The 100 Question

The 100 Question

Location Knowledge Revision Worksheet No.2.

Use the maps at the back of your Planners to help you. Answers on this sheet.

Capital letters & correct spellings essential!

You should also mark the answers down on a blank copy of the World Map.

1. Which country is Mt Fuji in?

2. Canberra is the capital of…?

3. Lake in Central Africa?

4. Capital of the Republic of Ireland?

5. Highest mountain in Alaska?

6. Ottawa is the capital of…?

7. Sea to the east of Egypt?

8. Line of Latitude that goes through northern Argentina?

9. Largest island in the Caribbean?

10. Santiago is the capital of…?

11. River that flows through Australia?

12. Capital of Indonesia?

13. Cape at the south of Africa?

14. Volcano on the Argentine/Chilean border?

15. Wellington is the capital of…?

16. Capital of Libya?

17. The River Yangtze flows through which major city?

18. Major city in the west of India?

19. Continent in which Zambezi River is?

20. Ocean west of Mexico?

21. Line of Longitude through UK?

22. Mountain range dividing European and Asian Russia?

23. Capital of Colombia?

24. Mt Etna belongs to which country?

25. Sea to the north of Tripoli?

26. Lakes between USA and Canada?

27. New Delhi is the capital of…?

28. Sea between Singapore and the Philippines?

29. Mountains between France and Spain?

30. Capital of Argentina?

31. Desert in northern China?

32. River in France?

33. Tropic that goes through Saudi Arabia?

34. Capital of Hungary?

35. River in India?

36. Vienna is the capital of…?

37. Half an island to the north of Australia?

38. Line of Latitude that goes through Madagascar?

39. Capital of Bangladesh?

40. Volcano in Africa?

41. Caspian Sea is in which continent?

42. Smaller island nation to the south of Cuba?

43. Capital of Iran?

44. Major city on the central West Coast of USA?

45. Addis Ababa is the capital of…?

46. The sea to the south of the Ural Mountains?

47. Chile’s northern neighbour?

48. The mountains between India and China?

49. The desert in South America?

50. The Tropic that nearly goes through the Kalahari Desert?

51. The capital of Jamaica?

52. The neighbouring country to the east of India?

53. The desert in south-western USA?

54. Paris is the capital of…?

55. The ocean to the west of The Americas?

56. Vancouver is a major city in…?

57. The gulf to the south east of Iraq?

58. Singapore is just to the north of which country?

59. The mountains in Switzerland?

60. Amsterdam is the capital of…?

61. The European river that flows into the Black Sea?

62. The Line of Latitude that goes through Hudson Bay?

63. The capital of Venezuela?

64. Which river flows into the Caribbean Sea?

65. Hong Kong is the capital of…?

66. The island to the north west of the UK?

67. Capital of Mexico?

68. Tokyo is the capital of…?

69. River that runs through Vienna?

70. The country to the south of the Black Sea?

71. The major city in eastern India?

72. The capital of Iraq?

73. The Ocean to the east of USA?

74. The capital of Turkey?

75. Name 2 countries in Asia that lie on the Equator?

76. (As above in 75)

77. The Tropic that goes through Mexico?

78. The capital of South Africa?

79. The Line of Latitude that goes through the mouth of the River Amazon?

80. The canal that links the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean?

81. Lima is the capital of…?

82. The capital of Sweden?

83. The last country that the River Nile flows through?

84. The river that runs through Southern France?

85. Moscow is the capital of…?

86. The major Canadian city to the north east of Ottawa?

87. The St Lawrence River flows into which Ocean?

88. The Line of Latitude that goes through northern Russia?

89. The capital of Brazil?

90. The volcano in Mexico?

91. The major river in central western Africa?

92. The southernmost cape of South America?

93. The capital of Kenya?

94. The sea to the south of the Ural Mountains?

95. The Ocean into which the Congo/Zaire River flows?

96. The major city to the south west of South Africa?

97. The river that flows through central and eastern China?

98. The capital of Pakistan?

99. The desert in North America?

100. The line of Longitude to the east of New Zealand?

In answering these questions, you have made another epic journey around the world…





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