The Atlantic Slave Trade - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County ...

The Atlantic Slave Trade WORLD HISTORY NOTES

DATE: _____________

The Atlantic Slave Trade

Origins of the Slave Trade

➢ High demand for labor!

o __________- estates where cash crops such as sugar or tobacco were grown on large scale.

➢ Shortage of Labor (Why?)

o Planter had first used Native Americans as workers, but __________________ had killed millions of them.

➢ ______________________ were too expensive!

Triangular Trade

➢ ____________________- trading network lasting from the 1600’s to the 1800’s that carried goods and enslaved people between __________________________.

Middle Passage

➢ ________________________- the name for voyages that brought ___________________ across the Atlantic Ocean to North America and the West Indies.

Statistics on Slave Ships

➢ Journey: ________________________

➢ _________% of Africans died on voyage

➢ ________________________________

o Adolescent Males between the ages of 18 – 25 were the most expensive

o Women were prized because they could reproduce and add to their master’s wealth

Slavery in the Colonies

➢ Worked in:

o ________________

o ________________

o ________________

o ________________

➢ Women performed domestic duties as ________ or _______________.

Fear of Slave REBELLION!

➢ Many slave owners didn’t teach their slaves to ____________, why? ________________________________________________________________

o The church services usually only read from the ____________________ about the suffering of Christ, and avoided the _____________________ about Moses and the Exodus.

➢ There were stiff punishments for even the most minor offenses.

Slave Resistance

➢ Coped with ___________________________ by:

o Keeping cultural traditions alive

o Turned to religion

o ____________________________________

o Attacked slaveholders families

o ____________________________________!

Effects of the Slave Trade

➢ Atlantic Slave trade continues for _______________________

o __________________________________ Africans shipped to Americas

➢ The labor of African slaves helped build the economies of the American colonies.

➢ ____________________________- the dispersal of people of African descent throughout the Americas and Western Europe due to the slave trade.



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