MINUTES - Montgomery County Public Schools


Washington Grove Elementary School PTA Meeting

October 2, 2007

ATTENDEES: President Valerie Rivers, Vice President Shelley Winkler, Recording Secretary Cathy Ruback, Treasurer Kim Arner, Principal Susan Barranger, Assistant Principal Scott Curry, Guidance Counselor Anne Moran. Teachers: Robin Friedman, Diana Hagan, Rachel Howard, Katie Kolb, Jennifer Kwak. Parents: Heather Aguilar, Manuel Alvero, Mayra Arias, Molly Banks, Nhan Cao, Mariella Dallas, Lorena del Cid, Sondra del Cid, Kurt Eder, Charlene Elliott, Jose Garcia, Nhoelleea Garcia, Randy Gunawan, Dwayne Henry, Annissa Jonathas, Jessica Jones, Tuyen Le, Porfirio Lopez Jr., Karen Lottes, Robin Menge, Dung Nguyen, Reina Ochoa, Sarah Rothschild, Fanny Saavedra, Martir Salmeron, Michelle Shay, Jim Snyder, Elanie Stavrakas, Raul Vazquez, Blanca Zavala.

The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m.

Valery introduced the PTA officers for this year. Attendees then introduced themselves around the room.

CREATIVE COMPUTERS: This after school program will be held on Wednesdays beginning October 24, for seven weeks. Currently, nine 3rd-5th graders are signed up; they can handle 16.

BOOK FAIR: Shelley Winkler reminded everyone to come to the Book Fair and Ice Cream Social in the new location, the gym.

PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: The opening of the new school year was a smooth one. Mrs. Barranger thanked the second grade team for coming tonight. The PTA meetings will feature different topics each month. She would like to report on the school’s construction each month. We are still waiting for building permits. She was told that they should come in the next few weeks. We have a new school website. She will make sure the construction updates go on the website as well.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Kim Arner did an overview of the budget. New fundraisers this year will be Gold Canyon Candles and Kids’ Art. Mrs. Kolb will be handling the candle sale in November. Kids’ Art will probably be in the spring; it turns your child’s artwork into gifts. Dinners out: there are two new places being considered- Cheeburger Cheeburger and Cici’s Pizza. The next dinner out is at Ay Jalisco on October 23. The good news is that we are bringing in almost as much money as we are spending right now. We voted on the budget, and it passed.

GUIDANCE: Mrs. Moran gave a presentation on what she does at WGES as a counselor.

- She is focusing on visiting classrooms this year, helping children make good decisions. She meets with small groups during lunch to talk about bullying, making friends, self esteem, behavior, divorce, etc.

- Parent support- Parents can call or come in, bounce ideas off her or get resources. The media center has a shelf of books just for parents, and they can be checked out just like children’s books.

- Referrals for outside services- she can help with food or clothes. Sending in FARMS forms helps us get money to help families.

- Supplies- She has backpacks full of school supplies. She has 40 Halloween costumes to lend out. Groceries are given to families in December. She has extra valentines to give out at Valentine’s Day parties. She has a food closet during the year.

- Special programs- Come Read with Me on October 25, December 6, March 6 and May 8. She reads a fiction book and a non-fiction book. The kids do a craft and have a snack, and then take a book home. Read Together- 5th graders read with 2nd graders during school.

- Positive behavior program- Cougar coupons (10 gets a certificate on the wall), students can win the chance to eat lunch on the stage with her, Mr. Curry, or Mrs. Barranger.

MISCELLANEOUS: Could we have a toy drive to supplement the donations Mrs. Moran receives for the holidays? The next PTA meeting is on November 6. Topics will include Title I, Gifted and Talented, and Gaithersburg High School renovations.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Cathy Ruback


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