Table of Contents

Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc.

Employee Handbook & Personnel Policies

Document Was Approved by Policy Council


Document Was Approved by Board of Directors


|Table of Contents |

|Section A. Employer |

|1 |Mission & Vision Statements; Agency Logo |

|2 |Program History and Overview |

|3 |Organizational Chart–Flow of Agency Authority |

|4 |Definitions and Scope of Coverage |

|5 |Personnel Policy Interpretation |

|6 |Future Revisions of Personnel Policies |

|7 |Delegation of Personnel Administration |

|8 |Limitations and Disclaimer |

|9 |Severability and Repealer |

|10 |Equal Employment Opportunity |

|11 |Conflict of Interest |

|12 |Employment Discrimination |

|13 |Written Personnel Policies |

|14 |Appendices and Forms |

|Section B. Employee |

|1 |Position Vacancies |

|2 |Employee Background Checks; Drug Screening |

|3 |Employment Status Classification |

|4 |Position Job Descriptions |

|5 |Employee Calendars |

|6 |Anti-Nepotism |

|7 |Political Activity |

|8 |Employee-Management Relations |

|9 |Outside Employment & Activity |

|10 |Wages and Salary Administration: Salary Increase and Decrease |

|11 |Employee Extra Duty |

|12 |Salary Supplement |

|13 |Personnel Records |

|Section C. New Employees |

|1 |New Hire Employees |

|2 |Orientation for New Hire Employees |

|3 |Volunteers Under 18 Years of Age |

|Section D. Employee Growth |

|1 |Employee Performance Review |

|2 |Employee Professional Development and Training |

|3 |Employer Support of Professional Development |

|Section E. Employment Changes |

|1 |Reduction-in-Force (RIF – Layoff, Sequestration) |

|2 |Reinstatement of Employment |

|3 |Resignation |

|Table of Contents |

|Section F. Workplace Environment |

|1 |Standards for Code of Conduct Regarding: Children; Business; and Safety |

|2 |Professional Boundaries |

|3 |Security and Inspections |

|4 |Employee Participation in Unlawful Activity |

|5 |Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Electronic or Vapor Usage |

|6 |Workplace Etiquette |

|7 |Communication |

|8 |Dress Code and Appearance |

|9 |Harassment - Harassing, Bullying, Sexual Harassment |

|10 |Employee Grievance |

|Section G. Daily Operations |

|1 |KY Childcare Licensing Regulations; HS Program Performance Standards |

|2 |Employees with a Diagnosed Disability |

|3 |Reporting Accidents |

|4 |Parking |

|5 |Schedule, Hours of Work, Breaks, Meals, Overtime |

|6 |Inclement Weather |

|7 |Employee Use of Employer-owned Vehicles |

|Section H. Documenting, Compensation, Benefits, COLA, Reimbursement |

|1 |Timesheets, Leave Request Forms, Personal Activity Reports (PAR) |

|2 |Compensation |

|3 |Social Security Tax Withholdings |

|4 |Employee Benefits |

|5 |Holidays |

|6 |Work Calendar Break Periods – All Employees |

|7 |Paid Vacation Leave – Full-time Employees |

|8 |Paid Sick Leave – Full-time Employees |

|9 |Administrative Leave |

|10 |Family Medical Leave (FMLA) |

|11 |Worker’s Compensation |

|12 |Maternity Leave |

|13 |Funeral Leave |

|14 |Military Duty Leave |

|15 |Voting/Election Leave |

|16 |Jury Duty |

|17 |Unpaid Leave |

|18 |Leave of Absence for IECE Pursuit |

|19 |Health Insurance |

|20 |Dental Insurance – Full-time Employees |

|21 |Vision Insurance – Full-time Employees |

|22 |Life Insurance – Full-time Employees |

|Table of Contents |

|23 |Worker’s Compensation Insurance |

|24 |Unemployment Insurance and Social Security |

|25 |Unemployment Compensation |

|26 |Additional Benefit Information |

|27 |Employee Well-being |

|28 |COBRA Insurance |

|29 |Retirement |

|30 |Supplemental Insurance |

|31 |Compensation for Driving a Bus Route |

|32 |Cost of Living (COLA) and Other Compensation Adjustments |

|33 |Training/Meeting Costs for Employees |

|Section I. Technology Policy |

|1 |BGP Computers and Technology Equipment |

|2 |Confidentiality |

|3 |Personal Cell & Camera Phone Usage |

|4 |Employee Use of Employer’s Telephones |

|5 |Social Media |

|6 |Agency Surveillance Equipment |

| |Section J. Safety |

|1 |Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting |

|2 |Employee’s Personal Medication |

|3 |Safe Operation of Vehicles & Equipment |

|4 |Employee Safety Training |

|5 |Communicable Disease |

|Section K. Disciplinary |

|1 |Disciplinary Process |

|Appendices |

|1 |Employee Forms / HR and Fiscal |

|Section A |

|Employer |

| |

|Mission & Vision Statements; Agency Logo |

|Program History and Overview |

|Organizational Chart–Flow of Agency Authority |

|Definitions and Scope of Coverage |

|Personnel Policy Interpretation |

|Future Revisions of Personnel Policies |

|Delegation of Personnel Administration |

|Limitations and Disclaimer |

|Severability and Repealer |

|Equal Employment Opportunity |

|Conflict of Interest |

|Employment Discrimination |

|Written Personnel Policies |

|Appendices and Forms |

Mission Statement

Empowering Families to Assure School Readiness for Every Child

Vision Statement

“Where Love and Knowledge Unite”

Agency Logo

Program History & Overview

In January of 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson declared “The War on Poverty” in his State of the Union speech. Shortly thereafter, Sargent Shriver took the lead in assembling a panel of experts to develop a comprehensive child development program that would help communities meet the needs of disadvantaged preschool children. Among these experts were Dr. Robert Cooke, a pediatrician at John Hopkins University, and Dr. Edward Zigler, a professor of psychology and direct or of the Child Study Center at Yale University.

Part of the government's thinking on poverty was influenced by new research on the effects of poverty, as well as on the impacts of education. This research indicated an obligation to help disadvantaged groups, compensating for inequality in social or economic conditions. Head Start was designed to help break the cycle of poverty, providing preschool children of low-income families with a comprehensive program to meet their emotional, social, health, nutritional and psychological needs. A key tenet of the program established that it be culturally responsive to the communities served, and that the communities have an investment in its success through the contribution of volunteer hours and other donations as nonfederal share.

Dr. Edward Zigler, who had served on the planning committee to launch Project Head Start, was appointed Director of the Office of Child Development. In 1977, under the Carter administration, Head Start began bilingual and bicultural programs in about 21 states. Seven years later, in October 1984 under the Reagan administration, Head Start's grant budget exceeded $1 billion. In September of 1995, under the Clinton administration, the first Early Head Start grants were given and in October of 1998, Head Start was reauthorized to expand to full-day and full-year services.

Head Start was most recently reauthorized again in 2007, under the George W. Bush administration, with several provisions to strengthen Head Start quality. These include alignment of Head Start school readiness goals with state early learning standards, higher qualifications for the Head Start teaching workforce, State Advisory Councils on Early Care and Education in every state, and increased program monitoring, including a review of child outcomes and annual financial audits. The Head Start training and technical assistance system was redesigned to support programs through six National Centers and a state-based system to ensure success.

The statute also included a provision that regulations be promulgated to move programs from an indefinite project period to a five-year grant cycle. Programs would be required to demonstrate they are of high quality or a competitive grant opportunity would be made available within the community. In 2009, under the Obama administration, the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act added more than 64,000 slots for Early Head Start and Head Start programs.

Head Start has served more than 30 million children since 1965, growing from an eight-week demonstration project to include full day/year services and many program options. Currently, Head Start is administered by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) in the Department of Health and Human Services. Head Start serves over a million children and their families each year in urban and rural areas in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. territories, including American Indian, Alaska Native, and Migrant and Seasonal communities.

Currently, Head Start programs promote school readiness of children ages birth to 5 from low-income families by supporting their development in a comprehensive way.

Head Start and Early Head Start programs offer a variety of service models, depending on the needs of the local community. Many Head Start and Early Head Start programs are based in centers and schools. Other programs are located in child care centers and family child care homes. Some programs offer home-based services that assigned dedicated staff who conduct weekly visits to children in their own home and work with the parent as the child's primary teacher.

More than 50 years ago, Head Start began as a program for preschoolers. Today 3- and 4-year-olds make up more than 80 percent of the children served by Head Start programs each year. Early Head Start (EHS) was created to serve pregnant women, infants, and toddlers. EHS programs are open to the family until the child turns 3 and is ready to transition into Head Start or another pre-K program. Just recently, many EHS programs have been funded to partner directly with existing infant and toddler child care programs, resulting in higher quality services to all children enrolled in the child care program.

Head Start programs support children's growth and development in a positive learning environment through a variety of services, which include:

• Early learning: Children's readiness for school and beyond is fostered through individualized learning experiences. Through relationships with adults, play, and planned and spontaneous instruction, children grow in many aspects of development. Children progress in social skills and emotional well-being, along with language and literacy learning, and concept development

• Health: Each child's perceptual, motor, and physical development is supported to permit them to fully explore and function in their environment. All children receive health and development screenings, nutritious meals, oral health and mental health support. Programs connect families with medical, dental, and mental health services to ensure that children are receiving the services they need.

• Family well-being: Parents and families are supported in achieving their own goals, such as housing stability, continued education, and financial security. Programs support and strengthen parent-child relationships and engage families around children's learning and development.

Delivered through 1,700 agencies in local communities, Head Start and Early Head Start programs provide services to over a million children every year, in every U.S. state and territory, in farm-worker camps, and in more than 155 tribal communities. Head Start programming is responsive to the ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage of each child and family.

Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. began serving Head Start children in 1965 in Grayson and (a portion of) Breckinridge Counties. The program served children 3-5 years of age. Years later, the agency identified Grayson County as its service area and relinquished enrollment for Breckinridge County to the Breckinridge County Public School System. About 1967 the agency began serving 0-3 age children in the federally funded Parent-Child Center program in both Grayson and Breckinridge counties. This program operated on a 2 day per week schedule for families attending, Monday-Tuesday and Wednesday-Thursday. Teachers planned and received training on Friday. Parents were required to attend with their child(ren) and offered a variety of learning opportunities. Home Based services were provided for some Head Start families during the 80’s.

In 1996, (Bill Clinton, President) Breckinridge Grayson Programs successfully opened an Early Head Start Program during Wave I funding. This program replaced the Parent-Child Center concept and supported the federal government’s initiative known as “Welfare-to-Work.” Parents of enrolled children were expected to seek further education or job skill training and seek employment. At this time the Breckinridge County Parent-Child Center was closed and enrolled families transitioned into the agency’s first Early Head Start Home Based program. In 1998, revised Head Start Program Performance Standards were implemented. It was during these years that it became apparent that Head Start needed to have data that supported the outcomes of Head Start services.

Under President George W. Bush’s administration, the “Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007 was implemented. Within the Act governing bodies’ responsibilities were clarified and program staff qualifications were included among other requirements. Teacher requirements were addressed to include a minimum of an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education by 2011 and that 50% of Head Start Teachers nationwide would hold a baccalaureate degree in or relative to an Early Childhood Degree. The Obama administration implemented new Head Start Program Performance Standards in September 2016 that continue to support school readiness.

Today, Breckinridge-Grayson Programs provides center based Early Head Start in both counties and Head Start in Grayson County. Also, Early Head Start is provided through the home base option in both counties. The program uses data collected from various sources to demonstrate service outcomes and to guide program options and services.

Organizational Chart – Flow of Agency Authority

Actual chart is available, see Human Resources. The following is a generalization of the organizational chart demonstrating lines of authority.

| |

|ACF Regional Office |

| |

|Agency Board of Directors |

| |

| |

|Policy Council |

| |

|Executive Director |

| |

|Managers |

|Supervisors, Specialists |

|Coordinators, Mentor |

|Center |Home Visiting Teachers | | | | |

|Based | |Office Staff |Nutrition Assistant |Custodians |Bus Drivers |

|Teachers | | | | | |

| |Nutrition |

|Teacher |Support |

|Associates | |

| |

|Substitutes |

| |

|Volunteers |

This is a template to demonstrate the organizational flow of authority.

|Policy: Definitions and Scope of Coverage |

|1.0 |This document, the Employee Handbook, contains the Personnel Policies for Employees of Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. An Employee Handbook has|

| |been established to include Personnel Policies. The following definitions shall apply throughout this document: |

|1.1 |The term “Employer” shall refer to Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. |

|1.2 |The term “Executive Authority” shall refer to the Executive Director of the Employer. |

|1.3 |The term “Legislative Body” shall refer to the Board of Directors of the Employer and/or the Policy Council of the Employer. |

|1.4 |The abbreviations “HS” and “EHS” shall refer to the Employer’s Head Start and Early Head Start Programs. |

|2.0 |The information and policies set forth in the Employee Handbook shall apply to all Employees, consultants, and volunteers of the Employer unless |

| |otherwise specifically provided therein. |

|Policy: Personnel Policy Interpretation |

|1.0 |This Employee Handbook is meant to be a general source of information and is not a contract between Employer and any Employee. |

|1.1 |The terms and provisions of the Employee Handbook are intended to cover common personnel issues and responses. |

|2.0 |The Executive Authority and Human Resources Manager will interpret those issues and responses not specifically covered in concert with the spirit |

| |and intent of the Employee Handbook. |

|Policy: Future Revisions of Personnel Policies |

|1.0 |The Employer’s policy of employment-at-will shall not be modified. |

|1.1 | In all other respects, the Employer reserves the right to modify, delete and/or supplement any policies, procedures, benefits and terms of |

| |employment without notice, consultation or publication except as required by law. |

|1.2 |As soon as practicable after each future revision, the Employer shall notify all Employees in writing, including electronically, and shall provide |

| |an exact and complete copy of each such revision. |

|2.0 |Each Employee shall be required to sign a receipt acknowledging his or her awareness of the applicability and provisions of the revision. |

|Policy: Delegation of Personnel Administration |

|1.0 |The Executive Authority is the personnel administrator and may delegate such duties and functions, as he/she deems appropriate. |

|1.1 |The Executive Authority and the Human Resources Manager delegates the authority and responsibility for the implementation and enforcement of the |

| |Employee Handbook. |

|Policy: Limitations and Disclaimer |

|1.0 |Information contained in the Employee Handbook, the Employment Status Classification, and the Employee Compensation plan is not intended to |

| |represent a contract of any kind and may be changed by the Employer at any time without notice. |

|Policy: Severability and Repealer |

|1.0 |If any term or provision of the Employee Handbook, the Employment Status Classification, and/or the Employee Compensation plan are ruled to be |

| |invalid or unenforceable by any governmental agency or court of competent jurisdiction, all remaining terms and provisions of the Employee |

| |Handbook, the Employment Status Classification, and/or the Employee Compensation plan shall remain in full force and effect, subject only to future|

| |modifications by the Employer. |

|2.0 |If any term or provision of the Employee Handbook, the Employment Status Classification, and/or the Employee Compensation plan is found to be out |

| |of compliance or in conflict with applicable state or federal law or regulations, only the specific items addressed are necessary to repeal and |

| |replace with language that meets legal guidelines. |

|Policy: Equal Employment Opportunity |

|1.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. seeks to provide equal opportunity to individuals seeking employment and to its employees. |

|1.1 |Based on federal and state laws Breckinridge-Grayson Programs prohibits discrimination based on the individual’s race, color, religious beliefs, |

| |marital status, childbirth, pregnancy, sexual orientation, national origin, political affiliation, physical or mental disability, age over-40, or |

| |genetic information or gender identity, HIV status, black lung disease, and smoking. |

|2.0 |Employment decisions will be made on the basis of qualification by education and/or experience, references, interview, cleared required background |

| |checks, a negative drug screen, and Board and Policy Council approval. |

|3.0 |It is the responsibility of all supervisors to assure that Employees under their supervision act in accordance with this policy. |

|4.0 |It is the policy of the Employer to adhere to the requirements of the Civil Rights Act, the Age Discrimination Act, the Drug-Free Workplace Act, |

| |the Americans with Disabilities Act, Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act, OSHA regulations, and |

| |applicable regulations about discrimination in regards to employment. |

|4.1 |The agency is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer and notes this in its employment opportunity postings and advertisement. |

|Policy: Conflict of Interest |

|1.0 |No Conflict of Interest  |

|1.1 |All employees conduct business so as to avoid even an appearance of conflict of interest |

|2.0 |In accordance with the Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, neither members of advisory boards, commissions, committees, Head Start program, Early Head |

| |Start program, nor the Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, itself will seek to influence the decision of an appointing authority on personnel matters |

|2.1 |No employee will participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by Federal funds if a real or apparent conflict of |

| |interest would be involved |

|2.2 |Such a conflict would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, or any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an |

| |organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in the firm selected for an|

| |award |

|3.0 |The officers, employees, and agents of Breckinridge-Grayson Programs recipient will neither solicit nor accept gratuities, favors, nor anything of |

| |monetary value from contractors, or parties to sub-agreements. However, recipients may set standards for situations in which the financial interest|

| |is not substantial, or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal value (i.e., less than $25 value).  |

|4.0 |The Standards of Conduct (see Policy ID 90002 (HR/PP) Standards of Conduct) provides for disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of this |

| |conflict of interest policy |

|5.0 |Related Policies   |

|5.1 |See also Policy ID 50001 (PG) Governing Body Conflict of Interest and Policy ID 50006 (PG) Policy Council Composition and Policy ID 90002 (HR/PP) |

| |Standards of Conduct.  |

|Policy: Employment Discrimination |

|1.0 |Discrimination is Prohibited  |

|1.1 |Employees will not be appointed, promoted, disciplined, reduced, removed, or in any way favored, disfavored, or discriminated against because of |

| |their political affiliation, religion, union activities, race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, tobacco |

| |smoker/non-smoker status, genetic information, citizenship, HIV/AIDS, occupational pneumoconiosis with no respiratory impairment resulting from |

| |coal dust, and off duty tobacco use, or other unlawful discrimination.   |

|1.2 |Employees including those engaged in the process of interviewing prospective employees and/or supervising employees are prohibited from |

| |discrimination. |

|2.0 |BGP is an Equal Opportunity Employer. |

|2.1 |All public employment notices state BGP as such; EEO and is used elsewhere as appropriate. |

|3.0 |Employees should report any discriminatory act to the Human Resources Manager and/or Executive Director immediately. |

|3.1 |Employees will not be disciplined for reporting discrimination. |

|3.2 |Employees violating this policy are subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. |

|4.0 |Employees may file a complaint of unlawful discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) office. |

|4.1 |EEOC contact information is posted on the Employee bulletin board at 201 E. Walnut St. Leitchfield, KY (Grayson County) and on the bulletin board |

| |(long hallway) at the 228 Tules Creek Rd., Hardinsburg, KY (Breckinridge County) sites. |

|Policy: At-Will Employment |

|1.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. is an “at will” employer. |

|1.1 |At-will employment means the Employer or Employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time with or without cause, so long as there is |

| |no violation of applicable federal or state law. |

|1.2 |All Employees are employed on an “at will” basis. |

|2.0 |Employees are not guaranteed employment during their orientation period or after its completion.    |

|3.0 |Employment is an indefinite period based on funding and is subject to change in employment conditions, benefits, and operating policies and |

| |practices. |

|Written Personnel Policies |

|1.0 |BGP has established and implemented written personnel policies for staff that have been approved by the Policy Council and that have been made |

| |available to all program staff. |

|1.2 |Written Personnel Policies: |

|1.3 |BGP has established and implemented written personnel policies for staff that have been approved by the Policy Council and that have been made |

| |available to all program staff via email, posted changes, and available in hard copy format.   |

|1.4 |These personnel policies and procedures and subsequent changes to those policies, including Policy ID 90002 (HR/PP) Standards of Conduct, were |

| |developed with Policy Council, key management staff and the governing body working in partnership.  |

|2.0 |Based on KY Childcare Regulations (922 KAR 2:110 Section 2) - Program policies and procedures must be developed and include the following:  |

|2.1 |Be in writing; and include:  |

|2.2 |Staff policies;  |

|2.3 |Job descriptions (available per HR and Policy 91010); |

|2.4 |An organization chart;  |

|2.5 |Chain of command; and  |

|2.6 |Other procedures necessary to ensure implementation of (KRS 199.898)  rights for children in child-care programs and their parents, custodians, or |

| |guardians - posting and distribution requirements:  KY childcare center licensure (922 KAR 2:090); childcare center health and safety standards |

| |(922 KAR 2:120); and this administrative regulation (922 KAR 2:110).  |

|Policy: Appendices and Forms |

|1.0 |Appendices and forms referred to in the Employee Handbook are attached hereto and incorporated by reference into this Employee Handbook as though |

| |set forth in full within the text of this document. |

|Section B |

|Employee |

|Position Vacancies |

|Employee Background Checks; Drug Screening |

|Employment Status Classification |

|Position Job Descriptions |

|Employee Calendars |

|Anti-Nepotism |

|Political Activity |

|Employment Relations |

|Outside Employment & Activities |

|Wages & Salary Administration: Salary Increases & Decreases |

|Employee Compensation |

|Employee Extra Duty |

|Salary Supplement |

|Personnel Records |

|Policy: Position Vacancies |

|1.0 |The Employer fills vacant positions in a timely manner to best meet the Agency’s need and to comply with HSPPS or other applicable qualifications|

| |for the position. |

|1.1 |The Executive Authority may elect to move an Employee into an open position based on their performance, seniority with the Agency, experience, |

| |and education relevant to the position qualifications. |

|1.2 |Positions deemed open for application are posted for 5 (five) business days to allow Employees the opportunity to apply. |

|1.3 |The Executive Authority may elect to post a position opening and advertise the vacancy, simultaneously. |

|2.0 |The Human Resources Manager and area staff will manage the application process and employee personnel and health records. |

|3.0 |Employees moving to positions within the agency that require the Employee to obtain a CDL must pass a drug and alcohol screening prior to bus |

| |driving and meet applicable bus driver requirements as outlined for new hires. |

|3.1 |Employee acceptance of position requiring a CDL is contingent on their ability to pass the drug and alcohol screening, meet CDL requirements, and|

| |earn the CDL. |

|4.0 |Employees, regardless of new hire or moving into a position, accepting any position that requires certification after assignment to the position |

| |are subject to termination in the event they do not fulfill the required certifications such as Commercial Driver’s License (CDL), Child |

| |Development Associate (CDA), Family Development Credential (FDC), or identified requirements. |

|5.0 |When more than one (1) Employee applies for an in-house posted position, the Employer will establish an interview for each qualified candidate. |

|Policy: Employee Background Checks; Drug Screening |

|1.0 |All BGP employees are subject to background checks as defined in the HSPPS of 2016. |

|2.0 |Employee background checks include the following: |

|2.1 |Child abuse and neglect registry checks; |

|2.2 |State and national sex offender registry checks; |

|2.3 |State and federal criminal background checks with fingerprints; |

|3.0 |All background checks are completed prior to employment and every five (5) years of employment. |

|4.0 |These background checks satisfy HSPPS and KY Childcare Licensing requirements. |

|5.0 |Human Resources will determine the results to be cleared of any relevant history or determine the relevancy of reported findings and employment |

| |eligibility or termination of employment based on disclosed findings. |

|6.0 |B BGP requires a pre-employment drug screen for all selected pre-employment candidates.  |

|6.1 |All Employees are subject to random drug screening.  |

|Policy: Employment Status Classification |

|1.0 |All Employees of the Employer shall be classified full-time, part-time, or variable. |

|1.1 |A “Full-time Employee” is an Employee who works a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week on a regularly scheduled basis; |

|1.2 |A “Part-time Employee” is an Employee who works less than thirty (30) hours per week, but on a regularly scheduled basis; |

|1.3 |A “Variable Employee” is an Employee who works in a position that does not expect to meet thirty (30) hours per week such as substitutes, bus |

| |monitors, and bus drivers. |

|2.0 |The agency schedules periodic breaks for employees to have the opportunity to enjoy vacation and holiday traditions as well as to refresh away |

| |from their assigned duties. |

|2.1 |All Employees are considered employed with the agency during agency scheduled breaks and are subject to call-in for duty as needed. |

|2.2 |Employees may be assigned to positions that are not scheduled to work during the Summer Break and will resume job responsibilities upon |

| |preparation to resume classroom operations. These Employees are expected to resume their assigned duties and a position is held for their |

| |return. |

|3.0 |Management staff positions are considered Level 1 and Level 2 positions. |

|3.1 |Level 1 Management positions include “Manager” in the title. |

|3.2 |Level 2 Management positions are titled “Supervisors, Coordinators, Specialist” or other titles as determined by the Executive Authority. |

|Policy: Position Job Descriptions |

|1.0 |A written job description summarizing the position, qualifications, and responsibilities will be maintained by Human Resources for each position.|

|1.1 |Employees will be provided their job description at hire. |

|1.2 |Job descriptions are updated in accordance with business requirements of the Employer. |

|1.3 |Employees may, from time to time, be asked to perform tasks or assignments outside their job description based upon the Employer’s need and |

| |referenced in the Job Description as “all other duties as assigned.” |

|Policy: Employee Calendars |

|1.0 |The Employer will provide Employees whose position is full-time or part-time an individualized calendar with their assigned compensated days of |

| |work and holidays. |

|1.1 |Employees whose employment status is considered “Variable” do not receive an individualized calendar. |

|Policy: Anti-Nepotism |

|1.0 |The Employer shall not employ any individual if a member of that individual’s immediate family is currently employed in an “administrative |

| |capacity,” nor is a member of the Board of Directors: |

|1.1 |The term “immediate family” means wife, husband, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, or a relative by marriage of comparable degree. |

|1.2 |The term “administrative capacity” means a position having responsibility relating to the selection, hiring, or supervising of Employees. |

|2.0 |The Employer may deviate from this policy if no other qualified applicants are available. |

|Policy: Political Activity |

|1.0 |Employees are cautioned that Federal and State law restricts political activities by employees of both public and private Head Start/Early Head |

| |Start grantees.   |

|1.1 |State law may place additional restrictions on political activities of employees of public Head |

| |Start/Early Head Start grantees and violations of some of these restrictions may carry criminal |

| |penalties.  |

|2.0 |The Head Start/Early Head Start program encourages its employees to participate fully in the democratic political process as private citizens.   |

|2.1 |As a non-profit tax-exempt organization and recipient of Federal funds, however, the program and its employees must follow certain rules |

| |concerning political activity.  |

|3.0 |All employees, governing body members, and Policy Council members may engage in the |

| |following activities as private citizens, if conducted during non-work hours, off Head Start/Early |

| |Head Start premises, and without direct or indirect Head Start/Early Head Start financial support or |

| |identification:  |

|3.1 |Hold membership and office in, attend meetings of, vote in, and otherwise participate in, political |

| |parties, clubs, organizations, and conventions;      |

|3.2 |Participate in and manage partisan or nonpartisan political campaigns, including volunteering, writing and making speeches, writing letters, and |

| |soliciting voters;  |

|3.3 |Be a candidate in a nonpartisan election for public office;   |

|3.4 |Contribute to partisan or nonpartisan political campaigns or political parties and solicit contributions from others (but no solicitation of |

| |employees of Head Start/Early Head Start program or other Head Start Community Services Block grant programs);  |

|3.5 |Participate in voter registration drives; and   |

|3.6 |Assist in providing transportation to the polls.  |

|4.0 |In general, employees may not engage in the following political activity at any time or place, |

| |including during off-duty hours nor during leave of any type (including unpaid leave):  |

|4.1 |Be a candidate for public office in a partisan election (including primaries);  |

|4.2 |Use official authority or influence to interfere with or affect the results of an election or a nomination for office, and  |

|4.3 |Directly or indirectly coerce, attempt to coerce, command or advise an employee of the Head Start/Early Head Start program or other Head Start or|

| |Community Services Block Grant program to make political contributions.  |

|5.0 |The Head Start/Early Head Start program may not participate or intervene in a political campaign |

| |on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office.   |

|5.1 |Head Start/Early Head Start employees and volunteers, including Policy Council members, should scrupulously avoid identification of the Head |

| |Start/Early Head Start program with, or use of its funds or resources for, such activity.  |

|6.0 |Head Start/Early Head Start funds may not be used to make contributions to political campaigns, political parties, or political action |

| |committees.  |

|7.0 |No Head Start/Early Head Start employee will, during working hours, while conducting job-related |

| |activities, or on Head Start/Early Head Start premises, plan, initiate, participate in, or otherwise aid |

| |or assist in the conduct of any unlawful demonstration, rioting, or civil disturbance |

|Policy: Employee - Management Relations |

|1.0 |The Employer is committed to maintaining an “open door” for all Employees so that each Employee may have ample opportunity to discuss any issue |

| |related to their employment. |

|1.1 |Employees must follow the chain of command as outlined in the organizational structure for any concerns or issues that may arise. |

|1.2 |Employees are encouraged to discuss any questions, concerns, ideas or suggestions or any other issue related to their employment with the |

| |Employee’s immediate supervisor. |

|2.0 |Employees are encouraged to contact the Human Resources Manager if they believe a particular issue cannot be resolved through the normal chain of|

| |command or when their concerns relate to a supervisor’s conduct. |

|Policy: Outside Employment and Activity |

|1.0 |The Employer recognizes the right of Employees to spend non-working hours away from the job without restriction. However, the Employer requires |

| |that activities away from the job must not: |

|1.1 |Compromise the Employer’s interests, integrity or reputation in the community; |

|1.2 |Adversely affect the Employee’s ability to fulfill his/her responsibilities to the Employer, or; |

|1.3 |Create legal liability for the Employer. |

|2.0 |If the Employer determines, in its sole discretion, that an Employee’s outside employment violates one or more of the foregoing, the Employer may|

| |require that the Employee terminate the outside employment as a condition of the Employee’s continued employment with the Employer. |

|3.0 |To avoid any appearance of conflict of interest, an Employee who intends to engage in outside remunerative activity, which substantially |

| |duplicates an activity or service of the Employer, and for which Employer compensates the Employee must obtain prior approval from the Executive |

| |Authority. |

|4.0 |Employees participating in Head Start program monitoring reviews, grant reading, or other activity at state, regional, and federal levels must |

| |either request leave time to participate in the monitoring review, or must designate the monitoring review as career development and decline all |

| |honoraria. |

|Policy: Wages and Salary Administration: Salary Increases and Decreases |

|1.0 |The Employer frequently reviews compensation rates for comparable positions in the surrounding area to assure that Employer’s rates are |

| |competitive in order to eliminate Employee turnover, and to attract qualified applicants for new positions |

|2.0 |Employee salaries are determined according to established procedures. |

|2.1 |The Employer uses the Wage Comparability Study as a guide for establishing the Salary Scale. |

|2.2 |The Salary Scale lists employment positions, criteria for determination of step level assignments and fringe benefits offered to full-time and |

| |part-time Employees. |

|2.3 |The Salary Scale may be updated from time to time as needed to reflect changes in positions, new positions, and/or as allowed by |

| |increases/decreases in funding. |

|3.0 |New employees generally are appointed at the minimum (entry) step of the salary range established |

| |for the class of position in which he/she is hired.  |

|3.1 |The Executive Director, however, may fill a position above the entry step based on education and |

| |experience. |

|4.0 |The program is not obligated to grant increments in pay and increments are not mandated.  |

|4.1 |Employees are provided increments in pay when the annual budget is sufficient to allow such |

| |increments and there is an identified justification for the increment.  |

|5.0 |Any employee who is appointed to a position of a higher entry salary range class receives the salary |

| |in the new salary range.  |

|5.1 |Any employee who is involuntarily demoted, except as provided under program procedures,   |

| |will have his/her salary reduced (demotion salary) to the salary range of the position he/she is       moved to or to their previous salary range|

| |prior to moving into the position from which the   |

| |demotion is occurring.  |

|5.2 |Demotion salary reduction occurs when disciplinary action results in demotion of position.  |

|5.3 |Demotion salary reduction occurs when an employee is unable to perform the duties of the   |

| |position satisfactorily and a demotion from the position occurs.  |

|6.0 |Whenever any employee voluntarily steps down from a position to a position identified at a lower level of authority in the organizational |

| |structure, he/she will have a reduction in salary within the salary range identified for the new position.  |

|Policy: Employee Compensation |

|1.0 |Employees are paid the salaries and other compensations provided for by this policy to compensate for services required of them by law or by |

| |virtue of their offices.   |

|1.1 |Employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis.  |

|1.2 |Paychecks represent pay-for-work performed during the pay period.  |

|2.0 |The Employer is required by law to make deductions from each Employee’s paycheck for such |

| |items as federal, state, local taxes and social security taxes.    |

|2.1 |The Employee’s pay stub reflects all payroll deductions as a record for the Employee.    |

|2.2 |The Employer establishes electronic payroll submission to the Employee’s bank account with |

| |appropriate documentation of designation from the Employee.  |

|2.3 |Employees requesting copies of pay stubs from the Employer may be charged a nominal fee, and |

| |should expect to receive the copies within five working days.    |

|3.0 |The Employer offers the opportunity for Employees to participate in the pre-tax AFLAC |

| |supplemental insurance programs and/or Cincinnati Life insurance.   Life insurance is not a pre- |

| |taxed deduction.  |

|3.1 |The Employer does not pay any portion of the premiums occurred as a result of Employee opting to |

| |enroll with AFLAC or Cincinnati Life.  |

|4.0 |Employees who are determined eligible and enroll in Medicare are eligible for assistance with |

| |supplemental health insurance based on the following:  |

|4.1 |The Employee must currently be enrolled in the Employer offered health plan;  |

|4.2 |The Employee must present documentation that they are enrolled in Medicare;  |

|4.3 |The Employer is not responsible to pay individual Medicare or supplemental insurance premiums |

| |for the employee.  |

|5.0 |The Employer elects to electronically direct deposit payroll therefore, Employees are responsible to |

| |provide bank account information to the fiscal department to facilitate payroll deposit.  |

|6.0 |Written Employee paychecks will not be released to any individual other than the Employee or |

| |Employee’s supervisor unless written authorization signed by the Employee is provided to the |

| |Fiscal Office prior to release.    |

|7.0 |The Employer offers payroll deductible opportunity to Employees who elect to enroll in group plans for health, dental and vision insurance, |

| |supplemental insurances; and retirement as established by written Employee designation.  |

|Policy: Employee Extra Duty |

|1.0 |Extra duty, defined as work performed by an Employee above and beyond the Employee’s job requirements for benefit of the Employer and/or |

| |community, may be compensated, either monetarily or in the form of leave time within the same payroll week, at the discretion of the Executive |

| |Authority. |

|1.1 |Monetary compensation for extra duty is dependent on availability of funding for current Employees. |

|2.0 |Former employees will not be awarded extra duty pay for duties performed prior to their departure from the Agency, regardless of the date of |

| |departure. |

|Policy: Salary Supplement |

|1.0 |A one-time Salary Supplement may be provided when staff’s pay rate is not a comparable rate according to the most recent Wage Comparability |

| |Study. |

|1.1 |The salary supplement does not become part of the Employee’s base salary. |

|1.2 |Salary supplement is based on available funding. |

|Policy: Personnel Records |

|1.0 |The Personnel Records are the property of Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. |

|1.1 |Personnel Records are maintained as Personnel and Personnel Health files in the Human Resources area and payroll, retirement, and insurance with |

| |the Fiscal area. |

|1.2 |It is at the discretion of the Employer to approve Employee request for copies of personnel records. |

|1.3 |Employees must request in writing to the Human Resources Manager and state which documents they want reproduced. |

|1.4 |Verbal and email requests are not accepted. |

|1.5 |Approved request will be honored within 30 business days. |

|1.6 |Personnel records are maintained on a three-year basis in the immediate “at-hand” file with the remaining portion stored. Stored records will |

| |not be reproduced. |

|1.7 |The agency may at any time require a fee prior to releasing requested copies of personnel records. |

|2.0 |No information is released on an Employee without a written request signed by the Employee and verified by signature and date with the Employee |

| |that the requested information may be released for that specific request except when request are made per signed/dated court order or required by|

| |law; or as required for customary agency business such as audits and labor compliance. |

|3.0 |The administration of Personnel Records (excluding payroll and payroll deductions) is the responsibility of the Human Resources Manager. |

|3.1 |The Administrative Assistant supports the administration of the Personnel and Personnel Health Records. |

|4.0 |An Employee has the right at any time during employment with the Employer to request a review of their records. |

|4.1 |The Human Resources Manager will maintain a Record Access Form in each Personnel Record to identify anyone who enters the record and why they |

| |accessed the record. |

|4.2 |Personnel Records and information is secured in hard copy by locked files access limited to Human Resources staff and password protected when |

| |electronically documented. |

|5.0 |Employees may request changes or corrections to their record in writing to the Human Resources Manager and if warranted, such correction will be |

| |applied. |

|5.1 |It will be at the discretion of the Human Resources Manager to approve requested changes to Personnel Records. |

|6.0 |In accordance with federal regulation, it is the responsibility of the Employee whose name has changed to present the Employer with a correct |

| |Social Security card before personnel or payroll records will be changed. |

|6.1 |It is the responsibility of the Employee who changes address or phone number(s) to notify the Employer within five (5) calendar days of said |

| |changes; and |

|6.2 |This includes the names and addresses of spouse and dependents when applicable for Employer offered health, dental, or vision plans. |

|6.3 |Name changes accompanied by the Employee’s new social security card and new driver’s license must be reported to the Human Resources office |

| |immediately in order to update personnel records. |

|Section C |

|New Employees |

| |

|New Hire Employees |

|Orientation for New Hire Employees |

|Volunteers Under 18 Years of Age |

|Policy: New Employees |

|1.0 |As a member of the Employer’s team, it is critical that new Employees understand and follow the provisions of the Employee Handbook. |

|1.1 |New employees begin their employment experience with an orientation process. |

|1.2 |All new employees are subject to prior fulfillment and approved results of pre-employment requirements. |

|1.3 |All new employees must be approved by the Policy Council and Board prior to beginning their assigned position. |

|2.0 |The orientation process includes orientation to the agency and their position; |

|2.1 |Agency organizational structure, mission, goals and the underlying philosophy of HS and EHS; |

|2.2 |Personnel policies and procedures; |

|2.3 |Benefits; |

|2.4 |Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma training prior to working with children (online – 1.5 hours); |

|2.5 |Online Kentucky Childcare Orientation certification prior to working with children (6 hours); |

|2.6 |CPR, First-aid, and Blood Borne Pathogen training prior to assignment, when applicable; |

|2.7 |Orientation to assigned duties, service area, and applicable policies and procedures. |

|3.0 |An additional 7.5 hours of certified training will be provided within the first year of employment for a total of 15 hours certified training |

| |hours, as required by the state. |

|Policy: Orientation for New Hire Employees |

|1.0 |The first year of employment with Breckinridge-Grayson Programs is considered the orientation period for all employees. |

|1.1 |The orientation period is a learning and probationary experience for the new Employee where job performance is monitored closely. The Employee |

| |is expected to work closely with their supervisor and is encouraged to seek answers to questions that concern their work or other related |

| |matters. |

|1.2 |The orientation period may be lengthened at the Employer’s discretion during the first annual job performance appraisal. |

|2.0 |Sick leave for eligible Employees will accrue during the orientation period but cannot be used by the Employee for the first 60 calendar days of |

| |employment. |

|2.1 |With the exception of holidays or other special events recognized by the Employer, any leave (other than accrued sick leave) taken during the |

| |orientation period will be taken without pay and must have prior approval of the appropriate supervisor and the Executive Authority. |

|3.0 |If a new Employee resigns employment with the Employer during the one-year Orientation Period, the Employer reserves the right to deduct from the|

| |Employee’s paid earnings all cost incurred by the Employer for the Employee’s initial health examination and Tuberculosis Assessment/Tb Skin Test|

|4.0 |Initial Orientation Plan – established by Human Resources for new hire employees, volunteers, consultants, and contractors |

|4.1 |The initial orientation is held onsite at the 201 E. Walnut St. Leitchfield, KY 42754.  |

|4.2 |Attendance at the orientation is mandatory for all new employees, volunteers, consultants, and contractors as established for each group.  |

|5.0 |The purpose of the orientation is to provide identification with the program as well as awareness regarding policies, procedures and employee |

| |responsibilities. Topics covered in orientation include, but are not limited to, the following and begin with introduction to the Executive |

| |Director and other staff as available:  |

|5.1 |Initial Orientation for employees, volunteers, consultants, and contractors include:  |

|5.2 |Program philosophy and goals;  |

|5.3 |HS and program history;   |

|5.4 |School Readiness and ALLSTARS;   |

|5.5 |Technology use/access, and confidentiality, communication;    |

|5.6 |Standards for Code of Conduct  |

|5.7 |T Tour of the facility, emergency drills, building lay-out and exits, first-aid kit location, fire      |

| |     extinguisher location and use  |

|5.8 |Judicial volunteers in Nutrition and Facility service areas  |

|5.9 |Initial Orientation for employees will (also) include:  |

|5.10 |Child Assessment, data collection/use, and outcomes;    |

|5.11 |Community assessment/program self-assessment;   |

|5.12 |Overview of fiscal services, non-federal share, community partners, payroll, benefit package as   |

| |      applicable;   |

|5.13 |Overview of ERSEA;     |

|5.14 |Review of Emergency Plans;   |

|5.15 |Overview of building cleaning practices, supply requisition, and maintenance request: |

|5.16 |O Overview of family services, child abuse and neglect training, confidentiality of family &   |

| |      child information;    |

|5.17 |O Overview of health services; medication policies and procedures including personal medication on-site;    |

|5.18 |O Overview of homebased services;  |

|5.19 |Observations in transportation arrival/departure, view a pre-trip of a bus and ride a route,   |

| |           observe in HS and EHS classrooms    |

|5.20 |Complete Online Training to include: KY Child Care Orientation, KY Strengthening    |

| |           Families, and KY Pediatric Abusive Head Trauma.    |

|5.21 |Review of Standards of Conduct, Personnel Policies and Procedures, Corporal Punishment,   |

| |Drug-Free Workplace Act requirements, No-Smoking/Alcohol policy, Inclement Weather, Job   Performance & Professional Development Planning, |

| |Organizational Structure, and all other   |

| |policies contained in the Employee Handbook, Federal regulations and Performance            Standards.   |

|6.0 |Once the employee or volunteer has completed the orientation plan established by Human Resources, the employee will be released to their assigned|

| |area for specific on-the-job orientation.  |

|6.1 |Once the consultant or contractor has completed orientation, they will begin working with the management of their specific service area to begin |

| |service provision.  |

|7.0 |Education substitute staff continue their orientation in classrooms for specific on-the-job training in EHS and HS classroom activities and |

| |routines.  |

|7.1 |Substitutes in areas outside of the classroom will continue orientation specific to their assigned area of service.  |

|Policy: Volunteers Under 18 Years of Age |

|(This policy is copied from the Volunteer Handbook for employee information.) |

|1.0 |During times that public school is out-of-session, BGP allows its employees to bring their child to the center for volunteer service; BGP uses the |

| |local public school district’s schedule to identify out-of-session periods. |

| |The child’s parent may be represented by the child’s grandparent, aunt, or uncle. |

|1.1 |The employee’s child must be at least 10 years of age and less than 18 years of age; |

|1.2 |They must be able to work cooperatively in the area of their parents assigned service and without direct guidance; |

|1.3 |They must not attend or be present in an area considered unsafe for children including staff break areas, kitchen, custodial or maintenance work |

| |areas; |

|1.4 |They may attend the staff break area with their parent during scheduled breaks. |

|2.0 |The parent assumes responsibility for the actions of their child and his/her compliance with agency policies. |

|3.0 |They are never left alone with an enrolled child or allowed to supervise an enrolled child or group of enrolled children. |

|4.0 |They must never be engaged to use or operate equipment that could pose a hazard including fuel powered, electric, or battery-operated equipment and |

| |equipment that cuts, trims, prunes or has the capacity to cause physical injury. |

|5.0 |Parents must have someone available to pick-up their child in the event of illness or if the child is unable to continue for the entire day. |

|6.0 |An up-to-date immunization record that may/may not include a Tb screening but is consistent with public school requirements is required prior to |

| |volunteering. |

|7.0 |They may volunteer no more than 1 day per week during any public school out-of-session period. |

|7.1 |They are not allowed to volunteer when staff trainings or meetings are scheduled. |

|8.0 |Because of the nature of working in an office environment, the manager of the area will need to approve or disapprove children coming in with staff |

| |for the day. |

|9.0 |Public or private school students participating in school-sponsored or a youth-work-development program for training activities who are under the age |

| |of 18 years are not subject to background checks, and; |

|9.1 |Will not be left alone or allowed to supervise a child or group of children. |

|9.2 |They will abide by BGP policies and procedures. |

|9.3 |They will attend orientation prior to participation in program service areas. |

|9.4 |An up-to-date immunization record consistent with public school requirements and must have a current Tb screening less than 2 years old. |

| |

|Section D |

|Employee Growth |

|Employee Performance Review |

|Employee Professional Development & Training |

|Employer Support of Professional Development |

|Policy: Employee Performance Review |

|1.0 |The Employer reviews Employee job performance (JPA) at the 3-4 month timeframe following initial employment to provide feedback on performance, |

| |address issues of concern, and to complete a professional development plan (JPA). |

|1.1 |After the initial job performance review (JPA) the employee will have an annual job performance review with their supervisor and to up-date |

| |their professional development plan. |

|1.2 |Review of job performance may include information obtained from a variety of sources including observations of performance, data sources, staff,|

| |enrolled families, and/or community input, and record review. |

|1.3 |Job performance results are used to identify Employee training and professional development needs, modify Employee performance agreements, as |

| |necessary, and to assist each Employee in improving their skills and professional competencies. |

|2.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. is not responsible for any cost incurred by the employee in their pursuit of professional development goals |

| |that are established by the individual that exceed the agency’s budgetary limits and/or are not established as a requirement of their assigned, |

| |current position and approved by the Employer prior to the event. |

|3.0 |The agency continues to evaluate teaching staff to determine individual skill level and job performance in order to establish an effective and |

| |efficient education team serving our zero-to-five enrollment. |

|3.1 |Head Start and Early Head Start teaching staff are engaged in periodic Class Assessment Scoring System (CLASS) observations and other evaluation|

| |activities. |

|3.2 |Home based teachers are engaged in periodic HOVRS (Home Visit Rating Scale) assessment, home visiting observations and other evaluation |

| |activities. |

|4.0 |All employees are subject to periodic job performance appraisals including a 3-4 month evaluation and an annual review regardless of the |

| |position they hold. |

|4.1 |Performance observations may be included in the process as well as other evaluation activities. |

|4.2 |All employees engage in professional development planning aimed at enhancing their skill and knowledge level to facilitate high quality |

| |performance and service delivery. |

|5.0 |Poor or less than satisfactory job performance based on defined responsibilities outlined in the Job Description guides Managers in their |

| |recommendation for placement within the agency including placement in positions of managerial level. |

|Policy: Employee Professional Development and Training |

|1.0 |Training and Professional Development  |

|1.1 |BGP provides to all new staff, consultants, and volunteers an orientation that focuses at a |

| |minimum on the goals and underlying philosophy of the program and on the ways they are |

| |implemented (see Policy ID 900 (HR/PP) Head Start/Early Head Start Staff Orientation and Policy |

| |ID 942 (HR/PP) Employee Orientation.) |

|2.0 |BGP has established and implements a systematic approach to staff training and professional |

| |development designed to assist staff in acquiring or increasing the knowledge and skills needed to |

| |provide high-quality, comprehensive services within the scope of their job responsibilities, and |

| |attached to academic credit as appropriate.   |

|2.1 |BGP promotes the continued development and growth of its Employees in their current position and future intra-program advancement.  |

|2.2 |Staff complete a minimum of 15 clock hours of professional development from hire date-to-hire |

| |date as required by the KY Childcare Regulations (922 KAR 2:110 and HSPPS). |

|2.3 |Employees are required to attend and participate in the Employer’s pre-service and in-service training.  |

|2.4 |The required training hours are provided via in-house training, conferencing off-site, and/or online and may |

| |or may not involve travel and/or overnight(s) stay. |

|2.5 |Pre-Service and In-Service Training is provided to Employees to assist them in acquiring or increasing their |

| |knowledge and skills to support the implementation of the Head Start Performance Standards and other |

| |applicable regulations; to stay abreast of current practices; and to bring up-to-date awareness of HS issues and |

| |concerns. |

|3.0 |All training, including training events outside the agency, is contingent upon the availability of funds.  |

|4.0 |The Employer does not require participation in continuing education leading to an Early Childhood Degree, |

| |or other degrees |

|5.0 |The Executive Authority must grant prior written approval for an Employee to participate in more than six |

| |college credit hours per semester of continuing education.  |

|6.0 |BGP, for the purpose of employing and assigning employees to provide early childhood development services, is |

| |considered a zero-to-five program.  This concept facilitates the agency’s ability to assign staff to serve both |

| |Head Start and Early Head Start children meeting child and agency needs.  |

|7.0 |According to the HS Act of 2007, based on one teacher per classroom the agency’s goal is to identify a |

| |minimum of 50% Head Start Teachers holding a baccalaureate degree in Early Childhood Education or |

| |approved equivalent.  |

|8.1 |Based on KY Childcare Regulations “a center licensed for infant, toddler, or preschool-age |

| |children, at least one (1) person on duty and present with the children shall be currently certified |

| |by a cabinet-approved training agency in the following skills:  Infant and child cardiopulmonary |

| |resuscitation (CPR); and infant and child first aid.  |

|8.2 |KY Child Care Regulations (KRS 199.896) require a staff person with supervisory authority over |

| |a child to complete six (6) hours of cabinet-approved orientation within the first three (3) months |

| |of employment; nine (9) hours of cabinet-approved early care and education training within the |

| |first year of employment, including one and one-half (1 1/2) hours of pediatric abusive head |

| |trauma training; and fifteen (15) hours of cabinet-approved early care and education training |

| |during each subsequent year of employment, including one and one-half (1 1/2) hours of pediatric |

| |abusive head trauma training completed once every five (5) years.  |

|8.3 |A staff person’s compliance with the requirement for pediatric abusive head trauma training |

| |specified in the KY Childcare Regulation or other KY training requirements may be verified |

| |through the cabinet-designated database (922 KAR 2:240). |

|9.0 |For teaching staff such professional development meets the requirements described in section |

| |648A.  |

|9.1 |Based on the HS Act, teacher in-service requirement includes that each Head Start teacher “will |

| |attend not less than 15 clock hours of professional development per year. Such professional |

| |development will be high-quality, sustained, intensive, and classroom-focused in order to have a |

| |positive and lasting impact on classroom instruction and the teacher’s performance in the |

| |classroom, and regularly evaluated by the program for effectiveness.”  |

|10.0 |Training on methods to handle suspected or known child abuse and neglect cases, that comply |

| |with applicable federal, state, local, and tribal laws (see Policy ID 974 (HR/PP) Identification and |

| |Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect. |

|11.0 |Training for child and family services staff on best practices for implementing family engagement |

| |strategies in a systemic way, as described throughout this part;  |

|11.1 |Training for child and family services staff, including staff that work on family services, health, |

| |and disabilities, that builds their knowledge, experience, and competencies to improve child and |

| |family outcomes; and,  |

|12.0 |Research-based approaches to professional development for education staff, that are focused on |

| |effective curricula implementation, knowledge of the content in Head Start Early Learning |

| |Outcomes Framework: Ages Birth to Five, partnering with families, supporting children with |

| |disabilities and their families, providing effective and nurturing adult-child interactions, |

| |supporting dual language learners as appropriate, addressing challenging behaviors, preparing |

| |children and families for transitions (as described in subpart G of this part), and use of data to |

| |individualize learning experiences to improve outcomes for all children.  |

|13.0 |BGP implements a research-based, coordinated coaching strategy for education staff that:  |

|13.1 |Assesses all education staff to identify strengths, areas of needed support, and which staff would |

| |benefit most from intensive coaching;  |

|13.2 |At a minimum, provides opportunities for intensive coaching to those education staff identified |

| |through the process in 1302.92 c 1, including opportunities to be observed and receive feedback |

| |and modeling of effective teacher practices directly related to program performance goals;  |

|13.3 |At a minimum, provides opportunities for education staff not identified for intensive coaching through the process in 1302.92 c 1 to receive |

| |other forms of research-based professional development aligned with program performance goals;  |

|13.4 |Ensures intensive coaching opportunities for the staff identified through the process in 1302.92 c1 |

| |(HSPPS) that: “aligns with the program’s school readiness goals, curricula, and other approaches |

| |to professional development; utilizes a coach (Mentor) with adequate training and experience in |

| |adult learning and in using assessment data to drive coaching strategies aligned with program |

| |performance goals; provides ongoing communication between the coach, program director, |

| |education director, and any other relevant staff; and, includes clearly articulated goals informed by |

| |the program’s goals, as described in §1302.102 (see Policy ID 10102 (PMQI) Achieving Program |

| |Goals), and a process for achieving those goals; and, establishes policies that ensure assessment |

| |results are not used to solely determine punitive actions for staff identified as needing support, |

| |without providing time and resources for staff to improve.”  |

|14.0 |If BGP needs to develop or significantly adapt their approach to research-based professional |

| |development to better meet the training needs of education staff, such that it does not include the |

| |requirements in 1302.92 c (HSPPS), the program must partner with external early childhood |

| |education professional development experts.   |

|14.1 |BGP assesses whether the adaptation adequately supports staff professional development, |

| |consistent with the process laid out in 1302.100- 1302.103 (HSPPS).  |

|Policy: Employer Support of Professional Development |

|1.0 |The Employer requires all Employees to meet the professional development requirements established by regulation and through the job performance|

| |review process. |

|1.1 |Required training may be accessed through on-site provision, approved online opportunity, approved events outside the agency, or through |

| |approved formal education coursework. |

|1.2 |Approved training is offered at no cost to the Employee, including travel, accommodations, and meals when required to stay overnight. The |

| |Employee is responsible for their meal when overnight is not required. |

|1.3 |Financial assistance is based on available funding for approved education coursework, or online training opportunities. |

|2.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. may provide support to employees as they pursue opportunities to further their education contingent upon |

| |funding availability, based on the individual’s assigned job qualification needs on a first come first serve basis. Seniority considered when |

| |multiple requests are made simultaneously. |

|2.1 |Employees serving in education are considered priority for the agency in order to meet federal mandates, maintain staff quality, and to provide|

| |qualified staffing for classrooms. |

|2.2 |Support may include college tuition reimbursement, reimbursement for costs, books, and/or fees, release time (paid and/or unpaid) from assigned|

| |duties and /or positions, CDA costs, and release time for CDA testing. |

|3.0 |When an Employee request financial assistance to continue their education and agency funding is available, the individual must not be eligible |

| |to receive funding from other sources that covers total cost of tuition, books, labs, and/or fees. Travel costs are not covered by the agency.|

|3.1 |Individuals receiving direct financial awards are required to fulfill a specific amount of employment time with Breckinridge-Grayson Programs |

| |in relation to the amount of funds provided. Employment time will be determined as follows and is calculated as time worked during the time |

| |the employee is attending classes but not during an absence from work for internship or practicum experiences: |

| |$0-$1,000 – 6 calendar months* of employment |

| |$1,001 – 2, 500 – 12 calendar months* of employment time. |

| |$2,501- $4,000 – 24 calendar months* of employment time. |

| |*Calendar months are considered a 30 day period of consecutive days within the calendar year. |

|3.2 |Employees will not be awarded more than $4,000 without fulfilling the employment time expected. Once fulfilled, the employee may request |

| |additional funds. |

|3.3 |Individuals withdrawing from, failing to complete, or receiving grades of “D” or “F” are not eligible for further awards without approval of |

| |the Executive Authority. |

|3.4 |The Employee is required at the end of each semester or term to submit to the Human Resources their final grade for each course completed. |

|3.5 |Upon receipt of a degree, any Employee must present to Human Resources a copy of their diploma and an official transcript from the college or |

| |university, regardless of their funding source. |

|4.0 |The required employment commitment will be specified in a written Employee/Employer agreement and signed in front of a notary as a legal and |

| |binding agreement. |

|4.1 |Employees requesting financial assistance, whether for reimbursement of actual cost or indirect cost such as release time, must do so in |

| |writing using the appropriate document and must sign a legal agreement of intent to work for the agency as repayment of the investment. |

|4.2 |Employees seeking a degree or certification that is not required by the agency will not be approved for release time for student teaching or |

| |practicum schedules when the schedule conflicts with the employee’s established work hours; example a Bachelor’s Degree in IECE with Teacher |

| |Certification is not required for HS Teachers, therefore, release from scheduled work would not be approved for student teaching. |

|5.0 |In the event the Employee terminates their employment with Breckinridge-Grayson Programs prior to fulfilling the agreement, they must re-pay |

| |the balance of the agreement to the agency at the time of their departure from the Employer. |

|5.1 |Reimbursement to the agency is expected before the close of business (4:00 P.M. CST) on the employee’s date of resignation or established a |

| |plan for reimbursement with the Fiscal Manager. |

|5.2 |The Employer may seek legal action to obtain the Employee’s remaining balance on their agreement. |

|6.0 |Due to the cost of investment for the agency regarding CDA’s, individuals holding a CDA are not eligible to transfer to positions requiring a |

| |different CDA unless the Executive Director deems this to be in the best interest of the agency. |

|6.1 |All financial awards to continue education are subject to the availability of funds and the agency is not obligated beyond funding |

| |availability. |

|7.0 |Expenses compensated to the employee or to the education institution on behalf of the employee in the form of grants and scholarships are not |

| |eligible for reimbursement from Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. |

|7.1 |Interest or fees incurred on an employee’s education loans are not eligible for reimbursement from Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. |

|8.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. is not responsible for any debt incurred by its employees in their personal effort to pursue |

| |certifications, credentials, degrees, or of any other nature . |

| |

|Section E |

|Employment Changes |

| |

|Reduction-in-Force (RIF – Layoff, Sequestration) |

|Reinstatement of Employment |

|Resignation |

|Policy: Reduction-in-Force (RIF) (Layoff, Sequestration) |

|1.0 |In accordance with the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964; 45 CFR 1301, 1304 1306, 1310; The U.S. Office of Personnel Management; Title 5, Code of|

| |Federal Regulations: Age Discrimination Act of 1967; Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 & 2008 update; Genetic Information |

| |Nondiscrimination Act of 2008; and the American Civil Rights Act, Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. Early Head Start and Head Start, hereby |

| |adopts the following policy to be followed in regard to a reduction in the number of its Employees. |

|1.1 |Reduction-In-Force is defined as an elimination of a position because of a reduction in funding and/or cutbacks in programs offered by the |

| |agency. |

|1.2 |Reduction-In-Force is a major change in the Employer’s workforce requiring Policy Council, Board, and Regional office approval with Policy |

| |Council approval to release an Employee. |

|1.3 |With the notice of impending Reduction-In-Force, the Employer will give Employees the option to voluntarily retire or resign their employment. |

|1.4 |The Employer will develop a plan for workforce reduction; determine the number of employees and positions to be reduced, any programmatic |

| |cutbacks, and intra-program changes due to the reduction. |

|1.5 |With Reduction-In-Force, the Employer will offer a vacant position to an Employee based on their qualifications, otherwise, involuntary |

| |terminations may occur. |

|1.6 |When enrollment is reduced employees assigned to education services are reduced while maintaining appropriate adult/child ratios and appropriate|

| |education or credential status |

|2.0 |With Reduction-In-Force, primary retention consideration is given to Level 1 and Level 2 management and Employees that meet qualifications |

| |established for Head Start and/or Early Head Start service provision. |

|3.0 |Human Resources will use the following employment criteria as well as Employee job performance, length of employment, and qualification in |

| |determining those impacted: |

|3.1 |Employment is defined as the total length of consecutive and uninterrupted service within the Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. |

|3.2 |Persons on an agency-approved leave are equally considered in the REDUCTION-IN-FORCE process. |

|3.3 |All Employees are considered in the Reduction-In-Force process. |

|3.4 |REDUCTION-IN-FORCE applies agency-wide regardless of program option. |

|4.0 |Based on factors imposed on the agency to require REDUCTION-IN-FORCE, one or more agency positions may be reduced. Staff groups (full, |

| |part-time, and variable) defined for REDUCTION-IN-FORCE purposes are identified in the following groups: |

|4.1 |Group 1: Center Based HS Teachers; Center Based HS Teacher Associates; Center Based Education Support; EHS Nurturers; Home Based Teachers |

|4.2 |Group 2: Collaboration Teacher; Mentor |

|4.3 |Group 3: Custodians; Nutrition Assistant; Nutrition Support; Receptionist |

|4.4 |Group 4: Bus Drivers; Bus Monitors; Education Assistant; Substitutes |

|4.5 |Group 5: Fiscal Staff; Technology Staff; Administrative Assistant |

|4.6 |Group 6: Level 2 Management |

|4.7 |Group 7: Level 1 Management |

|5.0 |When length of employment is equal among or between staff members within a group of same service positions and targeted for elimination, the |

| |following considerations apply: |

|5.1 |Date of hire to the agency regardless of position; |

|5.2 |Length of continuous service in Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc., Early Head Start and Head Start; |

|5.3 |Length of related work experience outside Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc., or through prior employment with the agency; the amount of |

| |related training and experience; |

|6.0 |Employee Job Performance: |

| 6.1 |Employees engaged in a current disciplinary action plan are considered at a lower standing for retention than other employees who no longer meet|

| |new employee orientation status; |

|6.2. |Employees whose most recent job performance review addressed issues regarding absenteeism concerning unpaid leave or habitual absenteeism; |

| |safety issues addressed in bus driving observations or on-the-job are considered at a lower standing for retention than other employees who no |

| |longer meet new employee orientation status. |

|7.0 |Any employee terminated by a REDUCTION-IN-FORCE is notified in writing of their termination and their right to appeal in accordance with the |

| |agency’s Grievance Policy. |

|8.0 |Rights and Responsibilities of Staff Termination Under The REDUCTION-IN-FORCE Policy: |

|8.1 |A REDUCTION-IN-FORCE is an action of involuntary termination regarding an individual’s employment. It does not indicate disciplinary action and|

| |will therefore be documented as a result of REDUCTION-IN-FORCE. |

| 8.2 |When a vacancy occurs within the Agency, staff members who have been terminated due to a Reduction-In-Force (REDUCTION-IN-FORCE) may apply: |

|8.3 |Re-employment is not guaranteed. |

|8.4 |REDUCTION-IN-FORCE employees re-hired to the Agency must meet pre-employment requirements prior to returning to employment and are considered |

| |new employees without retroactive or reinstatement of benefits. |

|Policy: Reinstatement of an Employee |

|1.0 |The Executive Authority shall reinstate any Employee who has been demoted, suspended or terminated for a reason prohibited by local, state or |

| |federal laws or regulations. |

|1.1 |Re-instatement of a terminated employee requires the returning employee meet all pre-employment requirements prior to their return to |

| |employment. |

|Policy: Employee Resignation |

|1.0 |An Employee may resign his/her position at any time. |

|1.1 |In the interest of continuity of services, Employees are requested to notify the Executive Authority and Human Resources in writing of their |

| |intent to resign and the effective date of resignation. |

|2.0 |To resign in good standing, an Employee must provide a minimum of a 15-day notice of resignation; their most recent job performance appraisal |

| |must be satisfactory; and they are not resigning while under an active disciplinary action plan. |

|3.0 |When an Employee gives a notice of their intent to resign, the Employer may choose to either: |

|3.1 |Allow the Employee to work until the effective date of resignation; |

|3.2 |Request that the Employee cease work immediately and pay the Employee through the final workday specified in the notice; |

|3.3 |Request the Employee cease work immediately; or |

|3.4 |Any mutually acceptable terms from the above to allow the Employee to resign in good standing. |

|4.0 |When an Employee who has provided a written resignation fails to report to work as assigned and fails to call-in or request leave, such absence |

| |will be deemed to be an immediate resignation |

|4.1 |When an Employee fails to report to work and does not report or call-in to the front office @ 270-259-4054 within the first 3 hours of operation|

| |for the day it is deemed the Employee has terminated their employment. |

|Section F |

| |

|Workplace Environment |

| |

|Standards for Code of Conduct: Regarding Children; Business; and Safety |

|Professional Boundaries |

|Security and Inspections |

|Employee Participation in Unlawful Activity |

|Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Electronic or Vapor Usage |

|Workplace Etiquette |

|Communication |

|Dress Code and Appearance |

|Harassment - Harassing, Bullying, Sexual Harassment |

|Employee Grievance |

|Policy: Standards for Code of Conduct: Regarding Children; Business; and Safety |

|1.0 |All Employees, Board of Directors, Policy Council members, consultants, contractors, and volunteers shall sign a statement indicating agreement |

| |to the foregoing standards and penalties. |

|1.1 |All Employees, Board of Directors, Policy Council members, consultants, contractors, and volunteers shall exhibit high moral and ethical |

| |standards and shall comply with Federal, state and local law and shall abide by the following code of ethics. |

|2.0 |Code of Ethics Regarding Children: |

|2.1 |They shall respect and promote the unique identity of each child and family and refrain from stereotyping on the basis of gender, race, |

| |ethnicity, culture, religion, or disability; sexual orientation, or family composition; |

|2.2 |Their verbal communication with children will be respectful, appropriately addressing them with their given name or parent-preferred name; |

|2.3 |Employee facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and language will be non-threatening to a child; |

|2.4 |They will not shout to communicate with a child from the distance, but will move to the child and his/her level to talk; |

|2.5 |Verbal guidance to children will be respectful and not demeaning and children will not be addressed with statements such as “Look at me” or |

| |“Look at my face;” |

|2.6 |They will not label children including referencing a child’s behavior in a negative manner to others including other employees; |

|3.0 |They shall fully comply with Breckinridge-Grayson Programs’ Employer’s confidentiality policy concerning information about children, families |

| |and other Employees; |

|3.1 |They will refrain from discussions concerning children and /or families in the presence of others using the “need-to-know” guide for discussion |

| |and maintaining confidentiality; |

|3.2 |They will maintain confidentiality of child, family, volunteer, consultant, and/or staff by not sharing information including pictures, videos, |

| |or imaging to other persons including agency employees through written and/or social networking, ie. Facebook, Twitter, etc.; |

|4.0 |They shall not allow a child to be left alone or unsupervised while under their care and/or supervision including any vehicle, classroom, |

| |restroom, within the facility, playgrounds, while on field trips, or unattended in any manner; |

|4.1 |Employees supervising children shall not allow a child to be placed in the care of and/or released to any individual as a means of leaving the |

| |premises, transportation, or removed from the direct supervision of the employee when written parental consent has not been given for this |

| |individual. |

|5.0 |Employees, Board of Directors, Policy Council members, consultants, contractors, and volunteers shall not maltreat or endanger the health or |

| |safety of children. |

|5.1 |The use of corporal punishment is prohibited; Corporal punishment is defined as the use of physical force as a discipline measure. This |

| |includes but is not limited to, spanking, slapping, pulling of hair, etc. |

|5.2 |The use of isolation to discipline a child is prohibited and this includes delaying or forfeiting playground/gym, or other activity time. |

| |Isolation refers to separating the child from normal association with classroom activities as a punishment measure. Isolation includes, but is |

| |not restricted to, confining the child to a small area, retaining the child in the classroom when other children go to play, or restricting the |

| |child from lunch with his/her classmates; |

|5.3 |The use of any object and/or method to bind or tie a child to restrict his/her movement, or to tape/restrict a child’s mouth is prohibited; |

|5.4 |The use of or withholding of food/drink as a punishment or reward is prohibited; |

|5.5 |Using toilet learning or training methods or materials that punish, demean, or humiliate a child is prohibited; |

|5.6 |The use of any form of emotional abuse, including public or private humiliation, rejecting, terrorizing, extended ignoring, or corrupting a |

| |child is prohibited; |

|6.0 |Physical abuse of a child is prohibited; |

|6.1 |The use of any form of verbal abuse, including profane language, sarcastic language, threats, or derogatory remarks about the child or the |

| |child’s family is prohibited; |

|6.2 |The use of physical activity or outdoor time as punishment or reward is prohibited. |

|6.3 |They will not tug or pull on a child’s arms. Grabbing a child is considered inappropriate and will not be tolerated except to protect a child |

| |from harm such as to prevent or slow a fall or stop a child from moving into traffic or harm’s way; |

|6.4 |Time out is not appropriate and will not be used in classrooms, it is appropriate to establish a “Safe Place” for children to self-assess. |

|7.0 | Employees witnessing a co-worker stressed or frustrated while attending to a child will intervene by relieving the co-worker of the situation |

| |and/or requesting the supervisor to come. Whereas, Board members, Policy Council members, volunteers, consultants, contractors will immediately |

| |notify management that intervention may be needed. |

|7.1 |Any Employee that realizes he/she is stressed or frustrated will be expected to request their co-worker to attend to the situation and “take a |

| |break” to re-focus. Employees must request assistance to maintain appropriate child-adult ratios. |

|7.2 |An Employee is prohibited to jeopardize the health, safety, or welfare of the children for whom the Employer provides services; |

|8.0 |Code of Ethics Regarding Business: |

|8.1 |All Employees, Board of Directors, Policy Council members, consultants, contractors, and volunteers shall agree to the additional standards and |

| |penalties included below. Unethical actions or the appearance of unethical actions, are unacceptable under any condition(s). The policies and |

| |reputation of the Agency depend, in part, on the following considerations. |

|8.2 |Each employee, Board of Directors, Policy Council members, consultants, contractors, and volunteer must apply his/her own sense of personal |

| |ethics, which should extend beyond compliance with applicable laws and regulations in business situations, to govern behavior where no existing |

| |regulation provides a guideline. It is each person’s responsibility to apply common sense in business decisions where specific rules do not |

| |provide all the answers. |

|9.0 |In determining compliance with this standard in specific situations, the following questions may facilitate one’s actions or responses and each |

| |employee should be able to answer “yes” to all these questions before taking action: |

|9.1 |Is my action legal? |

|9.2 |Is my action ethical? |

|9.3 |Does my action comply with Agency policies? |

|9.4 |Am I sure my action does not appear inappropriate? |

|9.5 |Am I sure that I would not be embarrassed or compromised if my action became know with the Agency or publicly? |

|9.6 |Am I sure that my action meets my personal code of ethics and behavior? |

|9.7 |Would I feel comfortable defending my actions on the evening news? |

|10.0 |Managers and supervisors are responsible for the ethical business behavior of his/her subordinates. Managers and supervisors must weigh |

| |carefully all courses of action suggested in ethical as well as economic terms, and base their final decisions on the guidelines provided by |

| |this policy as well as their personal sense of right and wrong, therefore: |

|11.0 |The following business code of conduct is established for Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc: |

|11.1 |All Employees, Board of Directors, Policy Council members, consultants, contractors, and volunteers engaged in the award and administration of |

| |contracts or other financial awards shall sign an agreement that they will not solicit or accept gratuities, favors, or anything of significant |

| |monetary value over twenty-five dollars($25) from vendors, contractors or potential contractors, or parties to sub- agreements/contracts. |

|11.2 |All Employees, Board of Directors, Policy Council members, consultants, contractors, and volunteers shall sign a statement indicating they agree|

| |not to participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract involving the Agency if real or apparent conflict of interest would |

| |be involved. A conflict of interest would exist in the event the Employee, Board of Director’s member, Policy Council member, officer or agent,|

| |or any member of his/her family, his/her partner, or an agency that employs or is considering employment of any of the parties indicated herein,|

| |has a financial or other interest in the firm or business selected. |

|12.0 |The agency does not tolerate the willful violation or circumvention of any Federal, state, local, or foreign law by an employee during the |

| |course of that person’s employment and the agency does not tolerate the disregard or circumvention of the Agency policy or engagement in |

| |unscrupulous dealings. |

|13.0 |Employees shall not attempt to accomplish by indirect means, through agents, or intermediaries, that which is directly forbidden. The following|

| |additional policies apply to the business conduct and the Employee shall not: |

|13.1 |Engage in any dishonest or fraudulent act including theft which includes but is not limited to the following: |

|13.2 |Intentional violation of Federal and Program Eligibility Determination Regulations, and who enroll pregnant women and children that are not |

| |eligible to receive Early Head Start or Head Start services. |

|13.3 |Engage in forgery or alteration of any document or account belonging to the Agency including child/family or personnel documents/documentation |

| |or any other Agency documents; |

|13.4 |Engage in forgery or alteration of financial records including a check, bank draft, or other financial document; |

|13.5 |Engage in misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies, equipment, or other Agency assets; |

|13.6 |Engage in impropriety in the handling or reporting of money or financial transactions; |

|13.7 |Engage in disclosing confidential and proprietary information to outside parties; |

|13.8 |Shall not accept or seek anything of material value from contractors, vendors, or persons providing goods or services to the Agency except gifts|

| |of less than $25 (twenty-five dollars) in value; |

|13.9 |Engage in the destruction, removal or inappropriate use of records, furniture, fixtures, and equipment; |

|13.10 |Engage in any similar or related irregularity; |

|13.11 |Any dishonest act including falsifying information, falsifying records or documentation, any fraudulent act; |

|14.0 |The Employee shall comply with program confidentiality policies concerning personally identifiable information about children, families, and |

| |staff in accordance with subpart C of part 1303 and applicable federal, state, and local law. |

|14.1 |The Employee shall comply with agency policy to not disclose child/family/personnel information with prior consent or parent/guardian or the |

| |individual, except where required by law. |

|15.0 |Employees must not demonstrate insubordination including disrespect towards a supervisor or manager, refusing to comply with assigned work |

| |duties, or being in defiant confrontation with a supervisor. |

|16.0 |Code of Ethics Regarding Safety: |

|16.1 |The Agency is committed to a safe environment for children, families, staff, volunteers and others who may be on the premises; therefore, the |

| |Agency forbids the following actions: |

|16.2 |Acts of violence including bearing of arms on the Agency’s property or presenting a threat to the Agency, employee(s), children, families, or |

| |others. |

|17.0 |Disciplinary Action for Failure to Comply with The Agency’s Standards for Code of Conduct |

|17.1 |Failure to comply with standards contained in this policy will in disciplinary actions that may include suspension from and/or termination of |

| |employment, referral for criminal prosecution, reimbursement to the Agency or the government for any loss or damage resulting from the |

| |violation, cancellation of consulting/contracted services, or termination of a volunteer agreement, as the case may be. |

|17.2 |Employees who intentionally violate Federal and Program Eligibility Determination Regulations, and who enroll pregnant women and children that |

| |are not eligible to receive Early Head Start or Head Start services will be suspended without pay pending verification of information. |

|17.3 |As with all matters involving disciplinary action, principles of fairness will apply. Any employee charged with a violation of this policy will|

| |be afforded the opportunity to explain his/her actions before disciplinary action is taken. |

|18.0 |Disciplinary action will be taken: |

|18.1 |Against any employee who authorizes or participates directly in actions that are in violation of this policy; |

|18.2 |Against any employee who has deliberately failed to report a violation or deliberately withheld relevant and material information concerning a |

| |violation of this policy; |

|18.3 |Against any manager or supervisor who attempts to retaliate, directly or indirectly, or encourages others to do so, against any employee who |

| |reports a violation of this policy. |

|18.4 |Grossly, intentionally, willfully, or repeatedly violate or disregard the established rules of the Employer. |

|18.5 |Demonstrates misconduct including violations of the Standards for Code of Conduct addressed in the Employee Handbook; |

|18.6 |Demonstrated incompetence, inability, or failure to learn or perform the assigned work; or failure to meet the expected productivity of the |

| |assigned work duties; |

|18.7 |Misuse of agency assets, materials, supplies, or equipment, and/or theft; |

|18.8 |Uncooperativeness including the unwillingness or inability to work with co-workers or supervisors; |

|18.9 |Actions on or off the job that tend to undermine the Employer’s authority, integrity, or reputation. |

|18.10 |Demonstrates discourteous behavior to children, families, staff, or the public; |

|18.11 |Excessive absenteeism or tardiness. |

|19.0 |Any violation of the Standards for Code of Conduct that is prohibited and/or places a child’s safety and/or welfare in jeopardy will be reported|

| |to the Cabinet for Children and Families Division of Protection and Permanency in accordance with Kentucky’s mandatory reporting requirements. |

|19.1 |The agency may place an employee on temporary suspension pending investigation results from the Cabinet for Children and Families, Division of |

| |Protection and Permanency. |

|19.2 |When claims are unsubstantiated by the Cabinet, an employee will resume their position with the agency. |

|19.3 |Substantiated claims will result in suspension without pay pending approval of the Policy Council for termination of employment. |

|19.4 |Employees will sign a statement of agreement to the aforementioned policy. |

|Policy: Professional Boundaries |

|1.0 |Employees must maintain professional boundaries with agency enrolled children, families, and community partners or other business affiliates at |

| |all times. |

|1.1 |Employees are expected to keep their personal lives separate from that of enrolled child/families and shall have only limited contact outside |

| |work time and or work related activities and limit personal information shared with enrolled families. |

|1.2 |Employees must discuss with their supervisor any situation or relationship with enrolled children/families that are unclear, questionable, or |

| |present prior to service. |

|2.0 |The agency requires Employee relationships with enrolled families to be one of support. |

|2.1 |Employee support is provided through education, modeling, resource information, and referral to attain services. |

|2.2 |The Employee will arm enrolled families with sufficient resource information and assist them to identify their own support system in times of |

| |crisis or need. |

|3.0 |The Employee’s personal time away from scheduled work hours is important and must not be routinely engaged with enrolled family concerns or |

| |contact, or agency business. |

|3.1 | Employees are expected to not perform work or work related services during their non-scheduled time away from work. |

|4.0 |Employees are expected to maintain positive relations and/or communication with enrolled families, the community, agency partners, vendors, |

| |consultants, contractors, other staff, and local, state, or federal visitors. |

|4.1 |Communication beyond routine business that indicates representation of the agency and/or its employees as individuals and/or a group or groups |

| |must be approved by the management team prior to release. |

|Policy: Security and Inspection |

|1.0 |In accordance with federal and state laws and regulations, the Employer is committed to maintaining a work environment free of illegal drugs, |

| |alcohol, firearms, weapons, explosives, pornographic or sexually explicit images or other improper and/or dangerous materials. |

|1.1 |The Employer prohibits the possession, transfer, sale or use of such materials on its premises. |

|2.0 |The Employer may provide its Employees with access to and the use of its vehicles as well as materials and supplies including a desk, file |

| |cabinets, storage units, computers and technology equipment, etc. and these remain the remain the sole property of the Employer. |

|2.1 |Program-owned equipment, supplies, and work areas including any articles found within them, may be inspected by or on behalf of the Employer at any|

| |time, either with or without prior notice. |

|3.0 |Personal belongings are subject to inspection in rare circumstances, such as when violations of the Standards of Conduct are suspected. (see |

| |Policy ID 90002 HR/PP Standards of Conduct). |

|3.1 |The program respects the individual privacy of its employees, privacy rights do not extend to work related conduct or the use of program-owned |

| |equipment and supplies. |

|3.2 |BGP reserves its right to search work areas, desks, lockers, cabinets, storage areas, and program vehicles and to make photos/videos of interiors |

| |and contents and/or seize contents. |

|3.3 |Personal belongings such as briefcases, totes/backpacks, purses, and other personal belongings are subject to inspection, only, when there is |

| |reasonable cause to believe that illegal drugs, alcohol, weapons, or stolen property may be in an employee’s possession. |

|4.0 |Password security and integrity: |

|4.1 |BGP has the right to access information in all program computer network and communication systems. |

|4.2 |Employees have individual access codes to voice mail and computer network systems. |

|4.3 |Voice mail and computer network systems are accessible at all times by BGP and may be subject to unannounced inspections. |

|4.3 |Voice mail and computer systems are for BGP business only and must not be used for employee personal business including proselytizing for |

| |commercial ventures, religious or political purposes, business of outside organizations, or other non-job-related solicitations. |

|4.4 |Employees are prohibited from the unauthorized use of the access codes of other employees to gain access to their computer network systems and/or |

| |voice mail messages. |

|5.0 |All system pass codes are available to the Executive Director and employees may not use pass codes that are unknown. |

|6.0 |BGP forbids certain content from use in communication via any means, voice mail, intercom/phone systems, or any automated/computer system or |

| |programming. |

|6.1 |Employees are prohibited from using BGP information systems in any way that may be disruptive or offensive to others, including, but not limited |

| |to, the transmission of sexually explicit messages, cartoons, ethnic or racial slurs, or anything that may be construed as harassment or belittling|

| |of others. |

|7.0 |BGP’s intent and terms of implementation of this policy: |

|7.1 |Personal or other inappropriate use of the information systems will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. |

|Policy: Employee Participation in Unlawful Activity (Section 655 42 USC 9850) |

|1.0 |Employees of Breckinridge-Grayson Programs represent Head Start, the program and the families served and therefore, an employee’s involvement in |

| |unlawful activity is derogatory to the reputation of BGP in the community and its impact upon those served. |

|1.1 |Employee participation in unlawful activities is prohibited. |

|2.0 |Limitation with respect to certain unlawful activities  |

|2.1 |Unlawful activities are illegal, criminal, illicit, or banned activities. |

|2.2 |No individual employed or assigned by or in any Head Start agency or other agency assisted under this subchapter shall, pursuant to or during the |

| |performance of services rendered in connection with any program or activity conducted or assisted under this subchapter by such Head Start agency |

| |or such other agency, plan, initiate, participate in, or otherwise aid or assist in the conduct of any unlawful demonstration, rioting, or civil |

| |disturbance. |

|3.0 |Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary measures up to and including termination.  |

|Policy: Drug Free Workplace, Alcohol, Tobacco, Electronic or Vapor Usage Free |

|1.0 |The Employer is a drug free workplace and the use of alcohol and/or illicit drugs is not tolerated. Any substance used by an Employee during |

| |the time they are considered “on-the-clock” that may alter their mental capabilities to safely and appropriately perform their duties is not |

| |tolerated. |

|1.1 |It shall be the policy of the Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. that its workplace shall be drug free in compliance with the Drug Free |

| |Workplace Act of 1988 (45 CFR, Part 76, Subpart F). |

|1.2 |Employees are required to comply with this policy as a condition of employment under a federal grant. |

|1.3 |Employees are required to sign the Drug Free Workplace Form as a statement of their compliance with this policy. |

|1.4 |In compliance with the Drug Free Workplace Act, no employee shall engage in unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or the |

| |use of a controlled substance in the workplace of the Employer |

|2.0 |Controlled substances are those described in KRS 218A.020 through KRS 281A.140. |

|3.0 |The purpose of this policy is to avoid the dangers of drugs in the workplace. |

|4.0 |Employees are provided information on available sources of counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance. |

|5.0 |Each employee is hereby notified that they shall notify the Executive Authority of any criminal drug conviction for a violation in the workplace|

| |within five (5) days of said conviction. |

|A. |The Employer must take action as appropriate within thirty (30) days. |

|B. |Any employee violating the terms of this policy statement is subject to immediate dismissal. |

|C. |Employees found to be abusing drugs, but not convicted of any drug statute violation, will be subject to appropriate personnel action against |

| |such an employee up to and including termination or be required to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation |

| |program approved for such purposes. |

|6.0 |The Employer is not required and is not responsible to pay for the Employee’s referral, incurred expenses, or rehabilitation. |

|7.0 |For purposes of the foregoing, the following definitions shall apply: |

|A. |The use of alcohol and/or drugs includes being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs while on Employer’s time or while operating |

| |Employer’s vehicles and equipment. |

|B. |Under the influence means having any amount of drugs or alcohol in a person’s system that in any way affects the Employee’s actions, appearance,|

| |speech or mental capabilities. |

|8.0 |Violation of the Employer’s alcohol and drug policy is grounds for immediate termination. |

|9.0 |Prescription drugs can be misused or abused by the person they are prescribed for or their effect can alter a person’s ability to function or |

| |perform his/her job duties in a safe or coherent manner. |

|10.0 |An Employee who is determined to be under-the-influence of medication that alters their ability to perform safely and effectively while |

| |on-the-job would be in violation of this policy. |

|11.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs adheres to Public Law 103-227, also known as the Pro-Children Act of 1994 (Act) that requires smoking not be |

| |permitted in any portion of any indoor facility owned or leased or contracted for by an entity and routinely or regularly used for the provision|

| |of health, day care, early childhood development services, education or library services to children under the age of 18, if the services are |

| |funded by Federal program either directly or through State or local governments, by Federal grant, contract, loan or loan guarantee. |

|11.1 |There shall be no smoking or use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes or vapor producing instrument for simulated smoking in any facility, grounds,|

| |or vehicle of Breckinridge-Grayson Programs. |

|11.2 |Employees will refrain from smoking in the parking lot across the street from the Leitchfield Center and on the street in view of the agency |

| |program sites. |

|11.3 |Employees attending training or other off-site events and representing Breckinridge-Grayson Programs will abide by the established rules of the |

| |facility. |

|Policy: Workplace Etiquette and Safety |

|1.0 |The Employer strives to maintain a safe positive work environment where Employees treat each other with respect and courtesy. Sometimes issues |

| |arise when Employees are unaware that their behavior in the workplace may be disruptive or annoying to others. Many of these day-to-day issues |

| |can be addressed by politely talking with a co-worker to bring the perceived problem to his or her attention. In most cases, common sense will |

| |dictate an appropriate solution. The Employer encourages all Employees to keep an open mind and graciously accept constructive feedback or a |

| |request to change behavior that may be affecting another Employee’s ability to concentrate and be productive. |

|2.0 |The following are suggestions for appropriate workplace behavior to help everyone be more conscientious and considerate of co-workers and the |

| |work environment: |

|2.1. |Minimize unscheduled interruptions of other Employees while they are working, example engaging in conversations while someone else is on the |

| |phone or working; |

|2.2 |Refrain from gossip and public accusations or criticisms of other Employees. Address such issues privately with those involved or with the |

| |Employee’s immediate supervisor; |

|2.3 |Use lower voice volumes when talking on the phone or to others in open areas; |

|2.4 |Keep socializing to a minimum, and try to conduct conversations in areas where the noise will not distract others; |

|2.5 |Refrain from using improper grammar and inappropriate language; |

|2.6 |Avoid discussing personal life/issues in public conversations; |

|2.7 |Refrain from playing music with lyrics, instrumental only; |

|2.8 |Clean up after yourself; |

|2.9 |Replace paper in copy machines when empty; and |

|2.10 |Be careful not to take or discard others’ print jobs or faxes. |

|3.0 |Conduct that threatens, intimidates, harasses or coerces a volunteer, an Employee, or a member of the public at any time, including off-duty |

| |periods, will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes but is not limited to all acts of harassment that are based on an individual’s |

| |gender, race, age, ethnicity, or any characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. |

|4.0 |Employees are required to report any threat of violence to their immediate supervisor or any other member of management as soon as possible |

| |following threatening conduct or suspicious activity. |

|Policy: Communication |

|1.0 |Communication in the Head Start and Early Head Start program is a vital system that incorporates both internal and external procedures to ensure|

| |that information is being shared and disseminated. |

|1.1 |Information is communicated through the use of the telephone system, fax, email, texting, in-house memorandums, bulletin board messages, Agency |

| |social media and websites, Employee mailboxes, issuances and staff meetings. |

|2.0 |Employees are required, at minimum to check their email each morning upon arrival to work and their mailbox daily. |

|Policy: Dress Code and Appearance |

|1.0 |Dress and appearance are very important factors in the shaping of an Employer’s positive business image. |

|1.1 |Professionally dressed and well-groomed Employees have a positive effect on children and families. |

|1.2 |All Employees shall dress professionally in neat, clean clothing, and appear well groomed at all times when at work, or when representing the |

| |Employer at outside events. |

|1.3 |The nature of an Employee’s work may dictate a different style of dress to facilitate a safe and appropriate work environment. |

|1.4 |All Employees represent the Employer in their work and activities. The community’s perception of the Employer may be based on an Employee’s |

| |actions and attire both within the facility and in public while representing the Employer. |

|2.0 |All employees must adhere to the following dress code: |

|2.1 |All Employees will not wear clothing that tightly follows the contours of the body to reveal the curvature and shape of body and its parts. |

|2.2 |All Employees will not wear clothing that reveals any areas of the mid-riff, from waist to below the knee, cleavage/bust, and shoulders or the |

| |back. |

|2.3 |Employees clothing will be in good repair without holes, patches, tattered /raveled fabric, or dragging hemline. |

|2.4 |Employees will not wear shirts, blouses, t-shirts, tops, or other outer garments that are made of thin see-through fabric except when an under |

| |garment is worn that provides appropriate coverage. |

|2.5 |Employees will not wear clothing that has negative statements, negative or inappropriate implication or content for children and/or families, or|

| |statements that are non-supportive of the Employer’s values. |

|2.6 |Employees may wear Capri/ankle pants striking between the knee and ankle, casual trousers, and jeans (non-office employees) to work. |

|2.7 |Employees may wear leggings when worn with a top that is mid-thigh in length and covers the employee’s derriere or buttocks and the front area |

| |where the legs join including when the employee bends, stoops, or engages in movement that allows clothing to shift or lift. |

|2.8 |Legging fabric or other pants must not reveal any skin or be see-through and must not be thin revealing skin or undergarments. |

|3.0 |Employees assigned as management or to office positions may not wear jeans except on Friday and/or when guest are not scheduled to visit the |

| |agency, visiting trainers are scheduled, or while attending conference sessions. |

|4.0 |Employees may wear clothing to protect their daily attire or change clothes when engaged in painting, cleaning, outdoor work activities, or |

| |activities that may destroy or ruin clothing. |

|5.0 |Employees will not wear jewelry in the nose, lip, tongue, eyelid or brow, or other facial area. |

|5.1 |The Employer is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged jewelry or accessories. |

|6.0 |When an Employee’s dress is deemed inappropriate by any Supervisor, the Employee will be asked to leave the workplace to change into appropriate|

| |clothing. |

|6.1 |The Employee will not be paid during the time he/she is absent from work to change into appropriate clothing. |

|7.0 |Employees assigned to the classroom may wear appropriately decorated clothing, shoes that are comfortable, low-heeled at less than 1.5 inches, |

| |no narrow or spike heels, or rubber-type flip-flops that have a plug in the sole that connects straps. |

|7.1 |Classroom Employees will limit jewelry to small items which do not interfere with work. Example: a large ring set that impedes putting on |

| |protective gloves. |

|7.2 |Classroom Employees will not wear jewelry or accessories that pose a risk, may cause injury when handled by children, or may be damaged when |

| |worn in a classroom environment. |

|7.3 |Classroom Employees may wear jeans except during training or when visitors are scheduled. |

|8.0 |Employees assigned to nutrition services and working in food preparation will wear neat, clean, and appropriate clothing while working as well |

| |as required service area protective equipment; hair nets or hair bonnets, beard coverings, aprons, food service gloves. |

|8.1 |Employees in nutrition services wear well-fitting footwear that is supportive when standing/walking long term, low-heeled at no more than 1 inch|

| |height, with closed heel and toe, and slip-resistant soles. |

|8.2 |Employees in the nutrition services will be limited in wearing only jewelry and accessories that do not interfere with work performance or pose |

| |a safety risk when operating equipment or completing nutrition service activities. |

|9.0 |Employees assigned maintenance or custodial duties must wear neat, clean and appropriate clothing while working including jeans, overalls, |

| |coveralls, casual slacks or trousers, and below-the-knee length shorts to accommodate their work duties. |

|9.1 |Employees assigned to maintenance or custodial work must wear supportive footwear that meets the type of work they are engaged in with |

| |slip-resistant soles and without open toes or heels with a heel height of 1 inch or less. |

|9.2 |Employees assigned to maintenance or custodial work will limit jewelry and accessories to small items that do not interfere with their work |

| |performance and do not pose a safety risk or may become entangled when operating equipment. |

|10.0 |Employees assigned to offices and management will present to work in neat, clean, and appropriate clothing. |

|Policy: Harassment - Harassing, Bullying, Sexual Harassment |

|1.0 |The Employer will not tolerate any act of harassing behavior, bullying, or sexual harassment by any person in violation of this policy. |

|2.0 |Harassing behavior is described as intimidating, hostile, or abusive creating a work environment that is offensive. |

|2.1 |Harassing behavior can arise from supervisory staff, co-workers, or non-employees. |

|2.2 |Employees affected by harassing behavior have the responsibility to address their concerns to the individual(s) causing the issue and informing |

| |them to cease such behaviors. |

|2.3 | Employees affected by the harassing behavior have the responsibility to bring the issue to the attention of management. |

|3.0 |Bullying impacts employee well-being and productivity and is described as abusive behaviors including verbal abuse and intimidation, demeaning |

| |language and activity that impedes the employee’s self-confidence and can be brought about by persons in authority as well as peers and others |

| |within the employment setting. |

|3.1 |Employees affected by or witnessing bullying behavior must bring the issue to the attention of management. |

|4.0 |Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and/or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature|

| |when: |

|4.1 |Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment; |

|4.2 |Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for an employment decision affecting such individual; or |

|4.3. |Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile or|

| |offensive working environment. |

|5.0 |Employees affected by or witnessing sexual harassment must bring the issue to the attention of management. |

|6.0 |It is the responsibility of all Employees to conduct themselves in ways that others are able to work in an atmosphere free from harassing, |

| |bullying, or sexual harassment. It is the responsibility of all Employees to comply with this policy in all respects and at all times. |

|6.1 |It is the responsibility of all Employees, including supervisors, to bring concerns of harassment, bullying, or sexual harassment to the |

| |Executive Authority as soon as practicable. |

|7.0 |All reports of harassment, bullying, or sexual harassment shall be treated confidentially and shall be fully investigated. |

|7.1 |No Employee shall be subject to any form of reprisal or retaliation for having made a good faith complaint under this policy. |

|8.0 |Any Employee who is determined to have violated this policy by engaging in or condoning harassment, bullying, or sexual harassment of a fellow |

| |Employee will be subject to immediate discipline up to and including termination of employment. |

|Policy: Employee Grievance |

|1.0 |Grievance is an Employee’s genuine or imagined feeling of dissatisfaction or injustice regarding what he/she expects from management concerning |

| |work related issues. |

|1.1 |Issues include expressed feelings or thoughts toward his/her job, its nature, or management policies and procedures, and that are brought to |

| |management and the organization to state that he/she is adversely affected by a situation, the misrepresentation, or the misapplication of |

| |events or policies/procedures. |

|1.2 |It is the Agency’s hope that most issues may be resolved informally through open communication and at the base level of the concern. |

|2.0 |Employees will expect the Employer to acknowledge his/her concerns promptly to identify and respond impartially and without bias to resolve the |

| |issues. |

|3.0 |Employees will submit an Employee Grievance form to their immediate Supervisor. |

| |

|Section G |

| |

|Daily Operations |

| |

|KY Childcare Licensing Regulations & HS Program Performance Standards |

|Employees with a Diagnosed Disability |

|Reporting Accidents |

|Parking |

|Schedule, Hours of Work, Breaks, Meals, Overtime |

|Inclement Weather |

|Employee use of Employer-owned Vehicles |

|Policy: KY Childcare Licensing Regulations; HS Program Performance Standards |

|1.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs is regulated by multiple regulations pertaining to various components of the business. |

|1.1 |Two main documents of required regulations are the Kentucky Regulated Childcare requirements and the Head Start Program Performance Standards |

| |(HSPPS). |

|1.2 |Employees are required to be familiar with the requirements and the implications for their assigned service area. |

|2.0 |Kentucky’s Regulated Childcare requirements are available online at chfs.dcbs.dcc.regul.htm and posted on the Employee bulletin board. |

|3.0 |Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS) are available online at the Early Childhood Knowledge and Learning Center website (ECKLC). |

|4.0 |Supervisors will inform Employees of job specific regulations the Employee must meet. |

|Policy: Employees Diagnosed With A Disability |

|1.0 |The Employer is committed to retaining its Employees who are diagnosed with a disability (temporary or permanent) whenever feasible and to |

| |meeting the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act in regards to the Employees. |

|1.1 |The Employer expects to make reasonable accommodations to allow an Employee to continue employment with Breckinridge-Grayson Programs unless |

| |such accommodations would place undue fiscal hardship on the Employer, or the accommodations impedes the Employee’s ability to complete job |

| |responsibilities as required. |

|2.0 |The Executive Authority may make temporary light duty assignments to help injured workers make the transition back into the workplace. |

|2.1 |Temporary light duty assignments are based on applicable medical information, release to return to work, job responsibilities and requirements, |

| |and are considered on a case-by-case basis. |

|2.2 |Employees are not guaranteed temporary light duty assignments. |

|Policy: Reporting Accidents |

|1.0 |The Employer is committed to maintaining a safe and secure work environment for its Employees. |

|1.1 |All Employees are required to practice safe work habits including lifting, carrying, use of equipment, and the use of materials and supplies. |

|2.0 |Employees are required to immediately report any work related accident, illness, exposure, or injury to the Human Resource Manager. |

|2.1 |The reporting of such incidents is critical in ensuring that the Employee receives appropriate benefits under the Kentucky Worker’s Compensation|

| |Act. |

|Policy: Parking |

|1.0 |Parking of Employee’s personal vehicles is limited to the Employer’s parking lot located on the south side of the building; accessible to the |

| |center via the stairs. |

|2.0 |Employee parking is prohibited in the lot across the street in front of the building or on the sides of the building. |

|2.1 |Employees with physical limitations requiring closer parking must inform the Executive Authority or Human Resources Manager. |

|2.2 |A handicap placard is required, a physician’s statement, or an obvious but temporary circumstance. |

|2.3 |Employees approved by Human Resources to park across the street in front of the building will display in their front window on the dashboard a |

| |notice of approval from Human Resources. |

|3.0 |Parking along Walnut Street is considered public parking, but Employees are requested to avoid parking in the spaces adjacent to the First |

| |Baptist Church property. The parking lot to the front of the building belongs to First Baptist and they generously allow our families to use it|

| |when bringing or picking up their children as well as our staff that are approved by Human Resources. |

|4.0 |Parking is restricted except for handicap visitor parking on the north-side of the building (elevator –side) due to unloading and loading of |

| |children and vendor delivery. |

|Policy: Work Schedule, Work Location, Off-Work, Breaks/Meals, Overtime |

|1.0 |The Employer must maintain a workforce that is present and ready to work in order to fulfill its obligation to the Office of Head Start and the |

| |families and children served by Breckinridge-Grayson Programs. |

|1.1 |Employees are expected to productively and consistently perform their assigned work duties, seek guidance and/or assistance from their |

| |supervisor as needed, and meet the responsibilities of their job description and work schedule. |

|1.2 |The Employer has two work-sites: 201 E. Walnut St. Leitchfield, KY (Grayson County) and 228 |

| |Tules Creek Rd. Hardinsburg, KY (Breckinridge County).  |

|1.3 |The main office is located at 201 E. Walnut St. Leitchfield, KY 42754.  |

|1.4 |The Receptionist maintains the list of program addresses and phone numbers;  |

|1.5 |Employees may, as needed, be required to travel to attend meetings, socializations, family sessions or assist at other locations than the |

| |normally scheduled work site.   |

|1.6 |Due to the unique nature of our family & child service environment, work schedules and sites may |

| |change periodically. Availability and willingness to comply with these requested changes is |

| |expected.  |

|Work Schedule |

|2.0 |The workday is a regularly recurring period of consecutive hours, starting at the time the employee |

| |is scheduled to begin work.   |

|2.1 |The Employer’s hours of business are Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. CST.  |

|2.2 |The days of work are normally Monday through Friday.  |

|2.3 |The time is based on the Central Time Zone.   |

|2.4 |The Employer specifies the work hours and work schedule in the Employee Agreement for full- |

| |time and part-time Employees |

|2.5 |The Executive Authority may approve changes in work schedules based on program needs and |

| |applicable wage/hour requirements |

|2.6 |The Employer may also alter work schedules in consideration of inclement weather or other |

| |hazardous conditions |

|2.7 |Classroom and home visiting teachers normally work 7:15 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Work time may be |

| |altered to accommodate enrolled family interaction or center-offered events |

|2.8 |The work hours for office workers normally begin between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. to |

| |approximately 4:00 p.m.   |

|2.9 |Employees may be released from work early or instructed to not report to work that day. |

| |Employees reporting to work and then released from work will be compensated a minimum of two |

| |(2) hours.  |

|2.10 |Employees notified before their shift begins will not receive compensation for any portion of the |

| |day.  |

|2.11 |Education staff will normally begin work at 7:15 a.m.   |

|2.12 |Food Service, facility, and transportation staff work a variety of shifts normally to begin at 6:00 |

| |a.m. and may involve evening hours.   |

|3.0 |Employees must be in their assigned work area to begin the workday based on their designated |

| |schedule, example teachers begin their day at 7:15 a.m. and will be in their classroom to begin |

| |at 7:15 a.m.    |

|3.1 |Employees unable to report to work must contact the front office (Leitchfield site) and their |

| |supervisor immediately.  Front Office:  270-259-4054 Ext. 221  |

|3.2 |Employees will leave a message on voice mail for the front office (Ext. 221) during after business |

| |hours.  |

|3.3 |In the event “voice mail” fails, the Employee must phone their Supervisor in order to |

| |communicate their absence to the agency |

|3.4 |Employees unable to complete their work schedule must notify the Human Resources staff prior to |

| |leaving.  |

|3.5 |Employees assigned to education and transportation must notify the Human Resources staff to |

| |allow enough time for coverage.    |

|3.6 |Employees assigned to work with children must not leave until the adult:child ratio meet.  |

|3.7 |If an Employee fails to report to work within the first three (3) hours of their assigned shift, it will |

| |be deemed they have resigned from their position   |

|3.8 |The Executive Authority may excuse the employee based on the circumstances of the employee’s |

| |failure to call.  |

|4.0 |Employees will not enter the Employer’s premises before or after the Employee’s designated |

| |schedule of work hours without prior approval of a supervisor or the Executive Authority.   |

|4.1 |Employees will enter and exit the worksite using the front or main entrance at all times.    |

|4.2 |The elevator entrance (Leitchfield) may be used in the event the Employee has heavy or |

| |cumbersome items to bring in or out.    |

|4.3 |Other entry/exits are to be used for emergencies, for classrooms to access outdoor play areas, or |

| |when buses are loading/unloading.  |

|Employees Off-Work |

|5.0 |Employees who are off work due to hospital confinement for illness, have had surgery, or have |

| |been injured and sustained a break, fracture, or sprain/strain, or require casting, crutches, or |

| |ambulatory support, or are restricted from doing their normal assigned duties must provide a |

| |written statement to Human Resources and/or the Executive Director before returning to their |

| |assigned duties.  |

|5.1 |All physician or health provider statements or other documentation must be presented to Human |

| |Resources and/or the Executive Director before the Employee may return to work.  |

|5.2 |Human Resources and/or the Executive Director must approve return-to work-statements prior to |

| |the Employee resuming his/her responsibilities |

|Overtime  |

|6.0 |Overtime is calculated at one and one-half times the employee’s regular rate of pay for all hours |

| |worked over forty-hour threshold for a seven-day week. Hours paid, but not worked, such as sick |

| |pay, vacation or holiday pay, do not count towards overtime pay. All overtime must be authorized |

| |in advance by the Executive Director.   |

|6.1 |Non-Exempt, hourly employees are eligible for overtime or any other premium pay in accordance |

| |with applicable wage and hour laws. In the event of a special project, or other heavy workload |

| |times, employees may be required to work overtime. As much notice as possible will be given in |

| |these circumstances and work will be compensated accordingly |

|6.2 |Exempt, salaried employees are not eligible for overtime pay and do not accrue compensatory |

| |time off that is tracked on an hour to hour basis. Compensatory time off should only be allowed |

| |based on excessive amounts of overtime worked which is mutually agreed upon with the |

| |Executive Director. |

|6.3 |Employees shall not exceed their regularly scheduled weekly hours of work without prior      |

| | approval of the Executive Authority |

|6.4 |When overtime is incurred, the Employee shall receive overtime pay at the rate of one and one-   half (1.5) times their hourly wage for any |

| |hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours during anyone-work week.   |

| Meal Period  |

|7.0 |The meal period is a defined amount of time during which an employee is permitted to leave    |

| |his/her work area for a meal.  |

|7.1 |The meal period is typically thirty minutes in length.  |

|7.2 |When an Employee is not assigned to children, the Employee may with supervisor approval,  take |

| |a longer meal period and work a longer day such as on Friday to go out to lunch with colleagues |

|7.3 |Staff not attending children will take an unpaid meal break.  The Employee must not work more |

| |than 5 hours without a meal break.   |

|7.4 |Employee meal periods are unpaid and scheduled approximately in the middle of the work period |

| |unless the Employee’s assigned duties require them to eat with children.  |

|7.5 |Exception: an employee assigned to work in a classroom with children must not leave to take a   |

| |meal period, instead, he/she is provided the meal period while eating with the children there is no |

| |charge for the meal; and this is considered paid work time.  |

|7.6 |Employees working in a classroom or attending a Home-based socialization event will take     |

| |their meal period with the children and/or families as a paid lunch on any day that children are in attendance or during scheduled socialization|

| |events.  |

|8.0 |Employees agree to their assigned working lunch schedule when they sign acknowledgement         |

| |of the Personnel Policies Employee Handbook.  |

|9.0 |The scheduling of the meal break is the responsibility of the Employee and their supervisor.  |

|9.1 |Employees must take a meal period within five hours after the start of their work shift.  |

|9.2 |Unless an employee is relieved of all duty during the meal period, the meal period will be   |

| |considered as on duty and counted as time worked.  |

|Breaks |

|10.0 |A break is a brief period-of-time in the work schedule for personal rest and/or refreshment free      |

| |from work or associated with work.  |

|10.1 |A break period is required during each four hours of work.   |

|10.2 |If an employee’s total daily work time is less than 4 hours, a break period need not be   |

| |authorized.   |

|10.3 |The break period will be counted as hours worked for which there will be no deduction from   |

| | Wages |

|10.4 |BGP employees are provided a scheduled paid 15-minute break in the first 4-hour period   |

| |worked and a 10-minute paid break in each 4-hour period worked, thereafter.           |

|10.5 |Classroom employee break schedules are pre-scheduled to allow maintenance of adult:child   |

| | ratio.    |

|10.6 |Non-classroom employees will arrange their break period with their supervisor |

|Time Sheets   |

|11.0 |BGP uses timesheets to document non-exempt hourly employees time worked, and benefit      |

| |entitlement time.   |

|11.1 |Employees submit their timesheets to their supervisor at designated time frames in order for a        paycheck to be produced.  |

|11.2 |Deliberately or knowingly defacing or falsifying a timesheet, or allowing another fellow   |

| | employee to fill out a timesheet*, is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including   |

| | dismissal.  |

|11.3 |Exception: *when an employee is absent on the day timesheets are due, area managers or   |

| | assigned staff will complete the absent employee’s timesheet using available documentation   |

| | for leave of absence and any hours not at work per the employee’s scheduled hours and submit to |

| |payroll.  |

|11.4 |Paid leave time is any time off work from the Employee’s assigned schedule where    |

| |entitlement benefits are available to the employee; vacation leave, sick leave, jury duty, and    |

| |holidays. |

|Payday |

|12.1 |The Fiscal Assistant (Payroll) distributes paychecks every two weeks, on or around the Friday       |

| |following timesheet submission.    |

|12.2 |Payroll distribution is electronically transmitted to the employee’s choice of banking account         or otherwise distributed in written check|

| |form to the employee.   |

|12.3 |For payroll purposes, the official workweek shall begin on Saturday at 12:01 a.m. and end the         |

| |following Friday at 12:00 midnight.  |

|12.4 |The Employer may change the official workweek at any time, but not to avoid overtime pay         requirements.  |

|13.0 |Exempt Employees are not limited by the Employer’s normal work schedule and are paid to   |

| |perform a function no matter the time required and are therefore not bound by a set daily or    |

| |weekly work schedule.    |

|13.1 |Responsibilities of exempt Employees require on-site attention during specific times and    |

| |availability to service area staff.  |

|14.0 |BGP does not allow pay-in-advance or early pay therefore, request for pay for time that has    |

| |                not been worked is not allowed under any circumstances |


|Policy: Inclement Weather |

|1.0 |The Employer may opt to close the center due to impending or current inclement weather advisories. |

|1.1 |Employees can access information about closures or delays due to inclement weather via radio, television, and one-call announcements. |

|1.2 |Radio announcements are made via WMTL (870 AM) & WKHG (105 FM) |

|1.3 |Television announcements are made via Channel 13 (WBKO); Channel 11 (WHAS); Channel 3 (WAVE), Channel 32 (WLKY) or Channel 41 (WDRB). |

|2.0 |Employees will be notified of closures or delays via the One-Call system. |

|3.0 |When local public school in Grayson County is closed – the centers and home based programs in Grayson County and Breckinridge Counties are |

| |closed. |

|3.1 |When public school in Breckinridge County is closed, the center and home based in Breckinridge County is closed. |

|3.2 |When public school in Breckinridge County is closed, but Grayson County is open, the center and home based in Breckinridge County is closed and |

| |Employee’s living in Grayson County will report to work at the Grayson County site. All other Employees will be off work without pay unless |

| |otherwise notified by their Supervisor. |

|3.3 |When Public School System is on a 1-Hour or 2-Hour Delay, all Breckinridge-Grayson Programs will operate on the same schedule. |

|3.4 |This applies to all employees including all Head Start and Early Head Start classroom staff and transportation staff. |

|3.5 |Employees report on a 1 or 2-hour delay from whatever time they are normally scheduled to begin work, example: 7:00 a.m. staff report @ 9:00 |

| |a.m. on a 2-hour delay. |

|4.0 |The Executive Authority will determine if staff are off unpaid or may use sick leave or vacation leave when available since Administrative Leave|

| |is not individualized and does not apply. |

|Policy: Employee Use of Employer-owned Vehicles |

|1.0 |Employer-owned vehicles are provided for the purpose of meeting the agency’s obligation to the Office of Head Start and the families and |

| |children it serves. |

|1.1 |Drivers of Employer-owned vehicles must follow all rules involving the operation of motor vehicles and possess a valid license to operate the |

| |type of vehicle so operated. |

|1.2 |All violations of law in an Employer-owned vehicle must be reported to the Transportation Supervisor, Executive Authority and Fiscal |

| |Administrator immediately. |

|1.3 |While driving an Employer-owned vehicle, Employees are in the “public eye” and are required to use utmost care, caution and safety. Employees |

| |must drive courteously, defensively, and with patience, never displaying anger, rage or negative gestures to either pedestrians or other |

| |drivers. |

|1.4 |Employees using employer-owned vehicles will engage in an appropriate and professional manner that is conducive to maintaining a positive |

| |climate when speaking with others, without the use of negative or foul language, gestures, or provoking language or behavior. |

|1.5 |Employees are prohibited to receive or make text or e-mail messages while driving an employer-owned vehicle. |

|1.6 |Employer-owned vehicles are equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) for monitoring vehicle usage and location. |

|1.7 |Employees and passengers traveling in an employer-owned vehicle must wear a seat belt or be in an appropriate child restraint seat or system. |

|2.0 |An Employee must obtain prior approval from the Executive Authority to use employer-owned vehicles for personal business. |

|2.1 |The Employee shall provide fuel for the vehicle during their personal use and return the vehicle to the agency at its original fuel level when |

| |the Employee began using the vehicle. |

|3.0 |Employee responsibilities may include home visiting and require the use of an employer-owned vehicle. |

|3.1 |Employees providing home based services are assigned an employer-owned vehicle. |

|3.2 |Employees providing center based services will schedule the use of an employer-owned vehicle with the Transportation Supervisor in order to |

| |conduct home visits. |

|3.3 |Employees attending business off-site such as training or meetings will request an employer-owned vehicle from the Transportation Supervisor. |

|4.0 |Employee personal vehicles are not used for home visits except when employer-owned vehicles are not available and approved by the Transportation|

| |Supervisor. |

|5.0 |When an accident involving an employer-owned vehicle, the Employee driving the vehicle will immediately call the appropriate law enforcement |

| |authority; and, emergency assistance, if needed. |

|5.1 |The employee, if able, will immediately assist others who are injured and promptly seek medical attention for passengers and self. |

|5.2 |The employee will immediately inform the Transportation Supervisor and the Executive Authority. |

|5.3 |The employee will immediately submit to a drug and alcohol test, if requested by the Executive Authority or law enforcement. |

|5.4 |The Employee will complete a “Vehicle Incident Report” detailing the accident to the Transportation Supervisor, Executive Authority, and Fiscal |

| |Administrator. |

|6.0 |Employees are responsible to maintain employer-owned vehicles in a neat and clean condition. |

|6.1 |Employees driving buses or assigned vehicles for home visiting are responsible to submit all required documentation and fuel cost to the |

| |Transportation Supervisor on a monthly basis. |

|6.2 |Employees will report vehicle maintenance concerns or occurrences immediately to the Transportation Supervisor. |

|7.0 |Employees transporting children are required to follow the proper procedures to assure no children are left in the vehicle or on a bus. |

|7.1 |In the event a child is left on a bus at any time, the Employee designated as the driver and or the bus monitor at the time of the occurrence |

| |will be terminated. |

|7.2 |Employee non-compliance with these procedures can result in disciplinary action, including termination. |

|8.0 |If an employee is approved to use his or her own vehicle for work and is involved in an accident while on the job, then the employee’s own |

| |insurance is primary.   |

|8.1 |If, for example, the employee’s insurance policy covers property damage up to $10,000 and actual |

| |damage is $12,000 then the program will cover the additional $2,000. 5. |

|9.0 |An employee involved in an accident while conducting program business must report the accident appropriately:  |

|9.1 |Notify the authorities of the accident, location, and involvement;  |

|9.2 |Notify the Transportation Supervisor (Transportation Coordinator, when not |

| |available) immediately of the accident;  |

|9.3 |If the Transportation Management is not available notify the Executive Director immediately.  |

|9.4 |A listing of the names of witnesses and as much information as possible regarding the accident from other drivers and witnesses is required.  |

|10.0 |All employees using vehicles for program business must obey state transportation law.  |

|11.0 |All agency vehicles/buses are equipped with GPS (Global Positioning Service).  |

|11.1 |GPS is used as a monitoring instrument to monitor location and driving.  |


|Section H |

|Documenting, Compensation, Benefits, COLA, Reimbursement |

|Timesheets, Leave Request Forms, Personal Activity Reports (PAR) |

|Compensation |

|Social Security Tax Withholdings |

|Employee Benefits |

|5. Holidays |

|6. Work Calendar Break Periods – All Employees |

|7. Paid Vacation Leave – Full-time Employees |

|8. Paid Sick Leave – Full-time Employees |

|9. Administrative Leave |

|10. Family Medical Leave (FMLA) |

|11. Worker’s Compensation |

|12. Maternity Leave |

|13. Funeral Leave |

|14. Military Duty Leave |

|15. Voting/Election Leave |

|16. Jury Duty |

|17. Unpaid Leave |

|18. Leave of Absence for IECE Pursuit |

|19. Health Insurance |

|20. Dental Insurance – Full-time Employees |

|21. Vision Insurance – Full-time Employees |

|22. Life Insurance – Full-time Employees |

|23. Worker’s Compensation Insurance |

|24. Unemployment Insurance & Social Security |

|25. Unemployment Compensation |

|26. Additional Benefit Information |

|27. Compensation for Driving a Bus Route |

|28. Cost of Living (COLA) and Other Compensation Adjustments |

|29. Training / Meeting Costs for Employees |

|30. Employee Travel for BGP Business |

| |

|Policy: Timesheets, Leave Request Forms, Personal Activity Reports (PAR) |

|1.0 |Each Employee paid on an hourly basis is required to submit a record of time worked for each pay period using the Employer’s prescribed |

| |timesheet form. |

|1.1. |The Employee’s timesheet must accurately show the hours worked including paid leave. |

|1.2 |Leave request forms indicating paid leave or approved unpaid leave time must be properly completed with approving signatures and submitted with |

| |the Employee’s timesheet. |

|1.3 |The Employee is responsible to submit their timesheet to the designated timesheet reviewer at the close of each pay period and by 8:00 a.m. on |

| |the Monday following the close of the pay period. |

|2.0 |The completed timesheet and leave request forms must be submitted by the designated timesheet reviewer to the Fiscal Office no later than 10:00 |

| |a.m. Monday; the morning following the (Friday) close of the pay period. |

|2.1 |Time sheets for hourly employees are completed using the designated format provided by the Fiscal Office and made available to each employee via|

| |the employee’s email. |

|3.0 |Employees must notify the Fiscal Assistant (payroll) whenever a change occurs after their timesheet has been submitted to the designated |

| |timesheet reviewer for that Friday (the last date of the pay period). |

|3.1 |Early submission of timesheets may be requested by the Fiscal Office during holidays, center closings for established breaks, or pending |

| |inclement weather. |

|4.0 |In the event the timesheet reviewer is temporarily unavailable, the fiscal office will request a staff member to review timesheets for accuracy |

| |of days worked, holidays, and paid/unpaid leave time and sign-off. |

|5.0 |An Employee may request their pay be prorated. In order to be eligible for prorated pay, the Employee’s rate of pay must meet minimum wage |

| |throughout the proration period. |

|5.1 |When an Employee elects to have their pay prorated and determined eligible by the fiscal office and unpaid leave occurs, the prorated amount is |

| |reduced. |

|5.2 |In the event an Employee is off work without pay and a date for their return to work is undetermined, the fiscal office will close their |

| |prorated pay and the amount of the Employee’s final paycheck will depend on previous earnings and hours worked during the fiscal year. |

|6.0 |Employees classified as part-time or full-time are provided a calendar indicating their assigned dates to work including holiday and break |

| |periods that are marked as assigned for paid days and unassigned for non-paid days. |

|6.1 |Vacation leave may or may not be indicated on calendars. |

|7.0 |Unpaid leave is any date a full-time or part-time Employee fails to attend or complete their assigned work date and must be approved by the |

| |Executive Authority; prior to the event whenever possible. |

|8.0 |Employees that are paid from both Head Start and Early Head Start will submit a Personal Activity Report to the fiscal office for each payroll |

| |period indicating the work they completed in that timeframe per funding source; submit with timesheets. |

|8.1 |Exempt staff will maintain documentation to demonstrate their application of time per funding source. |

|Policy: Compensation |

|1.0 |Employees are paid on a bi-weekly basis. |

|1.1 |Paychecks represent pay-for-work performed during the pay period. |

|2.0 |The Employer is required by law to make deductions from each Employee’s paycheck for such items as federal, state, local taxes and social |

| |security taxes. |

|2.1 |The Employee’s pay stub reflects all payroll deductions as a record for the Employee. |

|2.2 |The Employer establishes electronic payroll submission to the Employee’s bank account with appropriate documentation of designation from the |

| |Employee. |

|2.3 |Employees requesting copies of pay stubs from the Employer may be charged a nominal fee, and should expect to receive the copies within five |

| |working days. |

|3.0 |The Employer offers the opportunity for Employees to participate in the pre-tax AFLAC supplemental insurance programs and/or Cincinnati Life |

| |insurance. Life insurance is not a pre-taxed deduction. |

|3.1 |The Employer does not pay any portion of the premiums occurred as a result of Employee opting to enroll with AFLAC or Cincinnati Life. |

|4.0 |Employees who are determined eligible and enroll in Medicare are eligible for assistance with supplemental health insurance based on the |

| |following: |

|4.1 |The Employee must currently be enrolled in the Employer offered health plan; |

|4.2 |The Employee must present documentation that they are enrolled in Medicare; |

|4.3 |The Employer is not responsible to pay individual Medicare or supplemental insurance premiums for the employee. |

|5.0 |The Employer elects to electronically direct deposit payroll therefore, Employees are responsible to provide bank account information to the |

| |fiscal department to facilitate payroll deposit. |

|6.0 |Written Employee paychecks will not be released to any individual other than the Employee or Employee’s supervisor unless written authorization |

| |signed by the Employee is provided to the Fiscal Office prior to release. |

|7.0 |The Employer offers payroll deductible opportunity to Employees who elect to enroll in group plans for health, dental and vision insurance, |

| |supplemental insurances; and retirement as established by written Employee designation. |

|Social Security Tax Withholdings |

|1.0 |Social Security tax is a mandated withholding for all BGP employees. |

|1.1 |The Fiscal Office staff responsible for payroll, deducts pre-determined Social Security taxes from each BGP employee’s paycheck. |

|2.0 |The Social Security Administration determines the tax amount. |

|3.0 |Social Security tax withholdings are in addition to retirement benefit withholdings. |

|Policy: Employee Benefits |

|1.0 |Employee benefits constitute a basic ingredient in personnel administration. The Employer offers a variety of benefits for its full-time and |

| |part-time Employees including multiple choices of insurance coverage, holidays and leave options. Employees classified as “variable” are not |

| |eligible for employee benefits, unless specified. |

|Policy: Holidays |

|1.0 |Full-time Employees (30 Hours or More/Week) |

|2.0 |Full-time Employees receive the following holidays at their regular rate of pay and equal to their designated routinely scheduled hours/day of |

| |work: |

|2.1. |New Year’s Day |

|2.2 |Martin Luther King Day |

|2.3 |Good Friday |

|2.4 |Memorial Day (Employees scheduled to work/paid for the day before and/or day after) |

|2.5 |July 4th (Employees scheduled to work/paid for the day before and/or day after) |

|2.6 |Labor Day |

|2.7 |Thanksgiving Day |

| 2.8 |Friday After Thanksgiving |

|2.9 |Christmas Eve |

|2.10 |Christmas Day |

|2.11 |New Year’s Eve Day |

|3.0 |Substitutes do not qualify for holiday pay except when they are assigned more than 10 consecutive workdays in a full-time capacity to the same |

| |employee’s absence. |

|3.1 |An employee whose schedule is changed temporarily to add more hours to their workday and does not meet 10 or more consecutive days with |

| |additional hours will receive holiday based on their eligibility and according to the routine schedule of hours per day. |

|4.0 |Part-time Employees |

|4.1 |Part-time Employees receive the following holidays at their regular rate of pay and equal to their designated hours/days of work. |

|4.2 |New Year’s Day |

|4.3 |Good Friday |

|4.4 |July 4th (Employees scheduled to work/paid for the day before and/or day after) |

|4.5 |Thanksgiving Day |

|4.6 |Christmas Day |

|5.0 |Substitutes do not qualify for holiday pay except when they are assigned 10 or more consecutive workdays in a part-time capacity to cover the |

| |same employee’s absence |

|6.0 |Work Calendar Break Periods – All Employees |

|6.1 |Employees hired before January 19, 1999, receive Christmas Break off with pay, as defined by their Work Calendar adopted by the Legislative |

| |Authority for each appropriate year. |

|6.2 |Observance of Spring Break typically coincides with the week scheduled for the Grayson County School System and will be scheduled as unpaid |

| |leave for most Employees, unless scheduled to work. |

|6.3 |Employees hired before January 19, 1999 receive 5 days paid Spring Break leave time. |

|6.4 |Employees that qualify for paid Spring and Christmas Breaks and are assigned to work will have an alternate equivalent scheduled time off work |

| |with pay. |

|7.0 |Holidays: Scheduling |

|7.1 |Holidays occurring on Saturday are recognized on the Friday before, and those occurring on Sunday are recognized on the Monday after. |

|7.2 |In order for an Employee to be paid for a holiday, the Employee must work or be off on paid leave the last scheduled day before and the first |

| |scheduled day after the holiday except when approved by Human Resources for summer scheduling. |

|7.3 |Employees not scheduled to work the typical 5-day work week will alter their work schedule to accommodate eligible paid holiday time. |

|7.4 |Employees classified as “Variable” are not eligible for paid holidays. |

|Policy: Paid Vacation Leave – Full-time Employees |

|1.0 |The Employer recognizes the Employee’s need to refresh and have time away from the routines of work, therefore paid vacation leave for |

| |full-time Employees is available on their 1st annual anniversary employment date. |

|1.1 |Vacation leave is prorated at one-half the time allowed rather than the full amount when the Employee’s first annual anniversary hire date |

| |occurs after November 30. |

|1.2 |Full-time eligible Employees scheduled to work 212 or more days in a program year will be awarded 5 paid days of Vacation Leave when they |

| |complete their 1st year of service and 10 paid days of Vacation Leave beginning with their 6th anniversary hire date. |

|1.3 |When an employee is assigned to work an altered schedule from the typical 5-day work week and is eligible for vacation leave, the leave time |

| |will be applied in accordance to the hours comparative to their work week; 32 hours per week work equals 32 hours of paid vacation leave. |

|2.0 |Full-time Employees scheduled to work a minimum of 185 days and less than 212 days are awarded two (2) vacation leave days during the |

| |employee’s eligible scheduled months of service, after 1st anniversary hire date and to be taken in full day increments as approved by the area|

| |manager. |

|2.1 |Full-time Employees qualifying for a two (2) day paid vacation are eligible to use the supervisor approved vacation leave between September 1 –|

| |November 30 and January 10 – March 25, preferably on Friday only. |

|3.0 |Employees must be paid for the workday before or one workday after vacation leave time in order to receive paid vacation leave. |

|4.0 |Vacation leave does not accrue from fiscal year-to-fiscal year. |

|4.1 |Employees employed less than one (1) year according to their hire date and/or in the “orientation period” are not eligible for vacation leave. |

| |Paid vacation leave does not accrue during the first year of employment and does not carry over from one fiscal year (FY) to the next. |

|5.0 |Employees must request Vacation Leave time /per Request for Leave form and submit to their area manager a minimum of 2 weeks prior to leave |

| |date. |

|5.1 |The Employer reserves the right to require Employees to schedule Vacation Leave in accordance with the Employer’s business requirements and |

| |other relevant considerations as determined by the Executive Authority. |

|6.0 |Employees moving from part-time to full-time positions will assume vacation leave applicable to their full-time position using the prorated |

| |standard identified in this policy. |

|6.1 |Employees changing positions with a lesser amount of vacation leave available, will use the vacation leave provided before the change and will |

| |not assume vacation leave of the acquired position until the next fiscal year and when more vacation time is due to position change will gain |

| |the difference for that fiscal year. |

|7.0 |Employees may use accrued vacation leave during absence for sickness, injury or disability when accrued sick leave in not available. |

|8.0 |At the discretion of the Executive Authority, up to 5 (five) days of paid vacation leave time may be approved for Level 1 Managers prior to |

| |completion of the first year of employment with the agency. |

|9.0 |Level 1 Managers receive 5 additional days of paid vacation leave beginning the first day of the fiscal year of their twelfth year of |

| |consecutive employment with the agency. |

|10.0 |Paid vacation leave is awarded on the basis of consecutive years of employment with the agency. |

|11.0 |The Employer may not approve the use of paid vacation leave until the last 90 days of the fiscal year for an Employee exhibiting habitual |

| |absenteeism to allow coverage of absences with vacation leave time when other paid leave is exhausted. |

|Policy: Paid Sick Leave – Full-time Employees |

|1.0 |The Employer recognizes that Employees or their family will experience illness from time-to-time that impedes their ability to attend work. |

| |Therefore, paid Sick Leave is provided for full-time employees to facilitate the Employee’s financial stability when he/she is unable to work. |

| |Sick Leave is not earned and is not an entitlement. An Employee who abuses Sick Leave may be subject to disciplinary action, including |

| |termination. At the Agency’s discretion, sick leave may be used to provide paid leave time during non-scheduled agency closures due to |

| |weather or similar circumstances. |

|2.0 |Full-time Employees accrue nine (9) sick leave days per year; no Sick Leave is available to part-time or other employees. |

|2.1 |Sick leave time does not accrue during Unpaid Leave with the exception of approved unpaid vacation. |

|3.0 |Beyond personal or family illness, the Employee may use Sick Leave to allow funeral attendance and/or preparation for their immediate family |

| |member or others as approved by the Executive Director. |

|4.0 |Employees will submit a request for Sick Leave when an occurrence is preplanned; such as doctor appointment. |

|4.1 |The Employer may request written notice of illness from a health care provider. |

|5.0 |The Employee must notify the agency when he/she is unable to attend work – call-in to front office and leave a message and notify your area |

| |manager in a timely manner to allow for staffing. |

|6.0 |Absence for a part of a day that is chargeable to sick leave shall be charged proportionately to the duration of the absence calculated in |

| |increments not smaller than fifteen (15) minutes. |

|6.1 |When an Employee’s sick leave is exhausted, available vacation leave will be applied. |

|7.0 |Employees shall not be compensated for accrued sick leave upon termination of employment except those Employees leaving in good standing that |

| |have continuously been employed by the Employer for 25 or more years who are compensated 30% of their accrued sick leave. |

|8.0 |Employees will not trade, loan or sell accrued sick leave to another Employee for any reason. |

|9.0 |Employees moving to a full-time position are eligible for sick leave. |

|10.0 |The Human Resources Manager and/or the Executive Director must approve prior to an Employee’s return to their assigned duties, the Employee’s |

| |“return to work” following surgery, serious illness, condition, or accident; such requires a provider’s statement that is based on the |

| |Employee’s physical ability to perform their assigned work duties according to their job description; affirms no restrictions apply; and |

| |provides the date of allowable return |

|10.1 |BGP will comply with the KY Pregnant Workers Act (KRS 344.030-344.110). See Maternity Leave. |

|10.2 |In order to support an injured worker to transition back into the workplace, the Executive Authority may provide temporary light duty |

| |assignments based on the provider’s determination of the Employee’s ability to perform light duty tasks. |

|11.0 |An Employee, who has exhausted their vacation leave time or when the leave time needed does not meet the vacation leave policy, has the option |

| |to use accrued sick leave to attend court for non-work related business; or they may take unpaid leave time as follows: |

|11.1 |The Employee must present official court documents that demonstrate they are required to attend, as well as the date, and time. Documentation |

| |is due to HR at or before the request is made. Request must be made at the earliest date of the Employee’s knowledge. |

|11.2 |Sick leave used in this manner must be pre-approved by Human Resources and the Executive Director prior to the court date, otherwise it is |

| |deemed unpaid leave. |

|11.3 |Sick leave used in this manner will be taken in 15-minute increments |

|Policy: Administrative Leave |

|1.0 |The Executive Authority may declare up to five (5) days, during the fiscal year, of Administrative Leave for full-time and part-time Employees |

| |due to extreme weather conditions, catastrophic situations, or events that prevented the opening of the facility. |

|1.1 |Administrative Leave is agency-wide; it is not individualized or based on program options or sites; and it is based on a day-for-day work basis|

| |according the employee’s assigned schedule. |

|1.2 |When the Administrative Leave days are exhausted and the Agency is unable to open, the Executive Authority will clarify how leave will be used.|

|2.0 |Employees on Administrative Leave are expected to work on job task at home in preparedness for return to work and must be able to demonstrate |

| |the work completed. Employees will pre-plan with their supervisors to have adequate and appropriate at-home work. |

|3.0 |Employees classified as variable employees do not qualify for paid Administrative Leave. They will not work when the agency is closed for |

| |Administrative Leave. |

|4.0 |Employees employed as an education substitute and who are assigned and have worked 10 or more consecutive workdays to cover the same full-time |

| |classroom position are eligible for paid Administrative Leave. |

|Policy: Family Medical Leave (FMLA) |

|1.0 |The Employer complies with the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) for qualifying Employees. |

|2.0 |FMLA leave is available only after the Employee’s accrued sick leave and vacation leave time has been exhausted. |

|3.0 |Employee’s must inform Human Resources of any illness, condition, non-work related accident, or family illness, condition, or circumstance, or |

| |any military-related issues that causes the Employee to need time off from their scheduled work in order to determine FMLA eligibility and |

| |implementation. |

|Policy: Worker’s Compensation |

|1.0 |The Employer expects the Employee’s to utilize safe and appropriate practices of equipment, supplies, and materials in accordance with labeling|

| |and manufacturer’s instructions. Additionally, Employee’s are to self regulate their practices to maintain safe habits and a safe environment.|

|2.0 |The Employer complies with Worker’s Compensation requirements including filing a report of injury and proving the Employee with appropriate |

| |information regarding providers. |

|2.1 |An Employee who is injured or becomes ill as a result of a work related accident or illness shall be compensated at the negotiated rate with |

| |the worker’s compensation insurance company. |

|3.0 |Employees shall continue to accrue sick and vacation leave while on a disability leave due to a work related accident or illness for a period |

| |of 90 calendar days after the accident or illness occurred. |

|4.0 |Employees who are disabled, for whatever reason, and are unable to perform their regularly assigned work tasks, will not normally be able to |

| |resume their service with the Employer until they have written clearance to do so from an attending physician. |

|Policy: Maternity Leave |

|1.0 |Maternity Leave shall be granted to Employees when their health provider recommends they are unable to work during their pregnancy. The |

| |Employee will use sick leave or vacation leave when available. When FMLA is available, it will be applied after other paid leave is exhausted.|

|2.0 |BGP will make reasonable accommodations for any employee with limitations related to pregnancy, childbirth, or a related medical condition who |

| |request accommodation included but not limited to:  |

|2.1 |The need for frequent or longer breaks;  |

|2.2 |Time off to recover from childbirth;   |

|2.3 |Acquisition or modification of equipment;  |

|2.4 |Appropriate seating; |

|2.5 |Temporary transfer to a less strenuous or less hazardous position;   |

|2.6 |Job restructuring;  |

|2.7 |Light duty, modified work schedule;  |

|2.8 |Private space that is not a bathroom for expressing breast milk.  |

|Policy: Funeral Leave |

|1.0 |Employees experiencing a loss of an immediate family member including parents, spouse, child, grandchild, grandparents may use up to three (3) |

| |working days for Funeral Leave. |

|2.0 |Funeral Leave is unpaid except when sick leave or vacation leave is available and will be used to cover the Employee’s absence. |

|3.0 |A reasonable extension of Funeral Leave time may be granted at the sole discretion of the Executive Authority based upon extenuating |

| |circumstances. |

|Policy: Military Duty Leave |

|1.0 |Full-time Employees who are ordered to voluntary or involuntary active duty in the armed forces of the United States shall be granted a |

| |Military Leave of absence with pay for a period not to exceed sixty (60) calendar days. |

|1.1 |When the Employee is engaged in involuntary active duty, the Military Leave of absence may continue beyond the sixty (60) calendar day and will|

| |be without pay. |

|2.0 |Vacation leave and sick leave will only accrue during the initial 60 days of military duty. |

|3.0 |The Employee shall submit a Request for Leave, accompanied by a copy of his/her military orders to the Executive Authority at the earliest |

| |possible date. |

|4.0 |The Employer complies with the terms of the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act and provides job security for an |

| |Employee on Military Leave in accordance with its terms. 14.5 Upon return to employment with the Employer, the Employee will be offered the |

| |same position they occupied prior to their leave, or a comparable position. The Employee will be given any normal pay increases that occurred |

| |during the leave of absence. |

|Policy: Voting / Election Leave |

|1.0 | As provided in Section 148 of the Constitution of Kentucky, any person entitled to a vote at any election in this state shall, if he has made |

| |application for leave prior to the day he appears before the County Clerk to request an application for or to execute an absentee ballot or to |

| |vote on election day, be entitled to absent himself from any services or employment in which he is then engaged or employed for a reasonable |

| |time, but not less than four (4) hours on the day he appears before the clerk to request an application or to execute an absentee ballot, |

| |during normal business hours of the office of the clerk or to cast his ballot on the day of the election between the time of opening and |

| |closing the polls. The Employer may specify the hours during which an Employee may absent himself [KRS 118.035(2)]. |

|2.0 |Any qualified voter who exercises his right to voting leave under this section but fails to cast his vote under circumstances which did not |

| |prohibit him from voting may be subject to disciplinary action [KRS 118.035(3)]. |

|3.0 |Any person selected to serve as an election officer shall be entitled to absent himself from any services of employment in which he is then |

| |engaged or employed for a period of an entire day to attend training or to serve as an election officer. The person shall not, because of |

| |absenting himself, be liable to any penalty. The Employer may specify the hours during which the Employee may absent himself. No person shall|

| |refuse an Employee the privilege hereby conferred, or discharge or threaten to discharge an Employee or subject an Employee to a penalty, |

| |because of the exercise of the privilege ([KRS 118.035(4)] |

|Policy: Jury Duty |

|1.0 |Full-time and part-time Employees summoned and/or selected to serve on a jury will be compensated at their normal rate of pay and for their |

| |scheduled hours of work while serving on jury duty. |

|1.1 |Employees serving on jury duty shall be absent from work during the times required by the courts. If not selected from a panel of jurors to |

| |serve on a jury, the Employee is required to report for the remainder of their scheduled workday. |

|2.0 |An Employee who is a plaintiff or defendant or is summoned by the court as a witness in a case not related to the Employer’s business concerns,|

| |shall not be entitled to leave with pay, but may use accrued vacation leave during such absence. |

|3.0 |An Employee who is a plaintiff or defendant or is summoned by the court as a witness in a case that is related to the Employer’s business |

| |concerns shall be compensated at the normal rate of pay for the time the Employee is required to appear in court and the Employee shall be |

| |absent from work only during the times required by the courts. |

|Policy: Unpaid Leave |

|1.0 |Any absence from work during an Employee’s designated schedule of work hours that occurs without the availability of Sick Leave, Vacation Leave|

| |or Administrative Leave , shall constitute Unpaid Leave. |

|1.1 |An Employee may not schedule Unpaid Leave without prior written approval of a supervisor and the Executive Authority. |

|2.0 |Employees will not accrue sick leave during an Unpaid Leave (exception - Worker’s Compensation, FMLA for Military, as applicable). |

|3.0 |Unpaid Leave approved as FMLA will not exceed twelve (12) work-weeks in a 12 month period (based on the Employer’s defined 12 month period for |

| |FMLA) for qualifying Employees. FMLA taken intermittently will not exceed sixty (60) work days.or will comply with military person or military |

| |family member requirements. |

|4.0 |Employees exceeding five (5) days or an equivalent amount of time as Unpaid Leave time during a fiscal year, June 1-May 31, may be subject to a|

| |change in their job status or terminated at the discretion of the Executive Authority; full-time employment to part-time. This does not |

| |include approved Unpaid Leave requested for vacation during the months of June and July. |

|4.1 |When a history of Unpaid Leave exist, it may be considered habitual absenteeism; excludes FMLA. |

|5.0 |In the event an employee exhaust all paid leave time and available FMLA and is unable to return to their assigned job responsibilities, |

| |insurance benefits will not be paid by the Employer and their continued employment will be determined. |

|6.0 |Any Employee regardless of their classification who does not return to work at the end of an approved Unpaid Leave period will be conclusively |

| |deemed to have resigned. |

|7.0 |When the adult:child ratios permits, the agency allows staff to use vacation leave time or take unpaid leave time. Time used in this manner is |

| |considered irrelevant regarding unpaid leave addressed as an absentee issue. |

|Policy: Leave of Absence for IECE Pursuit |

|1.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs’ employees may elect to pursue an associate degree or bachelor degree in interdisciplinary early childhood |

| |education. |

|2.0 |Employees seeking an associate degree in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education will arrange with the university and Breckinridge-Grayson |

| |Programs’ Education Manager to complete practicum (student teaching) requirements with the Employer. These arrangements must be completed by |

| |the employee for timely implementation within the agency. |

|3.0 |Employees seeking a bachelor’s degree in Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education may be required to complete a practicum prior to |

| |graduating. With university consent, employees will elect to complete any eligible portion of their practicum with Breckinridge-Grayson |

| |Programs. |

|3.1 |Otherwise, the Employee must request a Temporary Leave of Absence for educational pursuit from the agency to fulfill the remaining portion or |

| |the entire practicum requirement. |

|4.0 |Temporary Leave of Absence requires a date to begin and the date of expected return to work. |

|5.0 |Requests are made to the Human Resources Manager for approval and must be made as early as possible in the semester prior to the practicum and |

| |a minimum of 90 (ninety) days prior. |

|5.1 |Request must be approved by the Board of Directors prior to enactment |

|5.2 | The employee is notified in writing by Human Resources of approval or denial. |

|6.0 |Temporary Leave of Absence is unpaid. During Temporary Leave of Absence the employee continues to be employed with Breckinridge-Grayson |

| |Programs as a Variable employee and is expected to resume pre-absence work assignments at the earliest date of practicum completion. |

|6.1 |Breckinridge-Grayson does not guarantee return to the pre- absence position placement when deemed “in the best interest of the |

| |children/families” assigned. The agency guarantees the employee’s pre-absence number of hours-of- work/week, pay rate, and employment status |

| |classification per week in re-assigned duties upon return from the leave of absence. The employee resumes their previous position at the close|

| |of the fiscal year. |

|6.2 |During the leave of absence, employee benefits are affected for insurance and retirement; sick leave will not accrue during the leave of |

| |absence; holidays are unpaid: and, the agency will not contribute to the employee’s retirement account. Accrued sick leave prior to the leave |

| |of absence will remain unchanged and is available upon return to full-time status. Vacation leave must be taken per employee-submitted time |

| |sheet by May 15 of the fiscal year. |

|6.3 |For employees enrolled in agency-offered health, vision, and/or dental insurance, these insurances are terminated and COBRA benefits are |

| |available through the agency’s COBRA administrator. Employees must meet with the Fiscal Assistants regarding insurance benefits and payroll |

| |withholding at the time of the employees request for leave. Upon return to full-time status, the employee may opt to enroll in agency-offered |

| |insurance options. A waiting period exists when enrolling in insurance–see the fiscal assistant for information when returning to full-time |

| |status. Life insurance is terminated and available to enroll when returning to full-time status. Employees are responsible to see fiscal |

| |assistants upon return to full-time status concerning enrollment in any agency-offered insurance options. Employees may opt to resume |

| |retirement contributions immediately. |

|Policy: Health Insurance |

|1.0 |Health insurance benefits are made available to all full-time employees of Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. (BGP), meaning those employees |

| |working at least 30 hours per week. Benefits become available on the first day of the month, following 60 days of full-time employment. |

| |Options for coverage are single, employee/spouse, employee/child(ren) or employee/family. |

|2.0 |For part-time employees who are not offered health insurance coverage initially, BGP monitors hours worked to determine possible future |

| |eligibility, using the “look-back method” described below. |

|2.1 |The “look-back method” will be used, as a safe harbor method specified under Section 4890H of the Internal Revenue Code, to determine if a |

| |part-time employee is eligible for health insurance coverage. The look-back method will be implemented and includes the Measurement Period, the|

| |Stability Period, and the Administrative Period. |

|3.0 |The initial administrative period for a new variable hour or part-time employee is the 2-month period following the initial measurement period |

| |and prior to the initial stability period. |

|4.0 |The Employer offers diverse opportunities for the Employees to obtain insurance. |

|4.1 |All full-time Employees are eligible to enroll in the Employer offered health insurance plan on the first day of the month following 60 calendar|

| |days from their hire date and are subject to the terms and conditions of the Employer’s current plan. After the initial eligibility, employees |

| |may enroll during the annual open enrollment period, or at the occurrence of a qualifying event. |

|5.0 |The Employer shall pay an amount to be determined by the Executive Authority for the Employee’s premium for health insurance provided through |

| |the Employer’s selected plan and provider. |

|5.1 |The Employer does not pay any amount toward an Employee’s family coverage, spouse, or child’s health insurance plan. |

|Policy: Dental Insurance, Full-time Employees |

|1.0 |The Employer offers a dental insurance plan for full-time Employees and gives Employees the option to purchase dental insurance for their spouse|

| |and family. Employee dental insurance premiums are partially paid by the Employer and the remainder is the Employee’s contribution |

|Policy: Vision Insurance, Full-time Employees |

|1.0 |The Employer offers a vision insurance plan for full-time Employees. Employee vision insurance premiums are partially paid by the Employer and |

| |the remainder is the Employee’s contribution |

|Policy: Life Insurance, Full-time Employees |

|1.0 |The Employer provides a term life and accidental death and dismemberment policy for full-time employees who choose to participate and at no cost|

| |to the Employee. |

|Policy: Worker’s Compensation Insurance |

|1.0 |The Employer pays the total cost for Worker’s Compensation insurance, which covers work-related injuries. Any Employee sustaining a |

| |work-related injury must make an immediate report of such injury to the Employee’s supervisor in order to assure proper coverage of a claim. |

|Policy: Unemployment Insurance & Social Security |

|1.0 |The Employer pays 100% of the cost for unemployment insurance coverage. Employees guaranteed to work after Employer scheduled breaks are not |

| |eligible for an unemployment claim. |

|2.0 |Both the Employer and the Employee contribute to the Social Security program at rates specified by applicable federal law. |

|Policy: Unemployment Compensation |

|1.0 |BGP employees may be eligible for unemployment compensation. |

|2.0 |An individual may qualify for unemployment benefits if they meet the following: |

|2.1 |If he/she lost his/her job through no fault of his/her own;   |

|2.2 |Must be able to work;  |

|2.3 |Must be medically able to work;   |

|2.4 |He/she must register for work when he/she files an unemployment claim, and;  |

|2.5 |Actively seek a new job.   |

|3.0 |Contribution to the unemployment compensation system is borne by the program. |

|4.0 |Unemployment benefits may be denied for various reasons including employees that are not |

| |working due to the agency’s business schedule of closings during fall, winter, spring, or summer |

| |breaks.  |

|Policy: Additional Benefit Information |

|1.0 |Due to increasing costs of health care and health related benefits, the Employer will annually assess the availability of funds to assist |

| |employees in defraying these costs and is therefore contingent on the availability of funds. |

|2.0 |For insurance eligible Employees who do not return to work after the summer break, insurance coverage will terminate retroactive to May 31 of |

| |that same year. |

|3.0 |The Employee’s contribution for any of their insurance premiums are provided by payroll deduction and arrangement of coverage for scheduled |

| |breaks must be addressed with the fiscal office for Employee’s not scheduled during the summer. |

|4.0 |Assigned workers are individuals assigned to Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. through agreement and/or partnership with a separate |

| |agency/business to allow the individual to gain experience and/or skills for employment. Assigned workers are not entitled or eligible to |

| |receive any agency offered benefits. |

|Policy: Employee Well-being |

|1.0 |The Employer realizes all Employees may occasionally suffer from the stresses and strains of everyday life. In reality, concerns such as |

| |marital/family and relationship problems, alcohol and drug abuse, legal troubles, emotional and psychological problems, financial pressures, and|

| |job stress affect approximately 20 percent of any work force at any given time. These concerns become serious problems to an organization when |

| |they interfere with job performance. Additionally, the Employer encourages all Employees to maintain healthy lifestyles and routines and to |

| |consult with their health care provider as needed. |

|1.1 |In order to assist Employees when these issues may arise, the Employer will enlist the services of a Mental Health Consultant to provide |

| |confidential consultation and referral. Consultations will be limited to a one-time basis per fiscal year due to funding limitations. |

| |Employees must request an Employee Consultation and referral with the Human Resources Manager. |

|2.0 |Employees should also review the Employer’s health insurance benefits package for other programs available to address preventive health |

| |measures, health concerns and mental health issues. |

|Policy: COBRA Insurance |

|1.0 |In accordance with the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), the Employer offers its Employees continued health care |

| |coverage under its group health plan(s). Active employees, retirees and their dependents who lost coverage as a result of a “qualifying event” |

| |are considered to be “qualified beneficiaries” eligible to elect continued coverage at the expense of the Employee or qualifying beneficiary. |

| |The “qualifying events” that require an offering of continued coverage are termination of employment; reduction of hours; death of the covered |

| |employee or retiree; divorce or legal separation of the covered employee or retiree; a dependent child ceasing to qualify for coverage under the|

| |plan; or the covered retiree becomes eligible for Medicare. |

|1.1 |To be eligible to continue the covered Employee or retiree and dependents must not be covered under any other group health plan or be entitled |

| |to benefits under Medicare. |

|1.2 |The Employer’s group health plan must offer continued health care coverage, at the expense of the employee or qualifying beneficiary, for up to |

| |eighteen (18) months following termination of employment or reduction of hours; and thirty-six (36) months following any other qualifying event.|

|Policy: Retirement |

|1.0 |The Employer offers a retirement plan opportunity for its Employees. |

|2.0 |To be eligible for the retirement plan, the Employee must meet plan specific work requirements. |

|2.1 |Employee enrollment in the Employer offered retirement plan is contingent upon the plan enrollment period. |

|3.0 |When the Employee contributes to the Employee’s retirement account established by Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, the Agency will match up to 3% |

| |of the employee’s contribution. |

|4.0 |The Employer does not have a mandatory age in which the Employee must retire. |

|Policy: Supplemental Insurances |

|1.0 |The Employer offers its Employees the opportunity to enroll in supplemental insurance through AFLAC and Cincinnati Life. The Employer does not |

| |pay any portion of the premiums for these supplements. The AFLAC premium is an employee designated payroll deduction as pretax except for life |

| |insurance. AFLAC Life Insurance and Cincinnati Life are not pre-taxed and are employee designated payroll deductible. |

|Policy: Compensation for Driving a Bus Route |

|1.0 |Employees that are solely employed by the Agency as bus drivers will be compensated for time worked at the rate determined using the Employer’s |

| |Salary Scale. |

|1.1 |BGP employees that hold a Commercial Driver’s License and assume the added responsibility of driving a bus route on a regular or substitute |

| |basis will be awarded five dollars ($5.00) route pay in addition to their regular pay rate, morning and afternoon. |

|1.2 |Employees are not compensated route pay when they do not drive. |

|1.3 |The Transportation Supervisor and Transportation Coordinator will not receive bus route pay. |

|Policy: Cost of Living (COLA) and Compensation Adjustments |

|1.0 |Cost of Living increases, which may or may not be retroactive, are subject to availability of funds and funding award requirements. |

|1.1 |Only current Employees are entitled to receive cost of living (COLA) increases. |

|2.0 |Employee compensation is reviewed annually. |

|2.1 |Adjustments are based on many factors such as fiscal capacity, revenue projections, performance, and rate of pay for comparable jobs in the |

| |area. |

|2.2 |The Employer’s Salary Scale guides the amount of a pay increase. |

|Policy: Training/Meeting Costs for Employees |

|1.0 |BGP pays for employees to attend approved training/meetings established as work-related. |

|1.1 |Attendance at lectures, meetings, training sessions and similar activities directly related to the employee’s job is compensable with approval |

| |of the Executive Director. |

|1.2 |The training is considered directly related to the employee’s job if it is designed to make the employee handle his/her job more effectively, |

| |hence resulting in the employee becoming more efficient in the current, present job, as distinguished from training him/her for another job, or |

| |to a new additional skill.  |

|1.3 |Mandatory training may be required by the employer.  |

|1.4 |The determination of job-related training will be the responsibility of the Executive Director along with the designation given to which |

| |training activities are counted as working time and for which employees |

|1.5 |Employee orientation is a mandated training that is required by the program |

|1.6 |Most training days that are required, and therefore compensable time, are treated as a normal day’s work (i.e., 4 hours, 6 hours, or 8 hours).  |

|1.7 |Travel time and/or travel expenses to the mandated training may be reimbursed if the training is held off-site.   |

|1.8 |Due to the nature of operations and funding source dollars, training is customarily limited to job-related sessions.  |

|2.0 |The Employer has established requirements for purchases, training, and travel expenses and methods for implementing these processes. Therefore,|

| |the Employee is required to anticipate these costs prior to, in order to meet the agency’s protocol for these needs. |

|3.0 |In the event the Employee does unavoidably incur costs on behalf of the Employer, they shall be reimbursed according to the agency’s fiscal |

| |procedures. |

|3.1 |The Employee must produce dated invoices, receipts, and/or evidence of cost to the fiscal office along with meeting established protocol for |

| |reimbursement. |

|3.2 |Request for reimbursement of costs must be presented immediately upon the Employee’s return to the Agency. |

|Policy: Employee Travel for BGP Business |

|1.0 |Employees may be expected to travel on program business.   |

|1.1 |BGP allows its employees to travel using an approved agency-owned vehicle when appropriate |

| |and available.  |

|2.0 |Program employees travelling for program purposes and not using an agency-owned vehicle are allowed compensation for mileage.  |

|2.1 |Prior approval must be obtained for use of a personal vehicle for agency travel/business when mileage compensation is expected.  |

|2.2 |The Executive Director approves the use of personal vehicles for agency travel/business.  |

|3.0 |Subject to limitations elsewhere provided and upon rendering detailed expense accounts, program |

| |employees are allowed their actual, reasonable, and necessary expenses in performing official |

| |duties, including travel.  |

|4.0 |For such expenses of travel necessarily done by private automobile, employees are allowed the |

| |current Federal mileage reimbursement rate / General Services Administration (GSA) per |

| |diem standard mileage rate.  |


|Section I |

|Technology Policy |

| |

|1. BGP Computers and Technology Equipment |

| |

|2. Confidentiality |

|3. Personal Cell & Camera Phone Usage |

|4. Employee Use of Employer’s Telephones |

|5. Social Media |

|6. Agency Surveillance Equipment |

|Policy: Technology Policy: Computers and Equipment, Social Media, Phones, Camera/Video Devices, and Communication |

|1.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs (BGP) provides a technology system with a communications network capable of offering Electronic Mail (E-mail), |

| |Internet access, and computer use where applicable. The technology system assists employees to facilitate legitimate business communications |

| |and to fulfill their job responsibilities. The system should be used primarily for BGP business. The following policy applies to all users of |

| |BGP computer and network resources and services, personal cell phone and telephone usage, and the use of camera or video equipment wherever the |

| |users are located. Violations of this policy may result in the loss of the computer and network access, and/or disciplinary action, up to and |

| |including termination, and/or legal action. |

|1.1 |Utilization of the technology system is a privilege for employees, parents of enrolled children, and volunteers. |

|1.2 |Employees, parents, and volunteers should never put information on or access E-mail or Internet services unless they would feel comfortable |

| |accessing or putting the same information in a widely distributed office memo or publication. |

|1.3 |By using the network systems (including e-mail, Internet and/or social media), employees agree that they are aware of, understand, and will |

| |comply with the provisions of this policy. |

|2.0 |Persons using Agency computers and software have the responsibility to use BGP technology resources in an efficient, effective, ethical, and |

| |lawful manner, and in a manner consistent with BGP policies and procedures and Head Start Performance Standards. |

|2.1 |If a person encounters or receives prohibited material, they should immediately report the incident to their supervisor. |

|2.2 |Use of the BGP technology system to engage in any communication which violates federal, state, or local laws, codes, and regulations, and BGP |

| |policies and procedures is strictly prohibited at all times. |

|2.3 |The following uses of the BGP systems are inappropriate and are prohibited at all times except when a legitimate business need exists that is |

| |conveyed to Agency management and use is preauthorized in writing by Agency management |

|2.4 |Inappropriate and prohibited uses of the BGP system include, but are not limited to: |

|2.5 |Conducting personal commercial business; |

|2.6 |Accessing sexually explicit, prurient (focusing of sexual content or activity), or indecent materials including materials of a bawdy, risqué |

| |nature, or any other offensive or morally questionable material; |

|2.7 |Harassment or illegal discrimination including the transmission of obscene or harassing messages to any other individual; |

|2.8 |Gambling; |

|2.9 |Fraudulent, harassing, embarrassing, indecent, profane, obscene, intimidating, violent, or unlawful material sent, received, displayed, or |

| |stored on any computer or network owned by BGP; |

|2.10 |Unethical activity that could adversely affect BGP; |

|2.11 |Recreational use including the downloading of games; |

|2.12 |Activity that precludes or hampers network performance; |

|2.13 |Unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials; |

|2.14 |Violation of Agency-owned software license agreements; |

|2.15 |Transmission of sensitive or proprietary information to unauthorized persons or organizations; |

|2.16 |Making unauthorized entry to other systems or to other networks; |

|2.17 |Accessing social networking sites (ex. , ) other than agency designated websites and social networking sites; |

|2.18 |Installing and utilizing instant messaging or chat software (ex. Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger); |

|2.19 |Forwarding of electronic chain mail or letters; |

|2.20 |Unauthorized downloads from Internet to include software, spyware, adware, viruses, spam; |

|2.21 |Unauthorized maintenance or hardware installation. |

|3.0 |The Internet is a great storehouse of information and contains resources that can greatly enhance our ability to deliver quality services to |

| |children, families, and the community. |

|3.1 |BGP encourages exploration of the Internet for legitimate business-related or professional activities. During the Agency’s normal business hours|

| |the primary use of the BGP Internet account shall be for legitimate business use only. |

|3.2 |General exploration of the Internet or other personal use of the Internet shall be limited to non-work hours with the approval of Agency |

| |management. |

|3.3 |Employees who work within the public’s visual site should be cognizant of public perception and should use care and discretion in providing an |

| |appropriate image of BGP while using the Internet during the Agency’s normal work hours. |

|4.0 |Persons using Agency computers/I-pads/tablets/other technological devices or equipment should exercise caution when storing any personal |

| |information in electronic format. |

|4.1 |All Agency computers are the property of the Agency, and therefore all content is subject to be examined by the Fiscal Administrator and/or |

| |technology staff or consultants at any time. |

|4.2 |This includes desktop computers as well as laptops. |

|4.3 | Confidentiality of electronic data shall be maintained in accordance with the Agency’s Confidentiality Policy. |

|5.0 |Use of outside data sources in Agency computers is prohibited. |

|5.1 |This includes disks, CDs, USB drives, etc. |

|5.2 |All fulltime employees will receive an Agency USB drive to be used for storage/backup of Agency computer data/files only. |

|5.3 |These USB drives should not be used in computers outside of the agency for security purposes |

|5.4 |Employees will only use agency approved USB drives in agency computers. |

|5.5 |Agency approved USB drives are available through the Technology Assistant. |

|6.0 |Use of electronic mail (email) is essential to any business. |

|6.1 |BGP has provided each employee with an authorized BGP email account (yourfirst.yourlast@). |

|6.2 |This account should be utilized when you are conducting Agency business communications with other persons. |

|7.0 |The use of a personal account to conduct BGP business is not authorized unless you are otherwise given written permission by BGP management. |

|7.1 |The use of BGP’s email accounts to communicate email of non-business (personal) nature is prohibited; |

|7.2 |Accessing of sexually explicit, prurient, or indecent materials including bawdy, risqué, or any other offensive or morally questionable |

| |materials; |

|7.3 |Use of BGP licensed software to access email of a personal nature is prohibited; |

|7.4 |Use of your designated BGP’s email account to sign up for non-business-related services is prohibited; |

|7.5 |Engaging in activity that increases the amount of “SPAM” email sent to servers is prohibited; |

|7.6 |Use of your account to facilitate online shopping (except when preauthorized for business purposes) is prohibited; |

|8.0 |Access and responses to personal email shall be restricted to non-working hours and should be done so in a manner that does not interfere with |

| |day-to-day responsibilities. |

|8.1 |In the cases where access to personal email is permitted, access shall be facilitated only through web interfaces and shall not be permitted |

| |utilizing BGP software like Outlook Express, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, and any other programs. |

|9.0 |From time-to-time it may be necessary to utilize BGP systems to print personal email account content for agency use. |

|9.1 |Should this be the case, printing should be kept to a strict minimum as dictated by the business need that requires the content. |

|9.2 |Printing or copying of personal email for one’s own use is prohibited. |

|10.0 |Employees must be aware of the effect their personal as well as professional actions may have on their image, as well as Breckinridge-Grayson |

| |Programs’ image.. |

|10.1 |The information that employees post or publish remains public information indefinitely and may not be controlled by the Employee |

|10.2 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs management may observe content and information made available by employees through social media. |

|10.3 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs request Employees to be prudent to carefully consider all possible consequences and act accordingly when posting |

| |information, material, or comments that are neither inappropriate or harmful towards Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, its employees, or enrolled |

| |families. |

|10.4 |Although not an exclusive list, some specific examples of prohibited social media conduct include posting commentary, content, or images that |

| |are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create a hostile work environment. |

|11.0 |Employees will not publish, post, or release any information that is considered confidential or not public. |

|11.1 |When an Employee is unsure of what is considered confidential, the Employee must check with the Executive Director and/or supervisor. |

|11.2 |Employees must obtain written permission from the Executive Director before making reference to or posting images of current or former parents, |

| |children, employees, vendors or suppliers. |

|11.3 |Employees must obtain appropriate permission to use a third party's copyrights, copyrighted material, trademarks, service marks, or other |

| |intellectual property. |

|12.0 |Employee use of social media must not interfere with the employee’s responsibilities. |

|12.1 | Breckinridge-Grayson Programs technology systems and agency social media sites are to be used for business purposes only. |

|12.2 |Executive Authority permission must be granted before any posting to the Agency’s social media site will be published. |

|12.3 |Employees must adhere to the Breckinridge-Grayson Programs’ Standards of Conduct and the Employee Technology Agreement when using social media |

| |in reference to Breckinridge-Grayson Programs. |

|13.0 |Subject to applicable law, after‐hours “online” activity that violates the agency’s Standards of Conduct or any other agency policy may subject|

| |an employee to disciplinary action or termination. |

|14.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs offers sufficient means for staff to communicate with their assigned children/families and the Agency does not |

| |support or advocate employee communication with children/families via social media therefore the Agency is not responsible in any way for the |

| |Employee’s failure to meet this expectation to not communicate with enrolled children/families via social media. |

|15.0 |Employees will maintain personal email, personal social media and personal internet related accounts separate from the daily operations of |

| |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs in every aspect. |

|16.0 |The Employer recognizes that Employees will use their cell phones while at work in order to maintain family contact, conduct personal business |

| |that cannot be done after work hours, or in the event of a personal emergency. |

|16.1 |Employer telephones are for the benefit of the Agency and should be limited to Employer business. |

|16.2 |Employees will limit their use of cell phones to break periods to avoid interference with job responsibilities. |

|16.3 |Employees are prohibited from using a cell phone for calling or texting while attending children, driving, or monitoring a bus, or engaged in |

| |their job duties. |

|16.4 |Use of the personal camera features available in some cell phones, on electronic devices, or cameras is strictly prohibited without the prior |

| |approval of the Executive Authority. |

|16.5 |Collect calls are prohibited except calls from Employees due to emergency situations. |

|16.6 |Personal calls will be limited to emergency needs. |

|17.0 |Technology Policy violations should be reported immediately to the Executive Director, Fiscal Administrator, or immediate supervisor. |

|17.1 |Individuals found to be in violation of computer use policies may lose computer privileges or may be subject to disciplinary action as stated in|

| |agency Personnel Policies and Procedures. |

|17.2 |Depending on the nature of the events, agency employees, may, at the discretion of the Executive Director, be subject to termination of agency |

| |employment. |

|17.3 |Offenses which are found to be in violation of local, state, or federal laws will result in immediate loss of all computer privileges, and will |

| |be reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities for investigation and possibly prosecution |

|18.0 |Breckinridge-Grayson Programs, Inc. uses a security camera system for the purpose of surveillance of the agency’s property including throughout |

| |the facility located at 201 E. Walnut St. Leitchfield, Kentucky 42754 and including grounds. |

|18.1 |Surveillance equipment is not operative in offices and restrooms. |

|18.2 |The equipment has the capability of audio recording as well as visual recording in the gymnasium and playgrounds, only. |

|18.3 |Employees are informed of the installation and use of the camera/recording surveillance equipment and sign an acknowledgement of such. |

|Section J |

| |

|Safety |

| |

|Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting |

|Employee’s Personal Medication |

|Safe Operation of Vehicles & Equipment |

|Employee Safety Training |

|Communicable Disease |

|Policy: Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting |

|1.0 |Employees are subject to Kentucky’s mandatory reporting laws for suspected or known child abuse and neglect. |

|1.1 |Employees are not investigators, they report. |

|1.2 |Employees will follow agency protocol whenever they suspect or know a child is abused, neglected, or at risk in addition to compliance with |

| |mandates. |

|2.0 |Employees will attend training provided by the Employer on child abuse and neglect |

|2.1 |Child abuse & neglect training for mandatory reporting and identification of abuse/neglect is provided to employees during pre-service and New |

| |Employee Orientation. |

|Policy: Employee’s Personal Medication |

|1.0 |The Employer is dedicated to the safety of children enrolled in the program. |

|1.1 |Medications, both over-the-counter and prescription can be unsafe for young children when left unattended, within their reach, or accessible to |

| |them. |

|2.0 |The Employer prefers its Employees do not have any medications on-site. |

|2.1 |The Employee is required to keep personal medication, including over-the-counter and/or prescription, in a locked area away from children in the|

| |Employer’s workplace when it is necessary to have the medications at work. |

|Policy: Safe Operation of Vehicles & Equipment |

|1.0 |The Employer is committed to providing a safe environment and safeguarding others which requires the cooperation and active participation of all|

| |Employees. |

|1.1 |Employees must be aware of and comply with all safety requirements established by the Employer and legally relevant to and including driving, |

| |passenger, pedestrian safety. |

|2.0 |The Employer will periodically obtain the Employee’s driving history and will address any concerns noted in the history that is relevant to the |

| |Employee’s assigned duties and/or the use of Agency vehicles and delivery of services. |

|3.0 |Employees and passengers shall wear seat belts and shoulder restraints during the operation of the Employer’s vehicles. |

| 4.0 |Employer-owned vehicles are equipped with a GPS system to monitor driving, location, and use. |

|5.0 |Any Employee using the Employer’s property or equipment has a responsibility to employ full care in its use and in safeguarding it from theft or|

| |vandalism |

|Policy: Employee Safety Training |

|1.0 |Staff receive required safety training.  |

|1.1 |All staff with regular child contact attend initial orientation training at hire.  |

|1.2 |All staff with regular child contact receive ongoing training in all state, local, tribal, Federal and |

| |program-developed health, safety and child care requirements.  |

|1.3 |Staff receive safety training to ensure the safety of children in their staff’s care |

|2.0 |Safety training includes, at a minimum, and as appropriate based on staff roles and ages of |

| |children they work with, training in:  |

|2.1 |The prevention and control of infectious diseases;  |

|2.2 |Prevention of sudden infant death syndrome and use of safe sleeping practices;  |

|2.3 |Administration of medication, consistent with standards for parental consent;  |

|2.4 |Prevention and response to emergencies due to food and allergic reactions;  |

|2.5 |Building and physical premises safety, including identification of and protection from hazards, |

| |bodies of water, and vehicular traffic;  |

|2.6 |Prevention of shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, and child maltreatment;  |

|2.7 |Emergency Preparedness Plan for emergencies;  |

|2.8 |Handling and storage of hazardous materials and the appropriate disposal of bio-contaminants;  |

|2.9 |Appropriate precautions in transporting children, if applicable;  |

|2.10 |Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (infant and child at minimum); and,  |

|2.11 |First aid;  |

|2.12 |Recognition and reporting of child abuse and neglect, in accordance with 1302.47 b 5.  |

|3.0 |Safety Training for Staff Without Regular Child Contact  |

|3.1 |All staff with no regular responsibility for or contact with children attend initial orientation |

| |training at hire.  |

|3.2 |All staff with no regular responsibility for or contact with children receive ongoing training in all |

| |state, local, tribal, federal and program-developed health and safety requirements applicable to |

| |their work; and  |

|3.3 |Training in the program’s Emergency Preparedness Plan.    |

|Policy: Communicable Diseases |

|1.0 |It is vital to the Employer that the workforce is physically able to perform his/her assigned duties as scheduled and that the Employee poses no|

| |health risk to others. |

|2.0 |Each Employee shall have had an initial health examination and Tuberculosis screening prior to beginning employment to establish that |

| |communicable disease do not pose a significant risk to the health and safety of others in the EHS and HS programs that cannot be eliminated or |

| |reduced by reasonable accommodation. |

|2.1 |After the initial physical examination, periodic re-examinations will occur as recommended by their health care provider and/or the Agency’s |

| |Health Services Advisory Committee. |

|3.0 |The Agency will provide for the cost of an examination with the Agency selected provider or provide reimbursement for actual cost incurred by |

| |the Employee not to exceed $50 (fifty dollars). |

|3.1 |For CDL physical examinations, an Employee required to obtain or hold a CDL license must have their initial and periodic physical examination |

| |completed by the Agency’s selected provider. |

|4.0 |Employees are assessed/screened for Tuberculosis every two (2) years; |

|4.1 |BGP accepts the most recent Tuberculosis assessment/screening presented at employment, provided it is dated less than two (2) years old. |

|5.0 |Tuberculosis screening is completed when the health department determines by assessment that a screening is warranted. |

|5.1 |Individuals unable to have the “needle stick” for Tuberculosis screening due to previous adverse reactions, will follow health department or |

| |their health care provider’s recommendations; |

|5.2 |Individuals will not on-board until a health professional determines they are not contagious or pose a health risk to others. |

|6.0 |BGP will provide for the cost of a Tb Assessment or when required, a Tb Skin Test per needle stick with the Agency selected provider. |

|7.0 |The Employee is responsible to submit appropriate documentation to the Human Resources Office. |

| |

|Section K |

| |

|Disciplinary |

| |

| |

|1. Disciplinary Process |

| |

|Policy: Employer’s Disciplinary Process |

|1.0 |The Employer is committed to assisting Employees to perform at acceptable levels and to adhere to the provisions of this Employee Handbook. |

|1.1 |BGP implements a disciplinary process that provides the Employee with feedback on performance and delineates sanctions for specific behaviors and|

| |actions. |

|2.0 |The Employer’s first concern is the health, safety and welfare of the children and families for whom Breckinridge-Grayson provides services, the |

| |staff, and agency contacts. |

|2.1 |Employee actions, which jeopardize the health, safety or welfare of the children, families, staff, and/or agency contacts, may result in |

| |disciplinary action including implementation of a Disciplinary Action Plan, Disciplinary Probation, Suspension, recommendation for termination of|

| |employment. |

|3.0 |A Disciplinary Action Plan may include a written warning, suspension from work with or without pay, demotion, disciplinary probation, change in |

| |position, retraining, and/or defined actions for the Employee to meet during a specified timeframe and in combination as determined applicable. |

|3.1 |Actions that may evoke a Disciplinary Action Plan may include but are not limited to poor job performance; inappropriate action; breach of |

| |provisions of the Employee Handbook, non-compliance with the Standards of Conduct; or other unacceptable conduct. |

|4.0 |The Employee is not eligible for salary increase, promotion, or change of position during a Disciplinary Action period and these activities are |

| |not considered retroactive with the closure of the Disciplinary Action period. |

|5.0 |A written warning may be given as the sole disciplinary course of action when the occurrence is |

| |a first-time addressed occurrence and it is deemed through consultation with the Executive Authority, the Human Resources Manager, and the Area |

| |Manager that the occurrence does not warrant further action. |

|6.0 |Suspension from work may be paid leave, at the Employer’s discretion during investigation of an Employee’s behavior or actions and may be imposed|

| |until the Employer determines that the investigation is complete, resulting in no disciplinary action or other disciplinary action. |

|6.1 |Suspension from work without pay may be imposed by the Employer as part of the disciplinary process and will not exceed 20 (twenty) business days|

| |or the equivalent of two (2) pay periods and does not necessarily require an investigation. |

|7.0 |Disciplinary Probation occurs when an Employee requires a Disciplinary Action Plan for the same offense more than one time or requires more than |

| |two (2) Disciplinary Action Plans within a 12-month period regardless of the offense, and the Employee may be recommended for transfer to a |

| |different position, reduced to part-time status, or recommended for termination |

|7.1 |Recommendation for termination is relevant based on the agency’s Standards of Conduct, agency policies, or failure to comply with the |

| |expectations of the Employer and/or directives of the Employee Handbook. |

|7.2 |The Policy Council must approve all recommendations for termination of employment. |

|8.0 |The Executive Authority shall be informed of all concerns for Employee compliance with policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements and must|

| |approve all Disciplinary Action. |

|9.0 |The Board of Directors is responsible for the termination of individuals holding the position of Executive Director, Fiscal Administrator, and |

| |Human Resources Manager prior to Policy Council approval. |


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