General Membership Meeting

8 June 2011

1. Meeting called to order at 1115, Club Five Six, Luke AFB, AZ.

a. The meeting was called to order by Acting Chapter President CMSgt (Ret) Geno Piccoli who also gave the invocation and led the members in the Pledge of Allegiance. SrA Keegan Donnelly read the AFSA Preamble.

2. Members Present: 12 members were present and a quorum was determined.

3. Officers Present: CMSgt Geno Piccoli, Acting President/Treasurer

SMSgt (Ret) James R. Robertson, 4th Trustee

CMSgt (Ret) John M. Burden, 5th Trustee

SMSgt James S. Dixon, Senior Advisor

4. Introduction of new members and guests: SMSgt (Ret) Joe Bowman, MSgt Alvina Andrews, and MSgt Nolan Hawkins.

5. Minutes from the previous meeting were read. Moved by SMSgt (Ret) Bowman and seconded by TSgt (Ret) Willis that the minutes be approved as written. Motion carried.

6. Communications: A letter was received from the City of Phoenix and an e-mail was received from the Luke Senior NCO Recognition Committee that will be discussed later on in the meeting under New Business.

7. Treasurer’s Report: CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli provided copies of and presented details of the report for the period 1-31 May 2011 with results as follows:

Start: $6,670.97

End: $6,431.15

a. Moved by SrA Donnelly and seconded by TSgt (Ret) Willis that the Treasurer’s report be approved as submitted, subject to audit. Motion carried.

8. Legislative Report: SMSgt (Ret) Robertson, representing TSgt Gideon, presented the report advising of actions concerning the following: Introduction of a bill to Allow Retirees to Transfer GI Bill Benefits to Family Members; Under the house version of the National Defense Authorization Act, underperforming federal workers would not get annual pay raises; A bill introduced that would authorize DOD support for programs on pro bono legal assistance for members of the Armed Forces; A bill passed by the house on the VetStar Program that would direct the VA to annually recognize businesses for their contributions to veterans’ employment; A bill introduced that would require the VA to report and track sexual assault incidents and other safety incident that occur at VA medical facilities; and the latest status of the TRICARE fee increase issue. To learn more about these updates and many other bills and legislation that AFSA is lobbying for, you can go to the AFSA website () and review the AFSA Newsletter that is released every Thursday and published every Friday or review the Legislative area.

9. Membership Report: SMSgt (Ret) Robertson presented the report. As of 31 May, the chapter had a total of 151 recruits and 5 retentions. CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli has 143 recruits and 3 retentions, SSgt Cole has three recruits, MSgt Goods has two recruits and 1 retention, SMSgt (Ret) Robertson, TSgt Gamilla, and SrA Donnelly all have 1 recruit, and SMSgt Villarreal has one retention. We are behind in our efforts to attain our recruiting and retention goals for this year and failed to meet our FY2010 goals, so this will remain a focus as we continue through CY2011.

10. Old Business:

a. CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli only has one (L) chapter shirts left for purchase. It is dark blue, features an embroidered AFSA logo with Chapter 1260 markings, and cost $21. He advised the members that they would be great to be worn by chapter members when we had a chapter event. The chapter has paid for the shirt and all money received will be deposited back into the chapter account. If you are interested in purchasing the remaining shirt, contact him. He advised that he will look into ordering more shirts. (OPEN)

b. The issue concerning AFSA Chapter 1259 in the East Valley of Phoenix having closed and their members being officially transferred to our chapter remains open. We now have over 2000 members and are the 4th largest chapter in AFSA. However, we still need to find a way to keep the approximately 500 members who are located in the East Valley advised of what we are doing in the chapter, when our meetings are held, and other issues so they will remain interested in the association and stay on as members. Several ideas were previously discussed and the Chapter President stated that we will leave this item open until we find a solution. Of most concern is how we will communicate with them. TSgt Doolittle had taken on the task for creating the newsletter to be sent out to the East Valley residents to update them on the current state of Chapter 1260 to include our website, our chapter officers, meeting times/dates, and other basic information, but she has departed PCS. TSgt (Ret) Willis had previously moved that this letter and a flyer be prepared and mailed to our East valley members providing this info about the chapter and also requesting a valid e-mail address from them and that $225 of chapter funds be designated to support the action. CMSgt (Ret) Burden had seconded and the motion carried. CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli is still trying to work this issue. (OPEN)

c. During the November meeting, the communication distribution matter was discussed in more detail. TSgt Doolittle was looking into two websites that would allow mass email distribution so we could get vital information out to all Chapter 1260 members, but she has departed PCS. MSgt Goods advised he would get an update to status of this item and report it back to the Chapter. (OPEN)

d. CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli advised there is a need for a new chapter webmaster since TSgt Doolittle has gone PCS. The position is not extremely difficult and SSgt Jordan Farrell, our previous webmaster who is currently stationed in Spangdahlem, Germany, has offered to provide training for anyone interested in taking on the job. For questions or additional information, please contact MSgt Goods for more information. (OPEN)

e. SMSgt (Ret) Robertson provided more information on our chapter’s membership recruitment/retention numbers. He will be heading up a subcommittee regarding ways to increase our memberships with MSgt Crosdale heading up a subcommittee to focus on the retention aspect. To be a part of either subcommittee, please contact SMSgt (Ret) Robertson or MSgt Crosdale for their respective areas. (OPEN)

11. New Business:

a. CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli brought up the e-mail he had received from the Luke AFB Senior NCO Recognition Ceremony requesting a $500 donation to support the event that will be held in Aug. MSgt Andrews, who sent the e-mail, was in attendance and provided information about the request. CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli advised that a $100 donation was already approved in the budget and any increase to that amount had to be approved by the membership. After some discussion, it was the consensus of the membership that we provide the already approved $100 and if more support was required, the committee could come back to the chapter with another request. CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli advised that he would take care of that. (CLOSED)

b. CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli brought up the letter he had received from the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department concerning their request for support of city youth weekly summer camps. Sponsorships were listed as either $1000 for 28 kids, $500 for 14 kids, or $250 for 7 kids. After some discussion, SMSgt Dixon moved that we not support this effort and SMSgt (Ret) Robertson seconded the motion. Additional discussion was conducted and the members voted to support the motion. (CLOSED)

c. CMSgt (Ret) Burden brought up that he was the new DAV Chapter 24 and DAV Northern District Commander and he had information that a new Veterans Center was opening at 83rd Avenue and Thunderbird for our member’s consideration. (CLOSED)

d. TSgt (Ret) Willis advised that the new USO Veterans Center in Terminal 4 at Sky Harbor Airport was scheduled to open in 2012. (CLOSED)

12. Guest Speaker: None

13. Questions and Answers: None

14. Upcoming Events and Announcements:

a. CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli advised the next ALS graduation will be held on 16 June at Club Five Six. Our chapter representative will present the Academic Achievement Award and those interested in attending should contact the school.

b. CMSgt (Ret) Burden advised that the Auxiliary will be holding their meeting at 11:00 A.M., Saturday, 18 Jun at 13207 W. Annika Drive in Litchfield Park. Current Auxiliary members and those that might be interested in joining are more than welcome. There will be a small lunch provided after the meeting.

15. There being no further business, after a closing prayer by CMSgt (Ret) Piccoli, the meeting was adjourned at 1210.

16. The next chapter meeting will be held on July 13, 2011 at 1100, in the Club Five Six Barcelona Room.

President: _________________________

Recorder: _________________________


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