Annotated Bibliography Karen MeltonKing UniversityRevell, M. A., & McGhee, M. N. (2012). Evolution of the African American family.?International Journal of Childbirth Education,?27(4), 44-48. CINAHL Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed May 23, 2015).The aim of this article is to bring attention to the changes within the African American culture while addressing nursing responsibility of culturally competent care that utilizes Leininger’s Theory of Culture: Diversity and Universality. The authors believe that by using this model, the nurse will be able to involve the client in developing a culturally acceptable plan of care that will promote health and wellbeing. This article looked at African American family structure, two and three generation families residing within one household, family composition, and the effects on individual’s health and wellbeing. This article concluded that children are the primary focus within this culture and that family support is essential to the mother. It is essential for the child to become attached to the family unit at a very early age. The nurse should inquire about family structure and decision making preferences. The nurse should also include all members of the family in the care of a child whom the mother deems as important. This article offers insight into the societal environments of the African American family and gives the nurse guidance in providing culturally competent care that can address problems and promote solutions. Simile and Picture:The Leininger’s Theory of Culture: Diversity and Universality is like graffiti. Graffiti offers artistic expressions of cultural, religious, social, political, and personal experiences and beliefs. Graffiti transcends time and culture. It has been used as expressions of fear, oppression, loss, grief, and hope that has been seen throughout history and just as the emotions it arises from its use does not discriminate between cultures. Leininger’s Theory of Culture: Diversity and Universality also transcends culture with its ability to be an effective care model within any population regardless of age, race, or belief system. This theory, much like graffiti, offers the nurse insight into the client’s culture including beliefs, traditions, religion, and family structure to ensure we see the patient as they see themselves. I think this picture represents Leininger’s Theory of Culture: Diversity and Universality. The multi color scheme represents different ideas, belief systems, and traditions that are sitting on the foundation of culture which is represented by the platform in the picture. This is a very abstract piece of graffiti that will lend itself to the interpretation of viewer. Our culture, beliefs, and traditions are much like this work. If you give 100 clients these three words and ask them to write down what they mean, each client will have a different interpretation of the words and thus each answer will be different. Leininger’s Theory of Culture: Diversity and Universality requires that nurses allow each client to express their interpretations of themselves and integrate these beliefs, traditions, and cultures into their care. ................

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