ACTE Region I

[pic]Ag Ed Division, Policy Committee Minutes

National Council for Agricultural Education, Minneapolis, MN

April 5, 2017,

NCAE AE PC attendees: Josh Tjosaas, Ken Allen, Kim Lippert, Mark Poeschl, Craig McEnany, Ron Lynch, Jay Jackman, Steve Brown, Mike Womochil, Buddy Deimler, Travis Park, Deb Seibert, and Nancy Trivette

The meeting was called to order by Nancy Trivette, AE Division President at 8:30 am.

Approval of minutes: Deb Seibert moved to approve the fall 2017 AE Policy Committee minutes. Ken Allen seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Financial Report and Budget Approval: Nancy presented the AE Division 2017 Financial Report and 2018 Budget Proposal.

|Association for Career & Technical Education |

|AE Division 2017 Financial Report |

|2018 AE Division Proposal to AE Policy Committee (NCAE) on April 5, 2017 |

| |Actual |Annual |Annual | |

| |YTD |Budget |Budget |Explanation |

| |FY 17 |FY17 |FY18 |  |

|Expenses | | | | |

|Agricultural Education: | | | | |

| 5240-402 Travel Expense |716 |2,500 |2,500 |AE VP travel to NCAE (AE PC)* |

| 5500-402 Meeting Expense |184 |834 |1,039 |NAAE and/or AAAE meeting expense |

| 6900-402 Miscellaneous Expense |2,500 |5,000 |5,000 |NCAE annual payment |

| |- |- |- | |

|Total Expenses |3,400 |8,334 |8,539 |* AE PC- Policy Committee |

Ron Lynch moved and Travis Park seconded the proposed budget. The motion passed.

AE VP Election: Nancy discussed the upcoming (fall 2017) Ag Ed Division VP Election. (Rotation: NASAE (Trivette) -July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2018; NAAE: July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2021; AAAE – July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2024). The application process is now open and those interested can apply through the ACTE website. There are two interested candidates (NAAE – ag teachers) at this time. Jay Jackman also shared that Nancy would be pursuing candidacy for President-Elect and therefore we will have two AE Division candidates on the ballot this fall. Discussion continued around the appropriate focus and workshops for teachers, administrators, and post-secondary educators at VISION. We discussed some concerns around the lack of ag workshops in the ACTE tracks and the concentration of ag workshops at the NAAE conference. Could there be a better balance?

Nancy reviewed the ACTE Committees and Structure/AE Div. terms of office:

Bylaws Committee: re-nominated Jim Flowers for 7/1/17-6/30/19

Nomination Committee: Dan Jansen 7/1/16-6/30/18

Resolutions Committee: Kevin Moreau 1/1/16- 12/31/17

The AE Division Membership statistics as of February 28, 2017 were reviewed.

Division ACTE Agricultural Education Division 3,896

Region 1 253

Region 2 417

Region 3 1,270

Region 4 721

Region 5 1,232

Region U 3

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 am.



Nancy J. Trivette

AE Division President


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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