Uterine Cancer Module Post Test

Uterine Cancer Module Post Test

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CASE: Ms. Johnson, an obese, 64 year-old, Caucasian woman, gravida 1, para 1, comes to see you because she is having post menopausal bleeding over the past month. She has no other symptoms. She has not been receiving hormone replacement therapy with estrogen or progesterone.

1. Of the following risk factors for developing endometrial cancer, which are the most significant in the patient’s history:

_____A. Amount of vaginal bleeding

_____B. Obesity

_____C. Patient age

_____D. Number of pregnancies

2. Had this patient been taking oral post menopausal estrogen therapy she would be at higher risk of developing endometrial cancer. There is an indisputable link between “unopposed” estrogen therapy and the risk of developing endometrial cancer. Of the following variables of estrogen usage, which has the significant impact of that risk?

_____A. Types of hormone

_____B. Dose of hormone

_____C. Duration of use (years)

_____D. Age of initiation of therapy

On physical exam, the patient is noted to weigh 232 lbs and her height is 5’5”. On pelvic exam it is difficult to assess the size of her uterus, however it appears to be slightly enlarged. You perform an endometrial biopsy and submit it for pathological evaluation.

3. Based on this scenario, the most likely histology is:

_____A. Clear cell

_____B. Endometrioid

_____C. Papillary Serous

_____D. Mixed histology

The results of the biopsy showed an endometrioid adenocarcinoma, moderately differentiated (grade 2). Based on this result, you recommend that the patient have surgery.

4. The recommended surgery for this condition is exploratory laparotomy, total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH & BSO) and:

_____A. No other biopsies

_____B. Pelvic lymphadenectomy

_____C. Para-aortic lymphadenectomy

_____D. Pelvic and para-aortic lymphadenectomy

Patient undergoes a hysterectomy and staging. The tumor is grade 2 and invades one half of the muscle wall. There are no metastasis to the pelvic or para-aortic lymph nodes.

5. Based on these findings, her stage is:

_____A. Stage I

_____B. Stage II

_____C. Stage III

_____D. Stage IV

Based on these finding this patient was recommended and received pelvic radiation therapy.

6. Based on her stage and treatment, the probability of her five-year disease-free survival:

_____A. 85%

_____B. 70%

_____C. 50%

_____D. 30%

7. In women with endometrial cancer, the likelihood of cure is lower in African-American women compared with Caucasian women in the U.S. What is the difference in survival at 5 years?

_____A. 5%

_____B. 10%

_____C. 15%

_____D. 25%

8. The treatment of endometrial cancer has an impact on subsequent sexual functioning. The most significant decrease in the frequency of the sexual activity is found after which of the following treatments for stage I disease?

_____A. Hysterectomy

_____B. Radiation therapy

_____C. Hysterectomy plus radiation therapy

_____D. Chemotherapy

9. Following the treatment of stage I endometrial cancer with a hysterectomy in an obese woman, the patient should be counseled to lose weight, because obesity increase the subsequent risk of:

_____A. Recurrent endometrial cancer

_____B. Cervical cancer

_____C. Breast cancer

_____D. Colon cancer

10. Conservative treatment (use of hormonal therapy with preservation of the uterus) is used for selected young patients ( ................

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