The Awakening – Chapter 1-13 Questions

The Awakening – Chapter 1-13 Questions

Things to keep track of as you read:

• The treatment and discussion of African Americans – called quadroons, mulattos, blacks.

• The ocean, the sea, swimming.

• Clothing.

• Discussions of how women should behave.

Chapter I

1. What does the parrot say? What does it mean? How might these comments foreshadow what will occur in the novel?

2. Describe Leonce Pontellier. Specifically describe his reaction to the parrot, how he speaks to his wife, and his reaction to Mrs. Pontellier's question about dinner.

3. The Farival twins play a duet from Zampa. What are the major plot lines of that opera?

4. Describe the Pontellier children.

5. What is the role of the "quadroon"?

6. Who is Robert Lebrun? What is his part in this story?

Chapter II

1. Describe Edna Pontellier. What does she look like? Where is she from? Where does she live now?

2. Where is this story taking place?

3. What is Robert Lebrun like? What are his plans for the future? Do you think he will ever follow through with his plans? Why, why not?

4. Describe Edna and Robert's relationship.

Chapter III

1. How does Leonce feel when he returns home?

2. How does he feel about Edna's mothering skills?

3. Why does Edna cry?

4. How do others feel about Leonce?

Chapter IV

1. What is a mother-woman? Why is Edna not one? Who is a mother-woman?

2. Describe Adele Ratignolle.

3. How is Edna different from Creole women?

Chapter V

1. How does Robert relate to women on the island?

2. How does Edna feel about sketching?

3. Do you think Adele faked fainting? Why, why not?

Chapter VI

1. "A certain light was beginning to dawn dimly within her – the light which, showing the way, forbids it."

Take apart the above sentence. What does the light represent? How does the light forbid as it compels?

2. What does Edna come to realize about her "position in the universe"?

3. What is the ocean's affect on Edna?

Chapter VII

1. What is the "outward life which conforms, and the inward life which questions"?

2. Do you ever feel like you must live that way? Or are your inward and outward lives the same?

3. Upon what does Edna blame her change?

4. How do Edna and Adele's outward appearances represent their inward lives?

5. Discuss Edna's regard for the sea.

6. How does Adele treat Edna's sadness? What does this say about her?

7. Describe Edna's sisters.

Chapter VIII

1. Why does Adele tell Robert that Edna is not one of them?

2. Who is Alcee Arobin? What stories does Robert tell about him?

3. Describe Robert's relationship with his mother.

4. How is Robert affected by the letter from Montel?

Chapter IX

1. Early in this chapter the parrot speaks, and the Farival twins play songs from Zampa. Why do you think Chopin repeats these events?

2. Again, Edna sees the ocean and remarks on its restlessness. How does the ocean reflect Edna's own feelings?

3. Describe Mademoiselle Reisz.

4. How does Edna feel about her?

5. Describe the story Mlle Reisz's playing conjures for Edna.

6. How does Mlle Reisz's playing affect the audience?

Chapter X

1. Edna can't swim! What are the implications, then, of her focus on the ocean?

2. "She wanted to swim far out, where no woman had swum before."

List all of the meanings you make from the above sentence.

3. Why did Edna have an encounter with death?

Chapter XI

1. How does Leonce feel when Edna returns from swimming?

2. Now that Edna is awakening from a dream, how does her everyday life affect her?

Chapter XII

1. Edna says, "He'd never be in bad humor if it weren't for me," referring to Leonce. Why does Edna think this?

2. Where are Robert and Edna going, and why is it unusual?

3. Describe Mariequita's encounter with Robert.

Chapter XIII

1. Where does Robert take Edna after they leave church?

2. Describe Madame Antoine and her life.


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