US History EOC Review Study Guide

US History Final Exam Review Study Guide

The New Republic (1789-1816)

1. First president, _____________________, set ___________________ (examples or traditions that are later followed), including the establishment of a ______________________

2. First Secretary of State? ___________________; First Secretary of the Treasury? ________________ First Attorney General? ____________________; First Secretary of War? ____________________

3. Another important precedent, the __________________________, established our federal court system; first chief justice of the Supreme Court was ____________________.

4. The disagreements between Hamilton and Jefferson—especially over the national ________—led to the first two political parties, the ________________________ and ______________________________

5. Alexander Hamilton believed the government should be controlled by the educated and ____________; Hamilton believed the elastic clause of the Constitution gave the federal government ______________ powers; he was a ___________________________

6. Hamilton’s Financial Plan: the national government should pay off __________ debts, should establish import taxes, aka ____________, and should establish a ___________________; to get Southerners to agree to the program, Hamilton agreed to move the capital from NYC to ________________________

7. Thomas Jefferson believed the federal government should pass laws only if it was expressly written in the Constitution; he was a ________________________; unlike Hamilton, Jefferson felt the _________________ man should have a voice in the government

8. During Washington’s presidency, farmers in western PA revolted against a tax on _______________. It was called the ___________________, but in the end the power of the _______________ government over the ______________ was proven

9. While Great Britain and France were fighting a war with one another, Washington issued the Proclamation of _________________ to avoid war with either nation; Washington supported other treaties to avoid war, including _________ Treaty with Great Britain and ____________ Treaty with Spain; _____________ Treaty also gave the US the right to use the ________________ River and the port at _________________

10. In 1794, the Americans won a decisive victory over the Indians at the Battle of ____________________; then, the Treaty of _____________________ was written, which opened up the Northwest Territory to American settlement

11. In Washington’s Farewell Address, he warns against (1) ____________________________,

(2) _________________________, and (3) _____________________________

12. Second President, _________________, also was a ___________________; a one-term president, Adams also tried to avoid war with Great Britain and France; in his term, French agents tried to bribe US envoys to France in the ____________________________, which humiliated and angered Americans and almost cost the US a war with France, called the ______________________

13. In the midst of the war fever, and to quell opposition from the Democratic-Republican Party, Congress passed the ________________________, which made it illegal to criticize the President and it increased the length of time it took for immigrants to become citizens

14. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison felt the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional; VA and KY, passed the _____________________________, which stated that states could _________________ a federal law they felt was unconstitutional; this laid the foundation for ___________________

15. Third President, ___________________, was elected in 1800; why was this election called the

“Peaceful Revolution” of 1800? ________________________________________________________

16. Jefferson’s greatest achievement: ________________ Purchase (1803) from ____________; why did he hesitate to do it? ______________________________________________________________________

17. Jefferson sent __________________________ to explore the Louisiana Purchase; he nicknamed them the Corps of ____________________; two goals of the trip? (1) _________________ the territory and (2) find an all-water route to the _____________________; the men were guided most of the way by an Indian woman named _____________________

18. Jefferson also wanted to avoid war with Great Britain and France, however, both were stealing American ships and sailors, called ________________________; in one major incident in 1807, called the ___________________ Affair, British troops attacked an American ship, which outraged many Americans

19. In an attempt to punish Britain, Jefferson issued the ______________________; however, it DID NOT work and hurt Americans much more than it did Britain; the embargo also hurt Jefferson’s reputation

20. Fourth President, __________________; in 1809, the embargo was replaced with the _____________________ Act, and later by the __________________________ in 1810

21. Britain continued to give weapons and ammunition to Indians; one Indian, _________________, wanted to preserve Indian culture and unite all Indians against American expansion; the Indian Movement lost momentum when Tecumseh was defeated at the Battle of ____________________ in 1811

22. Young, aggressive politicians known as _______________, began to call for war with Great Britain; the two most famous war hawks were _______________________ and _________________________

23. The War of 1812 began, which critics nicknamed _________________ War; critics of the war from New England met at the _________________ Convention and talked about seceded from the Union; they belonged to the ____________________ Party

24. What country were we fighting? __________________; the causes of the war included the British kidnapping of US sailors, called ______________________, the seizing of US ________________, and the arming and incitement of the ________________ on the frontier

25. At Fort _______________ near Baltimore, Francis Scott Key wrote the _________________________; during the war, what happened to the White House and the Capitol? ______________

26. The US won at the Battle of New Orleans; the hero of that battle was ______________________; what was ironic about that battle? ___________________________________________________________

27. The Treaty of ___________ ended the war; who won? __________________; how did Americans feel? ________________________________; what happened to the Federalists? _______________________

Nationalism and Sectionalism (1812-1855)

28. By the early- to mid-1800s, there was great industrial growth in the North and the First Industrial Revolution had taken place

a. Steamboat __________________, name of first steamboat _______________________

b. Telegraph _______________________

c. Steam engine locomotive _______________________

d. Textile mill ________________________

e. Fully operational mill ________________________; the young, single woman who were recruited from area farms to work ________________________

29. The nation’s first federally funded road: ________________________; canals also expanded transportation and industry, including the Erie Canal; how did it affect NYC? ___________________________________

30. Immigration increased in the North, and people who were STRONGLY against immigrants were called __________________; in 1816, Congress passed the Tariff of 1816 to obtain revenue, which helped __________________ industries but hurt __________________ farmers

31. The South relied mainly on _____________________, but there were several industrial advancements

a. Metal plow _____________________

b. Interchangeable parts __________________

c. Mechanical reaper __________________

32. The inventor and invention which increased the need for slave labor _____________________________; many in the South considered slavery to be a “necessary ___________.”

33. Fifth President, ______________________; his time as president was nicknamed the

Era of ____________________ due to a strong sense of American _________________ (national pride)

34. As President, Monroe warned European countries that the western hemisphere was NOT open to European colonization; this was called the ________________________________

35. Monroe’s Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams, helped the US expand after the passage of the Adams-Onis Treaty, which was a treaty with ______________ that gave _______________ to the US (and allowed the US and Britain to share Oregon)

36. Henry Clay’s _____________________ tried to build a nationalistic economy; it included the re-creation of a national ___________, increased _____________, and the building of new __________ and __________

37. The strongest Supreme Court Justice during the early years of our nation was ____________________; the court cases that were decided in the early 1800s strengthened the power of the __________________ government over the ______________ governments; some of these were:

a. _______________________ Supreme Court can declare a law unconstitutional (judicial review)

b. _______________________ the right of the national government to control interstate commerce

c. __________________________ the constitutionality of the national bank and the federal government has power over the states

38. In the mid-1800s a new literary movement called the _____________________________ emerged in response to high American nationalism; it advocated feelings over reason, the inner spirit and closeness to _____________; an expression of this movement was _____________________, which urged people to transcend the limits of their minds and embrace the beauty of the universe; significant writers and their works include:

a. Ralph Waldo Emerson and his essay _________________________

b. Henry David Thoreau ________________________ and __________________________

c. James Fennimore Cooper ___________________________ and __________________________

d. Nathaniel Hawthorne __________________________

e. Herman Melville ____________________________

f. Edgar Allen Poe ______________________________

g. Walt Whitman _________________________________

h. Emily Dickinson, famous American _____________

39. Art, like the literature of this period, expressed _____________________; the _____________________ School was a movement that depicted the beauty of the American _________________________; also, Noah Webster’s ______________ and the American __________________ helped promote nationalism

40. In the early years of our country, who was allowed to vote? ___________________________________

41. As new states began to enter the Union, the big controversial question was whether or not to allow slavery to _______________________________

42. In the Missouri Compromise (1820), __________________ was allowed to enter the Union as a free state, __________________ as a slave state, and all states south of ________________ must become _____________ states, while states north of that line became ________________ states.

43. What happened in the Election of 1824 that made Andrew Jackson very angry? ____________________


a. This became known as the ______________________.

44. The Election of 1828 ushered in Jacksonian Democracy; what does this mean? ____________________


45. Jackson started the __________________, which gave political jobs to people as a reward for party loyalty

46. Jackson is also known for his policies toward Indians, including the ______________________ (1830), which later led to the _________________________ (1838); Jackson ignored the Supreme Court decision that stated the Cherokee land seizure in Georgia was illegal ___________________________________

47. Sequoyah was a famous Native American who developed a __________________________________

48. Jackson supported the Tariff of 1828, which southerners did not like and nicknamed the “Tariff of ____________________;” one senator, ____________________, from SC proposed the Doctrine of ____________________ and SC threatened to ________________ from the Union; Massachusetts Senator _______________________ was against secession and said “Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable;” Jackson threatened to send troops to SC in the ___________ Bill, but eventually a compromise was worked out by the Great Compromiser _________________________

49. Jackson vetoed the National Bank, and the controversy that followed became known as the __________________; the _____________ Party emerged in response to Jackson’s veto, and it was led by Senators ____________________ and ____________________ (strong nationalists)

50. Eighth President, ______________________, was president when the nation suffered the greatest economic depression to that date, known as the ________________________

51. That economic downturn hurt the Democrats and allowed the _________ Party to win the Election of 1840; William Henry Harrison was elected president, and John Tyler his vice president, with the help of their campaign slogan ____________________________________; Harrison won the election with what became known as the ______________________________________ Campaign, as the Whigs were able to portray Harrison as a man of the common people and Van Buren as an out-of-touch snob

52. A month after taking office, however, Harrison died of ____________, serving the shortest Presidency; however, President John Tyler, much to the dismay of the Whig Party, rejected all their policies once he became president as he vetoed piece of Whig legislation, including restoring the national __________

Religious Reform and Manifest Destiny (1800-1850)

53. Reforms were advocated by many during the 1840s; a new religious revival called the _____________________________ advocated __________________;

54. Charles __________________________ was a famous evangelical revivalist preacher

55. The founder of the Mormon church was Joseph ______________. After his death, _________________ led the Mormons west where they settled in present-day ____________.

56. ______________ Communities aimed to create perfect societies; the most famous were ____________________, ___________________, and ______________________

57. The first women’s rights convention was the ________________________ Convention. There, the delegates issued the Declaration of Rights and _____________________. Leaders of this early movement were Elizabeth _____________________ and Lucretia ____________. Another key leader was Susan B. _________________. Women had few legal rights during this time period.

58. Who led the reform movement for better treatment of prisoners and the mentally ill? __________________

59. The leader in the education movement who advocated free public education? ____________________

60. The leader of the temperance movement was _______________, who passed a law that restricted the use of alcohol in Maine known as the _____________________.

61. Two slaves who led unsuccessful revolts were Denmark __________ (1822) and Nat ___________ (1831)

62. The abolitionist movement’s early leaders included William Lloyd ___________________, who was the publisher of the ____________________. The most famous African American abolitionist was __________________________. An advocate for the abolitionist and the women’s movement was the great speaker ________________________, as well as the _________________ sisters

63. What was the name of the series of routes that allowed African Americans to escape from slavery and gain their freedom in the North or Canada? _________________________ Who was known as the Moses of her people? ___________________________________

64. The ________ Rule was passed in 1836, which prohibited the discussion of slavery in Congress

65. The belief that the US was meant to expand westward from sea to shining sea: ____________________

66. People who supported Manifest Destiny were called _____________________

67. The most famous trail used by people traveling westward was the ______________________

68. The Treaty of _________________________ was an 1851 law that restricted Indians to certain areas away from the Oregon Trail

69. After Texas claimed independence from _______________ in 1836, the Alamo was attacked and all prisoners were killed; this led to the famous battle cry “________________ the Alamo!” Texas, nicknamed the ________________ Republic, fought against Mexico and Santa Anna, who was captured by the Texans led by Sam _______________ at the Battle of _______________. After they became fully independent, why did it take so long for Texas to be annexed by the US? ____________________________________________________________________________

70. The “expansionist President” was James K. ___________________ and his campaign slogan concerning the Oregon Territory was ____________________________, because he promised to take all of the Oregon Territory from _________________________ or he would go to war with them

71. However, Polk did in fact compromise with ____________________ with the passing of the

___________________________ Treaty so that he could go to war with ________________, and the Mexican War was mainly caused by the belief in ____________________

72. Two well-known generals from the Mexican War were “Old Rough and Ready” ___________________ and “Old Fuss and Feathers” ____________________________

73. During the war, the territory known as the Bear Flag Republic also gained its independence: _________

74. The Treaty of ____________________________ ended the Mexican War, and the land the US gained from Mexico was called the Mexican ______________________

75. In 1853, the US bought a small portion of land in southern Arizona and New Mexico, known as the ___________________ Purchase, in order to build a railroad

76. Massive numbers of Americans headed west to California in 1849 during the ____________________. These people were called ____________.

The Civil War and Reconstruction (1846-1877)

77. The issue of _______________ and its _________________ continued to divide the nation. In 1846, the ____________ Proviso was a proposed law to ban slavery in lands won from Mexico, but it did not pass. The _______________ Party was a political party formed to try to keep the western territories free

78. ________________________ was elected President in 1848; he was unwilling to compromise on the slavery issue and did not support the Compromise of 1850

79. The Compromise of 1850 was an attempt to avoid Civil War in the antebellum period (1840s-1850s); which state was allowed to enter the Union as a free state? ________________________

80. The most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850 was the ___________________________, which allowed slaveholders the right to retrieve runaway slaves in the North

81. The Compromise was initially proposed by ____________________ and eventually pushed through Congress piece by piece by ___________________________

82. The book & author that described the terrible conditions endured by slaves in the south, created anti-slavery sentiment in the North and made Southerners defensive: ________________________________________

83. The Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854) allowed the people of the Kansas territory the right to decide if they wanted slavery. This is known as __________________________. This led to an almost civil war in Kansas as anti-slavery and pro-slavery forces rushed in to be able to vote. Pro-slavery forces from Missouri, known as _______________________, caste illegal votes in Kansas while raiding homes and attacking anti-slavery settlers during the Sack of __________________. Radical abolitionist John Brown retaliated by murdering several pro-slavery men during the _______________ Massacre. This area became known as __________________________. Pro-slavery forces voted to create the ___________________ Constitution, which allowed slavery; however, Kansas entered the Union as a free state in 1861.

84. The slavery debate turned violent in the US Congress. After MA Senator Charles ____________ gave a rousing speech against slavery and insulted SC Senator Andrew Butler, SC Representative Preston _____________ (Butler’s nephew) beat Sumner with a cane. This became known as the _________________________________________

85. The _________________________ Party formed in the North on the platform of anti-slavery.

86. ________________________ was elected President in 1856, though he did little to calm the slavery debate; Buchanan though the ______________ should decide the slavery issue. What court case decided that slaves were property and therefore not citizens and could not sue? __________________________. The Court also said in this ruling that the _________________________ was unconstitutional anyway.

87. In 1858 a series of debates between _____________________ and _______________________ in Illinois took center stage as both men ran for the US ____________ seat from Illinois. __________________ won, but Lincoln gained a national reputation going into the 1860 presidential election.

88. __________________ led an unsuccessful raid at a federal arsenal at ______________________ in 1859.

89. In the election of 1860, the _________________ Party split over the issue of __________________, allowing ___________________ to win, even though he didn’t receive a single ____________________ vote. Why did the South leave the Union? ________________________________________________

90. What happened immediately after Lincoln’s election as President in 1860? ______________________, forming the __________________________________; _______________ was the President of the CSA

91. A law known as the _________________________ Compromise was proposed that would have allowed slavery in the western territories south of Missouri. The law tried to keep the country from going to war, but it did not pass.

92. The Civil War started on April 12, 1861 when the Confederates fired on _________________________

93. What was the main cause of the Civil War? ________________________________________________

94. Lincoln’s main objective at the beginning of the war was to __________________________.

95. What were the main Southern advantages? _________________________________________________

96. What were the main Northern advantages? _________________________________________________

97. The President of the Confederacy was __________________________________

98. The Anaconda Plan was the Union war strategy. It included: (1) a _________________ of Southern ports, (2) taking control of the ______________________ River which would cut the Confederacy in half, and (3) capturing the Confederate capital, _________________.

99. What were the four border states that remained loyal to the Union? ______________________________

100. “Peace Democrats” who were sympathetic to the South and demanded the war’s end: _________________

101. The first major battle of the Civil War was the ___________________________.

102. When the Monitor battled the Virginia in 1862, it was the first battle of __________________; it was a draw.

103. The Battle of ________________ was the single bloodiest day of the war. It was Robert E. Lee’s first major setback and after it President Lincoln issued the _____________________________, which freed slaves in the ____________________________. Now the war was about __________________________________.

104. The most famous all-black military unit of the Civil War was the ________________________________.

105. The two most significant Southern Generals were ____________________ and _____________________

106. The two major turning points of the war were ______________________ and ______________________

107. Lincoln issued the Gettysburg ___________________ after the battle there.

108. What Union general was finally able to get the job done for the North? __________________________

109. Who led the famous March to the Sea and what was the outcome? ________________________________


110. What kind of warfare was this known as? ____________________

111. Who was the famous nurse during the Civil War who later started the Red Cross? _______________________

112. During the Civil War, Congress passed the ___________________________________, which gave states money to establish universities that taught technical and mechanical arts

113. After _________________ was re-elected in 1864, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments were passed; these became known as the _________________ Amendments:

a. 13th = ______________________________________________

b. 14th = ______________________________________________

c. 15th = ______________________________________________

114. The Civil War came to an end when __________________ surrendered to ___________________ at ________________________________ in Virginia.

115. Famous Civil War photo-journalist, took pictures of the Battle of Antietam, was _____________________

116. Lincoln was assassinated by ___________________________.

117. Who became President after Lincoln’s death? ____________________________________

118. The period of rebuilding the South was called ___________________________ (1865-1877)

119. Northerners who came South for good as well as selfish reasons were called _______________________.

120. White southerners who supported these northerners and who had previously been locked out of politics in the South were called _________________________.

121. The agency established to help both black and white refugees in the South: __________________________

122. Plans for Reconstruction: ____________________’s plan was lenient – it was called the _____ Percent Plan; ___________________’s plan was also lenient, although he did not like the southern elite; The Congressional plan or the ______________________________ plan was very harsh to the South; initially, they pushed for the __________________ Bill, which would have forced the majority of voters in southern states to declare an oath of loyalty to the Union, though this bill did not pass; however, Radical Republicans wanted to make sure that ________________________ were given the right to vote; whose plan was eventually followed? ___________________

123. Congress passed the ____________ Reconstruction Act, which put _____________________ in the South.

124. The first African-American Senator (elected during Reconstruction) was _________________________.

125. The first African-American to serve in the House was _____________________________.

126. President Andrew Johnson attempted to fire the Secretary of War, Edwin M. ___________________ and directly disobeyed the ____________ of _____________ Act.

127. What happened to President Johnson? ______________________________________________________

128. During Reconstruction, the South passed “Black Codes,” which were _____________________________


129. After slavery was abolished, the new labor system that arose to take its place was ___________________; this system always trapped croppers (usually African-Americans) in a cycle of _______________________; other systems that were similar, though not quite as bad, were __________________ and ________________.

130. The goals of the KKK were: ______________________________________________________________

131. The Enforcement Acts (1870, 1871) made it a federal crime to ___________________________________.

132. As President, Ulysses S. Grant is remembered as a man who let Congress dictate policy, and also for political _________________ in which members of his administration were caught up in fraud and scandal.

133. A group of southern Senators, known as the ______________________, were willing to compromise to bring about repair and redemption for the South.

134. The Democratic Party began to dominate politics in the South & it became known as the _______________

135. After a hotly contested and highly controversial election in 1876, Radical Reconstruction ended in 1877 when ____________________________ was elected and promised to remove Union troops from the South; this became known as the _______________________________________.

The Gilded Age (1877-1900)

136. The period after Reconstruction to the turn of the century is called the __________________, because it was a time of booming industry and corruption and greed; writer ___________________ coined this phrase.

137. Several factors caused and/or encouraged ______________________ (rapid growth of industry) including:

a. The drilling of the first American oil well by _________________ in 1859 in _________________.

b. Thomas Edison’s invention of the _____________________

c. Alexander Graham Bell’s invention of the ______________________

d. The development of the __________________ Process, which purified iron to make steel

e. The invention of ________________ bridges, including the ______________ Bridge in NY in 1883

f. Government policies with little to no business regulation, known as _____________________

g. An increase in _____________________, or trying to produce goods in large numbers very quickly

138. Men who became very wealthy by controlling an industry and often monopolizing it were called _________________________. Some of these men grew up poor and, through hard work, made themselves wealthy and successful. This is called going from “_____________________.” Some of the most famous were:

a. U.S. Steel ___________________________

b. Standard Oil ___________________________

c. Railroad Tycoon __________________________

d. Wall Street Banker _______________________

139. These men were also sometimes called “__________________ of Industry”

140. Charles Darwin’s theory of the “survival of the fittest” as applied to society was called ______________________________. Carnegie, however, believed that the wealthy should give back. He called it the _____________________________ (he gave $350 million away).

141. These “Big Business Tycoons” found multiple ways to turn a profit:

a. monopoly: ______________________________________________________________________

b. cartel: __________________________________________________________________________

c. trust: ___________________________________________________________________________

d. horizontal integration: _____________________________________________________________

e. vertical integration: _______________________________________________________________

142. The first examples of early government regulation of business during this time period was the creation of the _____________________________to regulate the railroads and the ____________________________ to regulate businesses. Both were not very powerful or effective, and the Supreme Court ruled in

___________________________ that certain monopolies could not be broken up

143. Conditions for workers were brutal; many laborers worked 12-hour days, six days a week in small, hot, and unsanitary workhouses called ____________________; many business owners forced their workers to live in housing communities called “______________ towns” that were owned by the businesses

144. The first nationwide labor union employing skilled and unskilled workers was the _____________ of

_________________; this union last strength after the ______________________ Riot in Chicago in 1886.

145. The first nationwide strike was the _________________________ in 1877. President Hayes sent in federal troops to suppress the riots. Another major railroad strike occurred in 1893, the ________________ Strike; The leader of the union involved in that strike, the American Railway Union, was ____________________.

146. In 1886, the American Federation of Labor (AFL) was founded by _______________________.

147. Another major strike, this one involving steel workers in Pennsylvania, occurred in 1892. The ___________________ Strike eventually came to an end after a private police force, the ______________,

were called in to quell the violence. Unions in the latter half of the 19th century were largely unsuccessful.

148. To keep workers from joining labor unions, many businesses made workers sign ________________ contracts. However, when businesses only hire workers if they join a union, its called a ___________ shop

149. In the early to mid-1800s, most immigrants had been from western Europe (Great Britain, France, Germany, etc). After 1870, most immigrants were coming from ___________ & ____________ Europe (Italy, Poland, Russia). Most of these “________” immigrants were poor, unskilled workers who lived in northern ____________________.

150. There were many reasons why these immigrants wanted to leave their home countries (“_______” factors):


Also, there were many reasons why they wanted to come to the United States (“________” factors):


151. European immigrants entered the US at ________ Island in ________, while Asian immigrants entered the country at ___________ Island in __________. Which group faced more discrimination? ______________

152. Many immigrants went through a social process of learning American culture and the American way of life, known as _______________________; many white European immigrants embraced the idea of America as a ____________________, or a blending of many white nationalities into one culture

153. People who disliked immigrants were called ____________________. Associations formed opposing immigration. The __________________ Party was formed in the 1840s to oppose immigration;

they were better known as the _________________________.

154. Many immigrants coming to CA were from China. In 1882, Congress restricted Chinese immigration when it passed the ___________________________; why? __________________________________________

155. With an increase in industrialization and immigration came a growth in cities, or ___________________.

156. To combat overcrowding, ______________ were developed. Elisha Otis invented the ________________.

To move large numbers of people from place to place, systems of ________________ were developed.

157. City planners tried to make cities more appealing and fix urbanization problems in a number of ways. Famous city planner and landscape engineer _________________________ designed NYC’s Central Park. Some people moved to areas just outside the cities, called ______________, if affordable.

158. Many urbanites, especially immigrants, lived in low-cost, multi-family apartments called __________________________. Conditions in these crammed apartments were unsanitary and dangerous.

159. The growth of department stores and ________________ kept consumers informed about the availability of new products, and a trend of similar cultural patterns formed across society, regardless of social status. This phenomenon is called ________________________.

160. Many people attended entertaining off-color comedies called _________________ shows.

161. Two famous Gilded Age writers were Horatio ___________ and _________ Twain. Twain was well-known for his style of writing called ____________, which was based on real life. He was the author of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. A famous Gilded Age education reformer was John ____________.

162. Crops grown for profit, not for personal use, are called _____________________.

163. Henry ____________ developed an idea called the “_________ South,” which included the development and building of new ________________ and ___________________ in the South; nevertheless, the South still lagged behind the North in its industrial development.

164. As Americans continued to travel westward, they increasingly came into contact with _______________. Some Indians moved to small tracts of land called __________________. Americans continued to mine for gold on their land and killed great numbers of ________________ for their fur pelts.

165. U.S. military forces attacked unarmed Indians in Colorado in the _________________ Massacre in 1864.

166. Chief ____________ was the leader of the Nez Perce, an Indian tribe in Idaho. He tried unsuccessfully to escape American forces who pushed them onto reservations.

167. Indians Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse won a major victory in Montana over General George ___________ and 250 U.S. troops at the Battle of ___________________ in 1876. At the Battle of Wounded Knee, however, American Indians were massacred for their failure to stop the ____________________.

168. What law outlawed tribal ownership of land and forcibly tried to assimilate Indians into white culture? ______________________________________________

169. Helen Hunt Jackson chronicled the injustices of the U.S. government toward the Indians in her book entitled ______________________________.

170. In the West, self-appointed law enforcers called _________________ tried to keep the peace.

171. What formed the cornerstone of the new industrialized economy by bringing raw materials from the west and supplying people with food and finished products? _____________________ What RR finally linked the entire country? ___________________________ This railroad met at ___________________ Point.

172. What immigrant group laid much of the track but was greatly discriminated against? __________________

173. How did the government and railroads encourage settlers to move west? __________________________

174. To encourage families to settle on the Great Plains, Congress passed the ____________________________ Act in 1862, which gave families _________ acres if they lived there ______ years.

175. In the west, the invention that effectively ended the open range for cattle was _____________________.

176. After the Civil War, African Americans continued to face discrimination in the South due to ____________ laws that kept blacks and whites segregated. The right of African Americans to vote was restricted due to laws that allowed for _________ taxes and ______________ tests. __________________ clauses also kept some blacks from voting. The Supreme Court case _________________________ made “separate but equal” facilities for blacks and whites legal. The large number of African Americans who left the South for the West were called ______________.

177. Corruption plagued politics at all levels during the Gilded Age. What famous man ran New York’s political machine, Tammany Hall? _____________________ What group of people usually supported political machines? ___________________________; President Grant dealt with corruption in his administration, including the ________________ Ring and the ____________________ Scandal.

178. Two famous political cartoonists who exposed the corruption of politicians (including Tweed) were _____________________ and ______________________.

179. In the 1880s, the Republican Party split into factions and nothing was accomplished. Many wanted to reform the spoils system, but a group of Republicans called the ________________ did not want to change.

180. In 1881, President ________________________ was assassinated by an insane Stalwart named Charles Guiteau because he did not receive a government position he was promised.

181. What law was passed in 1883 that finally reformed the spoils systems and replaced it with the Civil Service Commission, which decided jobs based on merit? _______________________________________

182. By the late 1800s, farmers were in financial trouble. This gave rise to the _________________ movement, started by Oliver H. Kelley in 1867.

183. Farmers formed the _____________________ to help fight for their livelihood. Eventually they formed the _____________________ Party in the 1890s. Their platform was known as the ___________ Platform, and they campaigned for government ownership or regulation of _________ and _________________, direct election of ___________________, the use of both gold and silver (called “______________________”) instead of using just gold (called the “gold standard”), and a graduated ____________________.

184. Court cases that dealt with the regulation of RRs were _____________________ & ___________________

185. In 1896, Populists and Democrats supported William Jennings _______________ after he gave his famous “Cross of _________” speech. However, McKinley won in 1896 (and 1900), and Populism dies out. Nevertheless, some of their platform was adopted by the ____________________ Party in the early 1900s.

The Progressive Era (1890-1920)

186. The period of reform that began in the late 1890s and continued into the 20th century is called the ______________________. Progressive reforms were in the areas of government, temperance, child _________, conservation, consumer safety, food safety, and government regulation.

187. The three Progressive Era Presidents were ___________________________________________________.

188. Investigative journalists and writers who exposed injustice and corruption were called ________________. They helped speed up new legislation with their works:

a. The Jungle _________________________________

b. How the Other Half Lives _______________________________

c. The History of Standard Oil _______________________________

d. The Shame of the Cities _____________________________

189. In his book, Walter Rauschenbush proposed the _________________, which used Christianity and biblical teachings as the basis for social reform.

190. Jane Addams developed community centers for the poor called _______________ houses, the most famous of which was called ________________.

191. In 1911, what company burned as many jumped to their deaths, resulting in new regulations concerning fire safety codes? __________________________________

192. Reform occurred at local levels of government too. Governments responded slowly after a hurricane in Texas in 1900 and citizens in one small town rallied to change their government. They created the _________________ Plan, which established a commission form of government in that town.

193. Who developed the “Laboratory of Democracy” in Wisconsin? ___________________________________ What were some progressive reforms on the state level? (a) ___________________ (b) ________________ (c) ____________________ (d) _____________________

194. A secret ballot called the _________________ Ballot was also used during the Progressive Era.

195. Women pushed progressive reforms as well. Some key figures and organizations included:

a. National ________________ League – Florence _____________ (working conditions for women)

b. National American ___________ ___________ Association – Carrie Chapman ________ (suffrage)

c. National Women’s Party (NWP) – Alice _________ (suffrage)

d. _______________________ - birth control rights for women

e. First women elected to either house of Congress ___________________________ (1913)

196. Booker T. Washington established the _________________ Institute to promote agricultural and technical education for African Americans; however, W.E.B. Du Bois did not agree with Washington. He promoted the _______________ Movement.

197. How did Washington and Du Bois differ in their views on African American equality?

a. Washington _____________________________________________________________

b. Du Bois ________________________________________________________________

198. The National Association for the _______________________________ (NAACP, 1909) pushed for rights for middle class African Americans, while Ida B. Wells also pushed an anti-___________ campaign.

199. Theodore Roosevelt’s progressive agenda for the nation was called the ___________________.

200. Teddy believed in regulating big business. During the late 1800s, many monopolies and trusts formed. Teddy vowed to be a ______________________.

201. In 1890, Congress attempted to regulate big business with the ________________ Anti-trust Act, but it was ineffective. TR strengthened these laws by signing the ___________ Act, which allowed the government to prosecute the giant __________________________________ in 1904.

202. Teddy also intervened to end UMW’s coal strike in 1902. Other regulatory legislation included:

a. Meat ________________________

b. Pure Food and ________________________

c. _________________ Act – strengthen the ICC’s regulation of railroads (1906)

203. TR was also a conservationist who promoted the creation of more national parks and adding millions of acres to the national _______________.

204. TR’s vice-president, ______________________, continued Progressive reforms when he won the Presidency in 1908. Taft regulated telegraph rates with the _____________________ Act

205. In 1912, however, Teddy runs for president again, this time on the ___________________ Party ticket, also known as the __________________ Party

206. Why did Woodrow Wilson win the Presidency in 1912? ________________________________________.

207. President Wilson promoted what he called a “New _______________.” Key legislation included:

a. The Federal _______________ Act – placed national banks under federal regulation

b. __________________ Tariff Bill (1913) – first bill since the Civil War to lower tariffs

c. Federal ___________ Commission (FTC, 1914) – monitored _____________ for illegal activities

d. _______________________ (1914) – strengthened previous antitrust laws

208. Progressive Period amendments included:

a. 16 = __________________________________________

b. 17 = __________________________________________

c. 18 = __________________________________________

d. 19 = __________________________________________

209. The progressive era was a time of transition from laissez faire to more government _______________

American Imperialism (1890-1917)

210. In the 1890s, the US was ready to expand. Like many imperial nations, the U.S. searched for smaller, colonial nations that could be used for their raw materials and natural resources (“__________________”).

211. Who wrote The Influence of Sea Power Upon History? ____________________ He encouraged the building of a strong ___________ and the acquiring of territory for fueling stations and naval bases.

212. Another famous book encouraging imperialism was Frederick Jackson Turner’s The Significance of the _____________ in ____________ History.”

213. Some imperialists, including Josiah __________ and Rudyard Kipling (writer of the poem “____________

_____________________”) believed the US had an obligation to “civilize” weaker nations of the world

214. An early example of American imperialism was when Secretary of State _______________________ purchased Alaska in 1867; he is criticized for the purchase, which earns the nickname _______________________ and _______________________

215. In Hawaii, U.S. planters took control from Queen _____________________ in 1893. Hawaii was annexed in 1898 and was important because of its strategic location and naval base, _____________________.

216. Americans sympathized with the Cubans (led by __________________) who were fighting for their independence from Spain. The Spanish-American War (1898) began with the sinking of the ________________ in Havana Harbor in Cuba. Many Americans became aggressively nationalistic (“___________________”), clinging to the battle cry “Remember the ___________!”

217. Sensationalist news reporting by William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitizer, called ___________________, fueled the fire, and then Congress declared war on ___________ in 1898.

218. American commodore George ____________ fought against Spain in the Philippines while Teddy Roosevelt (before he was president) made a name for himself while leading a volunteer cavalry unit called the “___________________” to a major victory over the Spanish at the Battle of _______________.

219. The Treaty of Paris ended the war, which was nicknamed “The _______________________ War”, and the U.S. became a country with an imperial empire after this war. What territories did the U.S. gain? _________________________________________________________

220. Although Cuba was technically independent, under the ___________ Amendment, Cuba was really a U.S. protectorate. The US had the “right to intervene” in Cuba under the ______________ Amendment.

221. The Philippines also did not immediately gain independence after the war and freedom-fighter Emilio ______________ led the Filipino Rebellion against the U.S. After quelling that rebellion, the U.S. passed the _________ Act (1916), which said the Philippines would eventually gain their independence.

222. The U.S. did not want China carved up into “Spheres of _______________” by other countries, so Sect. of State John Hay promoted the __________________ Policy, where all nations would trade equally in China.

223. In 1900, Chinese rebels wanted to expel all foreign intruders in what was called the __________________.

224. When Teddy was President, he won the _______________________ for helping bring an end to the Russo-Japanese War, but Japan blamed TR for loss of territory. Tensions mounted and the number of Japanese immigrants was reduced to the U.S. after the 1906 ______________________ between the U.S. and Japan. To show the strength of the U.S., TR sent the _______________________ to different world ports in 1907.

225. In 1900, the U.S. passed the ______________, which established a civil government in Puerto Rico.

226. Teddy Roosevelt’s foreign policy: _______________________________

227. One of TR’s projects was to gain quicker access to the Pacific Ocean by building the ____________ Canal.

228. When some South American and Carribean countries defaulted on loans to European nations, Teddy issued the famous extension to the Monroe Doctrine called the “Roosevelt ____________________.”

229. Taft’s foreign policy with Latin America was called ____________________________ and was nicknamed

“Dollars for _________________.”

230. Wilson’s foreign policy was called _________________________. In the midst of revolution in Mexico, President Wilson sent troops there to help _____________ the government and protect Americans. What Mexican hero did Wilson send General John J. Pershing to capture “dead or alive?” ______________________

World War I (1914-1920)

231. What was the U.S. policy when the war began? __________________________

232. WWI causes: __________________________________________________________________________

233. The event that sparked the start of WWI was the assassination of _________________________________.

234. Who were the Allies in WWI? _____________________________________________________________

235. Who were the Central Powers? _____________________________________________________________

236. What were some military characteristics of this war? ___________________________________________


237. WWI was also called the “____________ War” and the “_____________ War.”

238. Huge trenches were dug along the _____________ Front in France and a stalemate developed.

239. Why did the U.S. get involved? ____________________________________________________________


240. “The world must be made safe for democracy” who said this? _____________________________

241. The U.S. declared war on Germany in 1917; however, not everyone in the nation wanted to go to war:

a. Isolationists = ______________________________________________________

b. Interventionists = ___________________________________________________

242. On the home front, a number of laws were passed and organizations created to support the war effort:

a. Selective Service Act – established a __________ of young men to fight in the war

b. War _____________ Board – regulate businesses – headed by Bernard Baruch

c. Food __________________ – regulated food prices – headed by Herbert Hoover

d. Committee on Public _____________ – educate the public about the war – headed by George Creel

e. _______________ Act – banned anti-war printed materials;

socialist ____________________ was jailed for his anti-war speeches

f. Schneck v. U.S. established the principle of “clear and present __________” concerning free speech.

243. With men fighting overseas, many jobs opened up for women and African Americans in northern industries. The effort of women on the home front helped them earn the right to __________. As numerous African Americans traveled from the South to the North, this became known as the __________________.

244. What ethnic group’s civil rights were often violated during WWI? ___________________________

245. When the U.S. entered the war, the American soldiers, nicknamed “__________________,” where led by General John J. ____________________. The American soldiers fought in a number of major battles, including the

Second Battle of the Marne, Cantigny, Chateau-Thierry, and Belleau Wood.

246. The _________________ party gained power in Russia in 1917, leading to the Russian _______________, the rise of Vladimir Lenin to power, and Russia pulling out of the war

247. All-black regiment known for their bravery on the front lines: Harlem _________________________

248. To help protect supply ships traveling overseas from German U-Boats, the Allies used ________________. Finally, in November of 1918, __________________ surrendered, bringing WWI to an end.

249. When WWI came to an end, President Wilson promoted “Peace without _____________.” Wilson drew up his “_______________ Points,” which he presented at the Paris Peace Conference after the war. All of Wilson’s ideas were rejected except for one: the establishment of a _________________________.

250. The formal treaty written at the Paris Peace Conference which ended the war was called the Treaty of _________________. It placed harsh _________________ (war payments) on Germany.

251. The U.S. Senate did not agree on the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations; one of the foremost opponents to the League was Senator _____________________________

252. In the end, the U.S. Senate rejected the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations. What was the effect on the League of Nations? ________________________________________________________

253. After WWI what foreign policy did Americans chose to follow? ______________________________

The Interwar Years (1920-1941)

254. The three Republican Presidents in the 1920s were _______________________________________. Harding’s campaign slogan called for a ___________________________________.

255. The Republican formula for prosperity was for the government to keep its hands off of the economy; this is called ____________________. The Fordney-McCumber Tariff set ________ tariffs to try to protect American businesses. Harding’s Sect. of the Treasury, Andrew ___________, was also very pro-business.

256. Harding brought loyal friends to Washington with him, known as the _________________, who were corrupt and took advantage of Harding. The worst scandal occurred when Harding’s Sect. of the Interior, Albert Fall, leased government oil reserves for bribe money: ____________________ Scandal

257. Who said, “The chief business of the American people is business”…? ____________________________

258. The 1920s were a time of economic prosperity. By 1928, two-thirds of consumer goods were bought on ___________. A flood of new & affordable goods were available to the public: “___________ Revolution”

259. People bought all kinds of goods on credit, also called “_________________ buying.” People also bought stocks on credit, which is called “Buying on ______________.”

260. Who was the automobile manufacturer who pioneered mass production & the assembly line? ___________

a. Name of the automobile: _______________

b. Looking at every step of the manufacturing process to cut costs: ____________________________

c. Impact of the automobile: __________________________________________________________

261. Presidents during the 1920s pursued a foreign policy of ____________________

a. What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) try to do? ______________________________________

b. What did the Washington Naval Disarmament Conference (1921) try to limit or reduce around the world? _______________________________________________________________

c. What law was passed setting up US loans to Germany to help pay their war debt? ______________

262. Right after WWI, 550,000 Americans died after a ______ Epidemic struck the entire world (1918-1919)

263. The Scopes Trial, sometimes nicknamed the Scopes “____________” Trial, pitting science & modernists against religious __________________, when John T. Scopes was accused of teaching _______________.

a. The famous lawyers for each side were: Clarence _____________ vs. William Jennings _________

264. Women who broke traditional rules during the 1920s were called _______________________.

265. The 1920s were nicknamed the “_________________ Twenties.”

266. Music of the 1920s: _________ 1920s also nicknamed the “_______ Age”

267. Famous jazz artists include: Louis _______________, Duke _________________, and Bessie __________

268. In 1920, radio’s first broadcast was: ___________________________

269. Another invention, the ___________________, allowed people to listen to music whenever they wanted

270. Most famous 1920s dance: ______________________

271. Silent movies were popular during the 1920s; famous popular comedian: Charlie ______________

272. First movie with synchronized sound: __________________ (1927) by Al _____________

273. The 1920s was also referred to as the “__________________ of Sports,” and new American heroes like baseball player ___________________ and boxer _____________________ emerged.

274. Charles ______________ also became famous when he became the first person to fly solo and non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean (1927). His airplane was called the “_____________________________.”

275. The flowering of African American art, music, and literature was called the ________________________.

a. Key figures: Claude _____________, Langston ___________, Zora Neale _______________

276. Black nationalist leader – “Black is Beautiful” – “Back to Africa Movement?”:______________________

277. Abstract styles of painting, called Modernist Art, became popular during this time period. A group of 1920s writers disillusioned from WWI became known as the ______________________. Key writers include:

a. F. Scott Fitzgerald and his book _________________________

b. _______________________ and his books “The Old Man and the Sea” and “A Farewell to Arms”

c. The first US citizen to win a Nobel Prize for Literature ______________________________

278. 18th Amendment (1919): ____________________, which banned the sale or manufacture of ___________.

a. The _____________ Act was passed to help enforce the new law

b. Though it was called a “noble _________________,” Prohibition caused a growth of illegal bars (called ___________________), people who smuggled alcohol illegally (called ________________), and

a rise in __________________ crime

c. Infamous Chicago gang leader and crime boss: _____________________________

279. What did the 19th Amendment accomplish? ____________________________________________

280. What was the Red Scare? _________________________________________________________________

281. From 1919-1920, U.S. Attorney General arrested thousands of suspected communists and anarchists in what was known as the “_______________ Raids”

282. The ______________ ______________ _______________ Union (ACLU) was formed in 1920.

283. Two Italian immigrants and known anarchists, ______________ and _______________, were executed for the murder of two men, though the lack of evidence against them caused a lot of controversy.

284. The __________ regained strength and terrorized immigrants and other groups as well

285. Besides minorities, what group did not share in the prosperity of the 1920s? ______________________

286. In 1928, who was elected President? __________________________

287. What happened on Black Tuesday? ____________________________ Date: _______________________

288. What factors caused the Great Depression? 1. ________________________ 2. ______________________

3. ________________________ 4. ___________________________

289. Many banks collapsed as people rushed to take out their money, called __________________.

290. Congress passed the ________________________ Tariff (1930), which was a high tariff designed to protect American industry; however, it had the opposite effect, destroying American trade.

291. Homeless people often lived in make-shift houses of cardboard boxes and scrapes called ______________.

292. Many people stood in long lines to receive food from charities. These were called _________________.

293. An area in the Great Plains suffering extreme drought was known as the ____________________. Those who left and headed west to California were called ________________.

294. President Hoover’s response to the Great Depression was very cautious. He believed individuals should work hard and take care of themselves, which he called “_______________________.”

295. Hoover did create the _______________________________ (RFC, 1932) to give money to railroads and large business. Also, the building of the ____________ Dam, a public works project, created many jobs.

296. The angry WWI veterans who marched to Washington, D.C., demanding their promised bonuses early were called the _____________ (1932). They were violently forced to leave by General _______________.

297. The 1932 election was won by ____________________.

298. FDR’s legislative agenda to end the Depression was called the _______________. FDR said, “The only thing we have to fear is _________________.” FDR’s New Deal advisors were called his _____________. The goals of the New Deal strategy were _____________________________ (3 R’s).

299. FDR’s first action in his “First 100 Days” was to declare a ________________ (Emergency Banking Bill).

300. FDR’s radio talks, which reassured American confidence, were called _____________________.

301. Key New Deal legislation included:

a. The Glass-Stegall Act: initiated the ______________, which protects citizens’ bank deposits

b. Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA): paid farmers NOT to ________________________________

c. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC): more regulations for the _____________________

d. Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): electricity to _________ regions of the country

e. Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) & Works Progress Administration (WPA): creating ________

f. ____________________ Act: retirement pensions for the elderly

g. Wagner Act: people have the right to join ____________________

h. Fair Labor Standards Act (1938): more rights for ___________, minimum __________

302. What was the legacy of the New Deal? ______________________________________________________

303. Republican critics, like the American ____________ _____________ (1934), thought FDR used too much government ________________ to respond to the depression. Liberal critics felt FDR was not doing enough; Father Charles _____________ called for more reform, while Francis Townsend wanted FDR to do more for the ________

304. What radical critic of FDR proposed the “Share Our Wealth” plan? ______________________

What was his nickname? _________________ What happened to him? ______________________

305. FDR was also criticized for trying to “pack the __________.”

306. FDR promoted international trade and cooperation, and in 1933 he announced the ____________________ policy to reassure Latin America he would not interfere in their countries.

307. FDR’s wife, ____________ Roosevelt, was known for fighting for _________________ as First Lady

308. The first female Cabinet member was Frances ______________.

309. 1930s culture; Americans went to the ____________ to escape the difficult times of the depression; a famous filmmaker of the 1930s was Frank _________; this time was also the Golden Age of _________.

310. The ___________ _______ Project opened up job opportunities for artists through the New Deal; a famous photographer who photographed migrant workers and Dust Bowl refugees was ________________.

311. John Steinbeck wrote the famous book _____________________________.

312. What actually ended the Great Depression? ________________________________

World War II (1931-1945)

313. A number of _________________ governments and _____________ took power in European nations prior to WWII. Leaders of various nations pushed for military expansion and full control of the country.

a. Germany: (group) ___________________; (leader) ___________________ (book) _____________

b. Italy: (leader) _________________________

c. Japan: (emperor) _________________________; (army general) ________________________

d. Soviet Union (leader) ________________________

314. WWII Allied Powers: __________________________________________________

315. WWII Axis Powers: ___________________________________________________ (Tripartite Pact, 1940)

316. Events that led to WWII include:

a. Japan’s invasion of __________________ (Chinese province) and the “Rape of _____________”

b. Italy invades ____________________ (1935)

c. The Spanish _____________________ (1936-1939)

d. Germany’s annexation of _________________ (1938)

317. WWII started in Europe in 1939 when Germany invaded ______________. As Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan begin acquiring territory, the Americans strong desire for ______________ prevented us from participating in international efforts to stop them. Congress even passed several ______________ Acts to try to stay out of the war.

318. The British & French policy of giving in to Hitler’s demands in order to avoid war was called _____________________; one example was the Munich Pact.

319. Germany and the USSR signed the “Nazi-Soviet ___________________ Pact,” promising not to attack one another and secretly planning to conquer and divide ____________.

320. Germany’s lightning war was called _____________________.

321. Prime Minister of Britain who encouraged the British to resist Nazi aggression ______________________. The Battle of Britain included a bombing campaign on London called the “___________ of London.”

322. March 1941: Congress passed the ____________________ which allowed FDR to send supplies to Britain

323. To strengthen the alliance between the U.S. & Great Britain, FDR & Churchill signed the _____________.

324. FDR’s quote, “We must quarantine aggressive nations” and not allow them to spread their aggression (1937) was called the _______________ Speech.

325. December 7, 1941: __________________________________; “A date that will live in _____________.”

326. FDR gave the “_________________” speech, stating these were the things Americans would be fighting for; they included: _____________________________________________________________________

327. To move supplies to Britain, the Allies had to defeat the German U-Boat subs (called “_____________”) in the Battle of the _______________; what strategy was used? ____________ what technology? _________

328. Allied forces defeated the Axis Powers in North Africa, called Operation _________; the Germany war general was _______________ and the Allied generals were ____________________________________.

329. Turning point in Europe which stopped Hitler’s advance was the Battle of ______________________.

330. Operation Overlord refers to __________ when the largest invasion in US history came ashore at __________________________. Supreme Allied Commander was ____________________________

331. Last major German offensive was __________________________________

332. After Germany’s surrender, Allied nations celebrated ________ Day.

333. The strategy in the Pacific to get closer to Japan was called __________________________________.

334. The turning point in the Pacific that stopped Japanese aggression was the Battle of _______________.

335. To re-capture the Philippines, the US had to win the largest naval battle in history at the Battle of __________________; the Japanese used ______________ pilots and intentionally crashed plans into ships

336. The US won major battles at _________________, _____________________, and ___________________ on the way to Japan before Truman made what controversial decision? _____________________________

337. The secret project to develop the A-bomb ______________________; scientist ______________________

338. The atomic bomb was dropped on ___________________ & ____________________; Japan finally surrendered, and the US celebrated _________ Day.

339. Over 6 million Jews were killed during the ____________________ when Hitler forced Jews into _______________________; what was Hitler’s “Final Solution?” ________________________________

340. The worst of these camps was _____________________

341. The ______________________ Trials put Nazi leaders on trial for “crimes against humanity” (Nov. 1945)

342. Women served in numerous roles at home and abroad by joining the ____________________________

343. The symbol for women who worked in war production jobs _______________________________

344. Famous African American pilot squadron _______________________________

345. Native American marines, developed a code the Japanese in the Pacific could not break _______________

346. All Nisei (Japanese American) military unit, most decorated in US history _______________

347. Many Japanese Americans were ordered into _________________ camps; the court case that upheld the constitutionality of these camps was ________________________________

348. FDR established the __________________________ to help wartime economic production

349. To raise money for the war, Congress raised ____________ and sold _______________; to support the war effort, Americans grew ________________ and ________________ (saved) their food

350. Many African Americans began to _______________ north in search of jobs; this led to ______________ in Detroit; another case of riots due to racial tension was between off-duty sailors and Mexican Americans,

called the ____________ Riots (LA, 1943)

351. NAACP launched “victory at home, victory abroad” in the __________________ Campaign

352. Who led the March on Washington to demand jobs for African Americans? ________________________

(FDR created the Fair Employment Practices Commission to decrease job ______________________)

353. The Big Three _____________________________________________________

354. February, 1945, the conference where the Big Three met at ____________ to discuss post-war Europe. Decided to establish the ___________________, divide ______________ and guarantee Poland’s freedom.

355. United Nations: purpose: _________________________; every nation would have a seat in the General Assembly, but real power resided in the _________________________ in which 5 permanent countries would have a seat, each country having veto power

356. What happened to FDR in 1945? _______________; who became President? _________________

357. Truman, Churchill, Stalin met at the ____________________________ (July, 1945) where Truman accepted Stalin’s borders for Poland

358. At the _____________ Convention, nations came to an international agreement on the treatment of POWs

359. The two superpowers after the war _________________________________________________

The Cold War and Post-War America (1945-1960)

360. Period of tension and political confrontation between the US and the USSR from 1945 until 1990: ____________________; an arms race developed.

361. Churchill’s description of the division between the democratic west and communist east: ______________

362. Eastern European countries who were officially independent, but controlled by the USSR were called ______________________

363. Post-war American foreign policy: “Further Communist expansion must be halted” __________________

364. Much of US foreign policy with the USSR was developed by US diplomat _________________________

365. Truman’s policy that the US should aid any nation threatened by communists _______________________

366. Economic aid program that rebuilt Western Europe after the war __________________________

367. Stalin tried to force westerners out of East Germany with the Berlin Blockade;

the US responded, however, with the ___________________________

368. The mutual defense alliance of democratic countries ___________________

369. The mutual defense alliance of communist countries ___________________

370. The Second Red Scare (1950s) begins during the Cold War. Senator Joseph McCarthy’s accusations ruined the careers and reputations of many people. The Communist witch hunt was called ___________________

371. Congress created __________ to investigate possible communists in government; the committee investigated the movie industry and blacklisted the ____________________ Ten

372. Many Americans built ______________ shelters and school children were taught to __________________

in case of a nuclear attack

373. Most famous espionage case ___________________________________________

374. 1950-1953 what war? ____________________ North Korea invades South Korea when the North Koreans cross the ___________ Parallel. Leader of Allied forces in Korea was _____________________________ who was fired for insubordination; war ends in stalemate and the border remains at the 38th parallel.

375. After soldiers returned home after WWII, what Congressional action provided veterans with money for education, housing, and job training? ___________________________

376. Labor suffered when Congress placed restrictions on unions and limited the right to strike in the ______________________________ Act. (Truman vetoed it, but Congress passed it over his veto);

unions saw gains with the merger of two powerful labor forces: _________________

377. Truman’s legislation agenda: __________________; supported civil rights legislation; he desegregated the __________________; Southern Democrats objected and organized the ____________________________

378. 1952 election won by Republican _________________________________

379. Eisenhower’s foreign policy continued containment, but threatened nuclear retaliation with the idea of _________________________; American response would be ________________________________

380. In Eisenhower Doctrine, the US promised to support ______________________ nations threatened by communism; US/USSR relations improved when ________________________ gained power in the USSR

381. 1945-1960, very high birth rate, generation called _______________________

382. Eisenhower signed the National Highway Act (1956) which created _____________________________ and encouraged the development of ____________; which led to the growth of very similar, easy to build homes in the suburbs called ____________________________

383. While the 1920s was the age of radio, the 1950s was the age of __________________.

384. New music of the 1950s ________________________; most famous artist ________________________

385. Literary group who challenged the conformity of the 1950s ____________________

386. Early Civil Rights Movement reshapes American society in the 1950s

a. Brown vs. Board decision 1954, reversed _____________________, schools must _____________

b. 1957 desegregate ____________________ High School

c. 1955 Montgomery, Alabama: ________________________________________________________

387. First artificial space satellite ___________________; scared US and led to more science and math in high school: NDEA and NASA; first man to orbit the earth _______________________; first American to walk on the moon ____________________________; space competition was called the ___________________

Challenges and Change (1960-1980)

388. 1960 election: ____________________ vs. ___________________ What helped Kennedy win? ________

389. JFK’s domestic program _____________________; his administration was remembered for: (1) an attempt but failure to overthrow Castro in Cuba _____________________ (2) building of the __________ Wall to divide East and West Germany, (3) volunteers to help 3rd world countries ____________________, (4) a similar program giving economic assistance in Latin America called ______________________ which was not very successful and (5) the Cuban _______________________, which led to increase communication between the US & USSR with the creation of a _______________ between the nations and the signing of the Nuclear ____________________ Treaty

390. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1953 until 1969 __________________________; his court greatly expand civil liberties – it was very liberal

391. Kennedy assassinated 11-23-63 in ___________________; who becomes President? __________________

392. LBJ’s legislative agenda ______________________; he is remembered for _________________________


393. Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s: MLK promoted _________________________________; attempt to integrate lunch counters ______________; attempts to integrate federal buses & trains ________________

394. Key organization of African American students _________________________________

first major sit-in ___________________________________________

First African American to integrate Ole Miss __________________________

1963 March on ______________________; MLK “I Have a __________” speech

395. Legislation: Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Rights Act of 1965; 24th Amendment outlawed __________

396. African American marchers were beaten on Bloody ___________ in _____________, Alabama

397. Movement becomes splintered and more radical after 1965; leader ___________________________

Stokely Carmichael led _______________ movement; Black ____________; MLK assassinated in ________

398. Supreme Court case that said busing to integrate schools is legal __________________________________

399. Vietnam War – Eisenhower and Kennedy sent ______________________; Eisenhower believed if Vietnam fell to communism its neighboring countries would as well = ______________ theory; alliance of southeast Asian nations who were AGAINST communism ______________

400. North Vietnam was led by rebel leader _______________ and his rebel forces _______________;

the South was led by corrupt leader ___________________

401. LBJ was allowed by Congress to send forces into Vietnam without a formal declaration of war b/c of the ________________________ Resolution; first sustained bombing campaign _____________________;

402. Weapons used: cancer causing herbicide __________________; jellied gasoline ___________________ 1968 TET Offensive: led Americans to believe ______________________________________

403. In 1968 _________________ was elected and promised ___________________;

My Lai massacre – US soldiers committed atrocities against __________________________

404. Anti-war activities increased; in 1970 students at ______________ University were killed while protesting the secret bombing of the _________________ Trail in _________________; document released by the New York Times describing the secret history of US involvement in Vietnam _______________ Papers

405. War ended in 1973 with the signing of the ________________________

what happened in 1975? _____________________________________________________

Congressional act that limited a president’s ability to wage war after Vietnam ___________________________

406. Nixon’s foreign policy ________________________________ (friendlier relations with China & USSR)

407. Nixon visited what communist nation? ______________________

408. Nixon’s downfall ________________________; why wasn’t he impeached? _______________________

409. Middle eastern nations created a monopoly on oil with this organization ________________________

410. 1970’s marked by high inflation and a stagnant economy known as __________________________

what caused the economy to be so bad? ___________________________________________________

411. Nixon’s VP who became President ______________________; what hurt his reputation _______________

________________; what program did he supported that failed to stop inflation? _____________________

412. Jimmy Carter was elected in 1976 because he was a Washington _______________ and very moral; his presidency included: (1) environmental crisis at Love __________ and _________________ Island (2) peace agreement between ___________ and ____________ called the __________________________ (3) hostage crisis in ______________.

413. Rachel Carson’s book that called attention to harmful effects of pesticides _________________________; decades of the counterculture _________________; leader of the UFW grape boycott for Mexican-Americans ______________; NOW, Betty Friedan’s book ________________; abortion rights court case _____________________

The U.S. since Vietnam (1980-Today)

414. The conservative ______________________ became president in 1980; the New Right included former Democrats who were against ________________, against court-ordered ________________, against big __________________, and represented traditional __________________.

415. Ministers like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson (televangelists) supported conservative causes

and were part of the __________________________.

416. Court case that said flag burning was a legal form of free speech _______________________________

417. Law that increased opportunities for women _______________

418. Policy that gives special consideration to women and minorities to make up for

past discrimination ________________________

419. Supreme Court case that barred colleges from admitting students solely on the basis of race, but allowed them to include race along with other considerations when deciding admission ____________________________________

420. Reagan’s economic policy included cutting _____________________ and tax cuts; he called it ______________________ economics, while critics called it _____________________________.

421. An incident that caused problems for Reagan was selling weapons to Iran and using the money to fund the Nicaragua Contras called the ____________________________________.

422. Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was nicknamed ______________________.

423. The 1980s included young, urban professionals called _______________ and the discovery of AIDS.

424. The fall of communism – the _______________ was torn down, the ___________ collapses; this marks the end of the __________________

425. 1988 election, who wins? _________________; remembered for the __________________ War when Iraq invaded _______________; made the promise “Read ____________, no _____________!” but broke that promise, and lost in 1992 to ________________ because of bad economy

426. Clinton: economy prospered, balanced budget, sent troops as part of a NATO force to _____________ and ________________; increased international trade by signing __________________________________________

427. Clinton’s reputation was hurt by __________________________________;

biggest disappointment was the failure of the _____________________ plan.

428. 2000 election controversy ______________________________________________________________

429. Major bi-partisan education bill that increased government regulation of education ___________________

430. Immigrant group with the largest growth since 2000 ___________________

431. In what country were student protesters killed in Tiananmen Square? ___________________

432. September 11, 2001 ____________________________________; leads to creation of new cabinet position __________________________ and the passage of the _____________ Act; who was against it? ______________

433. After the 9-11 attacks, President George W. Bush began a War on _____________; the mastermind behind these attacks was said to be _________________, who funded an international terrorist network called ______________

434. The US attacked and overthrew the government in ______________________, which was ruled by a Muslim extremist group called the _____________

435. Because they were in violation of US Resolutions and were believed to have nuclear weapons, the US invaded _________ and overthrew military dictator _______________________

436. During the War on Terror, many war prisoners were held in a Cuban detention camp: _________________________


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