African-American Scientists & Inventors

Scientists & Inventors Research ProjectFor this assignment, you will prepare a poster and a one page paper on a scientist or inventor. In order to complete this project, you will need to research your subject. Look for personal and historical information about the place and time this person lived and worked. Gather facts about the field of science this person succeeded in. Keep in mind that you will use this information to present your scientist to the class. Make sure that you answer the questions below in your paper. You will receive a formal grade on this project. Paper Requirements: Research paper must include the following:When they livedWhat they invented or what their most important accomplishment wasWhat time period in history did this person live? How did the time and place affect him/herWhat inspired them to do what they didObstacles they had to overcomeHow our lives have changed as a result of their accomplishment/inventionIf possible, a single spaced typed paper should be submitted. If not able to type, please neatly handwrite your paperPoster Requirements:Poster MUST be on an 8 ? x 11 sheet of unlined paper.10 pointsPicture - We need to know what he/she looks/looked like!10 pointsFirst, Middle and Last name (if all apply) of your scientist5 pointsBirth date and Year of Death if not alive.5 pointsIn what country was this person born and where did he/she do his/her work?10 pointsFor what reason is this person famous (wanted)? 5-8 sentences, in your own words, for credit.30 pointsInventions or contributions made by this person15 pointsA fact that you found interesting OR a quote by that person.10 pointsYour name and block on the bottom right corner.5 pointsScientists & Inventors Research Project AcknowledgementI,__________________________________________________(student name), am doing my project on _______________________________________ (scientist/inventor) I understand that I should do my best on the project since it is a 100 point test grade. The due date is Tuesday, September 6th and I understand that late projects WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.__________________________________________________________________ Signature of student__________________________________________________________________ Signature of parent/guardian ................

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