Appomatox - Explore PA History

“Selling Patriotism: Daisy Lampkin’s Contribution to World War II”


|QUESTION | Class Example (Day One) |POSTER 1: |POSTER 2: |

| |United We Win |Keep us Flying! |Homecoming |

|1. What are the main |Red, white, and blue |Blue and brown |Red, white, and blue |

|colors? | | | |

|2. What symbols are used? |American flag |Airman uniform |A star in the window |

|3. Is the symbol: |Yes ~ the flag is the entire top ½ of the |Yes ~ the famous Tuskegee airmen |Yes ~ During World War II a service flag was shown to |

|clear? |poster | |indicate your child was in the service. A blue star meant|

|memorable? | | |the child was still living; a gold star, that they had |

|dramatic? | | |died in service. |

|4. Are the messages visual, verbal, or both? |Both |Both |Both |

|5. Who is the intended audience? |American civilians |African-American civilians |Families with sons/fathers/husbands away at war |

|6. What does the government hope the audience |All people regardless of color can help the|By showing an image of the Tuskegee Airman,|Families want their children to be safe from harm and the|

|will do? |war effort on the home front |the US government wants African-American |dangers of war. The poster is appealing to the emotional |

| | |civilians to recognize that it is their war|side of people to buy “Victory Bonds.” |

| | |too (other African Americans are fighting | |

| | |in it) so that they will buy war bonds. | |

| | | | |

|7. What government purpose is served by the |Integration of public society |Help to finance all areas of the military |Convincing people to buy war bonds will help finance the |

|poster? | |during the war |war. |

| | | | |

|8. Is this an effective poster? |Yes |Yes |Yes |


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