where I am today. Unfortunately, I no longer have the?energy, much less the time, to set things right. It stinks.WORK itself was so different three decades ago that there is no comparison. MOST of the jobs then don't exist now or have really changed beyond three decades of preparation. Three decades ago, America still had a middle class, too.One thing I've been meaning to mention to you, after seeing some of your comments about dealing with attorneys, is that, when I was growing up, my mother had suggested that I should become a lawyer. The only?attorney?I had known as a kid was an old, very reserved gentleman, and it gave me the absolutely wrong impression of what lawyers are like. When I got to?college, I discovered that most everyone in the pre-lawprogram was about as obnoxious and rude as could be. I couldn't stand them, so I dropped out of the program in my sophomore year. I've known a bunch of lawyers since then, and, while some of them are nice, most seem to be flat-out jerks. Blechhhh!?Well, I've been on this message on and off through the day, and I really have other things I need to take care of, so I am going to bid adieu to all for now.Once a volunteer, always a volunteer. You volunteer for references & experience. People who hire friends & relatives might consider you. You volunteer to put some serious activity on your resume.When you do that, employers aren't going to hire anyone eventually.Never work free.You undercut yourself, and everyone else. You lower wages and when places know they can get free help, look out.Very true. I learned from my mistake. I went to a place to apply for a job, and the guy recommend that I do volunteer work there for the experience. I did it 3-5 years, and watched them hire friends of the street instead of me or any other volunteer. A co-volunteer said it best: "Why would they hire us? They have us for free."Free internships for?college?credit...I wonder how many employers abuse this to get free?labor?i have to add a big yes on that. Volunteering to do good is one thing, but when you lower yourself out of desperation it weakens us all. I'm an out of work Massage therapist that is coming out of the "alternative medicine craze" when all of a sudden everyone and their brother went to school for massage therapy thinking they could make fifty bucks an hour and work in candlelight and soft music. Now you can't throw a rock without hitting a therapist. They are all undercutting each other prices trying to retain clients on the books, greatly de-valuing the profession and making way for Corporate sweatshops like Massage Envy to destroy us.It's like that in a lot of professions now.?Those schools are saturating everything and the employers love it. Tons of desperate workers and lowered pay and no benefits.Those schools are saturating everything and the employers love it. Tons of desperate workers and lowered pay and no benefits.Yeah isn't that the truth. Colleges and employers meet to create big?businessI have had 3 people tell me in the past 4 weeks that the economy has improved and we are out of the recession.?Unbelievable.You don't need a robust job market for a thriving economy. Not anymore.I swear on indeed, craigslist, monster the last 2 months or so I'm seeing less and less jobs and the ones I am seeing are part-time and or low wage low skill jobs. Nothing to pay any bills with.Me too! Or I'm seeing jobs or getting job alerts from jobs I'm nowhere near qualified for--medical profession, managers. I'm like "WTF?" I'm also seeing less and less jobs and the ones I see are either part time or some insane job description with 200 duties for $9 an hour. When I read the duties half the time I don't even know what they are asking you to do so I just keep going. It's depressing, I'm averaging 1 job application a day, if that."Receptionist" jobs ARE now the dumping ground. The employers get everything an exec secretary does for half the price. And because of the shortage of jobs and volumes of people who want jobs, they get away with the BA crap, or a BS in "secretarial sciences", which in all my life I have never heard of. But yeah, if you have one, they'll pay you 8 bucks an hour. Ridiculous.Ever feel like you have already applied everywhere!!!!!!!!!?Then what do you do?Absolutely. It seems like, on almost any given day when I go through job listings, almost all of them are for positions, or at companies, where I've already struck out.?Today, for the first time in I-don't-know-how-long, I managed to find two jobs (not counting "scraping the barrel" ones like that dollar store?cashier?job I applied for a few days ago) that I hadn't seen before, and I applied for them. I probably don't have a snowball's chance in heck of even getting an interview, but at least I can take a tiny amount of satisfaction in knowing that I gave them a shot.?And then I can add them to the huge list of jobs that I've already applied for and didn't get.So, this?evening?on the supposed "news", the report is that job growth is taking off by leaps and bounds. "They" did 30 seconds on a?computer?company that just hired 6 people.The other side which was reported was that wages are barely keeping pace with inflation. I can believe that as I have been experiencing that myself.The first question to me (because it was not reported on) was "where are all these jobs being created?" Retail and?food serviceas has been mostly the case for years now? Low wage and part time type thing?I tend to believe the folks here who have been looking for, but unable to find work over?government?stats.So, this?evening?on the supposed "news", the report is that job growth is taking off by leaps and bounds. "They" did 30 seconds on a?computer?company that just hired 6 people.The other side which was reported was that wages are barely keeping pace with inflation. I can believe that as I have been experiencing that myself.The first question to me (because it was not reported on) was "where are all these jobs being created?" Retail and?food service?as has been mostly the case for years now? Low wage and part time type thing?I tend to believe the folks here who have been looking for, but unable to find work over?government?stats.Well, they are lying. There is some turnover, but I'd hardly call 6 jobs any progress. Things have gotten worse, and they keep chanting how it's getting better.?It's not. We know that.?So this is just propaganda and then people doubt themselves because they say there are jobs now out there but why can't you find one??Some friends tell me they believe things are getting ready to change for the better.Near the beginning of the recession, money guru Suze Orman said the economy (by her estimation) was not going to emerge from its destruction until year 2015. I remember thinking, "Wow, that's a long time to wait!"We're all in this mess because of the economy. If it improves enough, jobs will come. It is "slowly improving," but it always takes a while for things to really "kick in." The economy spiraled downward the same way.Hopefully, it's on its way back.Pray for patience and perseverance.The economy isn't some ghost element.?When most of the manufacturing jobs left America, it wasn't justfactory?jobs that went.?We haven't gotten those back.?Besides the manufacturing jobs, there were so many other industries that were supported by manufacturing.?Insurance, computers, uniforms,?catering, and more. The impact was horrendous.?After 2019, only one in ten Americans work in manufacturing.We don't need the media to tell us that the economy is good or bad. We can see it ourselves.?Your?grocery?cart is double in cost from about 10 years ago, and if you are working, you're making a lot less than you think you should, and if you aren't working, it's next to impossible to get a job.We don't have time for that kind of wait. I wish I had known what I wanted to do when I was younger. My dream job is to be a writer, I wrote a couple of books but they are EXTREME rough drafts and I don't know why, but I can't find that motivation anymore to write like I used to. Not to mention I can only imagine the rejection when I try to sell a manuscript, lol. But I see things like '50 shades of Grey' become a worlds best seller and think if that book can be a hit I know something I write should be able to, but then again it's still about who you know and luck.I wish I had not settled in my last job, although it did help me have some longevity somewhere and I sell that now. I know I wouldn't have such disdain for the economy or have completely lost Faith in life in?general?had I found a job 5 months ago. I was actually getting calls and interviews a week after losing my job and nothing panned out. I mean not ONE! I know the interviews weren't that bad, I actually got SECOND interviews. Just sick of this.So, this?evening?on the supposed "news", the report is that job growth is taking off by leaps and bounds. "They" did 30 seconds on a?computer?company that just hired 6 people.The other side which was reported was that wages are barely keeping pace with inflation. I can believe that as I have been experiencing that myself.The first question to me (because it was not reported on) was "where are all these jobs being created?" Retail and?food service?as has been mostly the case for years now? Low wage and part time type thing?I tend to believe the folks here who have been looking for, but unable to find work over?government?stats.I saw that, and you beat me to the post! Yep, bet you all didn't KNOW that 2014 has been the best year for job growth since 2009!! You gotta love how the networks swallow what ever Uncle Sam feeds them.Shingami, have you looked into self-publishing in an e-book format through something like Amazon? Lots of people are doing that, and some have great (or at least moderate),You said earlier you feared homelessness. Oh boy, can I relate to that! It has been one of my biggest fears all my life, I think mostly because I am basically a loner.When I look at the world and how in so many ways I don't fit in, I've thought, "How am I ever going to make it?"Most people are strangers to me until I really get to know them. I don't have the "gift of gab" to be a great networker/socializer. I forced myself to take?college?courses (though I detested every moment of it), but I never got a degree. Technology and computers are so important today, and I'm not really interested in all that stuff to want to further my skills. I'm middle aged. I'm divorced, not into dating and not interested in marrying again. No kids, so who is going to care enough to look after me in my old age if I live that long? The majority of my friends are older and I'm the youngest of my siblings.I can drive myself nuts with those thoughts. But when the chips are really down, my life has always taken unexpected turns, and somehow I am given the strength to keep going.I hope and pray that none of us will give up.Sounds like the people jumping off the bridge were given far too much.?To Xboxer:God is not going to save everybody. Every day, people jump from the bridge with zero belief in him.My life is not my own. IMO, that's what being a?Christian?is. I give up what the world strives for and my life is dedicated to God's will. The Lord "orders my steps," and I can see it, even in bad times.I asked for many situations because my desire is to continually go "deeper" with God. I tell him daily to change me, break bad habits, etc. I also pray for a lot of people and situations in the world.How do you change your nature? How does your thinking change? I'll tell ya, trials and tribulations bring more people closer to God than anything else. That's "one" reason why he allows them, especially in a believer's life.We can point fingers when see the bad things other people are doing. Then we say, "I'd never do that, Lord." I've done it myself. God already knows what's in my heart and what I'm going to do, but he wants ME to see it. Then, it's like he brings a similar situation (test) to me. If I fail the test, I immediately look into the mirror and see that I'm not as strong as I thought I was. I can't boast. I am always reminded that I will never be perfect in this life, but that I must continually be committed to change.He created me to worship him eternally and to look to him for all my needs. It's what he desires from everyone, really.I've been through many bad times. I've asked "why" many times. But looking back, I can honestly say that my faith is stronger and I am closer to him the older I get.That is God's work in my life.We don't have time for that kind of wait. I wish I had known what I wanted to do when I was younger. My dream job is to be a writer, I wrote a couple of books but they are EXTREME rough drafts and I don't know why, but I can't find that motivation anymore to write like I used to. Not to mention I can only imagine the rejection when I try to sell a manuscript, lol. But I see things like '50 shades of Grey' become a worlds best seller and think if that book can be a hit I know something I write should be able to, but then again it's still about who you know and luck.I wish I had not settled in my last job, although it did help me have some longevity somewhere and I sell that now. I know I wouldn't have such disdain for the economy or have completely lost Faith in life ingeneral?had I found a job 5 months ago. I was actually getting calls and interviews a week after losing my job and nothing panned out. I mean not ONE! I know the interviews weren't that bad, I actually got SECOND interviews. Just sick of this.I can so relate. Not only have I lost hope but I have lost faith along the way.?I just don't get it. I could understand if I was a bad person or something, but heck even when I was working or receiving unemployment, I'd still buy the homeless people I can across lunch or dinner along with showing them compassion and understanding, you'd be amazed at the stories they have to tell. It just saddens me as a human being that no one gives a Sh*t about what's really going on in the world concerning the unemployed going on several job interviews with the same company only to have the company hire a non-qualified relative instead, we see the news flash with killings going on every where and fake new reports on how the economy is getting better when it isn't.Knowing the truth is not being "jaded" though. It's staying in reality. No matter how painful it is. It is what it is.That is true. However, without at least "hope" (and for some of us, faith in God), what have we got? If we lose hope... Well, you see it every day. And not too far from me, folks are jumping from the bridge at the Hoover Dam in Boulder?City.I'm not going to faint, no matter what. And personally, I don't believe the Lord will allow me get to that point. He knows what I can and cannot bear.I use to think that but now I no longer have faith or hope.?Everything I am going through makes me wonder what kind of god would just stand around and let this happen. I could understand if I was a bad person or something, but UFCK, coming close to loosing everything that you own is the last straw for me. I am doing my best to stay hopeful that something will come along job wise, but it better be fast or I will be joining many others in the statics of jumping off the San Pedro bridge. Well not really, I'd probably just over dose on my pain meds and take that long awaited dirt nap.I totally agree.?I know people who just threw in the towel on finding employment and took the dirt nap for death, through overdosing on meds, hanging themselves and jumping off a bridge.?They were all good people. One was my neighbor who hung himself, he was the nicest guy too. I got to met his parents and told him that I was sorry for their loss and told him that their son was amazing. His mom cried when I told her this information. I told her sometimes people are in internal pain and no one can understand no matter how they try to explain it.I bet it's not just the job. I bet it's a constant barrage of disappointment and fails.?Over and over. Most people can deal with one big problem, but it's when you get an onslaught of bad deals.?It's very sad, and our world likes to pretend they care about people, but it's just the trendy media savvy things that people want to get attention for.Yep, the media crucified Apple for using Foxconn, but everyone in the?electronics?industry uses them. They talked about the suicide nets, etc., but over here, people have done away with themselves over jobs. I had heard a report on the radio about a guy who had to train his "replacement" and then was let go. He shot himself in his car in the parking lot.There is such a need here, in the US.Managers hire their family and friends. Then they make the real workers pick up the slack.?I once worked for a family business and I got a?customer?worth 60K to the business in sales. I nurtured and courted this customer, only to be told that the commission would go to the guy behind me. I was WTF, and it turned out that the guy behind me, with a different surname, was the owner's son.They made up some silly reason for him to get the commission, "It's Tuesday, that's HIS day" and I walked out. Before I did, I went and gave his mother, the owner, a piece of my mind. She was very religious and I remember looking at her god clock above her desk.Why do I notice all the casinos in town are always?hiring? I have one near me that is always hiring. Is working in a?casino?a high pressure, high turnover industry? Is it worth applying for or would it be another one of those bs low paying high stress jobs?I mean when I see them always?advertising?and that is has me wondering if they're not a good place to work because if they were people wouldn't be leaving.High turnover is why they have so many options. If a place has high turnover, consider going there. I didn't. You could be another casualty (probably will be!) and it'll mess up your career. You'll either have to lie about being 'let go', either have to leave it off and have an unexplained gap, or just have wasted time in which you could've been at a job that would have actually helped your career.I always suggest going on glassdoor. If there's no glassdoor for the company, I usually consider that a yellow (caution) flag, automatically.I read those reviews. The downside to these review websites is people from the company actually post fake reviews in order to give their company good remarks. Northern Tool does that. I caught my?assistant manager?leaving a review on it because she listed our store on the indeed review saying how great pay and how great the company is. When in reality they pay even their managers low and treat their employees like dirt. This was when they were desperately seeking help because they were short staffed knowing people going on Indeed would see northern tool listed.I declined a position at Clarks shoes after reading all the bad reviews on indeed and glassdoor. It turns out I would have been working 44 hours a week and only making 2 bucks an hour because it was basically entirely commission based. I remember when I did the phone interview with the?assistant?manager he even hesitated and asked why I'm even applying there in the first place since I got my degree now.How can someone be religious but go work in a?casino? Gambling, alcohol, strippers...just doesn't sound consistent.A very nice?church?here regularly enters casinos. They're not gambling either. Their "singles group" meets for lunch at the restaurants inside the casinos.They are patronizing a place that profits off gambling. You can't just dismiss that. One has to wonder why any church would have anything to do with a casino. It's like going into a cathouse and saying you didn't use any of the women. Weird.One of the huge problems in Las Vegas is that so many of the jobs are tied to?customer service?since it's such a tourist destination.The casinos have everything in them. Some are designed to be more family-friendly. There are theaters, roller coasters, concerts, conventions and sporting?events. It seems every major?chef?has a restaurant in one of those casinos. And if I want to go out for breakfast, I'm usually going to go inside a casino. They are the hub of Las Vegas.I hate to see Las Vegas grow so huge, but I am hoping they continue to bring other types of businesses here--and especially out this way in Henderson.They are patronizing a place that profits off gambling. You can't just dismiss that. One has to wonder why any?church?would have anything to do with a?casino. It's like going into a cathouse and saying you didn't use any of the women. Weird.I look at it this way: They are going inside a casino to get to somewhere else--the buffet. There are so many great restaurants and buffets in the casinos.If, say, I heard that inside the MGM there was only gambling and bars and that a church group was going there, I'd probably say "Hmm..."Can't believe any church would patronize those places at all. Definitely some biblical conflicts there. Doesn't matter if there are buffets. According to the bible, you don't get to decide.Can't believe any?church?would patronize those places at all. Definitely some biblical conflicts there. Doesn't matter if there are buffets. According to the bible, you don't get to decide.Xboxer,I'm sorry, but I disagree with you completely. The bible is against gambling. Jesus went around some not-so-nice folks and entered places where religious folk said, "How dare he!"You have to weigh things. I can enter a?casino?all day long, walk right to my theater, watch a movie and leave when it's over. Some people can't do that because other things in the casino entices them.I am very careful about exposing myself to things that could be hurtful to my spirit. Like, I don't like a lot of wildness. I don't like seeing people drunk and acting crazy. It disturbs me spiritually and emotionally. I don't see the good in it.But so far, I'm not going into casinos like that. What I see at the ones I watch movies in is tame. People seem like they just came to town and are walking around happy.God's word is against gambling, for sure.I don't have a problem with what I'm doing, so I'm good.I hope you are not offended by my posts, because I wrote them sincerely from the heart. I feel like you are now wagging a finger at me and saying, "See, I KNEW I'd catch you, miss goody goody. You are a fake!"There is. I don't want to find it at the moment, but there is.I don't play the lottery either. I have played "free" sweepstakes online and have won some fairly nice things over the years. And that I definitely don't have a problem with.. A place to vent... Over 4 years of being unemployed. One was spent being underemployed. Despite having experience, educated with an MBA, which I earned from working while in school... I hear crickets now when I send my resume into the abyss. I can not recall the last time anyone called me to discuss my resume. Funny that back in 2006 recruiters would call me about once a month. By the end of 2010 I was out of work and saying to myself, my?education?and experience has to count for something... it did, but not what I thought... It seems that employers don't want someone like me because I may want a higher salary than someone with less experience and/or education. I now feel like a knife that has been sharpened so much that it is only allowed to do tasks that have become almost non-existent. Like a scalpel for an operation but surrounded by steak knives and meat cleavers. I?exercise?everyday (only because I have not worked for so long), try to stay active with friends but even that has become a struggle... If your not making money it becomes quite a challenge to do anything that is not free. I had to move in with my parents at 42 just so I can make what money I do have last. I know there are others like me out there but when does one say enough is enough? I watch the news and read but find that it is odd that the President and most of the media says the U.S. is doing better and yet I find myself in a very unfortunate scenario that is almost unexplainable. As a kid I use to think that people who are unemployed and poor are only those that don't want to work and/or are uneducated. I want to work and am highly educated with experience. Where does that fit? I am at a loss and not sure what else I can do. I thought of joining the military but I am too old now. I've done some volunteer work but let's face it, there is no pay and I can't be free?laborforever. Pride has kept me from?government?assistance but once my money runs out, where am I going to turn?The more people volunteer at companies, the more wages will go down.?Employers love free?labor.I don't believe in biggovernment?socialist policies because wealth is not created from handouts. Hard work is what creates opportunity... not free stuff. But, as I mentioned, once my money is gone...? My parents are only getting by themselves... They retired and are on a fixed income. Despite their help I feel horrible that I am living with them. They don't say much but even I can tell they are worried of my situation. Not sure if there is much more to say that has not been mentioned by someone like me. I did not grow up poor but I was never rich. Opportunity for me always came because of a result of my work. Now, I am poor, have no job and can't seem to find anything. I wonder what the next 4 years will be like?Why do you think it's you??There are very few jobs out there.I don't think it's entirely me but I also don't think it's entirely something or someone else. Like I said, opportunity comes from work but that opportunity has to be also readily available. I know that there are fewer jobs out there but the labour department and the media seem to paint a very different picture from the one I see. I was a kid of the 70s with cousins graduating from?collegeto the unemployment of the late 70s and early 80s. What I see now of myself seems to fit that picture better but there is no high unemployment, no high inflation, and no high commodity prices. So why is it that someone like me... with an?education, good work ethics, and experience, unable to find work? I know there are others like me but my point is... Don't you find it odd? It's not just me... the picture is somehow being manipulated... but I honestly don't understand how or why.Unions especially for low paying jobs are pretty much a joke that doesn't benefit newer employees just the grandfathered ones who been there for years.I went on a interview for a bagger, stock?clerk?position for agrocery store?here in town. Of course all the big stores are union and MO at the moment is not Right to Work yet. The position paid min wage AND after 1000 hours a .10 raise! But there was a $150 dollar union initiation fee on top of your union dues you pay out of every pay check.After so many hours you get that .10 raise and eligible for?healthinsurance which isn't even really good. After taxes and union dues I would have been making around $5 or less an hour and only offered 15-20 hours a week.I didn't turn the job down at the time and then a few days later I got a voice mail saying they needed MORE than 3 references. I never returned the call.Why does it seem that everyone is finding really low wage jobs, but if you look around out there, people are buying big homes (400K types), new cars, vacations, etc.? Who ARE these people and just how do they get big paying jobs? It seems everyone is being low-balled and underpaid or underemployed, IF you find a job.?So it IS out there, but why aren't any of us finding them??I'm a professional, but I constantly am low-balled, that's if I get an interview.What's the secret?What kind of careers do these people have??Are THESE people the friends and families of bosses?Ok, I just found this ad on craigslist and I am Soooooo tempted to reply and go off on the person posting this job. This is just ridiculous! They are asking you to do everything but wipe their Azz!!We are looking for a?full time?General Office?--?Administrative?/Data Entry?/ Office?Assistant/Clerical?clerk?.The ideal candidate is enthusiastic, professional, and friendly with a strong work ethic.?We will train the right person. Background check is a part of thehiring?process.?This is a full-time position with variable hours, but usually from 9 AM-5 PM Monday-Friday.?Duties include, but are not limited to:?? Answering phone calls and e-mail?? Filing, including organizing and maintaining files/sending emails? Copying/scanning documents, and mailing out brochures???General?Office duties as directed?? Planning company?events/making follow up calls???Data?Entry?? Preparing shipments?o You may be asked to help with lifting heavy drums as part of preparing shipments?? Making labels for outgoing shipments (UPS /?FedEx, USPS)?? Preparing shipping documents?? Sending samples to customers?? After sending samples, you need to follow-up?? Follow-up with customers for their future requirements?? Follow-up with vendors?? Follow-up for incoming and outgoing shipments?? Follow-up with clearing agents for?international?incoming and outgoing shipments?? Follow-up with Organic certifying agency (OTCO)?? Follow-up with the Media?? Light office?cleaning?(vacuuming, dusting, keeping things neat, etc.)?? Need to coordinate with management team and report to them?? Complete tasks in a timely mannerI once interviewed for a job like that with a builder.?I was told I would have to get there at 7am, everyone else comes in at 8am, so I'd have to run the show until they all showed up.?I was told I had to organize all of the supply samples, order them as needed, call to make sure constantly to make sure they were available. I was told I had to check blueprints, go to sites to make sure all of the?construction?materials would be delivered so construction could begin. I was told I'd have to figure out how much of whatever was to be ordered, say siding, brick, flooring, paneling, stone, etc.?I was getting dizzy hearing this. I was told I was to do all of this for the 3 salesmen, so they would get more time. Oh, plus you had to man the storefront in case anyone came in and wanted a particular type of material for homebuilding. OMG.All for $10 an hour.It was a family?business, and basically, I'd be doing everything for the family members, allowing them to come in later, go home earlier, not work weekends.Translation: Slave job.Forgot to mention, no benefits. But the family and original workers all had them.How are these people able to afford new homes and new cars and 200 dollar purses?Credit. Debt.But you have to qualify. If someone only makes 20K a year, they aren't going to qualify for a 400K home...?They also have to make payments, so the more they buy, the larger the minimum monthly payment will be.It just doesn't add up. Maybe some of them have overpaid, gravy jobs, but in the current environment, I can't see how that is happening. Every place I go, it's reduced wages.Managers are?hiring?friends and family. Which makes for a lot of dead wood in companies and everyone else has to do their jobs. I call it Corporate Welfare.There is a definite lack of jobs.?New jobs are not being created to offset the problem.?Present jobs are being eliminated to cut costs.The population is increasing and more and more people are coming into this country.So those 3 things alone are causing the problem of not getting a job.I do agree that not enough jobs are being created... The narrative that is presented by the current?administration?and the media is that unemployment is low (or better than in 2009) so the US is better. I stopped looking at unemployment numbers and focused on?labor?participation rates, demographics of working age adults excluding those on disability and those over 70. It is more work to research but it's not like I am busy.I do think you are correct on "corporate welfare" to an extent. Corporate cronyism is easier to accomplish in smaller organizations however, in large corporations, it is not quite so easy. Not saying it does not exist but that it is more difficult to perpetuate over a long period of time. My first job out of?college?I worked for a medium size company. My then boss was a jerk... And his boss was an even bigger jerk. Long story short, they eventually were both let go. It took about 3 years for senior management to figure out what was going on but long term, corporate cronyism does not last long unless all of management is involved.As for population growth and foreign nationals legally or illegally entering the country, I believe you are partially correct but not entirely. There is more competition for fewer jobs but?educationand experience also has it's role. I know how to change the oil in my car but it does not mean I will be hired at a lube station to do so. I am competing for a different job.We lost our manufacturing base and this affected far more than just manufacturing jobs.I am confused as to why people can't see this, and they just remark how the economy has "recovered". It's like some flippant statement they recite, like they are parroting the news.The increasing cheap?labor?being brought into the US, and it's not all unskilled, look at hurting us horribly. Obviously, our "elected representatives" care little for us.If someone only makes 20K a year, they aren't going to qualify for a 400K home...?They also have to make payments, so the more they buy, the larger the minimum monthly payment will be.?Where I live, it seems like more poor people drive brand new cars than rich people. A friend of mine has SSDI and qualified for a loan to lease a new car. I don't get it.I think a lot of people are getting themselves into serious trouble by signing up for loans they won't be able to pay off.SSI/Disability, yep. A lot of those people live in terrible little ghettos or apartments and act hood rich. SUVs with a quarter tank of gas in them, don't pay their bills, etc etc. I know one of them who is renting out for a bunch of illegals and makes 3,000$/month just to house them all, and you guessed it! She's not reporting it! So she's living off of untaxed money.Then there's the rich people who keep getting richer and securing their positions with their power circles and jerk sessions, and thus, they continuously get more money and more networking opportunities and more raises and more bonuses. They'll ALWAYS be fine.And then there's the rest of us humble saps who didn't want to rub our own egos and create superficial, super-inflated senses of worth while in the working world and now we're stuck here. At least that was my case. OMG. You know places are getting so cheap. It's all about merging jobs. "Oh, let's not hire?housekeeping?help, we will just let the office staff do it."Heard of this long ago when a big?business?hired a?consultingcompany to "advise them" on how to "streamline" and "cut costs". That meant cutting heads.So they decided that the office people could all vacuum their own area, empty their own trash, etc.If this business didn't hire this expensive?consultant?firm, I bet they could have kept their cleaning crew.So-called "experts". Just eliminating jobs. Right.They have panel interviews for?DATA ENTRY?now? I tried interviewing for one last Oct and had a phone interview but the guy said with my degree and past work history I was way too experienced for it he thought but that he'd pass it to his supervisor because I could always work my way up and become a?insurance?salesman he said. It was for a local insurance office. Part-time 20 hrs a week at $10 an hour. I hear that a lot though when I apply for low paying jobs or part-time they say I look too experienced and educated and I would quit when a good paying job comes around.Another Stl person! The local news here in St. Louis says MO unemployment keeps on improving and is only 5.5 percent I heard not long ago. The lowest since 2008. There must be BS to those numbers because it has to be worse than that.lately I'm noticing even less jobs on craiglist, monster, indeed etc. Last fall there were a lot more jobs listed and I was having better luck getting a few interviews and employers calling me but I turned it down. However this new year I'm noticing very few jobs. I thought there are usually more jobs after the new year? I'm not talking about retail that lays off temp workers after Christmas but actual full-time jobs.NeedRealJob, I haven't been keeping up with the news but them saying unemployment is improving is ridiculous. I primarily search craigslist, and yeah, there's less jobs right now. All I'm seeing now is fake job ads made by staffing agencies.Who knows where all the jobs are right now? All I know is I'm tired of the news basically telling us that we should be able to find a job right now.Checked indeed, craiglist today and it just seems each day less and less jobs posted. I don't fill out those stupid Kronos or Taleo long apps out anymore as well. Waste of time.I guess maybe I should start researching and thinking about what skills I can use to be my own employer? I think I'm to that point now. Maybe get certifications for?computer?stuff?And even when there are jobs I see usually if it's a good paying, liveable wage one I never get called anyways. It's only near min wage retail I get bites on. I guess I'd be better off learning a skill then than wasting hours on job applications.New to the Forum, I lost my job in Sept nothing wrong done on my part by my boss stabbed me in the back and decided to?fire?me after 5 years and we were friends. He had a lot going on in his personal life and I think he decided to "clean house" at work also. Anyway he ended up losing his job 1 month after because the company investigated my firing and other coworkers spoke about his character. I was able to get unemployment, and it ends this month last week of Jan. State of MI only gives people 20 weeks of unemployment with no extensions. I've applied to several?admin/clericaljobs no luck only 2 interviews so far and that's includung 1 today for a $9?hrpart time 20hrs a week job, that's only $180 a week not including taxes. I was bringing home $404 a week in my previous job, today I had a mental breakdown after the interview hearing those hours. I'm scared I will have to struggle mentally longer in order to find a job with decent pay?full time. I don't want to work at Walmart or McDonald's either that's more depressing. I feel everything in my life has truly happened for a reason, but I cannot figure out the reason I'm in my situation. I'm hoping like people say what's meant to be will happen with time, but I don't have "time" The news is claiming unemployment has gotten better, yea right! Both jobs I interviewed for the first one said they got 118 apps the first day it posted! Cant imagine how many more the rest of the week! Then today during my interview the lady had to stop to take calls about the job! And a girl walked in with her resume during the interview! How awkward!NeedRealJob, I haven't been keeping up with the news but them saying unemployment is improving is ridiculous. I primarily search craigslist, and yeah, there's less jobs right now. All I'm seeing now is fake job ads made by staffing agencies.Who knows where all the jobs are right now? All I know is I'm tired of the news basically telling us that we should be able to find a job right now.The news is all propaganda, and people go around repeating the mantras.?I hear it too.?I get told "the recession is over." I say, "How?"I sell my own gently used clothes and handbags on eBay, been doing it for over a year now and I've made alittle extra $. However with my unemployment ending at the end of the month a friend suggested checking out Goodwill's in nice areas and picking out things to sell on eBay. From what I have read millions go this all the time! Has anyone or does anyone sell on eBay?Where I live, if you collect unemployment, any income you make while on that, you have to declare weekly, and it's deducted from the amount of UE you make. So you always get the same amount on UE, you can't make more.When I was on UE a long time ago, I did go work here and there for a friend of mine. I had to declare it, and of course, did not get ahead, but I wanted to show my skills and if something came up, I hoped to get a real position. It never happened, but I thought I erred on the good side."Times are good again". I tell them that every time someone wants me to donate to some starving?children's campaign.Yeah, makes you feel like someone should donate to you.I read in a newspaper from another?city?where someone wrote in and said they don't get all the fuss about the economy, that they were living well and couldn't see why people were complaining.?Talk about bragging.That job I interviewed for a couple weeks ago and tried calling again this week for my status still has not called me for the second interview like they promised within the two weeks. So today I check their website out and now instead of offering $13-17 an hour for that position they're not offer $17-20 an hour!That is quite odd. That likely means they can't find anyone qualified for that job. The deal breaker with me I think is I don't speak Spanish.Where I live, if you collect unemployment, any income you make while on that, you have to declare weekly, and it's deducted from the amount of UE you make. So you always get the same amount on UE, you can't make more.When I was on UE a long time ago, I did go work here and there for a friend of mine. I had to declare it, and of course, did not get ahead, but I wanted to show my skills and if something came up, I hoped to get a real position. It never happened, but I thought I erred on the good side.Same for MI but I don't claim it, im not a power seller and I'm not?bankinghundreds not even $10 sometimes in 2 weeks or longer. I don't see why any NON taxable side money should be reported. If you help someone plow there driveway and they hand you a $10 I don't see why that should count.For the past 6 months I have been working as a part time, long term temp as an office?administrator. I enjoyed the work and was often complemented on my performance. (Last week I received a bottle of wine from a seniorexecutive?who was very grateful for my assistance in a project of his.)I thought everything was going smoothly until last night the staffing agency called to let me know that it had been my last day. The only info they gave me as to why I was being let go was that the company felt I had become comfortable after almost 6 months of working their. Confused I asked if they had complained about my performance. The staffing?coordinator?said no, but they said that I was getting more comfortable, expressing that I knew what I was doing and was no longer on my toes.Now I understand what he was talking about. I had become more comfortable and I did feel like I knew what I was doing, I mean shouldn't I after almost 6 months? I'll admit that I wasn't asking for assignments as aggressively as at the beginning but I was hardly slacking. I was ALWAYS 5-15 minutes early where as my coworkers would routinely stroll in between 9:15 and 9:30 and I was always busy from 8:45 till I left at 5. Even coming in extra days if they needed me. I never was on social media or went shopping online as some of my coworkers did.I am confused as to why I was let go and second guessing what more I could have done to please them. Is it unreasonable to be comfortable at a job after 6 months? Doesn't everyone relax their pace a little after months on the job?Yeah, makes you feel like someone should donate to you.I read in a newspaper from another?city?where someone wrote in and said they don't get all the fuss about the economy, that they were living well and couldn't see why people were complaining.?Talk about bragging.Clueless. I find that about a lot of people..."really? I got my job right away"...that's great, but you're clueless about the suffering going on out there. I think they don't WANT to see it.Not unreasonable at all. Are you sure they're not planning on?hiring?you themselves and just want out of theircontract?with the temp agency?If they want to hire you, they won't let you go first. They'll just pay the agency to get you. Also, I'm sorry Confused but leaving 5-15 minutes late doesn't matter. I did that at my last salaried job and it meant nothing. When I'd leave half an hour late at my temp jobs, they'd always give me a confused look.As a temp, you have literally no rights. You're just a warm body. And no, I was comfortable after 6 months, but you NEVER let your employer see that. Not unless you're in - and you're not in if you're a temp. Always stare and squint hard at the screen like you're solving a complicated math problem, always rush around, take 20 minute lunches, make them feel like letting you go will be a loss - not that "oh, if they're comfortable at this point, then how hard is the job? Will they start demanding a pay raise? NEXT!"I know the temping world all too well. They can treat you like trash if they can, and if they think you're not busy enough, like, exhausted busy, they'll look at you real funny. That position isn't salaried for a reason...Yes I would be comfortable after 6 months that's half a year. It could be they liked you but we're not going to hire you in so they will just bring in a new temp. What I meant is they maybe didn't want you to continue and have your hopes let down. Or they are in other ways saying saying "slacking" but using "comfortable" as a way to describe it.I've never meant an agency that temp'ed people that was so nice as to 'let you go' just to spare you the heartache when they told you it was never going perm, there'd be a pay raise, etc. That termination is also now on the employees record/a factor - what favor were they doing them? Companies DO ask if you "completed an assignment successfully", which she now must answer truthfully, or choose to lie about.No favors were done for this poor temp. They just initiated a movie I like to call the "The Temp Turnover". In my first temp job, I became friends with another temp who worked there for a year. They even offered her an?HRposition. But what'd they do? They let her go and said they weren't renewing the receptionist position and weren't having receptionists anymore. Now, we all know every job needs a receptionist so.... The Temp Turnover is a favored move by many-a corporation.Still nothing new. I have not applied for a job in over 2 weeks now. Just nothing out there I'd be qualified for and I'm noticing a lot less jobs the last couple weeks. Things look to be drying up.I thought economy was improving but I see less places?hiring?now.Do you know WHY you thought the economy was improving??Because people who have been unemployed for over 12 months no longer count as unemployed.?The statistics are flawed and the media is echoing false information. JustGoogle?it...even Forbes has done several articles on the real unemployment rate.Reality is that you'll probably have to settle for a part time, minimum wage position in the service industry since those are pretty much the only jobs becoming available. Or, ya know, move to a country whose economy isn't completely in the toilet. lolMost of the jobs out there that don't involve?accounting, medical, engineering or some other highly skilled specialty degree are mostly part-time or near min wage retail or service and if it isn't then they want at least 10 years experience in that field, and 7 references along with 3 pages of job duties.This is true. I think it's gotten worse. I can't believe some of the stuff I've seen. With wages from 1988. It's scary having to have a 'take what you can get' attitude.A lot of jobs are being outsourced that don't require specific hard skills that are in high demand - but even those are being outsourced overseas. Ex: Tech jobsThis is true. I think it's gotten worse. I can't believe some of the stuff I've seen. With wages from 1988. It's scary having to have a 'take what you can get' attitude.I just don't see how the situation can continue on like this. Something will have to be done or society will completely go down to the lowest depths. This is hitting a wide variety of folks, not just the poor and uneducated.This is true. I think it's gotten worse. I can't believe some of the stuff I've seen. With wages from 1988. It's scary having to have a 'take what you can get' attitude.Like in retail most places are paying min wage like $7.50 an hour range. When I was hired at?Home Depot?in Aug 2003 they started me off at $8.50 an hour and that was low because years before that Home Depot paid a lot more than that. Now Home Depot is $7.50-8 an hour for cashiers. Retail wages have been going DOWN the last 5 years.Another funny ad I posted a couple weeks ago was from Craigslist a warehouse job for $8.50 an hour wanted you to write an essay about yourself why you're a fit for this job and have a stable work history and along with about two pages worth of job duties.Another funny ad I posted a couple weeks ago was from Craigslist a warehouse job for $8.50 an hour wanted you to write an essay about yourself why you're a fit for this job and have a stable work history and along with about two pages worth of job duties.LOL. The nerve of some of these companies. I also realized that companies are a-okay with treating new employees like crap because they know they can just replace them with other desperate job-seekers and people are BEGGING for the job - so it's not like they're worried about treating you terribly or like scum. I really can't wait for the tides to turn when it's an employee's market again.So sad.I'm the type of person who will write letters and complain. I've always been that way about things that rile me up. I'll write CEOs, our elected officials, the President... I'll direct them to this website.In fact, I already wrote some letters earlier last year when I discovered the job situation and how widespread and rotten it was.I'm just waiting to see a glimmer of hope this year.I just don't see how the situation can continue on like this. Something will have to be done or society will completely go down to the lowest depths. This is hitting a wide variety of folks, not just the poor and uneducated.It will continue until it hits enough people who are now comfortable. Like those parents who ridicule the young kids who are on this forum fresh fromcollege?with high expectations and their treasured degree. When those parents lose a job and try to find something comfortable in their middle (and old) age is when the tide might turn and people will start voting differently. I find when people are comfortable, they don't much care about those who aren't. The illustrious governor of my state, who was elected by 48% of the clueless, is proposing dropping the income tax. Yay everybody says. BUT..he wants to make it up by taxing certain NON PROFITS, like hospitals. The?hospital?system I now work for provides free care for people who can't afford it and this clown wants to take the approach of taxing the hospital system to make up for lack of personal income tax. People don't think any further than their nose reaches, and they actually follow nutbags like this. We need a better class of people in?government?who actually want to make improvements for EVERYBODY. Then maybe we will see some improvement.Most Hospitals still make a lot though of $$$$. If their prices come more into line then reward them with lower taxes. Hospitals many claim to be non profit but rack in $$$$. It's insane how much medical care cost at hospitals and what they charge?insurance?companies and consumers.Yes it it, but some of them, like mine, just BREAK EVEN taking care of so many people for free, and not collecting what the insurance companies don't pay. If a non profit makes too much of a profit too often, they lose their status. I agree that elite for-profit hospitals should pay taxes like anybusiness, but poor people have been shoved down far enough, and taxing a decent not profit that is treating people for free will put those people out of?healthcare?entirely. Stupid policy from a stupid ass clown.Most Hospitals still make a lot though of $$$$. If their prices come more into line then reward them with lower taxes. Hospitals many claim to be non profit but rack in $$$$. It's insane how much medical care cost at hospitals and what they charge?insurance?companies and consumers.I might be wrong, but I think the nonprofit vs profit is just a tax status.?You can have nonprofit hospitals with very well compensated executives.?But as far as reimbursements, most are getting very little now from insurance and govt/Medicare/Obamacare.?It's causing more hospitals to merge.?You know, all that free?healthcare.My niece is a medical biller. She says every Band-Aid is eventually paid for. Maybe not by you but by someone.Yes, the ten-dollar bandaid is real.?Someone else is paying for someone else to have a baby or walk into an ER.?Everything costs money.?Over 70 hospitals closed in the state of California because of all of the free care given.I might be wrong, but I think the nonprofit vs profit is just a tax status.?You can have nonprofit hospitals with very well compensated executives.?But as far as reimbursements, most are getting very little now from?insurance?and govt/Medicare/Obamacare.?It's causing more hospitals to merge.?You know, all that free?healthcare.I guess if you have no job and no home, and a serious illness you don't think too much about how much the?executive?of the non-profit?hospital?you are getting free care from makes. I know I wouldn't.But the problem isn't the person who cannot afford?healthcare?who has the rare instance of having to go to the ER. It's a continual misuse of the ER like it's some free clinic.Unfortunately the person who cannot afford?healthcare?needing an ER visit is NOT a "rare instance".There are massive amounts of people who continually hit up ERs for nonemergent or non trauma issues.?I'm not talking about the guy who lost his?health?insurance?and is having chest pains. Or the person who cut themselves and it won't stop bleeding.The misuse of the ER is causing?health care?costs to increase constantly.This country will get to the point where it can no longer give out free services to everyone who wants them. There are less and less jobs and less taxes being paid into the system.ER's are triaged, if you're sitting there with a runny nose, you will likely have to wait so long that you'll give up and leave. Our?hospital?system HAS a free clinic and several walk-in satellites that are well used so that the ER's are free for emergencies.Good for you, but there are parts of the country where hospitals are closing because they cannot handle the continual barrage of nonpaying patients.The money has to come from somewhere.There is no such thing as free.And my sister broke her left femur, had no?health?insurance?(no Obamacare then) and had to declare bankruptcy. They charged off 50K but the?hospital?didn't charge that off - they "cost shifted" it. Every Band-Aid is eventually paid for.My sister walks with a cane to this day.Yes, it depends on who you are, and if they think they can get money out of you.Good for you, but there are parts of the country where hospitals are closing because they cannot handle the continual barrage of nonpaying patients.The money has to come from somewhere.There is no such thing as free.Not if your pharmaceuticals/healthcare?providers or?hospital?parent corporations are trading on a stock exchange. Aetna, Cigna, Humana, etc., had combined (non) profits of over 11 billion last year. Don't drink the Kool-Aid.I might be wrong, but I think the nonprofit vs profit is just a tax status.?You can have nonprofit hospitals with very well compensated executives.?But as far as reimbursements, most are getting very little now from?insurance?and govt/Medicare/Obamacare.?It's causing more hospitals to merge.?You know, all that free?healthcare.Yea it's mostly for taxes. The NFL has non profit for tax reasons but look at all the money the NFL makes. Do they really need a tax break?You hear all the time about how much these "executives" at non profilt orgs make?bank.If there are tons of people NOT paying for their?healthcare, and mind you, this can run into thousands of dollars for a procedure, WHO is going to pay for it? You can't have it both ways. You can't say people get free, but thebusiness?has to eat the cost.People think there is really such a thing as free. It's this mindset that everyone else should pay.Do they order their supplies from big companies like OfficeMax/Depot or Staples? They have been caught many times way over charging large companies and?government?agencies for supplies. A lot of large companies don't pay attention to cost and what their vendors charge for stuff like this.But that's not what?healthcare?is doing. They have to give out so much in free healthcare to those who don't pay. That's big bucks.Either they don't do it, or someone else has to pay, and all these people want to have "Free."Dog with a bone, dude.You want your cake and eat it too. It's okay when everyone else has to pay for it. That's why this nation is in the shape it is.There are MANY reasons why this nation is in the shape that it is. You can't punish the people who are at least TRYING to alleviate suffering for a whole corrupt system.What people??What people are trying to alleviate suffering??You mean Obamacare? OMGYou think certain people are entitled to free, when others aren't??Who is being punished??Certainly not the people getting the free goodies.The people who are working and paying taxes, or paying out of their pockets are being scalped.The?healthcare?workers are making less and less to help cover all of this too.So who is hurting? Certainly not the people getting the free stuff.Eventually all of this will implode, because there is no way, with all of the people out of work or underpaid, that the tax system can support giving away millions even billions of free?healthcare,?college,?food?stamps, etc., forever.The charity care system was not invented to help out millions of people. It was invented to help the truly indigent, the truly poor, the people who had paid into the system but can no longer pay.It's truly being abused.What people??What people are trying to alleviate suffering??You mean Obamacare? OMGI tried getting free?health?insurance?(since I have no job and no unemployment!) and my quotes were 300$/mo and I have no job which makes no sense, soooo. When I still had insurance, my premiums and copays went up and I bluntly asked if it was because of Obamacare and they said no, but the physician rolled his eyes and made a motion as if non-verbally acknowledging the fact that it was. I think they were trained to say Obamacare isn't the reason.Such a broken system. Obamacare is a JOOOKE.Same deal for me. They go by what you made last year or what you predict you'll make for the following year and if you underestimate, you have to pay money back. But for the 300-400 a month, you get virtually NOTHING. You have to pay the first 6600 out of pocket first. How's that for all the freehealthcare?people are talking about?Not Obamacare, I think everybody agrees on THAT!. I'm talking about surgeons who have taken a huge pay cut (I know, still doing fine) to come to the organizations who offer free care. They're on salary now, no longer interested in if or not they are making a profit. THOSE people. Geez, X, I wish you could get a job getting paid by for being fixated. Like the talking heads on Fox, like Limbaugh, Hannity. If you could get paid by the 'fixated hour' you'd be rich in no time.Glad you get it.?Well, surgeons aren't near what the big shots are making...I wouldn't want a doc working on me who wasn't well compensated. Their training takes a lot of?intelligence?and hard work.No one really cares right now.?Right now, if people have a job, can go to the sports bar and chug down beers or take a 6 pack home every night and watch bad TV, they are complacent.aIt's sad things will have to get worse before they get better.I think a lot of us that are unemployed are the canaries in the coal mine.I don't think I am fixated, I just know what is going on, and heck, I care. This is/was/should be the greatest nation in the world, and it's being ruined by those who don't care.And every couple of years, I realize we've elected them, for want of a better choice.Same deal for me. They go by what you made last year or what you predict you'll make for the following year and if you underestimate, you have to pay money back. But for the 300-400 a month, you get virtually NOTHING. You have to pay the first 6600 out of pocket first. How's that for all the free?healthcare?people are talking about?Mine is about $500 a month my parents pay because I need it. The last couple of years it keeps increasing higher and higher because of the Unaffordable Healthcare act. IMO the?insurance?companies wanted Obamacare as well and that's why you don't see too my fighting it. If the insurance companies didn't want it they would have been fighting against it and it wouldn't have passed and Republicans would be doing more to stop it unlike this half arsed attempts they make.I don't see the ACA really every going away.I never thought I'd be inclined to wish for a Republican?admin?and legislature, but just MAYBE, if they were not nutcase teabaggers and a tad more toward the middle, maybe ACA could be tweaked, at least. POTUS's ego doesn't seen to allow for any tweaking of his pet "prize'.I hope they get rid of Obamacare as soon as the new president takes over.I can't afford it. I'm on medical direct and that keeps getting cancelled every month and is holding up my MRI from getting approved so I can move forward with my needed knee surgery. So everything is at a stand still, it just sucks.?Makes me wish I was from a foreign country so I could take advantage of the medical system and get everything done all at once and have it done and over with already, at this rate by the time I get the approval for the MRI and surgery scheduled it will be 2016. :(People still think it's "Dems vs Republicans".?If you notice, the Republicans scold the Democrats and vice versa, but no one really does a thing for the regular American citizen. Just special interests.Voting doesn't matter anymore. You don't get to vote for someone who can really affect things. They aren't going to be allowed into the system.Medicaid is now passed onto the backs of the Middle Class ad nauseum.?Most people won't pay 6600 or whatever your deductible is, for the year. Not unless you get sick every day or have an operation or expensive procedures.We are paying for everyone else.If you don't sign up for it, they tax you and increase the penalty every year.THey are going to get the money out of us one way or another.What happened to the Constitution?See, you are paying more and getting less.?But people come to the US every year, illegally, and I will tell you, they get that MR done. They get a ton of free medical care you and I don't get.I totally agree!?When I was working at a home?health care?company back in the 90's one of the nurses who was married to a doctor, brought her Armenian mother for a hip replacement. She would joke how it was free for her mothers surgery. WTH ??????I was pissed, and as soon as her mother was feeling better, they'd fight her back to whatever country she was from first class. Just sickening! Speaking of birthdays, anybody notice this forum is about to turn 5 years old? Yup economy is improving all right! LOL.I stopped looking for a job for a while...I just started looking again tonight. (I won't go into details as to why I stopped).?I just saw a ridiculous post for a job- it said "Must have majored in?collegein x, y, or z"... as if no one else could possibly be qualified? Total crap. As if no one could possibly be qualified after making a decision on a college major at 19 (or whenever), and then acquired relevant experience??Rolling my eyes, shaking my head.My dad suggest I learn more about computers and try to get certifications like Microsoft certified and work on people's computers and consult.My dad started doing that about 15 years ago before his stroke and charged people $75-100 an hour to consult with them, fix issues, and go shopping with them for computers. Many people he worked with at Sony had their own?business?on the side and charged about 100 an hour to fix people's computers.It's a lot cheaper than going back to school for a masters and spending another 50k.I totally agree!?When I was working at a home?health care?company back in the 90's one of the nurses who was married to a doctor, brought her Armenian mother for a hip replacement. She would joke how it was free for her mothers surgery. WTH ??????I was pissed, and as soon as her mother was feeling better, they'd fight her back to whatever country she was from first class. Just sickening!I am sick to death of people, like this nurse, who brag.?Have you noticed how commonplace it is for people to brag about their possessions, situations, etc.??They brag about how they and their SO do this or that every week, or are buying a home, or a second home, or their new cars.?This nurse you mentioned...people like that like to show how they are so privileged, how they get something others don't. It's not even done in a sort of gratitude way, it's not even like they are "whew! glad we had that covered" thing. They just want others to know how "special" they are.I am just tired of it. It's everywhere you go, including the workplace.So assuming her husband did the procedure, the?hospital?picked up the tab for the equipment, nurses, and other supplies used for this surgery??? Probably got stuck to the taxpayer somehow I'm sure since she's from another country!I know. Like I said these kind of places want young women promoting their firm because of the hip and looks reasons rather than a man. That's why I didn't pick?advertising?or marketing or PR as my major because it's made up mostly of all women. I hardly have ever seen a man working in marketing or PR. Non profits are the worse though from what I seen on LinkedIn when it comes to this. I guess it's the more "caring" aspect of it having a young woman promoting the non profit than a man wearing a suit and looks wealthy.I find a lot of women are only caring about themselves.Someone I know told me today on the phone that they heard on the news that the economy improved and the job market is better.?I'd like to see the news relate actual companies?hiring?and what jobs and if they are livable wage jobs or not. Other than that, it's all BS.Agree. They say that but I see a lot LESS jobs posted the last few weeks. I check Craigslist and indeed, simply hired, Monster and I see less. I mean all jobs in?general?like full-time and part-time.Yep, and you wonder how many of those jobs have benefits. They probably think we can all just buy our own?insurance?with the govt now.Lets see what Obozo says tonight about the great economy.Why do I see a lot of Texas people on here? I thought the economy was great there too. Then I saw that NY times map of unemployed men and it looks pretty bad in TX too for men.I heard from someone that there is a great economy in the Dakotas.?But if you look it's just an oil boom.?You have to work outside in horrid conditions, and not everyone can do that work.?I read some things are pretty jacked up in price there too, to take advantage of what people make.The worst places to live are tourist states.?There are SO MANY rich people.?They don't know what to do with their money and it's funny how businesses are trying to get their money!?I'd say most of these people are lucky. They weren't all smart entrepreneurs or scientists.?Government?pensions seem to be very popular. Or inheriting trust funds.?They think everyone who works is their slave.Look at public employees in the state of California and the great big pensions they get when they retire.NBC nightly news is on right now saying the economy is strong thanks to Obama. They had a family on there who will be at the State of the Union who wrote Obama. They lost both their jobs,?health?insurance?and home, and now both have jobs and are covered by using Obozocare and sending a child to?community?college. They also talk about Obama's disaster of a plan to pay for community college.Associates degrees are more useless than bachelors degrees as now you need a masters degree. So we will have even more graduates with Associates Degrees that wont get you a good job while wasting more money.Just more ways for people to get locked into student loans.?They wouldn't be doing this if it didn't make the govt money.The news is just propaganda now.School is a waste now unless you're a laywer, doctor, or?accountant. Even getting a masters degree is useless unless you're a teacher. It's still nearly impossible to get a job with a masters or MBA right now.And a lot of?computer?type jobs you don't need a degree, just certifications and knowledge.Even if the economy improves people like me out of work for so long and poor work history are still doomed. I've decided to remove myself from the BS and say hell with it. I will have to think of a?business?to start on my own.I'm not playing the game anymore working low pay jobs and treated like garbage and I don't know anyone or have any connections to get me a good job.The whole "Free?Community?College" deal is to keep certain people off the streets and out of crime.?Everyone knows the problem isn't?education; it's lack of jobs.If there were plenty of jobs and less people, employers would send people for training or education.This business that we need a surplus of educated people for very few jobs is just ridiculous.I know what you mean about the stupid low wage jobs.?I think every day about starting a business.Yea it's aimed for the low income. Associates degrees are useless. I hope they have a better way of distributing the funds. What a lot of these people will do is when they get the money for class they will end up dropping the classes and pocketing that money like they do with student loans and grants.Also Obama and most politicians are wealthy. Before Obama got into politics he was a lawyer making decent money. Before Obama became president Michelle worked for a?hospital?in Chicago I recall making close to $200,000 a year and she was only working 20 hours a week!! Yea the Obama's were like all the other little people.People like Obama are not affected by the economy. Regardless of what happens Obama still gets a BIG paycheck each year plus?food?andhealthcare?all paid for including expensive vacations. Obama was never affected by this depression.Same as most of the senators and representatives. They're not affected by the economy because most are multi million or billionaires already and get free healthcare.Our elected representatives do not represent us.We have too few livable wage jobs, too many people, too many more people being imported into this country, too many?college?educated people, too many schools saturating already saturated fields, jobs going overseas, increasing inflation, and a?government?who tells us everything is just great.Working age MEN have been hurt the most during this. Here is another quote but I think they got this from the NY times article. Since men don't get "protect class" status unless they're some kind of minority. Companies can't?fire?a minority as easy due to affirmative action so men will always be the target.Men are hurting more than women. For men in the prime of their working lives (ages 25-54), more than one in six don’t have a job. And when it was time to make cuts during the recession, men were the primary targets. In fact, the male-to-female job loss ratio was2.6 to 1.Makes it hard for men to be the breadwinners.I have seen women who take jobs, then take off constantly for every little thing. They use their kids as an excuse. "She has ballet practice today, I have to leave at 3pm." And guess who has to do her work??They really believe they are entitled to be treated differently, because they say they care about their kids. No one is telling them not to care about their kids, but they should keep their personal lives at home. Either they can be there to do the job or they can't. They usually find a boss who is sympathetic to the whole "have kids" thing and they get their way.?Those are the same ones who want a career, by the way.Because they're afraid they will sue if they don't cave in so they let them take off work without getting in trouble. But yet these same young women get jobs very easily when they graduate?college?despite if you go on LinkedIn and see all the BS jobs and job bouncing they do they still get good jobs. Why is it I don't see nearly as many men on LinkedIn? I see that every day, the 'my kids thing'. My coworker sits down with the boss and a calendar at the beginning of the year and they go over the days she'll need off. It's her paid time, I guess, but I hear how it's impossible to be a mom and work too..waaaahh. I did it, I worked SHIFT work and their father worked days. You say 'shift work' to a young mom these days and it's like holy water on a vampire. They'll pay hundreds of dollars a week for somebody to watch their kids after school and in the summer, but are WAY too special to work an off shift so the kid can always have a parent at home. It's like a foreign concept.Obama right now saying the economy is growing at an unbelievable rate and creating jobs at a rate not seen since 1999! He really is laying into how great the last year has been for jobs and the economy.I have seen the same. They give the boss a chopped up thing of availability. It's all pretend emergencies and such too. It's not taking off because the kid has pneumonia. It's every school function, lesson, etc. One woman took off a whole day for her kid's birthday party.?My complaint is that they accept a?full time?job. They want all the perks that go with it, but then complain they have to have this day or that one off.?Another thing they do, to help hide the rampant abuse of time-off...they ask you if you will cover for them, then they send a letter to the bosses saying they are working for you on this date and you are working for them on another date, so there is a guess who is the one really taking off. I've seen this so many places.?I got to where I refused to cover for them. Teamwork? If they can't own up and say they are taking off and asking someone to cover for them, I am not going to be part of their little game that makes me look bad.If they an afford to take off so much, they must not really need their job. I don't want to hear about how important their kid is. It's like telling me my life isn't as important, and I think the bosses who have the nerve to tell me that "she has kids!" can go blow too.I knew this was on tv but did not watch on purpose.?like gag me w a spoon...I was forced into retirement at age 40 with limited resources and things will not end well for me even if I manage to stretch out my savings to age 50, then WHAT? I seldom find even an office?clerk?job I can apply for and have not had an interview since Feb. 2013. After 6 yrs the likelihood I will be working in this life again is realistically ZERO. I knew the SOTU would just depress and agitate me, will not even read about it online, no pt. MY World appears VERY different than the opportunities available to everyone else. I never liked Obama to begin w and now cannot stand to see him talk about how wonderful life is. These speeches always make me feel like everyone ELSE is successful and doing great but me...Obama would say get a job in retail or low end service and consider that job growth.Maybe for women and minorities there are job growth but not us men. Even the liberal New York Times points that out as just about every county in the nation has at least 15 percent unemployment for men.Obama right now saying the economy is growing at an unbelievable rate and creating jobs at a rate not seen since 1999! He really is laying into how great the last year has been for jobs and the economy.The economy has not improved! I have seen two or three jobs reposted from LAST FALL today that I interviewed on already.Just did another interview today. I got the same 'of course we have to interview other candidates, it's a process' so the job search has not changed. Still the same long process that has more brick-wall potential than earnings potential.True. The only luck I get job offers is in retail. The one I turned down because it was near min wage and I'd be working part-time but at least 5 days a week.I had Lowes contact me for head?cashier?late last year but I read the reviews for it and they're horrific and want open availability. I worked atHome Depot?and they did the same thing work you odd hours and have you close and open the next day a lot.I'm done with low paying retail work. I hate retail and you're a slave to them.My partner and I did the same - he was a writer so he did/prefered the 6pm to 2am shift. I must admit it was hellish, though and I doubt many people could pull that off for any length of time. I was lucky in that I had twins, so working different shifts was only essential for about 4 years.I'd be willing to bet your kids are a cut above, too. I know mine are, and I believe it has something to do with being raised by parents, as opposed today care?workers.Oh my goodness, I'd hinge the fact that everyone in the world is so f-ed up these days on that very fact.And yeah, I have amazing kids.My life was difficult because I had to get up at 6 am for work and stay up and keep the kids up past midnight, so they would sleep late enough so their dad would get some sleep. But on the positive side, that meant both of us had almost an entire 8 hour day with the kids, every day. My partner was a stay at home writer. He would bring with them to the post office,library, on interviews, etc.I just don't know how someone could dump a baby at?daycare?and then pick it up at the end of the day, having to put it to bed pretty much right after dinner because a little tyke needs to sleep 12 hours. That leaves a mother and father like two hours a day with her kid during the extraordinarily, heavy duty period of personality formation, and masge physiological changes in the brain.I understand from a?financial?perspective becuase it's extremely expensive to afford a house and a family, but I think sinkng wages have put families in a bad position and society is suffering greatly for it.I agree.?Children?should be raised at home.?It's enough when they have to go to forced schooling.I remember seeing kids that had to go to daycare, and in the summer, it's like they aren't even off school. It's still up quite early, still on the parents' work schedule, then off to?day care?for planned structured activities all day, then picked up at 6pm. Then to bed early again.I knew someone who put her kid in a?daycare. One night, her husband picked up her son. When he got in the car, he started to cry uncontrollably.?When he calmed down, he asked the dad if they could stop at a bathroom.?He told the father that they had to take naps in the afternoon, and was not allowed to use the bathroom first, but was told he must sleep. He said he couldn't sleep. He said he was told that he did not need to use the bathroom.?How crazy, a kid knows when he needs to use the bathroom.Besides, daycare costs a FORTUNE! I've noticed some of the smarter ones opting for one stay-at-home, because it costs too much, and find Definitely. That's aanother reason I feel like I lucked out on the family front. When I got pregnant, I only planned to have one. I knew I could only afford one kid, but I ended up with twins. We were lucky that we were able to pull off the opposite parent work schedule shift thing. I never would have been able to do daycare for it's a better quality of life for the kids.where are all the older workers now? every interview i go on everyone is in their 30's. I think the age thing is starting to hurt my chances a bit.I'm telling ya, I believe it has to do with money. I've seen employers "turn on" employees when they start using their medical benefits or getting expensive procedures done. And when they are getting close to retirement, employers try to force them out early.Yes! Happened to 2 of my friends. One was talking about for months about retiring and she then she made some mistake and they fired her and all the staff knew it was about money, they just used the mistake as something to hide behind. Another friend Went out the same way.Where I'm working now everyone is old, over 40 except for the little?collegeage part time messenger clerks they have and they must go throught them like skittles. Not shocked.I'm pulling for BOTH you guys, Leann and Shingami. I was lucky and had WEEKS of training, and it was still hard when I finally got thrown into the thick of it. Reading stuff on this forum, I see that training pretty much sucks everywhere. Hang in, you guys!!Thanks girl, I'm hangin! And yes, training sucks everywhere. That's why we see so much of that "Hit the ground running" crap everywhere, even though the reality is that no one ever will have a first day on the job working like they've been there 10 years but it's always expected. Then they want to?fire?you if you're slow or mess up, which puts more pressure and anxiety on the worker. It's just a mess all around and I'm sick of it all.Hi,I am looking for a job in California for the last 6 months.I did masters from India but just than moved to US.I don't have any experience apart from what I have done during?Internship.?No one in US entertains fresh graduate from India.All of them need experience.I am so confused what else should I do to get the job.Despite of having valid work visa I am unable to find suitable job based on the?education.Can anyone suggest me what is the alternative of experience in USA?ThanksThere are no jobs here. Americans cannot get jobs.Most will be working well into their 70's.Social Security will run out and pensions aren't a guaranteed thing any longer.Throw in the fact that companies lay off like crazy today anyone making good money.65 - and the horizon came and went. I don't see an end to working without a lottery winning.You and me both.?I've spent my savings moving to different states to stay employed and using the money to live off when unemployed.?Yet, I see all of these people who are retired, some as young as 40, and how do they do it?Even if someone gets SS, it's not enough to really live off unless they have another income earner in the home.Most will be working well into their 70's.Social Security will run out and pensions aren't a guaranteed thing any longer.Throw in the fact that companies lay off like crazy today anyone making good money.But's that's the big irony.There are SO MANY retired people now.Many are not over 65.?I talked to a guy the other day, he was 50, retired. Not a care in the world.?Planning his next vacation. All he does is go to casinos, bars, movies, looks for a motorhome to buy.?When you try to find out how they did it, how they are able to just stop working, it's never a clear answer.But there are so many of these people. So many of them are able to stop.It's like a slave vs master state.If you get 500 a month on SS, or even 1000, its not enough.?Not unless you live with someone else.It's just too dangerous to bring a stranger into the house.?You would have to lock up your important and personal things all of the time.?Then it's their friends coming over...etc.I did a lot of research on it a while back. Median temp is 80 degrees. My cousin in importing trinkets to tourist traps says every day or so, it rains for 20 minutes and then the sun comes out. It's never nasty and humid. And there are groups of X-pats who help you acclimate. The locals are kind of particular that you speak their language correctly and will actually help you. The?government?likes you to poop or get off the pot, so to speak, after 90 days, like become a citizen and pay taxes or go home. Tax structure is decent, next to nothing for the everyday people, big for successfulbusiness. Just disposing of everything I own and relocating thousands of miles away, well, I get exhausted thinking about it.That would be my problem too. It would cost so much to replace what I have.?If I had known things were going to wind up like this, I would have left the US when I was young.?Just a backpack.?I should have never climbed on board the US job train.?Yet, even people I know who didn't work hard or even break a sweat are doing pretty well.?It's really about luck.?You can work hard or make the right choices but without luck, it goes nowhere.If you want to retire young probably the?government?or the military is the best option. Imagine going in the military at 20 and staying in until you're 45. If you save your money right and such you can retire and never work again in your life with the pension. My cousin is about 23 and wants to make a career of the Navy. He is 8 years younger than me and if he makes it a career he will be retired while I'm still working for many more years.I had a management teacher in?college?a couple years ago retired as somedistrict manager?from the IRS and gets close to $100,000 a year in pension and has been retired for awhile and just teaches a couple night classes to stay busy and make a few extra dollars. Golfs all the time, and comes into class wearing $400 jackets and that.I know a lot of people won't like me saying this, but teaching, government workers, and politicians, are the most overly compensated professions.Time to remove the sainthood haloes off those professions.Why should we have to support them from the age of say, 40, until they die, say 80? They get pensions and free?healthcare, which those of us in private industry do not. And, don't say you had the opportunity to go into them...I don't know anyone who used to pick a profession for just the benefits!As far as the military goes, I think they should be well-compensated for the work they do. That's a big exception to the whole government worker thing.It's a relative term. They aren't "over compensated". Their pay simply increased with inflation and the cost of living, because they have had someone to fight for it. They are earning exactly what they should be earning. Why throw them under the bus when it has been the 1% (of which the Military?Industrial?complex is a part) sucking the money out of the system at the expense of the Middle class? The oligarchy will be happy to hear us peons quarreling with one another, though.They'll keep paying the politicians to rework the laws so their coffers grow while we point the finger at each other. It's obvious if you see the reconfiguartion of the bell curve ineconomics. The very bottom is looooooooog and very flat. Comparitively speaking, the difference between the low and middle is miniscule when compared to towering height of the top earners.Those of us in private industry do not get pensions. We don't taken care of like that.?Most of us do not have the ability to retire at a younger age.?The money is coming from our taxes, where everything comes from.I was just adding what you were saying to her. Convo style, y'dig? And I also agree with that other statement you made. I read somewhere that young people will not be retiring as early, as social security is dwindling because not enough people are putting into it, and the baby boomers are starting to retire, which is creating a huge gap. Also, young people are not feeling as secure so they'll be working later because of this. A third point they made was people are living longer, so retiring earlier makes less sense.Like me and someone else here were saying a few days ago. A lot of people my age or even younger are losing their parents and are coming into sudden money because of it.One of my friends is a professional, along with her hubby. Together, they'll never be homeless, but because of some bad investments and this recession, they lost a lot. Her parents are very old and frail now, and it's not nice to think about, but when they pass away, my friend's money troubles will likely go completely end. Her father was a successful businessman and he and his wife have a nice home that's paid for. My friend only has a brother, who is a successful professional. And my friend's husband's dad is also very old and frail. He was also a professional. Either way, my friend is going to come into some big money soon enough.You are seeing the greatest transfer of wealth in US history. That's the good news. The bad news is that this is it. According to many economists, the Doomsday?Financial?Tidal Wave will hit in about 20 years. That is when the inherited wealth will supposedly run out.Social Security will be broke within 20 years unless something changes. The fact is indisputable. Fewer people are paying into it and at lesser amounts. You also have a surge of people opting for early Social Security at 62 or the Smith & Wesson retirement plan, even earlier.Surely the?government(s) know this, and yet they do nothing about it? Or are they waiting for panic to break out and then they'll do what they're best at, which is taking control from the ignorant masses when they have lost all power, and showcasing the reason why they exist and reinforcing said reason?Sheesh.Currently, the government is doing something about it: they are printing money at a furious rate.Actually, Social Security has 33 years left. Before that time, I think there will need to be some re-tooling. Like very rich people not being able to claim it maybe? Or the stupid rule when you make over a certain huge amount a year, they stop taking it out of your pay.Why throw them under the bus when it has been the 1% (of which the Military?Industrial?complex is a part) sucking the money out of the system at the expense of the Middle class? The oligarchy will be happy to hear us peons quarreling with one another, though.I have to agree with your post. When society goes through crises, it seems that many people turn against one another. During better times, nobody seems to care much about what other people have or do, because they know they can have it as well if they put forth the effort.I'm speaking for myself. I am not a top earning type of individual, but I also don't think I'm the right fit for 7-Eleven. Thankfully, I have a few skills that employers seemed to want. I won't say where, but I worked for the?federal government?before and it was the best job for me. My co-workers were decent, hardworking people. We worked our tails off, but it was enjoyable.Some people don't go for fed govt work, because they can't pass the background checks. Many people wish they could get a govt job. My neighbor worked for the county and she was resentful when I got in with the feds. But she was not a nice woman and her husband (also a county worker) was selling marijuana.There are always exceptions but I also think the feds don't tolerate a lot of stuff the private sector does.In the private sector, I've witnessed A LOT of sexual harassment. Also, one company I worked for "went under" because many of the young, beautiful, stylish people they hired were using drugs (cocaine) on the premises. This was a high-class area close to the beach. Unbelievable!The private companies and their bosses are to blame for such nonsense going on.Another point is that with the war and recession, a lot of?federal?govt workers lost their jobs. They got laid off and many of the positions were discontinued. They had entered the govt believing that once they got in, they would stay in and reap all the benefits... almost like how many?collegegrads thought their degrees guaranteed them a better life.It has been a painful pill to swallow for all kinds of people.I don't want?government?people to lose their jobs. But I do agree that the government really needs to stop the waste. I liked the govt, but I know they wasted money, and that's not fair because it does come from everybody else.When you look at some individual govt jobs, they provide a great service to the public. We can't lump all?federal?govt jobs together and demonize them and say the workers are lazy, etc.What I'm saying is the private sector could have higher standards for their workers if they wanted to. People who start businesses, etc, do not have to go down the slippery slope.To some extent that is true. The problem is that the private sector has competition and that creates some unwanted market forces like greed and avarice. The?government?as a rule has no competition. How many police departments do you have in your town? Without competitors and with sufficient resources, there is little need to develop fangs.I hear what you're saying Ruby, but there are people who have integrity and good character and they start businesses without resorting to those unsavory tactics. They may not be perfect in everything, but you're going to see employees going to the bathroom every few minutes to snort cocaine. They want a good?business, to they have decent standards and they treat their employees well, knowing good results will follow in return.It's almost like a bad?church. The leadership is important. When you have bad leadership in a church, it trickles down into the congregation and before you know it, people are into all the wrong things.You are seeing the greatest transfer of wealth in US history. That's the good news. The bad news is that this is it. According to many economists, the Doomsday?Financial?Tidal Wave will hit in about 20 years. That is when the inherited wealth will supposedly run out.That is so scary, but as a?Christian, I believe that sooner or later, society is going down. The value of money will be greatly diminished.One reason why I didn't have?children?is because I didn't want to go to my deathbed worrying about their lives here. I really hope I don't have to live through what's coming.The?Federal government?(public sector) could not exist without the private sector - it doesn't sell anything.My neighbor's son is an Air Force fighter pilot. Every time he takes up an F-18, even for training, it costs $30,000. Where does that money come from?Yes, and right now, the?government?jobs have increased while the private have decreased or have low wages... So that's more taxes going to pay their wages.?Some fed jobs are like a form of welfare. People get in and get taken care of with the govt for doing a little work.That's true... "some" govt jobs, but certainly not all. It was not the case with my?federal?job. We worked busy and hard, and because the work environment was better than I've ever had it, I really wanted to go to work every day.Like I said, some private bosses and businesses could take better care of their employees, but they are greedy and want to. That's their fault. Some of those CEOs and presidents are living very lavish lifestyles.When the federal starts?hiring, raising wages and stopping their pay freezes, the private sector will not be far behind.Right now, I have hope that this year will see some big improvements. But if we somehow go to war again, all bets are off.CEOs are like modern kings and this has been going on since the beginning of time.The problem currently is there are too many people and not enough jobs, so it's near impossible to find the kind of job at the kind of pay you want.The private sector isn't going to hire unless the feds buy their stuff. Even then, companies try to do without hiring more people. It's not some kind of fairy dust they spread around.Married people may have it easier in that way, but that's how life is. We're not all on equal footing. I don't think single people shouldn't compare themselves to marrieds. Our lifestyles are so different.But now you're back to what individuals cherish in life.I'm basically simple and I'm odd anyway.Many people love fun and excitement. They want all they can get right now. They believe this life is all you get, so, when they want to buy a nice house and fancy car or shop til they drop or whatever, who am I to tell them they are wrong for wanting those things?I believe it will hurt just about anyone when they have something and it gets taken away. Most of us are used to a certain standard. It may take a lot of instrospective thinking to where you realize, "Hey, I can live without that."I wish I could always live in a house--just a house. I HATE apartments. But someone is going to tell me an?apartment?is just fine. If I have to go to an apartment, I will, but I'll fight against it for sure.My friend can downsize, but they have a beautiful home in an exclusive neighborhood. They have memories of raising their?children?there, etc. They would not choose to just give it up, so they're working hard to keep it.I've never lived in a house and would LOVE to someday. I always envied my friends and family who live in a house. When I was younger I especially loved the idea of going 'upstairs' lol. Goofy, I know, but I always wanted that. I live in a very nice?apartment?so I don't mind it. But it would totally suck to go from apartment to house and back to apartment I'm sure. Definitely better to not know what you are missing.I"m also don't need much to be happy. I think that is what makes me so frustrated sometimes. I'm not asking for much, just a tolerable job at even 35k a year and I can't even get that and that aint' nothing! I don't NEED a vacation every year and a $50,000 car. I've only ever been to NYC, California and Florida. And those were just weekends. I want to go to?Disney?World and it would be nice to not feel bankrupt if I go or have to save 11 years just for a Disney World vacation, not like I'm trying to spend a year in Italy.You know what's cool??You would appreciate the small stuff so much, and in that, you'd get some happiness.?I know when I can have some things that others take for granted, I am elated.People who always have --don't know what it's like to not have, so they can't get this.It's NOT "always an option", even for some who DO desire it. I know the bible told you we all should be hooked up, but, like a lot of hogwash in the bible, not realistic, especially with women outnumbering men 2 to 1 or something ridiculous like that. Maybe if you religious girls want to really lower your standards, it might be an option, I guess, though.The bible does not say marriage is for all. In fact, there is good, extensive teaching on remaining single and why it is also a good option. That's the option I've chosen for myself. But it states that not all Christians can be single successfully because of our physical urges (burn in lust, etc.) It says to marry if you can't stay celibate. Let's face it, most people can't do it.The bible also says (and I totally believe it just from my life's experiences) that it's not good when people are alone. We shouldn't totally isolate ourselves. I think God is telling us that he created us to connect with other people. It's something he placed in us. We are social creatures. The problem is finding other people we can connect with. That's the headache.I think that we all have to have someone--a spouse, family, friends,children. That interaction is important.People (I think men are worse for this) become total loners and often end up doing detrimental things. They sink into deep depression, tend to drink, drug, and do other unhealthy behaviors more often.?I went back to school and in 2012 received an AA in Web?Design. Next month I'll complete my BS/IT in Multimedia & Visual?Communication. I know programming, web design anddevelopment, project management, and several Adobe?Creative?Suite applications. All through my?education?I have maintained over a 3.0 GPA, and I have been searching for jobs with my new degrees and skills. I have one pro bono web redesign for a small, legitimate nonprofit, and a few for small businesses. I have the skills. I am also retired and 62-years old. I read somewhere that it is difficult for older, skilled workers to find jobs because "no one wants to be working next to their mom or dad." Whatever happened to the ability to do the work and do it well? Frustrating!I have more education than you.?The reason people aren't finding jobs isn't a lack of education, skills, or experience.?It's the lack of jobs.So you "work" pro bono, which means you don't get paid, which ruins it for all of the people who need to work. This is just a hobby for you, as you say, you are retired. Let a person who needs to work have the job and get paid.?Also, working free lowers wages for others.So has this god given you a job yet?God has given me a lot of jobs throughout my life. I know it wasn't me who did it.Something is "stirring" in my life at this very moment and it honestly feels like I'm getting ready to get set up for just that--a job. A good job.Mother F - I am so tired of applying to jobs only to be escorted to a GD personality assessment! Stop?hiring?based on the perfect social butterfly! I swear I've gotten 1000 emails stating the same dang BS: "I'm sorry but we have reviewed your application (what they mean is personality test) and have decided to move on with other candidates" F - that BS! I shouldn't need a personality test to indicate whether I'm better at flipping fricken burgers or operating a darn cash register! Or .... I have an interview and low-and-behold I'm passed up because they hired a drug dealer because he/she has better sales/social techniques! How is it businesses for years and years didn't use the internet and?HRIS?programs to weed people out during?hiringand they did just fine. Why the last 10 year or so HRIS software is used by most companies?How did businesses operate just fine without it?I don't know if it's more people seeking work or companies just got lazier and more picky or all three. And the majority of people don't know how they are being weeded out. It wasn't more evident to me until I started applying to the Chicago Public Schools. EVERY time I applied almost immediately I get an email saying I was rejected and that there are no positions available. They have been having ads up almost whole time I've been job searching (6+ months) so they just got ads running on loop but they don't really have jobs? Right. This was also shoved in my face again with University of Chicago. ALWAYS job ads running but of course nothing gets through their brick wall.Do they just need job applicants for some reason? Because what is the point? It's also sad and infuriating for us job seekers honestly trying to apply to a job. And these are the places that have the longest job applications too. They want a million dates--year you graduated kindergarten, a supervisor from your VERY FIRST job, etc.) not mention aptitude tests, cover letters, answering 5 separate questions and then you are immediately rejected after an hour of applying.That's like the job I applied for at a?grocery store?near me for part-time bagger, stock?clerk?for min wage. Actually way below that because of the stupid union fees. Yea?grocery?stores have a union which doesn't do anything anyways.Anyways a couple days after the interview?HR?left me a message saying they needed MORE references. I had 4 listed. They need more "work" related ones.I'm not joking. This for a min wage bagging job. I didn't have any more work ones. I would have been making probably $50 a week after taxes since it didn't give a lot of hours.That's awful.?Those HR people are so unreasonable.?It used to be if you reported to work and did a day's honest work, that's all that matter.I hope Karma exists. I hope these HR people meet up with their own ilk someday.My first bagging job was in 2000 for Publix Down in Fl where my mom worked. No BS like this. They hired people right after the first interview usually and no online test or other red tape. Just go in. Interviewed with two managers and 10 minutes later I was hired after the drug test. This garbage of multiple interviews seemed to start around 2008 when companies went to online apps.You know what's worse than a bad job? Not having any job at all.In some cases it can be far worse having a terrible job. Because then if you get fired you're screwed, and then that bad job just seems all the worse. I've been on both sides and I can say I was far more miserable with that terrible job than as I am right now, surviving off of $1.66 things of ramen and 99c boxes of mac and cheese, where I have to scrounge up enough quarters from odd place and the street to get 5$ of gas for an interview, and where I have to decide between bottled water and toilet paper when I have extra money that I got from xmas. Somehow all of that is a *bit* better than being in a toxic work environment, where at least I could pay my bills, feed myself good?food?and was stable, independent and had no trouble putting in 30$ to fill my gas tank.I don't know how that works, but eh. Although, both things suck.You know what's worse than a bad job? Not having any job at all.You say that now... But I still think it's worse having that trapped feeling, loathing every morning, the mental stress of dealing with it and knowing no pay would be enough for that stress. And I agree with Jury about losing that job. I was there. Losing a crappy job is DEFINTELY worse as much as it was a relief. I'm still mad it went down that way but am still glad I'm gone. Think of a job you really hated, would you go back for the next 30 or 40 years?As long as I looked and as angry I got, I still felt like it's just a job and somehow I can find something else. But i guess that's just me.I encourage those with hope and faith to keep believing in what seems impossible. Have a humble spirit and keep pleading with our Heavenly Father to provide for all your needs. He will do it. My prayers are "still" going up for you.Christian) for a long time now, so it's not the first time I've heard opinions like yours, nor will it be the last.I was reading here before I ever posted, and it seems that other people have basically said the same thing about your attitude though they didn't exactly pin it down to one word. And you also didn't seem to become very angry about it. You've been hurting and now it's turned into a lot of anger. Problem is, you believe you have nowhere to look, but to yourself. And if you did ALL the right things in life (good behavior and?education) and you got dealt this bad hand... well, I can totally understand why you are so "cantankerous."Now, I'm seeing nothing new on this board--for weeks! Just endless lamenting and bemoaning the situation. On and on. We can wallow in it for a time (I've done it myself), but at some point, we have to "guide" our minds to something more productive.If I need to vent, I have friends and loved ones in my life who will hear me out. Not only that, but offer love, encouragement and uplifting words. It feels a lot better.I've been nice all along too. But some of you who know what I'm about, can't stop reading my posts. Why get mad? If it doesn't apply, my words of faith are not for you. And if you don't want to read them, they're easy to ignore. But some people who check in here might find encouragement from them. In fact, I'll bet on it. Because they are not cantankerous.I had stated a lot of things and then some of you continued to bring the subject up, and I answered truthfully the way I felt.That's not why I'm leaving though.I have better things to do than endlessling lament and bemoan--or even read the lamenting and bemoaning of other folks.I'm really sorry about that. It hurts, but I don't have the words for nonbelievers, except to say that sometimes even if you don't believe in anything, but you're more "humble" (instead of demanding, argumentative, etc) God has mercy on you and gives you things.Unfortunately, I sense a lot of cantankerous spirits here, and it seems like because of suffering through pain, you've allowed it to take you over. Some of you gals seem "hard." And the other day, when I tried to encourage a single woman for love, you immediately shot the idea down--even though she has a desire to find Mr. Right.I don't get it.Time to change your attitudes, or other people might sense it in your personalities and not want to hire you.You're kidding, aren't you?You're the folks who don't have anyone to love you. Not me. It's hard to love the unlovely. Look into the mirror. That's my best advice.There are plenty of people posting here, but only "certain" ones have that cantankerous spirit. It's jumping off the pages! You and your "buddies" are in that group.Go back and read what some of you have posted. Ugh! You've been "rolling in it" for so long until you don't even realize what you sound like anymore.Whatever. I would never kick anyone who is down. I've also tried to be uplifting, but some of you here... God love you.Actually that's not so much a comment about God, as it is about the phonies that throw around His name.Whatever. What would YOU know about God? You keep going back to God, for some reason.I said it's your continual crying. Only a new person or one who is just like you would want to read this at all. Period!I've learned great info from people like Ruby Slippers about employers and what goes on behind the scenes. I've learned I'm not alone. I know a lot of professional people are without jobs, etc etc.Nothing more right now, except to read about hopeless people with hopeless attitudes, no friends, losers at love--negativity galore. (When I say this part, I know it hurts because it's true.)It's just too much.This conversation has degraded so much. So I must say, staffing agencies are really starting to annoy me. How are there even so many still functioning when most of these "TOP" recruiters are JOKES?Sorry, couldn't help myself. I'll stop, maybe it will go away.Yes, recruiters in?general?are a huge joke nowdays. Not so much in the past, but my last bout with unemployment I found no relief at staffing services or recruiters.I'll add one more thing, just to throw fuel on the?fire.There are a lot of posts in this thread in which people are farting into the wind. That's OK, it's what this thread is for. I've done some of it. But yes, it does get old when you read the same rants by the same people over and over.Meanwhile, there are threads in which people ask questions about the job hunt. But those threads seem to get few replies.I guess people would rather complain about stuff than try to be helpful.?i dont bother with recruiters....way tooooo picky....waste of timeRecruiters can blast your resume all over the place. Then if you go to a place and try to apply for a job, the recruiting agency has you. You have to go through them, because they sent your resume there first.?They aren't supposed to do this. They are supposed to contact you first before sending your resume to a site.?But it seems what people are supposed to do and what they do are two different things sometimes.I talked to my cousin today because I thought about going back for a masters degree and he thinks right now it is a waste of money for me because if I'm already having troubles finding a job it probably wont help a whole lot unless it was something technical and the company was paying for it.Otherwise he says having my own?business?would be less risky if it's service related and very little overhead cost.If you can't find work now, I'd hold off on the Masters.She reminded me on the way out that if she hires, not to expect many hours and definitely no benefits. "It's that way now, you know."I sure hope I can start my own?business?too.?A few points. Boxer, you have terrible luck with these interviews. Your stories make me so sad inside. Is this really what the?hiring?world has come to? I thought Obamacare made it mandatory for employers to offer benefits?Also, I'd love to start my own business. But it costs money. I bet if a handful of the unemployed banded together and were to start a magazine for the unemployed (with all the wisdom we've acquired!!), it'd be an instant hit. I can dream.You're kidding, right??This is the first time I've really posted anything about an interview.?Second, where do you get your information from??Are you in the US, that you think everyone is entitled to benefits??You need to understand how the new?insurance?works.Third, if you want to dream about something, it will never come true for you.?There are people applying for patents all of the time.?It's a lot of hard work, but it's harder to be unemployed.There are an awful lot of people that are glad when others are too afraid to start a business. Don't be one of them.Oh boy. Set your sights too high, too early, and you'll be gone too soon. The management like their cushy $70K+ salaries and all the rule breaking they do. They won't bring you on, especially if you don't act like 'one of them'... they don't want the status quo shaken up! I dunno if Lee wants to risk becoming an even better actor(actress) to straighten out a crooked place that's been operating like that for god knows how long.I agree with how management is, and that is ruining American?business.?My sister works for a brand name company and they seldom post jobs anywhere but on their own website. They get 100s of apps for each position. Doesn't cost them a dime.That's why I tend to stay away from well known companies. Since everyone knows them, everyone is applying there.And the who you know doesn't always work. Last Oct I filled out a TWO hour application and test for a company my parents worked for years ago and my mom's friend still works there. I used my moms friend as referral and put her on the application where it ask if you know anyone at the company. Two weeks later I get a canned email reply for the?HR?company they use for their software saying they decided on not filling the position ROFL. Yea no one at the company even saw my resume. Probably just acomputer?filtered it out and it waits a week or two to send a canned email.ounds like one of those interviews where the interview is completely unprepared and scattered, hasn't read a word of you resume', and listens to absolutely nothing that comes out of your mouth. I had an interview like that for AAA last year. Bizarre describes it perfectly. I felt like I'd been beamed in to a parallel universe.It wasn't a lack of confidence on her part. She was the big ego, ready to go. But she just doesn't understand what my job is. She hasn't a clue. It was things that she said...more than gave away her ignorance.You know, it's all about them, even when they are interviewing you.Maybe it will take American?business?to come crashing into the ground, before top management stops this crap. The whole egotistical manager, the petty?hiring?of friends or people they "like"...vs the real?animal?tough competitive world of finding people who can do the job and will make the company money.For all of the "we got rid of middle management" stuff, there are still too many bosses, too many managers...too many of them playing favorite, and too many of them just winging it on a day to day basis.How is it businesses for years and years didn't use the internet and?HRIS?programs to weed people out during?hiringand they did just fine. Why the last 10 year or so HRIS software is used by most companies?How did businesses operate just fine without it?I second this! I miss the days when all I had to do was write a nice cover letter introducing myself and my resume was simply my chronological work history,?education, and special skills. I would just fax, mail, or drop off my resume at the?business. Though email is nice because I don't have to buy expensive printer ink or bond paper.Now, I have to tweak and adjust my resume to fit each job I apply for, struggling to be sure to use all those "keywords" in the job description. And "keywords" that are so necessary to get through any applicant tracking software, are often times the very same "buzz words" that all the career advice columnist say?HR?is complaining they are so sick of seeing! Get through the applicant tracking software only to have a human being look at my generic resume and toss it aside in disgust.It's all a game. One big game. I'm convinced all they care about, if you get an interview and get past the screening applications, is your personality and your enthusiasm. If you have more than the next person, you're in. Basically you have to go into each interview as if you've just done a line while on speed.Yep, they want someone acting all jacked up.Very few livable wage jobs.?Lower pay for any job.?Employees doing the work of 2 or 3 people.?No stability in jobs.?Companies?hiring?friends and family.?Increased population.The mess with the jobs we get is an indication of how our society is going. Poorly. People have no morals or ethics and its dog eat dog. We can only try to maintain a sense of work ethic without getting chewed up and spit out. Its a delicate balancing actyes. Most of the job openings, the few there are they're mostly low paying and high stress jobs with lots of required qualifications and job duties.The full-time jobs have two pages of job duties and like $9.50 an hour.It's a joke how they have renamed jobs. Usually, when they rename them, there is more work, more responsibility, but less acknowledgement.?Examples:Sales clerks became "Associates"?Inside sales?became "Account?Executives"?Secretaries became "Administrative?Assistants", and less money.A friend of mine, who got downsized out of a well paying job and grabbed a low paying copy wrting job in order not to suffer from a huge employment gap, has been trying to find a better position for over a year now. She says jobs followed by term "Specialist" is the method of creating low paying professional positions.If there are kids or others with little to no credentials, how is it they can get $20+/hr. paying jobs & others with work experience & credentials, can't?Also, this whole Affordable Care Act is BS!!!Wow, didn't know what paid my bills for so many years was a 'garbage job'.I consider jobs like?admin?assistant, stock?clerk, etc to be crap jobs. You can't support a family or pay rent working for $9.50 an hour which is what most jobs pay these days which means you must work full-time and another part time job. Even $9.50 is good. A lot of the warehouse, material handler type ads I see are more like $8-8.50 an hour. Total joke.I think a lot of jobs in medicine are very low pay now.?I think that is what he means, not the actual job.Everyone in medicine is getting less these days, from docs on down.?I've seen desk people being paid $8 an hour.?More money for the management, less for the worker.?And a lot of positions don't have benefits anymore. They think we can just go buy them from the?government. Most jobs now are just servicing the rich.Hey folks, those not working are just not "participating" according to this liberalized conservative group. They might as well call themselves liberals.?Check this out...the recession is all over, lol.?What a bunch of propaganda.?No one ever polled me or asked me anything.?I wonder if anyone here has ever been asked to take a poll or anything like that.?Just more lies about how great everything is.research/reports/2014/09/not-looking-for-work-why-labor-force-participation-has-fallen-during-the-recoveryIs anyone else tired of stupid personality test that waste your time on applications? I don't mind taking test that actually measure skills, bit I am tired of spending hours answering question where it is so obvious what they want you to say. Do they actually think someone is going to say they always come in late, push their work off onto others, steal from the till and otherwise not do their job?I want nothing to do with Obozo Care. Has caused me nothing but problems when it comes to my families?health?premiums.It's a total rip off to make you pay for everyone else.They want you to come in all jacked up and charged up, all bubbly and perky, because to THEM, that means you will do a good job.They want you to fawn all over their customers, if you have a job like that.It's not enough to be polite. They want someone all racheted up.The emphasis on "happy" is some kind of a modern disease. People used to be concerned with survival and having the basic necessities.Now, it's about "I have to be happy".But no one really KNOWS what makes them happy.If you learn to play a song on the piano, and you do it well, you feel some happiness.?But this idea that it's a 24/7 thing is crazy.These?HR?tests are just more signs of the modern crazy world.As I see it, they love to be lied to. Best liar gets the job, kinda like presidential elections.Well, somehow you qualify for Medicaid, but the rest of us don't.?I wasn't targeting people who really do need medical care, but the people who just think?government?assistance is an alternative to working.Most doctors do not accept medicaid. Medicaid also does not cover prescriptions as well as most of the plans under the new "obamacare" exchanges. This ACA program & Medicaid is a joke. You are paying hundreds of dollars or nothing because you are indigent but nothing is covered.?And I don't think anyone prefers to receive government assistance as an alternative to working but for either real or imagined reasons THEY CANNOT GET HIRED. You can go on hundreds & thousands of interviews and not get hired for what I said real or imagined reasons..I was gonna say... I didn't qualify and I can't sign up for a premium that costs $$$. I don't wanna be penalized for not havinginsurance, so I don't know what to do. I'll probably call them on Monday or go through the medicaid site.I had no insurance for most of 2014 and got fined $71 on my tax return. Oh well, better than owing back the thousands in "subsidies" I would now owe since I'm making more money than unemployment.I had no?insurance?for most of 2014 and got fined $71 on my tax return. Oh well, better than owing back the thousands in "subsidies" I would now owe since I'm making more money than unemployment.I would rather pay $71 a month than close to $800 a month as a single person for one of the lowest cost 'plans' under the ACA with a $10,000 deductible. Does that make any sense??Nope, not much about it makes any sense. It was $71 period, not a month. They take it out of your refund if you have one. Worked for what would you propose for those who are unemployed or underemployed and can't afford?health?insurance, just forgo it and drop dead?I sometimes think that is the grand?design?behind Obamacare. You got the "end of life 'discussions'" doctors are required to have with people in certain situations. You've got the absolutely prohibitive costs for families, with kids with chronic illnesses. The more of us who drop dead, the fewer the?government?has to take care of in it's forced 'take care of us whether we want it or not' pland.I was gonna say... I didn't qualify and I can't sign up for a premium that costs $$$. I don't wanna be penalized for not havinginsurance, so I don't know what to do. I'll probably call them on Monday or go through the medicaid site.Same for me. I looked at the plans.?It would cost me the minimum of 400 for the cheapest plan with a 6600 deductible. So until you spend 6600, you're not getting anything paid for.?Right now, I don't make enough to get by let alone pay for a plan like that.I read you're supposed to estimate how much you will make for the year. I have absolutely NO idea. I can't even guestimate.If you underestimate, they will fine you for the money back at the end of the year, too. So that's a no win.But I am like you, I cannot afford to pay for it.?so what would you propose for those who are unemployed or underemployed and can't afford?health?insurance, just forgo it and drop dead?I sometimes think that is the grand?design?behind Obamacare. You got the "end of life 'discussions'" doctors are required to have with people in certain situations. You've got the absolutely prohibitive costs for families, with kids with chronic illnesses. The more of us who drop dead, the fewer the?government?has to take care of in it's forced 'take care of us whether we want it or not' pland.I am like one of the people from a long time ago.?I think if something big hits me and it's not something I can recover from on my own...pneumonia, broken back, cancer...then it's my time to go.I see tons of people getting free medicine every day. But the majority of them are not Americans.Most doctors do not accept medicaid. Medicaid also does not cover prescriptions as well as most of the plans under the new "obamacare" exchanges. This ACA program & Medicaid is a joke. You are paying hundreds of dollars or nothing because you are indigent but nothing is covered.?And I don't think anyone prefers to receive?government?assistance as an alternative to working but for either real or imagined reasons THEY CANNOT GET HIRED. You can go on hundreds & thousands of interviews and not get hired for what I said real or imagined reasons..A lot of docs and clinics do.?The indigent do get covered. I see it. Where they make out is they don't pay anything. But they do get office visits, procedures, and treatments.?That's the problem with the "Rob peter to pay paul" mentality.The liberals think every one working is rich, so they should pay for all of the people coming into this country who don't work. It's just so wrong.In my state, you cannot get Medicaid unless you are a mother with young kids or from another place. That's a real backstab to those who worked and paid into the system.I got 6 rejection form letters in my email today for jobs I applied to.?I really believe that the people who know people don't have to apply online.I just won't talk to any of the people anymore who tell me how the economy has improved.I know I shouldn't complain, and I am fortunate to have found work, but every time I start to see daylight from a year of no job, it all goes down the drain. I cannot BELIEVE how the cost of everything has gone up recently. When I had no paycheck, I did without. Now it's like flushing money down the toilet just to maintain the day to day of going to work. The really stupid part, is with a little effort on the part of the IS department, I could do my total job from home. AND accomplish twice as much without all the office crap that goes on. The answer: No. I don't know what to do or say to the people who tell me I'm not working hard enough. My roommate I've been living with is starting to get discouraged with it, since I promised a month or two to get back on my feet. I was looking at homelessness before that. People just act like I'm not doing enough in my search.It's overwhelming too. You constantly look in your field, then you apply to places like Target, where you KNOW you can't survive on the pay.?How DO people live off the pay at Target? Do they live with 10 other people?The economy has improved but the job market has very little to do with it.I don't see where the economy has improved. Groceries for instance, WAY up over last year. I can't remember the last time a?grocery?bill was reasonable. Gas and oil, yeah, I'll give you that, much cheaper,but I'm making what USED to be called a decent living, and I can't manage to save anything for an emergency or another period of unemployment. And I'm in a "probationary" period for another 3 months, total 6. So my 3 days off in the last week or so, buried in snow, doesn't look great, I'm thinking.The economy has improved but the job market has very little to do with it.I use "the economy" loosely to describe the job market. Because so many industries are just about gone from the US. It's impacted everything. Yet, the population is growing.Yeah, that's a common mindset of people who aren't experiencing what you are. Until you're in that spot, you have no clue. I didn't. What a shock to get rejection emails and letters instead of offers. I seriously thought I'd walk right into another job, but after a while, I started to think it was me, until I stumbled on this forum. But try to let that crap roll you know, this forum has had some success stories lately, so hang in!When I was working?full time, I was very aware of the job market.?I had bouts of unemployment before, and was aware of how saturated my field has become.?I think with a lot of the clueless, it's a superiority thing. Like it can't happen to them. It's just "other people". Like there has to be something wrong with someone who can't find a job. I think we have all heard that one. "Well, what's wrong with YOU?"But those parents have the internet, which is a great tool.?Instead of blowing their own kids off, and dismissing their situation, they could look beyond the CNN and all of the "everything's okay" dribble.Yeah, for some people it's easier to have no faith in the way you raised your kid. When mine was through his first year of unemployment was when I started to really look at the situation, because I KNEW he wasn't lazy or stupid. He definitely put too much faith in his?college?advisers, and took a wrong major. I have no reason to believe he won't come out of this ok, and until he does, my roof is his roof. He, actually is the one who encouraged me to look beyond media dribble at what's really going on. He sounds so much like you, sometimes, X.College advisors tell people to go into saturated fields. Sometimes, it feels like they are being paid off or something so they can keep certain fields well stocked for employers.I just filled out an online application.?I have to take TWO personality tests.?TWO.?One is 10 minutes.?One is 25 minutes.OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I STRONGLY AGREE that these tests are a waste of my time.Also notice, when they want you to agree with all of their conditions, etc., and you have to electronically sign at the bottom of the page, they should just say, "If you won't go along with everything, forget about the job." Like you can even advance with the application if you don't "agree". It's like coercion. You have to agree. It may be viewed as voluntary, but you have to have a job.With me, the cluelessness was because the last time I was unemployed, in the late 90's, there were plenty offactory?jobs still, where I had most experience. When I got laid off from my last one of those, I did a few courses, brushing up on secretarial skills from high school and was hired almost immediately into an office. THAT's the world a lot of the parents of kids on this forum are living in. It never occurred to me that I would NOT find a job, when I got laid off. And I did find one, always. At the time I didn't know any long-term unemployed people. It wasn't that I was some kind of shining star, it was just that there were more jobs available.More jobs and less people being laid off. I could always find a job fairly quicky too. The same crap office type jobs I have now, but then you were pretty much hired and now it's multiple interviews and a 2 month long wait with?HR, giving several references, etc. and the pay and bennies are worse. That's very discouraging.There were 6 pages of these things.My version of things: :DI think this test was a waste of time. STRONGLY AGREE.?I think this test is trying to trip me up. STRONGLY AGREE.?I think people are being paid a lot of money to make these tests that don't prove a thing. STRONGLY AGREE.?The people selling the tests are probably related to the people in?HR. STRONGLY AGREE.I dont apply for jobs that have those damn tests anymore. I might, if i had a real live contact with a halfway decent chance to get the thing, but overall I do not. Life is too short. I once had an interview at a company.......the guy asked me dozens of absurd questions and then presented me with tests on paper (none of which had anything to do with the skills required for the job) and then informed me he had "concerns" because of an issue in my job history . A person I had put down for a reference cheerfully told him all the details of a job i had been fired from, thinking that he would value the honesty. He didnt. If that sort of thing happened to me now, i'd get up and walk out. I have wasted a lot of time with that sort of dribble and dont intend to repeat it.i remember the days if you had a bachelor degree you were treated like a god at interviews. you had the job the moment you applied.But now, everyone is pushed to go to?college. People are told they will never "make it" without a degree.?Most degrees are like a high school diploma now. High school guidance counselors push everyone to have a degree. Because it was true about 20 years ago.Every time I open a site for an application, there are pictures of people smiling. Yeah, they are just stock photos, of course, but it's so annoying. Big toothy, open mouths. Yuck. It's all so fake. No work place looks like that.Then I go to the store, and there's banners all over the place with faces of people smiling again. What's up with all of the faces smiling? Are they supposed to be smiling at US?It's so bizarre. The more?business?cranks up the vibe, the more bizarre the world becomes.It would be nice to live somewhere without the facade.Yeh I remember in the late 90's that I went to one job interview and after 15 minutes of talking with the manager I was hired on the spot...that job only lasted two weeks because the hours they initially quoted was changed and it no longer worked for then about a week later I had an interview with another company and after a 30 minute interview was given an offer and hired as long as my drug test and criminal background came back clear.I really miss those days of being able to quit one job and easily find another job within a matter of weeks.So true... I recall that decade as being fairly easy to get a job and even transition into others fairly easily. I worked in sales during and after?college. Several months after I finished my undergrad, I worked in?HR. I only worked there for 6 months and was let go along with 6 others. Company was barely getting by so they could no longer afford the payroll expense. Within 2 weeks I quickly landed a job in?insurance?underwriting making more than what I was earning in HR. The economy has changed indeed.I been unemployed now for about year, and based on my experience, I been on multiple interviews from call centers down to retail and what I have learn is that the system is broken. The recruiting process is broken recruiters like playing phone tag about phone interviews, and if your lucky enough to get face to face interview. Most of the time management are clueless and are picky on who they select for a candidate. Asking stupid questions like who would you save in a?fire?what kind of question does this have to do with working in tech support. If you do land job it's all about connections from the inside. Sorry about the rant but just needed to vent about how broken the system really is.I been unemployed now for about year, and based on my experience, I been on multiple interviews from call centers down to retail and what I have learn is that the system is broken. The recruiting process is broken recruiters like playing phone tag about phone interviews, and if your lucky enough to get face to face interview. Most of the time management are clueless and are picky on who they select for a candidate. Asking stupid questions like who would you save in a?fire?what kind of question does this have to do with working in tech support. If you do land job it's all about connections from the inside. Sorry about the rant but just needed to vent about how broken the system really is.I know it's horrible here in Arizona. You have the 30, 40, 50 year old retirees living it up on our taxes. I get tired of the bragging they do. They always have a very expensive motorcycle, car, several homes, and vacation all of the time. I had one?customer?telling me how he is so bored, so he HAS to go on another vacation, that's before he goes off to his?farmin another state, and he just eats out every day and golfs. He is 51 years old.There are no jobs here, and the nonworkers treat the workers like crap.I finally bit the bullet and stopped in to my eye dr. about my night blindness/halos as I really cannot drive once the Sun starts to go down. He would not just see me briefly then and there so I had to make an official appt. I won't pay a cent for this thanks to Medicaid.You are EXACTLY who Medicaid is for in the first place! And I wasn't particularly referring to Hispanics, or people who are here legally. I was referring to the seemingly ENDLESS number of people from the Middle East arriving. EVERY TIME I see a name I can't pronounce, I know I'll be able to pronounce the?insurance. EVERY SINGLE TIME! I am so sorry this unemployment thing has gripped you for so long. I'm the never give up hope kind, but I guess that sounds pretty stupid to somebody who's been out of work for 6 years. I think I'd be writing a book by now, if I were you. Ever consider doing anything non-normal like that?I just recently graduated?college?and started my job search near the beginning of my last semester, and I'm still looking more than a month of finishing college. I admit, I did not have as much time during school to search for a job, maybe sending in 1 or 2 applications per week. But still, I tried to land a job before graduating, but with no luck. Ever since the holidays ended, I have applied to between 100 and 200 places and received about 8 interviews, but still no job. It's super frustrating to spend 4 years of my life working to obtain a degree, but not being able to get work! At least I'm getting somewhere with interviews, but?hiring?managers never call when they say they will, and don't reply when I try to follow up. I know there's nothing wrong with me and it's not completely in my control, but if somebody went to college, shouldn't they be guaranteed a job? That does not seem to be the case anymore. I had better luck when I was still college.Welcome to the real world having a Degree in this economy is worthless. Managers over look your?education?and ask for the experience instead. To every job you apply for their at least 400 hundred people fighting for that one position. I have seen people get jobs with no college education making $20hr only because they have some sort experience in their field. You have better chance of winning the lottery than finding a job right now.I've told this before, so you old timers bear with it, the new college grad needs to hear it. I was replaced when I resigned from a 10-year position in a medical office, with another 7 years experience before that in another office, by a waitress/barista. She was hired for about 4 bucks an hour less than me and for half the number of hours. Hopefully this kept the gigantic company afloat, not having to pay my enormous wage.I just recently graduated?college?and started my job search near the beginning of my last semester, and I'm still looking more than a month of finishing college. I admit, I did not have as much time during school to search for a job, maybe sending in 1 or 2 applications per week. But still, I tried to land a job before graduating, but with no luck. Ever since the holidays ended, I have applied to between 100 and 200 places and received about 8 interviews, but still no job. It's super frustrating to spend 4 years of my life working to obtain a degree, but not being able to get work! At least I'm getting somewhere with interviews, but?hiring?managers never call when they say they will, and don't reply when I try to follow up. I know there's nothing wrong with me and it's not completely in my control, but if somebody went to college, shouldn't they be guaranteed a job? That does not seem to be the case anymore. I had better luck when I was still college.It's easy to think that way at first based on societal views, but when you truly consider it, many routes in college don't really do anything to boost a person's usefulness or self-actualization. There's a lot of taking notes, and doing papers and exams, but little firsthand experience at businesses. The importance of real world experience is not emphasized nearly enough as it should be, with many people being suckered into thinking that a high GPA and some semesters on the Dean's List will give them an edge in the market. Decades ago, that held true on?account?of the relative rarity of college graduates, but today, there are so many people being given access to college that the value of degrees has plummeted.Yeah, a degree is basically worthless..... don't even bother unless you can get tuition reimbursement or a guarantee that you'll have a job. I know some of the liberals don't like Limbaugh on here BUT this is a great article on his website talking about how the unemployment stats the?government?tells us is WAY off.We all pretty much knew this already though but I'm so sick of people telling me there are tons of jobs out there if I want them.daily/2015/02/05/the_gallup_ceo_doubles_down?People are just selfish in the workplace now. What's all this team player crap ???"Team Player", for the managers/directors/higher-ups, is code for: "When I say 'Jump!', you'll ask 'How high?!' And you'll ask enthusiastically without a hint of disdain in your tone. Glad we agree!"Well-said! Don't give up! I'm going to resort to blasting my resume out there to every Job Board from hereforth and beating the streets even if it kills me. It's McDonald's for me for sure, it seems like they're the only place "always?hiring?".Lindsey, all I can say is, WORD FOR WORD. It could have been my letter. Craigslist seems like the best. All these other searches show jobs unrelated to what you do. I am a picture framer and besides that I apply for any retail stores,?bakery?help?hotel?front desk?jobs etc. I have looked for almost two years and still don't want Mcdonalds either.Once before I was in this situation and could not believe it took almost four months!?I guess a poor economy takes longer. When I got that job it had felt it was never coming, but it did and will.One thing though, I have spent too much time feeling awful and angry too; at employers who have no common courtesy. We must remember that even though employment is very very important, other things are too, like friends and decent?health. Don,t let the situation be the only thing in your life of any importance.Barry in MarylandToday I was let all alone is the Service Dept. Phones ringing off the hook, customers lined up and I was trying to get my work orders done for vehicles that had to get in fast. Total chaos!!!!!!Should I keep staying late? Or, will I just end up a doormat in the end?If your pay is based on commission and you are doing work that will increase that commission, keep it up. If not, I would seriously worry about the doormat issue. I have made the mistake many, many times of doing too much work. In the end, you just get burned out and resentful. People appreciate it at first, but then grow to expect it from you.As I write this, CBS is reporting a much improved job market, more people hired, AND ta DAH.....they are good paying jobs. Scott Pelley said that with a straight face. Maybe he believes it, too. I guess I shouldn't shoot the ignorant messenger.You can say that again. I'm stalling signing the offer letter because I have one more interview and just want to feel secure in my choice. Ugh. Why is it such a gamble with companies? Do they not get that yeah, they might get a bad employee, but it's not like it'll tarnish their reputation or screw with their future. But if you find a bad workplace... oh boy.TRUTH! I just got screamed at today because I gave the shareholder a message and I had the mans last name wrong. I corrected it but he didn't care. Yes, a mistake but he went on screaming "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO PREVENT THIS IN THE FUTURE?!" So yep, I hear you. It's not like I could ask employees how THEY are before accepting and get references on them like they can do us. We want a good workplace just like they want good workers. It's acceptable to be treated like s#it.You are preaching right here. It's a gamble finding that especially after looking for so long, the odds seem to go down at finding something tolerable because you end up in "take what you can" land. I'm really happy for you because you didn't need any more stress.most jobs just flat out stink today. and if they dont stink today they will soon in the future....another company buys your company, new boss, etcemployees today are treated like crapp, not an asset"Team Player", for the managers/directors/higher-ups, is code for: "When I say 'Jump!', you'll ask 'How high?!' And you'll ask enthusiastically without a hint of disdain in your tone. Glad we agree!"I found out what "team player" means.?When bosses hire their friends and expect you to pick up their slack. Or when they want to take off and expect you to cover for them. You don't have a life, right??Team player means when we want you to do something, you have to. But when you are sick or need help, forget it.What an A-hole. Keep on looking....and maybe check Glass Door for the next one. The people on there scored the company that bought the practice I was working for got it right down to the last detail. They sucked, and those people nailed it. Current and former employees.Yeah, when I have had my own experience with a company and go back and read I see a lot of people are correct and I can agree. I'm not looking for perfect but can I be treated like a human? It's really sad and depressing what some of us have to go through to have a job. Again, I see why so many people try to start their own businesses.?I know some of the liberals don't like Limbaugh on here BUT this is a great article on his website talking about how the unemployment stats the?government?tells us is WAY off.We all pretty much knew this already though but I'm so sick of people telling me there are tons of jobs out there if I want them.daily/2015/02/05/the_gallup_ceo_doubles_downI don't call myself a conservative anymore, because there isn't much I agree with in both conservatism or liberalism.A long time ago, Rush was yelling at people, telling them to get a job, "You can get a job if you wanted to"...making them sound lazy, etc.I think now that Obama is in, he is going say how bad the job market is. If the Republicans get in, he will probably go back to saying how you have to work hard, etc.I don't like the radio political evangelists. I think the only one who has a clue is Michael Savage.I hope Dr. Savage sees this. Because I don't think he wants to be part of that pack anyway.Again, I see why so many people try to start their own businesses.Same here. I'm toying with some ideas.I don't call myself a conservative anymore, because there isn't much I agree with in both conservatism or liberalism.A long time ago, Rush was yelling at people, telling them to get a job, "You can get a job if you wanted to"...making them sound lazy, etc.I think now that Obama is in, he is going say how bad the job market is. If the Republicans get in, he will probably go back to saying how you have to work hard, etc.I don't like the radio political evangelists. I think the only one who has a clue is Michael Savage.I hope Dr. Savage sees this. Because I don't think he wants to be part of that pack anyway.True, but back even 5 years ago it wasn't quite as hard to get a job despite it being the "peak" of the recession. I find it much harder now.Savage is good. I also like some of what David Duke has been saying about the jobs too. Sure he's called racist but he is totally spot on regarding how whites are getting passed over in jobs because of all thesegovernment?programs. It has affected me as a white male. Like at school all the jobs I applied for only to be passed up by people he can barely speak English. Or jobs want me to be?bilingual.The recession has been spiraling down since the 1980s. That's when the first companies closed up and went to Mexico or overseas.Millions of people became unemployed or underemployed. Engineers, accountants,?factory?workers, and more. Spin off businesses, dependent on steel,automotive, and other big manufacturing, had to close up.I think anyone who says anything favorable about whites gets called a racist.?I think everyone should have their own group culture, and I think everyone should have their own countries.This includes all groups, including whites. There is too much animosity toward whites.It's more important not to mix. People LIKE various cultures. They LIKE ethnic foods, music,?art,?architecture, and languages. So when everyone just mixes, what do we have? Hamburgers and hot dogs?I like Savage because he gets why things are done. He is right about about attitudes and how people manipulate.In Arizona is it bad because of all the Hispanics when it comes to?hiringwhites, or even other non Hispanics?Nowadays, if you say something and it's disagreed with, someone is always there to slap the "raycist" label. It's a way they put a politician or any media person out of?business.I think the days of a good working environment seem to be coming to an end. It seems as though every company known for treating their employees fairly has been taken over by bottom feeding douchebags.Usually one of the first things these companies seem to do, is to?fireeveryone in?HR?and hire some outside firm to handle?hiring. These outside hiring/HR companies seem to all have the same process, you have to register for the company's internal website, fill out an online application where they will ask you important questions such as what grade you got in coloring in Kindergarten, then you have to complete a personality test, and then you may be asked to take a skills test.No matter what I am not giving up, if for no other reason than to screw over people who will add you to the "not looking for work" column. There is no way in heck so many people are not looking for work.Agree, and this lady called me after a month to say they got so many resumes she was just not getting through them and was inviting me in. I found that sad that so many are applying for one job. I had another interview where the woman showed me the resumes, they were STACKED up. Might have been almost 1000, if I had to guess. Definitely not enough jobs.More proof that the media and the govt are lying to us.I hope you get called back.Well, a lot of companies hire people from other nations on HB-1s, too, esp. IT. I don't think a lot of those companies are?hiring. I know that Intel has put up millions to hire "diversity" so that excludes whites from jobs now.I have met more people here who are 40 or 52 who are retired. If you ask, they are usually?government?workers who retired on a fat pension. I had one tell me that people who have to work "bore me" and how no one over 50 should be looking for a job. What an arrogant nut. If the deal he has is so great, why does he even care what others do? Maybe sitting around the house all day isn't so hot for him. He said he owns 3 homes and travels all the time.I don't care for the attitudes here. I notice how these "nonworkers" treat those who have to work. They think we are their slaves. I can't imagine how it is for waiters and waitresses who have to deal with their spoiled attitudes.I can't stand those kinds. They sound entitled to their fat gubermint pensions. That is the typical Obama voter. Government workers love Obama and the liberals who make the government bigger. That is why VA is becoming so liberal because the government keeps expanding and more workers moving there.State workers are the same way.I can't stand those kinds. They sound entitled to their fat gubermint pensions. That is the typical Obama ernment?workers love Obama and the liberals who make the government bigger. That is why VA is becoming so liberal because the government keeps expanding and more workers moving there.State workers are the same way.Oh, for goodness sakes. 20 years ago, when I was trying to decide to stay in the private sector or get a government job, I stuck with the private sector because for comparable work, I made more money.Now, the private sector is repeatedly screwing over workers, wriggling out of pensions and benefits, demanding people show up pre- trained. But, suddenly it's the average government worker's fault that they are still getting a pension??? You're resentful of the wrong people. How about being ticked off at the people who aren't paying you a decent living rather than the workers who had enough sense to join a union.I hate the modern government job sector because of how lazy and incompetent many of the workers are.Look at the VA system. My dad is disabled vet so I see how rude and incompetent the workers, doctors, etc at these hospitals are. Many of them really do just stand around and BS all day and make good money still.I've been searching for a job ever since I graduated from?college?in 2011, and STILL haven't found anything full-time! My family, who I regrettable live with (not by choice) doesn't/can't help me saying "Oh, you're the only one in this house who has a college degree. You're suppose to be smart enough to figure these things out." I've volunteered, signed up with temp agencies, and have done a couple of seasonal jobs, but still nothing that I can rely on. I've also contacted my school's career center and have gone to worksource.wa. They haven't helped me; all they tell me is to keep doing what I'm doing.And my dad, who just got back from deployment, is going into retirement, which means he's selling the house and moving. I payed his bills and watched over the house while he was away, but now I don't know what I'm going to do!?graduated Dec 2013 and the only job I had since was a part-time job at Northern Tool as a?cashier?which I quit on the spot one day when my manager kept verbally harassing me, and then had a seasonal job at Macy's which some weeks gave me 4 hours and one week no hours!Last fall I seemed to have a bit better luck with interviews but the jobs didn't pay enough and were part-time. Looking back I wish I took some of them.My school's career center has a website with jobs listed, however the postings I see on there are the same jobs I see on indeed as well usually, hence just a waste of time. All the school wants is your $$$$$$I was just thinking about this when I decided to search Indeed. Had an interview on Friday. First they cancelled the interview. They just said sorry cant take it any farther and hung up on me. Then called me back to reschedule. Then I get there and they tell me Im not qualified after I filled out all of their anal paperwork background and?credit?check papers. The treatment of the applicants is bad, rude. People need to start fighting back it is bad.I hate the modern?government?job sector because of how lazy and incompetent many of the workers are.Look at the VA system. My dad is disabled vet so I see how rude and incompetent the workers, doctors, etc at these hospitals are. Many of them really do just stand around and BS all day and make good money still.Yep, as much as they get better stuff, I don't see why anyone thinks we should all jump on the bandwagon.?or going the extra mile.?I don't get why anyone is patting them on the backs.?I don't think anyone sees them as hard workers.At the post office, if there are a dozen people in line, and one window is backed up with a?customer?holding up the line, you will see the other line get closed down and the person goes to lunch. I have never worked anywhere where I could just walk off and go to lunch like that. Most of the time, I got no lunch, I had to keep taking customers. It really opened my eyes to what they are like.In AZ, a lot of vets died at a VA?hospital?here. Says a lot.When I go to the post office the old workers who work the counter seem to give better service around here. I mean the old timers who have probably been there for 30 years now. The younger workers however are just terrible usually.They probably remember the days when govt workers weren't paid as much as private industry workers.?It's just a big welfare system now.The pension system is why liberal states like California are going broke. It's insane how some of those people are getting pensions that equal their full years pay like I posted about before 50 yr old?firefighter, brother in?lawfriend of mine retiring and getting 105 percent of what they last made yearly! My management teacher in?college?a couple years ago was about 60 and got about 100k a year pension from the IRS he told us! He just taught a couple classes for extra money at night. That is just unreal. I think he was retired for about 10 years too! Always wore Ralph Lauren leather jackets, glasses, shirts etc.Yea. I always see different faces so those old workers I wonder if they're just part-time now for some extra money and once were mail carriers when they were younger.The pension system is why liberal states like California are going broke. It's insane how some of those people are getting pensions that equal their full years pay like I posted about before 50 yr old?firefighter, brother in?law?friend of mine retiring and getting 105 percent of what they last made yearly! My management teacher in?college?a couple years ago was about 60 and got about 100k a year pension from the IRS he told us! He just taught a couple classes for extra money at night. That is just unreal. I think he was retired for about 10 years too! Always wore Ralph Lauren leather jackets, glasses, shirts etc.This is what people complained about with the unions. Now, the only unions are the govt workers. So why is it okay for them to work 20 years and retire and be supported for say, 40 years??No one is ever going to force private industry to do this for its workers. Just try and get a union going in your profession and see where it gets you.Taxpayer pays their salaries, right?Public sector is dependent on the private sector paying taxes. The problem with many states now is that they have a shrinking tax base. When you lay off 1,000 workers and replace them with the Binford 2.0 how do you tax the machine? Those 1,000 workers are no longer paying income tax. Its a dilemma.Exactly. So when we are paying for all of these?government?workers to retire and give them pensions and free?healthcare?until they die, it's becoming more and more of a burden as the private sector is making less.When you are working and being taxed more and more, and then you meet these people who have lives of leisure and travel, you really have to question why government workers are more valued than private sector workers and why the system works for them and not us.The Department of Defense is THE largest public sector employer in the US but you have to wonder how long is this sustainable? You can only raise taxes so much before you become a one term politician.One book, "Lights in the Tunnel" by Martin Yate predicts that within 20 years, 50% of us will be working for the?government. He doesn't answer the question as to who is going to pay for this though.A lot of industry, such as?aerospace, is private sector, but heavily regulated by the government. Private sector does?engineering?and innovation better because it is competitive, but also, public sector does a lot of research, because they get the funding.The government is such a huge bloated thing.?Right now a lot of people are riding the wave.I don't think it's right that employers can contact our former employers to find out what we were making. It never lets you ask for more money. Well, you can, but they can always say no.?Most of them probably don't care what we made, they want to pay what they want to pay.I think every single parent should teach their?children?to think about starting their own?business?when they grow up.Wonder why the boss' boss puts up with his monkeyshines??Sounds like he was pretty mad, but you wonder if this goes on all the time.?Why do they let him get away with this stuff?In our case, I had 4 coworkers. Two were fired a month into me working. Another one was fired 4 months before I began. That was enough to scare everyone. They'd all smile and laugh in the?director's face but she was batsh*t as she was the one doing all the firing. They were all too scared of being axed next to do anything. One of the coworkers knew the boss through?church, so of course she wasn't going anywhere.I didn't stand for it and got the axe myself. :D I'd rather go out standing up for what I believe in than by being a coward and schmoozing to someone who doesn't deserve it.what do you guys think about when it comes to temp to hire!Meaningless. Agencies can say that all day long. It means nothing. It keeps the temp hopeful and maybe happy in the job. Any temp is temp to hire because the client could potentially hire any temp at any time through the agency.what do you guys think about when it comes to temp to hire!I'd take that over a solely temp position. Temp to hire worked out for someone I know, so, I guess it depends on the company.However, recruiting agencies, especially in?admin/logistic positions are usually all cash making?legal?schemes that never really intend to have you leave their service. If they can keep you in their employ, they'll do so, because that's more money for them.That's how I see it, anyway.This is what I mean how employers are so quick to?fire?new employees because they know they can find someone else to replace them who will do 100 percent arse kissing or be a slave.I didn't call that dealer back for an interview. The?cashier?positions at dealers seem to be really stressful. The person they hired back in Nov must have not worked out and they were desperate for people hence why they go on indeed to pull resumes up.If you work 40 hours with the raise, that's a $4 a week increase.?Can they spare it?Tell me about it. Their union as many unions is a joke. It's basically useless as they pay you less money than a non union job. They do offer?healthinsurance?for part-time employees after a year for a low rate but it's crap and takes up even more of your pay check.I wonder if they do the same thing with 15 year olds or people with mental disabilities as you stated. I see them working in the stores and wonder how they have work references if they never worked before.I never called that lady back and just said heck with it. For 15 hours a week and less than $5 an hour it probably isn't a good place to work for anyways. They ALWAYS are?hiring?there because the pay is so low. I had a total of 4 references.?I've seen people with Down Syndrome working as baggers.?I wonder if they torture them with the same multiple interviews too.?Jeesh, it's so hard to even stomach that.That's where the ADA comes into play, not sure about the interview process, but work environment...My best friend is currently in arbitration for her brother, who is has diminished capacity and the lovely?Kmart?Corp along with it's employees has made it a hostile work environment for him....It seems employers can do whatever they want anymore. It's sad.I graduated Dec 2013. I got a job at Northern Tool as part-time?cashier?that lasted about 2 months until I had to walk out because of the stress and harassing managers and had a seasonal job at Macy's that was giving me hardly any hours from Aug-Dec.Is that normal for a?business?degree graduate? Been 13 months now and that's all the work I've had and very few interviews out of all the applications I was firing away.I don't want to being you down, so please take this as "tough love."Yes, it is normal to have a tough time finding a first job out of?college?these days. That said, your degree is rotting from lack of using it. On top of that, "Business" is the most common category of Bachelor's Degree awarded each year in the US, so companies have plenty of fresh candidates to fill their?entry-level business jobs. I know that several posters on here decry volunteering as a method for lowering wages, but you might need to consider offering to run the office for a?church?or something, so that you can have a record of doing "business-y" things. Failing that, maybe think of a business-oriented task that you are really good at and try to freelance at it.You've probably realized that walking away from your part-time job was a mistake, no matter how bad it was. As many on here have observed, it's far easier to find a job when you are already working. When you worked at Macy's, are you sure you did everything you could to get more hours? It might be your location, but I know several people who were seasonal workers at Macy's that got full-time hours during the holidays and were invited back as part-time employees for the rest of the year. Take it from a former college drop out, sometimes you just need to take a step back and re-evaluate yourself.I graduated Dec 2013. I got a job at Northern Tool as part-time?cashier?that lasted about 2 months until I had to walk out because of the stress and harassing managers and had a seasonal job at Macy's that was giving me hardly any hours from Aug-Dec.Is that normal for a?business?degree graduate? Been 13 months now and that's all the work I've had and very few interviews out of all the applications I was firing away.My 45-year old son has lived with me without a job for most of the last 3 years. He has a degree in meteorology and a 25-year history in teaching and tutoring. He worked at Walmart overnights last year for 3 months and gave notice. They were not at all surprised or upset, and he sort of had the idea he was going to get canned. Because a retail worker knows how to hustle as if it were their religion and he could never get as fast as them. The overnights were not good, and we're sharing a car, and I was increasingly worried about him getting home in storms in time for me to get to work.( Now that I see what this winter has become here, I'm SO GLAD he made that decision.) But to answer your question, yeah, unfortunately, this forum is full of well-qualified, well-educated people who end up working retail or worse, if there is such a thing, just to get by. Sign of the times. But don't ever give up. You have a talent and it's bound to come through for you sooner or later.The real problem: Everyone gets up on their soap box when they have problems and basically say f' everyone else the second the system gives them a cookie..There is all kinds of bias and illogical behavior in the job markets, but people only care when THEY are effected..I don't want to being you down, so please take this as "tough love."You've probably realized that walking away from your part-time job was a mistake, no matter how bad it was. As many on here have observed, it's far easier to find a job when you are already working. When you worked at Macy's, are you sure you did everything you could to get more hours? It might be your location, but I know several people who were seasonal workers at Macy's that got full-time hours during the holidays and were invited back as part-time employees for the rest of the year. Take it from a former?college?drop out, sometimes you just need to take a step back and re-evaluate yourself.Yea I asked for more. The one week she was on vacation and didn't make the schedule I got 32 hours, but then when she got back she sent me home 6 hours early to cut hours because the manager who made the schedule went over on the hours. Most of the seasonal help was only getting 4-8 hours a week. Many of them quit showing up because of that. If you read on glassdoor and that it's common for macy's to do that. Give you hardly any hours except a couple weeks around Christmas.Also I know my degree is rotting because of it. As my entrepreneur teacher told us in class if you're making $8 an hour when you graduate college are you really getting a return on your?investment?And the Northern Tool job they were likely going to?fire?me anyways when my three month probation was up. Another guy who got hired the same day as me quit 2 weeks before I did because of the harassment. When I quit 3 more people quit that store. They hired someone but then they left too. I don't know how they ran that store with everyone quitting.Yep. Like I said when I left I noticed a bunch of job listings for the store I worked at so they either fired people or they quitted on them. They likely quit I think because the store was so short staffed. Our store manager used to make some of the women cashiers cry sometimes.Then when I was working there they started putting me on the sales floor BUT they were not paying me commission like the other sales associates but want me to do the same work as they did for less.I bet these managers drive their nice cars to?church?and sit in the pews on Sundays.?They really think it's okay to abuse other people and treat them like slaves.If someone doesn't "keep their head down", they target them as not a good fit. Don't make eye contact or they think you are a rebel.It's always great news to hear something happened to one of them. I have no mercy for them. They are truly demons.IF people keep going on with handing over urine samples, blood samples, their checkbook info, their hobbies, everything about employers, we will lose more and more freedoms.?If you fear a boss will retaliate, if you confront them, then we will never stop this. That's why they are so emboldened. They think no one will ever try to take them down. It's only when the majority resist something, that it works. When you are the only one doing it, it's not that you are wrong."Just because you're the lone voice in the wilderness, it doesn't mean you're wrong." ~ GhandiIn reference to Leeann's situation I just think sometimes you got to get down in the mud and play dirty with these people, because in this economy and the corporate world nowadays people don't give a sh*t about anyone except for themselves.I had a buddy back in the late 90's who worked a used car lot and the owner's nephew, who was the manger, fired him because he was a better salesman then the nephew and making the nephew look lazy. Well he was pissed because he got fired, but instead of letting the nephew get away with it he got a big sign taped to a stick with the words "Shady?Business?Practices Here" and was standing on the side of the public road in front of the used car lot. It only took three days of that and the owner met with him and made things right.I remember asking him what he would have done if the owner would have never made things right and he was still there after two or three weeks on the side of the road....and he said he would've found another job eventually, but he would also have paid a homeless person to sit out there on the side of the road holding that sign for however long it took to hear from the owner.I think people think they have to be "nice".?They don't want to be like the people they abhor.?But they also don't want anyone thinking bad of them.But like you say, when it comes to survival, we have to fight.This nepotism is killing this nation. It ruins good people, it ruins the really bright and skilled people.?Nepotism is just a form of royalty. Royalty is just people with money. So even though we don't have royalty in the US, we do have rich people and people who have power, foisting this stuff on us.The corporate world is about dog eat dog, and they really buy into it, like it's some kind of religion. They believe they have to act that way. They live and breathe it. They believe they are superior, because they are cutthroat."In total, the report found $93 billion in lost wages.Jobs lost during the recession paid an average $61,637. As of 2014, jobs in the same sectors paid an average of $47,171 annually."big-government/2014/08/11/u-s-wages-down-23-since-2008/Remember, folks...they say wages are down 23% since 2008 but they were declining way before that too. Plus the cost of everything is sky-rocketing.I live in Ontario and just saw a new commercial on TV today. In the commercial someone leaves a dog all alone on a busy?city?street. Everyone comes up to pet it and pay attention to it (it's an experimental commercial). Then, it shows a homeless man on the same city street and shows how everyone just ignores him and keeps walking. Maybe someone will post it on You Tube soon.I've seen stuff like that.?I once saw a guy on a freeway ramp and I gave him some?food?I had in the car.?People just drive by, because they think if that person really wanted a job, they'd have one. What they don't get is...once that person is homeless, doesn't have an address, can't take a bath, etc., they become unemployable.How did things EVER get to where we have to depend THIS MUCH on others for survival??Why did people stop growing their own food and move to the cities during the?Industrial?Revolution??They had less living on farms, but they had a better quality of life.Now that we have to depend on having money, rather than making or growing things, no job means no money.No money means no food or home.what do you guys think about when it comes to temp to hire!Get it in writing from the Temp agency, if they can not give it to you in writing, then don't pursue the job. Just depends. I always ask for it in writing and if they even hesitate then that is a sign that the job assignment is more than likely only a month or less even though they Will tell you it's 6 months or longer.So I read the United States is going to be letting in Syrian refugees?? The worry is some of them can be in ISIS. So yep bring in more people to compete for the few jobs there are! It's getting harder to even find a part-time low end service job now.Yep, more people to compete for jobs. I don't get it, we have all of this focus on security but then they let them in. What are the odds even one is going to be a problem? Who makes these decisions? It's not rational.In addition to that and the President's?executive?order that might give millions of illegals green cards to work and social security benefits...then why not just move to another country because it seems like this one is going?downhill fastHe is also giving them the privilege to vote, based on some weird technicality.?I don't know of any country, where I could go and get the same rights as citizens, get free?healthcare, free?college,?food?stamps, welfare, and be able to vote. Also, what nation could you go to, and make demands? Like demanding everyone speak English? Where would we be able to do that?Something is rotten in Denmark.Yep, more people to compete for jobs. I don't get it, we have all of this focus on security but then they let them in. What are the odds even one is going to be a problem? Who makes these decisions? It's not rational.True. At worse someone could lose their neck like Lee Rigby in London did in a random attack, or some other cruel death ISIS could think of on random people.Who makes the decisions? Obama! However this has been going on for YEARS under all presidents letting people in from other countries. Not just Obama to blame.The immigration act of 1965 is a big reason why.They want to ruin the US. That is so obvious now.?Everything opposite is being done.?It is sad, all of the people who died for this nation.?The Revolutionary War, where they died because they believed in something greater.?Now, look at this place.I'm not entirely positive I heard a particular "news" story correctly, but here goes...... a few minutes ago, I believe the "news" claimed that some people want Obama's immigration act to pass to "afford them their rights" or to that effect.My gut response: jaw drops to the floor while thinking "REALLY???? An illegal alien has RIGHTS other than to get promptly deported??????"I think I heard the following idea somewhere a few years ago. Perhaps us supposedly?legal?residents of this country could move to and become Mexican citizens.... then sneak back across the border to this country and be afforded all the rights that we want and need (and have been taken away from us)........'m not entirely positive I heard a particular "news" story correctly, but here goes...... a few minutes ago, I believe the "news" claimed that some people want Obama's immigration act to pass to "afford them their rights" or to that effect.My gut response: jaw drops to the floor while thinking "REALLY???? An illegal alien has RIGHTS other than to get promptly deported??????"What about our rights??What about us having to work and pay taxes to support them??Despite what they say about them coming here to work, I read in Texas, alone, over 70% of them are on welfare. That's just welfare, not includingfood?stamps, free?healthcare, including every baby born..., free?college?for their kids, and more.Someone once uncovered and it was on the news in Arizona, how thousands of dollars were going to Mexico every month in the form of Social Security taxes. Have a baby here, go back, get free money.None of us are doing very well. The liberalized idea of giving this nation "back to them" is just wrong. Every land is a conquered land. They have their own nation. It has great natural resources including oil. Theirgovernment?is corrupt, oh, like ours.But it's easier to come here and get so much free. Even if they work, they get money because their pay is low. It's all put on the backs of the taxpayer. The businesses don't have to pay for healthcare, because they qualify for Medicaid. I'd like to know how illegals can qualify for all of these things. Medicaid, Social Security, et al., were designed for us, and not to be abused.The whole Dream Act was supposed to aid the kids of illegals. If our parents did things that didn't benefit us, no one tried to fix that. We suffered for it. Why should they be rewarded for their parents crossing the border? Saying it's "not their fault" shouldn't matter. The American Taxpayer doesn't get free college, neither should noncitizens.I think I heard the following idea somewhere a few years ago. Perhaps us supposedly?legal?residents of this country could move to and become Mexican citizens.... then sneak back across the border to this country and be afforded all the rights that we want and need (and have been taken away from us)........Just shows what is going on. Saw a You Tube movie where they were throwing rocks at our Border Patrol. The Border Patrol were not allowed to point weapons or?fire?at them. The big crowd was bold, and you could tell they had NO fear of our Border guards. Not at all. They rushed at them.There are signs near the border that tell US Citizens not to come in these areas---of the United States. That they are dangerous. Why? Drug cartels and other criminal activity.Until Americans want to face up and see how crime and "immigration" increase together, nothing will change, because people want to be "nice" and play we are all one big world family. Well there is always people looking to take what you have. Especially if they can't make it themselves.So I read the United States is going to be letting in Syrian refugees?? The worry is some of them can be in ISIS. So yep bring in more people to compete for the few jobs there are! It's getting harder to even find a part-time low end service job now.Obama is going to be throwing everyone under the bus. Letting in Syrian refugees!!!! Seriously, we have enough homeless people in our countries.Obamma is just the front man.?What is scary is what we don't know.Dude. I am all in favor of leaving the country for better opportunity. All of our ancestors did.?Economy here is only gonna get worse.Our ancestors didn't put people in cages, set them on?fire, then post in on the internet. Our ancestors didn't have to worry about Taleo either.Maybe the internet has destroyed us, too much info that I would rather not know about.Dude. I am all in favor of leaving the country for better opportunity. All of our ancestors did.?Economy here is only gonna get worse.Yes, I think about that too.?There will be a serious brain-drain here in the US.?People who are smart and have something to offer are going to get sick and tired of being slaves for the?government?to milk for it's coffers.Why would you move to CA from NC? CA is about the worse place to look for a job right now!I'm sure they would be able to find an illegal to answer the phones in CA since after all it seems you have to know Spanish in many states now.I've gotten yelled at by "them" because I don't speak espanol.?How wrong is that??How much more entitlement are we going to give them?I am in my country.?I get tired of people saying we don't have a national language.?We do, but the idiots want to pretend we don't.?Pretty soon everything will be in two, three, four languages.If English isn't the language of the US, how come the laws are written in English??How come the history is written in English?Well, look at many languages spoken there. How does that unite everyone?What's with the big "Melting Pot" where not everyone is communicating?Why do WE have to be?bilingual?If I moved to France or Japan, I'd learn their language. I wouldn't put my hands on my hips and yell at people and look them up and down and ask why they don't know my language.Why would you move to CA from NC? CA is about the worse place to look for a job right now!I'm sure they would be able to find an illegal to answer the phones in CA since after all it seems you have to know Spanish in many states now.I know RIGHT...?CALIFORNIA the place of dreams?I have family here so it was what made sense at the time all part of the healing and growing process and NC was even worse?Sometimes 3000 miles doesnt make a difference?I just have seen bottom and I refuse to stay thereWhat the h*** is wrong with our countries. Why are we going backwards? Might as well become crack dealers at this point. How the heck are we going to get a decent living wage when things keep getting worse?It's the same thing repeated over and over in history.?The rich/royalty/politicians are in charge.?The Founding Fathers of this country were rich, but they had a hugeinvestment?in making it into a good place. They knew about what had gone down in Europe, and they didn't want that here. George Washington turned down a crown.?They were already rich, so they wanted to do something good.?There were a lot of men like that long ago.?Isaac Newton spent his time figuring things out.Some rich people do some neat things, but a lot of them now, are just idle and hedonistic.CA has like the highest illegal immigration rate in the country being it's so Cooke to the border...all it takes is a hop skip and jump your an American given benefits and a job. I do not judge or am one to comment on any one trying to pursue a dream by to leave those that have dedicated their lives being born here and trying to live out their constitutional given rights on the back burner blows my mind... what I have a problem with is employers requiring you to speak a second language... I know enough Spanish to get by but I'm not certified and am not flawless speaking it... (I grew up in the south and excel at the language of the country folk) but this is why they have language lines with trained and certified translators who got their degree made it their career and get paid to do so...employers just don't want to pay...We wouldn't need "translators" or "bilingual" if we weren't invaded by people coming here illegally, period. It's not even the point that they won't learn English.?It's the whole being invaded thing.If we have to learn a third world language now, that pretty much sums up our future. Employers are also requested you speak Spanish up here in Canada.Why do they want you to learn Spanish??I would think?French?would be more applicable??Are they going to import 20 million illegals, too, and give them all free rides?It's always the most clueless people who say there are jobs in healthcare.?Funny how the people in it, know better.Funny how he thinks there are jobs in IT, too.Dr. Phil thinks he is smarter than everyone else.I call "emperor's new clothes" on him.Just think, when he writes a book, say it sells for $10.00...and just a million people buy it, that's $10 million dollars for him and his publisher.True. Look at the farce of a book Hillary wrote and sold horribly. She still got a lot of $$ upfront.Dr. Phil every couple of months does these shows. Yes some are very lazy like the 24 yr old living in the basement and wizzing in bottles, but most are not. Like one 23 yr old on there was going to?college?and wants to be anengineer, bright kid but he works about 12 hours a week and his mom wants him to basically work all the time. That is NOT a lazy young adult.Engineering?is hard and not liberal arts type bs classes. Dr. Phils son went to college but never really worked and now tours for his band.How often do you guys check for job listings each day? As I've said before things seemed to have dried up since last Dec. If I check them more than once a day it's like going in loops just seeing the same jobs posted that are not in my field or that I'm qualified for. If you check three times a day it doesn't change. Since the jobs have dried up it takes about 10 minutes in the morning to check Craigslist and then indeed for new job postings. It drives me nuts.Lately, I hardly check once a week; there's just nothing to look at.If we have to learn a third world language now, that pretty much sums up our future. Employers are also requested you speak Spanish up here in Canada.Funny, in the Maine tourist traps, they request we speak?French?Canadian! But at least the Canadians are propping up Maine's economy, not crushing it.I have a job now.. Else I wouldn't have internet and electricity.. Those cost money..I just think it's annoying how, especially Americans, get up on their little soap boxes only when THEY are individually inconvenienced.. The second someone gives them their cookie they are oblivious and even hostile..It's like some sociopath cycle.. When you're low you're "the people" when you're high f' everyone else.. It's why nothing gets fixed and employers can use third world management tactics..Thank you, xboxer, for noting that if you do, your job too well, clearly you are aware of what's going on @ the job site, & actually are perceived a threat by coworkers or the bosses cutting corners if not downright inept. YOU will get blacklisted once you raise an eyebrow once too often. A previous boss also spread so mich personal slander about me that a reference told me it took her an hour & a half to convince another manager that I am not the person described w/in the career. Happened to a paralegal friend of mine, too. Most two year degrees in an ancillary profession seems to lead to this situation. I shudder for anyone falling for the con job about pay& expectations in ancillary veterinary, technicians or assistants. We were woefully misled inmthe 1980s/1990s. Wish I could help.You're welcome. I think a lot of fields are this way now. Most of our jobs have way too many people in them, and still going to school for them. Employers are having far too much fun trying to figure out who they can bestow the honor of a job upon.Some of the work drama is so bad. I can't imagine it getting any worse!I've found this to be true also........working a temp job, the full timers are fighting among themselves over nonsense but hey here is someone at the bottom of the?food?chain (the temp)...let get at her!......The temp becomes the scapegoat while being responsible for a lot of things and having to learn the whole freakin job knowing she will never be hired at a decent wage. Feelin festive today........:)I just got off the phone with a recruiter from a temp agency. It didn't go that well....According to her, an?entry-level position requires experience outside of classes. So, how does one get this so-called "experience" without having experience? She suggested internships, but not many companies out there do not encourage those who have graduated to apply. Volunteer? I don't think many companies have (or even allow) volunteers for?lab technicianpositions.*buries herself in her blankets*It's the new thing. You can't get a job through a temp agency if you're still in school. You're not primed goods. You're a product that's basically still in?development?so you're not worth squat until you have that paper. To be honest, you still won't have experience but the degree matters that much more suddenly.I graduated a while back....and I have two expensive pieces of paper that mean squat.Getting an?internship?was impossible during my undergraduate days because of the time constraint and the fact I switched majors. Graduate era? Things didn't work out....And today started off as an awesome day....I graduated a while back....and I have two expensive pieces of paper that mean squat.Getting an?internship?was impossible during my undergraduate days because of the time constraint and the fact I switched majors. Graduate era? Things didn't work out....And today started off as an awesome day....Same here. I got a degree and over 40000 in debt and nothing to show. The degree might as well be a piece of toilet paper.We never see the govt talk about this.?They are giving away free?college?to the oddly named "dreamers", illegals's kids.?Imagine what that will do.That seems to be the case with a lot of companies now. They expect people to come in knowing everything because they're too lazy or clueless to train people properly. I walked out of 2 jobs last summer for that very reason. It's really a horrible system.That's why I asked so many questions at this interview. But you really don't know what things are going to be like until you start working at a new job.Exactly. And much of the time the job is totally different than what it was advertised or described to be. One of the jobs I walked out of last year was a?customer service/sales position that was advertised as?administrative. What? o.OToday I saw an ad on craigslist for OfficeMax/Depot?hiring?near my house. The starting pay says $7.65!When I got hired in 2009 I got hired at $8 an hour! Something is wrong here.They will just keep lowering pay because companies KNOW there is no economic recovery.?Only CNN and MSNBC believe that one.When Bush was president and Republicnas controlled both houses wages paid more. Didn't have a problem in 00-09 finding jobs. Of course in 2009 it got harder but nowhere near like now.Aren't you like 24 years old? What do you even know about the early 2000s? Under Bush, we lost an incredible amount of jobs. And the recession began in 2007, not 2009. Stop tying Obama to this mess. You're another right wing nut who wants to blame everything on liberals and immigrants. Face it, huge corporations are hoarding cash and not reinvesting (hiring.) Lay the blame where it firmly belongs, with conscience-less corporations.I'm older than 24. Still was easier for me to get interviews back then. Even then didn't have to fight rude?HR, managers, TALEO, Brassring nearly as much now and usually got phone calls back more often. It seems around 2011 is when it got super tough. This trolls probably is a plant by the Democrats just like that lady at the State of The Union was.Aren't you like 24 years old? What do you even know about the early 2000s? Under Bush, we lost an incredible amount of jobs. And the recession began in 2007, not 2009. Stop tying Obama to this mess. You're another right wing nut who wants to blame everything on liberals and immigrants. Face it, huge corporations are hoarding cash and not reinvesting (hiring.) Lay the blame where it firmly belongs, with conscience-less corporations.Exactly how many jobs were lost? More jobs have been created under Obama but most of them are part-time. You can also say the the recession started in 2007 (December of 2007) but the boat was being commanded by "Admiral Obama". You can't blame Bush for 1 month when 17 out of 18 months was under Obama (if you believe the recession ended in June of 2009). I was not a fan of many of the Bush policies. Even believed in 2008 that Sen. Obama would change things for the better. I never considered it was for the better of socialism in the US. Obama is just another liar who, as Michael Moore said, "will only be remembered as the first black president". As for corporations hoarding cash... It's better for them to keep foreign profits overseas to "legally" avoid paying the 40% US tax to repatriate that money. Wouldn't you agree? I've been unemployed for 4+ years... Reading up on the tax code and how it affects me and my family is how I have spent some of my time... I really believe a flat tax rate is what the U.S. should do. Everyone pays the same % regardless of how much they make and there are no deductions. That way, rich or poor, everyone has "skin in the game".If the part-time jobs were not bad enough, another thing I noticed with these jobs is many of them will only give you about 5 hours a week unless it's black Friday or week before Christmas.Most of the retail jobs now warn you at the interview you might get as little as 5 hours a week and as much as 20 hours per week.Macy's loves doing that. When I worked there for seasonal last year most of the part-time and seasonal help was only getting 4-6 hours per week at the most. Most just ended up quitting. I guess that is the explosive job growth Obama talks about.Wait till you see what it's like at soup kitchens and welfare centers.. That's if you actually have to work and aren't on this site just to pass time and waste others time..Not sure what your point is, but I do volunteer work at soup kitchens as well as feed the homeless every pay day. I have compassion for people. You asked a question and I jokingly answered it in spanish.?Many of us here have applied for work at a?fast food?place and have been turned down due to being over qualified.I saw this article on today:"How an Undocumented Immigrant From Mexico Became a Star at Goldman Sachs" -?news/articles/2015-02-25/how-an-undocumented-immigrant-from-mexico-became-a-star-at-goldman-sachsClearly companies are?hiring?illegal immigrants from?farm?workers all the way up to at least one Vice President at a major?financial?institution.Both sets of of my grandparents immigrated to the USA and went through the painstaking process of becoming US citizens. There is absolutely no reason to reward those people who feel they have the right to cut in line.It is clear none of our political leaders will do nothing to stop illegal immigrants from taking American jobs. Politicians seem to be either directly working against the American people or dragging their heels and doing nothing.Wall Street is a whole bunch of crooks in?general.I just had someone tell me about someone they know who has their ownbusiness?on the side and is doing quite well, as if to refute what I say about what's happening to me.?They are always the top manager types, who are sheltered from what we are experiencing.?I asked him how one success story invalidates what is happening to me.These people who have it good will discredit us, rather than see the whole thing is coming down.?It's much easier to blame an individual and dismiss them, than to see what is really going on.?These are the people who think their hard work got them where they are.Everyone's too scared to stand up to it. Some had better situations to sneak a snack too. But no one wanted to complain in fear of their job. They could be replaced with someone who wouldn't care if they didn't get lunch. b?It's worse when you work 10 or 12 hours. You miss meals and when everyone is going home to dinner at 5, you're still working and working.Yep, at my terrible job we were promised a lunch break. They got mad when I'd take it. No matter what. And then they said I needed to be working so that by the time my shift began, I was deep in work. I didn't argue with her because I was so scared. So no only was I working 2 additional hours (10 hours a day), I had no lunch break, or would eat at my desk while working.Stand up to these policies - employers are getting away with it because we ALLOW them to! And if you get canned, wtfever. There's a better job out there for you (the op). I wish I stood up to my terrible employers when I was at the job. And people should be taking lunch breaks anyway, so take 'em if you can! Nothing messes with your mental?health?more than not taking some time out of your day for yourself.Everyone's too scared to stand up to it. Some had better situations to sneak a snack too. But no one wanted to complain in fear of their job. They could be replaced with someone who wouldn't care if they didn't get lunch. b?It's worse when you work 10 or 12 hours. You miss meals and when everyone is going home to dinner at 5, you're still working and working.Its against the?law. Lunch and breaks are law not "company policy".Years ago, I was a?bank teller?and they were doing things like this. One day, none of the workers showed up. The?bank?had to remain closed due to "unforeseen emergency".The husbands of most of us, got fed up and made their wives stay at home. The Big Shots found out about it and that ended that "policy". If its a staffing problem, make upper management deal with it.I think that recruiters @ agencies have a quota system to fill, so they collect job seekers by enticing ads for non existent jobs. Have signed up w/agencies this past year; the one that got me a job still owes me $, an explanation (deducted 44070?city?taxes when I was working in 44130), & an apology for false report(s) to the ODJFS that impeded my remaining unemployment claim for a week.?Really clueless operation.They will just keep lowering pay because companies KNOW there is no economic recovery.?Only CNN and MSNBC believe that one.& then the news is Walmart & TJ Max have raised their base pay/minimum employee wage like it's some triumph (2/2015). Those companies will hire fewer people, & everyone will do more work. If I got a dime raise as a vet tech, I worked more constantly. Oh, & a half hour lunch was an automatic pay deduction daily even if we were always so overbooked/understaffed that few people could ever take a lunch break.I didn't go to?college?just to live back with my dysfunctional family who emotionally abuse me every day. I KNOW I'm not that difficult to place in the workforce. Then why, why, WHY, is it this difficult to find a full-time or even part-time job? Sure I've had a handful of seasonal and temp jobs during the 4 years looking. I was even lucky enough to get a seasonal position at a place where [insert company's name] gave me a diversity scholarship for college and how I showed leadership potential in my?community?, and I STILL didn't get kept on after the holidays; And yes, I DID hustle my butt off during my time there. I'm pretty sure funding my?education?wasn't for me to wind-up back in the cruddy position I'm in now.The education system is a racket that supports itself more than the students hoping to get training & help w/careers. So many people study for the same jobs, all competitors, through "store front" training colleges. We got conned into false expectations as veterinary technicians; apparently, the con goes on, judging by the ads I see for vet assistants/techs, etc. which also woefully misrepresent what is a total immersion in MEDICINE, from anesthesiology through surgery to pharmacy &?laboratory?science. Has very little to do w/"do you like animals"?I think that recruiters @ agencies have a quota system to fill, so they collect job seekers by enticing ads for non existent jobs. Have signed up w/agencies this past year; the one that got me a job still owes me $, an explanation (deducted 44070?city?taxes when I was working in 44130), & an apology for false report(s) to the ODJFS that impeded my remaining unemployment claim for a week.?Really clueless operation.While working a temp job in the Northeast, I happened to overhear my boss (two cubicles over) speaking with Accountemps about an open position in our office. He told Accountemps the position was going to be moved to Ohio and the manager was planning on?hiring?someone from Ohio. Furthermore, the job description specifically stated, "no recruiters." That Friday, I received a broadcast message from Accountemps of all the so-called "open" positions and the open position was erroneously posted with our office location. I pointed it out to my boss and he said, "The original job posting says NO recruiters." He sent me the link of the job posting from an internet search and we noticed the Accountemps in Ohio had also posted the same open job but with the company's Ohio location.So that would be at least two open jobs that would show up in two different states, while no real job existed! The job postings remained up even months after the company had already hired someone for the position.You have to wonder how many of these open positions really exist.I've seen some major corporations having preferences in?hiring?out-of-state or out-of-country because they want cheap?labor. The residents here...well...we know better! Hopefully, the cheap labor realizes how much it is to move and live in California before committing to the job.I do get it. There were customers who get something faulty and then tried to fix it until they're ticked off. Then they'd callcustomer's service (without cooling off), just to be stuck on the phone for ages...when it was really a 5 min wait. So, you're ticked off and drove all your anger on the random person who helped you. I get it....But, you do know that customer's service is made up of real human beings with real feelings, right? It's not their fault that you have problems, but they're there to help you out the best they can (or pass you onto a manager). If you really want to relay the fault, then blame the company itself (or even the manager).I also get it that there are really bad apples in customer's service. The customer's service blames YOU for whatever your problem is. I've actually had that happened to me once, and in the end, it was a flaw on their end.No you don't get it. I DIDN'T have something "faulty" and tried to fix it myself till I got ticked off. I called with a legitimate complaint and got crap from a foreigner, to whom I had to repeat the problem 3 times. I truly WAS NOT ANGRY when I started the conversation, because I KNEW I was right and expected the "customer service" person to fix the problem. He didn't. Put me on SEVERAL holds, supposedly?consulting?his boss, and then when I asked for that boss, he put me on hold indefinitely. Bad foreign apple, taking an American job, where understanding the problem is key. Whoever rendered the satisfaction obviously got it.Rent a movie called "Outsourced". I worked for a major?hotel's reservation center until it was outsourced to India.The problem with Indian call centers is that they are not JUST your?bank, your phone company or your?airline. They handle everybody. One phone call and they are looking at your phone bill, the next phone call is a JC Penny return, the next one they are selling cigarettes, on and on. LOL!No you don't get it. I DIDN'T have something "faulty" and tried to fix it myself till I got ticked off. I called with a legitimate complaint and got crap from a foreigner, to whom I had to repeat the problem 3 times. I truly WAS NOT ANGRY when I started the conversation, because I KNEW I was right and expected the "customer service" person to fix the problem. He didn't. Put me on SEVERAL holds, supposedly?consulting?his boss, and then when I asked for that boss, he put me on hold indefinitely. Bad foreign apple, taking an American job, where understanding the problem is key. Whoever rendered the satisfaction obviously got it.The foreign ones are just like some kind of a joke.?I had to find my own answer too.?They really don't care if they lose your?business.?Remember how Sprint unloaded thousands of customers because they "complained too much"??It's obvious when someone calls back over and over, they didn't get their problem fixed.I'm 29 living at home with my grandmother..I can't even move out because I can't afford this rate, I'll never have a life. I guess I shouldn't plan on having kids either..I am also sick of signing up with all these so called "employment agencies" or "staffing agencies", which post jobs that I am clearly qualified for based on the requirements in the ad, signing up with the agency, being called in for an interview with the agency, getting all dressed up, gassing up the car, etc..Showing up to the interview only to hear not one PEEP about the particular job that I applied for, but just given an "onboarding" packet, filling in highly personal info (social security number,?driver's license number, permission to do acredit/background check) and then handed a?business?card with the staffing agencies phone number and told to check in weekly to let them know that I am still unemployed and looking....uh, thanks? What happened to the "position" that I applied for in the first place??I am starting to think that these jobs don't actually exist, but these staffing firms are only trying to build up their available worker pool or something. This is the classic bait and switch move. I know that we are not purchasing anything, but I am pretty sure that these places are under the gun by their corporate headquarters to pad the rolls as much as they can, or they will be shut down. Also, this is pretty evident when you pull up to the place and there is a bright red banner out front that says..."NOWHIRING!", or you have the guy with the sandwich board out there dancing around.Oh, and I don't need anymore tips, clinics, classes, seminars, etc....ON HOW TO APPLY FOR A JOB, PREPARE A RESUME, INTERVIEW TIPS, ETC....I am an educated person who is well schooled in this area, thank you!!You are exactly correct about the bait and switch. They post fake jobs to get you in and signed up to pad their databases. Waste. Of. Time.Let's face it folks, as much as they say the economy is improving....yeah right....there is still a glutton of job seekers and it is an EMPLOYERS market where they have literally hit THE MOTHER LODE of applicants. Companies have the luxury of weeding out people that they feel aren't quite the right fit, aren't young enough, aren't pretty enough, too short, too fat, too tall, hair style isn't right, too many zits, spotted a wrinkle on their blazer, spotted a speck of lint on their shoes, did graduate with honors from Harvard, but not Magna Cum Laude, or wasn't in the right sorority/fraternity....all for a part time job at Dollar? goes on and on unfortunately.I am actually looking into starting my own new home?construction/housecleaning?business....just researching the hoops that I have to jump through.I saw on the news Target is cutting thousands of jobs. Even min wage jobs are being cut now. Means even less jobs.Even back in 2008 to 2010 it was a lot easier to find jobs even though. Yea the "official" unemployment was higher, but by real numbers less people were still out of work. Now you have long term unemployed thrown in too.2008 and before it was super easy to find a job. You walked in and applied. In 2006 the job I got at the?bank?I just walked in in street clothes to get an app and they basically interviewed me on the spot. No TALEO, Brassring, Kronos, etc. to deal with.Now everyone uses those programs in order to make it almost impossible to get hired.The economy isn't getting better, it's collapsing.It won't totally collapse. There are still people with money who are buying cars and going to resorts, etc.?But a lot of us are going down.?There isn't enough to support this huge population in the US now. You can't support 400 million people with service sector jobs. We don't make anything anymore. And the govt is bringing in millions of people on top of this.The politicians denounce things, but they NEVER do a thing. They've abandoned us for foreigners.This economy is forcing the lowest (income wise) members of society to reshape their definition of success and basically go into survival mode. The rich are indeed getting richer, and the middle class is disappearing and filtering down into the lower class. God BLESS America. If I could I'd move to another country.Prior to The?Industrial?Revolution, you only had two classes of people: The Upper Class and the Lower Class. The Upper Class were noted for their ties to their heritage and usually their land, hence the term: Land Lord. The Lower Classes were defined by the absence of it. Even in this country, there was a time when a person without property could not vote. With the loss of manufacturing, we made be returning to this type of Feudalism.This economy is forcing the lowest (income wise) members of society to reshape their definition of success and basically go into survival mode. The rich are indeed getting richer, and the middle class is disappearing and filtering down into the lower class. God BLESS America. If I could I'd move to another country.I am 100% with you. Actually been debating taking the rest of my tax return and hopping a plane to Europe. There are at least a few countries there with lower populations and better economies (albeit slightly) where I know the language and could get by. It crosses my mind daily.I've been filling out applications for the past two months and one thing I thought about today is why do ALL applications have the diversity screening where a candidate puts Latino or NOT Latino. Can someone just let me know..? I'm just curious.I wondered too... but I think it's for reporting. You can't put you're "white AND hispanic." You are either hispanic or you're not. You can't even be mixed and hispanic. Weirdest thing ever.Under Teddy Roosevelt, very long ago, it was decided that Mexicans are White (Caucasian).?It was to allow Mexicans free?entry?into the United States.The term, "Mexican" was eliminated and replaced with "White" and later, "Hispanic". Some have Spanish blood, but the majority are Amerinds, or American Indians, or Native American, whichever term you choose... Amerinds are basically Asian in origin. Their ancestors crossed the Bering Strait (and/or migrated here via ships) according to pre-Clovis history. The Spanish did not mate with all of the Indians, some, but not all of course. And, they didn't keep mating with them since 1492...The?government?has it all wrong on "Ethnicity".?But they do this on purpose to allow certain things to happen.?Hispanic is only an "ethnicity" with those from Spain, the Iberian peninsula, or their descendants.True Spanish or Portuguese are Caucasian.Speaking Spanish or having a Spanish last name doesn't make anyone "Hispanic".There is a huge faction in the US that wants to "give back" North America to the Indians.?People think there aren't that many Indians around, but there are. Most Mexicans are Indians, and so are the peoples of Central America and some of South America.That's why they are being let in, given things you and I cannot get.?For example, when they go to?college, they get living expense money, you and I don't "qualify" for it. If people would really investigate this, they'd see where their tax dollars go. They get free?healthcare, you and I don't get. Mexicans have a nation. It is rich in resources and other wealth.People think it's "racist" to explore this, as if any group is truly beyond reproach.?It's a way to keep dissent down, and if you buy into that, you're basically giving up your right as a citizen to keep this nation for your own descendants.A good economy is forcing the lowest (income wise) members of society to reshape their definition of success and basically go into survival mode. The rich are indeed getting richer, and the middle class is disappearing and filtering down into the lower class. God BLESS America. If I could I'd move to another country.Yeah, proof of the rich getting richer is that 17 out of the top 20 richest billionaires made more money this year than they did last. I wonder how come that is??The online applications: I simply cant do them at this point. Not the incredibly long with personality tests thrown in type. My brain is toast too. I dont think this is unusual considering what we have been through. I am always thinking of alternative solutions to the 8 to 5 job I expected.I hear that! For a bleeping temp job, a company had me take several tests. The temp agency told me I had to take a short personality test. After I finished the 200 question (yes, really) personality test, a window popped up and stated that I would be moving on to the math test. I ended up doing another 100 something questions of SAT style math. The company said I did really well on the test but they still didn't hire me.Also I hate how these "experts" say use your colleges career center. The school I graduated from on the website they use that is part of some network colleges use to post jobs, most of the jobs are the same jobs I see listed on places like indeed and monster that I've already saw. Colleges don't care about you once you graduate and they're not longer getting $$ from you. Besides the?college?I went to most of them working in there giving resume "tips" and interviewing skills advice are graduate students with the same degree I have.Right now unless you are underemployed or in total hell at your current job I wouldn't attempt looking for a new job.this is why people just stay in underemployed or horrible jobs for 40 years, because it's easier than looking. I have no vacation days until after 6 months so if I take off I will get docked. I am trying my best to make my next move be something more stable. I would like longevity again. I am becoming a job hopper again. There is NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING out there!Even 9-5 hours including lunch are fading as they are all 8-5, 9-6, 8:30-5 or 8:30--5:30. They just want to work you to the bone. I'm tired of seeing these hours and 9 jobs in 1. Thats why you can't find anything because these people do things like erase the?accounting?dept and make the?file clerk?do it. To many people and not enough jobs.i never understoond how employed people are able to find the time to prepare for an interview then find the time to go on them while they are working a stressful ft job.I just had an argument with a relative over me still being unemployed. He thinks I still don't have a job because I'm not willing to settle for retail or?fast food. I told him even they tell me I'm overqualified or reject me because of my employment gap. He then told me I just need to explain to them why I haven't been working for so long. I'd love to!... if I can get past the screening process and talk to someone!What's amazing is every employed person I've talked to about being unemployed basically just tells me it's my fault. It probably is, because at this point I'm just depressed and it shows in what few interviews I get.Might want to leave your degree off the apps for low paying jobs. I have my degree and GPA listed and I'm shocked the hardware store is?hiring?me and not saying I'm too educated. Ive had employers say that before.From here, you can bring money in and look for something better, or try to start your own?business. Wish you best of luck!What kills me is people really don't care about these kinds of explanations either way. In my experience, people will agree that the job market is terrible (just to pretend they're really listening to you) and then go on a rant about pulling up your bootstraps. As if wanting a job is all it takes to get a job!They don't get it until it happens to them. How all their connections aren't there anymore. How their expertise and experience are not valued.?How there are so many people applying to the same job.?The form letters, the instant rejections.I once got told, "Well, isn't something better than nothing?" meaning a low pay job is better than nothing, right??Well, it's not. If I can pay 2 of my 6 bills, instead of none of them, how is it better? I am still in the red.You should ask this relative what they want you to do. Tell them that you can't force someone to hire you, so what should you do, since you've done all you can to find a job.Very frustrating! Anyone who hasn't recently looked for a new job won't understand what it's like right now. I got a lot of rejections on low paying jobs saying I should apply to my own 'field'?Hmmm if I could get a?full time?job in my own field of work do they think I'd be applying for an $8 an hour job?! Seriously, the people on this board, that are or have been in the same boat understand where our famalies and 'friends' do not. Try not to let your family get to you, and when you are going in for an interview, go in with the feeling that you ARE the best person for that job- even if you're nervous as heck on the inside (who's not at an interview these days) take a deep breath and go into the interview with confidence knowing you are a hard worker and the company would benifit having you join them (never cocky, just confident;)They will probably tell you to call and call and keep calling, to show you are interested.Good advice for about 30 years ago.cLol. 30 years ago you sometimes got the job right in the interview with none of this we'll contact you in a few days (so we can see if we can get someone to work for even cheaper)Thanks, Cipht. It's true that this board and all of you have been a godsend. Nobody else seems to understand or simply is unwilling to understand because they want to look down on us.And yeah, it sucks when employers don't want to consider someone outside their field, as if transferable skills don't exist.I think Dr Phil complained about her too because she takes naps when she gets home from work sometimes.Wow, I used to do that. Getting up so early, a long commute, a long day, by the time you get home, you are tired just trying to stay up all day.It's like these guys in the media, who don't really work all that hard, are trying to squeeze people. Trying to make them feel guilty for not doing more and more and more.?Meanwhile, people come here to America and get right on the dole. Dr. Phil won't touch that. It's not PC to do that.Furniture?sales job that requires a Bachelor Degree??Clerical/office jobs that are actually?janitorial? Medical office jobs that require a degree in medical/physician's?assistant? Job descriptions that look like they are written w/the same excessive enthusiasm of most real estate ads (& are about as reliable)??Gotta be amused by ridiculous job offers based on ATS keyword searches that have nothing to do w/qualifications or work experience. & I guess NONE of these companies use any kind of map quest about actual job location & where an applicant lives even when directly indicated by job seeker (distance). Deep sigh.Prior to The?Industrial?Revolution, you only had two classes of people: The Upper Class and the Lower Class. The Upper Class were noted for their ties to their heritage and usually their land, hence the term: Land Lord. The Lower Classes were defined by the absence of it. Even in this country, there was a time when a person without property could not vote. With the loss of manufacturing, we made be returning to this type of Feudalism.HL Mencken wrote an article about the "robber baron" mentality in America (modern version; I've got mine & up yours) & compared it to the concept of "noblesse oblige" (sp?) in Europe @ that time, that those who were born into privilege OWED it to assist those who were not so fortunate. That was then. Now we've got tv shows where people congratulate themselves about the misfortune of others, like people who've lost homes (house flipping) or what few items those people (usually) tried to keep (storage locker auctions).Reliable information states that there are government paid incentives for certain companies to hire a certain "type" of person for a specific length of time. Of course, you have to feel for that "type" of person when the government "dowry" ends . . .I'd never would count on temp agencies. I think they're a bunch of liars. Also usually the assignment won't last nearly as long as they claim it will when you get hired.Temp agency recruiters seem to have a quota of sign ups. We were not told the last day of our assignment UNTIL the last day. I worked one extra week, then another extra week, then got a message that the assignment had ended & was told NOT to report to the work site again. Two weeks later, the temp agency told the ODJFS that I had "walked off the job" (I had reopened a remaining few weeks on my original unemployment claim). I got THAT misinformation cleared up. Thankfully, I still had their message on my answering machine. The agency actually contacted me about working the same job for the same company again months later. They still owe me $ from short time sheet(s), too. & deducted the incorrect?city?taxes from my paychecks. Clueless & incompetent?HL Mencken wrote an article about the "robber baron" mentality in America (modern version; I've got mine & up yours) & compared it to the concept of "noblesse oblige" (sp?) in Europe @ that time, that those who were born into privilege OWED it to assist those who were not so fortunate. That was then. Now we've got tv shows where people congratulate themselves about the misfortune of others, like people who've lost homes (house flipping) or what few items those people (usually) tried to keep (storage locker auctions).I thought that about those home shows too. I haven't had?cable?TV, but have seen ads for them. The people are more than cheery about getting someone's lost home.?People just smile and say, "Well, it's all?business, you know?" like anything is justified. It mortifies me.The sudden death in the family and the void left in the aftermath are much worse than the death camp at work. I relate the drowning dream a little more so to that than to work, but work is bad and only exacerbates things. It could actually be exacerbated the other way around. It's two extremely stressful situations and at home and work, and it's all really taken a serious toll.Parafreegal, I am so sorry for your loss.?I've lost a couple of family members in the past few years myself and with one boss I was actually told to 'leave my personal life at home' when I was having some difficulty keeping up the pace at work (I was sleeping about 2 hours a night and tried to explain that to her) but she couldn't have cared less. More recently in 2013 I lost my mom in a car accident so it was completely unexpected- that time (different boss mind you) sent me a text message only 2 HOURS after her funeral asking me to come back to work the very next day.?Neither of those working environments were very healthy at the time for me as well, so I completely understand when you say you feel like you can't escape the stress of both your loss of a family member and the stress of work both wearing you down at the same time, I know I started to feel like I couldn't breathe and was having such terrible anxiety and nightmares also. I finally went to my doctor and explained to him what was going on and for a short time had to go on anxiety medication to deal with it all. You may not need to do that, but if you begin to feel as though you just can't handle it anymore and you have a doctor it is worthwhile to mention it to him/her. I took the medication for only about a month, just long enough to be able to get some rest and stop myself from literally losing it.Reliable information states that there are?government?paid incentives for certain companies to hire a certain "type" of person for a specific length of time. Of course, you have to feel for that "type" of person when the government "dowry" ends . . .The government shouldn't be allowed to influence?hiring. But they do, and if a?business?does business with the government, and that's almost all of them, they have to.?No longer are your qualifications or experience going to get you the job. It's who you are.I think they are anywhere. Not very many requirements for those type of jobs and the pay seems to be decent, so a lot of people are throwing their resumes/applications at?admin?jobs.To get an admin job in Pa they want you to be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Office,and a few other programs and spreadsheets that I don't know anything about- and the pay is around $10 an hour- oh and one place said they would have liked to have interviewed me (they didn't need all those programs) but they were requiring applicants to be able to speak Spanish, What the heck??Yeah, speaking Spanish seems to be the new thing, which is sort of sad for various reasons. I have a feeling in two years this won't be such a huge problem... if you catch my drift. :D?several elementary schools in the area now have spanish language immersion programs starting at kindergarden. This is NOT getting better. I think in 5+ yrs. or so it will be EXPECTED that EVERYONE is?bilingual spanish?and non spanish speakers will be looked down upon. I mean if they are teaching it in public schools with the goal of having students fluent by the time they graduate. I read of 2 schools who cut back on staff yet put money into the language immersion program where they actually teach ALL subjects in spanish. in my?city?over 1/2 the students in elementary school are hispanic anyways. I live next to an elementary school and when I look at the kids playing outside during recess it's like OMG, they are ALL brown skinned w dark hair. It is truly very depressing.I dont think the City is doing much for St. Pat's day. We used to have a large Irish population, now the hispanic and portugese centers are twice as big as the tiny Irish ctr. Several yrs ago I was at the?library?on St. Pat's day and went out to observe their little parade thru a mostly latino main st, was THAT an eye opener.I just can't wait til marking white non-latino on a job app will make it EASIER to get a job as part of AA. I think that day will come sooner than later tho it will take some doing, it won't happen on its own.To get an?admin?job in Pa they want you to be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, Office,and a few other programs and spreadsheets that I don't know anything about- and the pay is around $10 an hour- oh and one place said they would have liked to have interviewed me (they didn't need all those programs) but they were requiring applicants to be able to speak Spanish, What the heck??I've had them send me to a temp agency for 2 hrs of testing just to see if i qualified...i no longer do that sort of thing. hire me or dont, based on the skills I have.I wont waste huge amounts of time on jobs i am not yet hired for. Every place here wants Spanish speaking, which i dont do.People are hopping on the bandwagon willfully.?Immigrants used to come here and learn English.?Now we have to learn their languages?People say this is a "trend", but it is seriously changing the demographics of the US.?It won't go back.?People think when another group is the majority, they will give them favorable status, the way that group was once helped. Don't hold your breath. Other groups aren't as altruistic. It's just a rationalizing perception to think it's going to be your turn.I deal with the non-English speaking every day. They get pissy with ME, if I make them repeat everything and spell their name. Here's the deal, if you have no interest in getting fluent in MY language in MY country, I have no interest in learning how to pronounce your damn NAME!I agree. I deal with that daily. They get mad if you're notbilingual. I don't get how anyone can come here, get on the gravy train and get everything free or cheap, and then expect us to speak their language too. It's all in reverse.If I went to another country, say Mexico, for example...I wouldn't expect them to speak English. Even if some did, I'd still be prepared to do some translation.Just wonder when enough is going to be enough.The citizens of this country are being treated like the end of the line.The company is a tech company and it said their pay is on the low side for Stl is one of the complaints. Of course the managers and executives as usual make $$$ while the hourly worker makes peanuts. That is how it is at most jobs. Clueless managers make good money and treat everyone below them like dirt.That's why I call it slavery."They" hire "us" to do the work.?They just are in charge and boss us around.That's why having your own?business?is good, because then you're the worker AND the boss.i think for most people searching for work for over a year you get to that point where you throw up your hands and say:"Hmm, the salary that they are offering is what i made 5 years ago BUT, after a yr of searching that looks pretty darn good! "Exactly! At this point I would take my salary from 5 years ago in a heartbeat just to get?full time?status with guaranteed hours- I have not found any employers willing to hire full time at any payrate and as I've posted before I've gone from 40 hours a week to 20 then 10 and now currently 6 hours a week as a part time worker. Everytime I turn around corporate is cutting hours again, and the hours that get cut are the part time people. Just how is anyone suppose to live like that?If you tell someone how hard it is finding a job, and they've never lost one, it's like you've suddenly entered the Twilight Zone. I even had one dude starting raving about how successful he's been, how he'd NEVER be laid off (he apparently became a fortune teller in that moment) and how it's all the lazy/bad workers who can't hack it. He even started laughing and I didn't bother continuing the conversation with him.It's really terrible how people don't get the fact that there IS a struggle out there to find/get a job, and the people who don't get it look down on those who are unemployed. It's not like it was even back in 2006. My sister constantly tells me how it used to be SO easy to get a job back in 2006/2007.. hell, even 2008. She said she used to WALK OFF jobs and get a new one the next day. Now she can't even get an?internship.It is true. 2008 it was still pretty easy to find a job. Even 2009 it was. It was NOTHING like it is today even for a part-time job. It seems the last 4 years but especially the last 2 years it Is it that many more people are out of work today than 4 years ago hence why it keeps getting harder? I saw an MSN Money article of people ages 16 and over how 46 percent are not working because people are too lazy. I agree to an extent some are not working because they can live off the gubermint but overall I think the true unemployment rate is over 20 percent, then you have probably another 20 percent under employed and working only part time.Dr. Phil says though that there are full-time jobs out there you can get if you need one. He told one guest work 50 hours a week and get two part-time jobs.I don't know the situation in other states, but between Florida and the Washington, DC, Maryland, etc area, it seems like they pay you what you are worth and for one skill particularly. Case in point..South Florida: for a?Graphic Design?position, you have to have 30 different skills sets ala, web?design, motion?graphics, photography, etc all in getting paid peanuts. From what I heard from a friend (who leaves in Maryland) in Washington, DC and Maryland, they pay you to be a?Graphic Designer?only (no html, coding, web, etc...), Web?Designer?only and Web Developer (no designing, strictly back end). Not sure how it is in other industries and other states but dang they sound strict in finding a candidate that's not a Jack-Of-All-Trades!I don't know much about this new chain, it's a step above Taco Bell whose?food?I liked. For someone who can't stand "those people" I sure love their food am actually having Goya black bean soup and rice for dinner later which I will further spice up with chipotle. Maybe i'll just go visit the restaurant and inquire about hours/pay & see what kind of reaction I get or maybe notBut that is the explosive job growth that Obama talked about during the State of the Union and the "roaring economy" he mentioned.If you did work there I'm sure you would be bullied and harassed a lot by the other workers and probably get all the gross jobs and all because you would be the token white girl.People keep trying to minimize what's happening to their country.?It's way too much to acknowledge what's going on, so they rationalize it away.?"It was inevitable" or "bound to happen", they say.?As if things can never be stopped, but they let others' wills get the way.Anyone who thinks we are in trouble is labeled "a conspiracy nut", so things have to get really bad before it's recognized and then it's too late.People are just so accepting of things. It's like someone getting slapped in the face over and over and just taking it.Any suggestions on what to do ??I listen to a spanish CD every morning on my drive to work, when I go to the local swap meet or mexican market I practice my spanish there as much as possible. Luckily for me my pronucion is on point and I always get compliments, but I have to say that it does sadden me when I read an ad for a job position that I know I am qualified for and the deal breaker is "Must speak Spanish". It seems like english is becoming the 2nd language here in California these days. Thank God I took spanish in high school but still, it just floors me how employers are making that request and then to top it off they offer minumum wage ? Oh well, sometimes a slap in a face can be a Wake Up Call. LOLAs long as people play the game, it will go on.English is only becoming a second language because thegovernment?no longer enforces the border.Truck driving used to be a good field with decent pay. Not anymore. I hear the pay is lower and a lot of the truck?driversare foreigners too now because they pay them a lot lower. Just like everything else.Same here. A lot of the jobs I see listed are commission sales jobs,?call center, or low paying retail. Nothing to make a career with.It's impossible to find jobs in your own field because they are all disappearing and you get rejected for the low level part time/min wage crap because you're overqualified. Not to mention unemployment benefits only last 6 months and there are no extensions anymore. Um, how the #&$% are we supposed to survive?? ere is a joke...A job agency in my neighborhood that I registered with asked me for references. Okay, I gave them two. The from jobs they will be great at. It's just wrong in my opinion. We need a fresh set of eyes to look at what were doing in this world or else things are going to go VERY WRONG.Things ARE very wrong.They are letting more and more people into the country, who access our assistance monies.?You and I don't get the money, they do.People won't wake up.They don't want to look at what the real problems are.Never before in history have people turned such a blind eye to what is going on. Nations used to protect themselves and their resources. They didn't invite the whole world in. It was NEVER viewed as evil, racist, or any of the so-called labels we get, if America doesn't bend over for everyone else.I am tired of hearing that Americans are fat and lazy---Americans work harder than any other nation!!?I am tired of hearing that America pollutes the planet. ---We contribute our fair share, but not as much as other nations.?I am tired of hearing how it's OUR fault that our "elected officials and leaders" are ruining the nation. We obviously DON'T choose this, and this garbage that you can "Vote them out!" is fruitless.For the people who just jumped on the ship to learn Spanish...there will be a day you cannot get a job no matter what language you learned, because you will be a foreigner here, and you helped to contribute to it. You cared too much for the present moment.I totally agree.?Another thing people are blind to is getting Doubled taxed on unemployment.?Think about it, when your working, your taxed on that money they put aside for unemployment.?Once you start collecting unemployment, then your taxed again.?Same with water, we are double taxed here in CA, not sure about other taxes.?We are charged for CRV and then taxed on top of the CRV as well.I don't agree on the "people who jumped to learn spanish" comment.?We are all given an opportunity to learn a language in High school, mines was spanish.?I personally love the language, but when I see an job ad that states MUST speak spanish when I met all the other required skills with the exception of communicating in spanish, then it pisses me off, so I do something about it, I relearn the language on my own or take a refresher course. I can cuss any body out in a shot second in spanish, best believe, but I'm sure the employer is thinking of a much more professional?communication?in spanish. LOL?I Dont think by any means that those who choose to better themselves by learning a language are contributing to the language requirement that is being required in jobs these days are at fault at all, Blame the employers, Blame thegovernment?for allowing our country to be over flowed with people from many countries whom seem to be slowly taking over each town one by one. I like seeing street signs in English personally, but to go to a town that's been taken over by foreginers and to see the street signs in their language, always throws me for a loop.I totally agree.?Another thing people are blind to is getting Doubled taxed on unemployment.?Think about it, when your working, your taxed on that money they put aside for unemployment.?Once you start collecting unemployment, then your taxed again.?Same with water, we are double taxed here in CA, not sure about other taxes.?We are charged for CRV and then taxed on top of the CRV as well.That's a good point.?But if you came here from country X, you could get everything free.?Housing,?food,?healthcare,an?education. And if your kids went to?college, they'd get about 1,000 a month just to live off of.I don't agree on the "people who jumped to learn spanish" comment.?We are all given an opportunity to learn a language in High school, mines was spanish.?I personally love the language, but when I see an job ad that states MUST speak spanish when I met all the other required skills with the exception of communicating in spanish, then it pisses me off, so I do something about it, I relearn the language on my own or take a refresher course. I can cuss any body out in a shot second in spanish, best believe, but I'm sure the employer is thinking of a much more professional?communication?in spanish. LOL?I Dont think by any means that those who choose to better themselves by learning a language are contributing to the language requirement that is being required in jobs these days are at fault at all, Blame the employers, Blame the?governmentfor allowing our country to be over flowed with people from many countries whom seem to be slowly taking over each town one by one. I like seeing street signs in English personally, but to go to a town that's been taken over by foreginers and to see the street signs in their language, always throws me for a loop.I don't think you got my post.?I am not talking about someone having taken Spanish in high school.?I am talking about the people who are trying to learn Spanish to accommodate these people, rather than THEM having to learn English.When people get on the bandwagon and learn Spanish for these employers, they ARE contributing to the demise of their own nation.When another group comes here, are you going to have to learn THEIR language, too?I think people are not thinking about the overall effect this is having. But the more than go along with it, the more employers are going to require it...Ok, I understand it now, but honestly, what are we suppose to do when we have all the skills but the language ????? Not apply for the job ??Just another job that American citizens don't qualify for because the employer now wants someone who speaks 2 languages and wants to pay minimum wage.?I don't understand this at all, It never use to be like this back in the day but now a days that's all I ever see in "some" of the office positions. :(All those people need to learn ENGLISH!!! Why should citizens of our countries have to learn some other language? What's next?Arabic? It will be a cold day in h*** before I ever learn to speak it!!!But we do have the language.?It's not right that others come here and we are forced to learn their language.?I would not immigrate to Mexico and expect them to speak English.There are just somethings that are right and some that are wrong.I know what you're saying here, but I think people have to stop caving into this whole deal.Well, as far as the politicians are concerned, we can be replaced by cheaper?labor.?That's why it's being forced.Always, always...follow the money!!Just spent the last hour reading about Monica Lewinsky. I feel bad for her. Heck, even she?claims?she hasn't been able to get a job!!! Had no idea!!!!I don't know if I feel sorry for her, either, but Bill Clinton was one half of the situation and HE's doing just fine. It wasn't his first rodeo, either, so when people call her a wh*re, I'm thinking, WHO's the wh*re? A star struck 22 year old, or a married man with a family. Seriously, the Kennedy boys had a swinging door on the White House for their assorted bimbos, and that was well known and ok with everybody. Pigs, nothing new in Washington.I WISH I could go back to putting stickers on boxes. Production work paid my bills for 17 years in a much simpler time. I've come to realize that those coveted good-paying jobs will eventually make your head explode, my head is threatening every single day. I LONG to go back to looking at little pieces of plastic. My company went belly up and the jobs went to Ch*na. Our product was so incredibly high quality that one?Japanese?company that we made video cassettes for made us pull the insert that said 'made in the USA' so people would assume it was a Japanese product. I was not only part of making a product, I was part of making a GOOD product. Now I deal with hoards of foreigners getting free?health care?on the dole, who get pissy if I can't understand what they're saying. Almost 6 months and counting.'s a job.If you think it's bad in Maine, you should see the sheer number of foreigners on the dole in Arizona. They get Social Security, too, which always baffled me. Didn't you HAVE to work and pay into the system to get anything? Well, not now, folks...Right now, our little gnomes in DC are working on getting them SS when they "retire". If they come here and claim they already worked in the US for 10 years, they are going to get SS for that. Someone asked how the IRS is going to check this, as anyone can claim they worked here, and most of them got cash, etc. as pay. If they didn't pay taxes, how do they get SS? The answer was that the IRS doesn't check these things. THEY DON'T??? They check every cent you and I make. So how does someone claim they worked here, or claim they had 15 kids here, and get SS? So all of these people NOT PAYING into the system...where is the money going to come from, when they retire? How do they get the benefits of this, when they are not citizens?Did the world go insane, and is this just a lucid dream???And for all of the people who give me a thumbs down for my prior comment about SS, you should read up about how this will affect you. Because if the same amount of money goes in, and they promise money to millions more people, including free?healthcare,?college, blah blah blah, you will get less. Look to history to see where things are going. It's not just about jobs anymore. Tolerance is not the answer.SS will be broke in 20 years unless something major changes. The evidence is indisputable. There is more being paid out than being taken in including a rush on those who are 62 and opting for early retirement.SS will be broke in 20 years unless something major changes. The evidence is indisputable. There is more being paid out than being taken in including a rush on those who are 62 and opting for early retirement.I heard this and it's freaking me out and makes me sad for those who will retire in 33 years. By the time I'm ready to retire, wtf then? I'm working hard, fighting through a recession, for what? This broken system is really stupid, and I wonder where it's starting.Outsourcing? Illegals? What's breaking the system?We should not be forced into paying into it.I heard this and it's freaking me out and makes me sad for those who will retire in 33 years. By the time I'm ready to retire, wtf then? I'm working hard, fighting through a recession, for what? This broken system is really stupid, and I wonder where it's starting.Outsourcing? Illegals? What's breaking the system?You can find it all on the net.?Our nation cannot keep up with bringing all of these people in, as cheap?labor, from all over the world, and then subsidizing them. That's what our taxes pay for. They get all sorts of goodies, money to travel here or there, money for books, free?healthcare,?daycare, you name it.well we are are gonna be old one day. Ok older. We are going to need it.......who knows whats best anymoreIt won't be there or will be cut.?Millions are coming into this nation, and the govt wants to even increase the HB-1s coming in. They even rename things so it fits the quotas.American citizens are getting the short end of the stick. Makes you wonder what you paid into all of these years with taxes.There won't be anything left by the time we are retirement age :/And yet we must still continue to pay in- how is that fair?SS is the Mother of all Ponzi Schemes. You pay in and it instantly goes out. Your problem is that there won't be enough people paying into it when you retire so you might want to pick out your shopping cart now.There are a lot of solutions that political puppets are unwilling to look at, but will HAVE to when they are faced with poor houses coming back, like rich people over a certain income and net worth not needing a social security check. And I believe they stop taking it out of paychecks after you earn a certain yearly amount that few of us reach, that should stop. You can find it all on the net.?Our nation cannot keep up with bringing all of these people in, as cheap?labor, from all over the world, and then subsidizing them. That's what our taxes pay for. They get all sorts of goodies, money to travel here or there, money for books, free?healthcare,daycare, you name it.And then they say "OW my(fill in body part) hurts" and they get disability. They barely speak English, but they have milking the system down to an?art.There are plenty of people who point them in the right direction, too.You and I cannot afford to go to the doctor every time we have an issue. We just can't afford it, but these people can.A study showed that people who are on?governmentMedicaid/state?health?insurance?are more likely to take longer to "recover"from an injury or illness. The working person has to bite the bullet and go back to work and just try to get through it. The person on Medicaid is all about their injury and how it keeps them from doing things. The working person HAS to go back to work and cannot afford to be home and get rest and get better. Hence recovery times for working people are far shorter.It is not "fair" that those who work (or those unemployed and want to work) are discriminated against because they are Americans.It's not about "being nice" or "being compassionate" to other nations. We are not getting?healthcare?we need here.We HAVE to get back to work quicker because we have so many illegal immigrants to support. ................

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