Vocabulary Terms

1. Aztec – the most powerful native civilization in central and southern Mexico at the time of European exploration.

2. Tenochtitlan – Now Mexico City, was the capital city of the Aztec

3. Nahuatl – A modern version of the Aztec language that is still spoken by thousands of people in Mexico.

4. conquistador – name given to Spanish explorers that came to Latin America and conquered the native people.

5. Hernan Cortes – the Spanish conquistador that conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico in 1519-1521.

6. colony – an area controlled by a foreign country in order to contribute to the wealth of the controlling country.

7. Montezuma II – Aztec ruler from about 1500-1520.

8. Inca – South American natives who, at the time of European exploration, lived along the western coast from present-day Colombia south to Chile.

9. Cusco – capital and center of the Inca Empire – in Peru

10. Quechua – language of the Inca that is still spoken today

11. Francisco Pizarro – Spanish conquistador who conquered the Inca Empire between 1531-1533.

12. viceroy – title given to a Spanish person by the King of Spain who acted as a governor in colonial areas.

13. Atahualpa – last ruler of the Inca Empire

14. indigenous population – people who are native to an area

15. Columbian Exchange – the moving of animals, plants, people, and diseases between the Old and New Worlds

16. mulattoes – Latin Americans in Brazil, Panama and the West Indies whose ancestors were both African and European.

17. mestizos – people whose ancestors were both European and Native American – most Venezuelans belong to this group

18. Santeria – a Cuban religion base on African traditional beliefs


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