What was the primary basis of the South’s economy before ...

What was the primary basis of the South’s economy before the war? | |What happened to the South’s economy during the Civil War? | |Name two advantages the North had over the South during the Civil War. | |

|Name two advantages that the South had over the North | |What specific event led to South Carolina seceding from| | |

|during the Civil War. | |the Union? | |What did John Brown do at Harper’s Ferry? |

|What was the punishment for John Brown after the raid | | | | |

|on Harper’s Ferry? | |What led to the term “Bleeding Kansas”? | |Which side had the most difficulty rebuilding after |

| | | | |the Civil War? |

| | |Those using the Underground Railroad ultimately wanted | |What were states seceding from the Union attempting |

|General Grant used what method to defeat Vicksburg? | |to reach what final destination? | |to protect? |

| | | | |Slaves who were captured by Union forces were often |

|The Kansas-Nebraska act nullified this previous action.| |What were the provisions of the Compromise of 1850? | |treated as |

|What was Lincoln referring to when he said “A house | |How did the Cotton Gin change agriculture in the South?| | |

|divided against itself cannot stand? | | | |Who was known as “Black Moses”? |

|Name two geographic advantages the South has over the | |The Civil War has what kind of impact on the South’s | |How does the election of 1860 show that the North and|

|North during the war. | |“African American” population? | |South are two separate political units? |

|What happened in the late 1840’s that led to the | |Growing sectionalism over the issue of slavery becomes | |Where did Lee surrender to Grant? |

|question of slavery’s expansion into the territories? | |apparent during what crisis? | | |

|What drew a line stating that north of that line any | |What was the main cause of death during the Civil War? | |After 1863 the Union forces began attacking what? |

|new states would be free and south of that line all | | | | |

|states would be salve? | | | | |

|Why did some abolitionists criticize Lincoln’s | |What was the last battle on Union soil? | |Which event directly caused the outbreak of the Civil|

|Emancipation Proclamation? | | | |War? |

|How were state’s rights affected by the Civil War? | |Lee’s retreat from Petersburg led to? | |What supreme court decision declared that slaves were|

| | | | |property? |

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|Those who believe that slavery was morally wrong and | |According to the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, what could| |What Union victory led to their control of the |

|wanted to end it were called? | |happen to those who helped escaping slaves? | |Mississippi River? |

|What was the North’s primary form of economic interest?| |The Free Soil Party forced the major parties to take a | |Why were so many people shocked after the first |

| | |stand on what issue in the election of 1848? | |battle of the Civil War? |

|What was the first battle of the Civil War? | |Who had the larger population during the war? | |Martin Van Buren ran as a Presidential candidate for |

| | | | |which party in 1848? |

|Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? | |Why did the South get so mad about the book Uncle Tom’s| |The Legal Tender Act in 1862 allowed the US Treasury|

| | |Cabin? | |to create what? |

|Who controlled the Port of New Orleans from early on in| |Who was the slave who escaped to his freedom and later | |This abolitionist used his own Newspaper to further |

|the war? | |became one of the leading abolitionists? | |the movement. |

|Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who changed the way | |President of the Confederate States of America. | |Candidates who ran for President in 1860. |

|slaves were viewed in 1857. | | | | |

|This senator from South Carolina who championed | |How did the South try to make up for its disadvantages?| |Federal agency designed to aid freed slaves and poor |

|nationalism? | | | |white farmers in the South after the Civil War? |

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In support of southern African Americans, congress did what Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan?

White Southerns who supported Radical Republican during Reconstruction.

Term that refers to northerns who moved south following the Civil War to take advantage of the destroyed south.

Why did Farmer’s debt increase following the Civil War?

Law to disqualify African American voters by allowing the vote only to men whose fathers and grandfathers voted before 1867.

Following the Civil War, a plan for Reconstruction was needed because…

What was the name of Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction?

What requirement in Lincoln’s plan gave it the name “10% Plan”?

Which Reconstruction plan held the idea that Southern States had never actually left the Union?

Why were Radical Republican opposed to the 10% plan?

How did groups like the KKK keep blacks from voting during Reconstruction?

Which of President Andrew Johnson’s actions led the House of Representative to impeach him?

President Lincoln believed that the primary goal of reconstruction should be to do what?

In Presidential Reconstruction wealthy planters and Confederate Leaders were required to do what?

What was the outcome of the impeachment proceedings against President Andrew Johnson?

The use of force or coercion to prevent citizen from voting was made illegal by what?

What was the punishment for violating the Enforcement Act of 1877?

A tax supported public school system was a success of what?

Republicans gained what through the Compromise of 1877?

What did the Democrats get out of the Compromise of 1877?

Why did Federal intervention/reconstruction in the south end?

How did the Republican party become strong in the South during reconstruction?

What was one of the key problems with the sharecropping system?

What made it a federal offense to interfere with a citizen’s right to vote?

Why did northern support for Reconstruction fade away?

African Americas expectations of rights as citizens grew during which period?


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