
Top 10 Countries That Still Practice Capital Punishment*Capital punishment is the harshest criminal sanction available in the criminal justice system of any country in the world. What 10 countries are considered the world’s leaders in the amount of criminal offenders executed by court-mandated execution? Here is a list of the top 10 countries in the world that still practice capital punishment:10.ChadThe country of Chad is located in Central Africa, and shares land boundaries with Cameroon, Central African Republic, Libya, Niger, Nigeria, and Sudan. Chad is a country that has absolutely no coastline, and it is completely surrounded by the lands of its neighboring countries. There are approximately 11.6 million people currently living in Chad, and just over half (53%) of people living in Chad currently identify themselves as Muslim (LINK 1).Many countries throughout the world fear the occurrence of terrorism within their countries. Chad is one of those countries. The country of Chad recently enacted a new anti-terrorism law, which allowed for consideration of capital punishment as a criminal sanction. It is believed that this is why Chad resumed its practice of executing criminal offenders in 2015, after 12 years without having executed any. In 2015, Chad executed 10 criminal offenders alleged to have been Boko Haram members. The executions were carried out quickly. The day after the conclusion of their trials, all 10 criminal offenders were executed by firing squad (LINK 2). 9.IndonesiaThe country of Indonesia is located in Southeastern Asia, and shares land boundaries with Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Timor-Leste. Indonesia is a country surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Java Sea. There are approximately 255.9 million people currently living in Indonesia, and approximately 87.2% of people living in Indonesia currently identify themselves as Muslim (LINK 3).Many countries throughout the world consider drug trafficking a criminal offense, but not all countries execute criminal offenders convicted of drug trafficking. Indonesia is one of those countries that does. Under the new political leadership of President Joko Widodo, a national state of emergency was declared against drug related deaths. All 14 criminal offenders executed in Indonesia in 2015 were convicted of drug trafficking. The executed criminal offenders included Indonesian citizens and foreign nationals, and some criminal offenders were executed before they had exhausted all of their legal appeals (LINK 2).8.EgyptThe country of Egypt is located in Northern Africa, and shares land boundaries with the Gaza Strip, Israel, Libya, and Sudan. Egypt’s water boundaries are the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea. There are approximately 88.5 million people currently living in Egypt, and approximately 90% of people living in Egypt currently identify themselves as Muslim (LINK 4).There were at least 22 confirmed executions of criminal offenders in Egypt in 2015. Criminal offenders executed in Egypt in 2015 had been convicted of criminal offenses ranging from acts of terrorism, murder, theft, to possession of weapons. In some cases, civilian criminal offenders had been sentenced to death by a designated military court in Egypt. Independent sources have questioned whether at least some of the executed offenders had received a fair trial (LINK 2). 7.SomaliaThe country of Somalia is located in Eastern Africa, and shares its land boundaries with Djibouti, Ethiopia, and Kenya. Somalia’s water boundaries consist of the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. There are approximately 10.6 million people currently living in Somalia, and it can be assumed that a majority of people in Somalia currently identify themselves as Sunni Muslim, as it is the only officially recognized religion in Somalia (LINK 5). There were at least 25 confirmed executions of criminal offenders in Somalia in 2015. This was about 47% more than had been confirmed for 2014, when at least 15 criminal offenders were executed by official court mandate. Most executions of criminal offenders (17) were carried out by the federal government of Somalia (LINK 2).6.IraqThe country of Iraq is located in the Middle East, and shares land boundaries with Iran, Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey. Iraq’s water boundary is the Persian Gulf. There are approximately 37.1 million people currently living in Iraq. Although the government of Iraq officially recognizes at least 8 different religions, most of those living in Iraq (99%) currently identify themselves as Muslim (LINK 6).It had been 7 years since any court mandated executions had been carried out in Iraq, but there were at least 26 confirmed executions of criminal offenders in Iraq in 2015. Criminal offenders executed in Iraq in 2015 had been convicted of criminal offenses ranging from kidnapping, murder, to terrorism. Criminal offenders executed in Iraq in 2015 included both Iraqi citizens and foreign nationals (LINK 2).5.United StatesThe country of the United States is located in North America, and shares land boundaries with Canada and Mexico. The water boundaries of the United States consist of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. There are approximately 321.4 million people currently living in the United States. Although there is no officially designated religion in the United States, approximately 51.3% of Americans currently identify themselves as Protestant (LINK 7). The practice of capital punishment in the United States is evidence that not one specific religion is the driving force of a nation’s belief and practice of capital punishment of specific criminal offenders. There were 28 confirmed executions of criminal offenders in the United States in 2015. The United States is one of a few countries that executed mentally and or intellectually challenged criminal offenders. Other countries that also execute mentally and or intellectually challenged criminal offenders include Indonesia, Japan, and Pakistan. The United States is the only country in North America that carries out court mandated executions of criminal offenders (LINK 2).4.Saudi ArabiaThe country of Saudi Arabia is located in the Middle East, and shares land boundaries with Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The water boundaries of Saudi Arabia are the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea. There are approximately 27.8 million people currently living in Saudi Arabia. Although many religions are officially recognized in Saudi Arabia, most people living in Saudi Arabia currently identify themselves as Muslim. The Muslim religion is the officially recognized religion of Saudi Arabia. Non-Muslim houses of worship are not officially authorized in Saudi Arabia (LINK 8).Saudi Arabia is part of a triad of three countries that together accounted for 89% of the court-mandated executions of criminal offenders worldwide in 2015. The other two countries are Iran (#2) and Pakistan (#3). China is actually #1 worldwide, but for reasons that will be explained a little bit later, is not included as part of this triad. There were at least 158 confirmed executions of criminal offenders in Saudi Arabia in 2015. Execution methods in Saudi Arabia include beheading, or shooting. The amount of criminal offenders executed in Saudi Arabia in 2015 increased 76% from the amount reported in 2014, and it was also the highest confirmed amount of executions in Saudi Arabia since 1995. Criminal offenders executed in Saudi Arabia in 2015 had been convicted of criminal offenses ranging from adultery, apostasy, armed robbery, drug related offenses, kidnapping, rape, to treason. Independent sources have questioned the fairness of the convictions of some criminal offenders. Evidence has shown that some criminal confessions may have been obtained through torture or by duress, and that some criminal offenders were not provided with pretrial counsel. Foreign nationals executed in Saudi Arabia were often questioned in Arabic during interrogation, whether or not the criminal offender actually understood and spoke that language (LINK 2).3.PakistanThe country of Pakistan is located in Southern Asia, and shares land boundaries with Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran. The water boundary of Pakistan consists of the Arabian Sea. There are approximately 199.1 million people currently living in Pakistan. Although many religions are recognized in Pakistan, the Muslim religion is the officially recognized religion of Pakistan. Approximately 96.4% of people living in Pakistan currently identify themselves as Muslim (LINK 9).Pakistan is the second of three countries that together accounted for 89% of the court-mandated executions of criminal offenders worldwide. Saudi Arabia (#4) and Iran (#2) are the other two countries. There were 326 confirmed executions of criminal offenders in Pakistan in 2015. Pakistan is one of the few countries worldwide that executed mentally and or intellectually challenged criminal offenders in 2015. Independent sources confirmed that at least 5 juvenile criminal offenders were executed in Pakistan in 2015 (LINK 2).2.IranThe country of Iran is located in the Middle East, and shares land boundaries with Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, and Turkmenistan. The water boundaries of Iran consist of the Caspian Sea, the Gulf of Oman, and the Persian Gulf. There are approximately 81.8 million people currently living in Iran. Although many religions are recognized in Iran, the Muslim religion is the officially recognized religion in Iran. Approximately 99.4% of people living in Iran currently identify themselves as Muslim (LINK 10). Iran is the third of three countries that together combined for 89% of the court-mandated executions of criminal offenders worldwide. Saudi Arabia (#4) and Pakistan (#3) are the other two countries. There were at least 977 confirmed executions of criminal offenders in Iran in 2015, and at least 58 were executed publicly. Criminal offenders executed in Iran in 2015 had been convicted of criminal offenses ranging from drug related criminal offenses, “insulting the prophet of Islam,” and treason. Criminal offenders convicted of drug related offenses in Iran have no recognized legal right to appeal their conviction. Iran is one of a few countries executed juvenile criminal offenders in 2015. Some of the trials of the condemned prisoners were conducted unfairly. In some cases, defendants had no access to an attorney prior to trial, allegations of torture were not pursued, and confessions obtained by torture were admitted as evidence at trial (LINK 2).ChinaThe country of China is located in Eastern Asia, and shares land boundaries with Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, India, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Vietnam. The water boundaries of China consist of the East China Sea, Korea Bay, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea. There are approximately 1.37 billion people currently living in China. Although China has officially declared that it is an atheist country, many religions are recognized in China (LINK 11). China is considered by many reputable sources to be the world leader in the amount of court-mandated executions of criminal offenders, even though it isn’t officially recognized as part of the triad of countries (Iran, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia) that combined for 89% of the confirmed court-mandated executions of criminal offenders worldwide in 2015. China does not publish official facts and figures on criminal offenders executed in its criminal justice system. The government of China considers this information to be a state secret. Independent sources confirmed that at least several thousand criminal offenders were executed in China in 2015. Criminal offenders executed in China in 2015 had been convicted of criminal offenses ranging from arson, corruption, bribery, drug related offenses, embezzlement, rape, to treason. Executed criminal offenders in China in 2015 included both Chinese citizens and foreign nationals (LINK 2). *The countries of Belarus, China, and Vietnam currently do not publish official figures on the amount of criminal offenders executed in their countries each year. This information is considered a state secret in those countries.LINK 1: 2: 3: 4: : 5 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: ................

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