

The following courses have been approved by the E/RS Committee as 4th Course electives. To determine when a particular course is typically offered, contact the appropriate department.

ARTS 213: Incarnating Totem and Taboo

BIOL 110: Human Reproduction Today

BIOL 120: Life: Ecology and People

BLAW 300: Legal Environment of Business

BLAW 300H: Legal Environment of Business

CHEM 104/105: Chemistry in Society II

CLAS 180: Classics and the African American Heritage

CLAS 194: Christians and Jews in Graeco-Roman Literature

CLAS 285: The Holy Land in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Traditions

COMM 251: Rethinking the Media

COMM 324: Sex and Violence in Media

COMM 374: Media Ethics

COMM 477: Ethics in Society

DIFT 213: Non-Fiction Film

ECON 209: Economics and Social Issues

ECON 315: History of Economic Thought

ECON 316: Globalization

ECON 320: Natural Resource Economics

ECON 330: Comparative Economic Systems

EDME 359: Community and Advocacy in Education

EDRE 296: Adult and Family Literacy Education

ENGL 219: Writing as Social Action

ENGL 371: War and Peace in World Literature

ENGL 373: War and Peace in American Literature

ENGL 392: Seminar: Images of Peace in Literature

ENGL 408: Dante and the Modern Reader

ENGL 429: Renaissance Drama: Revenge on the Early Modern Stage

ENGL 430: Seventeenth-Century Literature: Renaissance Heroisms

ENGL 466: Transgressive Texts and Alternative Publics

FREN 450: Classical French Theatre: Myth and Morals

HESA 390: Fundamentals of Healthcare Ethics and Law

HIST 154: War and Peace in the Modern World

HIST 336: History of American Sports and Leisure

HIST 402 or 411: Religion in American Life

HIST 433: Saints: Origins to the Internet

HIST 434: History of Modern Paris

HIST 470: War, Culture, and Society

HOCS 323: Occupational Justice I

HONR/THEO 402: Reading Divine Texts

HRES 401: Morality and Employment Issues

MUSC 108: Music, War and Peace

MUSC 109: Music, Love and Death

PHIL 303: Hellenistic Philosophy

PHIL 309: Medieval Islamic Philosophy

PHIL 317: Philosophical Anthropology

PHIL 319: Reason and Desire

PHIL 321: Business Ethics

PHIL 324: Ethics of Mass Media Entertainment

PHIL 329: Bioethics

PHIL 331: Philosophy and Literature

PHIL 337: Philosophy of Friendship

PHIL 346: The Scottish Enlightenment

PHIL 351: Italian Philosophy

PHIL 355: Principles of Political Philosophy

PHIL 357: Natural Law and International Relations

PHIL 358: Topics in Medieval Philosophy: Dante and Philosophy (experimental)

PHIL 359: Philosophy and Slavery

PHIL 363: Medieval Political Philosophy

PHIL 364: Modern Political Philosophy

PHIL 372: John Locke

PHIL 373: William James

PHIL 379: Nietzsche

PHIL 382: J. S. Mill

PHIL 383: Spinoza

PHIL 387: Topics in Contemporary Philosophy: Philosophy of Technology (experimental)

PHIL 388: Freud & Philosophy

PHIL 389: Topics in Ethics: Contemporary Ethical Debate (experimental)

PHIL 389: Topics in Ethics: Environmental Justice in the Ohio River Valley (experimental)

PHIL 390: Equality

PHIL 392: Philosophy of Nature

PHIL 392/THEO 442: Xavier Seminar in the Holy Land

PHIL 396/THEO 291: Topics in Theory of Knowledge: Faith and Reason (experimental)

PHIL 397: Paris Seminar on Political Theory

PHIL 405: Topics in Ethics: Philosophy of Sex (experimental)

PHIL 415 (358): Paris Seminar Political Theory

PHYS 116: Our Universe: The Earth

PHYS 117: Our Universe: The Earth Lab

PHYS 128: Science of Energy

PHYS 129: Science of Energy lab

PHYS 214: Science of Energy and Environment

POLI 229: Politics of Central America

POLI 275: Politics of War and Peace

POLI 313/THEO 369: Science, Civilization and Sustainability

POLI 344: Challenges of Peace in the Contemporary World

POLI 350: Political Theory and the American Regime

POLI 415: Paris Seminar on Political Theory

PSYC 367: Psychology of Aging

SOCI 216: Sociology of Religion

SOCI 362: Technologies of Gender

SOCW 315: Social Institutions as a System

SOCW 318: Trends in Modern Society: Race Relations

SOCW/THEO 404: Religion, Ethics, & Professional Practice

SPAN 353: Introduction to Latin American Studies

SPAN 406: Historical Memory in Latin America

SUST 370 AND 371: Agroecology Lecture and Lab

SUST 405: Sustainable and Resilient Communities

THEO 236: Jesuit Theology & Spirituality

THEO 267: African American Biblical Interpretation

THEO 283: Jewish/Christian Dialogue

THEO 303: Christian Ethics: Methods and Questions

THEO 310: Marriage and Family

THEO 311: Faith and Justice

THEO 312: Christian Health Care Ethics

THEO 313: Christian Sexual Ethics

THEO 315: Contemporary Ethical Issues

THEO 322: Black Theology

THEO 326: Women and Religion

THEO 327: Religion and Bioethics

THEO 332: God, Creation, Ecology

THEO 334: Prophets of Nonviolence

THEO 340: Health, Religions, Ethics (experimental)

THEO 343: Dialogue Among World Religions

THEO 344: Religions of China

THEO 345: Challenge of Peace

THEO 346: Human Community: Needs and Rights

THEO 349: C.S. Lewis

THEO 351: Faith Culture and Ethnicity

THEO 364: Religion in an Age of Science

THEO 366: Early Christianity in Rome

THEO 369/POLI 313: Science, Civilization and Sustainability

THEO 372: Disability, Ethics, & Theology

THEO 373: The Social Thought of Pope Benedict XVI

THEO 386: Spirituality and Solidarity

THEO 388: Theology & Ecology

THEO 389: Theologies of Food and Farm

THEO 391: Dialogue and Global Responsibility

THEO/SOCW 404: Religion, Ethics, & Professional Practice

THEO 416: Trauma and Theology: Finding Hope in a Wounded World

THEO 422: Solidarity: Possibilities and Limits

THEO 424: Radical Compassion

THEO 442 (formerly 291)/PHIL 392: Xavier Seminar in the Holy Land


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