Lecture Notes: “The Cold War Divides the World” (Pages 548 ...

Lecture Notes: “Wars in Korea and Vietnam” (Pages 542-547)

➢ When WWII ended, ____________ had become a divided nation

➢ 38th Parallel = a line that crosses Korea at ___ degrees north latitude

➢ Japanese surrendered the _______________ part of Korea (north of the 38th) to the Soviets, and they became Communists

➢ Japanese surrendered the southern part to the _______ and they didn’t become Communists

War in Korea

➢ Soviets supplied North Korea with ________ to attack and take over South Korea

“What was the standoff at the 38th parallel?”

1. North Korea ____________ South Korea on June 25, 1950

2. President _______________ stated that North Korea was repeating what Hitler accomplished in the 1930s

3. Containment policy was ___________

4. South Korea asked the _____________ Nations (UN) for help

5. UN supported ___________ Korea by sending in troops to protect against the North Korean troops

6. General Douglas MacArthur = led ___________ action against the North Koreans with the UN military

“How did the fighting continue?”

1. UN forces (mostly ______________) pushed the North Koreans all the way back to the very northern part of Korea

2. The Chinese felt threatened by American forces, so the _____________ sent their military to North Korea

3. MacArthur called for a ___________ attack against Chinese cities

4. President Truman strongly ________________

5. MacArthur went over President Truman’s head by taking his case to the _______

6. Truman __________ MacArthur

7. July 1953, UN forces and North Korea ____________ a cease-fire agreement

8. After ____ years of fighting, the border between the two Koreas was set near the 38th parallel’ this was almost where it had been before the war started

9. 5 ____________ soldiers and civilians died in this conflict

“What was the aftermath and legacy of the war?”

1. North Korea

a. Established collective _________, developed industry, and built country’s military power

b. Developed nuclear weapons in _________

c. Serious economic ____________

d. Struggled with _____________ of energy and food

2. South Korea

a. Prospered because of massive _________ from US and others

b. Was ruled by dictators until 1980s, when free _________ were established

c. Has had one of the _______________ economic growth rates in the world

3. UN still maintains _______ troops (many Americans) on the South Korean border

4. Although talks continue, the Communist North Koreans remain firmly _______________ to reunification

War in Vietnam

➢ U.S. #1 foreign policy _________ was to halt the spread of communism

➢ U.S.’s aim was to keep Southeast Asia from embracing __________ as China did

➢ In the 1950s, the U.S. began providing financial aid, advisors, and half a million ___________ to the former French colony of Vietnam

“What was the road to war?”

1. Ho Chi Minh = Vietnamese Nationalist who turned to Communists to help gain Vietnam __________________ from France; he later became the Communist leader of Vietnam

2. Japanese gained control of Vietnam, but after their _____________ in WWII, the Japanese lost control

3. France wanted to regain their ___________ colony of Vietnam

“How did war break out?”

1. French controlled major cities, Communist rebels controlled the ______________

2. French finally surrendered to Ho Chi Minh after _____________ many lives

3. Domino Theory = the idea that if a _____________ falls under Communist control, nearby nations will also fall under Communist control

4. U.S. _______________ Eisenhower believed this was true in Vietnam

5. The ______________ Theory became a major justification for US foreign policy during the Cold War era

6. International _____________ talks in Geneva decided that Vietnam was to be divided at the 17 degree north latitude line

a. ____________ of the line, Ho Chi Minh’s communist forces governed

b. South of the line, U.S. & France set up an __________-communist government under the leadership of Ngo Dinh Diem (NOH dihn DIYEM)

7. Ngo Dinh Diem = was put in put in power by the French and US to lead the South Vietnamese; was an ______________ and corrupt leader

“How was Vietnam a divided country?”

1. _____________ was an unpopular dictator

2. Ho Chi Minh began a popular program of _____________ redistribution

3. Vietcong = a group of Communist guerillas (most were South Vietnamese who hated Diem) who, with the help of North Vietnam, fought ______________ the South Vietnamese government in the Vietnam War

4. Vietnamese opposed to Diem’s corrupt government grew; the Vietcong began to ___________ strength in the south

5. Vietcong gradually won control of _____________ areas of countryside

6. In 1963, the ______ backed a group of South Vietnamese generals who planned a coup; they overthrew and assassinated Diem

7. Diem’s ___________________ was not much more popular

“Why and how did the US get involved?”

1. US started giving ___________ support to South Vietnam

2. In 1964, Congress authorized President Johnson to send American ____________ to fight on Vietnamese soil

3. By 1968, more than ______________ a million soldiers were fighting

4. America faced ___________ difficulties:

a. Fighting a guerilla war in ________________ jungle terrain

b. South Vietnam government that was being ____________ by America, was steadily becoming more unpopular

c. Popular support for the Vietcong _________

d. Vietcong supported by _________________

5. American forces bombed _____________ of acres; this strengthened peasants’ opposition to the South Vietnamese government

“Why does the U.S. withdraw from the war?”

1. In the late 1960s, the war grew increasingly _________________ in the U.S.

2. President ___________ began withdrawing US troops in 1969

3. Vietnamization = President Nixon’s plan that allowed for US troops to _____________ pull out, while the South Vietnamese increased their combat role

4. Last forces left in __________

5. North Vietnamese overran South Vietnam _________ years later because the South Vietnamese couldn’t fend off the North Vietnamese on their own

6. Communists renamed Saigon, the former _____________ of the South, Ho Chi Minh, to honor their dead leader

7. 1.5 million Vietnamese and ______________ Americans died during the war

“What is the ongoing turmoil in Cambodia?”

1. Cambodia was _____________ during the Vietnam War

2. Khmer Rouge = in 1975, communist rebels set up a brutal communist ___________________ under the leadership of Pol Pot

3. His followers slaughtered 2 million _____________ (nearly ¼ of the population)

4. Vietnamese _____________ and took over in 1978; they withdrew in 1989

5. In _____________, UN peacekeepers helped set up a democracy

6. Pol Pot was _____________ and detained for his crimes

“What is Vietnam like after the war?”

1. North Vietnamese sent South Vietnamese to “re-education camps” for _________________ in communist thought

2. _________ million South Vietnamese fled their homeland and were refugees

3. U.S. started _________________ with Communist Vietnam in 1994

Lecture Notes: “The Cold War Divides the World” (Pages 548-553)

➢ ______________________ supported opposing sides in Latin American and Middle Eastern conflicts

Fighting for the Third World

➢ After WWII, ______________ were grouped politically into three “worlds”

o First World: __________ and its allies

o Second World: ___________________ and its allies

o Third World = consisted of ________________ nations, often newly independent who were not aligned with a superpower

➢ Third World countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa

o Experienced terrible _____________ and political instability

o Ethnic conflicts; lack of technology and ______________

“What were the Cold War strategies?”

1. The two superpowers used a variety of techniques to gain _________________

2. Supported or backed wars of _________________, liberation, or counter-revolution

3. Spy agencies for U.S. (______) and USSR (KGB)

4. U.S. provided _____________ aid, built schools, and set up programs to combat poverty

“What was the Association of Nonaligned Nations?”

1. ____________ vowed to remain neutral

2. In 1955, Indonesia hosted the ____________ of Asian and African countries in the Bandung Conference; they met to form a “third force” of independent countries

3. Nonaligned Nations = the ________________ countries that remained neutral in the Cold War competition between the United States and the Soviet Union

Confrontations in Latin America

➢ After the war, a lingering gap between the rich and poor led Latin American nations to seek ______ from both superpowers

➢ Communism and nationalistic feelings inspired _________________ movements

➢ In response, the United States provided military support and economic assistance to anti-_________________ dictators

“What was the Cuban Revolution?”

1. U.S. supported an _________________ dictator, Fulgencio Batista

2. A popular revolution overthrew Batista in ____________

3. Fidel Castro = a young lawyer and revolutionary leader who continues to be the _________________ leader of Cuba

4. _____________ made some positive reforms in the areas of the economy, literacy, and health care

5. Yet Castro was a harsh dictator who jailed or ______________ his opponents and held tight government controls on freedom of speech and press

6. President Eisenhower ordered an embargo on all _________ with Cuba

7. Cuba turned to the _______________ the economic and military aid that was needed

8. In April 1961, U.S. supported a group of anti-Castro Cuban exiles who tried to retake Cuba by invading a remote beach called the ___ of Pigs; it was disastrously unsuccessful

“What was the Cuban Missile Crisis?”

1. ___________ leader, Nikita Khrushchev, started to secretly build 42 missile sites in Cuba

2. President ________________ declared these missiles a threat since they were so close to the United States; he demanded that the Soviets remove the missiles

3. Kennedy also made a navy _______________ around Cuba to prevent the Soviets from installing more missiles

4. U.S. troops assembled in ______________, ready to invade Cuba

5. The world wondered if this would lead to WWIII and a _____________ disaster

6. Khrushchev agreed to remove the _____________ if the US promised not to invade Cuba

7. After the Soviet Union broke-up, _____________ has not been able to financially recover

“What was the Civil War in Nicaragua?”

1. U.S. funded the Nicaraguan dictatorship of Anastasio Somoza and his _______________ since 1933

2. Anastasio Somoza = Nicaraguan dictatorship that was _________________ by the US

3. In 1979, Communist Sandinista ____________ toppled the dictatorship of Somoza’s son

4. Daniel Ortega = leader of the Sandinistas, a communist revolutionary group looking to take over Somoza’s _________________ in Nicaragua

5. The Sandinistas, however, had aided other socialist rebels in nearby El ______________

6. To help the El Salvadoran government fight those rebels, the U.S. supported Nicaraguan anti-communist rebel forces; these rebels were called the _________________ or “contra-revolucionarios”

7. The civil war in Nicaragua _________________ for over a decade

Confrontations in the Middle East

“How did religious and secular (non-religious) values clash in Iran?”

1. ________________ from the oil industry fueled a growing conflict between traditional Islamic values and modern Western materialism

2. Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi = Iran’s leader after WWII who befriended ________________ governments and oil companies

3. A group against the __________ forced him to flee in 1953, but the U.S. restored him to power

“The United States Supports Secular Rule”

1. Iran’s conservative __________________ leaders, known as ayatollahs (eye-uh-TOH-luhz), bitterly opposed the Shah

2. The ayatollahs opposed what they saw as socially and __________ corrupting Western influences in Iran, and they wanted it to become a country ruled strictly by Islamic law

3. Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini = leader of the _______________ opposition to the Shah of Iran; he promoted Iran being ruled strictly by Islamic law; promoted anti-Americanism

4. Faced with overwhelming opposition, the Shah ___________ Iran in January 1979

5. The Ayatollah secured ____________ and Islamic law became the legal code for the country; it remains the same to this day

“What were Khomeini’s anti-U.S. policies?”

1. ________________ of the U.S. was the heart of the Ayatollah’s politics

2. The U.S. allowed the exiled Shah to receive ________________ treatment in the U.S.; this outraged the Ayatollah

3. With the Ayatollah’s blessing, a terrorist group took over the U.S. _______________ in Iran’s capital of Tehran

4. They took more than ______ Americans hostage; most of the hostages remained prisoners for 444 days

5. The U.S. secretly sold weapons to ______________ in an effort to get their hostages released


Fill in the main events of US involvement in Cuba

Quick Write

Write a one paragraph response (4-6 sentences) to the following prompt: Today, Cuba suffers a severe shortage of vital supplies, largely due to the US trade embargo that has lasted for 40 years. “Do you think the United States should lift the Cuban embargo? Why or why not?” (Think about: Castro’s leadership, prior US conflicts with Cuba, and human suffering.)




1. Castro leads communist revolution against US supported government of Batista




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