Resume Wizard

81 S.E. 16th ave #D-102

Gainesville, Fl. 32601 |Phone (352) 271 - 7814

E-mail channiya@ | |Chan Park

|Personal Information |I work well with group as well as perform the duty on time. I have been called night walker due |

| |to working late hours till the project is done. |

|Objective | |

|Education |1998 - 2003 University of Florida Gainesville, Fl |

| |Graduated: May 2003 with B.S. in Computer Engineering |

| |Spring 2003 The National Dean’s List |

| |Spring 2002 All American Dean’s List |

| |Fall 1998 President’s List |

|Relevant Classes |Hardware related Classes |

| |EEL3701C: Digital Logic |

| |- understanding of latch, mux, RAM, EPROM, logic gates, and labs to support the concepts |

| |CDA 3101: Introduction to Computer Organization |

| |- understanding of basic computer architecture using MIPS programming |

| |EEL4744C: Microprocessor Motorola 6812 |

| |- understanding of microprocessors using 6812 to build keypad, sound generator, UART interaction,|

| |DRAM attachment, addressing mode with Assembly programming |

| |EEL 4713C: Digital Computer Architecture |

| |- understanding of 16 bit CISC and RISC architecture using Max + II IDE with VHDL programming |

| |EEL 5764: Computer Architecture |

| |- understanding of Pipeline and memory hashing technique using linux cluster to simulate |

| |different types of memory Hit/Miss rate determination |

| |EEL 5718: Computer Communication |

| |- understanding of broad digital communication network: 7 layer stack (OSI) v.s. 5 layer stack |

| |(TCP/IP), POTS v.s. ATM network, Utilization and Error probability over different network |

| |topology. |

|Work Experience |2003 – 2004 Prioria Robotics, Inc Gainesville, Fl |

| |Software Architect |

| |Robot GUI product design and development |

| |Mac OS X Server Networking |

| |SQL database system administration |

| |2002 – 2003 Novoris, LLC Gainesville, Fl |

| |Software Programmer |

| |Java Server Page Programming for web-based health-fitness tracking system |

| |Wrote the technical documentation |

| |Set up and troubleshoot Tomcat and Apache for Web access and JSP engine |

| |May – Aug 2001 Nortel Networks Atlanta, Ga |

| |Software Verification Tester II |

| |Upgraded INM “reach-thru” software for OPC GUI and PAA testing |

| |Remodeled and maintained IMAS Web Server via Web Access Tool |

| |Verified robustness of uEMS Software for UE9000 ATM network |

| |Completed ATM, uEMS, SNMP training |

| | |

| |May – Aug 2000 Nortel Networks Atlanta, Ga |

| |Software Verification Tester I |

| |Programmed and debugged PC Access Assist (PAA) testing suites for AccessNode using Segue Silk test|

| |(4-test script language) |

| |Worked with OPC system testing |

| |Completed Java, xDSL, Nortel routers and switches, SONET, POTS network training |

|Projects | |

| |Case Study of IP network packet issue in wireless network using LanForge (2004) |

| |Wireless Event Notification Application using J2ME and J2SE server – SMS Concept (2003) |

| |Wireless E-commerce Grocery Shopping Database Design using J2ME, J2SE, and Oracle 8i (2003) |

| |CISC and RISC based 16bit CPU (Sweet 16) Design (2003) |

| |Motorola M68HC12 Microprocessor application design (2002) |

|Extracurricular activities | |

| |2000 – 2003 Golden Key Honor Society |

| |2000 – 2003 The Entrepreneur Club |

| |1999 – 2003 Automated Computing Machinery (ACM) |

| |1999 – 2000 Pre-professional Service organization |

| |1998 – 2003 The National Society of Collegiate Scholars |

|Interests and activities | |

| |Academic Interest |

| |Basic Hardware – Software Interface Design |

| |Wireless Network Application Development |

| |Hobby |

| |Fishing, Tennis, Racquetball, TaeKwonDo, Coung Nhu |

|Language | |

| |Fluent in Korean and in English |

|Reference | |

| |Available Upon Request |


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