
Academic English and African-American Vernacular EnglishZora Neale Hurston uses African-American Vernacular English (AAVE), or “Ebonics,” when characters speak in “Sweat.” AAVE is a dialect of English created by the African-American community and - just like any other dialect - varies from region to region. The dialect Hurston uses in “Sweat” is southern AAVE, which we might still hear in the southeastern United States. It is important to remember that just like Academic English (the English we learn in school), African-American Vernacular English is a valid dialect! 1. Why do you think Zora Neale Hurston decided to use the African-American Vernacular English dialect instead of Academic English? How does this affect your reading of the story?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Using phonetics (reading the words aloud to see how they sound), figure out and write the Academic English translations underneath the AAVE dialect versions of the words below.datgimmeAhkeerGawdAh’mgointeryo’‘Notherwidmahfuhshogitoutadiswimmenheah3. Consider the following passage from “Sweat.” Translate the African-American Vernacular English to Academic English. (*Tip: If you read the passage out loud, it will help a lot with your translation!)“Naw you won’t,” she panted, “that ole snaggle-toothed black woman you runnin’ with aint comin’ heah to pile up on mah sweat and blood. You aint paid for nothin’ on this place, and Ah’m gointer stay right heah till Ah’m toted out foot foremost.”“Well, you better quit gittin’ me riled up, else they’ll be totin’ you out sooner than you expect. Ah’m so tired of you Ah don’t know whut to do. Gawd! how Ah hates skinny wimmen!”____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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