ST - CBSEGuess


Gr: 10 Time: 3Hrs.

Marks: 80


This paper consists of four sections.

Section A – Reading 20 marks

Section B – Writing 20 marks

Section C – Grammar 20 marks

Section D – Literature 20 marks


1. Attempt all questions.

2. Do not write anything in the question paper.

3. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you.

4. Attempt all questions in each section before going on to the next section.

5. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.

6. Strictly adhere to the word limit given with each question. Marks will be deducted for exceeding the word limit.


A. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:


The Sun descending in the west,

The evening star does shine;

“The birds are silent in their nest,

And I must seek for mine.”

The Moon, like a flower,

In heaven’s high bower,

With silent delight

Sits and smiles on the night.

Farewell, green fields and happy groves,

Where lambs have nibbled. Silent moves

The feet of angels bright;

Unseen they pour blessing,

And joy without ceasing,

On each bud and blossom,

And each sleeping bosom.

“They look in every thoughtless nest;

Where birds are covered warm;

They visit caves of every beast,

To keep them all from harm.”

If they see any weeping

That should have been sleeping

They pour sleep on their head,

And sit down by their bed.

- William Blake

A.1.1 Read the following summary of the poem and fill in the blanks with one word only. Write the answers in your answer sheets against the correct blank number.


This poem conveys a beautiful impression of peace and quietness that falls over the landscape at (a) __________________. At this time there is (b) ____________ everywhere. The poet compares the moon to a (c) ______________. It appears to be silently sitting and (d) __________________ during the night. The poem conveys a feeling of trust in God’s protection. His (e) ________________ angels whose feet are bright, shower (f) _______________ of safe sleep on all.

A.1.2 What do the angels do to the following, when they visit them at the night.

(3 marks)

a) birds in their nest


b) beasts in their caves


c) any weeping creature


A.1.3 Pick the words from the poem which means the same as the following:

(2 marks)

a) areas of land with fruit trees of particular type _______________

b) took small bites of food _______________

A.2. Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow: (12marks)

Cataract is opacity in the lens of the eye. The normal lens allows light to reach the retina. When it becomes opaque and does not allow light to reach the retina, we are unable to see clearly. Today, modern medical advances have made cataract surgery very successful. New surgical techniques and intraocular lenses can restore excellent vision in 97% of all cases. In the 1960s’ Dr. Charles Kelman from the U.S. started a technique called Phacoemulsification in which cataract was removed through minute incision. Then in 1998, Dr. Amar Agarwal started a technique called Phakonit in which cataracts were removed through a 3mm opening. In 2001, a special lens was made which went through a small opening of one to 1.5mm. This was called the Rollable Intraocular Lens.

The causes for cataract formation are not fully known. It is basically an aging phenomenon. Next to old age are other factors like deficiency of food like proteins and vitamins, some toxic drugs, general diseases like diabetes, infections and injuries. To delay the onset of cataract, one should take nourishing diet rich in proteins and vitamins. Food such as liver, eggs, milk products, carrots, cabbages and yeast are good. One must protect eyes from excessive exposure to sunrays, X-rays, and intense heat and injuries. Diseases such as diabetes and syphilis should be treated early and effectively.

There is no medical treatment for cataract. The only treatment is surgery. Once the cataract is removed, the eye is unable to focus, as there is no lens. So, one has to use an artificial lens. This can either be a pair of spectacles, contact lens or an intraocular lens. Spectacles can be used as they are cheap and within the reach of the common man. But these are very heavy and not comfortable. Further, if one removes them the person is blind. Other disadvantages are that everything is magnified and the side view is very poor.

The second alternative is to use contact lens. This is an artificial lens placed on the eye. Unlike spectacles they do not leave any lasting marks nor does the wearer have the stigma of spectacles attached to his personality. Besides, they can be used according to the convenience of the person. The disadvantage, as with spectacles, is that when it is removed the person is blind. Another problem is that they have to be put on in the morning and removed t night, which is difficult for an old person. So, the best method is to give the patient an intraocular lens. This is an artificial lens in the eye during surgery. It will remain in place till the end of life. This lens does not irritate the eye.

Today, cataract surgery is an outpatient procedure. The patient comes in the morning for surgery and after the operation can go home. The surgery is done without any injection, without any pad and without any stitch being placed in the eye. This is called the no injection, no pad, and no stitch cataract surgical technique. The patients are not at all admitted in the hospital and can go back to work the next day. Besides, complications like infection and haemorrhage are very rare. But if the retina or nerve of the eye is damaged, then even after cataract operation the person will not be able to see.

A.2.1. The table below contain facts related to the history of cataract surgery and its alternatives. Pick out the relevant words or phrases from the passage above and write only the answers in your answer sheets against the correct blank number. (8marks)


|S.No. |Year |Technique used |Name of the Doctor |Procedure |

|1. |1960 |Phacoemulsification |Dr. Charles Kelman |a) __________ |

|2. |b) __________ |c) _____________ |d) __________ |Cataract removed through |

| | | | |three mm opening |

|3. |2001 |e) ____________ |Dr. Amar Agarwal |f) __________ |


|S.No |Alternatives |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|1. |Use of spectacles |Cheap – within the reach of common |_____________ |

| | |man |_____________ |

| | |Handy |Poor side view |

|2. |c)_____________ |No lasting marks on the nose |Person blind without them |

| | |_____________ |_______________ |

| | |_____________ |_______________ |

|3. |Intraocular lens |______________ |_________________ |

| | |______________ | |

| | |Complications are rare | |

A.2.2 Find words / phrases from the passage which mean the same as the following. Write the answers against the correct blank number in your answer sheets. (4marks)

a) that which does not allow light to pass _____________________

b) severe _____________________

c) make something appear large _____________________

d) modus operandi _____________________


B.1. You are Reema Shah staying at A-12, Mall Road, Shimla. Your friend Keya, from 40, Ajman Gate, Delhi, had been on a visit and has left her marks card and certificates in your house. Send her a telegram asking her not to worry and inform her that you will be sending them through your cousin, Rohit, who would reach Delhi by Rajdhani Express on the 4th. Tell her to collect them from him at the railway station. Write the telegram in not more than 25 words. Copy the format in your answer sheet. (5marks)



B.2 Read the following telephonic conversation between Athira and Mrs. Prakash, Rachana’s mother. As Mrs. Prakash was going out she writes a message for her daughter. Write the message in not more than 50 words. Put the message in a box.


Athira : Is Rachana at home? This is Athira calling.

Mrs. Prakash : No, she has gone for the coaching class.

Athira : Has she bought the application form for the entrance exam?

Mrs. Prakash : I don’t think so.

Athira : Please tell her that it is available at S.B.I. main branch for Rs.700

And the last date for applying is the 20th of June.

Mrs. Prakash : Thank you, Athira. I’ll definitely tell her.

Athira : Also tell her to inform Radhika of the same as I do not know her


Mrs. Prakash : Sure. Bye Athira.

B.3. Amar is a class X student. He happened to read the following newspaper article. He decided to write a letter to the editor of ‘The Indian Time’ giving his strong views on the health hazards caused by pesticides. Using ideas from the unit on ‘Health and Hygiene’, together with your own ideas write the letter in not more than 150-200 words. (10marks)



C.1. Look at the notes given below. Then use the information to complete the paragraph by writing suitable words or phrases in each space. Do not add any new information. Write only the correct answer against the correct blank number in your answer sheet. (5marks)


New Member in the Solar Family

Our solar family a) ____________________________. Seventy four years after Pluto was discovered, scientists b) ____________________________ a planetoid, Sedna, which is the most distant object ever detected orbiting the sun. Space Telescope Spitzer’s piercing infrared rays c) ____________________________________________. Otherwise Sedna d) _________________________________ shrouded in the mysterious vastness of space. Moreover, Sedna e) ____________________________________ than Pluto.

C.2. In the paragraph given below, one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Make sure that the word that forms your answer is underlined. (4marks)

The television has always very controversial. e.g. always been very

While the positive aspects the electronic a) ______________

media innumerable, their negative b) ______________

impact children cannot be denied. c) ______________

For new piece of information that d) ______________

a child learns the Discovery or National e) ______________

Geographic channel, are also f) ______________

unrealistic stunt shows parents dislike. g) ______________

Computers and TV have students to lose interest h) ______________

in studies.

C.3. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each of the lines. Write the incorrect word and correction in your answer sheets as given below against the correct blank number. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. (4marks)

Children love picnics and outings of their parents e.g. of……..with

though they are equally happier doing things with a) ______________

them around the house. A parent may make b) ______________

his child feels special by following some simple c) ______________

rituals. Bedtime stories, the game of cards or d) ______________

simply talking and laugh together before going to e) ______________

bed – some give children a wonderful sense f) ______________

of well-being. They hardly ever forgot these moments, g) ______________

and cherish them throughout these lives. h) ______________

C.4. Rearrange the following to form meaningful sentences. Write each sentence in your answer sheet against the correct number. The first one has been done for you.


friends / I / my / were / grandmother / and / good.

Answer: My grandmother and I were good friends.

a) left me / in city / my parents / her / with / they / went / to live / when / the.

b) morning / to / wake / used / up / the / in / she / me.

c) said / in a / prayers / sing song / monotonous / morning / she / her.

d) listened / I / loved / I / voice / because / her.

e) always / with / school / she / me / to went.

f) school / together / after / walk / always / we / would / back.

C.5. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraph that follows. Write the answers in your answer sheet against the correct blank number. Do not copy the whole sentence. (4marks)

Mother : I have washed the car for you today also.

Daughter : Thank you, Mom.

Mother : Now, do not drive fast, dear.

Daughter : I need to as I have to blow dry the car.

The mother told the daughter that a) _________________________________________.

The daughter b) _______________________________________. The mother c) __________________________________________. But the daughter contradicted by saying that d) ___________________________________________________.


D.1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Write each answer in your answer sheet in one or two lines only. (4marks)

Drive my dead thoughts over the universe,

Like wither’d leaves, to quicken a new birth;

And, by the incantation of this verse,

Scatter, as from an unextinguish’d hearth

Ashes and sparks, my words among mankind!

Be through my lips to unawaken’d earth

The trumpet of a prophecy! Oh Wind,

If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?

a) What is the poet’s request to the West Wind? (2mrk)

b) On what note does the poet end the poem? (1mrk)

c) What comparison does the poet make in the first two lines? (1mrk)

D.2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Write each answer in your answer sheet in one or two lines only. (4marks)

May the poison purify your flesh

Of desire, and your spirit of ambition.

a) Who speaks these words? What is the occasion? (2)

b) What belief is reflected in these lines? (1)

c) What is said about the misfortunes of the next birth in the preceding lines? (1)

D.3. Where did the second ghost take Scrooge? How did he succeed in making him realize his mistakes? (About 75 words) (3marks)

D.4. Mention any two instances from the story ‘The Tribute’ which show that Babuli was ashamed of not visiting his people in the village. (About 75 words) (3 marks)

D.4. As Ch-tsal (cutie Pie) write a letter to C.H. Winters describing how happy you are on your planet and expressing your gratitude to him for the company he had provided you during your stay on the Earth. Write this letter in 150-175 words.



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It’s there in your water, milk, fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, flour and now….soft. drinks. For sometime now evidence about the harmful effect of pesticides has been mounting. From brainless babies in one part of the country and cancer cases in the other part, it’s been an unending saga of death and misery.

Solar family expands – Planetoid Sedna spotted – most distant object orbiting the sun – discovered by Spitzer’s piercing infrared rays – till now shrouded in mystery. Pluto not as big as Sedna.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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