Murrieta Valley Unified School District

US History Final Review SheetWhat were the effects of Shay’s RebellionWhat was Enlightenment PhilosophyWhat position did John Lock take on rightsWhat was the purpose of the Bill of RightsWhat was the First Great AwakeningWhat was the Great CompromiseWhat did the Dred Scott case decideWhat did the 13th Amendment declareWhat were the major causes of the Civil WarUnder the Articles of Confederation, what could Congress doWhat was the effect of Marbury vs. MadisonThe Emancipation Proclamation declared whatWhat was the Trail of TearsWhat was the purpose of the Seneca Falls ConventionWhat was President Lincoln’s primary purpose for starting the Civil WarWhat did the Kansas-Nebraska Act declareWhat did the Louisiana Purchase doWhat Act or Acts united the 13 colonies finally in real cooperationWhat was agreed at the 1st Continental Congress1760s political friction with the British was primarily due to whatWhat are the 1st 10 Amendments to the constitution calledWhat is the policy of staying out of foreign conflicts calledWhat was the Monroe DoctrineWhat did William L. Garrison basically call for in the LiberatorWhat were the major social reform movements in the early 1800sWhat was Manifest DestinyWhy was the cotton gin importantWhy was Andrew Johnson impeachedWhat did Plessy vs. Ferguson declareWhat was Social DarwinismWhat was the Guilded AgeWhat was horizontal integrationWhat were workplace conditions like in the late 1800s for industrial workersWhat did Upton Sinclair try to say in the JungleWhat was vertical integrationWhat were the new immigrants of the late 1800sWhat were the major policies of the ProgressivesWhat did LaFollette of Wisconsin and local progressives wantWhat were the 16th and 17th AmendmentsWhat did Nativists believeHow did Teddy Roosevelt feel about trustsHow did Social Darwinism influence imperialismWhat did the yellow press do about the Spanish American warWhat was Taft’s foreign policyWhat was the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe DoctrineWhere did the US and Europe contest their spheres of influenceWhat was the point of imperialismWhat was Roosevelts policy on the Panama CanalWhat was T. Roosevelt’s foreign policyWhat was the Open Door PolicyWhen war hit Europe in 1914, most americans thought whatWhat was the Zimmerman noteWhat was the main cause for US to move to war in WW1What was the Selective Service ActWhat did African –americans do during WW1What did women do during WW1What was the effect of the collective wartime agencies in WW1What fueled new consumerism in the 1920sHow were Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover similar in their economic policiesWhat were the Palmer raidsWho led the UNIAHow did John Scopes break the Butler ActWhat role did women take during the 1920sWhat were Sacco and Vinzetti found guilty ofWhy was Prohibition hard to enforceWhat was the Kellog-Briand PactWhat was the Harlem RennaissanceWhy did the KKK emerge stronger in the 1920s ................

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