Step 1: Choose a topic of interest between the years 1850 ...



US History I

Mr. Hegarty/Mrs. Kratz/Mr. Luther

Spring Semester Project

Assignment: Students are to write a research paper on a topic that is within the timeframe of 1850 to 1920. The purpose of the assignment is to:

• learn how to properly write a history research paper

• learn how to develop new ideas and expand upon prior work

• utilize a variety of quality sources

• learn how to properly cite and document sources

• work within deadlines

Directions: After choosing their topics, students will write a summary and submit it for evaluation. Students will then resubmit their papers after revising them in the manners stated below. Each time the draft is submitted it will be evaluated and returned for further development. After all drafts have been submitted, the final grade will be the sum of the grades for each draft (a total of 100 possible points). Grades will be based upon:

• quality of research and historical accuracy

• clarity

• grammar and punctuation

• MLA citation and bibliography format ()

• punctuality.

Note: A rubric will be provided for further clarity.

Step 1: Choose a topic of interest between the years 1850 and 1920.

Step 2: Write a 1 to 2 page summary of the topic using internet websites as the source. The summary must include a bibliography and at least three sources must be used. It is worth 40 points.

Step 3: Upon the return of the graded paper, students must choose two points from within their paper to research further using only books. Students must then write 1 new paragraph for each of these points and resubmit their paper. A new bibliography must also be submitted, including the 3 or more books used. It is worth 20 points

Step 4: Upon the return of this graded paper, students must choose two new points from within their paper to research further using only newspapers. Students must then write 1 new paragraph for each of these points and resubmit their paper. A new bibliography must also be submitted, including the 3 or more newspapers used. It is worth 20 points

Step 5: Upon the return of this graded paper, students must choose two new points from within their paper to research further using only journal articles. Students must then write 1 new paragraph for each of these points and resubmit their paper. A new bibliography must also be submitted, including the 3 or more articles used. It is worth 20 points


| |Assigned |Summary |Books |Newspapers |Journal |

|Date Assigned |2/4 |2/28 |3/7 |3/20 |3/28 |

The following is a list of suggested topics. You may choose other topics as well as long as they are approved by your teacher. Only one group may do a topic.

|Ghost Dance of the Sioux |Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg |

|The Career and Significance of a Famous Native American Chief, |Pickett’s Charge In American Memory |

|such as: |The Burning of Atlanta |

|Sitting Bull |Sherman’s March to the Sea |

|Geronimo |Nathan Bedford Forrest (as the Civil War’s most brilliant general|

|Cochese |and/or as the first leader of the KKK) |

|Chief Joseph |Andersonville (the most brutal Civil War POW camp) |

|Indians and the Reservations |Civil War Weaponry |

|The Massacre at Wounded Knee and its Effect on US/Indian |Jefferson Davis - Career of the Confederate President |

|Relations |Stonewall Jackson - Career of a Confederate Hero |

|Indian Wars |Clara Barton and Medical Care in the Civil War |

|Custer’s Last Stand |New York City Draft Riot of July 1863 |

|The Career and Significance of Famous Outlaws, such as: |The Civil War Diary of Mary Chestnut |

|Billy the Kid |Civil War Poetry and Music |

|The James Brothers |Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain - at Gettysburg and After |

|John Wesley Harding |The Rise and Fall of George McClellan: From the Creation of the |

|Ranchers vs. Farmers (Sodbusters): Battle for the West |Union Army to the Run for President |

|The Slaughter of the Buffalo and the Effect on the Plains Indians|African Americans (“Colored Troops”) Fighting for the Union |

|Buffalo Soldiers on the Western Frontier |African Americans Fighting for the Confederacy |

|California Gold Rush or other Gold/Silver Rushes |54th Massachusetts Regiment |

|The Irish, the Chinese and the Building of the Railroad |Confederate Plots to Assassinate Lincoln |

|Technology and the Settling of the Great Plains |Confederate spies in Washington DC |

|Cattle Drives, Cattle towns, and Cowboys |Frederick Douglass in the Civil War |

|The Career and Significance of a Famous Lawman, such as: |Famous Civil War Naval Battles/Ironclads |

|Bat Masterson |American Fashions 1865-1900 |

|Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday |Thoreau, Emerson and the Transcendentalists |

|Pat Garret |Pacific Imperialism before 1900: the US in Japan, China, and |

|Isaac Parker, the Hanging Judge |Hawaii |

|The Pony Express |The Rise of the American City |

|Women in the West |Crime and Poverty in American Cities |

|Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid |The History of Baseball before 1914 |

|Wild Bill Hickock |The History of Football before 1914 |

|Annie Oakly |American Leisure Activities in the Gilded Age |

|Calamity Jane |The Beginnings of the American Film Industry |

|Dime Novels and the Myth of the West |The Women’s Suffrage Movement |

|The Birth of Vaudeville |The Career and Significance of a Famous Woman Leader, such as: |

|From Europe to Ellis Island: The Journey of the Immigrants |Susan B. Anthony |

|Immigrants in America: |Jane Addams |

|Italians |Emma Goldman |

|Jews |Margaret Sanger and Birth Control |

|Poles |Eugene Debs and the American Socialist Movement |

|Irish: the second wave |Samuel Gompers and the Union Movement |

|Germans: the second wave |The Life of Mark Twain |

|PT Barnum and the Greatest Show on Earth |The Use and Abuse of Child Labor in the Industrial Age |

|Uncle Tom’s Cabin’s Role in Causing the Civil War |The Creation of our National Parks (Yellowstone in particular) |

|John Brown: Life of an Abolitionist Terrorist |Inventions and Inventors, for example: |

|The Labor Battles of Mother Jones |Thomas Edison |

|Race Riots in US cities, 1865-1914 |Alexander G. Bell |

|American Poetry and Music, 1850-1920 |African American Inventors |

|George Washington Carver – saintly inventor |Women Inventors |

|Sojourner Truth and the link between abolitionism and women’s |Harry Houdini – the Art of Escape |

|rights |Charlie Chaplain and the films of 1910-1920 |

|Matthew Brady: Civil War Photographer |Emma Goldman and Anarchism |

|Thomas Nast and the changes in political cartoons |The Assassination of William McKinley |

|Moses Fleetwood Walker, black baseball pioneer |The Trial of the Assassin Guiteau, murderer of James Garfield |

| |(the insanity defense) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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