Vietnam War Study Guide

Vietnam War: Study Guide


Vietnam once a colony of? Vietnam aka ?

Gulf of Tonkin incident Geneva Conference (1954)

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution saturation bombing

Vietminh 1960s counter culture/beliefs & philosophy?

Viet Cong why did US use air power?

Operation Rolling Thunder living room war?

advantages of Viet Cong capital of South Vietnam?

Kent State incident? capital of North Vietnam?

Tet Offensive Battle of Hue

Khe Sanh Port Huron Statement

1968 Election problems faced by US soldiers?

Chicago Seven Vietnam Memorial?

SDS invasion of Cambodia?

Agent Orange longest war in US history?

Vietnamization US tactics in Vietnam?

effects on S. Viet. civilians use of helicopters in Vietnam

Vietnam policies of Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon

why did US get involved in Vietnam War? backed which side?

what factors contributed to anti-war movement?

Vietnam era draft/ why was it questioned?/how?/where did people go to avoid draft?

how did war end?/what happened to Vietnam after?


Ho Chi Minh Ngo Dinh Diem

Lyndon Johnson Hal Moore

John F. Kennedy William Westmoreland

"Hanoi Jane"


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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